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CONTENTS SUPER SCIO MASTER LIST OF LRH TAPES TAPES OF 1950 TAPES OF 1951 TAPES OF 1952 TAPES OF 1953 TAPES OF 1954 TAPES OF 1955 TAPES OF 1956 TAPES OF 1957 TAPES OF 1958 TAPES OF 1959 TAPES OF 1960 TAPES OF 1961 TAPES OF 1962 TAPES OF 1963 TAPES OF 1964 TAPES OF 1965 TAPES OF 1966 TAPES OF 1967 TAPES OF 1968 TAPES OF 1969 TAPES OF 1970 TAPES OF 1971 TAPES OF 1972 TAPES AFTER 1972 1972 1973 1976 LATER TAPES The Pilot Excerpts from the note (author's name withheld) Cохранить документ себе Скачать



(The org website says "Following the publication of Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, the first Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation was formed by a group of Dianeticists in Elizabeth, New Jersey. LRH lectured to staff and students at the Foundation, and recorded many of the auditing sessions he gave.")

(The Saturday Course, continued in July, see below)

(The old R&D lists these lectures of June & July 1950 in date order (including the above), but the website breaks them into groups without labeling the grouping. I assume that the breakdown is based on general (or public) lectures vs those given to the first professional course (which I have marked fpro) or the saturday course (above).

Unlike all other lecture designations, which I have taken from the master this, the "sat" and "fpro" assignments are my own just to keep all this straight (the master list does not categorize the lectures in these first few months).

(these are the general or public lectures, more were given in July and Aug below)

(fpro = my designation for the First Professional Course lectures. Per old tech volume 1 page 14, "After a few days I took pity on these ten [students], since although they were interested they were getting very little know-how, and began to give them a daily lecture, and so started the first professional course in Dianetics and Scientology". The remainder of this series is listed below in July)

End of old R&D 1

Beginning of old R&D 2

(continuation of the Saturday Course)

(continuation of the first professional course lectures)

(continuation of the general or public lectures)

End of old R&D 2

Beginning of old R&D 3

(Per the website, "Following an introductory lectures to over 6,000 people at Los Angeles Shrine Auditorium, Mr. Hubbard gave a series of lectures and demonstrations at the Los Angeles department of the Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation.)

End of old R&D 3

Beginning of old R&D 4

(per the website, "Traveling from Los Angeles to Oakland, Mr. Hubbard delivered the following series of lectures and demonstrations at the Oakland Municipal Auditorium. (Four of these lectures are available on cassette in a series entitled, "Original Lectures and Demonstrations on Dianetics.")

All 10 of the numbered lectures below were at one time (c. 1980) available in a set of cassettes labeled the "Dianetics Book One Cassettes".

This set was withdrawn at some time in the 1980s. According to rumor, somebody compared the actual lectures on cassette to the transcripts in old R&D 4 and found that the R&D contained editing and omissions of things that seemed "out PR" such as Ron talking about going out drinking with friends.

(These are the Kansas City Lectures. Per the website, "From Oakland, Mr. Hubbard traveled to Kansas City, where he gave these public lectures." They are not in old R&D 4, supposedly because copies could not be found. However, the master list shows 9 lectures here, referred to as STP or the Standard Procedure Lectures, without specific titles. The website does list these, with titles, so they may be in the new R&D series.)

(STP = Standard Procedure Lectures. Here it is used as a general designation, the actual STP course lectures are below. Per the website, "Returning from Kansas City to his home in New Jersey, Mr. Hubbard brought the students and staff of the Foundation up to date on his latest discoveries and advancements in Dianetic techniques.")

End of old R&D 4

Beginning of old R&D 5

(STP = Standard procedure lectures. Per the website, "After delivering the Professional Course in New Jersey at the beginning of November, Mr. Hubbard traversed the continent again to bring his newest developments to Los Angeles area Dianeticists.")

(The book Notes on the Lectures consists of condensed notes on lectures given in Nov of 1950)

(the following is in old R&D 5 as having been dictated by Ron. An edited version was published in the Dianetic Auditor's Bulletin and appears in the tech volumes.)

(Per the website, "After delivering the Professional Course, Mr. Hubbard remained in Los Angeles to do further research, where he delivered these two lectures on Chain Scanning-a new technique which was still under development at the time.")


(the following articles are in old R&D 5 as having been dictated by Ron. Edited versions of the last 2 were published in the Dianetic Auditor's Bulletin and appear in the tech volumes.)

(per the website, "Taking a short break from his intensive work on the Chart of Human Evaluation, LRH traveled from Palm Springs, California to Elizabeth, New Jersey to brief auditors there on new techniques.")

