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- Flows - Reverse Vector of Physical Universe (PDC-25) - L521209b | Сравнить
- Flows - the Part Force Bears in Clearing (PDC-27) - L521209d | Сравнить
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CONTENTS Flows: Reverse Vector of Physical Universe Cохранить документ себе Скачать

Flows: Reverse Vector of Physical Universe

Flows: The Part Force Bears in Clearing

A Lecture given by L. Ron Hubbard on the 9 December 1952A Lecture given by L. Ron Hubbard on the 9 December 1952

This is the second hour, December the 9th, afternoon lecture.

All right, this is the first hour of the night lecture, December the 9th.

Now, you may have found some of the data I was giving you perhaps, at this time, a little bit inapplicable, or you may have found it confusing, or you may have found it to your level of agreement, at this time, just a little bit outside of use. All I was trying to do was to impress upon you that:

In this hour I’d like to cover something about flows. You have already had some acquaintance with Technique 80 and Technique 88. If you haven’t, you should have. The book 8-80 is, as I say, the high tide of the Confederacy on agreeing with the MEST universe. It covers flows; it covers dichotomies; it covers how you make energy and covers all sorts of things. It doesn’t cover ‘em to the extreme limit that they can be covered, but they certainly are covered to the level that an auditor should know about them.

One, something is going on at all times with the preclear which is a push-pull of confusion; and that your best interest is not to fight the battle of this push-pull of confusion directly, because that is a snare and a delusion. And although it’s very convincing, you don’t get very far by addressing it.

But this book is written as though we knew nothing but this kind of processing. It’s written from that viewpoint. And uh… what you should know about flows is that they are of tremendous, unbelievably tremendous concern to your preclear. That’s very interesting.

Now, we had our highest – the high tide of the confederacy – with uh… Technique 88, on processing real facsimiles. W know more about that now, but processing locks, secondaries, engrams, flows, all of that sort of thing, done as itself, no. Not… you… you can get there by doing it that way but uh… you’re fighting a game which has got a win-lose in it. You’ll just move over into the area of creative processing and approximate these flows and things. Now, you have to know about flows and you have to know about energy behavior, you have to know about all these other things, and you know about all these other things, do creative processing. You’d approximate ‘em, do approximations. You have to know the beast in order to knock the beast flat.

He is down scale because he won’t go up scale through the flow bands. It would be wonderful if he could suddenly postulate himself at 40, and then ride it. But if he could postulate himself at 40, he would have to postulate himself at 40. And then to postulate himself at 40 he would have to suddenly postulate himself outside the MEST universe, bang! Because 40 has potentialities and capabilities, but not geographical location.

One of the things you have to know is you don’t… you… you don’t, by the way, after you’ve studied animals… Let’s… let’s say you’ve studied lions exhaustively. You know the habitats and uh… hobitats and happitats of a lion. You know all these things, and you don’t then go and be a lion. No, you would learn these things to either shoot him with a camera or to shoot him with a gun, or to make sure that uh… he didn’t uh… propagate quite as fast or that he propagated faster or that you could keep him this way and that. You wouldn’t be a lion.

You couldn’t have a 40 who was also even vaguely connected with a body. A 40 wouldn’t be connected with a body – not even vaguely. He wouldn’t be holding on to anything that looked like an object. He wouldn’t have any of these various spatial and possession limitations or necessities or any framework by which to form up a necessity. He could postulate: „Now I will pretend I need something“ but the actuality is that he’d never be able to convince himself that he needed anything.

Well, just look at this universe along that line. Uh… you study it, and then don’t go be a… a MEST universe. Uh… let’s look at it as though we were small game hunting; it’s actually a very small game. It looks big, but uh… any time you’ll pull the bottom drawer out and found no mystery in it, why, you can kind of dust your hands of the whole deal. It’s a wonderful piece of confusion. MEST is chaos; it’s chaos; it’s chaos with two vectors. It’s not complete chaos; it’s just chaos with two vectors. And one of ‘em is have and the other is have not.

So look at your preclear… look at your preclear who thinks he needs all sorts of things, and look at your difference between that and 40.

Now, let’s look now, at flows, what we were going to talk about originally. Here is this big sprawling confusion, and the win-lose, and your preclear’s been rattled all over the time track and he’s still rattled. And your poor psycho, my God, he… he has… he has even lost present time to such a degree that he thinks he’s in some other time, and he’s very upset. But uh… he’s just upset because of these factors.

Well, the reason your preclear thinks he needs all sorts of things has something to do with a body; is down at the lower band of the scale; is not that he cannot use ideas. It is simply that he is, you might say, like infantry – pinned down by enemy fire. He’s really pinned down! In a most adequate sense, uh… he’s pinned down by flows, because he can’t handle them himself, he escapes back of them.

Now, let’s look at flows. Let’s take the two terminals of an electric motor, and we’ll find these two electrodes are going alternately plus and minus, or in the case of a DC motor, you’re just getting a continuous one-directional flow.

Now when I say „flows“ I am being too narrow in that terminology. I should say „ridges, dispersals“ uh… all of those things that constitute manifestations of energy, including „objects.“ Now you might as well say „object“ as say „flow.“ A flow is an object. It’s a particle flow. It’s a flow of particles that has been postulated that something is there and that something is changing. And because there is something there and that something changes, we have „have.“ And out of this you get „time.“

All right. Here we have, though, a current flow which depends upon a plus terminal and a minus terminal, and they must be opposite. And if they are opposite and can be held apart, we get action, we get energy flowing. If they are the same, they slightly tend to repel each other. So therefore, it tells you that any cohesive piece of MEST that is staying together well, has in it minuses and pluses. It’s a great big ball of minus and plus stuff, all thrown together. Otherwise, it wouldn’t stay together.

Now uh… you just postulate that you’ve got a… a particle, and then the particle is something else in this space in which you’re oriented, and you have an object. There isn’t, really, any difference in the anatomy, except more of it, between a solid object and any bit of energy. The physicist is learning that slowly, but he gets all snarled up every once in a while.

Now, you can take a… a magnet over here and uh… you… the plus poles of the magnet, if put in juxtaposition near each other, would uh… repel each other. But if you turn that magnet over and you get the plus over here and the minus over here, those two things come together. They attract each other. So, we’re going to get a piece of matter, then, which is sticking together well, such as tar: it contains a lot of pluses and a lot of minuses, and they are intermingled.

It was with great shock that he opened up with cyclotrons and found out that an electrical flow had mass, and that an electron had mass. Well, sure it has mass! How the devil did he think it could change in space if it didn’t have mass? This would be the idiocy beyond idiocy, you see, to suppose that there was a whatsis which could exist without a something-sis. That would just he idiotic.

Now, pluses and minuses intermingle to the degree that you have cohesiveness. And cohesiveness is established by the uh… balances of the pluses and minuses, and this makes what’s called density. And of course, space must have collapsed between the terminals to bring a plus and minus together in a solid piece of matter. There couldn’t be any space between these terminals.

Now you could say an idea, that’s observable and within experience, can exist without relationship to space or energy. There are ideas floating along the track in this culture which are killers. They’re just ideas, that’s all they are, they’re just floating along. And they’re not floating along in time – that’s because they don’t exist in time. They are carried they are in agreement with people, and therefore being in agreement with people, people – conceiving that they move in time and have to have – suppose the idea to be in motion. Because it’s with them in present time and their havingness in present time is different than the present time which immediately passed.

Let’s take two electric motor terminals and they’re sitting up here, one’s plus and one’s minus. If we take the space out from between the two of ‘em, they come together, spat! That’s right, they’ll come right straight together. Even the juice isn’t going through them, the residual current as such, but they’ll pull each other together. And there they’ll be without any space between them.

Do you see how easy that is, then, to conceive that an idea… it has motion in it? Well, an idea contained in a mass of energy and inflicted upon the individual out of a mass of energy, and by a mass of energy, isn’t an idea, but an energy pattern, being inflicted by energy – a certain pattern of energy hitting a person.

Now, let’s get this analogy. When your preclear is no longer able to maintain space, the plus-minus terminals come together on him and we find the preclear beginning to approximate matter. Everything is solid, the space around him feels sort of solid, he gets sort of solid. All of this proceeds from this principle of matter in the making. A preclear is in the best shape who can hold a negative facsimile and a positive facsimile beautifully and cleanly apart. He can hold ‘em apart with great ease.

Now this would be what you might call an aberrated idea. All the axioms uh… deal along the line there with uh… homo sapiens and his view of energy. And homo sapiens, in viewing energy, views his ideas as an energy form. Every thought is preceded by an effort; it says – I think it’s Axiom 121 – uh… every effort uh… then will result in some sort of a thought, too – one way or the other.

He starts to be unable to locate these facsimiles or establish them in space anymore; when this capability leaves him, he gets lost. And the penalty of getting lost about this, in terms of energy, is to have the plus-minus terminals and facsimiles in one’s field start collapsing. And the final end of this is to become a cohesion of matter, unable to locate anything in time and space. Got that?

Well, isn’t it interesting that uh… isn’t it extremely interesting that a homo sapiens would be pinned down to that degree? Because he… this is true as far as he’s concerned. You take any thought, almost any thought he has and uh… you can start working with it and it will turn into an effort. In other words, his thinkingness is at the effort band and therefore he’s having a rather rough time of it.

It’s loss of space, then, which makes matter. Loss of interval between the plus and minus particles. And as that interval decreases and decreases and decreases, the object is more and more solid.

So let’s… let’s take a look, then, at what thought would be. You’d have thought, then, at one end existing without energy, and then you would have thought existing with energy. And let’s just, out of uh… anybody or any being on which energy can make a large effect would be considered to be an aberrated being, so therefore Axiom 121 becomes correct, when we say – I think that’s the number – when we say, „Every aberrated thought is preceded by a counter-effort.“ And that’s true! Because you can run down the track on any aberrated idea a person has and find that idea all wrapped up in energy for which he is taking no responsibility, and which, therefore, has a command value on him.

