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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Game Called Man (SOM-14) - L550606C | Сравнить
- Group Processing - Additional Processing on Meaningness (SOM-13) - L550606B | Сравнить
- Mechanisms of Ownership in Living (SOM-12) - L550606A | Сравнить
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RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Групповой Процессинг - Дополнительный Процессинг в Отношении Значения (КАЧД 55) - Л550606 | Сравнить
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A lecture and Group Processing session given on 6 June 1955A lecture given on 6 June 1955

Thank you. I think it's highly probable at this time that we could do with a little less data and a little more processing. How about that?

Thank you. How are you today?

Audience: (applause)

Audience: Fine.

Now, I've already given you some example of the highest echelon in significance processing, which is Meaningness Processing. Meaningness Processing. We ran that day before yesterday, remember?

Good. Good. Group Processing getting anywhere with anyone?

Now, in running this process it is quite necessary to understand that the meaning one is to assign is preferably new, different and strange — preferably.

Audience: Yes.

In other words, ask you to have the wall up there assign some meaning and you just sit there and say — have it say, "Well, I'm a wall" or "I mean I'm a wall" or something like this, and then say okay to that, you're not going to get anyplace — no place at all.

Well, that's fine.

Why? Because we have a scarcity of meaning. Just no more important than that. And when you were a little kid running around, the world looked real bright, and that stick you had was a horse, and that doll you had was a live baby, and that house you had was a castle. Years later, you take a look at these objects and what do you see? You see a stick, a doll, and a very small house.

A couple of small misnomers — as usual, rumor and conflict goes rife. Wherever you have a human communication line, you have a communication heh! — line. If you realize all these walls are made out of second postulates which are incorrect, and they have to perforce contain a lie, then you can see that communication very often contains an error.

What's happened? Why does the world look bright to a child? No more and no less than this: A child assigns meaning, and an adult has gone on a one-way flow so long that he lets everything assign meaning to him. He looks over there, he sees a wall, so that's a wall. And he looks at another person and he says, "Just a person — body, certain amount of education, certain amount of liability." He's saying to himself, "Now I know," you know? "Now I know all about everything." In other words, "I've stripped the meaning out of everything. I have the exact, proper assignment to everything." And then we get what? We get a person who has a very dull world around him.

The HASI in Phoenix, Arizona continues — continues to teach the HCA, BScn Course as always, and the Hubbard Guidance Center there continues to process as always; no upset along these lines at all. The HASI goes on. As far as organizations in Scientology is concerned, these go on too. There are a great many more of them coming up than there are now. Of course the central proprietor, you might say, of the trademarks of Scientology and so forth are the HASI; so the HASI stays in a control position with regard to these things, simply to guarantee an excellence of processing — without which Scientology would not go a foot. Now, we owe that to the public. We owe that to you.

Now, the oddity is, is the fastest cognition change you will get on the preclear is with Meaningness Processing. He changes cognitions faster, realizes things faster — and that's merely because it is the upper echelon of significance processes.

Now, here is another thing. The training courses which are available, are available from people who have the right to train — who operate training establishments. And there are two or three of these in the East and training is very good. However, the HASI continues to train.

Significance processes start right down there with "hide," or — and the boys, you know, have been very, very inventive here, very inventive here at this congress. Already had a suggestion, a possibly true one, that "wait" lies just below "hide," and that "decay" lies just below "wait," and that "trance" lies just below there somewhere. How far south can you go? It's quite interesting.Well now, there are meanings. There definitely are meanings, the woof and the warp of the meanings of the world. And as long as you are anxious about what things really mean and as long as things are upsetting to you — that is to say, you know, they might mean this and they might mean that — as long as you have these feelings about your surroundings, why, you have a tendency to be rather unhappy about meaning. You just keep — "What is the actual meaning of that wall?" — you've got a nuclear physicist.

Now, in the whole problem of training and processing, it is a very poor thing to give somebody less than everything one has to offer. In other words, the auditor who does the auditing should at that time be in possession of the very best processes he knows and the very best he can do at the time. The PABs are remarkably responsible for this sort of thing. I haven't heard too much lately — fan mail, you might say — on the PABs, but they continue to come out. I write them. I put them out. I try to keep people up-to-date with the Professional Auditor Bulletins.