(R/BRCST = Radio Broadcast. According to the website, "The following series of fifteen-minute talks was recorded and broadcast over a network of 126 radio stations across the US.". According to old tech vol 1, the broadcasts began in Dec 1950 and the following 7 are only part of a larger series, the remainder of which are missing. Per old R&D 5, "according to one source, there were a total of 64 of these")

(Per the website, "This recorded address was sent by Mr. Hubbard from Wichita, Kansas to be played for those attending the New York Dianetic Association's First Anniversary of Dianetics celebration.)

End of old R&D 5

Beginning of old R&D 6

(Per the website, "After completing his latest book, Science of Survival, Mr. Hubbard lectured to Professional Course students at the Hubbard Dianetic Foundation in Wichita, Kansas, on the theory and procedures detailed in the book. )"

(HEV = Human evaluation course, VP = Viewpoint Processing Lectures, CAC = The Complete Auditor's Course, HDA = Conference of Hubbard Dianetic Auditors.

Per the website, "L. Ron Hubbard gave attendees at the First Annual Conference of Hubbard Dianetic Auditors lectures centered on the latest advances in Dianetics, as covered in his book Science of Survival.")

(VMP = Validation and Mest Processing. Per the website, "For a period of five weeks Mr. Hubbard gave lectures each Monday afternoon to students at the Hubbard Dianetic Foundation in Wichita, covering auditing basics as well as his latest discoveries and refinements of procedure.")

End of old R&D 6

Beginning of old R&D 7

(HEV = Human Evaluation Course, see 26 June above for the first lecture. Per the website, "This series of lectures on human evaluation and its application in business, politics and domestic activities was given to a group of Wichita businessmen. (Available on cassette.)", note that the lecture numbers are from the old reels, I have not checked the new cassettes.)

(PLS = Public Lecture Series, this is a later miscellaneous designation assigned to some tapes for sale to public rather than a course numbering. For OCTSER see below)

(Per the website, "In lectures to students attending the Professional Course at Wichita, Mr. Hubbard discussed a variety of subjects including a new auditing technique known as Effort Processing. This powerful procedure addressed the effects of time, motion and directed effort on an individual.")

End of old R&D 7

Beginning of old R&D 8

(OCTSER = The October Series. Note that a few tapes above were packaged with the series. Per the website, "This series of lectures was given to more than fifty auditors from all over the country gathered for a conference in Wichita.")

(FAC = Foundation Auditor's Course. Per the website, "Mr. Hubbard also took time to lecture to students attending the Professional Auditor Course, staff auditors at the Wichita Foundation and conference attendees.")

End of old R&D 8

Beginning of old R&D 9

(misc. lectures)

(HCL = the Hubbard College Lectures of early 1952. The two tapes marked HCL 25/26 were included with the HCL lectures on reels and dated 25 Mar 52. However, the same titles also appear at this date in the master list and the R&D transcript matches the tapes that were in the HCL. Possibly the tapes were played for students on the HCL course in Mar 52)

(DCL = December Conference Lectures which were given to the "Second Annual Conference of Hubbard Dianetic Auditors". Per the website, The main theme of this conference was the new book Handbook for Preclears, which had recently been written and released, containing the Hubbard Chart of Attitudes." Per old R&D 9, "more than 150 auditors attended")


End of old R&D 9

Beginning of old R&D 10, and also Beginning of New R&D 9

(blurb from the scn website "In addition to research, writing and administrative work, Mr. Hubbard responded to continuing demands with a full schedule of lectures and demonstrations to Professional Course students, Foundation staff and the general public.)

(the master list also contains two tapes of 8 Feb 52 titled "Motive of SLP 8" and "Application of Games to Processing" but these are misdated and are actually tapes of the same title given on 8 Feb 56)

(HPC = Hubbard Professional Course (of 1952), there is a different HPC in 1955 as well. The following were also sometimes called the HCS lectures meaning Hubbard Colledge Summary lectures, but HCS was also reused for a lecture series in 1960. These have also been called the HCL lectures with the real HCL lectures below begin called the HCL Summary Lectures.)

(HCL = Hubbard College Lectures. Some are in the R&D and have been issued as the ... cassettes, others are confidential and are omitted. Pubs catalog number 4 included 2 lectures which were made confidential when NOTS was released, these are omitted from pubs catalog #5. I had previously thought that a few of the other HCL lectures on reels from pubs catalog #5 had subsequently dived out of sight but this turns out to be repackageing and date corrections as noted below)

End of New R&D 9

Beginning of New R&D 10

The individual titles are:

After moving his office from Wichita to Phoenix, Arizona, Mr. Hubbard resumed lecturing, covering his startling new discoveries and their application to improve people's awareness and abilities.

(the following 4 were originally issued as 5203Cxx meaning an unkown day in March of 52)

(T80 = Tech 80 Lectures. Available on cassette as a series entitled "The Route to Infinity.")

