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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- About Press Tone Level - Psychometry (PDC-58) - L521218a | Сравнить
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CONTENTS How to Talk about Scientology Cохранить документ себе Скачать

How to Talk about Scientology

About the Press’ Tone Level: Psychometry

A Lecture given by L. Ron Hubbard on the 18 December 1952A Lecture given by L. Ron Hubbard on the 18 December 1952

This is the third hour afternoon lecture. It’s December the 18th.

December the 18th, 1952, first afternoon lecture.

The… uh… graph which you see up here is a graph demonstrating present time, and uh… third part of the graph we have here, and all it is is just uh… the… the amount of energy a person uses to think. That would be the lowest level on this picture: the amount of energy a person uses to think.

And this afternoon, I want to take up some of these processes and demonstrate them quite directly. I noticed that uh… your professional practice has been… or your application of this material has been materially assisted by TIME magazine. Uh… TIME magazine is run by a Catholic, I think he is, or something, and I think it’s on the… on the uh… the magazine is published, and… by licence of a papal bull. And uh… a fellow by the name of Luce runs this magazine; and I merely want this to be on a tape for the record for posterity. If this fellow ever turns up for processing he’s to be thrown in the clam. And put there very heavily and very strongly and left to go about his way.

Of course, A PERSON DOES NOT USE ENERGY WITH WHICH TO THINK! That is the essence of nonsense. Because if a person uses energy to think, a person could only think then with facsimiles. And how can he only think with facsimiles?

The last person that was thrown violently into the clam lost all of his wisdom and molars. That’s right, that’s what happened.

Well, because if he uses energy to think, all he’s doing is introducing automaticity. He throws out a little energy beam and that restimulates something or other and then that tells him what to think, and that’s the way he gets into this. He starts trusting his uh… facsimiles and experience rather than trusting his ability to be.

Uh… the general state of affairs in the world and Scientology are much better than’ you would ordinarily suppose, because there’s only one thing that this world… one thing that this world uh… is proof against, and that is complete silence. And this world is not good at picking up anything – on the ether waves, or by rumor, and so when they start to yap-yap, do you know that a vicious and scurrilous attack is made upon any subject practically under the sun that you get the other 50% vector immediately at work? So where we have yap-yap of this character, no matter how cheap the publication, no matter how little read or respected, such as TIME magazine uh… even that, if you can get any magazine that is in disrepute to put you on the pan uh… you can of course uh… expect a great deal more interest growing out. And one of the things with which I’d been concerned… after a while I realized that I’d over-reached the news story level. I never released a news story on any of this – never. Now it has become what? Front page news. Why? Because it makes lame kids walk again, because it makes people who have been in continuous pain well again? No, no. Oh, no, no. No, this is Earth, 1952 AD. After the Death. It’s now on nineteen hundred and fifty-two years of negative time track. It says right there on its dates.

So, he’s up there on a gradient scale, and we see well into the future there, no energy, no ‘E’. There isn’t any energy there used to think, a person postulates, a person decides.

That’d be wonderful, somebody blowing in here from someplace and examining some of these customs. No, you wouldn’t find it in there because it’d make somebody well or pick some girl with a postpartum psychosis up, or something like that. No, no, you wouldn’t find that.

Decision. There is no higher decision than… than… than just saying so. You… you say so and it’s going to be true, so therefore you say so.

But, if we can just beat up a few more marshals – and uh… if I can just scrape acquaintances with alleged millionaire oil promoters uh… who throw everything in bankruptcy left and right and so forth, well, we’ll get there, we’ll get there.

Now, there are a lot of little sneaking tricks a person plays on himself. He says, „Well, that wouldn’t be any fun if you just said it was the case, and then it turned out to be the case; there wouldn’t be anything to expect, you see, and therefore I wouldn’t get any…“

And uh… I want to call your attention to this… this datum – Book One, SCIENCE OF SURVIVAL, it’s human evaluation. It actually still stands as a unit and is the one text I’d done that covers human evaluation. Therefore, when you look across there, it tells you the kind of information something will pass on. And as we look across there we find out if they pass on this kind of information or that kind of information, these other manifestations straight on across the column will pursue. And if you have ever had any experience with this – as many of you have, I know – you have then seen it as… as a constant. That’s very very quiet.

Oh, what a… what a trick. That… that is just a trick, by the way, it isn’t the case. When a person gets up to a point where he’s… starts to think with no energy, boy things really start to get smooth, and he starts to enjoy things in a calm, beautiful way and he can introduce all kinds of randomity, his interest level gets very high; his interest level’s very high, he doesn’t have much liability for anything.

Now, all you need to do, if you ever turn up any place, in order to know the tone or know how to hit a society, if you want to hit a society hard, is just know what is being published in its public prints. It is NOT different – never kid yourself from this – it is NOT different from the tone level of the society. It IS the tone level of the society, because that’s very closely monitored. It is monitored by such things as advertisers, and such things as sales of copies, and if there was no pecuniary thought in it, if it were a government paper… a government should always put out several papers if a government goes into publication in any way, and they should be at various tone levels. And you’ll notice this is the case when your government takes over the newspapers of a country – they’ll put out the cheap one and the… the sensational one and they’ll put out the conservative one and so on; they’ll do all these things in contraposition to one another.

But then he falls into these various tricks. He has an experience, and this experience quote teaches him unquote something. And in being taught something, he is in a state whereby he will then use the experience instead of acting, and so he goes down tone scale and he starts using a light deposit… I mean, a light amount of energy to think. He wants it to flick over to that old facsimile over there that he’s got, and that’ll flick back in a certain way, and then that will square him up in some other way, and he gets it all worked out, whereby he will now be prevented from leaving a situation in one condition when it should be in another condition, and he’s figured out some kind of a method to use force on himself in order to be sure that he complies with the rules. And he made… probably made these rules to that extent and he’s complying with his own rules, or somebody else than himself, and they’re not very savage rules.

You want to know the tone level, you pick up its papers. Because at the fine, far distance on this, it’ll all boil down, a newspaper has to have readers. Whether it’s paid for by advertisers or by a government, or by pennies or nickels or quarters or dollars across a newsstand, it survives only so long as it is read. Doesn’t matter whether it’s bought or not. And it is read as well as it matches the tone scale of a society. And you do not need to conduct any vast door-to-door survey here, there and everywhere on this subject – what is the tone level of the society to which I’m appealing – you don’t need to. Look at the newspaper. Look at the… what releases the daily bulletins.

Then he’d drift downscale which is back toward present time, and uh… he’d use more and more energy with which to think. That is to say, he’d use facsimiles more and more. Instead of using just little locks and things like that to think with, now, why he uses a little heavier brand of facsimiles.

You go to Russia, you say, „Well, the Russian paper doesn’t represent the Russian people; it is not representative of what the Russian people are thinking.“ Oh, no. It is. It is. They haven’t even conducted a survey. They’re putting out four-five papers, and uh… one paper has to run to a thousand editions to get it all over Russia. Oh, no. The other papers only run to one edition, and uh… another one doesn’t even sell out half an edition I mean it’s almost this extreme. Now their readers keep pounding them around and the editor is as successful as he is read. And as a result, even in a police state…

Life has not been good to him. Life hasn’t been good to him, indeed! How could life be anything to him? He is life!

You… never get fooled on this. I mean, the United States Government has been blind on this subject. When I was in Intelligence, we… it was making a continual uh… mistake in trying to evaluate the Russian or German people, particularly the German people, by telling everyone they didn’t believe in their government, that they did not believe what was in those papers, and you’ll go there and there’ll be people in countries of that character who will tell you, „No we don’t believe these papers,“ and uh… they’re just trying to be polite. That’s all. A newspaper is as well read as it matches the tone scale of the society. Therefore you have someone in any kind of a culture of any character – that’s of ANY character, ANY culture – you have a method of finding out what their tone scale is in general, and by finding that out, what you can expect from that culture. It follows right through – SCIENCE OF SURVIVAL tone scale chart.

So, he’s starting to reverse, And when he gets into present time – ‘course, present time is a consistent and continuously existing equation which this is the solution of the interdependency balance of all dynamics as represented at this instant for your future look at things.

The only error you can make is stepping above or below or saying, „It must be something else.“ You see? I didn’t believe that chart myself when I first made it up. It was made up by, you might say, logic and uh… inductive reasoning. And uh… made it up on… on the pure theory of theta, MEST and ARC, that was all, and said, „It probably falls this way,“ and it added up very nicely and very smoothly – do a better job of it now with the other material which has accumulated, but uh… I don’t think any part of it would change. I’ve looked it over very recently and I was surprised. And I didn’t… didn’t do anything with this chart. It wasn’t out in print, wasn’t anything happening with this chart at all. It was just sitting there in my dining room, pegged down on a side table. And what do you know, one day I went over the chart and suddenly picked up a datum off this chart and applied it to the real universe.

Of course, present time itself becomes something one needs. He has to have the solution of all eight dynamics at any moment in order to get himself a higher level. See? I mean, he’s already said, „Look. The eight dynamics are not myself. I couldn’t be eight dynamics. I need to be informed by eight other dynamics of some sort or another as to the existing state. Now, the first dynamic informs me very easily by pouring my own facsimiles in on me, and the second dynamic informs me with equal ease, by demonstrating to me the existence of this sensation. And the third dynamic tells me this, because uh… here are all these people, and uh… I am in agreement with them, and they’re in agreement with me.“ And so on, we go on up the line.

And this datum was this: It said that a person would not communicate with me; under the most ordinary circumstances this person would not communicate with me. In the course of conversation, in the course of correspondence, in the course of this sort of thing I was running into a continuous communication block. It said right straight on across that chart, as you looked it up, a lot of other characteristics which weren’t nice. They were BAD characteristics. And I said, „Well, you know, this chart must be off then uh… must be off. Look… look at… over here. That person’s incapable of that.“ Do you know that within the next thirty days, that person was suddenly exposed into the light and my God! Every one of those additional items were true with magnitude. Hrhrhr! I hadn’t believed my chart and it caused considerable trouble – because I hadn’t believed that chart.