He takes a look at a nonexistent atom which exists by agreed-upon postulate and so forth, and he says, "Now this means ..." and he has a total agreement of its meaning. See, it's just as nice — got it all settled, it's all buttoned up, he knows exactly what it is. But it's a damn lie and all he can do with it is blow things up. Do you see this? He then has invented, unknowingly, along with all other inventions, some new meaning and then has agreed upon it and then has said that this thing is the truth and thereafter refuses to let himself put any other meaning into it.

These are mailed from the HAS London, another organization. And London is very punctual with these; one of the most punctual publications we have. I believe there was only one issue which was even vaguely missing on the PABs on this coast. Only one issue. And that was in a plane that crashed. And if anybody is missing one of his PABs, just write to London and say he didn't get it; because there was a planeload of PABs that did crash and burn, I think, in Greenland. And the mail was recovered to some extent and a few fragments of these PABs were sent through. It must have been very explosive material! (audience laughter)

Now he has learned his textbook. He's all set, you see. Well, the funny part of it is, is there is an exact way in which that wall got there, in which that man got there, and so on. There is this exactness. But listen, just because there is an exact way it all got there is no reason for you to lay aside your power of imagination and invention, because that's all the fun you'll ever have.

But the special memberships and professional memberships in the HASI continue to bring you publications.

If a nuclear physicist could look at an atom and say, "What nice baking soda! That definitely means that if I mix it up with a professor, I will get an agency," if he had the freedom to do this, he could come home at night and pat the little kids on the head and be nice to the wife and eat a dinner without following it with bicarbonate of soda. But he doesn't do that. He stays in the laboratory all the time and the fact that the gamma goes by the square root of the beta which goes under the lambda and this is all agreed upon and is all nice — only it's kind of a desperate mystery, only he's got to find out more about these extant lies. And he says, "It means just so-and-so. And it's all mathematical, and I've got it all down in my notebook." And he comes home and he slaps a kid and he sits down and he — "What you got for dinner? Rrrf!" and takes the baking soda. Says, "To hell with the world, let's blow it all up."

Now, here we have the fourth day of this very fine congress. You certainly are great people. And on this day I would very much like to fill in, with a few fast rushes, the material which I've been going over. My brain thought all this up, by the way. That's the best way to remember this, you know. You know, you think up something and you say, "Boy, I sure got a nice brain there that thought that up." Get a misownership on it and you've got it. One of the reasons people don't retain anything they learn in school is merely because they continue in the considerable and terrible error that the information belongs to the school. And if you continue to say, "Well, that's arithmetic there — the property of the arithmetic teacher," and if you don't feel that you made it all up yourself, you're not going to remember arithmetic. And in that is the secret of how to study. That is the secret of how to study: Own the information.

Why's he do that? He's lost his power to put any meaning into it. He doesn't know where it came from, he's agreed with a lot of lies, and he's stuck with it.

Now, every now and then we get an HCA student ... We have quite a time in the Phoenix HCA class, because the Instructors are all eager beavers and they work real hard with a student. And there's a week of indoctrination now before they even go into the HCA Course — just bring them up-to-date so they won't mess up auditing and so forth, and so the school runs along very calmly. And one of the students was trying to memorize the Axioms out of the Creation of Human Ability which you have here at this congress, and he was trying to memorize these Axioms — they were not in the book at that time, they were simply on a mimeographed sheet — and would come around to me every day or two and tell me how wonderful it was for me to have thought up and put together all these Axioms. "But the only trouble," this student would keep saying, "is that I can't seem to remember them. I read them and they're gone. And it's just such a wonderful job that you did."

By the way, you take most engineers who are thoroughly trained on exactly what matter is — you blow them out of their head, if they happen to touch a wall, they'll stick to it. Boy, will they stick to it — thunk! Only you won't blow them out of their head. Now, why is that? That's because of the assigned meaning, and the assigned meaning is the agreed-upon meaning and that is the meaning and there is no other meaning and "I am now being told," he is saying to himself.

Instructor got hold of her and said, "Now — now, will you please get the idea that you wrote these Axioms." She never had any trouble thereafter. She remembered them all verbatim. Of course I got less admiration, but we got a better student!