Now, it tells you that there would be types of matter which would be made up mainly of pluses. It could have a predominance of plus, or a predominance of minus. And what happens to this matter? It doesn’t stay together; it’s very pervasive. Hydrogen is one of them. You let some hydrogen loose in a room, uh… the stuff is not cohesive, it’s quite expansive; and it’s trying to flow around all over the place. You let some hydrogen loose in space and it will swell up that space.

All right, what’s the answer to this? Then we have two categories of thought: There’s the category of thought which you could call the postulate level; and then you could have a… a category uh… which would have to do with uh… an evaluation or uh… a supposition or a play-like sort of a… of an idle speculation or a meaningful speculation or anything like that could be with that postulate. And it would be just a little bracket down from the postulate. And that’d be clear up the tone scale, clear up off of 40.0 – above that. You could have a postulate, then; you could have combinations of things that would add up into postulates and so forth. You could also have sensation up there, because a fellow can postulate a sensation, and he could also postulate that a sensation could exist without energy. Uh… there’s no limitation up there at that band.

Now, uh… that’s fascinating. It’s a matter of pressures involved here in space, and that sort of thing. But uh… it’s not in nice balance, but it is in nice enough balance to be matter.

Now let’s come down band and find out what thought is as supposed by homo sapiens. Thought is something that you’d better think about because you would have to pr… propose and resolve problems relating to survival; and you have homo sapiens’ definition of mind. That is a different type of thinking, actually, and a different type of mind because it plots itself against time.

All right. Let’s take, then, this principle of the plus and the minus particle collapsing, and we find out that your preclear becomes solid to the direct ratio that he is unable to maintain the distance amongst his facsimiles, memories and MEST objects. When he’s unable to do this, he begins to become matter. And he begins to become matter and act like matter, that is just to the ratio that he goes down the tone scale.

Time has to have a havingness; has to be space and energy to have time. And so therefore you have the postulates and evaluations way up here could exist without time. You… you could do anything with that because you’re integrating and you’re multiplying and you’re adding into the formula of thinking; you’re adding zero. So one equals two, and so on. There isn’t any time factors involved in that. And when we come down tone scale, the mind of homo sapiens poses and relates problems relating to survival.

So, we want to see somebody go down the tone scale, just start taking space away from their terminals. Just take the space out, just take the space out, and keep taking the space out; and the next thing you know, this guy’s getting solider and solider and solider. And he starts to obey the laws of matter itself.

Then what is the mind at the theta level doing? You could say it’s amusing itself. You could say it’s uh… it’s postulating purpose so that it will have purpose. But it’s not a driven activity. And thought, to Man on the level that we first had it in Dianetics – that’s perfectly correct, that material, by the way. That is Man; that’s how he thinks, and so on. The Axioms describe that activity. It is a process which is a driven process. You sit homo sapiens down and feed him full of food and give him everything which he wants and you don’t pose any problems in his road, and so forth. He doesn’t stop thinking, but he starts speculating. He starts sort of postulating and fooling around and so forth. He isn’t idle uh… mentally, but he’s still doing a bridge type of thing. He’s trying to think above 40.0, and he’s actually existing lower on the scale than that.

Now, you could say that matter could be complexly composed in this fashion: matter which is composed of a lot of pluses is trying not to be itself; matter composed of a lot of minuses is still trying not to be itself. It doesn’t have a cohesion, it has an ex… uh… an expansive tendency or disassociative tendency. So that isn’t a stable commodity. And matter which is composed of pluses and minuses with great balance and evenness and the space is missing in between those terminals becomes very, very solid. And if you try to bring too much plus-minus terminal together and take too much space out from between the two, the thing will go kaboom! As in the case of plutonium.

But if you want a man to think… homo sapiens to think, take a whip. Get a machine out of repair. Get something intimately related to survival going haywire, and homo sapiens will think. At the level of homo sapiens it is true that necessity is the mother of invention. Above 40.0 there is no necessity. Immediately that sometimes goes against somebody’s grain, when they recognize that above 40.0 we don’t… we don’t have this… this drive, drive of necessity.

Now, this is all very elementary and it isn’t anything that you should puzzle yourself about, and I would actually recommend that you get a couple of magnets and uh… just uh… have one… have their ends marked very plainly – bar magnets rather than a horseshoe magnet – and just mark the ends of those magnets very very plainly; the plus ends plainly and the minus ends plainly. And you’ll see that if you have the plus opposite the minus, that is to say as the magnets are lined up, that they, of course, will snap together. And so you can have too much cohesiveness.

Then they’d say, „Well, you wouldn’t get anything done.“

Now, let’s put those apart two feet, one from the other, and as they… do you leave ‘em alone, nothing happens. But let’s remove a little space between ‘em, and have ‘em one foot apart, and you notice that they… one… one’ll get sort of edgy, just sort of skiddy.

„Well, why do you want to get something done?“ Well, uh… you see, it’s uh… – Man trying to think about 40.0 puts it back into the framework of homo sapiens. Well, we’ve got homo sapiens’ framework pretty well nailed down and uh… you look at that, „Yeah, yeah.“ So just w… watch this when you’re processing a preclear; watch him come up scale. He will do more and more of speculation without MEST universe reason, he will do more and more thinking without MEST universe reason connected with it. No driven thought. The driven thought starts dropping out and simply postulate level and „What-if’s“ and „Let’s play likes“ uh… will start drifting in. And uh… you get more and more of that as you go up scale.

Now, let’s take another six inches of space from between ‘em and they’ll do what? They’ll go clank!

Well, this thing would break, theoretically, and the person would be relatively free of being driven around 24, 25, 26 on the tone scale – up in that hand up there. His space would be so adequate and his needs would be so lacking in needfulness, that he could do a great deal of fooling around without getting into very much trouble.

Now, what is known as a – quote „psychotic break“ unquote – is this clank. Some person disorients a human being one time too many; and it’s just that, just disorientation. Tells him he’s here when he’s there, and fouls him up one way or the other, and pulls the space out. Or tells him he can’t stay there anymore, or tells him that he can’t have that space, or tells him that he can’t have that matter, which also contains space. He loses something, in other words; but what he loses, most importantly, is space.

Now there’s no necessity to be right. Uh… there’s no penalty for being wrong; uh… there isn’t any „hit or God-help-us“ level of survival going on. We… we aren’t… we aren’t running along at the tick of o’clocks, and uh… when it gets to be such and such o’clock, that’s uh… that’s uh… such and such a period of havingness one „have’s“ uh… at the dinner table. And when it gets to be the next period of havingness, one „have’s“, and then one works through the next 48 hours so that one can „have,“ and uh… he… he… he works hard. And then he gets some havingness so that he can „have.“ In other words, he’s just got lots of this sort of thing.

And so he loses this space and one day he feels, with several facsimiles, a clank. That’s good, he feels this clank, see, and he doesn’t feel good at all.

And if he… if he runs into a long period of „not-have’s“ why he gets skinny and he doesn’t do so well and they bury him. So you… you see how this plots? As you regulate havingness you would be regulating the driven characteristic of thought. And havingness is a sort of a driven way of thinking about things.

Now, what do you do… what do you do to get this guy in good repair? Well, you just give him some space. That’s simple. Just give him some space. Of course, the… the… the regular treatment is to put him in a cell or something, you know; take his space away from him. Just give him some space, make sure he’s got space, lots of space. And he’ll… he’ll… he’ll snap out of things most remarkably. I tell you, that most of the mad hatters that… that go out in the deserts as hermits and uh… and so on, they get remarkably sane and calm when they’re put down in a desert fastness, because they’ve got a lot of space! That’s quite important to ‘em. They’ve got… it… it just goes out in all directions, and they’re very happy about this.

Now what pins him down is, just that: it’s, just havingness.

Did you ever get out on a plain and suddenly take a deep sigh of relief, to be outside in the country where you get this tremendous expanse in all directions, so forth. You all of a sudden feel the pressure off of you. In other words, your concept of how much space you have to move around in is increased, so therefore you automatically, more or less without thinking about it, increase the space amongst your own facsimiles. Now, as you walk through crowds, go on to subways, rush up Time Square, rush down here, down Broad Street, and get on to streetcars, in and out of taxicabs, dadump, babump, bangs, crash, zing, uh… and so on, you keep getting the idea that you don’t have very much space. Well, this speeds you up; it feeds you more juice.

Now when you jump this fellow out of his body, get him to Theta Clear, he is still not adequate in his handling of energy and he will keep on banging back against the body and… and still being part of a MEST group and he’ll caroom off the walls, so to speak, and fool around and fool around and fool around – unless you recognize where you’re going and what you’re doing. You’re trying to bring him up above the level of driven thought. And it would be only fair to say that an individual becomes an… unaberrated when he ceases to be in the driven thought band.

I’ve seen guys stand on the corner and just shake. Uh… it gives ‘em lots of juice. And that’s why these cities appear to be fast, but you’ll find the truth of the matter is, there isn’t a heck of a lot accomplished in them. ‘ The reason why is their level of reason is lower.

Necessity is the mother of invention. It is also the mother of aberration. When he hasn’t a necessity to drive, or when his necessities are so easily fulfilled that uh… you get a complete fluidity about it all, he’s gone up above your action band.

A country is sane as long as it has, unfortunately, a farming belt. It’s got a big farming belt to draw people from for the cities. When these kids are in there for a few years and they get in there and pitch in the advertising agencies and in the newspaper offices and so forth, and they feed new blood to the city. And then they’re used up and ashcanned, and you can get a new set of kids.

But don’t think that just because he goes up the pole and gets ecstatic and starts spinning like a spinning mouse uh… that he has suddenly achieved this goal. There is the phenomenon known as „going up the pole.“ That’s when somebody doesn’t even begin to handle energy, but he just suddenly, somehow or other, latches on to about 40.0 and goes out the top and still holds on to the MEST body at the bottom, and he’s done the incredible thing of making a circle out of all this: he’s joined 0.0 up against 40.0 and to listen to the guy and to talk to the guy, you couldn’t really tell whether he’s ecstatically alive or fatally dead. He’s a terrible state of confusion. This is „going up the pole.“

It isn’t that there’s anything good about a farming belt – imagine farming – but uh… there’s uh… more space in it. You’ll get people will talk slower or faster, as the case may be. They’re regulated.

