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- Flows - Dispersal and Ridges (PDC-32) - L521210d | Сравнить
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CONTENTS Flows: Dispersal and Ridges Cохранить документ себе Скачать

Flows: Dispersal and Ridges

Flows: Basic Agreements and Prove it!

A Lecture given by L. Ron Hubbard on the 10 December 1952A Lecture given by L. Ron Hubbard on the 10 December 1952

This is the first hour evening lecture, Wednesday, December 10th.

This is the third lecture of the afternoon, December the 10th. I wonder if you’ve all recovered from have and uh… agree and… and so on. It just shows you the liability of flows, and if flows have an enormous importance to an individual, he will fall, of course, into this horrible uh… track; he… he… that’s a trap. Uh… you’ve agreed to flows, then you’ve agreed that flows are dangerous.

I have a uh… couple more things that we’ve got to cover consecutive to this afternoon’s talk, but there’s no reason why this material doesn’t cover independently as itself.

Have you ever protested to anybody that their talk to you was destructive to you? That’s all; you’ve said at that moment, „A flow can destroy me.“ Why don’t you just change that postulate right now?

This material has to do with the other two items, namely Flows and Ridges, pardon me, Dispersal and Ridges, having covered Flows this afternoon.

By the way, who did you have to convince that you were working, not playing? You see, you agreed that there was such a thing as work.

Okay, those that didn’t get that this afternoon will of course get this material subsequently when they review the tapes.

These things don’t creep up on you in the night, by the way, and slide in sideways by telepathy and all of that sort of thing. You have to say good and loud, „I agree that…“ and you say it in various ways, such as: „Oh, that is terribly destructive and that’s very dangerous to me.“ Or „I am going to destroy you and you need to be punished.“ Or „Pain is a terrible and horrible thing, because look what you’re doing to me with pain,“ which is the same thing as „You’ve got to obey the rules, and if you don’t obey the rules I’m going to apply pain to you.“ Pain you wanted, oh boy, pain was valuable.

Uh… the subject of Flows, Dispersals and Ridges is, of course, the subject of the characteristics of emotion. Characteristics of emotion.

How… what… what do you do? You’ve got this game you’re trying to play and this guy keeps rushing in and saying, „We’ve just uh… we’ve just got all this upset and we’ve got these uh… changed this whole thing around,“ you know, like me changing techniques, uh… „and… and you’re not playing according to the rules.“ Well, the only reason you really didn’t have any… protest too much when I was changing techniques is I was just learning more rules that already existed. So that wasn’t changing the rules, although to some people who didn’t know we were tracking rules, that appeared to be a violation of the rules. They were used to dealing with mock-ups. The rules were so sacred and so deeply hidden and so terribly desirable, and they had to agree with ‘em so thoroughly that you were supposed to operate as far from the actual rules as you could operate. And when you start moving in on the rules…

Now an emotional state depends upon the wave characteristic and upon the volume of the wave. And then that combination of waves could ride with any combination of perceptic waves.

By the way, I’ve seen people in audiences and students, and so forth all of a sudden jump and their eyes get kind of pop-eyed and the horrible feeling comes over them, „My God, he knows!“ And that’s very interesting when you get all of this added up and squared around, that the rules are so important.

Very simple. Here we have a flow; if you want to draw in all possible dispersals on this it becomes very interesting.

The rules were important only because you had to protect your postulates after you made your postulates; and the reason you had to protect your postulates after you made your postulates, you wanted to have what you had had. And uh… it made for randomity and you went down the line a little further, and you had to protect the thing that you had protected with postulates and protect your right to make postulates. (By that time you were kind of getting dim on the subject of making a postulate.)

We have a flow; here is a dispersal-flow, dispersal-ridge, dispersal – flow, dispersal-flow. In other words, you’ve got all possible combinations of this here.

And then somebody came along and changed the rules on you, and said, „Look, dogs hereinafter walk in the sky and uh… birds uniformly are found in little burroughs underground.“ Uh-uh… And he said, „Therefore, because I do this, then all of your dogs are going up in the sky, and there they go.“


You say, „Oh, my dogs! My poor, precious dogs! Why it took me… it took me microseconds to make those dogs and I’ve become terribly fond of them, because every time I put an emotion on them of fondness and loyalty and cheerfulness and… and helpfulness, I feel it right back. And they’re very good for that sort of thing. They’re so soothing to my nerves.“ And there went your dogs.

And of course this dispersal looks like a little, tiny ridge going to hell in a balloon. And actually, any one of those ridges, those black lines there, any one of those ridges – here we’d be going right on down the tone scale if we did this – uh… any one of these ridges could be a source of dispersal.

And you said, „Listen, fellow. Did you ever hear about a rule that had to do with pain?“

I usually don’t draw all these things or bother too much by this for a good reason, is that it’s just more data than you happen to need. Some electronics engineer, though, can take this stuff and he can have an interesting time tracing a circuit.

And he said, „Uh… what’s pain?“

You look through a circuit and you look through your radio receiver or your radio transmitter and you’ll find out that what you’re doing is… is making a flow do a dispersal, banking it up in a ridge, making it go this way and that. You’re… you’re reforming the forms of it. There you’re mixing the wave uh… characteristics and the wave characteristics are… uh… well, as I say, they’re mixed, they’re straightened out, they’re corrected, they’re mixed up again and so on.

„Oh,“ you… you say, „it’s another sensation, of course.“

Well mixing and straightening out and correcting up again, the characteristic of a wave uh… wouldn’t really change too much the quality of the thing. Uh… but it would take down, for instance, noise out of the wave, or it would take out random uh… things out of the wave that really weren’t a part of the wave. It’s trying to be – mostly the electronics equipment – quite selective with the waves that come in.

And the fellow says, „A sensation? Gee… You mean there’s good sensations, too, like I haven’t heard about?“

So what you do is just with, by using things that make flows and dispersal and ridges, you… you get the thing fooled around to a point where it’ll take the maximum of the desired wave and the minimum of the undesired waves and you’ve got it.

„Oh, yeah. This is a very good sensation.“

That doesn’t matter much what you’re applying this to; it works about the same way.

„Now, I tell you, there you’re standing there in this body you’ve got there; this is a beautiful mock-up. This beautiful body, and so forth, actually has the ability to have sensations, doesn’t it?“ You could prove everything by logics, and… „It has the capacity to feel sensation; isn’t that true? And it has an unlimited capacity to feel sensation.“

Now what do we mean by a wave characteristic?

„Why, sure it does,“ he says. „That’s the way I mocked it up.“

See, these are characteristics of energy – flows, dispersals – this is about all the kinds of energy there are. But uh… when I say „wave characteristic“ this would be the characteristics of energy. Now we’re talking about a wave length. We’re talking about what part of the gradient scale of vibration rates we’re talking about. You know, you saw that one.

„All right. Now, if it has the unlimited ability to feel sensation, then it can feel any sensation; isn’t that true?“ „Yeah.“ You say, „All right. Then it could feel pain, couldn’t it?“ „Well, sure – what’s pain?“

That’s… here… let’s lay the tone scale on the side, let’s put 40.0 here, 20 there and down here is 0.0. And let’s find that at any point of this sort of thing uh… we’ve got that. Oh, it doesn’t matter which way we draw this – we’re just graphing it. It doesn’t matter where we’re graphing it.

And you say, „Now, look. A pain has to do with attention units and various flows and so forth going this way and that way, right away, see?“ And the fellow says, „How?“ And you say, „Look. I’ll show you.“ Uh… „Okay,“ he says.

Now that’s this up here is the… this is energy characteristics over here and that… this consists of Flows, Dispersals, Ridges. And this up here is wave length, and that’s still wave length. See, it doesn’t matter if… it’s just graphed. You can have a 1.5 operating on an aesthetic. He goes into a beautiful rage. Did you ever see anybody that went into a rage artistically? He’s still at 1.5, he tears the hell out of things, but he’s still going into an artistic rage.

So you got the attention units going this way and that way and he didn’t jump very bad. And you say, „You see. You can’t feel pain.“ „I can too,“ he says. „I can feel anything.“ „Well, you can’t either. You can’t feel pain. You didn’t jump.“ And he says, guy says, „I can jump.“

There are a lot of actors that cultivate this as a fine art. And actually it is something that is appalling because it just chews theta up just… just madly. You can’t chew theta up but I mean some guy thinks he has to protect himself and his very beingness in the face of an artistic wave, because it’s terribly interesting. It is aesthetic, it has mood, it has rhythm – it has various combinations of things that you associate with aesthetics.

And you say, „All right. The next time I do this, next time I do this, let’s make sure; let’t prove that that body can actually feel pain.“ It could; he jumped.

All right, now you see now – this is energy characteristics but what do we mean by „wave characteristic“? This is just wave length. Wave length – that… that’s an easy one because this means what agreed upon distance is it from node to node on the wave length? I mean, how far apart are the wobbles?

He said, „Isn’t that an interesting game.“ So he went down the line and instead of changing people’s dogs, he went down the line. And started to prove to people that they could feel pain.

Let’s take a rarefaction condensation wave – all of them by the way are rarefaction condensation waves. They… that… that thing going through that electric line is an… a „rarefaction condensation wave.

And the motto of this universe could be, amongst all other mottos that it has, „Prove it.“ Every time you can prove it, then… then there’s a difference between rightness and wrongness, you see, and a fellow can be uh… disqualified if he doesn’t uh… Well, of course there’s no disqualification except to demonstrate to him his stupidity. And you demonstrate to him his stupidity by making him being proud of being gullible. So, if he was very proud of being gullible, then he could da… demonstrate it to him that he was stupid. But then he’d decide not to be stupid by accepting your agreement and agreeing to it. And then you could have pain. Boy, was that valuable! And after that you pulled your dogs down out of the ceiling. And he went around… all around the neighborhood, you know, around the various other little patches of this or that that existed, and proved to everybody. And the next time somebody came back, you say, „I’m gonna hurt you, if you leave those… if you don’t leave those dogs alone.“

I used to sit in physics class and say „But what you’re talking about would need ether.“ There’s the wave which you do by making a rope flick. You can tie a rope over there, you see, and then you go zong! like this and you show somebody this wave. Well, it’s cute, but how the hell does electricity do that? I used to go around naive. I thought they knew. It used to puzzle me and puzzle me. They said „There’s a rarefaction condensation type wave. That has to do with particles.“ I’ll show you what that is.

„Oh, don’t do that,“ he says. „Don’t do that. I’m not disobeying the rules.“

Here are particles, particles all over the place, evenly distributed. See, this is Figure Three here. And uh… these particles, Figure Three, are just going – they’re all the same, see? I mean, there’s nothing happening to those particles yet.

And he didn’t care, and so you say, „All right. I… all right.“ And then he’ll treacherously make your dogs go and walk up in the sky anyhow.

Now we put a wave through those particles. And do we put a wave through the particles this way? We put a particle this way. See, they’re grouping. That’s Four. We’ve got embryonic ridges, the parts I’ve marked „R“ here. Embryonic ridges. What… that area, the ridge, is a condensation of particles, and this area where you have few dots left is a rarefaction of particles. How long is a complete wave from wave to wave, not a half node, but how long is a complete wave in that case.

And you’ll say, „Damn these people and these dogs! I mean, they… they just keep… won’t leave my dogs alone!“ So you blow his head off, and he has to go to all the trouble of mocking up a new head, but he felt pain when he did it.