Now, here are all these eight dynamics then, and this is present time, MEST universe. Any given instant of interrelationship of, is present time.

Another one showed up and another one showed up and another one showed up, and each time I pulled this foolish, foolish thing. I would go ahead on what I amusingly called instinct or something of the sort and I’d say, „Well, that doesn’t apply on the chart, or this doesn’t apply on it or something!“ And I’d read across the line, it says, „Brutal treatment of children. Sex as punishment,“ uh… and so on, or anything across the chart level.

Solution. The solution is represented in a solid, more or less, mathematical form.

„Oh,“ I’d say, „that couldn’t be.“ One character particularly couldn’t be, and this fellow had been very good in Dianetics, been very good. He did have uh… three or four of those manifestations across there that indicated that if in the remaining columns, if he pursued those things out he would practically be an outright murderer as far as associating with him was concerned. And what do you know – he almost made the grade. Without being prompted even vaguely. It just worked out that way. He just put the right pieces in the right spot at the right instant to come very close to causing a sudden demise. You… it was so bare – uh… boned that it was… must have been on a conscious level. Fascinating!

It’s as though you had an enormous electronic computer which had an enormous number of data being fed to it, almost at random, continually, and it was bringing out what the balance was at this instant. And that balance is in your hands at any instant. That’s the balance of havingness. And the more worried you are about that balance of havingness, the closer you are to it. And some people will get a thirst for it to be TERRIBLY REAL!! And they get this thirst for it to be REAL! That means: „My God! I sure have to inspect that solution. All the time. I just have to keep my feet right on that solution.“

So, we’ve got psychometry available for any society. Therefore it gives you psychometry for a city in which you would dwell, or the people. Gives you a good psychometry for them and uh… it’s… they listen to what they hear at their own band of the chart, homo sapiens does, and very seldom listens to any other band of the chart. He’ll listen to a slightly lower band and so forth.

You’ll get somebody, the poet, he is going up the street, his body is starving, he’s in terrible condition financially uh… any other condition you can think up is liable to be visited on him at any moment, and what is he doing?

But uh… you… you will find… you will find that your preclears will respond to the type of mock-up which you find in the daily newspapers. As the chronic level of mock-up. Fascinating. Now you want to know, you want to know what kind of a mock-up to use: look at that old SCIENCE OF SURVIVAL chart and look at your preclear and so on. You’ll find out that this is the mock-up he is dramatizing most, so it must be just above and below this band that you must hit in order to change his location on the chart. And it becomes an exceedingly uh… interesting little operation.

He is going up the street composing a poem that has to do with something he saw down the street. And the world comes along and they look at him and they say, „Look at that fellow. He’s in rags. He… he’s this way. He’s that way uh… something or other.“

Here’s somebody… here’s somebody who has a BAD reputation. And uh… he’s got a very bad reputation one way or the other, and you say, „Oh, no. He’s a good boy at heart,“ or… or something of this sort. You just look around, and you spot him on your… your chart there. And uh… don’t continually dream optimistically about a preclear and… and… and so on.

He, by the way, is less perishable than the much solider citizenry.

It says on SCIENCE OF SURVIVAL, for instance, „Sex as punishment“ was a level of the chart. And that is a certain point of the chart. And that causes a lot of howling. Yeah. And the way you’d… the way you’d go on and correct this situation is a very simple thing. You would just uh… take your SCIENCE OF SURVIVAL chart, peg your preclear on it, and then go right straight across the chart, and hit above and below on each one of these subjects with mock-ups on various dynamics. It’s quite a therapy.

A song can racket down the ages. It doesn’t corrode. It doesn’t have to be polished, maintained, oiled, shelved or put in a vault. It happens that a song is far more powerful than any blaster ever invented.

You could put somebody on the E-Meter and you would find this very smooth. And by doing this, you won’t fall into the rut of simply putting yourself on the chart all the time and giving the preclear mock-ups which would benefit you or that you like. Because as you come up tone scale, you will find yourself going higher and higher up the level and your interest more and more something else. And one day you will be dishing out – to be very technical – mock-ups which uh… won’t fit the case – won’t fit the case at all.

I wanted to write a story one time about a fellow, an alleged son of Genghis Khan, who took a… took a town with a song when the Khan had failed.

And uh… you’ll, for instance, go along airily and then all of a sudden the preclear’s bogged down sort of and you don’t know quite why this is, and you’d say, „Oh, well, it’s probably something that we didn’t hit in the course.“ No, that’s not the case. It’s just the case that you have gone up tone scale to a point where you aren’t thinking obsessively about sex all the time, or you’re not thinking about various other types of sensation.

The only thing you really remember about the great conquerors is a song somebody wrote about them. The thought was the poet’s.

Here’s your preclear down there in the tar pit, practically fossilized, and uh… his state of case demands mock-ups above and below his level of the chart and at that level, predominantly, you see, at the level, but immediately above and immediately below. You don’t have one of these charts, do you, around, do you, John? Anybody got one of these charts right here? Well, here we go, here we are.

And the solid citizen says, „Now look. We sweep you away. It’s so easy. We throw you in the Bastille. We do this. We do that. We do something or other with this MEST of yours. You see! You see! Now, we can do this to you. And we can do that to you. You see! You see!“ And he just doesn’t see at all.

Now let me… let me show you something about this thing. Handling of truth. Let us take somebody 1.5. This chart is uh… sometimes uh… has little misspellings on it, I see it once in a while. I seldom… I never see this material before it goes into print. Uh… it says 1.5, „Blatant and destructive lying,“ under handling of truth. Courage level says, „Unreasonable bravery usually damaging to self.“ That’s what it says! „Assumes responsibility in order to destroy.“ Well, actually your 1.5 is a pull-in.

Voltaire writes a very polite letter to the people who threw him in the Bastille for a year because he had been waiting, and working and having an awful time trying to find the time in order to write one of his better works, and he discovered in jail the calm and peace necessary to devote this time, so he wrote them. And he was probably quite sincere about it; it didn’t worry him. They couldn’t do anything much to his MEST that put him in any very permanent state of disrepair. And he was in a condition of mind where he didn’t use very much energy to think.

I’m going to give you another column for this is why I’m talking about it. I started out talking about TIME magazine, got back into my subject. TIME magazine will be a forgotten thing possibly… possibly someday… someday its total claim to fame. Amusing. If one lets himself think in those terms then it becomes very amusing. By the way, you can’t let yourself think in those terms though. Go very long, you just completely separate from reality. And reality’s hard enough to keep in contact with.

And a fellow does quote good thinking or quote good solutions about to the rate that he doesn’t use any energy in the line. Just about in that ratio.

I’m every once in a while fishing around with my big toe to discover a point in this universe. And I look around and look around and then I’ll sit down – I have done this – and I’ll sit down and think, „Now let me see, oh, wait a minute now, aaaaah yes. Ah, come on, you know of something interesting someplace. And there… there… it… it’s true, uh… there is… there are several interesting things in this universe. You hit this universe any place you see and you can come on in the rest of the way.“

The best solution is simply a postulate. What is a better solution on the whole problem of light than to be able to say, „Let there be light.“ And there’s light. No real reason why there had to be light, by the way. That would make a solution necessary.

And there’s a statue – a white, white marble statue – in a fountain which doesn’t run; it’s the statue just sitting there in front of uh… the Naval Park. Uh… right down on the waterfront at Havana. You know that statue? Sits there. It’s beautiful, it’s just beautiful. It’s… it’s…shape… is just… just a flow of grace. How anybody can make that out of marble, I don’t know. Maybe it isn’t out of marble; it looks more like alabaster. And that is a wonderful touch point. And uh… you get to thinking of something like that, not the Taj Mahal particularly, uh… you get to ‘thinking of anything like that, and you can make your contact back. Why? Because interest follows through with effort. Interest goes into effort.

Why people ask about „Why?“ all the time, and demand that we have a reason for everything is a very simple thing, you see. They’ve got to have a reason because they’ve got to have the solution because the penalty is so great and there is present time, and they’re holding grimly onto present time.

Now we remember that as you saw your charts drawn, here you with – 40.0 to 0.0 as a line lying on its side – we had a stand up of wave lengths that demonstrated that the theta band, the perception band, that is, is way up. That’s the aesthetic band, not the theta band – there is no theta band. Adjacent to theta, aesthetic. On down through the various perception bands – wave lengths, you know? Any one of those wave lengths was present. In other words the 1.5 is capable of an aesthetic of sorts. He can actually contact a wave length, or not contact it. Of course he doesn’t contact it anywhere near as much as somebody higher on the chart does. But he is capable of a wave contact on aesthetics. You get… you get the… for instance, the uh… the aesthetic of the Nazi’s Storm Troopers. They had an aesthetic. A very interesting aesthetic. Uh… they uh… were in a… various categories of uh… uniform, their uniformity, uh… the very extravagant ritual which they established, all of which was below and behind the scene. They were all out on the subject, in other words they were big volume 1.5, and that bigness of volume managed to embrace the aesthetic band for them.

Well, as they drift back to present time they’re all right. They’re at least standing around saying, „What’s a solution? What’s a solution? What’s a solution? What’s a solution? What’s a solution? I don’t see it very well. I wish I could see it better. I wish I could see it much better, but I can’t see it very much better. But if I could just see it a little bit better…“

You… you’d make a mistake if you said somebody was short on aesthetics because he was at some position on the tone scale. Every position on the tone scale contacts that wave length one way or the other. And yet these fellows, these fellows had a… a fabulously horrible function and uh… so on. You wouldn’t think for a moment that such people would have such a thing. I’ve just chosen them as the horrible example. Even they.

