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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Dianetics - B680928 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 680928 - HCO Bulletin - Dianetics [B008-060]
- 680928 - HCO Bulletin - Dianetics [B041-081]
- 680928 - HCO Bulletin - Dianetics [B075-082]
- 680928 - HCO Bulletin - Dianetics [B158-011]
CONTENTS DIANETICS Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Class VIIIClass VIII



The most incredible part of the auditing period preceding Sept 1968 was that auditors, calling themselves such, actually could forget, mislay and abandon secondary and engram running as a skill.

The most incredible part of the auditing period preceding Sept 1968 was that auditors, calling themselves such, actually could forget, mislay and abandon secondary and engram running as a skill.

A secondary or engram can key out or key in at will. They don’t stay out, which makes a release a release. The very definition of Release is based on this fact. A Clear has nothing to key in again. A Release does.

A secondary or engram can key out or key in at will. They don’t stay out, which makes a release a release. The very definition of Release is based on this fact. A Clear has nothing to key in again. A Release does.

When you only straight wire a secondary or engram THAT IS RECURRING (restims because of environment) you don’t get a lasting result.

When you only straight wire a secondary or engram THAT IS RECURRING (restims because of environment) you don’t get a lasting result.

This lifetime secondaries and engrams should be run to F/N, not coaxed to F/N by a recall process.

This lifetime secondaries and engrams should be run to F/N, not coaxed to F/N by a recall process.

Anybody can run a secondary or engram. It’s pie.

Anybody can run a secondary or engram. It’s pie.

The only liability in running them in chains was omitted from the Dianetic Auditor’s handbook for some reason. It’s in Book One.

The only liability in running them in chains was omitted from the Dianetic Auditor’s handbook for some reason. It’s in Book One.

IF A SECONDARY OR ENGRAM GOES SOLID OR WON’T DISCHARGE, you find the earlier similar one and run it. Give it only two times through if it is going solid, then try earlier. Finally Basic will emerge and run cleanly.

IF A SECONDARY OR ENGRAM GOES SOLID OR WON’T DISCHARGE, you find the earlier similar one and run it. Give it only two times through if it is going solid, then try earlier. Finally Basic will emerge and run cleanly.

Miracles are contained in this action. But a modern (pre Sept 68) auditor never thinks to check it even. They just straight wire or get it recalled to F/N. And think they’ve done it.

Miracles are contained in this action. But a modern (pre Sept 68) auditor never thinks to check it even. They just straight wire or get it recalled to F/N. And think they’ve done it.

A recent death loss will not really resolve unless the secondary is run properly and completely.

A recent death loss will not really resolve unless the secondary is run properly and completely.

There are two F/Ns available – one by key-out, one by erasure. Don’t run a keying out process to F/N and then run it. Run it in the first place if it’s a serious recent secondary or engram.

There are two F/Ns available – one by key-out, one by erasure. Don’t run a keying out process to F/N and then run it. Run it in the first place if it’s a serious recent secondary or engram.