A complete wave is from, in Figure Four, point A to point B – that’s a complete wave. That is to say, it runs through a full cycle between those two points, a very full cycle. It goes from being a ridge up through to the point where it’s almost a ridge again.

And he says, „Yes, you see, I’m really in this game, because you see, I arrived.“

Now… now look. Don’t get ahead of me, don’t – just… let’s not look at Figure One here – let’s not look at Figure One and compare it with Figure Four. That’s not fair.

Now, one of the… it’s gotten to a point where one of the tests of being human is: Can one feel pain? That’s right; that’s right. One of the tests of being human is can he feel pain. One of the things that really worries people… you’ll get people walk into hospitals, doctor comes in and says, „Now, let’s see. What is your ability, what’s your sensitivity in various areas of the body? All right, let’s…“ Sticks you with pins and so forth, and s… all of a sudden, he finds a place where you don’t feel any pain. Feels an area in the back; there’s usually an area in the back that does. He thinks this is unusual; he only finds it in practically every patient he tests.

You realize – you’d better not do it, because you realize that you would be, at that moment, way ahead of physics. And you mustn’t get ahead of them because there would be a lot of boys in universities lose jobs and it’s important that they eat. It is.

But uh… he… he says, he’s carrying the mission right along, boy; he’s doing that good. And uh… he says uh… „Oh, that’s an anesthesed area.“

If you examined, stroboscopically, the particle flow of a rarefaction condensation flow, you would get minute patterns which would demonstrate that there were, at any given instant, rarefactions and condensations taking place, and that some of the particles between the rarefactions and the condensations were expanding suddenly and some of the particles were crashing in, and the pattern of particle action would give you a pattern which you see more or less in Figure One.

And the fellow says, „I’ve got an anesthesed area; I can’t feel pain in it.“ So he thinks if he can’t feel pain, he can’t feel anything. Naturally, he wants to feel sensation, so he has to feel pain, too, so let’s get that area alive! That’s the thing to do.

Well, it doesn’t matter whether you figure this out, then, in standing wave.

And sure enough, the track of agreement dictates that law. When a person is below 4.0, if he he can’t feel pain, he can’t feel anything. If he can’t feel pleasure, he can’t feel pain. If he can feel pleasure, he feels pain. You get the identification between those two waves and two ideas and two agreements? Shouldn’t be identified at all. A fellow should be able to go out and feel unlimited quantities of endless pleasure without ever once feeling a slightest twinge of pain. Why, there’s no reason why he couldn’t! It is… there is no such thing as the Emersonian Law of Compensation, fortunately for us all! A-uh!

Now supposing we got this rarefaction condensation wave going here good enough and heavy enough and then said whoa! We’re going to have it. And we just grind and stop it. And we – and that pattern if closely examined, I mean Four, would become the pattern, more less, of One. The ridges would stand.

These guys that go around and try to make up new agreements in… in the substance of… saying „No, look. It all works out for the best in this best of all possible universes, and it’s all for the best in this best of all possible universes,“ didn’t know about agree and have and not… and disagree and not have, simultaneously. They just didn’t know about that, they didn’t see lying right underfoot the dirtiest little trap that ever existed, because this all pulls the whole thing into a mass, and is designed to make a solid object. All of that contradictory flow business winds up as a solid object.

Now, what’s the definition of that whole thing? I mean, we talked about what is… talk about Death is Stop. Deaths are very aberrative – quite aberrative, you know. Those sudden stops that you don’t want it to stop. And here’s all this inflow and outflow and flows and rarefactions and particles and all sort of things. Well brother, when a fellow all of a sudden starts to stop motion, when he just turns on the brakes and let’s say his… his… his horsepower, the horsepower rating of this thetan at the time he put on the brakes was a potential milli-G (that’s a new quantity I just developed) uh… a milli-G – if he had that as a horsepower, then these ridges would stand at one milli-G. That’s how much energy was radiating around this thetan.

So, as your preclear grows older and older and older, you have a harder and harder time running incidents on him. It just gets almost impossible with a very old person to run a single incident. You just take the case and you start to run this single incident, and the bulk of the cases that you try this on, they just can’t do it; they’re solid.

So we look… go and look at Figure Five here. All right, this gets more and more interesting as we go, so don’t go to sleep.

What you should do, you see, is work on space and work on reversing the cycle of action till you get ‘em up curve a little bit, and all of a sudden all this loosens up. It doesn’t matter much how old they are; you can do this.

Here’s a lot of loose particles. The fellow did… this milli-G thetan did a lot of loose living. and they’re all around here and… and here he is. You say „Well, where is he in this… this whole matter here in Figure… Figure Five?“ I can’t answer that question, because that’s him. You say „Where is he?“ Well, that’s him… that… that… that’s the boy; that’s our boy.

But it takes a little more time. But the identification level, it’ll come down to a solid object. If you can feel pleasure you can feel pain. And if you didn’t have pain, you’d have no contrast so that you could feel pleasure. What the hell do you need a contrast for so you can feel pleasure?

Now all of a sudden – it doesn’t matter how far across that is – doesn’t have to to have the dimensions. Now all of a sudden a one milli-G thetan, has already started to specialize slightly in energy, and something hits him or convinces him that at some instant he has to come to a stop, you see. But the thing that convinced him he had to come to a stop was a horrendous blast of something or other. A two milli-G thetan came to call and didn’t like the tea – something like that.

I sure know when I’m feeling pleasure. It happens to be utterly true that when you are in horrible condition, your GE is all worn out and your body’s all drooping and you’ve been doing something for a long time and… and something like that, that any comfort and so forth is about eight times as welcome. You’re about 20 times as… as thirsty for a pleasure, because it’s been so long since you’ve had one. That’s all. And the reason for that is… is because you know that’s true.

Well, the way you get rid of one of these… these dispersed characters and that sort of thing, it’s a very simple way of getting rid of him, is… is just to undisperse him. Just solidify him a little bit and give him a shock so that you get a… an upset of particles – now he’s got particles kicking around, he’s made hoo-ha and so on. So you’d possibly get our lightning bolt hitting somewhere in here. It’d be just on the order of a lightning bolt. What do you suppose would happen? Well, we have to go to Figure Six to find out what would happen.

And… and the actuality is, the… the fellow has a jaded appetite. Oh, I don’t know; he’d been running around the stewpots and… and helling around and raising the devil and with sensation and all that sort of thing he finally got to a point where, well, and everything jaded, bored, so on. He had nothing left to live for, really. Oh, boy. Think of the number of moralists that have been hanging on that guy’s shoulders saying, „If you drink, you are going to get a hobnailed kidney.“ I would love to have somebody show me a hobnailed kidney sometime; I’d use it to fix my boots with for my mountain climbing.

And Figure Six is on the next page.

But uh… uh… he says, „You shouldn’t hell around and have a good time with women, because that’s scarcity; it’s all got to be scarcity, and it has… if there’s no scarcity, I can’t sell it to you.“ I didn’t mean that in relationship to women. Uh… I was talking about… about anything in the MEST universe. If something has no scarcity, the law of supply and demand (which is a law, really is a law; it’s a law that works for anybody that has anything to sell) uh… he enforces that law. The law of supply and demand.

All right, Figure Six here shows us now something has happened. This center here tried to rush in and condense to drive it back and Figure… as I understand this, it… its tendency was to do this: trying to rush in, see? But it’s tried to rush in toward the center to block off Mr. Lightning Bolt, so we’re just going to stop that by putting a lot of particles there suddenly and letting it hit matter. That’s the good, sensible way to stop things.

He says, „Now, look. You’ve got to have a demand, and the reason you’ve got to have a demand is not because you have to have a demand but because I have to supply it.“ So any time you have a demand to supply, you’ve got to sell the idea in reverse that there’s gonna be a demand for it. You can actually go into advertising and logic and everything else and tell people, and there isn’t a real good, big, observable demand. Really, even… even advertising done by J. Walter Thompson uh… would possib… wouldn’t… wouldn’t possibly sell a product.

Of course, the best way to stop them is, of course, cause a rarefaction right there and the lightning bolt goes on through and the two mill-G thetan looks sort of apathetic for a moment and says „Well, I guess the tea wasn’t so bad.“

Actually advertising, trying to advertise these demands into shape, has only a small degree of success. The law of supply and demand is based on the law of scarcity, and if you want to settle supply and demand, whether it has to do with the inflation-deflation of money, all of these various principles and so forth, you could break down the whole field of economics very easily. Economics is not a serious study; it’s a rather humorous study. You start looking at inflation: Why do you have inflation? You have inflation because there’s too much money and too few things to buy. Too much scarcity, in other words. And when you have deflation, that is when you have too many things to buy and not enough money to buy ‘em with. That’s interesting, isn’t it?

But the other way of going about it and what’s wrong is to suddenly… suddenly have here uh… one of these… one of these uh… condensations right at the center.

When I think of old FDR and Harry Hopkins and his aide Stalin and… that wasn’t on that staff. Uh… Harry Hopkins was in Moscow, that’s right, I made an error. Uh… and they… they get all this, and we’ve got to boondoggle and we’ve got to… got to put everybody on relief and then fix ‘em up when they’re on relief so they can’t work for themselves, and as long as they’re on relief, they’re… got to be complete slaves to the government so they won’t work, and… and uh… let’s take away all the self-respect we can take away and then not give him anything, and then tell him the thing to do is to be taken care of. Now, let’s see. Freedom from, that’s a new idea. We’ll give him freedom from everything.

So, let’s go to Figure Seven. A lightning bolt hit this condensation here at the center and a vector started to go out. The impulse here was out, see?

And uh… they go along the line… they created practically a socialist state ahead of its time. The US was no more right to be a welfare state – it just wasn’t. And so they dreamed up all these horrible pump-priming things, and so on. The truth of the matter was, there were too many goods and there was too little money with which to buy them.

Now he condensed, it started to go out – and what are the laws of motion and emotion? It says, „We’ve got to run away from this because we’re scared.“ You see, you couldn’t stop it, so you had to depart from it.

Of course, don’t let anybody on over on Wall Street hear that.

Now that, in essence, is what happens in an injury. You can check this in an injury. A guy is hit and at the instant he’s hit, just before the blow strikes his skin, oddly enough, just before it hits him, there’s this odd one.

‘Cause, you see, the way you have to create money, that’s pretty arduous. Somebody on Wall Street gets a… has a big ledger, and that has to do with the Federal Reserve Bank, which is a private company which prints all of your money, because it says in the Constitution only the US can print money. By the way, are those… those two statements disconnected? Well, they shouldn’t be. It’s all a legal country, and it’s in the MEST universe; it all goes right into and travels in agreement perfectly, all of the way along the line. Everything works out in this best of all possible worlds.

Fellows always get their hands hurt just before they hit the table. They… they come in and they start to hit the table and they know their hand is going to hit the table; an instant before it hits the table their hand hurts. In they come and they hit the corner of the table and it hits the hand and their attention units or particles rush to that point to defend, and blow off the injury, find out they can’t do it, penetration continues and those particles which rushed in now try to rush away from the injury.

That’s a fact. It says in the Constitution that only the US can create money, and your money is printed by a private company known as the Federal Reserve Bank. That’s not a US institution. The US owns some stock in it, that’s about all.

