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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Basic Principles of Promotion (0.PROMO) - P651117 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Основные Принципы Продвижения (2) - И651117 | Сравнить
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- Основные Принципы Продвижения (ц) - И651117 | Сравнить
- Основные Принципы Продвижения - И651117 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 651117 - HCO Policy Letter - Basic Principles of Promotion, The [PL009-139]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Dissem SecDissem Sec
HCO Exec SecHCO Exec Sec
Dir of PromotionDir of Promotion
Promotion StaffPromotion Staff



The following points are a summary of the basic principles of promotion. It is important that you understand them and apply them in your promotion.

The following points are a summary of the basic principles of promotion. It is important that you understand them and apply them in your promotion.

1. The basic principle of promotion is to drive in more business than can be driven off by a service unit or mistakes can waste. This applies to any promotion anywhere.

1. The basic principle of promotion is to drive in more business than can be driven off by a service unit or mistakes can waste. This applies to any promotion anywhere.

Never allow your standard of how many people should be brought into the org to be set by any other division or part of the organization. Promote as far above as possible the present operating capacity of the organization and you will win.

Never allow your standard of how many people should be brought into the org to be set by any other division or part of the organization. Promote as far above as possible the present operating capacity of the organization and you will win.

From this it follows that Tech or any other part of the Org can never tell the Dissemination Division when or how many customers to bring in or that “we can only handle 10 preclears this week”. It is the job of promotion to drive in as many preclears as possible. It’s up to Tech to find the space and the auditors.

From this it follows that Tech or any other part of the Org can never tell the Dissemination Division when or how many customers to bring in or that “we can only handle 10 preclears this week”. It is the job of promotion to drive in as many preclears as possible. It’s up to Tech to find the space and the auditors.

In other words, promotion must be so huge and effective so that even if other divisions are blocking the line or driving people off so many people are being crowded into the org by promotion that it makes up for any waste done by other parts of the org. You get the idea. It’s not flattering but it is the stable datum that successful promotion anywhere operates on. By the way, the error does not necessarily have to be within the org. A bus strike could temporarily prevent people from across town being able to start the HRS Course. Promotion should have promoted so much the Course is still full despite such an error.

In other words, promotion must be so huge and effective so that even if other divisions are blocking the line or driving people off so many people are being crowded into the org by promotion that it makes up for any waste done by other parts of the org. You get the idea. It’s not flattering but it is the stable datum that successful promotion anywhere operates on. By the way, the error does not necessarily have to be within the org. A bus strike could temporarily prevent people from across town being able to start the HRS Course. Promotion should have promoted so much the Course is still full despite such an error.

The motto of promotion could be “we shall overcome-by numbers” “Despite any errors we bring in so many people into the org continually or sell so many books that even if the body registrar drives them off at gun point enough will get through to keep the statistics rising.”

The motto of promotion could be “we shall overcome-by numbers” “Despite any errors we bring in so many people into the org continually or sell so many books that even if the body registrar drives them off at gun point enough will get through to keep the statistics rising.”

2. If a promotional programme does not seem to work find out where it is not being applied—don’t Q and A and abandon the programme. Spot instead the non-compliance which is preventing it from going into operation.

2. If a promotional programme does not seem to work find out where it is not being applied—don’t Q and A and abandon the programme. Spot instead the non-compliance which is preventing it from going into operation.

3. Later promotional programmes will not work if earlier ones have not been executed. Example: the programme is to send out fliers to sell bla bla to all buyers of foo-foo’s. But it turns out that the original programme to compile a list of the buyers of foo-foo’s off old invoices was not done therefore a flier to sell bla bla can’t be sent to buyers of foo-foo’s. And since the invoices were burnt up by some long gone suppressive (let’s say) the original programme can’t be carried out.

3. Later promotional programmes will not work if earlier ones have not been executed. Example: the programme is to send out fliers to sell bla bla to all buyers of foo-foo’s. But it turns out that the original programme to compile a list of the buyers of foo-foo’s off old invoices was not done therefore a flier to sell bla bla can’t be sent to buyers of foo-foo’s. And since the invoices were burnt up by some long gone suppressive (let’s say) the original programme can’t be carried out.

What to do?

What to do?

Don’t give up or abandon the programme of selling bla bla to buyers of foo-foo’s. Get clever and dream up some other way of compiling the list you want. Maybe it’s as simple as a notice in your local newspaper or a questionnaire to everyone in your files: “Did you ever buy foo-foo’s?”

Don’t give up or abandon the programme of selling bla bla to buyers of foo-foo’s. Get clever and dream up some other way of compiling the list you want. Maybe it’s as simple as a notice in your local newspaper or a questionnaire to everyone in your files: “Did you ever buy foo-foo’s?”



Having a successful promotional programme consists of getting it executed. If it seems to not be working, spot where it isn’t being done. The non-execution could be years earlier in a former programme which was not executed.

Having a successful promotional programme consists of getting it executed. If it seems to not be working, spot where it isn’t being done. The non-execution could be years earlier in a former programme which was not executed.

We have had lots of workable programmes in Scientology. It takes no cleverness to dig them up and use them. There is no need to embark on new programmes until the earlier programmes are completed.

We have had lots of workable programmes in Scientology. It takes no cleverness to dig them up and use them. There is no need to embark on new programmes until the earlier programmes are completed.

Let’s take the Franchise programme as an example. The original order given to an ex-Franchise Sec years ago was to get all Franchise holders trained at Saint Hill. Years later we find that that order has only been partially carried out. The Franchise programme bogged down at exactly that point. Now, the whole matter is being handled by getting the current Franchise Officer to carry out the original order.

Let’s take the Franchise programme as an example. The original order given to an ex-Franchise Sec years ago was to get all Franchise holders trained at Saint Hill. Years later we find that that order has only been partially carried out. The Franchise programme bogged down at exactly that point. Now, the whole matter is being handled by getting the current Franchise Officer to carry out the original order.

The cleverness required in promotion is not starting a new programme or carrying out a programme. But cleverness is required in getting an old programme executed when the means to get it executed no longer exist; such as when a mailing list has been lost and you need to devise a means of re-compiling the list.

The cleverness required in promotion is not starting a new programme or carrying out a programme. But cleverness is required in getting an old programme executed when the means to get it executed no longer exist; such as when a mailing list has been lost and you need to devise a means of re-compiling the list.

Finally, promote until the floors cave in because of the number of people—and don’t even take notice of that, just keep promoting.

Finally, promote until the floors cave in because of the number of people—and don’t even take notice of that, just keep promoting.