(T88 = Technique 88 Lectures, these were numbered various ways and sometimes divided into 1/2 hour mini-reels. The simple numbering (T88-2 etc.) is the final numbering placed on the hour long packaging on reels. Per old tech vol 1 page 264, "Nearly a hundred auditors attended the Summer Session in Phoenix, Arizona June 23 to 28". Note that T88-2 is the 1st lecture of the series and it was numbered 1A in old editions.)

(from here on, all T88 lectures in the master list have a date one day earlier than that given in the R&D volumes, T88-11 is dated 25 June, T88-14 is dated 26 June, etc., and those are the dates given in the identification statement at the Beginning of the actual reels)

End of New R&D 10

Beginning of New R&D 11

(T88S = First set of T88 Supplemental lectures given in Phoenix, note that the numbering is confused because of misdating of lectures).

(there may be 1 or 2 more of these Standard Processes lectures given on 7 Aug as T88S-1(1A) and T88S-2(1B) or these might be bogus due to repackaging 4 mini-reels into 2 longer reels).

(SOP = Standard Operating Procedure Lectures of Oct 52. The exact dates of the lectures are unknown. The R&D volume lists these in a different order than the SOP lecture numbers. Also, the last 2 have been re-dated as sometime in November and are in Volume 12 instead of Volume 11. These were included as part of the OT cassettes issued in the late 1970s. The 1st 3 lectures of the SOP series are unknown and unavailable.)

End of New R&D 11

Beginning of New R&D 12

(the following 2 SOP lectures re-dated as sometime in November)

(LS = Lecture Series, Also known as the November Lectures. These are now available on cassette as a series entitled "Secrets of the MEST Universe." They were previously packaged in the OT cassettes along with the SOP lectures above)

(L&A = Logics and Axioms Lectures. Available on cassette as a series entitled "The Perception of Truth.")

(LPC = London Professional Course, these are renumbered in the R&D volume and some lectures are no longer counted in the LPC series but the transcripts are present)

End of New R&D 12

Beginning of New R&D 13

(PDC = Philadelphia Doctorate Course, the scn website blurb is "This series of lectures was delivered to a class of thirty-eight auditors. Covering a wide analysis of human behavior, they gave a complete coverage of the latest auditing techniques and an expansion of the new professional course textbook, Scientology 8-8008") (most of these are on the net)

End of New R&D 13


(LGC = London Group Course)

(PDCS = PDC Supplement lectures, included in the PDC cassettes)

(SPRL = Spring Lectures)

(BL = Birmingham Lectures)

(ICDS = 1953 International Congress of Dianeticists and Scientologists)

(AICL = Advanced Indoctronation Course Lectures, also known as the 1st ACC (Advanced Clinical Course). The scn website blurb is "The lectures listed below, covering his latest and most advanced discoveries, were given by Mr. Hubbard to a hand-picked group of ten of the best auditors in the world." This has been released on cassette as "Exteriorization and the Phenomena of Space.")

(There are 3 sets of numbers, the third is the modern renumbering used on the cassettes)

(following are on flag master list with no known copies, they are skipped in the cassette series)

(62, 63, and 64). this might simply be repackaging for consistant tape length)

(2ACC = The 2nd Advanced Clinical Course. The blub at the org's website is "Due to the success of the First American Advanced Indoctrination Course and to meet demand for advanced training, a second, similar course followed almost immediately. (To be released on cassette.)"

(PHC = First Phoenix Congress, Also called the 2nd congress of Scientologists and Dianeticists. The website blurb is "The latest Scientology techniques, which had been developed and perfected at the Advanced Clinical Courses, were presented to Scientologists from around the world at this congress. (To be released on cassette.)")


(3ACC = 3rd Advanced Clinical Course. Per old tech volume 2 (page 4), "L. Ron Hubbard gave the following lectures to the 22 student auditors attending the 3rd ACC at Phoenix, Arizona from Jan 4th through Feb 12th, 1954. Included here are his lectures on SOP-8O (OT)."

(to further define SOP-8O, JofS 24-G on page 10 of old tech vol 2 says "SOP-8C brings about a condition designated as 'theta clear'... The state of Operating Thetan is higher than Theta Clear and means that the person does not need a body to communicate or work. It is accomplished with SOP-8O")

(4ACC = 4th Advanced Clinical Course. Per old tech vol 2 page 25, * "The 4th unit of the ACC opened at Phoenix, Arizona on Feb 15th of 1954. L. Ron Hubbard gave the student auditors several weeks of group processing before he had them audit each other"

(5ACC = 5th American Advanced Clinical Course. per page 40 of old Tech vol 2, "The 5th ACC convened in Phoenix, Arizona on Monday 29 Mar 54 and ran through Friday May 7th." These are all available on cassette as "Universes and the War Between Theta and MEST.")