You can test this out, if you want to. Go around and stab yourselves. I mean, you’ll find out just that it’s just exactly what… what happens there. And you get a rarefaction and condensation action. It rushes away, the particles try to come back again and stop it some more. Then they rush away and then they try to stop it again.

Well, anyhow, they write in a big ledger and they write in a big ledger 8 billion dollars, and then they send this down to Washington: „We’ve just written in a ledger 8 billion dollars,“ and Washington says, „Oh, you have? Oh, goody, goody, goody!“ And… and… and they get a whole bunch of certificates and these are stock certificates of some sort or another, and they fire them back immediately to New York and they order them in New York and they look at these certificates and they say, „Now… now, we have been loaned this much money. Now we’re gonna give this money; now we have the right.“ And so they send these back to Washington and then… then they… they print up all this money.

But this thing is making more and more ingress all the time. And it rushes away and tries to stop it again. And all of a sudden he goes into apathy and he’s just null.

I… I hope you’re following me. Nobody, since Alexander Hamilton dreamed up this horrendous scheme, has been able to follow it. Any time you see hundreds of thousands of pieces of paper, books and so forth, written trying to explain the banking system of the US, you know they aren’t showing where they argufy and spewdify. There’s a dog in the machinery there someplace.

But he’s… each time he’s trying to stop, stop, stop, stop – and you can practically hear the… you can practically hear the… the brakes squeal on an injury. And if you’re running by Effort Processing – you know Effort Processing – just start to work out one of these injuries and you’ll find out that it’s going this way. And you work a little further and all of a sudden why, the last efforts are run and it all weakens down and bong! There goes the injury.

Well, there’s just a question of flows. That’s all it is. All they had to do, actually, is when… when guys have lots of money they’d like a deflation so they can buy hamburger for 10 cents a pound. Then that makes them have more money. So that’s a very simple trick, you see? Guys who have money don’t want money created and the guys who have money don’t have any wants anyway so there’s no pressure on the thing. „Let ‘em eat cake.“ Same philosophy: Marie Antionette. „Oh, they are starving for bread? Well let them eat cake.“

You’ll find that’s a pattern of rarefaction and condensation of attention units which are rushing in periodically to PUSH the thing back out, finding out they can’t and rushing away. Then gathering a sort of force and coming back in to stop it again and then pushing it away. You get the same action as you get with flows, dispersals and ridges – that sort of thing. You see how that is?

Uh… meantime, big humanitarian principles going around; we all give ‘em all freedom from. All they had to do was turn their damn printing presses on and throw some money out so that you could buy the existing commodity. That’s all. There has to be a dollar in existence in currency for every dollar of item to be purchased, minus the bank credits outstanding because of checking accounts. Now, you… just works out. I mean, it’s too simple.

I… I see you’re looking at me rather alertly. You… some of you that are looking at me that way haven’t listened to Technique 88, then. Or, it wasn’t stated in there uh… as clearly as it ought to be stated, because the truth of the matter is there’s nothing simpler than this.

When that varies and you have two dollars of currency existing for every dollar’s worth of commodity to be bought, you have a condition known as inflation „which is very dangerous, and which is solved by you denying yourself.“ Silly isn’t it?

You can actually, and should, right at this moment, if you have some curiosity in the matter, simply pinch the back of your hand. Hold it like this and you will feel the skin is tight – it starts to tighten up on you. Now pinch it like that and you’ll feel the attention units rush away from there – not just the pain. You can feel the attention units rush away from there. Now you un-pinch the thing and you’ll feel the attention units come back into it. You can feel the path of those units…

And if you have a deflationary situation, it’s because there’s only 50 cents there to buy a dollar’s worth of currency. Do you know that this town, one time, in the days of old Ben Franklin, was almost ruined? It was in a terrible state of affairs. The Crown wouldn’t issue any money, and the doggonedest system of trade was existing between Phila… Philadelphia and the backwoods. They didn’t have any money; the Crown wouldn’t send any money over here.

Now you know that if you hurt your hand a little bit like that, you probably only feel it for a couple of inches around and about the injury. But if you hurt your hand real bad and so forth, you could hurt it so that it would shock clear up here and hurt the elbow. There attention units are rushing down the whole length of the elbow and then they’re dispersing back up the whole length of the elbow and then they’re dispersing back up the whole length of the elbow and they’re… that’s an energy flow and it’s flow and it follows the pattern of flow.

So Franklin and the rest of the boys finally turned some out (he was a good printer) uh… and the situation resolved itself. There was all kinds of commodity and there was no Crown money with which to buy it. Inflation – deflation.

So, what do we get here? We get right here in the center as the second stage – this was stage uh… two on this lightning bolt, and this was stage three on the lightning bolt, and we get this sort of an action.

Now, you get then that flows have a tendency in this universe to equalize, but in the process of equalizing, they compact; they make their space smaller. Now, the reason why this is is because a flow – particles and so forth – as a flow continues, the space in which it is flowing is seldom increased. New thought for you.

But what happens to these when these little arrows here get out and hit these outer particles. The outer particles say, „Hey, we’re getting an injury!“ And they say, „To hell with that!“ So they brake. And they say, „No! No!“ And they start in like this – Whong! Whong! Whong! See these little arrows? All right, these little arrows come in here and they brake – or put the brakes on fast. See the particle directions?

You’ve got a space here that’s 8 feet by 8 feet; it has 8 feet by 8 feet by 8 feet and it has two men in it. And one of them has a little handy jim-dandy emanator ray pistol, see? And he fires at the other man. The space does not increase, and yet you have into existence suddenly a lot of brand – new particles. It isn’t old particles splattering out; I mean, he’s making new motion, new particles, and it’s going into 8 feet.

So the little arrows… every time you hit that receding wave an injury actually goes – and explosion goes – if you took a picture of an explosion you’d find it was going whong – whong – whong! See. It’s getting bigger and braking itself at each moment. Like a bird would flap its wings, or something of the sort. It’s down-up, down-up, down-up. Out-in, out-in, out-in, out-in, out-in, all the time getting bigger. What’s it doing.

Now, they’re 8 feet apart again and he shoots some other guy. And they’re 8 feet apart again and he shoots some other guy. They’re 8 feet apart again and he shoots some other guy. But he’s still… he’s not handling time very well and he’s not handling flows very well. What happens? That 8 feet by 8 feet by 8 feet starts to get the pictures of more and more particles in it and the shadows of particles in it and more particles in it and more particles in it, and it gets solider and solider and solider and solider.

It finally winds up as in Figure Eight – you’re very lucky people to hear this lecture. I’d never intended to give it. I keep forgetting this one because the subjects is so big, as you will find out in a moment.

Now, just because transactions continue to be undertaken in the United States of America (at least somebody calls them business transactions; they’re laughingly called that), uh… the Federal Reserve Bank writes in this ledger and it forwards a stock or a bond or something to Washington and then it forwards some currency back and then it’s issued, and so on.

You’ll finally wind up with a kind of an empty spot here and with a… some scattered particles here and some scattered particles here and some scattered particles out here. And what are these things? Well, here’s the center hardness, and there’s a ridge, and there’s a ridge and there’s a ridge, resulting from that explosion, see? These particles out here at this gradient scale in Figure Seven are still scattered and still influenced.

By the way, did you ever look into your pocketbook and… and… and find out that the money you had is not redeemable? The silver dollars are and there’s some fives that are – they say „silver certificate“ – and the rest of the money says „Federal Reserve Bank.“ Hasn’t got anything to do with the US Government except the US Government permitted it to be published, and that’s backed up at the Federal Reserve Bank.

Now this shows you here… gives you a pretty good idea of what goes on in an explosion. I wish I had some stroboscopic pictures of an explosion. That is, something that just split instant stops the wave motion or formation which takes place during an explosion, so that you can examine it.

And, it says right there, very clearly, that in return for it, that it’s legal tender and it’ll be enforced by the bayonets of the United States and… if you don’t take it, and the Federal Reserve Bank at any time will give you Federal Reserve Bank paper for it. Isn’t that fascinating? It… it sort of says… sort of says, „As long as we have bayonets and as long as we have a government, we’ll have money.“ It says it doesn’t have any dependency on much of anything else. Money depends upon force which can be directly applied for its consumption, plus agreement to take it.

For instance, you see a stroboscopic picture of a drop of water. It forms the doggondest pattern. It just drops into a bucket and you can watch that drop go down and then the pattern that it makes and so on as it finally drops. And you’ll say, „Good God! Could one drop of water cause that much commotion and that many patterns?“ It sure can.

Sometimes you turn the bayonets loose on people, you s… you don’t believe agreements are higher? You can turn bayonets loose on people and they still won’t take money. They did that in Italy. The US laughingly, all this „freedom from“ dopiness, wound up practically in a revolution that lost us all of Italy in spite of the battle gains. It had a sheath of wheat on it, the money that was being published and sent over there – „freedom from want“ money – and by God, there was not a… there was not a kernel of wheat to be bought; that money could not buy wheat. And it was just because they put wheat on the money, it was just that upsetting, and nobody could spend the money for anything.

Well, if you were to take a picture of the guts and anatomy of an explosion in action, you would find there’s rarefaction condensation areas in the middle of it. If anybody here has ever served with artillery, you’re quite well aware of this, because you can actually feel on the explosion of shells as they hit. Uh… they go ‘bah-ow-wah-ow-wah-ow-ong’. You’re hitting those ridges, see – sound ridges are going by.

The only way you got anybody to work for anybody was to feed ‘em; and you’d give your laborers chow, they’d work. And you let them take home a little chow to their families, they’d work a lot harder. So that was the way they got paid, commodity, because the money was no good; nobody’d take that money. It didn’t matter how many bayonets you’d called out, this big sheath of wheat mockingly stamped on the back of these lire notes prohibited its exchange. People knew they couldn’t buy wheat with it; they knew they couldn’t buy bread with it. So therefore, Italy was without money. Give you some kind of an idea.

There’s this ‘bo-ong’. You’d think… you’d think a shell would just go ‘boom!’ – it doesn’t. It goes ‘Bo-oo-oo-oo-oom!’. You could forget it.

So the agreement is always higher than force. And you look all through this MEST universe and you’ll find that to be the case: the agreement is higher than force. The MEST universe hates to admit it though. They try to use force to back up agreements, but actually, unless there was a real agreement existing between two contracting parties, not all the courts and all the force in God’s creation can make that agreement come true, if there was no real agreement. If one of the guys was sitting there saying, „I’ll sort of hook this contract around here, and I don’t intend to live up to it,“ and so forth, it wasn’t a contract. I don’t care how much paper it was written on or anything else. You could write it on paper and fight for it in the courts and the courts can enforce it and pass judgments and phooey!

For instance, if an artillery shell went off, if… if there’s just a sound, solid blast – why do you think windows cave in? Well, they… they would… could probably be braced. Your window would stand up to a pressure so the pressure would hit the window, you’d think, and if it were a solid blast, it would just sort of stretch the window pane in.

It won’t exist and it… finally, you wind up, there’s nothing there but enMEST. It’s a horrible mess, because there was no agreement existed in the first place. All the force in the world couldn’t make it come true. And if the force was used to make it come true, then we got laws of flows: that which was acquired was not worth having.