Now, just look at it as a stuck flow. Old mechanism — flow too long in one direction and you get a stuck flow. All right. All he's saying is, "It is telling me, everything is telling me." Now look at your Auditor's Code and you'll find, "Do not evaluate for the preclear." He's had the whole world evaluating for him. Everything's evaluating for him: the wall says it's a wall, the car says it's a car, the sky says it's a sky, the atom says it's an atom. You see? And that's all it says. And that is constant and continual evaluation.

Well, now that is the secret of how to study and that's a little datum that you might find useful — you might find very useful.

What the preclear is doing obsessively, have him do it knowingly and you get Meaningness Processing, which overcomes evaluation. And so one can change one's cognitions. One can be free. And that is the heart and soul of Meaningness Processing.

The ability to possess information or objects depends upon the ability to misown it. In the view of the fact that your parents and teachers worked so hard and so arduously for so long to get you to be a truthful character, I can't then conceive of how, if you were made to be such a truthful character and how everything had to agree with absolute fact, you're here remembering or owning anything. How do you fit these together? If you know you have to tell the truth all the time and must never under any circumstances lie about anything or misrepresent a single fact anywhere, it is a certainty — a certainty — that your havingness will get shot. Why? Because if you continue to pick up the absolute correct ownership of every subject you study, and if you never tell yourself the little fib that "well, I did it," or "somebody else did it," you'll get no persistence of the data. Do you follow me?

Now, I didn't mean to give you a lecture on it. I wanted to show you very clearly where this process was going and not have you sit there and take a look at the wall and have it say, "I'm a wall; this means a wall is here," and then you say okay. Because the funny part of it is, you're doing that all the time and you're never going to run out that much track.

You'll never own a car if you were totally truthful about it. There's the car: it was created by Detroit. You go on saying, "Well, I've got a slip of paper here; that's a lie, however. Detroit owns my car." It'll be an awfully thin car you'll be driving down the road. It won't be very real. You have to have the faculty of saying to yourself, "Well, I've certainly got a nice car here."

What I want you to do is take a look at the wall and say, "This means thundershowers are imminent. Okay." Simple as that.

Now, if you wanted to assert a better ownership or control of the body, you would do exactly what people do all the time when they are difficult to exteriorize, which is to say, "Me. My body. My body." And if you had difficulty in getting out of your familial arena, you would have made this mistake (you know, you couldn't exteriorize very easily from your family, or you couldn't exteriorize your wife or your husband from the family; that's one of the more difficult problems, trying to exteriorize the marital partner from the family, comes up every now and then) — we would have this kind of a lie going forward: "My family. My father. My mother. I am their child." And you'd be interiorized into the family; you'd be a very close member of the family.

Rehabilitate the ability to reconsider or consider, and you've rehabilitated a thetan. So let's do it.

Now if we go on the basis that all proximity and contact with anything alive or any group is bad, this will make you very unhappy. Little child's going around all the time saying "my mother." Well, let's look over what happens here. My mother? No. Body's mother, if you please, see? "Body's mother" is the correct statement. And that'll as-is all these terminal closures. Well, body's mother — "How are you, body's mother?" And you'd never get stuck in Mama's universe. Just never would, you see? You'd never get stuck and start thinking Mama's thoughts and having Mama's lumbosis. See? But if you go around saying all the time — the incorrect ownership, the misownership of Mother — "my mother" . . . This thetan, understand, who came here from — well, he just narrowly missed a very long rap in the penal colonies of Orion or something (that's para-Scientology) — he got here, you see, and he took over this body and he's never had much relationship with Earth or this family or the genetic line or anything, and then starts to say "my mother" and starts to call himself an Earthman, and then wonders why he gets so heavy. You see, he's stated a misownership which gives him mass.

Let's look at the front wall and have it tell you it means something. (pause) Give it an okay.

Now, let me go into this a little more carefully with you because it's absolute black magic when you start looking this over. It's very simple — extremely simple.

Audience: Okay.