(GPSpec = Group Processing Special sessions. Per Tech vol 2, "During the 5th ACC, on Wednesday 21 April 1954, L. Ron Hubbard gave a series of special group processing sessions." However, except for the one above (which is included in the universe cassettes), the other GPS sessions appear to be misdated half hour long repackaging of the group processing sessions giving as part of the 5ACC above.

(PLS = Public Lecture Series. This is not a course but just a designation used to number various random public lectures in this time period. The scn website says "While continuing his lectures to trained auditors, Mr. Hubbard also responded to the continuous public demand for Scientology technology by giving a series of public lectures on the fundamental tenets of Scientology.)

(6ACC = 6th American Advanced Clinical Course. Per old tech vol 2 page 57, "The 6th ACC began in Phoenix on Monday, May 10 and ended on June 18, 1954 with time out June 5-8 for the Universe Process Congress". The UPC is listed after the end of the 6ACC even though the dates are in the middle.)

(another public lecture given as the UPC was starting)

(website blurb "At the Universe Processes Congress (also called the Fourth International Congress of Dianeticists and Scientologists), delegates received fourteen hours of lectures and Group Processing from Mr. Hubbard. (To be released on cassette.)

PHOENIX LECTURES cross reference:

This was not a lecture series. It was a collection of lectures, mostly from the 7th ACC, that was packaged as the Professional Course briefly. The lectures were given alternate PRO-## numbers. These are mostly 1/2 hour lectures because the 7th ACC, unlike most of the other ACCs, used 1/2 hour instead of full hour lectures.

When the Phoenix lectures book was done (by transcribing the lectures), PRO-21 was skipped, so that the 26 PRO lectures were reduced to only 25 chapters in the book. These were also released on a set of 13 cassets, mostly with 2 lectures per cassette.

For convienince, a cross reference is provided here, with abbreviated titles. All of these are also listed in their proper place.

The skipped lecture was

In addition, a few alternate lectures seem to have been used in the first(?) version of the PRO and then replaced by the ones of the same numbers above. These were

(7ACC = 7th American Advanced Clinical Course. Per old tech vol 2 page 65, "The 7th ACC convened in Phoenix, Arizona on June 21, 1954. This was the last, and perhapse the most memorable, in a series of seven ACCs taught by L. Ron Hubbard, one after another, with no pause between them. Tapes from this ACC, together with some from the 6th ACC, were used for the 1st London Advance Clinical Course (Mr. Hubbard was not present for the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd London ACCs) held sept 6 to Oct 15, 1954.". Unlike most ACC lectures, these are usually only 1/2 hour long.

(AX = Axiom Lectures. The website blurb is "These four half-hour talks were recorded by Mr. Hubbard in his Phoenix office with no audience present, for use on the Professional Course. (Available on cassette as part of the series entitled "The Phoenix Lectures.")"

(8ACC = 8th American Advanced Clinical Course in Phoenix. In this time period he also gave the Route One Lectures (listed below). The 8ACC which is available on cassette as "The Creation of Human Ability." includes the Route 1 lectures.)

(PIP = Printed Intensive Procedure Lectures also known as the Route 1 lectures. Per the org's website, "These twelve fifteen-minute lectures give additional data on specific processing steps laid out in the Scientology Auditor's Handbook which was released in August 1954 (the original edition of the book now known as The Creation of Human Ability)." These were included in the CofHA lectures and renumbered in the 8ACC series at the end even though they were actually given earlier during the time period of the 8ACC. For this purpose they were packaged 2 per cassette, giving a total of 6 half hour cassettes.

(PPS = Public Processing Series. Concurrently with the tail end of the 8th ACC, and the subsequent HCAP course and the Beginning of the 9th ACC, additional public lectures were also given in the PLS and PPS series. The website blurb is "Throughout October, November and December of 1954, Mr. Hubbard gave Wednesday night public lectures and Group Processing sessions geared toward newer public interested in finding out more about Scientology. From mid-November through the beginning of December, he also lectured each morning to auditors on the Phoenix Certification Course."

(HCAP = Hubbard Certified Auditors Course in Phoenix, also known as the Phoenix Certification Course. This was a lower level course leading to an HCA certificate (rather than an ACC which was the top level training).

(9ACC = 9th American Advanced Clinical Course. Per old tech vol 2 page 113 "L. Ron Hubbard began the 9th ACC in Phoenix December 6th. At this time it was announced that HCAs could enroll in the ACC every 3 weeks, thus the 9th ACC lectures overlap those of the 10th ACC which began January 3rd. There was also time out during this ACC for the Unifaction Congress (below). The Wednesday evening public lectures and group processing were also recommenced on Jan 5th during the time period of these ACCs (below)." These are available on cassette as "The Solution to Entrapment".)