Or, „I am really bored with it, I – uh… ‘course I need the solution all the time, but I don’t quite know what to do with it. Let’s see, how solid’s the lamp post? How solid’s the sidewalk? How solid are the walls? How solid are the…? Am I going to eat tonight? Well, yes, I am going to eat tonight. I eat tonight. I’ll have to eat uh… I’ll get to eat that. To eat, that’s present time. That will keep me going in that… in the… that… that is right.“

Now uh… you’ll say a 1.1, uh… this girl… this girl couldn’t possibly be destructive in any way to anybody because, the truth be told, she loved him because he was an artist. Oh, that’s true. And she was 1.1 and she just loved him to his death. And if he was there very long, why, hmm – he wasn’t an artist anymore. You can just bet your bottom dollar. That’s your 1.1. That – and yet… yet you hear this person chatter. Now have you ever seen somebody chattering about the arts that just sort of made them obscene? You just look at this person’s, quote, ‘appreciation of music’, and you just say, „Brrrrr!“ Uh… they seemed – anything they touch in the line of the arts. And yet they seem to be quite appreciative of it. Well, that’s that fact, that at any band on this chart, you get any wave length. Well, a wave length is a perception. A perception of one kind or another, a characteristic perception. Eyes for instance will gravitate to a certain perception. And what we’re getting here is the various harmonics of affinity that we’re looking at and we can get each one modifying the wave length of the aesthetic band. And as a net result you will find an aesthetic, you will find an effort and you will find a regard for anything else, for perception or anything else – any one of these perceptions, you might say – at EACH one of these levels on the tone scale. And that means that telepathy can exist at any level of the tone scale.

Havingness. Havingness. Havingness. Havingness. Not-havingness. Not-havingness. Agree-agree, disagree, want, not-want, not-need, need… wirrrrrwwww. It all goes on the monitor of how much he needs, isn’t it?

It is a tune-in, rather than going up scale or down scale to. I want to make that quite clear to you. Don’t evaluate on the quality. Just realize that we have these things there, that’s all. And the there-ness of these items and articles is uh… all you’re interested in.

I told a producer one time that my leisure time was worth seven-hundred dollars a week, and he fainted. He almost literally did faint. Any salary drawn would have to be in excess of that, because that was the price of leisure. He couldn’t figure this out. Maybe you can’t, but it makes good sense to me. It makes very good sense to me.

So, we’re running mock-ups. I could have called this talk „How to run mock-ups according to charts, attitudes.“

There’s no use working at all, I figured, on a job that one didn’t have much of his heart in. It was better to have nothing to do. Up to seven-hundred dollars a week, and that was the level of havingness which would make it interesting!

We have then, ‘complete cowardice’ here it says at 0.5, ‘complete cowardice’ is his courage level. All right, let’s just look at this, let’s run it by the chart so we don’t get too far off the groove, want to give him mock-ups around on this and that.

Now, you can actually plot pay that way. You can simply ask yourself, „All right. Let’s see now, I wonder what uh… how long… this… I’m… I’m interested in this preclear. Therefore, I’ll do this preclear for nothing.“ Or, „I’m interested in having a few things.“ Or, „I’m interested in buying a few things so I won’t have to have some other things as solutions. And therefore I’ll have this preclear for three hours and I don’t want the preclear for three hours, so therefore I’ll have to bring it up to a level which makes it interesting to me to have the preclear for three hours.“

And we’ve got a person in grief. I know many people in grief, by the way, who… who think they are probably 1.5’s. They’re not. Because they’re holding on so hard; they’ve collected so much. And there are people actually in apathy who are still holding on to all kinds of MEST – ruining it. Just wrecking it completely but holding on to it. And at grief… you would be surprised what a person will hold on to in grief. And they hold on again at 1.5, and they hold on again at 3.0. Now grief by the way is… is .75, not .5. There’s been a correction on this chart. It’s a harmonic you see, of 1.5. And apathy is .375 – relatively unimportant except just to understand that.

Don’t omit that. Don’t ever consign yourself to a drudgery. Because, when the interest isn’t there, it’s just drudgery. There isn’t any reason why you have to do anything. Brim it out.

Now, we’re running mock-ups. We run up mock-ups that demonstrate being aesthetically cowardly. How would you… how would you run a mock-up on somebody who’s being aesthetically cowardly? Utter cowardice, very aesthetic.

Now, the energy used to think by the psychotic is of course no personally manufactured energy at all. It’s just glue of energy once used. And he’s just got it all pulled in on him like mad, and of course he obeys only the commands in it, only the commands in it, only the commands in it, only the commands in it, only the commands in it.

Voice: A beautiful thing to run away from.

It says, „Not do.“ It says, „Do.“ He does, he does not. That’s all there is to it. Energy potentials.

LRH: Mm-hmm – sure – or put them in a church. Beautiful church, with haloed windows, and get them praying devoutly. You know that that really… it comes under the… has an emotion that goes with it. It’s beautiful sadness. And that’s right. You’d mock up all these various things – anything – things happening to beautiful things, afraid things would happen to beautiful things, and so on. How do… how do you fit an emotion into these things?

Now, let’s look at that, then, and lets find out that uh… you’re going up toward no-energy to think, when you’re going up to postulates. When you are going up to Postulate Processing, when you say „Postulate Processing“, you’re processing somebody toward future.

Well, there’s two ways: One, you simply put the emotion into it and feel it back, that’s one method. That’s… that’s one way you go about it. Another one, you put the mock-up text one way or the other. You just ask somebody to mock up a figure and then you can put various emotions in the figure and move the figure around with various emotions on it, till he gets these emotions clearly.

Well, you… of course, you don’t think in the future. If you’re in relationship to the solution, which is present time, you say, „Now, let’s see. Uh… let me think uh… I don’t know whether my car will be outside or not, or whether or not I can possibly drive or not drive in some other direction, but if I go down to some other direction and do something or other, then so on. But if I did that, why…“ That’s just stream of consciousness, for a lack of energy to think.

Had somebody last night who had a… a terrible dwarf that had no neck. He kept mocking this thing up. And I was making him get the dwarf feeling… feeling the beauty of life, and so on. At first he said, „NO! You couldn’t possibly do that with this dwarf. It’s a strange kind of thing,“ and… and so forth, and I couldn’t persuade him to change his mock-up. He was stuck with it… it was his mock-up.

„Tonight I shall dine at the uh… Russian Pentagon Building,“ or something. You just say that. You see, make a postulate.

Well, he had to do something with his mock-up, so uh… the next thing you know, why, we had… we had this dwarf in a state of uh… enthusiasm. And uh… we had this dwarf in a state of all sorts of things. And finally we got it loosened up and running around and he could change the mock-up easily. It should interest you that the mock-up was persistent because he couldn’t alter its motion.

Now, if you’re hot enough on this line, it will come true inevitably, because ten minutes before you eat, you’ll make it; it will appear. You get the idea? There… therefore you go up on Postulate Processing and making your own universe, you’re completely independent of present time solution – present time solution.

So how many kinds of mock-ups are there? That you could run on homo sapiens? Well, a long time ago I did a map. It’s a good one… serve you very, very well. You think there’s a lot of mock-ups on this map? Look at it. Yards! So we go back into it again, and I would recommend to you – uh… we’re trying to publish uh… again Book One of SCIENCE OF SURVIVAL under a title called ‘Human Evaluation’. Derek Ridgeway of London is trying to get this out. It takes them a long time, but they eventually get there. And it becomes a pretty good little handbook for mock-ups.

Don’t… let anybody kid you, that your interest in existence is dependent upon the present time solution, because it’s not.

You can go through this thing, and you can look these things over and it says, „He’ll do WHAT?“ And „He’ll do so-and-so,“ and so on. Well, that means such-and-so will be done to him, because he invites those things being done to him, and so on.

Most of the things a person is clinging to in the present time solution are not important, because the present time solution has a habit of being very, very badly upset and erronified.

Well, if you just keep tearing up and down this chart here, it’ll suggest an awful lot of mock-ups to you. Oh, a terrific number. Just loosen him up, practice, and so on, and breaking him out of the rut he’s in. That’s your main difficulty.

You see. The Russians are about to attack you at any minute. The United States is about to attack you at any minute. Um… the amount of bank banditry in uh… Little Keokuk uh… on the 2nd of January has averaged out to the figure of.7623. You’re don’t… don’t even have any money in the bank. What are you interested in a bank account for? Eight robbers were shot today on Rop-Rop Avenue. So what! You weren’t on Rop-Rop Avenue!

This man has a chronic position on the chart. Well, locate it. Maybe this chronic position on the chart uh… is somewhere here in the vicinity of… of 2.0. This guy is obviously in… in antagonism. There’s an aesthetic for antagonism. There’s sight for antagonism. There is uh… sound for antagonism. He will do certain things with all of these things, but we’re not worried about what necessarily he’ll do with them; we’ll just look across this chart here and we see, „capable of destructive and minor constructive action.“

But you take that in as assessment of the situation: are we going to have more robbers or less robbers? it looks like we’re going to have more robbers, but the cops said there’d be less robbers, therefore the cops were… It was a good thing the cops were there.

All right. Now let’s mock up a big car. Now let’s take a sledgehammer and now let’s smash it. Now let’s fix its rear light. Do that a few times, a fellow’ll say, „You know, that’s kind of like me.“ He’ll look puzzled. Why… why, this would come close to home.

Oh, is it? In other words, present time solution! Present time solution!

We… we’re taking that in the most literal possible sense: it’s destructive, but capable of some minor constructive action, see? And there we go into this, we have… you say, „All right. Now let’s repair a light switch. Now let’s mock up a light switch so that you can repair it. And now let’s just tear the room to pieces around it, and let’s tear the roof off, and let’s tear the basement out from underneath the house. And let’s throw all these things out in the street. Now put all that debris behind you. Now let’s take a screwdriver and take one screw out of the light switch and let’s finally get the light switch repaired,“ and we can make sure that that’s just… just the light switch sitting there repaired.

