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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Method 5 (WCS-38) - B720621-1 | Сравнить
- Method 6 (WCS-39) - B720621-2 | Сравнить
- Method 7 (WCS-40) - B720621-3 | Сравнить
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RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Метод 5 (ПСЛ-38) (2) - Б720621-1 | Сравнить
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SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 720621 Issue 1 - HCO Bulletin - Method 5 [B012-130]
- 720621 Issue 1 - HCO Bulletin - Method 5 [B049-063]
- 720621 Issue 1R - HCO Bulletin - Method 5 [B096-024]
- 720621 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Method 6 [B012-131]
- 720621 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Method 6 [B049-064]
- 720621 Issue 3 - HCO Bulletin - Method 7 [B012-132]
- 720621 Issue 3 - HCO Bulletin - Method 7 [B049-065]
- 720621 Issue 4 - HCO Bulletin - Method 8 [B012-133]
- 720621 Issue 4 - HCO Bulletin - Method 8 [B049-066]
CONTENTS METHOD 7 Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue IV
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue III
Word Clearing Series 41Word Clearing Series 40



(If a student has trouble with this Method he should do Method 7 first. Method One should also be done.)

Whenever one is working with children or foreign language persons or semiliterate Method 7 Reading Aloud is used.

Method 8 is an action used in the “Primary Rundown” where one is studying Study Tech or where one is seeking a full grasp of a subject. Its End Product is Super-Literacy.

In this method the person is made to read aloud to find out what he is doing.

The steps are these:

It is a very simple method. It is done without a meter.

Usually an alphabetical list of every word or term in the text of a paper, a chapter or a recorded tape is available or provided.

It is used on such persons before other methods in order to get the person untangled.

1. The person looks up each word on the alphabetical list and uses each in sentences until he has the meaning conceptually.

If a person does not seem to be progressing by studying silently, one has him read aloud.

The words are looked up in a big dictionary.

Another copy of the same text must also be followed by the Word Clearer as the person reads.

The grammatical words or small words are looked up in a simple grammar. If the person has too much trouble with grammar he should do the whole simple grammar text before going on.

Startling things can be observed.

Any technical terms not in the dictionary are looked up in a technical dictionary or glossary or in bulletins on the materials, i.e. a photographic dictionary.

The person may omit the word “is” whenever it occurs. The person doesn’t read it. He may have some strange meaning for it like “Israel” (actual occurrence).

This is not done for the whole subject, it is done for a paper or a chapter or one tape of a series.

He may omit “didn’t” each time it occurs and the reason traced to not knowing what the apostrophe is (actual occurrence).

2. One then reads or listens to the paper, chapter or tape for its sense or general meaning.

He may call one word quite another word such as “stop” for “happen” or “green” for “mean”.

3. Method 4 is then done on the person to find any misunderstoods.

He may hesitate over certain words.

4. These are cleared up per Method 4 procedure.

The procedure is

5. The person reads or listens to the material again.

1. Have him read aloud.

6. The person is again checked for any misunderstoods.

2. Note each omission or word change or hesitation or frown as he reads and take it up at once.

7. If there are any misunderstoods the person again does steps 4 & 5.

3. Correct it by looking it up for him or explaining it to him.

8. When the material is fully heard or understood as per above steps and checks, end off on that paper, chapter, tape and go on to the next one.

4. Have him go on reading, noting the next omission, word change or hesitation or frown.

9. An alphabetical list is made or exists for the next paper, chapter or tape. Steps 1 to 8 are done on it.

5. Repeat steps 2 to 4.

10. Each succeeding paper or chapter or tape is done with steps I to 8.

By doing this a person can be brought up to literacy.

When all the material has been done in this way, the person will be fully able to apply all the material.

His next actions would be learning how to use a dictionary and look up words.

Usually Method 8 is reserved for the Scientology Study Tapes which contain how to study and the Student Hat.

Then a simple grammar.

It can also be used to master a major subject.

A very backward student can be boosted up to literacy by this method.

It will be found that method 8 (or method 2 or 3 or 4 or 6) are very lengthy and hard to do unless one has first had a Method One Word Clearing.


A Word Clearing Correction List is used on Method 8 whenever a student bogs heavily. This list will, when assessed on a meter properly, locate the errors and they can be corrected.


When used on the Study Tech itself and Student Hat, Method 8 honestly done makes a person Super-Literate. It is like hearing and seeing and reading for the first time!

Reading a text or instruction or book is comfortable. One has it in conceptual form. One can APPLY the material learned.

It is a new state.
