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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Interiorization Errors (CSS-035R, INTRD-10) - B711216 | Сравнить
- Interiorization Errors (CSS-035RB, INTRD-10) - B711216RB78 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Ошибки Интеризации (КС-35RB, ИНТРД-10) - Б711216RB78 | Сравнить
- Ошибки в Работе с Интеризацией (КС-35RB, ИНТРД-10) - Б711216RB78 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 711216 - HCO Bulletin - Interiorization Errors [B011-269]
- 711216 - HCO Bulletin - Interiorization Errors [B047-040]
- 711216RA - HCO Bulletin - Interiorization Errors [B052-036]
- 711216RA - HCO Bulletin - Interiorization Errors [B142-051]
- 711216RB - HCO Bulletin - Interiorization Errors [B095-015]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo Int RD Checksheet HGC Auditors C/Ses Cl IV Grad Checksheet (Revisions in this type style)
(Ellipses indicate deletions)
CS Series 35RB
Interiorization RD Series 10



Almost all the errors in an Interiorization Rundown are Dianetic errors. Most are very ordinary, even corny.

It is vital to correct an Int RD error as a first action.

There is one Int RD error that is not a purely Dianetic error and that is the error of doing anything else at all before an Int RD is done properly or an Int RD error is fully corrected.

The Int RD error may be… that the Int button run did not read on the meter, or read only because of an MU on the word, yet… was run. (HCOB 4 Jan 71R.) This classifies as “running an unreading item.”

A common Int error is that the pc is not cleared on the concept of interiorization and the words and commands, so he is being audited over misunderstoods.

Or the Int RD could have been overrun. The EP is reached on… F2, let us say. The auditor keeps on going past the win. This will hang up the rundown. One of the ways an overrun occurs is the pc goes exterior during it. Yet the auditor keeps on. Another way is pc has a big cog, big win. Auditor keeps going on with the RD.

When a pc is exteriorized by auditing and is then audited further without being given an Interiorization Rundown, his TA will go high or low and he may be very upset. Heavy masses may come in and he may also get ill.

Int RD errors also may go back to earlier Dianetic errors. A number of unflat incidents invite the overrun of these if they also occur on a Dianetic chain.

To clean up a balled-up Int RD chain or incident one may have to find and clean up the Dianetic error it is sitting on during the clean-up of the Int RD error.

Int RD errors, goofs, etc., are handled by using an Int RD Correction List Revised, HCOB 29 Oct 71RA.

This must be excellently metered so that the original error is not further compounded by misassessment of the correction list and a falsely reading item taken up.

Auditors who can’t run ordinary R3RA with great success should not be let near an Interiorization RD as their lack of smoothness in handling Dianetics will wreck the Int RD.

Auditors who cannot read a meter flublessly should not be let near an Int RD or an Int RD Correction List, or The End of Endless Int Repair RD.


An excellent Class IV Grad, HNED auditor can easily repair a messed-up Interiorization Rundown after a folder study and by use of an Int RD Correction List Revised, HCOB 29 Oct 71RA and, as indicated, The End of Endless Int Repair RD, HCOB 24 Sep 781, Int RD Series 4.

A Class IV Grad, HNED auditor with an excellent Dianetic record of wins can be given an Int RD to do or to correct if he is starrated on the Int Pack and the Two-Way Comm Pack.


Wherever you see a TA high and a pc in trouble your first suspicions should be:

1. Audited past Ext in auditing without an Int RD being done.

2. Int RD botched by being unnecessary (none of the Int buttons read or read only on MUs), or overrun or auditor goofs in the session.

3. A previously messed-up Dianetic action has gotten fouled up with the Int RD.

4. The Int command was improperly cleared (such as “means go in and out again” “means trapped” “meant leaving,” etc.).

5. Firefights and worries over the high or low TA have ensued after an Int ball-up has occurred.

6. Some major action like grades or items of Power have been run twice.

7. A C/S has hopefully kept on getting the pc audited without detecting the real reason as a flubbed Int RD, and without getting the Int RD and any repair fully FESed.


The percent of misrun Int RDs is high, many being unnecessary or overrun.

The liability of leaving them unrepaired is high.

Reasons for high TA are averaging out close to 100% as an unrun or a flubbed and unrepaired Int RD.


When a pc exteriorizes in session it is the end phenomena for that process or action. One gently ends off in any case. If the pc has not had an Interiorization Rundown, it is vital, in his next session, to check Int (per HCOB 24 Sep 71R Interiorization Rundown Correction Drill – Date To Blow/Locate To Blow) as the first action. All manner of physical and emotion upsets can result, including a high TA, if this step is omitted.

Int must be checked as the next action after the fact of the pc’s first exteriorization.

No other auditing is to be done before Int is handled fully or proves to be uncharged upon checking.

If even years after an Int RD the pc has a high TA or a low TA then Int trouble is at once suspected and the original Int RD and any repair of it is suspect and must be handled.

The Int RD Correction List Revised (HCOB 29 Oct 71RA) has been designed to straighten out Int RD errors. L3RF handles the Dianetic errors. Where Int Correction Lists have been done and the pc still has headaches or other Int troubles a thorough FES must be done first on any Int repairs and the Int RD itself before another correction list or other action is ordered.

Isolate any errors and get them cleaned up by an auditor who can read a meter and run and repair Dianetics standardly.

If Int troubles persist and the C/S is certain that any and all errors have been fully repaired & cleaned off the line, he orders The End of Endless Int Repair RD (HCOB 24 Sep 781, Int RD Series 4). This should totally handle Int.

Or if the C/S is in doubt about how to handle and gets into a mess trying to repair chains, he can cut directly onto the End of Endless Int Repair Rundown and he will get someplace.

There is no real trick to either running a correct Int RD or repairing a flubbed one.

The whole clue is whether or not the auditor can audit plain ordinary garden variety R3RA, and is able to read a meter.

So when ANY auditor audits a pc past exterior and the pc’s TA goes high he should be checked out fully on the Int RD Checksheet so he won’t continue to commit the error.

And when ANYONE is going to run an Int RD he must:

A. Be an expert New Era Dianetics auditor and Class IV Graduate.

B. Be starrated on all the Int RD Series.

C. Be able to read a meter flublessly.

And when any C/S is confronted with high TAs or low TAs and doesn’t handle at once by getting an Int RD properly run or properly repaired he must be rechecked on the New Era Dianetics pack and the Int RD pack.

DN C/S-1

A very careful Dianetic C/S 1 must be done on a previously unindoctrinated pc before he is run on an Int RD.

Otherwise it’s all too new.

A C/S 1 isn’t auditing.

The pc who can’t do what the auditor says or can’t correct an erroneous action is lost.

A fully safe pc would be one who when he goes Ext in auditing is made to do the Hubbard New Era Dianetics Course at once before he even gets any ruds put in and not audited again until he is a Hubbard New Era Dianetics Auditor. He’d be a pc who was relatively safe.

A pc who does what an inexpert auditor says without question can really get fouled up! Uneducated pcs require really flawless topnotch auditors. The auditor who can audit an uneducated pc is a jewel. He really has to know his business. Because the pc does whatever he says. And if he says wrongly, then there goes the session. Ever notice pc corrections in a worksheet? “I think you bypassed an F/N.” “This feels overrun.” “I had Grade 1 last year.” Such auditors are not fully enough trained to handle wholly green pcs!


Honest fellows, it’s as easy to run an Int RD as it is to run “an ear pain.”

It isn’t even mysterious or tough.

It is only very important to detect when it needs to be done or repaired.

There are no mysteries.

Some auditors have got me feeling like I’m trying to teach them to chew soft bread!