What are you interested in? Well, about the level when a person has sunk to the point where they’re only interested in the present time solutions, they’re not interested, they’re frantic. They’re getting to a point where interest is being displaced by fear of penalty, and this all comes about because they use energy with which to think! And that’s… that’s all there is to it.

You’d be surprised at what happens when you start hitting the guy in his own tone level. It becomes fascinating to him, and he’ll break out of the rut. Because what you’re dealing with actually is not a mechanical flowing gimmygahoojit called an electronic computer. GE’s got one; I’ve been interested in examining it lately. Fascinating gimmick. I never had… never had done any what the GE would call ‘thinking’, and uh… by throwing in some attention units into the area, we… I started some thinking processes going on. Oh, no! „Now I will think!“ So away he runs – fabulous. „Now I will think.“ Nothing happens of course!

And if you were to process this, just… just process this on a pc it’d straighten him out and he’d feel quite a bit better.

And by the way, pertinent to that, just give you a little note here on that. Uh… the future is a ‘will have’. What is called future, by which you would mean future time, also could be called ‘will have’. It’s a ‘will have’. Now, when you get all people in agreement, and tick-ticking off, everybody in agreement with everybody else, the ‘will have’ component alters, and becomes uh… very standardized, so that a person can’t very well control his ‘will haves’. So he has to think about having all the time. He thinks about having in the future and his thought is mainly concerned with thinking about having in the future.

Most pc’s have energy deposits around with which their energy to think is deposited. And where is that? Is that in the future? No, that’s not in the future. There isn’t any energy in the future. Is that in the past? No, that’s not in the past. There isn’t any energy in the past.

Of course, he… he will think when he gets very sad and upset and quite neurotic about… think about what he has had in the past. Some people will just stick on the track, you see. And do you know why they do that? Because they can’t think a ‘will have’ on the future. And that’s why a psychotic evidently goes back down track. And a very important datum! Why does a psychotic go back in time? Well, he has to go back to a ‘had’ because there is no ‘will have’.

Well, where is it, then? Well, I will tell you where it is then. It is in present time. And it has a little sign on it and it says, „This is the future.“

And a person’s activity on the tone scale – this very tone scale here – could be said to be: „How much ‘will have’ is he capable of imagining?“ That’s all, and as less and less ‘will have’ is capable… is there, less and less ‘will have’, he gets more and more reassurance for himself or ‘I have’. There’s where you get ownership very heavily, you see. He’s come down to a level of ownership. And then he says, „Well, I don’t have now, or if I do have now I couldn’t possibly have done it, so the past is the only place I knew I had.“ And in trying to contact something in the past that is good, he contacts something that is very, very bad. And if he’s in terrible condition about all this, it takes these other conditions before he really starts getting ridges caving in on him. Of course, what he had, his ‘hads’ in the past, cave in on him with a crush. and that cave-in follows through – dramatizing, computing psychotic – his ‘will haves’.

Now, the person who can’t get it is resisting the future. He’s trying to pull out of the future and he’s got a reverse vector going. He’s more concentrated upon not having the future than he is upon having the future. And if you want him to get to this deposit, simply ask him… ask him uh… „Let’s… let’s try not to have the future. Let’s try to avoid seeing this deposit,“ and so forth. And you’ll get him back and forth.

Now you just get a preclear to examine his ‘will have’, and I’ll be a son-of-a-gun if you won’t find it to be a deposit of energy! Why? Because so much thought has been devoted to it, and there’s this little law connected with all this, very good little law: What one devotes energy to, he will have. That to which one devotes energy, he will have. And then because it’s a dichotomy, that to which one devotes energy, he won’t have! Particularly if he agrees with what he finally obtains. Then of course he won’t have it, so that’s a secondary consideration that sets in.

Now you can always trick your mind… your energy levels in this wise. You can always trick them very satisfactorily by saying, „All right. Now, let’s try not to make it green.“

That to which one devotes energy he will have. Why? Well, let’s look at this in its most mechanical form. Energy packed into space becomes an object. And so energy packed into a space becomes an object; factually, that is the way you make an object.

You’ve been trying to make this green, trying to make this green. It’s impossible for you to make the green.

So when you think in just terms of „will have, will have, will have, will have,“ one is devoting time to ‘will haves’ – devoting time to future. We find out that the saner the person is, the more capable he is of sighting forward into the future. And actually a very sane person is living waaaaaaay up in the future. He’s very happy about the whole thing, quite excited, enthused and so on. Way up. And as the world caves in on him and takes away more and more and more, he starts thinking more and more and more into the present, and finally he’s thinking for the present. And he… you can’t think for the present by the way, you have to think for just a split se… second ahead because of the activity of the mind. You… you got to think of the next minute at least, in order to be there. But the second you slide away from thinking about the present, you think about the past, and when you start thinking about the past, God help us all.

You say, „Try not to make it green in order to make it green.“

Because when you think… can only think about ‘hads’, what have you done? Let me draw you a picture of that. Here’s uh… the past, and here’s the present, and here is the future. This is the Chart of Have. Chart of Havingness. We’ll dignify it with a title, even though there isn’t very much here. And here we have, coming across here, a time track. The preclear can be located at any moment here, at position PT. And position PT is regulated by an agreement of co-havingness. He got it by something else, got it by the other person – everything is sound, he has the sound – co-havingness goes on all the time in behavior.

You say, „All right. We’ll try not to make it green.“ It’s green – bang!

Then there’s another spook thing. You know I told you that every… every once in a while in these lectures, in going so fast, I… I sort of work like putting it all on a tape recorder and then reeling it off. Not that tape recorder. And once in a while I get enthusiastic about something or something and the thing will skip a couple of turns on the reel. That actually is what happens. Uh… just too much data and one becomes quite impatient about jamming that much data into MEST time and it just gets… so we get slices and so on, and once in a while you… you just miss it completely.

„All right. Let’s try not to see it. You wanna see it. You know you wanna see it, so you just say, „Try not to see it,“ and bong! It’ll turn up.

I told you once in these lectures that there was a cute theory, oh, awfully cute theory that somebody was going to think up – ooh, sweet, very sweet theory. And it’s going to have to do with the fact that – well uh… let’s see, „Those people back in 1952 were wrong.“ Uh… they all start out this way, particularly anyone to whom they owe their all. Anything they know they always have to qualify the statement. Do you want to know what a man’s source is, or what a man’s fair opponent is or who is holding down his MEST that he ought to have, why he’s qualifying statements and tearing them to pieces with these people’s names.

Because that’s the not-have and the have. You can do those both ways. You can just say, „All right. We won’t uh… we’ll pretend not to do that. Okay, that’s good. We’ve got it now.“ And we can go right on. And it’s a method of handling things.

All right. When we have this condition… Let’s… let’s… let’s look at another condition. We got a whole big universe here. And somebody’s gonna say, „Now look, these thetans…“ They… they could start a cult on this, so I’m gonna spike this cult right now. If you guys remember it, it’s spiked. But uh… they say they have these thetans and they wandered into this universe and so on and that was the theory there used to be. Actually… actually what it was is: „You were once an atom and you’re graduating up the tone scale. You are graduating up scale and uh… you are actually developing and you’re getting bigger and bigger and the fact that the presence of the ridges demonstrate adequately that uh… uh… one is really just a large atom with electronic rings. This… this is backed up by Lucretius, and also uh… Pope Pius or somebody, and with a papal bull, which of course is different than philosophy because a papal bull’s true.“ Uh… the uh… MEST universe definition of truth. It’s true.

But that only goes a very short distance before the person just simply discards it as a crutch. But if you were to ask somebody, „Let’s take a look at your future.“

So we have to go back here and look over the track in the past and trace forward how Man is getting „bigger and bigger and more and more developed, and you are developing up toward galaxy size. But at the moment that is a natural thing, that’s what you’ll eventually do, come up toward the size of a galaxy and the thing for you to do – and they were very wrong back there in 1952 – is to collect a lot of MEST and a lot of ridges because that’s what moves you up in size and at length gives you greatness.

The fellow will say, „What do you mean?“

And it happens that the galaxy is a sort of a parent, and a galaxy is a parent, and out of this galaxy is born small galaxies. And these little galaxies are born with more or less the same sentience that they get from the larger galaxy. And then the small galaxy develop, and of course the smallest’ of galaxies is an atom. And some of the atoms succeed, and they develop… and they develop on and at length become animals. And then the animals at length become thetans powerful enough to be men. And then these develop further and then there are thetans that are sort of solar systems. They get that big, you see. And then there are thetans which are as big as an entire galaxy and that can have little galaxies and we can start the cycle over again and that’s really the way it was. And that’s how they’re wrong back there in 1952 and that’s why you should collect a lot of MEST and be shot with electronics and a lot of other things, you see.“

„Well, do you have a little… anything around there when you think of the future, you… you see this, or change this or try to make it green or black or white or something of the sort. Do you see anything like it? Do you have anything like it?“

You know that somebody could sell that?! Tremendously salable commodity. Mmmm! Why, it matches up with a 180 degree vector of this universe. Obviously he can’t have all this stuff so that’s the best reason he must have it. Uh… he’s got all this demonstration of havingness – it’s time. So there you go.

„No. No.“

Somebody else’ll come along and try to explain that the reason our time runs concurrently is our havingness of electrons, which themselves are all – monitored by the larger body or the larger beingness or brain of the galaxy.

„Well, let’s try to avoid having any future. Just get the thought of avoiding any future. Now, what do you see?“

In short, brethren and sistern, we’re going to run into a lot of squirrels before we’re through.

„Well, what do you know,“ he says. „There is one. Yah. Yah. Yah.“ Well, he’s trying not to have anything there in the future. There are things which he’d hate to have happen and he is trying to avoid them happening.