Waves will break out an anchor. You can lie in a hurricane of wind and the hurricane of wind won’t blow your ship away from its moorings – just won’t. That anchor will just dig in and dig in and dig in. But once you get waves going, they lift that bow and they drop that bow and they lift the anchor buoy and they drop that anchor buoy and it keeps yank on the anchor and yank on the anchor and yank on the anchor. And all of a sudden the anchor course moves and drifts.

You saw an example of this right in Dianetics and Scientology. Somebody didn’t live up to an agreement, and all of a sudden there wasn’t any agreement there. Force was used and force was used and duress was used and duress was used. All we wound up with was some enMEST and they’re still sitting there wondering what happened to ‘em.

Rhythm… rhythm does this. So as the sound of an artillery shell outside that window would hit the window: the first wave would hit it – bong! And then the window comes back toward the direction of the sound and then the second wave hits it – boonng! And it goes just a little bit further and then back toward the direction of sound. And then the third ridge in that ball of sound hits it and it goes boom-crash!

All right. Now… agreement is always senior to the flow, but when a person gets immersed down in courts, for instance, he knows he’s being affected by flows. And the more flows flow in an area, the more particles are… could be said to be in that area, and the solider it gets, therefore the less space there is per unit particle. Remember, what we’re talking about is space per unit particle.

But it took ‘bong – bong – bong!’, you see, to break the window. If you just had a sound pressure – solid pressure – on it, it wouldn’t have broken the window at all, usually. You could tape your windows so they wouldn’t break. There is no taping a window so it won’t break in a good sound barrage.

If you were as big as from here to the moon, what do you think you’d be worried about of the number of ridges which surround the MEST body which you have now? It’d be space per unit particle. You’d have to search awfully hard in the space between here and the moon in order to find that body. You’d have to search with microscopes, believe me, till you finally had located this body, and so on. And as far as those ridges were concerned, its ridges would be very, very thin.

All right, you see? It’s interesting here. Funny part of it is, that if you were to trace these ridges in any pattern of explosion, you’d find out they were really… of course, I’m drawing here… a flock of spheres.

Now, if you expanded these ridges out to fit you, what do you suppose the density of ‘em would be? Why, good God! You could fly an airplane… you could fly a spaceship at thousands of miles a second through the thing without ever collecting any dust on it, these ridges that you’re worried about, and so forth, that sit around and prohibit you from getting out of your body. I’m just giving you the relative viewpoint in space, the relative viewpoint of anchor points.

Now, watch a pebble being dropped in a pool of water. Water… of course the physical universe runs on the laws of the physical universe and never varies – pooey!

You get your anchor points away… you… you got your anchor points real up close and said that was from here to Jupiter, you of course would be that much bigger. It’s an awfully simple problem.

Water freezes from the top down; it’s noncondensable – the most confounded things happen in water.

You say, „All right. My anchor points are here and here, and the distance from here to here is the distance from here to the sun. And the distance from here to here is the difference to… the distance to the outer orbit of Pluto.“ And if you just shut your eyes and visualize that as your anchor points, you’ll feel crowded, but you’ll feel that big.

Now you can drop a drop of water in a pail, or a rock in a pond and you can watch these waves going out. And they’re linear waves. Why are they linear waves? They’re just linear waves because you cross-section them and they’re applying, really, only to the surface. You’re getting a particle yanked up and down. You’re moving a particle up and down. But that’s because… that’s because you have air above the wave and the wave cannot compress of itself; water’s noncompressible. So you get a strange and peculiar attitude on the part of the water. So it raises and lowers. And you get the particles raising and dropping.

That’s why you get an action cycle, is per unit space: you get more and more particles, so it gets more and more solid, so it finally winds up to be an object. Therefore, where flows take place and space is not increased accordingly, you get solidity. and as solidity continues, the flows which go through have more and more conductivity: they can go through old flows, they can go through old particles, they start multiplying. They will actually for a long time gather in force. They will transmit and act as conductors of force, because they’re force.

And then they tell the physics student, „Well now you see, waves are just like this piece of rope. And if you want to prove it, go on out and look at a pond of water. And here we show this rope and we give it a whip and we’ll see the wave travel down and come back again. And isn’t that cute and it’s just…“

So therefore, you wonder why at length somebody down in the street can drop a pencil and you start like mad: it’s because you have a very, very close conductivity of the force of impact of the manhole cover, or what it… whatever it is down in the street, hitting you. It’s being conducted through actual, solid relatively solid matter – which isn’t solid, really, compared to air, but is solid enough to act as an optimum conductor. Therefore, it can drive you into action.

I wonder where the hell these professors ever did any observation. Why don’t they go out and jump in a lake and find out what happens? Because what you’re getting is an interplay of an incompressible with a compressible. And that is a very peculiar wave indeed. It’s a wave peculiar to a condition where two fluids are involved – fluid one is air and compressible, and fluid two is water and not compressible. You’ve got a commotion; there’s motion there someplace. So your first splash sets air waves in motion which react back against the pond and make these silly-looking pools and things like that – very, very interesting.

Furthermore, that mass itself goes into action, and there you have the reactive command level of engrams at work. You inc… increase conductivity in the space.

You take a stroboscopic picture – if you could – that would take one that showed actually the particles of air, you’d see that you had an interaction between two fluids. So this is a very, very peculiar wave.

All right, we’ll fire a pistol in a vacuum. If this room were a vacuum and I fired the pistol, the sound won’t travel through the vacuum. But as you get particles in the room, more and more particles in the room, that sound begins to travel more and more clearly until, if the room were made of solid… if it were fluid, completely fluid, as in water, boy, that pistol fired would really deafen you. Now, that’s another example of this.

Well, you get down under water and water has no compressibility, it says right in the physics textbook, so of course it’s impossible for sound to pass through water. What’s the matter? Some disagreement with this? I mean, you… somebody heard sound through water here?

Now, you wonder why electronic flows can exist in force. They set themselves up an ion beam and then they flow on the ion beam. They actually make paths of particles. And you… you’re traveling with a wave length which can go through paths of particles. Don’t think that this whole folderol and nonsense about ether ever existed or ever will exist. To say empty space is empty and then there’s ether in it was the silliest theory anybody ever got ahold of. Empty space is empty, and when you put an electrical beam through it, an electrical beam has sufficient potential in the formation of particles that it can then thereafter throw the particles out there and then conduct on ‘em.

The way… the way the scholastics used to teach uh… almost anything, is always worthy of… of comment and notice. They… in 1500 universities taught on the scholastic principle. They had a number of books and the. books were quite authoritarian and they said so-and-so and so-and-so, and then the student would read the book and listen to the lecture and then take the examination that said so-and-so and so-and-so and so-and-so. They had… didn’t have to make any comparison with the real universe. And uh… uh… having taken the examination, he would get his grade only on this basis. It was a very peculiar custom and uh… it uh… ceased, I’m sure, about 1500 or 1600. It’s – noways – been carried through into modern times.

Furthermore, space is just full of particles. Oh, it’s… it’s… it’s just stuffed, MEST universe space. The MEST universe is not only expanding, they hope, but it’s getting more and more solid, more and more solid and more and more solid all the time. That’s because flow, flow, flow, flow, flow.

Of course, modern classes, when they teach a student some principle or other in physics, they say, „Now, uh… we don’t care whether you believe this or not. Uh… why don’t you go out and look. And by the way, by the virtue of your looking, you might find out something you can tell us.“ No, they never said that… they… I mean… pardon me! I mean, they… they undoubtedly do that, because this is a modern age.

Now, your preclear gets more and more solid, more and more solid. He flows and flows. He thinks the best thing to do to overcome force is use force. So he gets a new flow and then he turns around and he adds a flow to that, and then a flow comes back at him and he adds a flow to that. And he’s believing thoroughly in flows, so he gets solider and solider and solider.

The scholastic came about through Aristotelian logic, and so forth. It was all black and white; therefore anything that was written was right. And things that weren’t written were wrong. Or I… I don’t know how they figured this out, but that’s more or less the way it was.

Then one day… one day you come along and you say, „Get rid of that ridge.“ Ho! Well, he kind of feels like calling up the three A’s and getting ahold of one of their rescue trucks with the big cranes on the back of it to come and lift that ridge. Yeah, it looks that big and solid and heavy to him. It’s just a collection of particles no longer in motion which serve to conduct particles.

Natural History… Natural History and that sort of thing was taught by rote. We didn’t have to go observe it.

And therefore, a particle hits the ridge; it’s very easy for that particle to get to the preclear, because it’s just… it’s just zoom! It just goes straight on through. One of the fastest ways to concentrate and get electricity is to shoot it through copper. That’s why you have copper all the way through one of these machines. There isn’t any real reason why you couldn’t have that machine operating without a single wire. All you’d have to have is an intensity of flow and a wave length of flow which could travel in that wise. Nothing to that.

And that’s actually – physics as a science prides itself upon its observation. Oh, it just prides itself just straight through on its observation.

But uh… in order to use low-order energy, low-volume, low-order energy, uh… why – and direct it surely, without thinking about it and so on – why you of course put wires in. Let it flow along the wires, and you put it into tubes. It’s funny that the tubes have to operate in a vacuum, isn’t it? Uh… all sorts of partial vacuums, all sorts of things. You get a partial vacuum, you rarefy and condense with it, and they rarefy and condense, and they pour it along a wire and they condense it and they rarefy it, they make it do skips, and then they change its wave length and its quality, and throw it through a transformer, change its power output, and… and then so on. And by the time they’ve got through with the thing, they can make this stuff do practically anything. They can certainly make it hear and talk.

Your engineer gets out of class and he goes over and he. starts working on – and all of a sudden he plugs in the ruddy-rods on the wrong side of the whatchamagujits and he graduates up and he finds himself working at Los Alamo Pork Pie or someplace and he throws the cross-pile against the cross-pile and this doesn’t quite agree with the conservation of energy, but he kind of looks dogged about the whole thing. And he says, „Well, I guess it really doesn’t make the basic laws of elementary physics wrong – I hope – because I signed a pledge that I wouldn’t disobey those things. I wrote on the examination paper and said, „These are right and they will always be right and they will always hold true for the whole universe – signed and sworn to and subscribed before me this Umth Day of Umth. Charles Jones, C.E.“ Or something like that.

Fortunately, there are easier ways to make it hear and talk, otherwise you would never be able to hear and talk.

All right, here’s one that you could very easily miss: Rarefaction condensation.

Uh… you take the spectrum of wave length… I wish I had a good spectrum of wave length worked out. I’ll have to write around and see if anybody has done any of this fundamental work. I… I seriously doubt they have; it’s too fundamental. What is the gradient scale of wavelengths? I s… I uh… worked these out once or twice, uh… sketching them over, but I haven’t seen a full, full rundown on gradient scale of wave lengths. What’s the biggest, grossest wave measured and how does this skin on down and get smaller and smaller and smaller?

The number of linear waves which you are going to find in the universe will be when two fluids come together or three fluids or six fluids, in some eight-dimensional torsional G space.

And certainly nobody has measured the speed of ‘em. Oh, this is wonderful. In engineering, do you know that they… they’re handling rockets all over the place and they’re thinking about spaceships and they’ve got liners uh… airliners now with jet motors and everything; you still go around to these projects and you say to the boys, „Have you got a table of orifice pressures?“ Orifice is the hole through which the flame comes.