In order to have any space or mass or the persistence of any object or even idea, the element of misownership has been injected by this race, this planet, in this universe at this time. That doesn't mean that you couldn't make a postulate if you were good and Clear. You could simply make a postulate and say, "There is a mass. It will persist. It is persisting," and that would be that. And it would stay there on and on because you said it would, until the moment when you remembered that you said it, at which moment it would go whssh! and that would be the end of that mass. To keep yourself from thus accidentally as-ising your wife, you then say "my wife." And they were so anxious about this from cave times forward up till the beginning of this century that wives were chattels — they were owned. I think you could even mortgage them and borrow money on them from the finance companies. So they were property.

Fine. Now let's look at the back wall and have it tell you it means something. (pause)

Now, we wonder why the knights of old and so forth got so stuck on horses, you know, and got so hepped about it; or why all the girls down here at Warrenton, Virginia are so stuck on horses. You ever run into any of these "horsy" girls down from Warrenton? They're quite interesting people. They keep talking about "my horse" implying they created the horse. My, that's a nice solid horse, you know? "My horse, my stables, my farm." And then you say to them some fine day, "Let's take a ride in a car" or "Let's take a run up to New York" — they're not going to exteriorize from that situation. They're not even going to be able to pull the body out of it. Because it's all misowned, and therefore they've closed terminals with it and it is terrifically solid.

Audience: Okay.

Now, gravity itself depends on ownership. So if you kept talking about "my planet Earth" or if you concocted or went along with this fantastic lie: "Man was born by Earth out of a sea of ammonia, and it was all an accident but Earth gave birth to us all" — boy, you'd get heavy. That's why the modern scientist has flat feet. He keeps subscribing to this theory that Earth produced him.

Give it an okay, attaboy. Now let's take a look at that right-hand wall and have it tell you it means something. (pause)

Now, how far can we go on a via? Now, the test is, by saying "Earth made me" and just by believing that consistently and continually, would a person get any lighter and finally levitate? No. Crunch! Crunch! Crunch! He would get into such a pass eventually that he would not be able to carry even the smallest suitcase. It would just be too heavy. Work would be unsupportably terrible. "What? Having to pick up that sofa pillow? Having to pick up these feet?" See? "I am an Earthman, I am a body." You get the idea? "Earth made me. It is my planet. My farm. My land. My mother. My horse." All implying that you made Earth, planet, Mother, horse, you know? Or that Mother made you — a thetan. And boy, you'd certainly get dead in the head after a while, believe me. And then you'd kind of start skidding. And you'd finally wind up where the Greeks kept their thetans. You know where the Greek interiorized into? He interiorized into the stomach. It's fantastic, but he did. You find it in all of his scientific writings. Thinkingness is done by the stomach, and so forth. You look back in very ancient literature. They believed that the soul was in the stomach. All right.

Audience: Okay.

We look this over and we find out, then, that these principles of ownership and misownership permit us to acquire, to have or not to have, practically at will. And if you had this factor under good control you could exteriorize out of any situation or off of any planet or out of any trap — if you had this right down (snap), you see. Now, very often a person has to come up to a point of where he can face this idea of ownership. That is merely a matter of how well his postulates stick. That chart I gave you the other day is a gradient scale of how easily an individual can make his postulates stick. And when he can't make his postulates stick very well, and is below the level of ownership — you see, he would be well down — then he thinks "I own this and I own that" and he does such a faint job of it that he doesn't as-is everything.

Good. Now let's take the left-hand wall over here and have it tell you it means something. (pause)

But as soon as he comes up scale and gets into pretty good shape, you'd say, "All right, now get the idea that you own your mother."

Audience: Okay.

(pause) "That's funny, I feel different."

Well, fine. Now let's take a look at that ceiling and have it tell you it means something. (pause)

See, you'd get an instantaneous separation of universes — if the fellow was in real good condition, you see? Instantaneous.

Audience: Okay.

He'd find himself working for the bureau of external securities, or working for the committee that is going to probe the security of all the security agencies or something like that, and he'd keep talking about "my committee, my job," and his wife would less and less find herself capable of getting him out to a movie or getting him out to a bridge game or a picnic or getting him to take a little run up to New York and see a play or something like this. His wife would just find it harder and harder to do this. Well, what's happening is the individual, every time he says a misownership which is "my job, my office," you see, and "I have to do this and that" and so on, he's just pinning himself down tighter and tighter and tighter — he's getting a terminal closure because he's getting more and more solidity, more and more mass and more and more electromagnetic attraction. And as he gets more and more electromagnetic attraction, he is less and less able to pull himself off of those bulkheads.