Now that… that’s… that’s theory. Uh… you… you’ll find somebody buying that little galaxy theory one of these days. They’ll probably go down to Fairhope or Wichita or someplace and… I betcha what (bet you what)! I betcha they get a five-page write-up in TIME magazine!

And of course, a person who is way, way, way up tone scale wouldn’t have any such deposit at all. But he wouldn’t be in a body, either.

Okay. We got a present time here, and present time is established by co-havingness – not by cohabitation, as the Freudians believe. And this co-havingness here is just an agreement that at this time, at this instant, this much IS! That’s… that… that’s what you’re agreeing to. You say, „Now look, right now that’s in that state of repair, and that’s in that s… position and state of repair,“ and so forth. No, not present time then, because present time – oh hey, this whole thing goes out of gear, doesn’t it? Isn’t that terrible. Let’s see what else is changing. Oh, thank God. We have… we have a change going on over here on the tape recorders. There’s less tape on one and on the other and what do you know, we use that in this room to tell how long the lecture is.

So the mechanism in it is that anybody who can be influenced by the flows is a give, at which time you would say, „Try to avoid the deposit which is the future. Try to avoid the deposit which is the present in thought energy. Try to avoid the deposit which is the past in terms of thought energy.“ And they’ll light up like Christmas trees.

Of all the havingnesses in, this room which are used for time, none of them is reliable except that tape, because it spins and gets less and less on one reel and more and more on the other reel. See?

And a person who is a TAKE, at „Let’s have it“. Whatever part of the cycle they’re on, let’s just have the… let’s ha… just have the future, let’s not have the future, and you’ve got it.

That’s uh… fascinating. All right. There’s present time. If I want to know what present time, is, I have to look over at the tape recorder. Usually I turn on my own time mechanism. My own time mechanism doesn’t work too well.

And what do you do with this? Well, then you turn it green, you turn it pink and you turn it yellow, and you… anything he can do just keep him handling it as energy in present time which has future labels on it, and the thing’ll blow up. All of a sudden he will experience an enormous feeling of relief.

Hey, you know, here’s a wonderful gimmick! Do you know that you could probably convince everybody that 24 hours had gone by and they didn’t know it? You know, there… there’s a wonderful way of doing this. Everybody thinks that, well, they would wake up with another date, but date’s got nothing do with it.

Why? Is this energy the future? No, it’s not the future. It is a deposit that is labelled ‘future’ and the deposit exists in present time.

You just say, „Do you realize… did you have a moment yesterday, an instant yesterday when you felt sort of suspended or just an Instant when something went like that? Did you feel that? Ohhh, you did. Just for a moment there – if you think it over you can probably pick up such a moment… Well, you know, what happened was… is this entire solar system stood still for that length of time, and of course standing still without any change of position there was no motion, and people who had one foot raised, naturally couldn’t fall down because there was no gravity during that period, because there was no motion.

Is this energy the present that he’s looking at? No, it’s not. It happens to be just a deposit which he calls ‘present time’ and is in present time.

So there couldn’t be any energy flows or interchanges or magnetic waves or anything else to influence them, and the fact of the matter was that this is demonstrably true because nobody noticed it! And it would take every single being we… we have present, would have had to have experienced it to put it in a situation where nobody noticed it. And so therefore it obviously happened! Why did it happen? Because it happened to everybody. And how could we prove this, because there isn’t ANYBODY who saw it happen!“

And is this energy the past? Yep. It’s facsimiles being carted along because he is existing in a dependent state upon his facsimiles. ‘Cause he knows he has to have experience. He goes down to get a job so that he could feed the body.

And the way we do this… this is for… this comes, by the way, from associating with this GE thinking computer, wonderful gimmick.

He has to put the body at a desk so that the body can then be paid, and then the body can eat, so that it could be put at a desk, of course. And uh… nice and circular ambition, you see? So, he goes through this whole situation and when he gets through with it, he knows very well that he has a body, and uh… he’s very definitely dependent on flows, isn’t he?

And so you see, what happened was that there had to be certain major changes made in the orbital action of the roody rods in this universe. And the thetan who is the monitoring agency of this universe of course has to suspend action to that length and he just zeroed time here for an instant. Then of course everything stopped – nothing could possibly have deteriorated because nothing went on. And this co-havingness was… of course, wouldn’t be thrown out of balance, it couldn’t be, because the thetan – he had 24 hours’ worth of work to do, and he did it, and finished it off and then everything went on. But of course as far as they were concerned they were just in continuous motion all the way along the line anyhow – as far as they were concerned. And as I say we have the adequate proof of this because nobody noticed it!“

Well, the… the dependence… his dependency upon flows is… is… his utter dependency on experience is a dependency on flows.

The scholastic used to prove things that way. The Germans… you’ll find in old German philosophic texts the most dissertating dissertations that prove themselves along that line. I’m… I’m sure TIME magazine would approve of that theory. Do you suppose they’d put that on page one! Let’s elect somebody to be the greatest scientist of all time. And let’s have him advance a theory… let’s think of a good theory. Oh, yes, it has to be that he found another science wrong, so that would be Planck. He finds Planck wrong and he finds out that the quantum… the quantum theory of nuclear physics is wrong. Now… now… that’s… that’s the way you start it in this society. „The quantum theory is wrong.“ All right. „Now he found the quantum theory wrong, for the good reason that…“ – let’s see, let’s find a good reason that would fit in about the same tone scale.

The fellow who says, „Well, let’s see. Experience is very important, terribly important,“ ought to modify it this way: „Experience is terribly important to people in a body who are thinking in terms of flows. Then good experience becomes extremely important, because when they put out energy in the direction of their flows, then good experience will come back in and they will do the right thing. And we have a good puppet and an excellent marionette, and this is therefore what we want.“

Oh, „Atomic bombs have to be manufactured, they’re not instantaneous.“ Do you follow that? Well, I don’t. But uh… that’s a good theory. Now we can start in from there and then demonstrate conclusively that the quantum theory is wrong because of the complete non-existence of atom bombs, and therefore, the quantum theory is wrong. Now we can further prove that gravity really doesn’t exist and prove all these other things don’t exist, and in view of the fact that we can prove all this, that’s apathy, because nobody wants anything to exist in apathy.

So, the fellow who gets this job to put the body at a desk so the body can be paid, so that the body can eat, so that he could put it at the desk, so that it could be paid, so that he can eat – is always asked this question: „How much experience do you have? Is it good experience or bad experience? Or is it some other kind of experience? Well, experience – experience…“

There you are. That’s the whole thing. So don’t make this kind of a mistake on havingness. Don’t make this kind of a mistake on havingness that you… you just see it as havingness that then therefore wipes everything out because believe me your desire to have and your desire not to have aren’t foisted off on you. You… you have those, and they’re not illusory. When some people want or don’t want, they want or don’t want with exclamation points on some things! If you don’t believe this, back a US Marshall up against the wall and put a gun in his stomach. He’ll beg.

They don’t realize that at… somewhere in the career of everybody, you get a reversing vector. You get this fellow with wonderful references, just rave notices – he leaves with the boss’s wife and all the dough in the cash drawer.

Now, present time then, is just this existence and… of havingness and your agreement on it. And your future? All is present time on the idea that we must have a rate of change. Rate of change is as mathematics, known as calculus. Calculus is a very interesting thing, it’s divided into two classes. There’s differential calculus and integral calculus. The… differential calculus is in the first part of the textbook on calculus and integral calculus is on the second part of the textbook on calculus.

If this fellow has been exceptionally good, and exceptionally honest, that is the best reason in the world to believe that sooner or later this guy is going to be the foulest crook that ever lived!

Uh… as you look through the book, you’ll find in the early part of the book on calculus, ‘dx’ over ‘dy’. A little ‘dx’ and a little ‘dy’ and they’re over… one above the other on a line, predominates in the front part of the book, but as you get to the end of the book you’ll find these ‘dx’ and ‘dy’s’ have been preceded by a summation sign, or are equating to a summation sign, and the presence of this shows that we are in the field of integral calculus.

And it’s… it’s not monitored, then, by experience. What they’re searching for in all these factors is just this one thing, is: how much energy is this person using with which to think? Now if you can establish how much energy he uses to think, you’ll establish how important it is for him to have experience. Because if he doesn’t use any energy to think at all, it’s not even vaguely important for him to have experience, but boy, would he be valuable in an airplane plant.

Now I hope you understand this because I’ve never been able to make head nor tail out of it! It must be some sort of a black magic operation started out by the Luce cult. Uh… some immoral people who are operating in… up in New York city at the Rockefeller Plaza. Con… thoroughly condemned by the whole society.

He has no experience whatsoever. He goes around to the airplane plant, and he says, „Hey uh…“ Uh… you say… why, the… that boy could draw down much more than any president of any corporation in the United States in terms of MEST, but the trouble is, nobody’d ever be able to pay him unless he was interested. The only pay would be interest.

Anyway, their rate of change theory – I… I’ve never seen any use for that mathematics by the way. I love that mathematic because it – I… I asked an engineer one time, who was in his sixth year of engineering, if he’d ever used calculus. And he told me, „Yeah, once. Once I did,“ he said.

He would go around. Why? Because after the plant had manufactured the airplane and had it all beautifully manufactured and everything else, they wanted to know whether or not this plane would fly, this fellow could simply take a look at the airplane and say, „Yeah, it’ll fly.“ „No, that one won’t fly.“ „Uh, that one’s got something wrong with its motor. It’s the lower side of its motor won’t function. Uh… there were two mechanics had a fight out on the right wing tip, and there is a strut cracked out there or a strut will crack out there, and you had better replace that.“ You would practically have uncrackable airplanes. Why?