Uh… but uh… let’s not throw that rope around and say, uh… „Well, it’s all linear space and uh… uh… that’s why a radio wave travels in this fashion and that’s why a broadcast station works, is because you’ve got this long line. And actually what you do is you go out and attach this line to this television antenna of John Jones and when you’ve attached it to John Jones’s aerial, then you go back to the station and you keep flipping it from this station. This… this… this wave, then, jumps up and down and he only then receives television.

And they say, „Um… well uh… what do you mean?“

God! If that were the case! That’s really the way they explain it in elementary physics.

And you say, „What is the optimum velocities for unit size of hole?“ Now, that’s a simple problem. You have a fire hose, you have a fire hose and uh… how do you make that fire hose kick the hardest? By making the hole smaller, make the orifice smaller for the unit of water that’s going to go through it? And you can finally rig it out, and you’re changing the orifice – that is to say, the hole through which the water’s coming – you can change that for the velocity of the fire hose so that it’ll practically knock you halfway down the block every time you turn on a fire hose. In other words, you can get propulsion out of a fire hose.

No, it looks just like this: Figure Eight might as well be television, might as well be television.

And if you were to change the velocity of the fire hose, you’d have to have a different size hole, wouldn’t you? Change the velocity of the water cooing through the fire hose, why, you wouldn’t have any kickback, so you’d have to adjust the hole again and what would you have for a new hole to kick you halfway down the block?

And what do you know? Let’s add something else in Figure Eight here. Just before you get there… there’s a little tiny dispersal, see? Out here in this third ring – third ring out. You get these little dispersals just before it forms in a ridge. And in here you have an indecision on „Which way did he go? Which way did he go?“

The firemen are interested in this, because they don’t… aren’t interested in being kicked halfway down the block. And they’re also interested in this, because they want the water to go as high as possible on a building, most pressure, and so on. I mean the most concentrated beam of water, beam of water, beam of any other kind of particle; there’s no real difference.

So you’ve got your complete rarefaction in here where I have marked Point uh… M – midway in between those two waves, see? And… and that… that point is… could stand for „Which way did he go?“

So what do you know? What do they tell you on these big fancy projects where they have the English professors working under the guise of engineers? What do they tell you? They say, „We use the same ones that we’ve been using.“ And you say, „You mean what ones?“ „Well, the fire hose tables, of course.“

Rarefaction comes in, it goes ‘bo-oo-ong’, see? And you’ve got that point.

You say, „My God, man, don’t tell me that you boys haven’t gotten an ‘ electronics flow table that tells you the proper pressure for the proper velocity yet?“

Now, there’s a dispersal, but just as it leaves that rarefaction – I mean, just as it leaves this ridge, first ridge out from there – just as it leaves that, there’s a little bit of a dispersal there.

And then they’ll look kind of ashamed, because they’ll all of a sudden realize they must be talking to somebody uh… somebody that must’ve read something about it some time or another, and they’ll… they’ll… they’ll get sort of all… ill at ease, and they’ll say, „Well, I understand there’s a project that’s north of Los Angeles…“ Every project that never does anything is just north of Los Angeles, by the way. Um… um… „The… there’s a project there that is measuring all this.“ I heard that for about five years. If at this time somebody finally has figured out an orifice table of pressure, it’d be quite a surprise.

Now let’s magnify that up and have on Figure Nine, then, the action there that happens in that ring. So here we’ve got a… a ridge and it’s travelling from right to left. We’ve got a little dispersal here as your particles… particles leave there, and this comes over here in this direction; and you’ve got your particles lining up for any given moment and you’ve got which way did they go, and there’s a dispersal sort of a thing at this midway point in here.

But understand that they’ve got planes flying through the air madly in all directions and they don’t know the optimum size of the hole that the flame should shoot through. Hah! Wonderful job… wonderful job of… of disagreeing with the MEST universe. WE’RE supposed to agree with the MEST universe; THEY’RE supposed to… I mean we’re supposed to DISAGREE with it and they’re supposed to AGREE with it, you see? And they shouldn’t be disagreeing with it; otherwise they’ll get processing done. They’ll get theta clears! Quick!

And then we’ve got – let’s see now. If we’ll get it at the same instant. Whong, yeah. The same instant here would be a little bit of a lag. We won’t bother with that. So let’s get it over here and this is actually coming in like this. And here’s your next ridge.

Just like they’re getting theta clears, right this minute: flame-outs. It never occurs to ‘em to fix up their pilots so all the pilot’s gott’ do is shoot a beam in there and light it again. They’d think that was a silly thing, until you did it one day.

So let’s break this thing down and we get – and you’ve actually got ridge at ‘R-1’ here discharging toward Ridge 2 and it gives us, in Figure Nine a… it gives us a ridge, a tiny dispersal, a flow to a dispersal, to a flow, to a dispersal, to a ridge. You get that?

You see a barrel of fuel sitting there and you say, „Well, you could not only light a… something that had done… just done a flame-out; you could probably fix all kinds of things up about the plane this way. And therefore, it’s an optimum thing, and you ought to pay a hundred dollars a pilot in order to have this thing done,“ or something like that. „We’d make a good contract for you,“ and uh… so on. „You ought to do this.“

Now we look back at that first one that I drew, you will see we are dealing with the characteristics of energy. And energy then, it always bears some relationship to the characteristics of a floating sphere.

They’d say, „Well, no uh…“ and so on. „How do we know?“ and so forth.

Rarefaction condensation waves as they go down a copper wire are really rarefying and condensing electrons. The electron does not flow down the wave like a drop of water; it rarefies and condenses.

And you’d say, „Well, I’ll show you.“ Room! There goes their gas dump.

In a whole day of electrical flow on DC, probably an electron doesn’t move a hundred feet. I don’t know – it… I don’t know how fast it moves. Might move a mile, but th… that stuff is supposed to be travelling at a hundred and eighty-fi… – six miles a second. They are trying to agree on it.

Say, you know, I don’t think we ought to be doing this sort of thing. It might be dangerous. We’ve got to remember to protect the MEST universe. We haven’t any right to go around, this sort of thing. You shouldn’t use flows, anyhow. You know it’s bad to use flows; you mustn’t use force.

All right, so… so that’s very… very… very amusing there to find out that we are dealing with a rarefaction and a condensation in such a way that we’ve got the – what?

When the cops come to arrest you, don’t draw a gun. When they rush up the steps, don’t knock ‘em all back flat at the bottom with a look. That’s not done. It is outside the rules, and so forth. They’re the only ones supposed to carry pistols and they’re the only ones that’re right. That’s right. So I’m just warning you that someday, when maybe Los Alamogordos blows up or something of the sort and somebody comes around to arrest you, please restrain yourself; don’t knock anybody down the steps simply by looking at them.

Let’s draw a picture here and let’s call it Figure 10 of Mr. Preclear at the moment he put on the brakes. He found out that this reaction was taking place and he said, „Stop!“ Here’s your reaction center, here’s your next ridge out, R-1; next ridge out is already beginning to go; the explosion has hit him; he’s in this form at… that’s R-2, And he gets out here and he says… at this instant he says „Stop!“

Or don’t change an agreement that you’ve set up at the top of the steps that there’s a… a German tiger tank sitting there with 88’s.

Now that’s a sphere you’re looking at; that is not a two-dimensional plane, that’s a three-dimensional sphere. What’s it give him? It gives him the shape of an electron. Of course this doesn’t bear any relationship to the shape of an electron. We’re not supposed to talk about that because we’re not licensed to. It requires a special license from the Atomic Energy Commission to talk about electrons. They’re sacred property now and they’re the only ones who can have any.


And uh… I… I regarded this with considerable sorrow because I probably will have to give up a couple of electrons that I kept around for old keepsakes.

All right. Flows, what’s the subject of flows? Flows proceed… flows flow from agreements. They don’t flow from the agreements; you just say they’re there and they’re there, and then after a while you say they’re dangerous and they’re dangerous. And then after a while you say, „There’s all kinds of them. They have great… great complexity and they follow certain rules and they have very great complexity and they follow certain rules.“ After that you say, „You couldn’t live without them.“ And then, „You couldn’t live without having things that have flows.“ That’s the damndest one. „You couldn’t live without having things that have flows,“ then you’ve put it out into an automaticity bracket, and then you say, „And those flows are so dangerous, you really don’t want too much to do with them,“ and then you go down more scale. Then „I have to have much more done for me,“ and then one day you say, „Ouch. My corns are hurting.“

What’s an electron? It’s one of those spheres. And if you can get one of those spheres to jump once, R-1 to jump out to R-2, it releases what? One quantum of energy. And this is the subject called Quantum Mechanics, because it takes a… a… a mechanic to be as jerry-rigged and jacklegged about explaining this as they are. It really takes a mechanic of the kind and variety that Rube Goldberg employed to repair his models.

Is there anything… relation between these two things? Yes, sir. You mean you’ve set up flows and you’ve agreed there were flows and then you agree they hurt like hell and then you agree that all of this goes on down scale and finally you agree that you can’t handle ‘em too well. Somebody proved that to you. And uh… then somebody came along and you… Your level of flow handling is very low, believe me. And the number of unit particles begin to collect around you.

There’s nothing much to this. The way you get atomic fission is this way. The artillery shells – you want to know? No, we’re not going to give you any real atomic fission. Uh., the shell… the shell doesn’t… the explosion from the shell doesn’t go ‘Boooooom!’, you see? It goes ‘Boo-oo-oom!’. Now the way… way you do, is you’ve got… you’ve got something which is floating around and it’s making this sound. What’s happened is sound, uh… what’s happened is you’ve taken… the artillery shell has exploded and it’s gone ‘Boooom!’, see. But what… what you did was go ‘Boo-’ – and it said „Stop,“ right there. And there it’s been for just ages and ages and ages and ages. And what do you do to make an atomic explosion? You just let the artillery shell explosion go ‘Booom!’. That’s all. You’ve cut the thing loose on its timetrack, what do you know?

You see, you could just say, „All my flows are now in yesterday.“ If you just drilled on that, if you take mock-ups and put ‘em in yesterday and mock-ups and put ‘em in last week and mock-ups… and just get so you really knew those things… Mock ‘em up, put ‘em in; mock ‘em up, put ‘em in. Engrams shows up, you say, „That was in Tuesday. That was a… hey, what do you know?“ You’d have to be tough enough to disagree with the MEST universe, that’s all. And it’ll work. They’ll be in last week and they’ll be in last year and they’ll be 10,000 years ago, and you just string ‘em down, and make ‘em disappear, that’s all you’re doing. It’s a fast method of making ‘em disappear, saying they had time on ‘em. That’s the greatest pretense of all.

That’s all you do, because you just let it go from R-1 to R-2, hit the next rarefaction out. And if you let… let the thing clip on its time track and go ‘Booom!’, see, and then you’ve… it’s stopped right there and it’s been stopped for some ages. It’s been sitting there on a rock. The fellow that made this energy let it go just that far, see? And then the next step on it, and the way you get chain reaction, is to start it suddenly off of its time track and let it finish out its ‘Boo-oom!’. And it will knock out Hiroshima, of course, or anything else.

And that out was left because nobody could crack it. After they hid that rule, then they insisted that it’d never been made.

Now theoretically you could do this to a preclear. You could get his ridges, his spheres out here, going in and out, in and out, in and out, in and out, and they would go ‘Bow-oo-oom!’. They probably wouldn’t even hurt him. He’s indestructible.