All right. Don't let me rush you on this. Now take a look at that floor and have it tell you it means something. (pause)

Now, every once in a while you say to somebody, "Be three feet back of your head" — he is. You say, "All right, copy, copy, copy," and the rest of Route 1 and he's not going along too well. And he goes over and he happens to touch the back of his chair with a (quote) "hand" (unquote) or something like that, and then he goes "Nynng-nynng-nynng-nynng-nynng-nynng. Huh! That's horrible stuff, that MEST. That's terrible! Terrible! You get stuck on it." What's he done? What's the answer to this? The answer to this situation is simply that he has so much misownership on that wall that he sticks to it. It has enormous gravitic attraction for him, a thetan.

Audience: Okay.

And after a person has been on this planet and told this lie long enough and often enough and believes it thoroughly enough, he, as a thetan, accumulates mass to such a degree that gravity has an attraction for him and this condition could exist: You say to somebody, "Be three feet back of your head," and let's say he got out, as occasionally he does — "Be three feet back of your head," he goes out and he goes right down to Earth, bang! See, gravity is working on him. And you would say that a solid body is simply something which has been so thoroughly misowned and which is so thoroughly misowning, that it is sufficiently in gravitic attraction with Earth that it sticks here regardless of the centrifugal force. That's gravity. That's also weight. That's also thinness.

Well, good. Now take a look at the center of Earth — and let's get right down and knock gravity just to pieces here. Take a look at the center of Earth — go on — and have it tell you it means something. (pause)

Now let's take this terrifically thin person. They see a wall and they go zong! You ask them to eat something and they say, "All right, I'll eat a hearty dinner. Have you got any toast?" No, they won't eat, they won't acquire mass and so forth. Now this person is probably doing something obsessively quite in reverse — but obsessive, you understand. This person is obsessed with the idea that they cannot have and cannot own and all this is — all the total obsession is — is they cannot tell a lie.

Audience: Okay.

And a person who is absolutely obsessed with telling the truth — where we define truth, you see, as agreement with this universe — you see, there are two kinds of truth. Truth is one, what's true, and two, is what is in agreement with what has been and is being at the moment, which same contains a lot of lies.

All right, good. Now take a look at the center of Earth again and have it tell you it means something. (pause)

See, there's two kinds of truth. This fellow, he says, "Well now," he says, "I am basically a static. I can do this and that." All right, that's a truth. There's another kind of truth. He was down at Joe's Bar last night until 10:03 drinking Scotch. And he says to somebody — asks him the next morning, "Now, where have you been?" — and he said, "I was down at Joe's Bar last night until 10:03, drinking Scotch." See, now that is agreed-upon truth. Other people saw him there and so on. He can prove it, in other words. Actually, it doesn't matter a darn. Somebody says, "Where were you last night?"

Audience: Okay.

"Oh, I went to the opera."

All right, fine. Now take a look at the center of Earth and have it tell you it means something. (pause)

Person says, "But there's no opera playing in Washington at this time." "Huh! There isn't? Well I just created some."

Audience: Okay.

Now, this is not really a departure from truth; it is a walk into imagery — creative living. He just creates a time track. But a person who has been utterly and absolutely convinced that he must not at any time create any time track even vaguely independent of what everybody else has experienced, is pinned into an obsessive truth. They really don't know they're doing this, and they'll get pretty darn thin. They will lose things. Things will disappear on them. They have a tendency to fade away. Why? Because they've got to state the exact and correct ownership of everything all the time and they're doing this all the time. So they're not owning anything. And boy, if you could just be this person as a thetan for a little while, you'd look out at the wall and boy, that wall would be thin. You run this person on 8-C and this person is very doubtful of how deep the fingers will sink into that wall. You know, everything is light, filmy, no substance or substantialness to existence, and these people are thin.

All right. Now let's take a look at the center of Earth and have it tell you it means something. (pause)

The other person is misowning on a grand scale, see? This gives him weight, gravity and so on. The other person is owning, as obsessively, on the exact correct scale, and he hasn't any weight. Fantastic, but you'll see this happen.

