When a staff member has a baby the following line will be followed:
The HCO Area Sec in the org concerned prepares a card and sends to St Hill Exec Letter Unit, giving details of the birth, parents' names, etc.
The Exec Letter Unit secretary prepares a letter from LRH and one from MSH and forwards with the card for signature. These letters and card are routed back to the HCO Area Secretary.
The HCO Area Sec then orders a bouquet of flowers and attaches the card to those and has these delivered by the Flower Company. The two letters are sent separately.
A separate card and letter can be sent from the staff of the organization. A supply of appropriate cards can be kept for these occasions.
Care must be taken to do this promptly so that the action is appropriate and doesn't occur a month or two late. Also as usual issue to the New Baby an associate membership as our welcome to the team.
[Note: The associate membership in the last paragraph has been corrected from a life time membership per HCO P/L 31 December 1965.]