You just try to take an instantaneous proposition and then tell somebody there’s such a thing as time. Won’t work. So you have to run into a disappearing act to prove it. And time has stayed just that: a disappearing act, gradual disappearance or sudden disappearance. You can cultivate the quality of making sudden disappearances. You can. You can disappear out of existence your whole doggoned engram bank, boom! And there, you’re just handling flows, you’re just handling lots of flows; and you’re handling ‘em suddenly and with great ease.

That’s right, he is. I said that very seriously. Some guy’s going to try this and blow up half of this universe.

The only thing that really holds a preclear in the body is ‘cause too many particles have occupied the space immediately in front of him or behind him or around him, and he can’t occupy the body anymore because it’s already been occupied too often by these particles. What is a particle? A particle is a little tiny thing which is going on one corner of one electron which is in one atom, or it is an electron which is going around a proton, or it is an electron and a proton and… or it is several electrons and several protons, or it’s a… a formed molecule, such as a drop, molecule of water, or it’s a drop of something, or it’s a brick, or it’s a building, or it’s a planet, or it’s a universe.

So it isn’t any kind of a specialized or silly condition – is it at all? We’re looking at a preclear when we’re looking at Figure 10, only we’re not looking at near as far or near as complex as the preclear is.

What is the difference between the first particle and the last particle? It had too much in it for the space which it held. Isn’t that simple? And you say, „Too much what?“ Too much postulate, of course. Postulates don’t occupy space. You say, „Something is there,“ you’ve made an postulate it’s there. And then by successive chain, you say it flows, it dispersals, it gathers in ridges, and that’s a particle.

So this… to finish off Figure 10, this would really have to be all in spheres. We would have to put R-3, which is your next ridge of particles. You understand, there’s just countless billions and billions of particles in any one of these ridges, see?

And then those particles interflow with other particles and then you’re all set and the next thing you know, you get all these particles. And gee, it was a lot of work to do it. It took microseconds to build all this, so we’ve really got to hang on to ‘em, ‘cause they’re awfully precious, and we’d better not explode ‘em or say they don’t exist.

Now we’re looking out here at R-4 – of course, in between these things in here at… at uh… these points I’ve marked ‘F’ and these parts I’ve marked ‘D’ – all through here there’s ‘D’, ‘D’, there’s dispersals, dispersals. And there’s flows above the dispersals, and flows and… and tiny dispersals – dispersals. We’re getting this pattern, see. And we’ve got these patterns on these ridges. And this is the pattern. And I’m drawing you a pretty picture – portrait of a preclear. This is what you’re working on. Of course, the second they find out that we’re working with atomic energy, they’ll stop us, but, uh…

And all you have to do is just go back up that track and the particles go kaboom, kaboom, kaboom; you wonder what’s happening to all this. You can blow things up, you can blow things up and shake the neighborhood every once in a while, by the way. Don’t blow your mock-ups too emphatically near gasworks. They might not… you might say, „Well, they’re just real to me,“ and you might find out someday that’s not quite true. You might forget and go up tone scale very fast, you see, and forget all these things you’d agreed to, and one morning walk out 12 feet tall and knock off the top of the Washington Monument, or something.

Honest to Pete. There… there’s really nothing to this problem. This is one of those silly damn problems. If this problem were complicated and if anybody made this problem complicated for the last eight thousand years, he ought to be spanked, to tell you the truth, because it’s too simple a problem.

Now, the whole study then is a study of impaction of flows or a thickness of flows. And flows do those three things: they flow, they disperse, they gather in… in solid, lumps, ridges. And you get enough ridges together and enough ridges go against enough ridges and then a little enough space gets in between them and a little more… less space in between them, and what do you know. You’ve finally got what? You’ve got solid matter – visible solid matter. Anybody can see it. It’s got… it’s been agreed upon so often that it’s all shopworn and you can polish it down and make it into a car, or something.

You see those dispersals and you see those flows? Now, it all… it’s all adding up into, again, this ridge, dispersal, dispersal – that’s a flow, little dispersal, uh… dispersal, flow, dispersal, ridge. That’s the pattern. Only you’ve got – good God! I mean, all this stuff is standing out here.

All right. Now, wherever we… we get these flows, we have then a problem of space. And where these particles of the flow are too close together, that means the guy has too little space for the amount of flow he has. And it’s your business as an auditor either to dispense with and throw out or take the kick out or the postulates out that made the flows or just increase the space with regard to the flows or suddenly get the terrific knack of making chunks of flows, energy and so forth just disappear.

Now your preclear just shifts just a little bit in this flock of onion skins which he’s living in. Or, you all of a sudden stop him at a point where he’s been arrested and it sort of goes ‘Boo-oom!’ for a second, and he’ll shift a ring, or something of this sort.

If you were to be able to do that with the engram bank, you actually could do this. You see, in present time… you’ve agreed that anything that can happen in present time will if… influence the future. Any change of havingness in present time is in your capability to do without too… taking too much responsibility.

I’ve had this happen to preclears, by the way. It’s not dangerous because you think atomic bombs are dangerous. They’re not. YOU’RE dangerous – not some bomb. Maybe you particularly.

You would have to take responsibility for a great deal to change a past havingness. You’ve agreed that something can be a past havingness. So therefore if you change that then you’ve got to remodel a lot of determinism. But right now, there’re very few future determinisms, so you could change anything in the present time… time you wanted to change.

Now I’ve had them shift, I’ve had them shift a ring. And I didn’t get a quantum of energy kicked back, all I got was maybe – I don’t know – maybe something like a thousand, well maybe a hundred thousand watts, something like that, exploding in the preclear’s face – a slight singe, just a tiny singe, maybe eyebrows and just… nothing. Nothing. The fellow said, „My God! It’s like the Fourth of July!“ And felt much better the next couple of minutes – kind of mystified as to where all this electricity came from suddenly.

So you could suddenly get to this point where you could make facsimiles go away, and lots of facsimiles’d go away. You could suddenly take a look over here and see this chair, and you could say, „Poof! That’s in yesterday,“ and it would’ve been in yesterday, so you put it in the year 922. As long as you put it in the year 922 A.D. where it did not particularly influence the uh… will and determinism of many others, and ba… making the whole world backtrack on this agreement’d be quite chaotic. Enough to do that to blow up the universe, by the way.

Of course, I wasn’t doing it – I didn’t have anything to do with it at all. No responsibility for that energy. I was merely coaxing him to try to reach out and pull in that outside ring and let it go again suddenly in rhythm. ‘Song-bong-vroom! Pow!’. It hardly made any noise at all.

It’s… the handiest little destructive mechanism known is to have the enemy at breakfast the day before at the middle of the battle.

Now you understand that when your preclear’s in this terrible state of affairs, stuff hitting him bang! bang! bang! all the time… Stuff keeps hitting the preclear and hitting him – it gets terrific condensation to this point, through that rarefaction, that one, and the more ridges he’s got and the more heavily stacked these things get up… because he’s sitting there in a stopped motion. He’s stopped someplace on the time track, otherwise he wouldn’t have a single ridge. He’s stuck on the time track. He’s holding on to these particles in that formation. And he’s holding on at a high energy input incident – a few milli-G’s of impact, way the heck and gone, back on the track.

Uh… the chair, you would look at the chair and you’d say, „I put that in the year 922 A.D. Good.“

And of course he’ll use… running around with one… one uh… one grasshopper erg, or one one hundredth of one grasshopper erg being normal, and you all of a sudden say, „All right, now let’s reach out there and run that ridge.“ „Nooo,“ he says. Because he instinctively knows what’s really on those ridges. He… he knows really that they’re all ready to go ‘Boo-oom!’ and when your preclear won’t change, he… he knows what his penalty of changing is. So that’s your build-up and your energy pattern – that’s a picture of your preclear. That’s a portrait, Figure 10.

There’s a better way of doing it. You say, „Well, now, disappear.“ And it disappears. It won’t be there. Now, if somebody else equally up to you and on your team and playing the game or something of the sort said, „The chair is now sitting there. Now, you shouldn’t do that. They need that chair.“ That’s… and so you say, „Well all right. They need that chair. The chair will now disappear and a golden chair will sit there,“ and it’ll be solid gold, rubies encrusted on it.

Now somebody who is really very good ought to really build one of these things out of sectionals half cut through plastic spheres just to show somebody. It’d be pretty hard to do, little sketch network of… of rarefaction and… and the pattern of particles and so forth, in one of these, so that you really get an idea. See, there’s particles all through the ridges, they’re hard now. There’s particles in between the ridges and there’s particles – you’re doing just very specific things.

There’s no trick to that. Honest to Pete, I… I… I mean, you… I’ve… I’ve heard auditors say, „All right, now. I’m a… I’m a theta clear. I can get outside of my body and I can go around in circles and I can do all these things and… I wonder what a theta clear can do. Yeah. I… I don’t know. I haven’t been able to figure out that he could do very much more than that,“ and so forth. And here’s the guy, all the time he keeps… every time he gets up the tone scale a little bit he goes back, zoom! And he tries to run flows or tries to run processes of some sort or another, process the real universe. He has to get back in there and agree and agree and agree and apprit… pitiate and propitiate, and then he goes out and for 15 minutes in auditing he runs a flock of mock-ups and he feels a lot better for it. And then he goes out and he agrees and he agrees and he agrees and he propitiates and he propitiates and propitiates for the next 23 hours and 45 minutes. And then he gets 15 minutes of mock-ups and he feels a lot better for it. He’s still climbing up three inches and only falling back two and three-quarters. He’s still making it. And he can make it on that scale.

Now I tell you, as you look at this galaxy and you look at the Milky Way, the number of engrams which you can run off the Milky Way aren’t anywhere as near as important as getting the fellow in command of the Milky Way. And when you look at the central hub of this galaxy and treat it in one fashion or another, you must remember that it’s awfully happy to have an arrested ‘Boom!’ – very happy to.

But uh… don’t let me hear anybody saying one of two things. One: „Gee, it certainly takes a long time to get up toward cleared theta clear.“ You’re damn right it does! Drill, drill, drill, drill, mock-ups, mock-ups, mock-ups, mock-ups, work, work, work, work, play, play, play, play.

And this of course, bears absolutely no resemblance whatsoever to the pattern of the MEST universe. Now just remember this when you take a look at it. And sometime when you’re out in the s… stars or around someplace or another, just take a look at some of the patterns which you see up there, and you get a very clear picture of a preclear. They’re sort of elliptical; they’re not spherical. They’re not even an oblate spheroid. I mean, they’re quite flat. They’re just sort of a wheel variety of the thing.

And it’s… the other one is, the guy goes back into action in the universe; he goes back into this plane of action and he’ll halt himself right there. He just won’t have anything more to do with processing, he won’t try to develop himself anymore. So, he… he just won’t try to develop anything else, so he’ll hit that and then he’ll sag a ways. And then one day he’ll say, „You know, I’m sagging. I won’t be… I’m not able to do this and that and so forth like I was. I’ll have to get a little processing.“ So he gets a little bit of processing and he comes back up here again and then he goes along that way and he sags a little bit. Well, he could go between those two points till hell froze over. He’s a lot better off than he ever was before. He’s got those two: the high point and the somewhat lower point that he can vacillate between.