„Uh… uh… when did you use it?“

Well, he could just simply pervade through the airplane and he’d sort of feel around in the airplane, and… and… and he’d know what the future of the airplane was. And if it didn’t have a good future, if your fellow was really good, why, if it didn’t have a good future at all, he would merely say, „You will have a good future now, airplane.“ It sounds crazy. But you’re actually moving out from simply causation in the future to causing future.

„Well, I used it uh… once uh… lemme see, what did I use it on? Oh, yeah, yes, something on the rate of change of steam particles in boilers. And then we went out and tested it and found the answer was wrong.“

And you still have a ghost of this in witch’s curses and earth still remembers these things. No matter how dimly they might be, they s… they still recall ‘em. Curses and damnations and good gifts and, „You may now have three wishes,“ the fairy says. Sure, he can give away three wishes, any fairy can give away three wishes. So could you. But I’d think before you give away three wishes, I think you’d better be able to give yourself three wishes, and I think that would be a good thing, and it isn’t necessary for you to sit down and wish hard. It isn’t how hard one wishes that counts, as they teach a child. It’s how lightly one wishes, and how interested he is in having that for which he wished. So, you see what our three wishes would amount to in terms of… in terms of postulates.

Calculus… if you want to know, there is room there for a mathematics which is a good mathematics, and it would be the rate of co-change, or the rate of change when something else was changing, so that you could establish existing rates of change in relationship to each other. And for lack of that mathematics, nobody has been able to understand present time! You just can’t sum it up easily. Or, let us say, for lack of an understanding of what present time was, nobody could formulate that mathematics.

Well, look at no-energy up there on the track and you’ll find this fellow’d be very light-hearted and very serene and he could be quite intense if he were interested – if he were interested.

So actually there’s a big hole there that could be filled and it’s trying – ca… the thing called calculus is trying to fill that hole right now and it can’t. But the rates of change – it comes closest to it. I think it was one of Newton’s practical jokes.

But you can be as intense with an upper band as you can a lower band wave. You can use very light energy to accomplish ENORMOUS things. It’s only with a very heavy energy that you can’t accomplish a doggone thing.

Uh… here we have… here we have calculus as trying to measure a rate of change. Well, if we had something that was really workable and simple, it would be formed on this basis: The present time and gradients of time were gradients of havingness, and as one havingness changed, you could establish a constancy of change for other related havingnesses. But because the basic unit of the universe is two, you would have to have a rate of change known and measured for every rate of change then estimated. The mathematics won’t… I mean a mathematics won’t operate in this universe unless it has simultaneous equations. If you have two variables, you must have two equations with which to solve those two variables. In other words you have to compare one to the other simultaneously. Otherwise you just get another variable.

Just… just try and accomplish anything by telling somebody what to do, forcefully. You do that often enough and customarily enough, and you eventually won’t get anything done.

Of course people laughingly do this; they… they take an equation with two variables and then they solve it. And then they… you say, „What you got?“ And the fellow says, „K.“ You say „Now just a minute. You got K, huh? Well, what is K?“ „Well, K we have established arbitrarily as being…“

Be a much happier thing to be at the stage of the tone scale, where you simply knew they would do it.

You say, „Why did you work the equation out in the first place? You had a K, didn’t you?“

Did you ever go around and say to somebody, „Well, we know that you’ll do that,“ and so on, and just leave them stuck with that? You’ve actually laid a postulate on top of ‘em.

So present time’s advance into the future – rate of change. Present time’s advance over here to the right is indicated by the arrow, is sort of apparent to people, but they’re in it all the time so they have a feeling of travel. And let’s take this time track now and see what does happen. We’ll draw this time track 2 here, and below it we find another arrow, but it’ track. And what’s changing here? What’s changing is the rate of havingness.

Well, a little bit higher than that is, you just KNOW all of a sudden. You just have a conviction in energy terms. You just know the waitress is going to walk to the other side of the dining room. She does.

And we get this track coming back here to PT, and the track is proceeding out that-a-way. Now, what is the track? The track is the rate of change of havingness. And what is the rate of change? The rate of change of havingness is what we agree to be a rate of change of havingness.

You kind of know here and know there and you know this and you know that, and nothing happens.

People’s intolerance for speed and people’s intolerance for slowness are themselves an effort to maintain a constant rate of change. And in view of the fact that these people – as I just commented some facetiously, your desire to have and your desire not to have are real and they are actual – both – and give the universe the backbone of reality and actualities which universes have. You want them there, for lack of something better to have there.

You can’t get down and pitch with flows very long before you come down below that level again. Energy flows are very dangerous to use. Even communication flows basically trap you in and you have to bail yourself out.

That’s earlier talk; unless you gave the preclear a good reason to have something else he would continue to have exactly what he has. You give him interest enough, however, and he’ll want something else, see how that is? But he’s got the MEST universe. That doesn’t mean he’s satisfied, that means he doesn’t have anything else to want. If he doesn’t have anything else to want, he won’t have anything else.

I’m always having to sit down and run out… and pull myself uptrack one way or the other. But, of course, I’ve never used any energy with which to think. And the only reason I’m telling you about this, I’m telling you about this is almost… it’s all extrapolated, but it’s almost a new discovery, although I’ve been kidding about it for two-and-a-half years.

So if he just uh… has this and it’s a certainty and not enough imagination or thought to produce anything else except immediately what he’s got, you’re not going to get a shift. Not even a vague shift, time.

I just put a few attention units down in the GE to find out if the GE could think, and I found the GE thinking. He was thinking. I thought that was wonderful. I thought it was so cute.

So we have over here on track 2 what is happening here. And this is why they keep showing time in vectors, is this rate of change. And of course we see that its rate…

But if any of this stuff had to be THOUGHT about lengthily and so forth, nothing would have happened. The only place where it had to be thought about is: compare it. You compare one flow to another flow, you’d have to kind of mock up a couple of flows and hook them together, and uh… you think about this, and think about that. That’s what’s known as ‘inductive thought’. But you’re not operating, and you can’t operate in order to investigate something; you can’t operate from the basis of postulating to make it so, ‘cause then you can’t investigate it. You see how silly that would be. That… that’s just gruesome. How could you investigate anything if you were postulating all the time?

Now, the dynamics, the eight dynamics demonstrate amongst themselves an interdependency which is covered in writing best in – of the works that I’ve done on this – in Book One. It’s just the viewpoint of what’s good. Viewpoint establishes what’s good. Viewpoint establishes what’s bad and we get these interrelated viewpoints and we get from these then an interdependency. Not one of these dynamics can exist without the other dynamics existing. And so you see that?

In other words, it’d be impossible to find out anything by carrying on investigation which is car… occasionally called ‘scientific’. See?

You’re looking right at the heart of the problem called ‘time’. Unless these stay in agreement one with another, they can’t co-exist, and if one of them steps out without an able support from all the rest, and steps out of line, you’re liable to get a collapse of all those dynamics.

You postulate what the conclusion will be. You’ll find scientists, by the way, are hipped on this. They’ve still have got an aberration on the subject. They’re afraid to think what the conclusion will be for fear the conclusion will be that, and they will then be swayed by the conclusion. And here these fellows with one-sixteenth of one grasshopper-power brain cell left with which to postulate… t… they could make a postulate at a ping pong ball and the ping pong ball would stay right there. It wouldn’t go any place. And yet these fellows are very careful not to make a conclusion before they finish their experiment. They’re getting away from a fear which has now become impossible.

We find that the thetan in a good state is actually all dynamics. Therefore he can be a universe, and that he turns up missing in this one due to the complete uh… plethora of thetans around, it doesn’t seriously damage this one, because he is not removing from it an integral portion of its energy. He’s removing something else that has nothing in mass, and that’s an idea.

There’s nothing wrong whatsoever with saying, „Well, the way this thing is going to work out is this way,“ and then mixing up the MEST universe ingredients this way and that way and finding out it works some other way.

He is a capability and a zero of mass, and his havingness is a time monitor. That is to say, he has or doesn’t want. And you could keep taking thetans out of this universe and nothing would happen much to the universe because you really aren’t upsetting these because you’re subtracting what? You’re subtracting 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8! It’s the only way you can get out, it’s the only way you could add anything to his universe is by adding 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 to it.

You say, „Well, it didn’t work that way.“

In view of the fact that your thetan is a balanced eight dynamics, when he is subtracted, he subtracts almost exactly equal – don’t… you don’t have to ever worry about this, I mean this just happens to work out – he subtracts almost exactly equal quantities on all eight dynamics. That’s why he has to be well up tone scale to get out. Now what do you know! He has to be balanced on these dynamics, otherwise the imbalance freezes him in. Think of that for a moment. So he’s got to be up Into a level of practically pure thought. And the reason he can be up into pure thought is he’s not going to take any MEST with him, believe me, and he’s not going to withdraw on that.

„All right. We’ll postulate that this is going to work this way, and then we’re going to mix all these things up together and they’ll work some other way.“

Let’s take a look at – what’s a balanced equation, then, for this universe? Any stability in this universe contains as its balances the rate of change of the eight dynamics’ interdependencies. The eight dynamics are all interdependent in any stability equation in this universe. And you get any equation in this universe that demonstrates its stability and you’ve got all eight dynamics present. One way or the other, you’ve got them present. And their stability means that they’re present in a stable or balanced form. Now you start to unbalance one of these things, and of course nothing is going to happen at all. If you don’t unbalance it by subtracting 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8. An exact balance from it. See?

And you would say, „Ah, to hell with that.“

You can take out of this stability what, let’s call a beingness, a quantum of beingness, if there could be such a thing. You could take this out all the way along the line and if you took it out wrong, or tried to take it out wrong, you’d blow the whole shootin’ match. In other words, you tried to take it out down tone scale you’d practically blow the universe up, and when the boys try to go out the bottom of the scale with apathy and all that, the rest of that thing, by golly they blow up cultures, cities, so on – everything goes to pieces, because they’re trying to move out of the universe with their hands on all this MEST.