You can get some people with such a terrific drive of inspiration. Sometimes you will get an idea and this idea will give you a little surge up the pole. And you’ll… you’ll just – bing-zing – and you feel real good and you’re happy and carrying on. Now you can count on it if you get it while encumbered with all this MEST, that this MEST is going to reach out and in three hours or three days or three months or three – well, it’s… I’ve never seen one last longer than three months uh… pull you back right down into the grind. And you say, „Well, I… I found what that ecstacy was once, but that was quite a while ago, and then I learned that one had to be more practical about things,“ and there you go.

God help you, you’re… most people in cities here have a sort of an hypnotic look, as you go down the street; they’re really knocked in. Well, that isn’t the case on a wider front.

So what’s… that’s the thing that uh… what’s the difference? Well, lend me your ears. Look: Driven thought is driven home by energy. And your thetan, even though you pushed him through a very small knothole, will still have all of his ridges and his various histories and energy patterns connected there unto him. If you looked at him on a plot, you couldn’t even vaguely get him on a plotting board. He is big. These ridges and deposits of energy and so forth, go out just ad infinitum.

All right. Now, let’s look at that plus-minus factor and just base a process on it. Now, be… be… be sure you get this; don’t pass this by and remember that I said that people were skiddeded from one body to another body. That’s not important, knowing that one, but it is important knowing this one:

The best way to test this, and this is s… something you can amuse yourself with sometime, is to start shooting ridges-by velocity. Just pick up velocity of flow and start going through the first bands of ridges immediately near the preclear. Then pick up some more velocity; it gives you the formula in ridge-running, how to do this. Just extend it further. And get him going through with velocity, this bank, that bank, next bank, next bank, next ridge, next ridge. And all of a sudden he’s saying, „You know something?

That this factor of reduced space results in aberrated behavior, and it is a curve of space reduction that first produces reason: at about 22 down to about 10 or 12, you’re getting reason; that is to say, a fellow thinks consecutively on problems. And it then declines from there… Reason, by the way, is not an aesthetic or otherwise, but it’s just mental action, let’s say, on any wave length. Uh… and it declines from that 12 or up there, it gradually goes on down to 4 and then it spis in quick.

It… it’s just… it just goes way on out. Oh, I’m out here miles. That flow just went for miles and miles and miles.“ He’s not at the outermost limit of his own activity, because once… once upon a time he was pretty big and he still remembers it out there at that distance. He was big once. And he can still hit those ridges out there.

From 4 down gives us another example of Man’s intolerance… for well, he’s… he’s just living in this little, tiny, narrow band and he can only survive in this little band. Well, he can only survive in a small band on the tone scale, too. It’s a wonder that he’s here at all.

Well, here’s this tremendous mass of energy. What are you going to do? Be the complete idiot and… and… and uh… electric shock him or something and get this energy off? Well, there isn’t any energy manufactured in this MEST universe that compares to theta-manufactured energy. And by the way, when I… when I said, „Would you be idiotic an… and give him electric shock, something like that, I didn’t mean any aspersion against psychiatry. You understand that. I… I’m in complete propitiation against psychiatry and uh… uh… uh… in… I… I uh… I realize that uh… that our survival depends completely on getting the medical profession and psychiatry to agree with us. And we wouldn’t be able to survive unless we did that. And after the material we covered this afternoon, this demonstrates completely why we should go around seeking somebody to agree with us.

Now, we take… take from 4.0, he’s really on his way. Why? By golly, in that band, he is depending upon otherwise originated flows. He’s depending upon flows which originate elsewhere. He cannot support a body without feeding it.

All right. We get this velocity line way out there, and we find out this fellow’s got lots of energy on him. You’re not going to take it off artificially. The best way they do it between lives – here… you can, by the way, find facsimiles on that thing that are 74 trillion years old – MEST universe havingness. That’s… that’s been around for quite a while. And mind you, this fellow’s gone through electronic incidents. He’s gone through between-lives implants, he’s been… he’s been psychotherapized. He’s been stupidificated uh… in any bracket you could think of. And what do you know? The between-lives: All… all they do, you see, instead of trying to erase engrams – they didn’t know how to erase any engrams. They… that’s the wonderfullest gimmick you ever saw in your life: There’s… there’s… there’s a little… by the way, did you ever see these circular file card things where you lay off one file card at a time on a circle? Well, supposing each one of those file cards had a picture on it and were spinning toward you, and then spinning away from you. It would certainly look like you were being presented with all the scenery of your life, wouldn’t it? I mean, if there were scenes on this sort of thing, you’d see these scenes in front of you. And then they’d go away and then they’d recede. And you’d say automatically, „Why those things are all erased.“ If you were told that forcefully enough, and if those scenes were general enough, and if those things did look enough like the environment in which you had recently lived, you would say, „Well, yes, sir! That’s… just… just look at that stuff! I mean, that’s erasing all of my memory of this whole thing.“

Do you know that if I were to tell this to an audience in some other part of the universe that I would have mouths open in the audience? That a being could actually exist at a low point on the tone scale so low, that in order to have any kind of a body, he would have to feed it from sources other than himself. They would just sit there and just gawk, and they wouldn’t believe it. That would be the… the horrible point.

Now actually, there’s a gimmick like that, and on these pictures… oh, you could get a preclear to run this, he’d go half screwy. Every once in a while he gets a visio. By the way, you’ve got to know about this. I’m not telling you this stuff for sensationalism, although it’s very sensational, I suppose. Uh… uh… prefrontal lobotomies aren’t, you see. I mean, that’s common, that’s routine. But this stuff: Too sensational.

You have automobiles out here which don’t run unless you put gasoline in their tanks. In other words, this society is built on MEST-universe-pour- into. There isn’t much of this pour-the-MEST-out; it’s all the MEST-universe- pour-in.

Anyway, every once in a while you get your preclear with a stuck visio, and it isn’t a visio. And very often it’s a visio that happened to him, and all that sort of thing. I mean, that’s usually the case. But all of a sudden you… he’s got a visio and it’s a winter scene. And it doesn’t relate to anything he ever saw and he says, „I wonder if this is a past life of mine, or… or what this is?“ and you process him for a little while and he’s got this visio back again. And you process him for a little while and he’s got this visio back again. And it shows a big… it looks something like… well, it possibly looks uh… uh… who are those characters that had all the lithographs here on Earth? Currier and Ives, yeah. I’ll have to read up on Earth and get a little more accustomed.

Well, now, what do you do for homo sapiens, then? We find he’s getting less and less space between those terminals, less and less space, less and less space, and it’s pretty easy to upset him. Something can come along all of a sudden and jerk a little more space out between the plus-minus terminals and those terminals do a creak, and some of his facsimiles collapse. A little bit of loss – you wouldn’t think very often the loss was at all important – will cause him to really take an awful dive on the tone scale.

Anyway… anyway, Currier and Ives snow scene. He’ll be sick of it after a while. He’s stuck in a between-lives wipeout, and it’s one that fell this way and he can’t bring himself to believe that it wiped out because it connected up with some valuable snow scene memory in his last life. And when this thing came up, why it suddenly clicked past and he looked at it and he says „Oh gee. That sure reminds me of Bessy.“ Rroom! And he’s got it right there, and it’s in balance. Like a mock-up, you see?

Now, here’s the other strange phenomenon. People become saner by jerks; they become saner by little jumps. They don’t become sane by a smooth traveling-upward climb. It’s jump, jump, jump, jump. And you can process somebody for just hours and hours and hours and hours, and you say, „I’m getting nowhere. I’m just getting nowhere with this case.“ And then all of a sudden, the guy will go home and he’ll come back to see you the next morning and he’s very happy. And you say, „What happened?“ Well, if you don’t ask him what happened, you won’t find out, because he… he… although he might tell you (he’d be that interested), he’d say, „You know, I was sitting at the supper table, and all of a sudden, I just kind of felt the lights turn up brighter.“

The mock-up will often lock up when it strikes too close to a MEST universe actuality. If you’re having lots of trouble with some mock-up sometime, it might not be your preclear’s ability at all: It’s just you’ve insisted on mocking up his mother when you should have been mocking up something that had a pumpkin for a head, you see? I mean, he… he… he couldn’t handle this mock-up. And the reason he couldn’t is every time he starts to handle the mock-up, he begins to think it’s his own facsimile. And then he doesn’t know whether he’s handling the facsimile of mother or a mock-up of mother. And if he can’t make up his mind about those, you’ve locked him up in a maybe; when you’ve got him all messed up in this maybe, then of course he’s in an uncertainty and an uncertainty… and a state of uncertainty, an unbeingness are the same state. So he can’t handle the mock-up. Just make him sure that he turn that facsimile enough colors and enough idiocies in it or enough changes in it until he’s completely sure that it’s his facsimile… his own creation, pardon me. And that it is not a real universe facsimile.

Then you say, „Well, what… what’d you think of?“ Or anything like that. Don’t bother to ask him; it doesn’t matter a damn what he thought of. What actually happened was, is his positive-negative terminal space on some of the facsimiles that’re bothering him suddenly widened. And that little little jump like that was the actual jump which he felt. It’s a sudden jump. He will all of a sudden find himself looking at a work of art.

All right, this… this stuff going by under his nose, clickety clickety clackety clickety clickety, and he’s in the between-lives area and he’s sitting there, and then all of a sudden the whole thing goes „Whirr“ and he sits over to the right of it. And he says, „What do you know? My life disappeared.“ And then it goes „Whirr“ and he’s sitting over to the left of it, and he says „What do you know? My life disappeared.“

And by the way, art is wonderful. It will fish people out of the slough of despond faster than anything I know, if they’re permitted to choose their own art. You can’t go around and play Wagner and say, „Well, nobody’s sane in the institution today; I mean, let’s uh… so let’s play uh… let’s play some Prokofiev. Uh… oh, they’ve all gone nuts. Well, that doesn’t work.“ Well, I was talking about art.

