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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Method 9 (WCS-46RA) - BTB730130-2RA74 | Сравнить
- Word Clearing on Foreign Language Students, Pcs or Staff (WCS-48) - BTB730130-4v74 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 730130 Issue 1R - Board Technical Bulletin - Word Clearing - The Key Repair Tool for an Org [BTB02-027]
- 730130 Issue 1RA - Board Technical Bulletin - Word Clearing - The Key Repair Tool for an Org [BTB05-014]
- 730130 Issue 3RA - Board Technical Bulletin - Difficulties with Word Clearing [BTB05-015]
- 730130 Issue 4 - Board Technical Bulletin - Word Clearing on Foreign Language Students, PCs or Staff [BTB03-026]
- 730130 Issue 5 - Board Technical Bulletin - Build Up Powerful Word Clearers [BTB03-022]
- 730130 Issue 5R - Board Technical Bulletin - Build Up Powerful Word Clearers Cancelled [BTB09-005]
- 730130R - Board Technical Bulletin - Build Up Powerful Word Clearers [BTB05-016]
CONTENTS Word Clearing on Foreign Language Students, PCs or Staff Cохранить документ себе Скачать
30 JANUARY 1973
Issue IV
Reissued 5 July 1974 as BTB
HCO Bulletin of 30 January 1973 IV
Same Title
Remimeo Word Clearers Staff C/S Word Clearing Series 48

Word Clearing on Foreign Language Students, PCs or Staff

Very careful handling of foreign language students on Word Clearing is required.

The first requirement is Method One in the person’s basic language. If the person speaks several languages, or lived in several countries, the languages would be handled in the sequence they were encountered.

To do Method One in English on a French person without first doing M1 in French is more or less a waste of time. The person won’t make it in English until the earlier misunderstoods connected with the earlier language are fully handled.

When Word Clearing a person who speaks a foreign language, it is imperative to have a proper dictionary in that language to hand. Do not use the English/French or English/German “dictionary” for it is not a dictionary but a reference manual only and does not contain full and proper definitions.

The most charged language(s) will be that first learned and that used in school.

Obviously, it is best for a foreign language person to be audited on M1 by an Auditor who speaks the same language. However, if one was not available, it could be done by writing up the M1 list phonetically in the language concerned and running a standard M1, making sure that the Pc keeps the Auditor very well informed on the definitions in the dictionary.

Foreign language students on Courses are usually provided with translated tape courses. In this case, the full technology on handling tape courses and their repair must be fully applied. M2 and 4 on tapes must be set up for immediate handling in Tech and Qual.

It could be also that a foreign language student cannot read English because of unhandled problems on reading his own language and so would greatly benefit from an M7 on a reading text in his own language.

If a foreign language student is studying an English text, he must have an English and the foreign language dictionary to hand, so that if he runs into difficulty on the English definition, he can check up on the foreign language definition difficulty, straighten that one, then handle the English definition.

We can get any student, Pc or staff member through if we fully use all forms of Word Clearing fully.

Ens. Judy Ziff, CS-5
Reissued as BTB
by Flag Mission 1234
I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis
2nd: Molly Harlow
Authorized by AW
for the
of the