The second column shows the renumbering used in the cassettes.

The remainder of the 9th ACC is in 1955 after the Unification Congress.

(UC = Unification Congress. According to the org's website, "This congress was marked by the release of a limited manuscript edition of Mr. Hubbard's newest book, Dianetics 55! The material in the book was expanded upon in the lectures to delegates. So successful was this congress that it was repeated in four additional places: New York City, London, Australia and New Zealand.")

(Also in Dec 55, the 16 chapters of the Book Dianetics 55 were dictated and the tapes appear in the master list)

(In addition, in this time there were 5 more lectures marked as Dianetics 55 supplements. I don't known if these were part of the dictation for the book or are lectures with additional material, or they may be retitled tapes from the 9th ACC or UC which were meant as supplements to DN55, but they are listed as having a copy in the archves and the titles (date unknown) are as follows:


The Ninth Advanced Clinical Course went through the end of 1954 and into the beginning of 1955, continuing with the following lectures:

(10ACC = 10th American ACC, which started in the middle of the 9th ACC above and mostly used tapes from the 9th ACC. The website blurb is "1955 opened with the Tenth Advanced Clinical Course, continuing the established pattern of personal instruction and auditing demonstrations from Mr. Hubbard. Though this was a separate course, it took place while the Ninth Advanced Clinical Course was in progress."

(per the org's website, "During January and February 1955, several conferences were held with staff auditors in Phoenix, briefing them on advances and refinements and discussing the results they were achieving." There are more of these in subsequent months (see SAC below))

(Per the org's website, "While delivering Advanced Clinical Courses in Phoenix, Arizona, Mr. Hubbard made a recording especially for delegates to the Third International Congress of Scientologists which was being held in London, England.")

(PLPS = Phoenix Public Lecture and Processing Series. During this time period, there are only miscellaneous lectures in the PLPS and more of the PPS and PLS public lectures mentioned above. The website blurb is "Despite a heavy schedule of teaching at Advanced Clinical Courses, Mr. Hubbard made time for a series of Wednesday evening lectures and Group Processing sessions for the general public.")

(note that these are interleaved with various lecture series above and with later sets below as well)

(Per the website "Presented on closed-circuit television to Advanced Clinical Course students, these sessions were also recorded on audio tape for future study and use.)

(HPC = Hubbard Professional Course of March 1955. Note that there are other sets also titled HPC)

(SAC = Staff Auditor's Conference, ALS = Academy Lecture Series.)

Phoenix Congress

(ASMC = Anatomy of the Spirit of Man Congress. Per the website, * "One of the highlights of this congress was LRH's announcement of the new, expanded Tone Scale, showing how it complemented the Tone Scale already familiar to Dianeticists and Scientologists." These have recently been released on cassette.

(ALS = Academy Lecture Series. Per the org's website, "Delivered at the Academy of Religious Arts and Sciences in Washington, DC, these lectures covered the latest techniques being taught on Scientology auditor training courses. (Available on cassette as a series entitled "Conquest of Chaos.")"

(4LACC = 4th London Advanced Clinical Course. Per the website, "Traveling to London in the autumn of 1955, Mr. Hubbard delivered an Advanced Clinical Course and a series of lectures to the general public."

(LPLS = London Public Lecture Series. Per the website, "The last five lectures of this series have been reproduced on cassette as part of the Personal Achievement Series.")

(HPCN5 = Hubbard Professional Course, November 1955)

(LAM = London Auditor's Meetings - per the website, "At these meetings with auditors in London, Mr. Hubbard delivered lectures on his latest developments." The remainder of the LAM series is listed in 1956)

These lectures were recorded during 1955 - their exact dates are unknown. They are listed on the website and on the master list. One is in the archives and the other is missing.


(continuing the LAM lectures started at the end of 1955)

(HPCF = Hubbard Professional Course of Feb 56)

(HPCA = Hubbard Professional Course of Aug 56)

(GC = Games Congress, per the website "This congress included thirteen hours of Group Processing and lectures covering the subject of games and their importance in understanding man and improving his happiness and abilities.

(To be released on cassette as a series entitled "Games and the Spirit of Play." Per old tech vol 2 page 506, "L. Ron Hubbard gave 13 hours of lecture and group processing to the more than 400 attendees at the Games Congress held at the Shoreham Hotel in Washington DC")

(the master list includes a number of lectures to staff in this time period. Only 2 of them are listed on the website. AUDC = Auditor's conference)

(LCHP = London Congress on Human Problems. Per the website, "This congress was held to discuss the major problems afflicting man at the time. Certainty magazine reported that in Mr. Hubbard's lectures to the more than 200 delegates, "He showed how salvation in our time lay in the application of the basic principles of modern knowledge as discovered, correlated and aligned in Scientology.") Per old tech vol 2 page 525, it was at the Royal Festival Hotel and had well over 200 attendees.)

