As there is enough misery in the world without contributing to it, and as the sole purpose of Ethics is to get in technology:
To celebrate the fantastic gains following the discovery that almost all persons earlier audited had attained a State of First Stage Release and had then been run beyond it, and the wide success of rehabilitation of the state:
A GENERAL AMNESTY is declared herewith, effective this date.
1. All Ethics Orders and findings of Committees of Evidence prior to August 20, AD 15, are cancelled;
2. All Ethics Reports are cancelled;
3. Any person labelled suppressive or dead filed or whose certificates have been suspended or cancelled is restored to full status providing only that they have, without charge, a check out for Former Release;
4. All overt or criminal or defiant acts before this date are forgiven fully and freely. By my hand and seal this 20th day of August ADI 5.