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CONTENTS ADMINISTRATION Cохранить документ себе Скачать
P. A. B. No. 78
The Oldest Continuous Publication in Dianetics and Scientology
Via Hubbard Communications Office
Brunswick House, 83 Palace Gardens Terrace, London W. 8

3 April 1956


A number of vital lessons were learned in setting up and running the college here in Dublin. But they were not all on the subject of the college itself. Some of them were on the subject of Scientology organization.

For six years now we have been stumbling across one horrible thing: Administration. It has come out here in Dublin that the majority of our troubles have been administrational, not technical.

We Scientologists have a lot to learn about administration. I have coded the following as vital bits of data on the subject:

Administration is a form of communication. Adequate administration consists of keeping certain communication terminals in place and making sure that the proper particles go to and through the proper terminals.

Smooth organization consists of having a terminal for each type of activity in which the organization is engaged. There can be four or five activities to one terminal so long as three things are obeyed: (1) the terminal itself has to know it; (2) nearby terminals have to know it; (3) distant terminals have to know it.

Supervision of an organization consists of keeping the terminals in place and keeping the correct traffic (particles and messages) flowing to the right terminals and planning to adjust the communication flow either from outside in or from inside out.

All particles having to do with the exact business of the organization MUST be handled speedily. Particles which are not particularly germane to the organization come in anyway and can be more or less neglected.

Terminals must also originate, not just reply or report.

Command lines must exist in an organization so people know who is boss. But COMMUNICATION LINES are not command lines, contrary to the army psychosis. Communications need not flow up to and down from any command post. Terminals can and should operate independent of the command lines BUT they MUST KEEP THE COMMAND position informed. Terminals can do two things wrong: They can follow command lines with their communications; they can fail to keep command informed.

Filing, invoicing, having the proper forms can be as independently capable of ruining an operation, if they are neglected, as the most flagrant neglect of duty by a terminal.

If orders are filling, if the invoices are right, if the files are kept, if the forms are correct and available, and if everybody knows his job and will do it, an operation will have a hard time failing.

Tight and proper scheduling of classes, appointments, replies and comm origins can forgive a lot of other things. These things are stabilities. If you want an atmosphere of stability, have an atmosphere of precise punctuality.

If you have a system, follow it, hound and harass it into line and keep it there. But if you don’t follow it, junk it and find out what system you ARE following and make that then be the administrational system and keep it tightly in hand.

Let me be terribly accusative and personal. If you have no group or a small group, if your income is low, if you are having a hard time, it is probably due to a lack of good administration in your affairs, not due to your knowledge or lack of charm. You could be a poor auditor and a good administrator in your auditing affairs and still win. You could be a wonderful auditor and a poor administrator and flop completely.

If you are “overworked” you are probably being overworked by bad administration. The fault in administrational work is most intimate to the terminals involved in an administration. If these are each one sound and working well, you’ve won.

One terrible fact stands out in administrational work. If the operation is NOT WELL PLANNED the tendency is to add help. We see this at its worst in governments. These have no equal in adherence to this system. When they see something isn’t running properly, they add some more help. When they still fail to run properly they add even more help. At last you have a government. The totality of its activity seems to consist of correcting mistakes by adding rules and terminals to an already unworkable system. The right way to go about this is to PLAN IN ADVANCE, put that plan to work, REFINE THE PLAN, put that refined plan to work, always on the most basic level, saying always, before one begins to build or reform, “What, exactly, is this outfit here supposed to do?” Answer that question and then plan to make it so and then administer to keep it so. AND ALWAYS ASK THE MAN ON THE JOB WHAT THE HELL YOU SHOULD DO TO HELP HIM OUT. Never sit in some ivory tower and dream up reforms for the organization. Always get your hands dirty. A good executive gets his own communication lines running smoothly and then spends his time going around not giving orders but smoothing out people’s jobs. Eighty percent of most organizations are involved in handling the boo-hoos and nonsense of bad administration. A person who is a minor terminal in an organization should know this too and should put the pressure on the Big Whiz to make sure the comm lines keep running straight.

Now as to the personalities of personnel, it is very true that there are always certain people in an organization poorly managed that the organization would be better off without. These people always do two things: (1) they shovel entheta and Emergency at their foreman and the boss; (2) they are always out of department with their squawks. They are obsessive change, high-critical cases on the personality analysis. They wouldn’t know good news if they had it dropped on them encased in a safe. They can only deal in bad news. If it doesn’t exist they obsessively make it up. In the matter of being “out of department” they are incapable of doing things close to home. The entirety of their real activity is fouling up other terminals while their own department goes to the devil. Show me a man’s personal department and I will show you if he is in or out of department. If the typing battery is always crying about invoicing, you’ll find darned little typing going on. “It’s bad over there” is the theme song. The other type of case an organization can’t afford is the “can’t work,” “you’re working too hard” case. When somebody starts on this one, shoot him from guns. These people — the entheta monger, the out-of-department weeper, the “you’re working too hard”—

cannot be afforded by any organization and that’s it. They actively damage things sometimes beyond repair. They are NEVER of benefit to an organization or group. I speak from bitter experience, I assure you. Fire them if you can’t audit them 75 hours.

In Scientology organizations today, regardless of the work people do (we long since fired all the 1, 2, 3s above including the most prominent U.S. squirrels) we give them 75-hour intensives as fast as we have auditors available. We do this because we can tailor-make executives today. If they slide a bit we audit them a bit more until we’ve got them up there and swinging hard at the real enemies of man.

Our concentration right now is on administrational smoothness. Only in that way will we get the groups and auditors we need to knock out the enemy.