(Lectures not by Ron are in parenthesis)

(15ACC = 15th American Advanced Clinical Course). The website says, "In addition to recent developments in auditing technology, this course included several important lectures on learning and education. (Available on cassette as a series entitled "The Power of Simplicity."). Per old tech vol 2 page 543, it was given in Washington DC and the students also attended the organization series lectures (below).

(note that the 11th to 14th American ACCs were not given by Ron)

(OS = Organization Series. Per the website, "These lectures, given to organization staff and students, cover how to succeed and prosper and make progress professionally, in an auditing practice, in a Personnel Efficiency Course and other courses, and in group activities of any sort. (Available on cassette as a series entitled "How to Present Scientology to the World.")

(New Civ cass. = Creating a New Civilization cassettes which included 2 of these lectures. The money cassettes also included a different 2 of these lectures)

(ARC = Anti-Radiation Congress. The website blurb is "The fourteen hours of lectures to this congress include discussion of the problem of nuclear radiation, its effects on society and on the individual, and how these can be dealt with. (To be released on cassette.)" Note that these are not the radiation tapes (see LCNHR in 1957)


(Per the website, " Mr. Hubbard taught three Advanced Clinical Courses in Washington, DC during 1957, and lectured at three congresses - one in London and two in Washington.)

(16ACC = 16th American Advanced Clinical Course. Per the website "Mr. Hubbard's lectures to students on this course included talks on the anatomy of traps, evil and how it affects man's abilities, and individual identity. (Available on cassette as a series entitled " The Anatomy of Cause. ")

(The 11 unnumbered question and answer periods do not appear on the master list, but the later Gold xeroxed list includes some of these as "Discussion after lecture". These are all listed at the org's website and probably were discovered in the 1980s. They are not included in the "Anatomy of Cause" cassettes)

(17ACC = 17th American Advanced Clinical Course.)

(again there are 7 unnumbered Q&A periods that are not in the master list. A few appear in Gold's xerox, some as "unidentified lecture".)

(additional lectures given during the time period above)

(LCNRH = London Congress on Neuclear Radiation and Health. Per the website, "The lectures given to one of these congresses, the London Congress on Nuclear Radiation and Health, form the basis of the book All About Radiation, also first published during this year." and also "These lectures included data on nuclear radiation, its effect on health, and the latest advances in Scientology.

(Available on cassette as a series entitled "Radiation and Your Survival."). I compared this to the old radiation cassette tape series (I am not certain what is included in the new version). That set had LCHP-17 (above) as it's first lecture and 9 of the following (marked rad-#).

(Lectures LCNRH-13 and 14 in parenthesis were not given by Ron)

(HCA = Hubbard Certified Auditor Lectures (note, there is also an HCA set in 1955).

(Other lectures in this time period. ATE = Auditor's Training Evening. AUDC = Auditor's Conference)

(FC = Freedom Congress. Per the website, "The Freedom Congress was so named because its subject was freedom from human confusion. In addition to lectures, Mr. Hubbard gave demonstrations of specific processes and training drills and delivered Group Processing to the congress delegates. (Available on cassette.) "

(18ACC = 18th American Advanced Clinical Course. Available on cassette as "Illusion or Truth", which has the 22 numbered lectures below (including 1A). Also, the first lecture has been available on cassette separately since around 1980.)

(Additional lectures in the master list in this time period that are not listed at the website)

(AC = Ability Congress. Per the website, "The lectures of this congress centered on the return of ability to live-to understand oneself and others, to communicate, to have and achieve goals. (Available on cassette.)"


(19ACC = 19th American Advanced Clinical Course)

(misc. lectures of this time period)

(CC = Clearing Congress. Per the website, "The first six lectures of this congress were filmed in color and are available today in video cassette format. They contain a complete and simple presentation of the subject for the general public as well as the professional Scientologist-a spanning of interest and presentation of unusual accomplishment in itself.") (Freezone Bible has recently posted the 1st six to the net)

(20ACC = 20th American Advanced Clinical Course) (recently released on cassette.)

(misc lectures)

Mr. Hubbard arrived in London on 17 October 1958 to give the London Clearing Congress, scheduled to start the following day. On arrival he gave a talk to the London staff on past ACCs, a new organization chart and organizational basics.

(LCC = London Clearing Congress. Per the website, "In this congress Mr. Hubbard covered a broad range of subjects-from his experiences developing the technologies of Dianetics and Scientology, to the characteristics of Clears and the skills necessary to produce them, to the effects of Scientology's activities on the future of this civilization.

