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CONTENTS LECTURES FOR YEAR 1965 Cохранить документ себе Скачать


  1. ARC Breaks and Generalities (SHSBC-419) - L650330
  2. ARC Breaks and PTPs, the Differentiation (SHSBC-423) - L650511
  3. Awareness Levels (SHSBC-422) - L650427
  4. Briefing of Review Auditors (SHSBC-431) - L651014
  5. Five Conditions (SHSBC-425, MON-2) - L650525
  6. Handling the PTS (PTSSP-04) - L650608
  7. Handling the PTS (SHSBC-426) - L650608
  8. Lowest Levels (SHSBC-421) - L650413
  9. New Organizational Structure (SHSBC-417) - L650309
  10. Org Board and Livingness (SHSBC-420, MON-6) - L650406
  11. Organization and Ethics (SHSBC-424) - L650518
  12. Organizations and Ethics (PTSSP-02) - L650518
  13. Out-Tech (SHSBC-430) - L650921
  14. Progress and Future of Scientology (SHSBC-418) - L650316
  15. Stages of Release (SHSBC-428) - L650727
  16. Technology and Hidden Standards (SHSBC-416) - L650302
  17. Well-Rounded Auditor (SHSBC-427) - L650629