Audience: Okay.

Now, if you want your car . . . And you see, if you know the secret behind all this, it's very simple for you to own and misown at will. Now any time that you had a car and you liked the car and then you sold the car and felt bad and experienced loss, you see — well, you, of course, must have ceased to misown the car — I mean, you didn't go about it properly. You said, "There goes my car." Well, the moment you sold it, you should have simply given yourself the new postulate, and you simply said something like "Made by Detroit, his car. Goodbye." You'd feel no grief. You know, "It's gone. So what?"

All right. Let's take a look at the center of Earth and have it tell you it means something. (pause)

All right. Now we take a departed ally. People going around and saying, "My grandfather is dead. (sniff)" Or black screens, and so forth, see? What's the thing? You could have said "my grandfather" — that would have made him very solid — right up to the moment he died. And you would have said, "Genetic line body's grandfather no longer exists. Cause of death, his. Picture of death, mine." No reaction. That's cancellation of reaction. Merely state the truth of the situation. In other words, when you stop playing a game, straighten out its ownership before you leave the field; because if you don't, you won't leave the field. So how do you get off a playing field? Just get the correct ownerships of everything. You loused all these things up so you could have a game. Now let's admit that we did this and then admit the correct ownership of all the pieces and spaces in which the game was being played and you can leave the playing field.

Audience: Okay. Everybody get it? Audience: Yes.

Here's your football player who was the star of the college team and so forth, and now he's selling bonds. And they say, "Well, that's Mr. Grange or somebody, and he was all-American for such and such a time." We look at this fellow and we say, "Why in the name of common sense can't this individual stop playing football? He's now forty-two years of age. He was once an intelligent man. Why is he still playing football?" Well, you don't recognize entirely the complete mechanism behind it. He's not only playing football; he never left the game with Army. He's still there. And he gets to be forty-six and all of a sudden develops what they call athlete's heart. Why should he develop athlete's heart? His heart is still playing football.

All right. Now let's have a nice look at the sky. You know, skies have been very significant. Let's take a nice look at the sky up there. Not that ceiling, the dickens with the ceiling — take a look at the sky. Now have it tell you it means something. (pause)

In other words, any playing field is a playing field because you're misowning the game and players and the ground on which it's being played. The musician says, "My music, my organ, my piano." Says this very consistently, and so keeps in mass form, music, the instrument — stays in there playing the game. And then one day for some reason or other decides to be a painter. You should ask yourself, why doesn't a musician every now and then suddenly become a painter? Well, the oddity is, they do. They do. They get tired of playing music and start painting or something like this — they'll swap fields. But oh, my goodness, the person who does this is practically a Clear — I mean, they're just natural, you know — and boy, are they in good shape if they can do this.

Audience: Okay.

Now, we take this person who's not in this terrific condition and they're saying "my musical instrument, my music, my career" so forth, talking about this, you see, and then one day they find they're not getting much attention for this or something, and they decide to paint. Where are they? Where are they, really? Where are they stuck on the track? They're sitting at that instrument. They'll be there for years, because they never left the playing field.

All right, fine. Now take a look at the sky, and again have it tell you it means something. (pause)

Now, sharpen up your ears, you people who know your Dianetics. This is the mechanism of getting stuck on the track. And although the word can stick a person on the track — a phrase and all that, a person can get stuck on the track with these — there is a more basic, a more fundamental mechanism than this. And that is, they misowned things till they had a playing field, and then when other factors entered and the game ceased to be playable, they never left the playing field. In other words, they never straightened out the misownership they started with. They had to have misownership. You know, it wasn't their field at all. They didn't have anything to do at all with making this field — nothing whatsoever. And then they say, "my playing field." See? Misownership. They have a body, a doll — a biological doll, such as you wear. And this biological doll is the piece they are using to play the game. And so they say "my body," you know, "I made it." But they make very sure that they stole one, so they didn't. And they say "my fellow players." Well now, that is actually correct. So they have to find something a little bit wrong with them so they don't quite own them. You know, they have to be a little critical, introduce some feeling of doubt about the "my-ness" of "my fellow players." And that keeps a crowd around!

Audience: Okay.