(To be released on cassette as a series entitled "The Origin of Aberration.") (The cassettes omit LCC-6 and renumber LCC-7 as LCC-6)

(5LACC = The 5th London Advanced Clinical Course. Per the website, "Auditing case histories from this month-long course, the most heavily attended ACC yet held, appear in the book Have You Lived Before This Life?")

(the 21 main lectures of the 5LACC were played again as the 21 lectures of the 21st American ACC below)

(The additional unnumbered Q&A lectures don't appear in the master list but do appear on the later list from Gold)


(Per the website, "In 1959, Mr. Hubbard purchased Saint Hill Manor in Sussex, England, and moved his offices there.")

(SC = Success Congress. Per the website, "Delegates to this congress were given lectures on new breakthroughs in the handling of engrams and the skills needed to apply them in making Clears." This has been released on cassette as the "Cause and Sphere of Influence" series).

(21ACC = 1st American Advanced Clinical Course. This ACC primarily consisted of the 21 tapes of the 5th London ACC above renumbered as 21ACC-##, however Ron gave an additional set of 10 supplemental lectures (below) to the students.

(SHPA = Special Hubbard Professional Auditor's Course. Per the website, "The lectures given on this course were recorded and subsequently used in the training of Hubbard Professional Auditors the world over. (available on cassette as a series entitled "The Skills of a Theta Being.")

(6LACC = 6th London Advanced Clinical Course)

(TCC = Theta Clear Congress. Per the website, "Mr. Hubbard's lectures to congress delegates included the importance of co-auditing in accomplishing widespread clearing.")

(misc lectures)

(MC = Melbourne Congress. Per the website, "This congress, given during one stop on a round-the-world tour, covered a wide range of subjects including current political systems, how to improve one's chances of surviving an atomic attack and the relation between complexity and unworkability." Available as the "Principles of Creation" cassettes.)

(1MACC = 1st Melbourne Advanced Clinical Course. Available on cassette as "Responsibility and the State of OT")


(SMC = State of Man Congress. Per the website, "In this congress, given at the Shoreham Hotel in Washington, DC, Mr. Hubbard covered the eight dynamics in detail, with particular attention to how the dynamics interrelate and how to improve conditions across the dynamics." (Available on cassette.)

(HCS = Hubbard Clearing Scientologist Course. "Personally addressing the students of this course, Mr. Hubbard reiterated and expanded on auditing basics such as handling blocks to free communication and precise use of the E-Meter.")

(LOE = London Open Evening Lectures. Per the website, "In addition to his schedule of research, writing and lectures and conferences with staff, Mr. Hubbard made time in June and July to give several lectures to newer public.")

(LCDH = London Congress on Dissemination and Help. Per the website, "These lectures were given at a two-day congress with the theme of "dissemination and help," sponsored by the London Scientology organizations.")

(SHACC = 1st Saint Hill Advanced Clinical Course. Per the website, "The lectures given at the first ACC delivered at Saint Hill Manor included discussion of the sixth and seventh dynamics and the use of the E-Meter in clearing.")

(AHMC = Anatomy of the Human Mind Congress. Per the website, "At the end of 1960, Mr. Hubbard traveled from South Africa to Washington, DC to deliver this congress on the 31st of December and the 1st of January 1961. (available on cassette)".


(22ACC = 22nd American Advanced Clinical Course. Per the website, "1961 began with Mr. Hubbard in Washington, DC delivering the Twenty-second American Advanced Clinical Course and the Anatomy of the Human Mind Congress" (above).

(ACSA = South African Anatomy Congress. Per the website, "The content and method of delivery of the Anatomy of the Human Mind Course was the key topic of the lectures at this congress. (To be released on cassette.)"

(3SACC = 3rd South African Advanced Clinical Course. Note that earlier South African ACCs were not taught by Ron. Per the website, "(Reproduced on cassette for the South African Rundown Auditor Course.)".

(SHSBC = Saint Hill Special Briefing Course)

(Per the website, "The following lectures mark the beginning of the famous Saint Hill Special Briefing Course, delivered personally by L. Ron Hubbard at Saint Hill from 1961 through 1966. During the next five and a half years, Mr. Hubbard lectured regularly to the students and personally oversaw their training so as to make them true experts who could be counted on to carry the latest technology and the highest standards of competence to the field. (The full set of 437 Saint Hill Special Briefing Course Lectures, from 1961 through 1966, is available on cassette.)"

(note that in the new numbering series there are 448 cassettes (447 numbers with one on 2 cassettes) of which only 437 are on the course and in the cassette set. The remaining 11 are confidential. These are numbers 216, 221, 222, 371, 372, 382, 384, 413, 414, 415, and 429 listed in detail below)

(The modern briefing course uses a date ordered checksheet and is divided into many sections itentified by letters. The SHSBC cassettes begin in section D and continue up through section L. The cassettes themselves are grouped into sets by these levels)

(The old numbering series consisted of SHSBC 1 to 329 and then continued as SH Special 1 to 84. Plus there were separately numbered TV demos given as part of the course (TVD-numbers). This list shows the original numbers and the renumbering.)