Well, you know, those between-lives implants are in and sometimes they… sometimes he’s been turned this way and sometimes he’s been whirred the other way, and sometimes they’ve been fed in that-a-way, because he didn’t care which end was up, you see?

Although as one fellow I knew oh… oh, he’d just be feeling horrible, and he always went home and did the same thing: he put on a record of Caruso. And it was an old, beaten up, knocked apart record of Caruso, and every once in a while he’d get terribly drunk and he’d hock it. And then he’d practically go mad till he got this record back again. He’d do anything to get that record back. And he… he played it on a wind-up phonograph, and his life was a contest between trying to endure it and getting filled up again with Caruso. And he’d put Caruso on the platter uh… he’d put on the record and listen to Caruso. It wasn’t any particularly good Caruso; it was old, scratchy, made at the end of Caruso’s career, as Pagliacci, I think, something like that, or whatever Caruso sings.

And these silly implants, he… he starts shifting, and he’ll suddenly get views of himself over here. And you’ll run into this when you start creating mock-ups with him, or something like that. He’ll occasionally sort of get an odd idea of views of himself, in clothes that he didn’t have any idea of at all. And you’ll say, „You’re out of your body“ and he’s looking at this thing and he isn’t sure what’s happening. Oh, it’s just very fascinating.

Now, he’d listen to that thing and oh… up he’d come. What would it do? This big, ex… you know, Caruso really could fill a lot of space. It’s too doggoned bad we didn’t have in his day real sound recording, because his loss was actually a great loss. You know, there isn’t anybody fills up space with sound the way Caruso did. Too, in the early days of Paul Robeson. Paul Robeson singing bass could knock out the back rafters. He could just start hitting one of those low notes and pour in the volume, and all of a sudden he keeps pouring the volume in, and you say, „Lookee here, this roof is coming in any minute.“ He’s to a large degree lost that today. He’s singing baritone, and so on. I guess he bought too many pamphlets or something.

It also tells you something else: Those pictures on that file card machine are usually within a half a century of the knockout. Somebody was around with a camera, folks. And that’s… that’s oh… he… then he conceives his life to be wiped out and he’s a new being. And it’s very astonishing. This guy claims he’s never had… he can’t remember anything about his past life and you strain and sweat over this thing. Do mock-ups of little spinning wheels like this and Llama prayer wheels and tie pictures on ‘em and do other things with it. And he’s liable to get a horrible feeling in his head suddenly and all of a sudden say, „I wonder what ever did happen to my classmate Joe.“

But uh… uh… when… when it comes to these jumps, you see, they can almost come from any source. Now, I… I could tell you some very touching and remarkable stories concerning the effect of aesthetics on individuals. It doesn’t take much to throw them; it really doesn’t take much to put them back together again. And if you know that you’ve got a little principle working there, which is just more space, what made his space constrict on him? I mean, why… why did he begin to feel he had it?

And you say uh… „Oh, your university, huh?“

Now, what does he need at this moment to feel he’ll have more space? You establish that and he’ll do one of these little jumps. Now, maybe he did something to somebody and he still has that facsimile sitting there, and so on, and it constricts him because he’s backed up and he isn’t occupying all of his own body. And that is an awfully important one. You’ll find out the guy who can’t get out of his head isn’t in his body. He doesn’t think he is. He’s already backed out of his body. He owned it once, but he’s backed out of it. He’ll tell you almost anything to try to convince you that he never was in it, or something of the sort. But the fact of the matter is, he isn’t in it, to any great degree at all. He’s dispersed.

„No, no – no this was uh… this is the good old space academy.“ And you say, „When was this?“

He’ll be as far back as his ears. He’ll… he’ll just bare… barely be in the back of it, you know, just nyah, and very diffused. The whole front of the body, somebody else, something else owns, and he can’t move into it. Now, the way out is through. He has to own every single scrap of that body and be willing to use every single piece of that body before he can cleanly step out of it.

And he says, „Oh, I don’t know, compared to present time. I just happened to think of Joe, that’s all. He’s a good friend of mine. I wonder where Joe is.“

But this is a question of space. He isn’t occupying the space of the body. He’s backed up in space too much. This means, then, that his facsimiles will be hard packed on to him. He’ll be thick. He’ll be thicker than he should be, in terms of electronics and ridges around. What about these guys and these ridges? They just haven’t got enough space amongst the ridges. How can you put it in there? Well, you can put it in there in 40,000 different ways, in creative processing. I mean, this is… it’s so easy.

And you… E-Meter – and he starts thinking this over.

But just remember that, that the trouble with him is energy and the trouble with the energy is it’s lost the space between its terminals, and the remedy is to give him space. And the second he starts to get wider and wider things of space, and handle things in space, the better and better he’ll feel and the more and more expansive he feels and the freer he is to act.

And he says, „Gee, you know that was over a million years ago!“

All right. When he gets down to a certain level on the tone scale, he begins to be troubled by flows. He begins to get so solid as matter that he begins to be troubled by flows. Now, let’s… let’s uh… long build-up here to this data about ARC; feel you need this.

He’s hit some sort of a between-lives wipeout in other words, and it’s wiped on – bong! And he’s got that life and this life then… incredibly enough, it will spark up a person’s memory, just snap, if you run one of these things.

Uh… flows are just flows, and when a differentiation, when the ability to differentiate is as low as 4.0 on the tone scale, one flow can very easily be mistaken for another flow. At 2.0 and at 1.5, the person thinks any flow is at his band level. He thinks anything that’s said to him when he’s at 2.0, really he… he seldom differentiates.

Well, what do you know? Even that kind of treatment, or even the kind of treatment of sitting him in the chair and… and just… by the way, there’s waves there, flows hit him when he’s in that position. He is swept into this place with flows. He is pinned down with flows. He’s gone away from there with flows. He’s shot back here again with flows.

You come along and you say, „How are you this morning?“ And he’s liable to glare at you. Why, he knows very well what your emotion was when you said that. He can only put on you and feel back the emotion of antagonism, you see? So any flow that comes in is a flow of antagonism. It might be the sweetest flow in the world, it might be the pleasantest flow, or it might be meaner than hell or it might be griefy or it might be anything; he can’t differentiate. He’s lost that power to differentiate and as a net result he thinks everybody’s being antagonistic toward him.

It’s very interesting, I mean, the what… the way they use flows.

Or he’s angry and he’s… he’s… responds to that anger; he goes around looking for everybody to be angry or looking for people to be afraid, and he’ll vary between those two things. He hopes they’ll be afraid, but he’s scared they’ll be angry. The most horrible thing you can do to a 1.5 is really get mad at ‘em. Oh, because that confirms the reality of what he’s been reading off of you all the time.

And not all of that! Not even things like… like hitting a fellow with mega… uh… volts and so on, wipe out these ridges! You’ll find all this stuff on these ridges. It’s fabulous! Every man is carrying a very complete history of himself with the things sufficiently messed up because of the agree“, and „have“ and „when I want I can’t have“ and „when I… when I can’t have I want“ and… and that sort of thing interplaying, blocking these things out. He… he’s got a complete history of himself. It’s a completely unimportant history of himself. You don’t care anything about that history of himself. It’s just his identity in the MEST universe, and it isn’t even very adventurous. And it’s… the sensation on it’s kind of poor.

Well, he can’t differentiate too well in terms of flows. When he gets really bad off, by the way, he will mistake… when he gets volume of energy packed around him he can actually go to the point of mistaking sight and sound and crossing up on the perceptic band. Yeah, that’s… that’s really weird. If you suddenly hear somebody hearing radio programs, you know where they are on the tone scale and at what volume. They’ve got a confusion on wave length. And when a person is so bad off and the energy is so thick around him that he can get confusion on wave length, he’s pretty bad.

There’s more… there’s better stuff earlier. But those ridges are sitting here. And those ridges are sitting out there five feet, and they’re sitting out there 30 feet, and on in. And his history of the MEST universe is sitting on top of these ridges. These big ridges are held up in front of him. He actually has something on this is… calling matrixes. You have a uh… there… there’s actually a network up here, and there’s the one type of facsimiles on one side of it and another type of facsimiles on the other side of the thing. The fellow’s built himself up a beautiful energy scheme. And here it sits. And nothing has wiped it out. Sometimes… sometimes somebody will blow one, or explode one or change the position of one, or cave in one of these ridges on the fellow, or… or something like that will happen. But the destruction as compared to the bulk of material present is minimal. Something like scratching a fender on your car. Nothing to it.

You go around the Veterans Hospitals, every once in a while a guy is suffering so badly from shock and he’s got ridges around him packed so solid that he will be seeing what he ought to be hearing and hearing what he ought to be seeing. That’s quite confusing, but all he’s done there is he’s unable to differentiate, he’s too low on the cycle of action, on ALL cycles of action, in… on differentiation; he is low on it to the point where he can’t tell the difference between wave lengths.

Well, what do you suppose? You don’t… you don’t think then that you’re suddenly going to get this preclear to postulate that he’s at 40.0 without going through the steps of him being able to handle energy, do you, and have him be clear and stay that way? No sir! Because until he can learn to handle force completely and utterly, he is unable to handle his ridges. And if, he could handle force completely and utterly, he could blow this whole shooting match. And then and there, and only then and there, would these things cease to have the effect upon him of command and necessity and demand thinking. Then his mind’s free.

Now, he has a communication difficulty, then, by being unable to select out and perceive by various points on the wave length scale, as you saw yesterday. Now, what else gets confused there? Well, he really doesn’t know too well what kind of a flow it is and what that flow is saying when he feels a flow. When he feels a flow, it’s a flow. A flow is a flow is a flow is a flow, as far as he’s concerned. A is getting to equal A. Any kind of a flow is any kind of a ridge. Any kind of a ridge is any kind of a ridge. And a flow could be a ridge could be a dispersal, when he gets down to matter; matter doesn’t care.