Uh… that would be sensible, because sooner or later you would come either to an apathy about the whole thing and skip it, or you’d find something which, when mixed up that way would accomplish the result which you postulated. Well, you’ve given cause to the MEST universe, that’s what would happen.

The rich man tries to go to heaven; of course he can’t go to heaven on account of those ridges, they won’t let him through the eye of the camel! All right, let’s take a break.

All right, now let’s look at the preclear in terms of energy and he has decided he is an effect of everything. And I was thinking about this Egyptian cult that… white was cause and black was effect. And if you were half black and half white, you were all right because then you were half cause and half effect and you were the effect of your own cause if you were that, and if you looked at the future and found the future black, the future would be an effect. But, if you looked at the future and found the future white, then the future would be cause. But, that was better to have the future cause than to have the future effect. So, what you tried to get was look and see a WHITE FUTURE. How do you like that one? You had to look and see a white future. And if you saw a black future that was bad, and you should abandon that course of action immediately, if you saw a black future.


What the devil are they monitoring? Well, the funny part of it is, it has a workability. They’ve just aligned all the facsimiles which gave the experience of badness, up, and then hooked ‘em up to a circuit which has a flashboard on it, and that flashboard says ‘Black!’ That means, „These thoughts are passing through bad experience, don’t monkey with it.“ And a white flashboard which simply says, „These thoughts are passing through good experience and so the chances of them taking place are very good.“

It’s not very reliable, because it depends on an automaticity of flashboards. But if you want to do intuitive or instantaneous thinking with flows, that’s the way they’re rigged. You see the future is black, or you see the future is white, recognize, for the love of Pete, in yourself or your preclear, if you’re not seeing the future and you still know you are affected by flows, you’re just trying to avoid that sight or perception in some fashion.

All right, let’s look this over then, and we’ve… possibly this is one of the ingredients of occlusion. They made implants in people about this at one time or another, by the way. And uh… you just turn… you don’t run an implant, you just turn the future white, and you turn the future black, and you turn the future purple and then you put some red crosses on it, and then you turn Saturday green. And then you turn these other things this way, and then shift them this way and that way, and then put the future behind your head. And let’s see if you can find the present – what the sum of energy is of the deposit called the present. And that isn’t out here, that’s just right in front of your face, practically, or maybe it’s your body. Uh… anyway, you turn the present white, and then turn it green, and then turn it purple and turn it yellow. And you’d probably be able to park it some place or another by finding another present and postulating it there. Who knows?

And uh… the… the past, as I say again, would be a very heavy deposit, because that’s all composed of facsimiles.

BUT there is a little light deposit that says, „We’ve got to think about the past,“ and that’s the… the deposit accumulated of having to think hard about the past. And you turn it red, and you turn it green, and you turn it blue and you turn it purple. And you try to avoid seeing it, and you avoid seeing it, and you turn it orange and,. and you put it under the left foot.

‘Cause what is it? It’s your own energy which you’re holding onto, by which you’re trying to estimate change of havingness in the future.

A person who tries to estimate change of havingness… rate of change of havingness in the future, by comparing it to the past is gonna fall flat every time.

That is why law is such an interesting profession. Because law depends almost wholly upon precedent, rather than justice or chancery, anything. Precedent, precedent, precedent, precedent. The past is good. The past is good. The past is good. The past is good. The past is good.

And, of course, it moves with incredible slowness. It has enormous heavy massive tomes and buildings and courts, and… and there’re the guys that practice it uh… in terms of police and that sort of thing, they get heavy and everything is slow, and they have to stop motion, and hold it and so forth.

Naturally, because they’re running on the principle: the precedent, the precedent, the precedent, the precedent, the precedent, the precedent. And that means the past is the measure by which we measure the future.

You cannot take the laws of Holland in the year 1213 and pick them up and apply ‘em against Holland in 1952. It cannot be done! And you can’t take the laws of 1928 in the United States, and apply them to the United States in 1952. Different year.

I know this comes as a shock and surprise to many of the governmental agencies, but it’s not 1928.

Now, being down the time track is simply trying hard… down the time track is trying hard to agree with the past so that the present will go all right. If you agree with past experience then the present will go all right. And of course that’s a completely dippy one and brings about insanity, and everybody does it.

Let’s agree with experience and have nothing to do with the postulate.

Well, I talk quite a bit about this because it’s possibly for you an analysis of what Postulate Processing is. It’s trying to get far enough uptone, which is to say use and be influenced by energy so slightly, and be in control of it so s… forcefully and so heavily, and be able to go up so high above any necessity to need it, that one simply says, „Let there be light.“ That’s your theoretical level.

So, you have a process in this in asking the preclear to find these levels and turn them red, blue, green and wink. You’ll find out you’ll solve a lot of his troubles when you do that. ‘Cause all he’s really interested in is: „What is going to happen to me?“

And you see, what was going to happen to him in 1913, as adjudicated by what happened to him in 1912, is not good experience to measure what happened to him in 1952, and even the experience what happened to him in 1832 has no bearing, really, on what happens to him in 1952. And yet we’ll find him making it so. You’ll find him adding this up.

„Let’s see, in 1832 we had a cylinder of this size and it was used for a hay mow. Now, automobiles have cylinders. And therefore I can’t fix an automobile engine. And the reason for this was, is my father back there in the 19th century didn’t like this thing he used in the hay mow. He couldn’t handle it and once it fell on the calf. And I liked the calf, so therefore automobiles are no good.“ A=A=A=A would be a past time engram kicking in because of the geometric similarity of form, and that’s all there is to that.

Well, I’ve actually just beat this thing to death as far as that’s concerned. I could give you an awful lot of… of examples of processing one way or the other… and I probably should.

There’s the Positive and Negative approach to processing; there’s trying not to have the engram, and trying to have the engram. There are four flows really. And there’s trying not to have the engram, and trying to have the engram. And there’s trying to restrain oneself from not having the engram, and trying to restrain oneself from having the engram. In both of which cases, one is trying to have the engram, trying not to have the engram. Four flows. A halt on trying to have clear on over to a halt on trying not to have, to trying not to have. it’s a gradient scale itself.

Now uh… let’s see here, would uh… well, let’s… let’s… let’s find out, let’s… I… I… I… let’s sit down. I am not going to give you anything very rough – nothing very rough. You… you can… you can estimate now what your havingness is in terms of the future because of this process in terms of the present.

PC: (Chuckles).

LRH: Now, what… what… how is this going to alter your havingness in the future? It won’t.

PC: I don’t think so.

LRH: That’s right. That is what I figured. No change.

Okay, now let’s look in front of your face there for a moment and let’s see if you can see anything even vaguely resembling energy as a deposit.

PC: It’s blackness. Plain blackness.

LRH: There’s a lot of blackness there, huh?

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: Uh… it’s easy to get that?

PC: It’s fairly easy.

LRH: Uh… well, now is that blackness uh… past, present or future?

PC: A combination. I think mostly past.

LRH: Uh… it… the blackness is past?

PC: Uh-hum.

LRH: Okay. Yeah, let’s take a look there to see if we can see anything even vaguely resembling a uh… color or a darkness and so on that might be present.

PC: I don’t think I’d be able to tell the difference.

LRH: Hum. No, don’t confirm these theories that way. That… that’s not… not good. You… you realize… you realize how much a newspaper reporter – sad to say, if we ever had him on an E-Meter, and found out all he could think of was rape or something.

All right, just uh… take hold of the cans here. And I guess have to ask the little handy jim-dandy meter. You don’t have to have mitt on there. That’s a beautiful mitt. Volney is… thinks that this will blow out, and he’ll think it does all sorts of things, and as a of fact it won’t. I… I can’t hurt one.

Okay, let’s take a look if you don’t mind too much here, and find out what tone scale. There we go; why you’re in pretty good tone, alive, breathing.

Okay, what’s that deposit you’ve got there? Is that past? Is that present? Future? It’s not the future.

What about the future? Something wrong with the future.

PC: Too many obstacles.

LRH: Too many obstacles in the future? All right. Get your eyes there for a moment. Let’s look around and see the obstacles. Can you see them? Are they visible?

PC: On a reality basis, no.

LRH: You don’t see them?

PC: Uh-hum.

LRH: Well, okay, that is all right. If you don’t see ‘em, you don’t see ‘em. Got it?

Let’s take a look at the… at the past again. You know, that’s just plain murder, you sit there and look at a theta bop – you’re trying to do something else obviously. You realize you’ve got a theta bop.

PC: I have?

LRH: Oh, that’s a rough deal. Be careful not to make a postulate about it.

PC: All right. I won’t do that.

LRH: All right, too many obstacles in the future.

Well, let’s uh… take a look at that blackness in front of your face there, and let’s put a little ring of whiteness around it.

PC: All right.

LRH: Got a little ring of white ness around it?

PC: Yeah. Urn-hum.

LRH: Well, put a white dot in the center of it, too.

PC: Okay.

LRH: All right. No turn it black again.

PC: All right.

LRH Now, let’s see if you could turn it white, all of it.

PC: Gray.

LRH: Gray? Good enough.

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: Now, turn it back a little darker gray.

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: Now, a little bit lighter gray.

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: Now, let’s get it down to… to quite black again.

PC: I can’t get it too black.

LRH: That’s all right. Just toward black. And uh… now let’s get it up the line toward a bright gray.

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: Now, let’s get it down to a dark gray.

PC: All right.

LRH: Now, let’s roll it up the line to a… a little bit more toward white than before.

PC: Okay.

LRH: Do you have a feeling like you’re holding that off or holding it in?

PC: Holding it off.

LRH: You feel like you are holding it off?

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: How about holding it in?

PC: It’s standing still.

LRH: It’s standing still.

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: You’ve got it in balance? All right, let’s turn it to a, uh… by the way, is there a matching one behind your head?

PC: I don’t… I don’t know. It’s hard to tell.

