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АНГЛИЙСКИЕ ДОКИ ЗА ЭТУ ДАТУ- Prior Confusion - B611102 | Сравнить
- Rudiments and Clearing - B611102 | Сравнить

РУССКИЕ ДОКИ ЗА ЭТУ ДАТУ- Предществующее Замешательство - Б611102 | Сравнить

СКАНЫ ЗА ЭТУ ДАТУ- 611102 - HCO Bulletin - Prior Confusion, The [B001-094]
- 611102 - HCO Bulletin - Prior Confusion, The [B037-068]
- 611102 - HCO Bulletin - Prior Confusion, The [B161-023]
- 611102 - HCO Bulletin - Rudiments and Clearing [B001-092]
- 611102 - HCO Bulletin - Rudiments and Clearing [B001-093]
- 611102 - HCO Bulletin - Rudiments and Clearing [B161-025]
- 611102 - HCO Bulletin - Training CCHs [B028-048]
- 611102 - HCO Bulletin - Training CCHs [B037-069]
- 611102 - HCO Bulletin - Training CCHs [B161-026]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Усадьба Сент-Хилл, Ист-Гринстед, Сассекс



The following report from Saint Hill Special Course Instructor, Herbie Parkhouse, former Association Secretary, London, is illuminative in the extreme.

Недавнее мое открытие вполне может позволить нам отказаться от необходимости непосредственного прохождения проблем, особенно с теми, кто испытывает трудности в том, чтобы их конфронтировать.


Этот механизм состоит в следующем:

“Dear Ron,

Все проблемы предваряются предшествующим замешательством.

“Here is a long note on my recent experiences on clearing, beginning with Problems Intensive Assessment.

Обработка состоит в обнаружении проблемы, далее — обнаружении предшествующего замешательства, и потом в проведении проверки на безопасность в отношении этого предшествовавшего замешательства.

“I took over my pc after quite a bit of auditing from Reg Sharpe, Instructor, who had found the Goal and Terminal, and a fellow student.

Преклир имеет склонность постоянно съезжать вперед во времени, к самой проблеме, "отскакивая" от однажды обнаруженного предшествовавшего замешательства. Средство исправления состоит в обнаружении О/В в предшествовавшем замешательстве и удержании преклира вне момента самой проблемы.

“On commencing the Sections A-N of the Assessment Sheet I found the pc willing to give me the data asked for with an ever mounting interest, but with an inclination to fight control. This inclination grew stronger on the O Section especially on asking for self-determined changes rather than victim changes. However we completed Section O and went on to P where the problem dropped out OK and I ran the single command. This went fine but very soon the needle and Tone Arm tightened, and pc became ARC breaky. Upon instruction from yourself I changed the process to a 4 bracket command. This eased things considerably and further progress was made with Track opening up, but not much Tone Arm Action.

Всем соматикам, контурам, проблемам и трудностям, включая разрывы АРО, предшествует предшествующее замешательство. Следовательно, возможно (но не всегда рекомендуется для конкретных вещей) стереть соматики посредством проведения проверок на безопасность в отношении области замешательства, которая возникла непосредственно перед тем, как преклир впервые заметил у себя эту соматику.

“Then you discovered the data re Terminals and on Monday you told me to go for clear on his Goal Terminal with a 10 way, bracket incorporating Groups. This shook me but in we went. First session Rudiments took 20 minutes which was longer than ever before. The process ran OK, but not much Tone Arm change. Pc in session very well, somatics, grief and heavy yawning and lots and lots of cognitions. Good Session. You remarked, ‘Keep Rudiments in’ and I innocently wondered why you bothered to mention it! Huh!

Это часть навыков одитора класса 2.

“Next session I commenced Session feeling terrific, and certain I could clear him as per your instructions, until I checked Rudiments, which incidentally on the cross check by another auditor were all OK. I took 48 minutes to clear the Rudiments on the meter, over hill and down dale, through ARC breaks, complaints and attempts to make me feel guilty. At the end of all this I didn’t have a pc very much in session, so I ran 6 commands of the main process and ended Session, for I figured that by ending Session I could get two more cracks at what the heck was going on. In the End Rudiments I took 33 minutes, most of which was on withholds – thanks for the new W/H Question – and did I get a surprise. It turned out that if my pc was to go clear he would have to ‘level’ with certain people and change his way of life, which he wasn’t willing to do, so he worked it out that if he worried me we would spend so much time on the Rudiments that we would never get to the main process and thus he would not go clear and have to do things he was unwilling to do.

Проблемы можно рассматривать в качестве механизма обнаружения скрытых областей замешательства в жизни преклира.

“The Beginning Rudiments for the next session took the whole of 5 mins. In the process the Tone Arm moved, track opened up and out popped Robots, 2 ft high, green in colour with pineapple hand grenade type heads, and some somatics. End Rudiments also took 5 minutes.

Все скрытые стандарты — результат предшествовавшего замешательства.

“Next day Rudiments were out again. Withhold on the subject of clearing and its seeming obligations once again reared its head, but not to the same degree as before.

Этот механизм крайне ценен. Все рудименты можно уладить нахождением того, какой из них отсутствует, получением формулировки затруднения, обнаружением предшествовавшего замешательства и затем нахождением О/В преклира в данной области замешательства.

Track is opening up at quite a high rate. Tone Arm is moving up to 1½ Tone Arm divisions. Cognitions all over the place. Tomorrow I think we’ll flatten it.

Интенсив Проблем, основанный на знании этого механизма, находится в стадии разработки, и я выпущу его для Класса 2, как только буду удовлетворен тем, что его форма приобрела полноту.

“You have said many times, ‘Watch the rudiments’ – I have, but I have never respected them as much as I do now.


“The problem my pc was putting in the way of clearing was very small to me, but big to him. I never would have guessed it could have held us up in a million years.

“Thanks for Rudiments.”