We’re actually doing the same thing we were trying to do with BOOK ONE. We’re trying to wipe out this energy which has messages on it which gets enforced by physical pain. Only the physical pain, as it turns out to be an electronic type flow. We’re still trying to do the same thing – we just understand it better and it’s a lot fancier. And the process is a lot simpler. But the end goal on it is the same thing. And that’s: Let’s knock out every single cockeyed engram this guy’s got.

Now, where do you enter into the picture on this? Well, there’s the nastiest, stupidest, doggonedest trick when it comes to MEST universe energy and evaluations concerned; let’s look at what a dream it is. Now, I want you right now, as a class, to just make a little test of this. I want you to get… I want you to get this… this… this feeling: Get the feeling that you are agreeing to something. Now, just… just spend a moment or two at this: Get the feeling you’re agreeing to something. (…) Now, you get that feeling?

You want experiences? The time to have experience is now, and will have – not did have. An experience that you DID HAVE is no good to you. Really isn’t even good data. You could probably sit down and figure out better data. What’s it appertain to? It appertains to you. So you dig up the past life experience. Now you need to know how to make iron in Upper Bavaria. That’s great. It’s just what you needed!

Now, we’ll see how good you are individually. Can you get the feeling of disagreeing with something now? (…) If you study that over for a moment, we won’t occupy much time with it, you’ll find that the agreement was inflow. Did you notice that? Yeah. And uh… that the disagreement was an outflow. Well, those are your two vectors. And of course if a fellow agrees, agrees, agrees, agrees, agrees with the MEST universe and he keeps on agreeing with the MEST universe, he keeps inviting this inflow. Inflow, inflow, inflow, inflow, inflow, inflow, inflow. And pretty soon it gets stacked up pretty tight around him. He gets darn near like a lump of matter.

One preclear all of a sudden… he’s sitting on the chair, starts to go this way, I thought for heaven’s sake! And he said, „What do you know?“ „Gee,“ he said, „I spoke very good sign language, very good sign language“ – he was born in New York City. This guy… I don’t know how he ever wandered East again. I guess on the prevailing westerly winds. Uh… but he had spoke this uh… spoke an excellent sign language hack there about the middle of the eighteenth and the beginning of the nineteenth century. And he’d all of a sudden recovered his total bank of sign language. Now isn’t that fascinating? I mean, that’s JUST what he needed. A communications system that’s as dead as the leaves of yesterday. Oh, I guess it would be interesting. You could have Hopalong Cassidy, take three or four of the signs and do them in a movie, but uh… they’ve got a book on it. The book is wrong, but they’ve got a book on it.

All right. Let’s get the message that that energy that he’s seeing stacked up with is carrying.

That’s very funny, by the way. The guy really did know sign language. And he was from the lower East Side New York. I know something about sign language. It was fascinating all of a sudden to see him waving his hands around and going through „may the sun shine brightly in your eyes“ and so on.

Now, let’s get this as a flow: wanting something. Let’s get this as a flow: wanting something. Now, let’s get as a flow: not wanting something. What do you do to not want something? Well, that fits very nice; that’s a very nice mechanic, well, isn’t it? When you agree, when you want something, you have… you agree with it, and when you don’t want something, why, you disagree with it. Isn’t that cute? Huh.

But anyhow, data – data is of very little good to you. You can pervade and approximate and get data faster than you can remember it. You want to know all about a machine? Just look at the machine and own it for a minute and you’ll be all through the machine suddenly, pervade it. And you all of a sudden say „All the working parts of the machine.“ Now you really want to inspect this machine and take it apart? Why worry about MEST? Go out here… you’ve got a mock-up of it? Now, take the mock-up apart and look it over.

Well, if you agree, if you agree, let’s uh… let’s also get this one: uh… when you agree, you’re having something, aren’t you? When you agree, then you have something. Well, that’s… that’s very logical. In other words, uh… you want something, you agree. That’s all there is to that. So therefore, you can have it. So therefore you can have some time, too. You get havingness, you get things and so on.

Isn’t that interesting? That’s the way that thing spells on the principle of hydrogenation. Must have been designed by the US uh… Forestry Service or something of the sort.

Now, that’s all right if the MEST universe can keep you completely in the dark about the fact that there’s somebody else in the MEST universe besides you. But any time anybody goes off on the first dynamic and they say the first dynamic is the only dynamic, they’re working a control operation; it’s a control operation of magnitude. And here’s why it’s a control operation of magnitude. That’s all right, see, that adds up very beautifully. When you want something you agree to it and when you don’t want something you disagree with it. When you’re going to have something, you agree with it and when you don’t have something, you disagree with it. In other words, not have… that’s… that’s perfect, isn’t it? As long as it’s just you. As long as there’s no interchanges.

Uh… that… that’s right. And uh… you know, a very little practice… a very small amount of practice, you could take practically any piece of machinery and without reading its label, once you know how to do this, you can tell people where and when it was manufactured. And if you’re real good you could tell them the name of the chief mechanic that built it. I mean, the data is there to that minute a detail.

Well, the MEST universe tells you that ARC is no good. It tells you it doesn’t work and it tells you it can’t happen; which is a lie. That is the biggest lie it tells, because let’s look at a… the piece of matter that you want. Now, here… here’s flows. You get here the pc, and let’s mark the pc as „I“. All right. Now, that’s agree into him and here’s „I“ again, and that’s an outflow, and that’s disagree. And here is „I“ again, and in we go; he’s pulling in, that’s want. And we get… we get it not want. Isn’t this orderly, as long as it works out in terms of just you. I mean, it works fine, perfect; as long as you’re never interfered with… with another flow of any kind whatsoever, this is perfect. And this is the way ARC is broken to pieces.

Do you know that you can read a book that you know not the language of and never knew the language of simply by reading the meaning that the last person that read it put on it? Sounds silly, doesn’t it? But it’s true. You just don’t read the letters. Just read to the… just read to the depth of the energy deposit of the… by the way, what you mostly get is… is the disagreement the fellow had with the book.

Now, let’s take this line up here and let’s see what happens over here to thee. All right, so we’ll just call this „you“, as different than that. „You“ comes in on an agree, that’s „you“ agree; you understand, I mean, by „you“ I mean another person. Here’s „I“, he’s confronted with another person; we’ll call this other person „you“. And here’s this other person who is doing a disagree.

Now those… those all sound… those all sound wild and incredible. You’ll be doing them one of these days. And… and you can… a lot of you can do them now, and… and you won’t think anything about it at all. It’ll be routine. But don’t try to tell anybody, and don’t let your preclear tell you at any moment, that all he has to do is simply rise to the high and beautiful plane of pure thought, without anything ever having any effect on him again in the line of energy. Bull!

Now, here we have „you“ again wanting and that’s he wants. And here is „you“ not wanting. Uh… that’s… that’s very interesting, and so forth. I mean, there we have your interrelationship of flows and this tells you, then, a lot of interesting things. Very interesting things. Tells you too much, really. Really bogs you down when you start looking at it.

He’s got to be able to handle that energy. Otherwise the energy can command him. And that’s the trick of this universe – is, you command the energy, or it commands you! If you want to command this universe, it is a universe of space and energy. And if you want to command it, you’ve got to be able to command space and energy.

Here… as long as „I“ here wants agreement from „you“, he will pull into himself agreement, won’t he? „I“ wants agreement, therefore he’s gonna pull in agreement. Now, this is on a calm rational basis; he wants agreement from you. He wants something from you.

A universe of your own might also come down to a manufacture by space and energy. It might do that. Doesn’t have to, but if it did you’d certainly better know how to control space and energy. And if you made a universe of your own and you made it just in… just like… no energy in it, no space, you didn’t go by these things, or you had 88 dimensional space, or some darned fool thing, boy, you’d better know how to handle energy!

‘Course, what’s he gonna get? He’s going to get disagreement. The second he wants agreement, he gets disagreement. „You“, of course, fires back at him. I mean, if… if „I“ were completely capable of monitoring the direction of flow of „you“ and „I“ wanted agreement flowing into him, he would get disagreement from „you“. See? Simple.

Some day somebody will show up and he’s got a new gimmick on the subject of energy, and he’ll take a look at this nice new universe you’ve got there and pick up the agreement level and he’ll say, „Well, here we go. I think that uh… yeah, I… I like this. I’ll have it.“

Now, „I“ wants to be disagreed with. He wants things to disagree with him, and uh… so on. He wants this individual to disagree; he’s about to be eaten or somebody’s gonna give him a cigar that’ll make him sick, or something of the sort, and so he says, „I don’t want it.“ Zong! How does this react? We have „you“ agreeing, don’t we? He disagrees and „you“ will agree.

And you say, „You know, there’s a funny thing, but back in the MEST universe we had a habit… system by which that person who had to have something always found it disagreeing with me“ – POW! Discourage him in it.

Now, that isn’t too bad, but, heh, look at this. When… when „I“ wants to disagree here, „I“ again, he doesn’t want the cigar, he doesn’t want the meal, something like that, down at the level where flows are confused, so it doesn’t… the… the agreement flow and the want flow, are… are… they’re… they’re the same thing, practically. Look what happens here when… when „I“ wants to be disagreed with, and so forth, he creates in „you“ want.

All right. Therefore, I hope you get this much more clearly on why energy stands as a… a barrier – the sinister barrier – between aberrated thought and being free to do anything you please with thought. Now it’s an easy barrier to cross – extremely easy to cross as long as you actually cross it. You can cross it in a mock-up. I mean, you get way up scale and you don’t realize you’ve gotten this far up scale and… and one night you’re walking home and you’re sort of – you… you haven’t any thought really on the subject of this universe. I mean, you’ve just been going along. Maybe at the same time you’ve been holding down a job or something of the sort, and going through routine motions, and you’ve just been carrying forward mock-ups and you’re just doing your job in processing, and maybe processing some people now and then. You say, „Well, now when I was a little boy I used to have a… I used to have a dog, and so on. I bet I could think of a much cuter dog than that,“ as you’re walking home. So you just mock up this dog. And all of a sudden this great big dog from – lives in the neighborhood – comes out, he goes „Brrrrrrrrr“ and your dog jumps on him and tears his throat out.