LRH It seems… okay. Okay. I just want to know.

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: Uh… now let’s see this white one in front of your face.

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: Got that white still, or grayish?

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: Have you got it white this time?

PC: Grayish-white now. It’s fairly white.

LRH: Well, let’s turn it darker.

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: Now, let’s turn it lighter.

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: Now, let’s put a little tinge of red in It. Put a tinge of red in that grayness. Let’s just get a little…

PC: I must not like red or something.

LRH: It’s not like red?

PC: I must not like it.

LRH: Oh, well, I don’t blame you. How about getting a little tinge of green going through it.

PC: All right.

LRH: Hum. Okay. Got a little tinge of green going through it? Well, let’s turn it back to white, whitishness now.

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: Now, let’s turn it back to reddishness. Any tiny little flick or impression of it being red. Let’s try not to get it red now.

PC: Okay.

LRH: Did it get red? It did?

PC: Slightly.

LRH: Oh, well, what do you know. All right. Let’s turn it green.

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: All right, let’s try not to turn it red again.

PC: All right.

LRH: And let’s turn it green.

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: Now, can you increase the intensity of that greenness?

PC: A little.

LRH: All right. Now let’s decrease it.

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: Now, let’s decrease it way down till it turns a sort of a whitish, muddy color.

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: All right, let’s turn It down toward black.

PC: I got it.

LRH: Well, let’s turn it into a black curtain.

PC: Okay.

LRH: Now, let’s turn it into a black curtain with little spots of white in it.

PC: All right.

LRH: Now, let’s turn it uh… whitish as a curtain.

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: Now, let’s make its t… texture silky.

PC: All right.

LRH: Now, let’s just start taking curtains off the e… edge of it or the face of it furthest away from you and throw them away. Let’s have a whole stack of curtains there In front of you all white, and whitish silky curtains and start throwing ‘em away. What happens when you do that?

PC: Uh… I’m peeling them but they have… I’m having a difficult time peeling them off.

LRH: Well, just… just loosen the corners this time.

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: Now, let’s loosen another corner.

PC: Okay.

LRH: Now, let’s loosen another corner.

PC: All right.

LRH: And now, let’s install a flutter device that sort of uh… flutters them. Make them flutter a little bit. Just make them ripple a trifle.

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: Now, let’s fill them full of glue and let’s make sure there’s glue but for… all through there – good heavy glue. And let’s perceive this glue in there. Well, just get the feeling like it’s glued.

PC: All right.

LRH: Have you got the feeling about them glued on?

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: All right. Now make them glued on tighter.

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: And make them glued down much tighter.

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: All right. Now let’s just decrease the glueyness of them a little.

PC: All right.

LRH: Let’s increase the glueyness of them a trifle.

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: Now let’s decrease it a little more.

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: Now, let’s make ‘em good and gluey. Oh, really make those things sticky now.

PC: I’m having a difficult time holding the uh…

LRH: Well, let’s try not to hold it now. Now, let’s hold it again. Let’s get it very sticky. Now, let’s reach out and pull the furthest white curtain away now.

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: And another one.

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: Now, let’s go and get about 15 or 20 white curtains and let’s plaster ‘em on this thing – the back of it.

PC: All right.

LRH: Now, let’s stick them on there heavily. Now, let’s get about 500 more. Plaster ‘em all over your body. Lots of ‘em. Oh, but the tonnage.

PC: All over me but they’re not coming toward me.

LRH: Where are they going?

PC: Out to the left.

LRH: They’re going out to the left?

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: Well, pour ‘em out to the left – lots of ‘em. Enforce that line. Got ‘em going real good?

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: Now, let’s speed it up. Now, let’s slow It down. Did you slow it down a little bit?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. Let’s speed it up a whole lot. Now, let’s slow it way down and stop it… Did you get that?

PC: Ummmm.

LRH: Did you get ‘em stopped? Well, just speed them up again.

PC: They’re just changing again.

LRH: Huh?

PC: It’s changing.

LRH: What’s changing?

PC: I don’t see the curtains.

LRH: The curtains are gone?

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: Oh, no. Now turn that… turn that deposit black in front of your face. Got it real good?

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: Now, let’s put another deposit of black on it.

PC: All right.

LRH: And another deposit of black on it.

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: And let’s put much more in the way of black deposits on it.

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: And let’s cover the whole thing with tar.

PC: All right.

LRH: All right. Now let’s… let’s wrap it around the head real tight in so it won’t get away. Can’t you tie those things down on the head?

PC: No, they stay away.

LRH: They stay away?

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: Well, how far is it away from you?

PC: About 10-20 feet.

LRH: Way out there?

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: Is it all black out there?

PC: Just a black spot.

LRH: Well, is that all?

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: Well, turn it green.

PC: All right.

LRH: Turn it purple.

PC: Okay.

LRH: Turn it yellow.

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: Why don’t you put it over about 10 feet.

PC: All right.

LRH: Why don’t you put it up about five feet.

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: Why don’t you put it down about 10 feet.

PC: All right.

LRH: Why don’t you put it on top of the door down below as you come into the lobby.

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: Now, why don’t you glue it down there.

PC: All right.

LRH: Okay. Let’s put another black spot out in front of you now.

PC: All right.

LRH: Let’s put that one down on top of the door.

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: Let’s get another one and put that down on top of the door.

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: And now, let’s get a white spot out there’ in front of you.

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: And put that down in front of the door.

PC: All right.

LRH: And uh… now let’s put all of those black spots in last… an hour ago. Got it?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Hold that Okay. Now, let’s be two feet behind your head…

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: Got it. Okay. Now, let’s take a look at the front of your forehead – now the inside of your forehead… What do you see?

PC: Nothing.

LRH: Nothing there? Okay. Now let’s uh… put a little anchor ball out in front of you – an anchor point.

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: Hold it steady.

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: Did you hold it steady?

PC: Fairly steady.

LRH: Sort of steady?

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: It doesn’t hold completely steady. Well, let’s put one behind your back at the same time.

PC: I don’t know that I’m doing that.

LRH: Okay, now let’s take all of the nice fellows you ever knew.

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: Got ‘em all? Do you see them out front?

PC: No.

LRH: All right, let’s take a house that you’ve lived in.

PC: All right.

LRH: Got that house?

PC: Pretty well.

LRH: Okay, now let’s move it over about a foot.

PC: All right.

LRH: Now, let’s move it back about a foot.

PC: Okay.

LRH: Now, let’s turn it upside down.

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: Let’s turn it right side up.

PC: All right.

LRH: Let’s put it behind your back.

PC: All right.

LRH: Let’s change it somewhat.

PC: All right.

LRH: Put it above your head.

PC: Okay.

LRH: Let’s put it out in front of you.

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: Let’s put about four more houses out there.

PC: All right.

LRH: Now, let’s take the last one you put out there and ram it into the body you have right there. Pick it up, push it into the body.

PC: Uh…

LRH: What happens when you do that?

PC: There’s a black line In front of the houses.

LRH: There’s a black line?

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: Okay, put one of those houses way away from you.

PC: All right.

LRH: Put another one way away from you.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Put all four away from you.

PC: All right.

LRH: Now, mock up a whole big… mock up a whole big circle of those houses. Did you get a circle of ‘em around you?

PC: Yeah, but they’re floating.

LRH: They are floating? All right. Now just send them away from you.

PC: All right.

LRH: All right. Let’s mock up another circle of them and send those away.

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: Well, now let’s just mock up all around you and above you and below you houses of various descriptions, no matter how big their detail is – just mock up lots of them in a 360-degree sphere.

PC: All right.

LRH: All right. Let those go away from you.

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: Got ‘em?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Keep ‘em going. Is there any area they don’t leave from easily?

PC: Uh… directly in front of me.

LRH: They don’t leave directly in front of you. Well, mock up four or five there and slam those into the body… What happens with those now?

PC: I don’t see them.

LRH: They’re gone?

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: They disappeared?

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: Well, for heaven sakes, mock up about five more out there.

PC: All right.

LRH: Turn em red.

PC: Okay.

LRH: Turn ‘em yellow.

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: Turn ‘em blue.

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: Put ‘em behind your back.

PC: All right.

LRH: Put ‘em in front of your face.

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: Put ‘em behind your back.

PC: All right.

LRH: Put ‘em underneath you.

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: Put ‘em above you.

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: Push ‘em all together into one house.

PC: All right.

LRH: Now, take that one house and start pulling off of it all kinds of houses, various assorted descriptions of houses and throw ‘em out around you. What’s happening?

PC: I don’t know, I get an awful confusion of things now.

LRH: Oh, you do?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Well, just keep pulling those houses out and stacking houses around you now… Can you do that?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. Now let’s just take all of those houses and let ‘em move away from you.

PC: All right.

LRH: All right. Let’s mock up every dwelling in which you’ve lived for the last Lord knows how long – any duration of time – and mock ‘em all up around you in all different directions… Make you nervous?

PC: Slightly.

LRH: Well, turn ‘em all red.

PC: Yep.

LRH: Turn ‘em all blue.

PC: All right.

LRH: Let ‘em be any color they please.

PC: Okay.

LRH: Uh… move ‘em all away from you.

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: Mock up another set similar to them… Mock them all up again.

PC: I can’t get houses anymore.

LRH: You can’t get houses?

PC: Uh-uh.

LRH: Mock up one house. One little tiny house and put it on your knee… One little tiny house and put it on your knee, got that?… What’s happening?

PC: It’s just this big black spiralling mass in front of me, whatever it is.

LRH: Well, don’t put the house there then. Put the house upon your shoulder… You get that?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Got that? Well, now put two houses there on your shoulder.

PC: I can see quite a number of them.

LRH: All right, let’s get a lot of houses up there on your shoulder.

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: Have you got ‘em?

PC: Um-hum.

LRH: Drop ‘em into that spiralling mass…