And when I say, „Build your own universe by restoring your capabilities to do so,“ you… this MEST universe has gone hog silly on particles. And don’t think that just because there’s those great big chunks of MEST and energy out there and they’re so great and big, remember they’re just great and big in comparison to you and nobody else.

But when it comes to coming on up the tone scale and out through the top and following this thing through, you bet it takes a lot of processing. It takes a lot of things. We’ll go into all that it does take. And one of the first things that it takes is picking up and learning how to handle the smallest units of force, and force of course has space connected with it. And you learn to handle this and you get better and better and better and better and better and it’s a very easy route out. Doggone road is just studded with milestones, direction posts, everything else, and it doesn’t need a single one of ‘em. It’s just a straight-ribbon highway that goes straight to glory. And it says all the way down along it, „Be willing to handle force and never depend on it for a second. Be able to use it and never need it.“ Fascinating, huh?

So you’re looking at the pattern of a galaxy, you’re looking at the pattern of a preclear, and you’re looking at the pattern of an atom.

That’s… that’s all there is to it. What do you do? You drill on handling force and he gets better and better and better and better and better and better.

Now, is an atom sentient? Is the atom a building preclear? Is it something which will graduate up to the rank of a preclear? Just as a preclear will eventually graduate up to the rank of a galaxy? Is that a gradient scale – goes on? Lucretius said so. I don’t know how much he knew, I don’t know which navigator he was on what spaceship before he arrived here. I seriously doubt this gradient scale has any actuality whatsoever…

Now, I understand that we had some… about this. SCIENTOLOGY 8-8008 is a road map. Every time you start a guy on this road and try to turn him back onto the other road of „let’s face reality“ all over again, you’re gonna have a crash. Don’t let him start running flows as such, facsimiles as such or anything else. SCIENTOLOGY 8-8008 is named SCIENTOLOGY 8-8008 because it is the road map of a process. And it says „The attainment of infinity by the reduction of the MEST universe… apparency of the MEST universe is infinity to zero and the increase of one’s own apparent zero to an infinity of his own universe.“ It’s a road map; it’s a road map.

For this reason, is, I’ve put together one of these island particles. You get down real small, see, and you scatter a lot of little particles around, and you p… postulate that there are a whole bunch of particles and then you say… you say, „Booh, stop!“ And what do you know? You’ve got an atom – you can make an atom of any size.

And when you reduce the MEST universe’s infinity toward zero, you do it by reversing a cycle of action. And I want to show you something very interesting about that. Here’s your cycle of action and here’s 8008. And those first two 8’s… this is the MEST universe, this is the MEST universe, and this is your own universe and your own universe. And that’s a curve that goes from here to here and that’s a curve that goes from there to there.

Now if you did this several times and so forth, and you jammed all these things in proximity and you sort of set them in positive and negative, you could actually get these things to changing space – you know, they go ‘Pok! Pok!’ to give us a space to change in one way or the other. And then blow them up. That’s matter.

And this first curve that goes across these two things here, that Curve right there is stop, change, start. And that curve there is start, change, stop. You get that? So this is death, alteration, creation. This is identification, this is association, and this is differentiation. And any other cycle of action we have including this one. Desire, enforce and inhibit – that’s the DEI cycle. You could call it the God cycle: Latin D-E-I.

It’s a gradient scale of this kind of ridge. You’ve got to have space, you’ve got to have particles and so forth to build this way. But this is not… this isn’t necessarily a way of building, it’s not a pattern of building, it’s not a pattern you have to know about anything except auditing. It’s merely very amusing that it does happen to exactly approximate the pattern of a galaxy; it has the approximation of the pattern of an explosion; it has the approximation of the pattern of an atom.

Desire, enforce and inhibit. And do you think you’re gonna ever get past the point of desire on this action cycle between infinity of MEST? You’ve got to go: inhibit, enforce and desire, and that is right here: inhibit, enforce and desire. Now, how do you think you’re going to get out of the MEST universe if you keep saying „I don’t want it?“ Its vectors are all backwards. If you say to the MEST universe „I don’t want you,“ it’s gonna hold on. „I don’t want you,“ it’s gonna have you.

It also, to some vague… vague fashion has the pattern of a solar system. You see the solar system out here? The sun is collecting particles on a ‘boom!’ basis, but it’s not a good example of it at all. That once upon a time it had rings all around and they were all solid rings and then the rings sort of uh… solidified, the ridges sort of drew together, you could postulate that this was the way planets come into being. Here’s your sun – here in Figure 11, and uh… your sun’s shining here in the center and uh… here’s Earth – oh, uh… pardon me. Venus – oh, pardon me. They’re… they’re… they’re much much further apart than this, honest… honestly. The Earth and the size of the sun, if you were to plot them out, oh, on a square mile piece of paper, why you… you… you’d have to use a very fine pointed pencil to put the planets into size.

How do you get out of that bear trap? You have to want it. I told you yesterday you had to be able to limit yourself in nothing in comparison to what you… your desire level was. You have to want to live; you have to be willing to use your… your beingness and so forth in all the living there is to do. That doesn’t mean in evil things or… or all this sort of thing. You just have to want this universe, that’s all. And then know at the same time that you don’t want it too much.

It’s uh… people get an awfully exaggerated idea of how much matter there is wrapped up in one of these systems.

You have to be able to want and experience the sensations of this universe. You have to take, as a high level of tolerance, its speed. In other words, you’ve got to be able to live in order to back out of the universe. You’ve got to reverse the cycle. You’ve never got out of the universe and nobody ever got out of here by wanting to get out, because of the reversal factors. It’s quite important, and that’s the most important thing there is to learn about a flow, I think, is that this universe goes backwards.

All right. And here’s the… here’s Mars, and so on. There’s a terrific amount of difference between these things. So you could – Jupiter, Saturn.

Now I’ll tell you another little trick: who’s the guy who’s never seen any engrams – never been able to see an engram? Well, I’ll tell you what I want that guy to do. I want that guy to outflow like hell against these things he was trying to pull in. Just pour an energy at… out in front of him. He’ll see something very peculiar: he’ll see incidents turning up.

Now you could then postulate that once upon a time there were some… there were some rings around here and that these rings gradually caught up with themselves and tripped over themselves and finally got into a congealed mass and got there, but it would be in direct controversy to… to Professor Yumphgallah, and he’s a man I put lots of confidence in. He writes with so many commas that he’s very convincing. I remember one adverbial phrase he had there and I… it took an entire afternoon to find out whether it fitted in the sentence or not, and I finally found out that although it was in chapter one, it referred to the fifteenth sentence of the appendix. And uh… I… I respect a man who can do that. He wrote it in English too. It is completely incomprehensible.

Sure. He says, „I don’t want ‘em,“ they’re gonna move right in on him and righten up. He’s sa… been saying in the past, „I want them so I can run them,“ and of course they moved away and went blind. He didn’t see them. So he flows against them, all of a sudden they turn up, fresh, ready to be run. And if he outflows just a little bit longer, they’ll blow. Isn’t that horrible?

So it would be in conflict with his basic theories and I wouldn’t want to advance this as a basic theory. So you’ll pardon me if I don’t mention the fact that maybe your preclear can just as easily walk around dragging some planets.

So, in order to get out of the universe, you have to desire it. Now, this mechanism is, incidently, one of the interesting points of hypnotism. When a person gets very groggy in hypnosis, he’s been put down to a point where he’s very obedient to flows, which is the worst thing wrong with hypnosis. He’s been put along that strand, then he… they had no way to bail him out. But if you told him to try not to do something, he would do it. Every time, when he got that low on the tone scale when he tried to use his will during his hypnotized period, when he tried to use his will to prevent himself from doing something, it happened.

Well, regardless of all of that, it gets very amusing when you look at Mr. Preclear and uh… realize that you’re really looking at a standard pattern of an explosion, which is arrested. The explosion is arrested in midair, you might say… it’s just sudden – ‘Yeoeow – whoomf!’ – stop. Well now, what’s he using for energy?

„Try to stop your hands from moving like this. Now, your hands are going around each other. Now, try to stop them.“ And his hands speed right up. Brrrrrrr and he tries to stop them. „Uhhh,“ he says, „To hell with it.“ See?

You see, now I’ve been talking for a few minutes here about: „Oh boy! It looks like the galaxy and the preclear looks like an atom and the atom looks an…“ And true enough. These things are all related, because it’s a pattern of a method of making a universe – it’s just patterns.

Now, you say, „All right. S… all right. Now, speed your hands up.“ They slow down.

Uh… guy was on… he had a one pattern mind, you might say. He probably worked for the Ford Motor Company back about 1915. All he could build was a Model T. And uh… one pattern mind.

So when a person is grossly affected by flows, very grossly affected by flows, he runs in opposites. The little girl wants to be bad, she’s good. She wants to be good, she’s bad. She wants some candy, she can’t have any. That’s the level we’re talking about, lower band, homo sapiens band. When she’s well down that band and heavily affected by flows and quite frightened of flows, everything’ll go in reverse. She wants to say no, she says yes. She beholds herself with horror, because she can’t trust herself. Yeah, she can’t trust herself. You mean, she can’t trust this universe. It’s the universe doing it. She’s running in opposites.

And it just seems uh… that everywhere you go in the universe you find that one pattern mind; you find this rarefaction condensation thing.

Now, that happens… you put a communication line on somebody’s head. A thetan, you put a communication line on somebody’s head and you’ll get a flow up and down this line, just as nice as you please, nice flow up and down the line. Well, supposing you want sensation on that line. And supposing you’re so bad off that you’re identifying communication flows with sensation flows with effort flows. Oh-oh. You try to pick up sensation from the beautiful sunset, you try to pick up a communication from somebody, you try to pick up sensation from this lovely body, and you cave the bank in. You literally cave the bank in. You can practically crush your skull in, if you get low on the tone scale and you desire sensation up a communication line.

Now when you’re looking at these… these pictures, you’re also looking just right straight at… you’re also looking at a radio wave, you’re looking at uh… so on. And it’s the distance from one ridge to another ridge, which is the wave length.

Now, you ask a preclear, when he puts a communica… have him put a communication line on hims… on… take himself and somebody else, and have him put a communication line up. Don’t say anything else, just say, „Got those two bodies? All right. Now, put a communication line up.“ And then you say, „What body did you put it to first?“ „Oh,“ he’ll say, „the other body, of course.“ „And then you put it on your body?“ „That’s right.“

Now that wave length can be eight miles or the wave length can be uh… the wave length can be 15 centimeters or the wave length can be, oh, a couple of inches, or it can be a half an inch – that is from ridge to ridge. Or it can be uh…5 inches – that’s radar by the way. That’s about the shortest they got radar, I think. They may have a shorter one by now. If they have, they’re keeping it secret. They have to keep all these things secret because merchant ships and automobiles groping in the fog can’t use radar.

This character is reversed on flows. He gets right and left direction reversals; he gets upside-down things when they ought to be right-side-up. Why? When he put the communication line out, he put it out to pick up sensation. He wanted sensation from the other person leading to him. His desire in life was to obtain a flow on that communication line from the environment to himself, and when he did that, he decided also that anything else could come up that line. Therefore, he is an effect and therefore he is not putting out heavy power.

And uh… you get uh… down, you see you’re getting down from, oh, various types of waves, electrical waves. You’re getting down further, getting down to radar. Now radar is hot – radar is almost solid.