You say, „I am no good; I am not edible; I will make you awfully sick.“ The reaction on the part of „you“ is to eat.

You got two… you have two choices at that point. You either… you either just go out and by assist of mock-ups or something or other, why mock out of existence this… this particular uh… end of things that you’re fooling with, or you mock it into existence or something of this sort. And what’s the use of working? You just mock up a plant and put it all on automatic and then blow it up or something.

Now, „I“ wants, here… let’s see what happened when „I“ wants something, he… he wants something, it’s coming in: anything he wants’ll disagree with him, of course, because here we are here.

Uh… the… by the way, if you know… if you were to do that you’d be in a heck of a lot of trouble. Do you know that if you went out here on the marshes someplace and… and bought a piece of land and mocked up a plant, complete, and then blew it up, do you know that you’d be arrested for willful destruction of property? The motto of this universe is „We must have, and if we have, we’re going to keep right on having. And the more you have, the more we gotcha!“

You want to know why, when you go out and buy a possession in the MEST universe or acquire a possession in the MEST universe, you don’t like it too well after you own it, after you’ve acquired it. You’ve seen that manifestation more times: you just will die until you get that something-or- other, and the second you get it, you say, „Well, there’s probably something wrong with it, or I’m not sure whether I want this or not,“ or something of the sort, and „I really don’t quite want it.“ That’s because anything you get will disagree with you, of course.

All right, your other choice is, of course, is uh… just to stop right there on the corner and manufacture a little space and put a pink cloud in the middle of it and sit down and think the whole thing over.

Now, let’s look at it the other way around, and we’ll just have „I“ wanting „you“. „I“ here wants „you“. Okay. He’ll create a current flow in front of „you“ and of course „I“ gets „you“ not wanting „I“.

All right. The bridge must lead then across energy, and the abyss is the abyss of force. Now we talked about a bridge and about a chasm and the abyss; the mystics talk about the abyss and so on, through the past. And what is the abyss? What are you trying to bridge? Well, you’re trying to bridge very clearly, the necessity of energy. And you’re not going to do it by saying, „I don’t want anything to do with energy. And I’m going to deny myself a body. And I’m going to deny myself sensation. I’m going to not use this and I’m not going to do that. And I’m going to back off from this whole thing; and just to show this universe what’s happening and that I’m boss, I’m going to sit right here on these spikes. And I’m going to sit on these spikes and hold this arm in this position for 30 years – that’ll show them.“ And what do you know? 30 years later he’s still there. They prove that conclusively… when they sit on spikes for 30 years they prove that they can… they are still there at the end of 30 years. Well, it’s a good experiment, but it shouldn’t be carried out so often.

Now, let’s get a couple, and they’re having trouble. And he has decided that he loves her desperately and he wants her desperately and she just doesn’t want to have anything to do with him, until the day when he finally says, „I don’t want you or anything to do with you,“ and then she wants him desperately. See how that works out?

Now the fact of the case is, then, is that you… you have to, not necessarily partake of action or really even engage in action, but you’ve certainly got to be willing to handle action. You know, if you. were to make, just as an experiment – this is one you can reach because it’s an action postulate – if you were to just suddenly make the… the statement to yourself „I’m going to use this body for everything it’s possibly good for. I don’t care whether I wear it out or not, I’m going to get everything out of it that could be gotten out of it and I’m going to make it do everything a body can do and I’m going to use it with the wildest abandon possible. I’m going to feed it all the good food I can possibly do, I am going to engage in the most horrendous affairs that anybody ever engaged in since Don Juan, I am going to put this… this body in a car and drive it faster than it’s ever been driven before, I’m going to teach this body in order to do this and do that, and I’m going to rig it up with titles, and… and… and I’m going to do all these things with this body and there’s nothing going to stop me doing these things with this body“ – all of a sudden the darndest little surge will go through you. You’ve just consented to the first step on the road, and that is „to use it.“

Student: Ron, you can check that by wanting something that you know you can’t have and see what happens.

Up to that time you may never have recognized… you may never have recognized one thing – that you’ve never used it. You’ve taken care of it.


You know the fellow who spends all of his life trying to get a costume in which to play the part – about the time he gets the costume, gets buried, grimly enough. We spend all of our time getting dressed for the play and then no play. At first you’ve just got to have the object so that you can have the action. Then after that the object becomes the object.

Student: It doesn’t run as agree; it runs as disagree, as a… as an outflow instead of an inflow.

It’s an odd thing that in English – beautiful stuff, language – we have the word „object“ as meaning „goal.“ Yes sir. We also have the word „identity“ and we also have „identification,“ and it means exactly what it says: An identity is the bottom scale.

Mm-hmm. Wanting something you know you can’t have, that’s right. Guys get down to a locked basis on this, so they know that anything they want they can’t have.

Now what, then is our… it just shows, demonstrates, that’s a little trick to demonstrate to people, that someone was very clever doing this and that avoids saying that we’ve been very clever in undoing the riddle. Because of course the word „identity“ means that, because what are we doing? We’re tracking agreement. And what is language? Language is the communications of agreements and disagreements, that’s all. Of course, that language sits together that way. Wouldn’t sit together otherwise. If there’s a single word in English now that does not mean what it’s not supposed to mean, why it’s because… it’s because something has been entered on an arbitrary reason, like transcendentialism or something of this sort. But even… even then the fellow had enough sense to have the name „Kant.“

Now, it gets worse than this. Let’s take a look here at agree and have. And here, let’s take a look at have, and let’s take a look in terms of time and, you know, have time.

All right. In other words, you are essentially at the level you pick up a preclear, or the preclear is essentially energy. That’s a low level. But boy, he’s got to be that low level. And when you get him out of a body and you get his energy all developed and he’s all set and he’s roaring to go and he’s just… he’s practically a ball of fire, why what do you know? He’s going to have to be perfectly willing to use that energy in any department – willing to. It’s not necessary that he does, but he’s got to be willing to. He’s have to be able to use that energy to deliver somebody a zap, for instance. What you playfully used to do called a „nip.“ You take two energy beams and you slap them together just back of a guy’s ears. It kills him. It’s an easy way to break a thetan out, though.

Now, here we have „I“ and „I“ has an inflow of agree, and „I“ has an outflow of disagree, and „I“ has an inflow of have and „I“ has an outflow of not have.

Now when we have… so… so… he… he should be willing to do that. Why? So he could reassure himself – not advising you to have anybody do this – but he’d have to do something along in that order; at least go down here and knock out a couple of big neon signs or something of this sort, or plug himself into the main power lines and short ‘em out. To do what? To show that all he has to do is change a postulate and he’ll keep right on going. Because he’s arduously learned that when he uses his energy he starts failing in this universe. Well, you see, you’ve got a new system. You can use all the energy you want to, all you have to do is run out an evil effect that you had from it or simply learn how to sidestep the backflash. You can either receive the backflash, or let the backflash go through you. You get so split-second in your timing that you can put out an energy beam and then its backflash doesn’t find anything there to go through – nice trick, see? This would be like firing a rifle and then not being there to get any recoil.

Now, the essentials of energy are have and not have; have and not have. And haves and not haves actually, somehow or other in this cockeyed universe, get together. It’s fascinating, isn’t it? You’ll find more haves supporting the Communist Party. Didn’t ever strike you as strange that some fellow that makes 5 million dollars a year is supporting the very party that will eat him up? Well, that’s in terms of appetite.

Or… or you simply change the postulate or make a mock-up or run it out right away, The guy simply… he… he… he knocks down the Edison Company sign and short-circuits the whole joint and blows all the main fuses in Philadelphia. Well, have him sit down and uh… run it out, you see. That’s what’s important.

Now, let’s take this as a uh… a schedule here of person and object. This isn’t related at the top here. Person and object. And let’s have this object, which we will make into… I’ll just put an M there. You see, the behavior of this object, the object is saying, „Have me.“ Let’s say it has that potential on it, object. And here the object is saying, „Don’t have me.“ That’s actually what a negative terminal might be saying, any time it’s putting an outflow – you see, it’s established by the polarities – uh… any… any uh… it might be said, when it’s hit… hitting any kind of an outflow, any terminal is saying, „Don’t have me.“ It’s doing a repulsion. And when it’s pulling in, it’s saying, „Have me.“

And the… that’s… that’s just being able to handle energy on a snap bang basis. But you’ve got a method of doing it. Why did the handling of energy get you into trouble and how could energy, then, assume this much control and command over a person? And why did these flows and dispersals become so terribly important to him?

Well, that’s why your very, very low tone scale people, by the way, collect only things which are not desirable.

Well, the reason they did is because they kept heading him down scale. And he finally got into the bracket where energy meant nothing else but these diagrams which you had this afternoon – last few lectures.

Now, we have… over here, we have uh… agree and here we have disagree. This should tell you wonders about possessions and about engrams and deposits of energy, and so forth. Now, what… what happens here? Now, let’s look at the extremes up here: „I“ agree and M disagree. We’ve just covered this; the object of course agrees and disagrees as we saw it on the first graph.

Now it… it said simply and positively that every one of those diagrams made the handling of flow as the complete modus operandi of existence about the most horrible thing that you could do – just terrible. But you have a new way of handling it.

Now uh… this second graph here shows you that if a fellow, if „I“, in this case, you’d think, agrees with something, he could have it. If he agrees with something, he can have it. Isn’t that a beautiful universe? Plus-minus polarities. And if he disagreed with something, he wouldn’t have to have it, would he? Well, let’s look at this.

