For some time now I’ve been engaged on a path of OT research, resulting in the new OT levels and which will result in never before dreamed of states of being for thetans.
These new OT levels and others to follow will advance a thetan to levels he hasn’t even imagined for eons.
And hear this! In order to help you along the road to OT, I’m going to release the following OT data that you can use to pull up your theta bootstraps and get along up the road.
These are OT maxims! Know them well!!
The power (defined as light-year-kilo-tons
And that is the power of a thetan; the totality of it, believe it or not.
When a thetan exerts this power uncleverly, he brings about destruction.
And thus you get Fascist State that destroy itself. It’s got the control but not good sense.
And so that is where good sense and judgement enter in.
When good sense and good judgement are not added into control, control gets a bad name.
And that is where you get the idea that people shouldn’t control.
A way to improve your control or another’s is to do it on a gradient.
If a thetan is having trouble controlling things, get him to control things on a gradient and he’ll snap right out of it.
Good Control:Harmonious alignment.
Bad Control:Disharmonious alignment.
And by the way, you have art here, too!
War:Bad control having to be exerted because good control wasn’t exerted. And this also defines destruction.
So there you are! Use these maxims well. Our future depends on it.