He is skipping over the initial steps. The initial steps are, is you have to put the emotion there to feel it. How do you cure that with a preclear? Not just by running flows in space – that’s easy – but by putting emotions on things and then re-experiencing them back. And he’ll finally get over the necessity to string communication lines in that fashion to get flows. He’ll realize he was doing it all the time anyhow. One of these days he’ll realize that.

Radar is very amusing stuff. Uh… when you get down to, I think it was a half an inch, or maybe it was a half a centimeter – I’ve forgotten which it was – doesn’t matter much – if you’re rigging them up, you can change them from one to the other pretty fast.

You don’t have to force that on him; just do it until one day he knows he’s doing that, and he’ll be very amused. And his ability to handle flows comes way up the line – because what is the sole thing that is wrong with a flow, is it’ll contain sensation, it’ll contain very welcome things. A person wants the flow. And as long as flows are very valuable and as long as a person is identifying every kind of flow with every other kind of flow, he becomes the effect of every kind of flow, so his whole bank caves in on him.

And uh… uh… you can take one of the radar beams and – I’m afraid that there is an unserious streak in me, that I will have to do something about. But I had about a… at one time about 50 thousand dollars worth of radar – or maybe it was 200 thousand – and I put it up – it was all up on everything. And you weren’t supposed to be able to do anything with it, and they said its… its wave was somewhere down around a half an inch or a half a centimeter or something of this sort. And I said, „How… how short?“ And they said it was so and so and so. I said, „My golly! That’s awfully, awfully hot.“ „Yes,“ he said, „the reason we’re telling you is so that you won’t let your operator…“ I said, „Wait a minute! You’re talking about hard radiation. That… well, that’s almost into the hard radiation band.“ He said, „Yeah, yeah, yeah. That’s why we don’t want your operator uh… reaching into this thing and crawling into it to change his pants or something of this sort, and because he’s liable to get a bad burn. And so let’s… let’s not do this and uh… they… by the way, these waves are secret, so don’t let anybody know I told you what this wave was.

The remedy is to differentiate amongst flows and to demonstrate to him clearly and conclusively that the flow is unnecessary for the receipt of sensation. You do that with drills, not by educating him. Then you do these drills by mocking up and running emotions from the bottom to the top of the scale, see; from the bottom of the scale up toward start. And the way you do that is to run from low base emotions on up to higher base emotions. I mean, apathy, grief, to fear; not fear to grief to apathy, because that’s agreeing on this cycle.

Uh… they’re… they’re different from vessel to vessel and… and so forth and uh… they have a complete system worked out. And there’s IFF Systems and so forth. And it’s all very confidential, so don’t let it out. Uh… and uh… I’ll give you a diagram if you stay after class.“

Let’s run it from apathy, grief, fear, anger, resentment; only let’s get it up there to a point and drill him, please, to a point where the… the sensation he gets is much superior to any he gets or he thinks he gets from the MEST universe. Let’s get it to that point. Why? Because he’s putting the intensity on it all the time.

Yeah, any spies present? The diagram is proximity shells. The Bell engineers… Bell engineers – I’m just taking off, by the way, on a Bell engineer. He’ll come in with the newest, latest piece of Navy equipment, see, and he’ll have it all sawed up and he’s… he’s refining it somehow; he’s decided that the production copy is not good enough. He’s got it in his grip and uh… he says, „I just brought it over to show you,“ and so forth. He says, „This is the latest device, and this explodes the torpedos in a submarine uh… if you fire it within ten or twelve feet of the submarine’s radar,“ or something of the sort, see? And… and so on, and, „Isn’t this cute? It’s built right into the shell here,“ and so on. And he talks about it because, of course, he’s making… he’s making robots. He’s making things that think and act without being told right away. They were told a little earlier by him. And he’s got a delayed action of doing what one is told – after a while. And that’s quite a trick. If they’d only make one that would do what it was told before it was told it, that would be good.

Huh! All of a sudden he realizes he’s doing this and he also realizes here you have this high-tension, high-velocity sensation on these lines; to hell with the low-base, „have to get that stuff,“ „have to get sensation from the environment.“ Why do we have to get sens… well, we can’t get sensation from the environment, because we put it there to perceive it. Oh what a terrible trick!

Well, anyhow, he’ll… he’ll bring this in and he’ll show it to you and it’ll be just beautiful and uh… he’ll get a… he’ll show you all the diagrams and so forth. And after he’s all through, he’ll say, „By the way,“ he said, „this is dead secret – this is top secret. I don’t want you to let anybody know about this.“ And you say, „Well, does your wife know?“ „Yeah, well sure. We’re under good heavy security on this though.“ And I said, „Well then the lady next door kind of knows about this too.“ „Yes, she was very interested.“

When a person gets way down tone scale, his time factor and his occlusion factors are such that he doesn’t know what his left hand is doing when his right hand is doing something else. He really doesn’t. He does things in opposites. He’ll say, „I want to be good, then I’m bad. If I want something, that’s the first reason I can’t have it.“ Uh… he’s… gets all these reversals of flows, and when you’re dealing low on the tone scale with flows, you get all these very undesirable conditions of reaction.

Well the three or four callers that you had, to which you had introduced him indifferently, of course, they’ve appreciated it too. But that’s all right. Bell Labs could make all that stuff obsolete tomorrow if they wanted to.

And you get in addition to that this thing about communication lines. Now, the guy wants good news, the guy keeps wanting good news from the environment, good news from the environment; he wants the environment to grant him a license to survive. He keeps wanting good news and good news and good news and good news and good news from the environment all the time. Boy, the first thing you know, there’s nothing, just the tiniest little flicker of bad news’ll knock his brain out.

But uh… the government, if he were to leave a copy of the drawing open on his desk at the office and move away from his desk, he would probably come back and find himself on the Communist Party list. Everybody in the office is secure, see. They’re all nailed down. And if he left the drawing open, he’d get ruined. Fascinating business, security.

Well, there’s another drill for that: just keep handing him bad news. Think up all the bad news you can possibly think up in order to hand him. Get telegrams that this one is dead and that that one is dead and other people receiving telegrams that he’s dead and mangled and bankrupt and broke and everything he cherishes and thinks is wonderful in the world is gone to hell. And… and just keep any kind of a mock-up you can think of that is dull, dismal, horrible, bad and shocking news. And you know what’ll happen? That guy’s communication line’ll reverse. He’ll stop fearing the other end of the terminal. Just keep giving ‘em to him.

Well, anyhow, having no… not quite a serious streak about all this, we trained this radar beam on the front of the focsle head. We just went up and yanked out some pins and warped it around and took its antenna around, you know. They’ve got big cages. Those mattress-like things that look – mattress springs on masts and things like that… that – oh, that might be radar and it might be a new way to dry the captain’s cap covers, you never know these days.

„All right. Now, get a… get a telegram… get a telegram that your wife just strangled a baby. Now, read the telegram. Now, get a tactile on that telegram. Okay, let’s read it again. All right. Now, let’s lay it aside. Now, let’s pretend like you didn’t see it at all and you’re feeling happy and then, all of a sudden, you get this telegram. All right. You got that? Your wife strangled a baby.“ And so forth.

And uh… so just turned it around, cocked it over on one side and turned it around to get how hot it was to tune it in, and so on, because I was actually working for something serious. I wanted to be able to pick up a landing craft or a torpedo closer than 700 feet to a ship. And I thought this would be a very good idea – this would be a very smart thing to do.

He’ll finally start to read it, „The wife strangled the baby and uh… the wife strangled a baby and the clothesline is therefore all frayed. And I’m mad as hell about that.“ Uh… he’s… he’ll just start to run off the hinges, and it actually solves a person’s terror of getting bad news. The reason why most people are going around in – just in terror, really in terror, is they think they’re going to receive bad news.

By the way, your landing craft could come in at that time – they were about 700 yards, I think, was the closest. Landing craft could all be in… in the fog and losing the ship all the time and passing by it in all directions, still too far away to hear very much and your radar couldn’t pick them up. You’d be sitting there looking all around on the water for the ships and you just couldn’t pick them up. They were too close to you. So, anyway, we put some weinies up on the bow and fried them. That was a good – good application. It was about all I ever did use that radar for, but it was uh…

Every tune they walk into the job in the morning, they think there might be a pink slip there waiting for them. Every time they come home at night, they think maybe the landlord or a… an officer’s… of the law or somebody’s going to be waiting for them there with some bad news. They… they get away for a weekend, they can’t enjoy the weekend because they forgot… they knew they forgot to turn off the electric iron. Uh… what would this result in? This would result in loss of house and all the possessions.

Now you get how hot a wave like that is getting. It… it’s really getting hot. You’re getting shorter and shorter and shorter stuff. And if you could keep up volume with the shorter stuff, oh, that’d really be fascinating.

What you’re doing, then, is curing the fear of receiving news of loss. Loss is not important; you can always recreate loss.

That radar gets hot – radar of longer beams than that – you go out and you shoot it against the wall and it would come back in practically a ball of fire. You’re making a directed part of this sun deal. You’re taking a little section, see, and you’re shooting – there’d be a bunch of beams out here and then you rarefy and condense them. And you’ve got them all rarefied and condensed and then it comes back rarefied and condensed and goes out rarefied and condensed and back; you just fill the hell out of the air with particles, see?

Okay. Now, I hope you know all there is to know on the subject. There’re component parts of these line flows that I said I would cover; they’re four in number. There’s the line flowing out and you trying not to flow the line out; there’s the line flowing in and you trying not to let it flow in. Those are four actions.

And it comes back in – slosh! And it reads and you turn it on and it says it was 762 yards and a half.

There’s somebody else making a line flow in, him trying not to let it flow in; you trying not to let it flow in and you trying to flow it out. More four actions.

The British were very conservative, by the way. During the last war the poor old Hood and the Bismarck fired a simultaneous salvo practically. And I think the Hood got in her salvo first, and they… they – according to the reports, the Hood took optical range on the Bismarck because that radar was pretty new. And their shell hit at exactly the optical range. Optical range was very good and it hit very good. But the only trouble was, the optical range could be far wrong and the Bismarck was almost exactly the distance that the radar range said it was and the Bismarck fired, by radar, on the Hood and shot her right into the magazine „Ka-boom!“ – first salvo. „Bang“ – there went the Hood. Great big battle cruiser. They didn’t believe in these new gadgets.

A bracket, the definition of a bracket: A bracket is the individual does it himself, somebody else does it, others do it, or the individual does it to somebody else or somebody does it to him or others do it to others. And that’s the technical definition of a bracket. Therefore, you should use brackets in all of your mock-ups. Being done to the preclear, the preclear doing it to somebody else and others doing it to others, and you would be running a completely bracket on a mock-up that will solve all possible flows per incident.

The fact of the matter is that radar is very sharp, so you’re getting a… a highly directional wave when you’re getting up there – terrible directional.

Now, I hope you’re very learned. You look very… a few of you look very sa… sad, but there’s no reason to look sad. Okay?

Well, you go on up into the other waves, uh… terribly directional, very reliable, work with it very sharply and so on – better and better directed.

Uh… see you later this evening.

Now we go up there above a little bit and we go upstairs from that and we get a little higher and we get better and better directed waves. And they go up above that and we get higher and a little bet better directed waves. And when you get high enough and run out of waves, what do you know? One thinks. So, this proves that one should think. Let’s take a break.