(CHC = Clean Hands Congress. Per the website, "Taking a short break from his heavy schedule of research, lectures and instruction at Saint Hill, Mr. Hubbard flew to Washington where he gave a nine-hour series of lectures on advanced auditing procedures and the technology of Scientology Confessionals. (Available on cassette as a series entitled "The Expansion of Havingness.")


(CSC = Clearing Success Congress. Per the website, "In September, LRH took a short break from his intensive technical and administrative work at Saint Hill and flew to Washington, where he delivered 9 lectures in three days to delegates at the Clearing Success Congress." "This lecture series included data on Mr. Hubbard's most recent advances in clearing, the relationship between the various dynamics, exteriorization and the role Scientology organizations play in creating a new civilization.")


On a Saturday afternoon at Saint Hill, LRH gave these two lectures to professional Scientologists and students currently on course in the Academy of Scientology in London.


(the 2 films above are mentioned without titles as "This film is now part of Grade VI" at the end of the What Is Scientology materials list for 1964. They also mention a third film also on 30 Dec as "This film is now part of the Clearing Course" but the actual CC film is in 1965 (below) and there is no third film here in the Flag master list. The 2 above are in the scamizdat net posting).




and made it possible for others to follow.) [this one is available on the net ]

(the org's website also mentions "Affinity", "A twenty-minute film based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard ... produced in the autumn of 1967". It is not in the master list, but it isn't by Ron).

(note that none of the sea org lectures are listed at the org's website even though excerpts from these have appeared in Advance magazine and they are not usually treated as confidential).





(the Flag Executive Briefing Course (FEBC) was originally considered confidential although it only contains administrative data. However, the org website lists the first 7 lectures, so these might not be considered confidential anymore. But the last 5 lectures are not listed there).


(This is the blurb from the org's website about the ESTO lectures: "Establishment Officer Lectures: Sea Organization Flagship Apollo". Delivered to Flag Executive Briefing Course students aboard the Apollo, this series of lectures details the Establishment Officer system, how it relates to the Product-Organizing Officer system and how Establishment Officer technology can be utilized to create rapid and stable expansion in any organization. (Reproduced on cassette for the Flag Executive Briefing Course.")

(This is the blurb from the org's website about the Expanded Dianetics (XDN) lectures. "Expanded Dianetics Lectures: Sea Organization Flagship Apollo. These lectures were given by L. Ron Hubbard to students he was personally training in the specialized data and advanced skills of his latest breakthrough in auditing technology, Expanded Dianetics. In addition to specifics on Expanded Dianetics procedures, he also covered vital data on misunderstood words and their handling, the anatomy of physical illness and the importance of standard auditor administration. (Reproduced on cassette for the Expanded Dianetics Auditor Course.)" - these were at one time considered confidential.


There are no other lectures listed after this in the flag master list. The master list was distributed in 1978, but it may have been compiled earlier and its purpose was to locate old missing tapes.

There are some taped lectures after this but I do not have a complete list. There is a rumor that some of Ron's briefings or instuctions to SO members were taped. This might include orders for bulletins and policies to be written, etc. (but not simple orders - those came out daily in the Orders of the Day (OODs)).

Two lectures of 1972 and one of 1973 are transcribed in the Data Series.




This was a general message to Sea Org orgs and it had the peculiarity of having a general section and then a custom section that was specific to each org so that AO and ASHO versions, for example, have different custom sections.

The tape was not very long and didn't really say much of note (it pretty much matched info letters of the time period). It did not strike me as bogus (the later RJs did) and might have been the last tape actually recorded by Ron before he disappeared into Northern California.


The cassette "Books Make Booms" issued around 1980 was not a lecture by Ron, but simply a recording of various SO speakers at an event.

There were Ron's Journal 36 to 39 issued in December of each year from 1982 to 1985. These don't sound quite right and there have been rumors on the internet that these fail a voice print analysis and are not actually by Ron.

I received a note from an old Sea Org member about tapes after 1972. Apparently there were a few lectures after this and the flag master list simply used it as a cut off date.

The Pilot Excerpts from the note (author's name withheld)

"Over 30 of us attended the Flag Bureau lecture (27 Sep 73) on board the Apollo.

"The 5 Sep 71 lecture "Talk on a Basic Qual" was only given to a small group in LRH's office on the Prom Deck of the Apollo.

"There were other taped conferences - he did not tape orders, these were in the OODs (Orders Of the Day) which came out daily - early in the morning.

"Sometimes orders were issued on an FBDL (blue on white), only LRH wrote these."