As a matter of fact, if you want people to agree with you, outflow at them. It’s very simple, just outflow good and hard. And if this fellow doesn’t agree and you’ve blown up in his face, so to speak, uh… I mean you… you… you’ve got… you’ve got this fellow and he… he hasn’t agreed with you and you’re going to sell him this piece of property, you’re going to reduce his survival by making him acquire something, why just… just start giving him hell, that’s all. And just give him some more and give him some more, and he gets all ready to fight; then start making noises like you’re exploding – anything like that – and the first thing you know he’ll say, yes, he’ll do it – providing you’ve got enough strength, of course – of course.

He agrees with something so it, of course, has a flow pulled around past it and it’s immediately saying, „Don’t have me.“ The second he agrees with something, it says, „Don’t have me.“ He goes down and he says, „Well, that’s fine. The automobile is going to run and uh… all of this, and I agree with this thing perfectly,“ and of course that day it won’t start. That… it’s just a lead-pipe cinch that that’s what’s gonna happen.

Now of course, if you want somebody to want, you keep walking away. Just keep walking in the opposite direction and you can get somebody all balled up on this one – terrible. I mean, it’s horrible the ease with which you can use those flows and monitor interpersonal relationships.

Now, we get disagreement, and the fellow says, „I don’t want it. I wouldn’t ever touch it if anybody ever gave me one and a million dollars to boot. I’d have nothing whatsoever to do with it,“ and there it is sitting on his doorstep. This ferocious and horrible determinism not to have something winds up in what? It winds up in making the full vector of matter say, „Have me.“

But that’s a monitor from a „let’s pretend“ basis. It couldn’t possibly be serious to you if you were doing anything like that. You wouldn’t be doing anything to anybody to louse them up, really, if you were at that band. You might amuse yourself or amuse your friends or amuse them. There wouldn’t be very much viciousness in it.

Well, now, a fellow… this tells you something horrible. That tells you that you could only really only acquire enMEST. You could never acquire good MEST. EnMEST would say enturbulated MEST, busted up toys, run-down thingamabobs; uh… it tells you that any time you tried to conquer a nation, you would conquer rubble. It tells you the automatic result of an attempted conquest of a nation would be rubble. It tells you that any time you try to get ahold of a great big bank of energy, it’s gonna be a mess. It’s gonna tell you that if you consistently ran MEST universe facsimiles and ran them as facsimiles, that you’d result in scrambling the bank.

Now what… what are we trying to… what are we trying to get, then? We’re really only trying to get this bank… this bank that goes out to darn near infinity, which has more engrams on it than you could possibly count. You could sit down for the next 50 years and just count them, one by one, as fast as you could count and you wouldn’t be able to count all of the facsimiles on these ridges – much less run them out.

Why? Because the preclear is saying, „All right. I agree, I agree to run this. I agree to have this energy inflow. I agree to have this energy inflow.“ And what do you know, the energy at that moment is going to say, „Don’t have me.“ „I agree to this inflow, and therefore I’m gonna run this – engram.“ Result: occlusion.

We were interested before in making the best homo sapiens that we possibly could make. Okay, we’ve one goal; that’s attainable, that can be achieved. Gets up to about 4.0 or 5.0 – that’s all. You can do that by running out the most horrible things with overt acts and motivators and so on – even by old-time engrams.

All right. Here, he says, „I uh… don’t want that damned engram. I’m not going to have anything to do with it, and to hell with it. It’s not gonna influence me, it’s not gonna influence me, it’s not gonna influence me.“ It says, „Have me.“ He rejects it and he’s got 1t. Why? It agrees with him.

What are you going to do now? You got another goal. You’re trying to make the clearest thetan you possibly can make, so you’re dealing with a new subject through a new goal to a new thought level. And THAT one leads up through not becoming a well-mannered, if somewhat indifferent uh… able to handle what comes up, not lose one’s head in emergency, be skilled at what one is doing, homo sapiens.

But there is a little bit of light. If you were to say to an engram, if you were to say to an engram, „To hell with you,“ it would wind up owned. If you were simply to say to an engram, „Okay. So we’ve got it here on the track“ – and we finally locate it in space and time, that’s all. Now you say, „To hell with you.“ Watch it blow up. Just put out a good strong impact against the engram of „to hell with you!“ It’s worth an experiment, you see, ‘cause it’ll work.

This requires a… a perfect – I mean, thi… this… this guy… this guy is… that you’re trying to make and get up tone scale up here, he… he’s got to be a killer. He has got to be able to handle unlimited force. And don’t think for a moment that you’re ever going to escape it. If he can handle unlimited force… you see what’s the matter out there, and you get out here to… to ring 99 thousand, you actually have… in Man you have a miniature of a complex electron. And in those ridges and so forth, you might as well call the thetan himself the proton and those other things out there you might as well call them electron-neutron orbits. And sure enough, an electron orbit and so forth looks just about like a ridge.

You get this beautifully clear lock and just suddenly muster up, just muster up and… and you’ve got the thing located (that’s of course 90 percent of running it). Uh… you’ve got the thing located and then just put out an upsurge between it and watch what happens to it. It’ll go zook. It’ll actually change location in space. Without monitoring it any further, you just put an outflow and say, „Zong. I don’t want anything to do with you.“ It’s liable to explode, or go away, or anything.

You see, an… an electron orbit isn’t a little… a little thing in pink pants or something that is racing around like… racing around this proton the way they’d like to have you believe in the elementary physics textbook. They change their minds by the time they get up to the advanced physics textbook, and then they change their mind again when they get up to… at really advanced physics, super advanced physics. And then when you get into elementary nuclear phenomena, boy they’ve changed their mind so many times, nobody knows what the heck cooks. And after you’ve been on a project for a while and you’ve really had to work with it, the best thing you can figure out probably is, it probably looks like an onion.

But… but we say, „All right. All right. The MEST universe is trying to make me do this and that. And in school they wanted me to do so-and-so and that uh… here they wanted me to do that, and every place they’ve gone… they… and so on; and the thing for me to do is to knuckle down and to do my job of work and get in there at 10 o’clock in the morning and… and… and work right straight through till 10 o’clock at night, and… and… and do all of this, and I… I’m going to agree to this, and I’m everything…“ Oh, boy. Boy, is that job gonna disagree with you!

Now you… you… you have an embryonic – uh… not embryonic, but you have it in a pattern form. You… you don’t really have a solar system, that is to say, a sun and a whole bunch of planets flowing around the sun any more than you have that in nuclear physics. It… it’s a… it’s more like an asteroid belt. Uh… if you could figure a solid asteroid belt at every planetary belt, you’re beginning to get in somewhere close to it; and then if Earth had… had these solid belts that went out as far as… as Arcturus, you’d get some kind of an idea – uh… light… many light-years away… you’d get some kind of an idea of what… what complexity you have here in operation.

The first thing you know, they’re gonna say, „Well, that’s it, that bum. He just works sa… he’s a sap. Uh… ah, well. Uh… I… I know… I know a fellow down the road, oh, we’ve got him… the next post above him is open uh… in the uh… department so uh… I know a fellow down the road that used to shovel uh… uh… stuff out of the curbs and off the curbs and things like that, and I think he’d probably… I… I don’t know. He doesn’t seem to want to work here. Let’s put him on.“

Now although apparently these rings are responsible for the production of energy, the gimmick is that they’re not. What’s responsible for the production of energy is not an interlocking flow from this; it’s strictly ‘a postulate. You say, „Let there be light“ – WHAP!

The Service is the most wonderful place of this in all possible operations, because the Service doesn’t give a damn; it’s too down low tone scale for anything to happen anyway. And one day, just as an experiment, I told a kid that – I… I was in the hospital, and uh… the kid was off one of my ships and he came in and he says, „I’ve got to get back aboard,“ he says. „I can’t stand this place any longer.“ He says, „What do I do? What do I do to get back aboard?“

Now you can build all this complex structure. It’s something like an engineer would sit down and he would build a little gimmick that was to do everything that was to be done with this particular machine. And he’d build this little tiny gimmick and all you had to do with this gimmick was simply… simply connect it and it would do everything. And then he sits down and he says, „Now let me see…“ and he starts building tubes and wires and modulators to unmodulate what he has just modulated, and condensers to uncondense what he has just condensed, and uh… rectifiers and uh… uh… all sorts of… of uh… inducers and transducers and persperators and… and he keeps adding these things on to his circuit and adding them on to his circuit and adding them on to his circuit. Until he’s… one day – by the way, did you ever see a Wright Whirlwind engine? That… that’s really a gorgeous engine. It… it puts jets in to furnish heat, and then it’s got veins to take the heat away in the slipstream. And it… it just works on that principle: You… you work like heck to make all this heat, and then you work like heck to cool it all down. And then you’ve got parts that go on beyond that basis, and they heat up and they cool down, and they heat up and they cool down. When you finally get through you have a very wonderful aircraft engine, as far as MEST engines go. But it… it looks very silly. It looks like the piece of mechanical buffoonery they have in bathrooms and call flushboxes. Did you ever try to fix one of those things?

And I said, „Well, the next time the doctor comes in interviews you down in the ward, you say, „Now, I don’t feel very well and I don’t see why I’d have to be returned to duty, because my stomach hurts, and I hurt this way and I’m in bad shape.“ And I said, „Make it very convincing. The truer you make it, the faster it works.“ And I… so I just explained to on this.

But it’s wonderful: There’s little rods that push up levers so that other levers will close and so on. And they came along with a jet engine and this jet engine has still got more on it than a jet engine should have. But it’s getting simpler and simpler and simpler. They just get in – every once in a while some engineer gets a brand-new idea; this idea mainly consists of suddenly jumping on to this engine and tearing out a whole bunch of parts and throwing ‘em away and then hooking everything in straight. And he stands back real proudly and actually he has made a considerable advance in the engine. Until the next engineer comes along and he’s going to make a big advance in this engine, and he tears off a whole flock more parts and he throws those things away, and the thing flies better.

