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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Certification Board Duties and Responsibilities - 501212 | Сравнить




Effective for first class or processes concluding after January 1, 1951Effective for first class or processes concluding after January 1, 1951

The Certification Board of a certified auditors’ school has as its chief responsibility the certifying of students of the school. As such it is one of the most responsible and trustworthy posts of the Foundation and can be manned only by the most trustworthy personnel.

The Certification Board of a certified auditors’ school has as its chief responsibility the certifying of students of the school. As such it is one of the most responsible and trustworthy posts of the Foundation and can be manned only by the most trustworthy personnel.

The Board is headed by the Chief Examiner. He is the only full-time member of the Board. He may request, to aid him in check-running and examining students, auditors from the Processing Units or from the Clearing centers but he must not overstrain either organization. He is not to use, for check-runs, instructing auditors from the school. It is expected that the Chief Examiner deliver, himself, examinations to the students. And it is not expected that he certify anyone unless he himself has interviewed the person.

The Board is headed by the Chief Examiner. He is the only full-time member of the Board. He may request, to aid him in check-running and examining students, auditors from the Processing Units or from the Clearing centers but he must not overstrain either organization. He is not to use, for check-runs, instructing auditors from the school. It is expected that the Chief Examiner deliver, himself, examinations to the students. And it is not expected that he certify anyone unless he himself has interviewed the person.

The Board has a dual purpose. First, it has in its charge the certification of students and second, it has in its charge the awards given to instructing auditors and to auditors in the Processing Units.

The Board has a dual purpose. First, it has in its charge the certification of students and second, it has in its charge the awards given to instructing auditors and to auditors in the Processing Units.



The student is expected to receive an oral and a written examination and a check on his auditing skill as measured by his actual performance in the 4th week on his intensive assigned preclear. Should the student pass these successfully, the Certification Board awards him a temporary certification as a Dianetic Auditor. This certificate is lettered exactly like the final certificate but it has no engraving on the border and it has printed diagonally across it in outlined letters, TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE EXPIRES (date to be written in, date to be six months fromthe date of issue). The temporary certificate is conditional upon the temporary auditor’s delivering to the Board of Certification, by mail or otherwise, completely satisfactory evidence as to his having released a mental aberration or a psychosomatic illness of some magnitude. This evidence must be in the nature of validation material and its protocol is severe. For the mental aberration case, psychometry must be given to the temporary auditor’s preclear before and after, and the psychometry must be of a kind as to bear the most rigid examination. For the psychosomatic illness before and after medical examinations must be made with complete laboratory tests and X-rays where indicated. Such evidence must be signed by a doctor. The evidence, further, must be in compact form and yet must give the Dianetic history of the case.

The student is expected to receive an oral and a written examination and a check on his auditing skill as measured by his actual performance in the 4th week on his intensive assigned preclear. Should the student pass these successfully, the Certification Board awards him a temporary certification as a Dianetic Auditor. This certificate is lettered exactly like the final certificate but it has no engraving on the border and it has printed diagonally across it in outlined letters, TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE EXPIRES (date to be written in, date to be six months fromthe date of issue). The temporary certificate is conditional upon the temporary auditor’s delivering to the Board of Certification, by mail or otherwise, completely satisfactory evidence as to his having released a mental aberration or a psychosomatic illness of some magnitude. This evidence must be in the nature of validation material and its protocol is severe. For the mental aberration case, psychometry must be given to the temporary auditor’s preclear before and after, and the psychometry must be of a kind as to bear the most rigid examination. For the psychosomatic illness before and after medical examinations must be made with complete laboratory tests and X-rays where indicated. Such evidence must be signed by a doctor. The evidence, further, must be in compact form and yet must give the Dianetic history of the case.

The Board of Certification gives to each temporary auditor a printed or mimeographed form explaining exactly what is wanted by the Board before it awards permanent certification. The Board makes it known to the temporary auditor that the Foundation will furnish him with both preclears and testing service should he wish to remain at the Foundation and complete his work for permanent certification there, a charge being made to the certified auditor for such service.

The Board of Certification gives to each temporary auditor a printed or mimeographed form explaining exactly what is wanted by the Board before it awards permanent certification. The Board makes it known to the temporary auditor that the Foundation will furnish him with both preclears and testing service should he wish to remain at the Foundation and complete his work for permanent certification there, a charge being made to the certified auditor for such service.



The standard certifying course of the Foundation schools is six weeks in duration. During this period the student will have processed three (3) persons, all of them on an intensive basis. Certification of such students can be based on observation of them in actual auditing sessions, on the psychometry of their preclears and upon oral and written examinations. The straight check-run becomes unnecessary if the Chief Examiner observes them while they are actually auditing. Permanent certification is awarded by the Chief Examiner. The certificate is handed out at the conclusion of training, if awarded.

The standard certifying course of the Foundation schools is six weeks in duration. During this period the student will have processed three (3) persons, all of them on an intensive basis. Certification of such students can be based on observation of them in actual auditing sessions, on the psychometry of their preclears and upon oral and written examinations. The straight check-run becomes unnecessary if the Chief Examiner observes them while they are actually auditing. Permanent certification is awarded by the Chief Examiner. The certificate is handed out at the conclusion of training, if awarded.

