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CONTENTS POLICY LETTERS FOR YEAR 1962 Cохранить документ себе Скачать


  1. 3D Criss Cross - Assessment Tips (HCOIL) - P620200
  2. 3D Criss Cross - Method of Assessment (HCOIL) - P620122
  3. 3D Criss Cross - P620109
  4. 3D Criss Cross Items - P620213
  5. 3Dxx Flows Assessment (HCOIL) - P620203
  6. Address Machines (DIV1.ADDR) - P621118
  7. Auditing - Rudiments Checksheet - P620601
  8. Auditing Allowed - P620714
  9. Auditing Supervisor and Auditing Instructors Duties of - P621021
  10. Authorized Processes - P620912-3
  11. Basic Purposes of a Scientology Organization (DIV1.DEP2.HCOB-PL-ED) - P621012
  12. Car Washing (DIV1.TRANSP) - P621006
  13. Central Organizations Efficiency (HATS, RIS-4) - P621107
  14. Change in Report Line (DIV1.DEP3.OIC) - P621211
  15. Clearing - Free Needles - P620719
  16. Comments on Letter Registrar Department (DIV1.ADDR) - P620416
  17. Goals Prepcheck Form - Routine 3GA - P620715
  18. Goals and Prepchecking - P621200
  19. HCO Standing Order 5 - Students (DIV1.HCO) - P620110i67
  20. HGC Clearing - P621008
  21. Instructions to Attorney or Solicitors (DIV1.HCO) - P590604-P621120
  22. Laudatory Withholds - P620106
  23. Names and Addresses of Academy Enrollees (DIV1.ADDR) - P620809
  24. OIC Reports to HCO WW (DIV1.DEP3.OIC) - P621211
  25. Org Rudiments Reports to Me (DIV1.DEP3.ORG-RUDS) - P620117
  26. Pattern of Central Organization (DIV1.HCO) - P610214-P621220
  27. Permanent Executives - P620123
  28. Permanent Staff (DIV1.DEP1.STAFF-STATUS) - P620521
  29. Permanent Staff Privilege (DIV1.DEP1.STAFF-STATUS) - P620605
  30. R3GA - HCO WW Form G3 - Fast Goals Check - P620724
  31. R3GA - HCO WW Form G3, Revised - Fast Goals Check - P621019
  32. Re-Issue of Materials (DIV1.HCO) - P621121
  33. Religion - P621029
  34. Responsibility Again - P620117
  35. Routine 3G (Experimental HCOIL) - P620429
  36. Routine 3GA (Experimental HCOIL) - P620510
  37. Routine 3GA - HCO WW R-3GA Form 1 - Listing Prepcheck - P620717
  38. Routine 3GA - Listing Wording - P620722
  39. Second Dynamic Security Check Questions (HCOIL) - P620223
  40. Supervisors Stable Data - P621202
  41. Telephone Answering (DIV1.DEP2.MAIL-TEL) - P620708
  42. Theory of Scientology Organizations (ORG-12, RIS-9, 0.STAFF-ORIENT) - P621022(P580921)
  43. Training Drills Must Be Correct - P620526
  44. Valid Processes - P620927
  45. When You Need Reasurance - P621002