Education by importance is alright as long as you are in terrific ARC with your people. If you are not in terrific ARC with the people you have to get them to relax about the body of data you are teaching before the importance of data shows up.
A person can be hung up on the all-importance and everything-ness of a subject. He is so nervous of dire consequences that he will eventually have an accident. People are often thoroughly educated into this attitude. It is all so important it will kill him if he doesn’t know. This inhibits his power of choice and ability to evaluate data. Education today is taught by consequence, not by the fact it is a sensible thing to do. In the world importance essentially means punishment.
To teach someone a subject just have him select out the un-importances of the subject. He will start to think everything is important but coax him on with ARC and 8C and he will eventually come up with something un-important, i.e. , You are teaching him how to drive a tractor. He will find the coat of paint on the crank un-important. You acknowledge and ask him to find something else un-important. Keep at this repeating it and repeating it and eventually „all-ness“ will start to disintegrate. He will select down to the most important controls of the tractor and the next thing you know he can drive a tractor! He won’t have a craving to know anxiety and won’t be nervous at all. You are teaching by de-evaluation of importances.
It is interesting that a person who never selected out the importances of Scientology or any subject, and believes every datum must be memorized, you will find, has a history of being punished within an inch of their lives. There is a direct co-ordination here.
Education is basically, fixing data, unfixing data, and changing existing data, either by making it more fixed or less fixed.
This technology using importances can undo to a marked extent a very thorough education in some subject and return it to the power of choice of an individual.