In accordance with the organizational memorandum about awards, the Board of Certification informs the administrator concerning the number of students who have been certified each week and the name of their instructor. Further, the Board of Certification reviews the psychometry of all persons processed by the Processing Unit and sends a statement to the administrator concerning those who, in the period between the before and the after psychometry, increased in their total intelligence factors 25 points, as registered by the California Test for Mental Maturity or a corresponding rise in a similar test and the name of the auditor who did the processing. This list of certifications of temporary auditors shall each week contain the names of all the students in the class with those temporarily certified designated and shall be in such form as to be conspicuously posted by the administrator. The processing list shall likewise contain the names or reference numbers of all those processed and those who attained the rise in total factors and the name or names of the auditors processing them, so that it can be posted. The Board of Certification is held responsible if the posting does not take place. In special cases of processing, where a processee is processed for more than one week, the Board adjudicates the award of five dollars for each temporary certification and ten dollars for each 25 point gain processee.

In accordance with the organizational memorandum about awards, the Board of Certification informs the administrator concerning the number of students who have been certified each week and the name of their instructor. Further, the Board of Certification reviews the psychometry of all persons processed by the Processing Unit and sends a statement to the administrator concerning those who, in the period between the before and the after psychometry, increased in their total intelligence factors 25 points, as registered by the California Test for Mental Maturity or a corresponding rise in a similar test and the name of the auditor who did the processing. This list of certifications of temporary auditors shall each week contain the names of all the students in the class with those temporarily certified designated and shall be in such form as to be conspicuously posted by the administrator. The processing list shall likewise contain the names or reference numbers of all those processed and those who attained the rise in total factors and the name or names of the auditors processing them, so that it can be posted. The Board of Certification is held responsible if the posting does not take place. In special cases of processing, where a processee is processed for more than one week, the Board adjudicates the award of five dollars for each temporary certification and ten dollars for each 25 point gain processee.

As it can be seen, considerable trust is placed in the Chief Examiner, for the post is susceptible of favoritism. Failure of trust in this post could do the Foundation and Dianetics enormous harm. The Chief Examiner is enjoined to report all persuasions of breach of trust immediately to the office of the president.

As it can be seen, considerable trust is placed in the Chief Examiner, for the post is susceptible of favoritism. Failure of trust in this post could do the Foundation and Dianetics enormous harm. The Chief Examiner is enjoined to report all persuasions of breach of trust immediately to the office of the president.

Additional duties of the Board of Certification may be given to it from time to time.

Additional duties of the Board of Certification may be given to it from time to time.

Such an additional duty is the assistance called for from it by the memorandum on staff grading where in the Board is a court of appeal for under and over grading by the administrator.

Such an additional duty is the assistance called for from it by the memorandum on staff grading where in the Board is a court of appeal for under and over grading by the administrator.

Another additional duty, consequent to the intimacy of the Board with the quality of the instruction shall consist of keeping the Director of Training informed as to the weak points of his instructors as represented by the examinations. The Board may also advise new methods of instruction to the Director of Training. The Board may also devise and advise the office of the president of such new methods of training.

Another additional duty, consequent to the intimacy of the Board with the quality of the instruction shall consist of keeping the Director of Training informed as to the weak points of his instructors as represented by the examinations. The Board may also advise new methods of instruction to the Director of Training. The Board may also devise and advise the office of the president of such new methods of training.

The Board exists to raise and to maintain at a high level the standards of certified auditors. This is its central purpose. It may recall to it already certified auditors for examination and may recommend suspensions of their certificates but only after the matter has gone through the Board of Ethics and Standards.

The Board exists to raise and to maintain at a high level the standards of certified auditors. This is its central purpose. It may recall to it already certified auditors for examination and may recommend suspensions of their certificates but only after the matter has gone through the Board of Ethics and Standards.

Precision in keeping appointments is an essence of the operation of the Board. It should never fail to have appointments fairly kept. And whenever it refuses certification to a student it must always make a precise appointment for re-examination of that student at some future date, advising that student of exactly why he was not certified but advising him in such a way as to retain good public relations for the Foundation.

Precision in keeping appointments is an essence of the operation of the Board. It should never fail to have appointments fairly kept. And whenever it refuses certification to a student it must always make a precise appointment for re-examination of that student at some future date, advising that student of exactly why he was not certified but advising him in such a way as to retain good public relations for the Foundation.

The Board of Certification may have appear before it auditors who have not attended the school but who have learned auditing in the field and who wish to be certified. Such examinations shall not be turned down. A charge of $35 shall be made of the non-school auditor to cover costs of his examination and certification. The examination given to the non-school auditor shall be the same in every way as that given to the school auditor. The non-school auditor shall be awarded a temporary certification and shall have the same requirements made of him as are made of the school auditor.

The Board of Certification may have appear before it auditors who have not attended the school but who have learned auditing in the field and who wish to be certified. Such examinations shall not be turned down. A charge of $35 shall be made of the non-school auditor to cover costs of his examination and certification. The examination given to the non-school auditor shall be the same in every way as that given to the school auditor. The non-school auditor shall be awarded a temporary certification and shall have the same requirements made of him as are made of the school auditor.

Typed: December 12,1950
Typed: December 12,1950