He says, „Gee, that sounds awful dangerous to me. They’re liable to keep me here.“

And then one day, one day, somebody comes along and he tears all the cylinders off and he tears all the cooling systems off and he tears the gas tanks out and he tears everything out on the whole thing and he says, „Well, let’s see. Let’s put this propeller up out here. Okay. We’ve got this propeller.“ I’ll be a son of a gun if it doesn’t run like mad. That would be a postulate at work.

„No, no. No, no,“ I said. That’s… sick call was at 9 o’clock and he was up with his kid at 10 o’clock shaking me by the hand and saying, „I’ll see you back aboard, Skipper.“ I got him out of there from guns!

Actually – well, there isn’t any reason why you couldn’t do that. It… it reduces down to that. The more MEST you hang on something, the more MEST you’ve got to hang on something in order undo what some of the MEST is doing. And it can really get complicated after a while.

Now, there as some kid that was running the communications information center on a big cruiser; there wasn’t any other officer remaining aboard that cruiser who could run the CIC, Combat Information Center. And uh… that cruiser was hot and heavy, right in the middle of everything. And this kid had to have an operation for a piece of shell fragment, and so on. And they sent him back to the States in a hurry by special plane so they could have him back again because there was a terrible scarcity of good CIC officers. And the second he said to ‘em, unfortunately, „I’m necessary aboard my ship,“ the last I heard he’d been there 14 months.

Well, a fellow’s ridges have gotten into that shape. He’s got pluses that cancel minuses and he’s got this’s that cancel thats’s. And the final result is, he is so solid that he does not produce energy anymore. Because the way you produce energy is, you take this propeller off the hub and you throw the hub away and the plane really starts flying. And he merely says, „Let there be light.“ – Bang!

This is the modus operandi, but don’t take that as… don’t… don’t take what I’m saying as freak. It’s not a freak. I’m not talking about a uh… a peculiar, occasional manifestation. I’m talking about agree. I’m talking about disagree. And when I’m talking about „have me“ and „don’t have me“, I’m talking about time.

That sounds odd to you, and if it wasn’t for this silly system of „We’ve got to plant. it so that we can perceive it,“ it wouldn’t be possible because, you see, all the time it isn’t there. But it sure looks like it’s there when you’re down at one end of the tone scale and something comes along and guns one of these ridges into an explosion. You suddenly get this creepy feeling that such and so is about to happen.

So, this individual wants time, he, of course, wants time. He’s got to have, to want time. In order to have time, he’s got to have, you see; he’s got to have an object. He really does have to have an object. If you don’t believe it, try to go on a vacation sometime with not a dime in your jeans. –

Well, there’s wave lengths on those ridges that homo sapiens is too low on the tone scale to touch. And therefore he’s got to be way up tone scale in terms of energy; he’s got to go way up tone scale, way up, in terms of energy to run out the high-level ridges.

He wants to have; in other words, he wants time. And what’s he find, the second he does this? The object that he gets disagrees with him so he can’t have any liberty. The second he wants some time, he can’t have liberty. The moment he decides that he wants some time on his hands, he is, at that moment, going to have… the things which he does have become disagreeable. They’re gonna upset, uh… the gaskets are gonna blow and so forth.

The reason why your childhood lies forgotten is this: It has a faster speed than adulthood, and you don’t pick up the same waves – it’s going too fast. If you just would readjust and just run for a minute just as fast as a child and say, „I’ll feel like a child.“ Zing-zing! More scenes would click through about your childhood than you could count. That’s why childhood blanks out; that’s why the whole track blanks out. And that’s why you have come WAY up scale in the ability to handle energy to clean up all those ridges, and be in to a position where you can really get down to work using postulates or using energy.

It isn’t anything mysterious. Don’t look at this as something mysterious that sits in back of something or other and it depends on chance. A roulette wheel is chance; this is not chance. This is the way it works.

You’ve found out all there is to know about energy. Actually you’ve come to the last port of call on the subject of energy. Now you’ve got to track back. It’s like a game, parchesi or something of the sort.

So he’s got to have in order to have more time in order to do this and that. He sends away to Sears & Roebuck in order to get one of these whirligig windmill machines that will run a storage battery so he can have lights in his house, and he spends a lot of time lighting this thing up. Then he’ll have some time to read at night, and he’s got this up, see, and he won’t have to waste all that time filling that lamp or lighting that candle or striking that match and reading that book page. And he sends all this away, and what’s he spend the rest of his time doing? Keeps climbing that tower and fixing that propellor and going down the tower, and so forth, and by golly, he never has any time to read.

Let’s take a break.

You see, he doesn’t get an agreeable time; he gets… he gets some time, all right.


Now, what would he have if he says, „Now, I don’t have to… I don’t have to have any… I don’t need that. I… I don’t need that at all. Let’s see, I’ll get along with what we have and the hell with it. Ah, well, make, ah… what we got do, and we don’t want any of this other stuff.“ Actually, the riches of the universe pour in on his head. Everything around him starts saying, „Have me, have me, have me; ga… how about me?“ That’s… that’s the way she works.

So, if he has… if he… if he wants time – and he, by the way, unfortunately, gets all kinds of time, because the universe says, „Have me“. So either way you look at it, you get flypaper. You see, there’s no… no way out of the flypaper. If you decide not to have with the universe and disagree with it thoroughly and rush against it and disagree the hell out of it, it says, „Come to Papa.“ And if you say, „I agree with you, I agree with you,“ and… and uh… all that, and all is well, why, uh… it says, „We don’t want anything to do with you, fellow.“ For every win, there’s a lose; for every lose, there’s a win.

One of the v… very interesting things that you can run with a preclear: he’s loused up on time. What is apathy but too much time? That’s right, it’s energy. It’s too thick a havingness. He’s got too much.

If you want to take somebody and really cure him of apathy, if he feels that he is in terrible danger and dire straits, the damndest thing: have him take everything he owns, except the shirt he stands in and the pants and shoes he’s wearing, and take it out and throw it away. Regardless what it is or anything else, just have him take it out and dump it and destroy it. And what do you know, he gets lots more space, right away. Instantly, get lots more space.

If you could get a psycho… you could get a psycho to part with one of the Kleenexes in the box of Kleenex which you’ve just presented them, you’re pretty good. Whoa, boy! They’re having a hell of a time.

You say, „Part with one word.“ Uh-huh. No, they’re saying, „Agree, agree, I agree, I’ve agreed, I’ve agreed, and my God, I’m getting so rocky I don’t know which end I’m standing on, but I’ve agreed; don’t punish me any further, I can’t stand the pain. Don’t punish me any further, I agree.“ And they wind up by having to have everything which is disagreeable. Everything which is disagreeable then and there happens to them.

You wonder why machinery doesn’t work for some people. Well, there’s nothing mysterious about it. It isn’t anything esoteric you’re examining; it isn’t anything that goes into the firmament in some fashion or another and is tailor-made by some god. This thing’s already been set up. You say to this piece of equipment, „I don’t want you,“ or, „I don’t care what happens to you.“ A null or a flow against and it works. And you say to it, „All right. Now, let’s see. You have to do this and you have to do that to it, and you have to do something else, and we’ll have to take good care of it; we’ll have to wash it and we’ll have to grease it, and we have to paint it and we have to polish it and we have to buy licenses for it, and so forth, and we have to park it out front, and we park it out back,“ and so on. You’ll find out all of a sudden that the payments on it, or something or other, and that is… this, or something or other, and then it needs replacement, because there’s a later model. It won’t take you anyplace, either. It’s always in the garage, or someplace else. It’s fascinating.

The thing which you either completely disregard or disagree with will serve.

Now, there’s a level of outflow… there’s a level of outflow which is so low on the tone scale that it is just MEST handling MEST, and that just doesn’t work. Your Japanese officer in the Philippines, for instance, found out a locomotive wouldn’t go, so he had his men beat it with sticks. It didn’t go. It’s just MEST handling MEST. On that level, everything is enMEST. The guy, the object, everything. And you have to go up tone scale a little bit to get this principle very smoothly workable. You can’t take a sledgehammer and smash all the spark plugs of a car in frightful disagreement, and so forth, and have the car function.

Now, the way to handle a car is the way you handle anything else. There is a difference of flows, you understand. If you just differentiate flows, you’re all right. You can put out a sort of a smooth wave to this car and you say, „All right, all right, let’s go, let’s run.“ No gas, no tank, nothing; it turns over. You think I’m kidding.

You’ve got to come up tone scale a little bit to do that sort of thing, but there’re pieces of equipment around that just absolutely have no business running whatsoever. There’s no business running. And you put ‘em under somebody else’s management, and they won’t run. They just quit, right there. That’s because they were being kept alive with something more than mechanical information.

Now, it’s hard for an engineer… it’s hard for an engineer, as indoctrinated as he is into the workability of structure and mechanics, to recognize or even look at this factor. This is another one of these factors, but by golly, this… it’s just as actual and real as that electric light. MEST works when it has been aligned by theta. You look in the old axioms for homo sapiens, it covers this to a heck of a degree. MEST works as long as it’s been aligned by theta. And as long as the MEST flow that’s going out is aligning, MEST hasn’t… no… I mean, pardon me; the theta flow going out is aligning MEST, MEST doesn’t have a chance in the world. It just has to get into line, that’s all. You get a smooth outgoing flow.

But your engineer building a dam, anyplace he is, knows this, continually: He gets one foreman and all the equipment goes to hell and nothing happens, but obviously he’s a good foreman. He’ll get another foreman and everything runs smooth as a clock. And the difference flowing off of these two men can be sensed by the individual himself.

One is gonna get the job done one way or the other, and so on. And the other says, „Yeah, I can do the job.“ He doesn’t necessarily say it without volume, but the MEST lines up. Energy vectors, somebody understands the law of something or other or something like that, he really just enforces into it.

Okay. I hope you understand a little bit more, because you look this over a little bit more, you’re gonna find a lot more there than I’ve written down. I leave it to your wits to figure out the rest of it. Let’s take a break.