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CONTENTS POLICY LETTERS FOR YEAR 1959 Cохранить документ себе Скачать


  1. Add Formula 10 - P590702-4
  2. Additional Message Designation (DIV1.TELEX) - P591021
  3. Additional Staff Auditors (DIV1.DEP1.PERS-PLACE) - P590430
  4. Blow-offs (DIV1.DEP3.ETHICS) - P591231
  5. Cable, Dont Phone (DIV1.TELEX) - P590812
  6. Carrying out Instructions (DIV1.HATS) - P590923
  7. CenOCon - P590625
  8. Central Organization Efficiency - P590522-2
  9. Comm Speed (DIV1.DEP2.COM-SYS) - P591014
  10. Completed Staff Work (CSW) - How to Get Approval of Actions and Projects (DEVT) - P590904
  11. Credo of a Good and Skilled Manager - P590422(630910)
  12. Data Required as Reports from HCO Secs (DIV1.HCO) - P590810
  13. Developed Traffic, the Delirium Tremens of Central Orgs (DEVT) - P590702-2
  14. Duty of Area Sec - Re Personnel - P590227
  15. Emploiment of Criminals Forbidden - P591123
  16. Employment of Criminals Forbidden (DIV1.DEP1.STAFF-STATUS) - P591123
  17. Ethics (DIV1.DEP3.ETHICS) - P590123
  18. Forbidden HCO Activities - P590301
  19. HCO Area Secretary Material (DIV1.HCO) - P590113(591020)
  20. HCO Communicator Hat (DIV1.DEP2.COM-SYS) - P590129
  21. HCO Filing System (DIV1.DEP2.HCOB-PL-ED) - P590423
  22. HCO Master File (DIV1.DEP2.HCOB-PL-ED) - P590225
  23. HCO Office Designations and Personnel (DIV1.HCO) - P590102
  24. HCO Order of Importance of Actions (DIV1.HCO) - P591020
  25. HCO Personnel Training (DIV1.DEP2.COM-SYS) - P590106
  26. HCO Theory of Communication (DIV1.DEP2.COM-SYS) - P590302
  27. HCO WW Stenos Hat (DIV1.DEP2.HCOB-PL-ED) - P591030
  28. Handling of Telex Machines (DIV1.TELEX, COM) - P590821
  29. Hats and Other Folders (HATS) - P590915
  30. How to Handle Work (DEVT) - P590819
  31. How to Interview People - P590223
  32. Hubbard Communications Office (DIV1.HCO) - P590514
  33. Instructions to Attorney or Solicitors (DIV1.HCO) - P590604-P621120
  34. Letter Designations on HCO Bulletins (DIV1.DEP2.HCOB-PL-ED) - P590224(B)
  35. Mailing Lists (DIV1.ADDR) - P590622
  36. Modifies P590522 (DIV1.DEP2.HCOB-PL-ED) - P590625
  37. Org Boards (DIV1.DEP1.ORGB) - P591007(B)
  38. Organization Posts - Two Types (0.COM) - P590424-2
  39. Organizational Health Chart see footnote OEC Vol. 7 - P590909
  40. Outflow (0.COM, DIV1.DEP2.COM) - P590706-2
  41. Outstanding Copyrights and Marks (DIV1.HCO) - P590120-3
  42. Permanent Staff Members (DIV1.DEP1.STAFF-STATUS) - P590310
  43. Policy Letter and Bulletin Distribution Code (DIV1.DEP2.HCOB-PL-ED) - P590522
  44. Policy Letter and Bulletin Distribution Code (DIV1.DEP2.HCOB-PL-ED) - P590907
  45. Policy on Sec EDs and Hats (HATS) - P590505
  46. Policy on the Director of Processings Interviews - P590903
  47. Programming (0.PLAN-TARGETS) - P590912(B)
  48. Purchasing Liability of Staff Members (0.EQUIP-SUPPLIES) - P590602
  49. Putting New Personnel on the Job (DIV1.DEP1.PERS-PLACE) - P591018
  50. Reception (DIV1.DEP1.ROUT) - P590810
  51. Reports Required from HCO Secretaries (DIV1.HCO) - P590810
  52. Reports Required from HCO Secretaries, Add (DIV1.HCO) - P590813
  53. Responsibility for HCO Files (DIV1.DEP2.HCOB-PL-ED) - P590701-2
  54. Scientology Cleanup (DIV1.DEP3.ETHICS) - P591207
  55. Scientology Magazines (DIV1.ADDR) - P590126
  56. Signatures on Bulletins, Policy Ltrs and Sec EDs (DIV1.DEP2.HCOB-PL-ED) - P590621
  57. Staff Auditing Requirement (DEVT) - P590707
  58. Staff Post (SECED-215) - P590514
  59. Technology (DIV1.HCO) - P590529
  60. Tips to HCO Communicators (DIV1.DEP2.COM-SYS - P590824
  61. Validation of Franchises (DIV1.DEP3.ETHICS) - P591120
  62. When in Doubt About Copyrighting (DIV1.HCO) - P590120