And then they say "the enemy" — they belong to "them." But the funny part of it is, to have a really good enemy you had to have a lot to do with creating him and then you had to say "I didn't have a thing to do with it," and you'll have a nice, solid opposition. Nice enemy. See how easy it is? Then when the game's over, just straighten out the factors of ownership of that game. There's no consequence or liability to it; you exteriorize from that game.

All right, fine. Now take a look at the sky and have it tell you it means something. (pause)

Now let's take language. Why is it if your genetic entity was once French, you do not like a nightingale speak French? In the first place, you haven't stirred it up. In the second place, the GE has never left the French playing field. And it's sort of a stuck line on the whole thing. This is a fascinating fact. The GE isn't going to up and talk French anyhow. You've got to talk the language that the GE talks.

Audience: Okay.

But why, if you as a thetan had a French body, why don't you talk French now? Why can't you talk French? Well, as a matter of fact if you did an improper jump out of the French playing field, if you didn't separate from it at all well, you'll get yourself into the beautifully stuck condition of being so confused about French, not being French, that the whole thing becomes a mystery. "I can speak French, but obviously I am not French, so why should I be able to speak French? But I can't speak French, and that makes a nice mystery." And you go around not even able to learn French.

All right. Now remember, we're inventing a meaning. You know? "This means that electric signs are at a premium." Take a look at the sky and have it tell you it means something. (pause)

Because, in the first place, when you separated from the French race, youdid an immediate "they," if you were a smart thetan — "those Frenchmen." See,you got about twenty-five feet above that dead body and you said, "Look atthose Frenchmen down there." There went your French. Because you werevery, very careful to say so if you were smart. If you wanted your French back,just start realizing how French you are. One liability goes along with it,however. You're liable to get out of your head and find yourself over Nimes orReims. You'll move back over the old playing field and you will move back outof present time and will things look funny! See how you would go about that?So if you were at all able, when you exteriorized from a dead body yousaid, "Their body, those Frenchmen, their Earth," you know — bing, bing, bing — "partially mine, not mine," and you'd have it, you see, because you do havesome slight series of incidents connected with it that you did contribute to.But the ordinary job that is done on exteriorization of death is simply this one: they say, "Those Frenchmen, that body" — no more, wipeout, forgotten, gone, period. In other words, the guy does an almost violent proper ownership of the whole works and detaches from it and still leaves himself with a little fragment of the whole thing by then introducing some other factor and then by saying, "Now I will have to forget it all."

Audience: Okay.

See, that is another factor and not a necessary one at all unless you're trying to convince somebody that you shouldn't be locked up in the Bastille. Most thetans have a fear of past crimes, so on. You know, what I told you yesterday — they're hit and then they think "I'm guilty," you know? They get hit and then they say, "Well, I must be guilty of something because I was hit." So they're killed, so they say, "Well, I must have been guilty of something, because there it is, dead." And his immediate conclusion is, "I'm wanted, by the wrong people." You get the idea? The shock of death is sufficient to convince somebody that he's done something. That's why he very quickly reverses on the responsibility scale. And that's why he has a dwindling spiral.

All right. Take a look at the sky and have it tell you it means something. (pause)

So an exteriorizing thetan ordinarily is not going through a really proper procedure at all. He's merely saying, "No responsibility." But he just happens to hit this Ownership button properly and then he adds the extraneous "Forget it" — you know, otherwise he's liable to be arrested or something of the sort — and that's that. And he's gone, he's out, he's no longer interested, and that's the end of that game as far as he's concerned. So he does this — bang-bang! Just — he knows enough to do this.

Audience: All right. Okay.

But there is extraordinary pressure on it that shouldn't be there. Because he's dead, he must have been guilty of something. This proves it, doesn't it? He's dead, isn't he? There was a blow or a shock or an explosion or something happened, because even a quiet (quote) "natural" (unquote) death — whatever that is — generally, on exteriorization there'll be some explosions of ridges or something like that. There'll be a disturbance, an electrical disturbance — there'll be a shock-back as far as the thetan is concerned. He goes then believing that it was he who killed the body. That's about the least thing he'll believe. And maybe in the next life he floats along with the body, you know, killing it. Why? Because he's a killer. Well, why is he a killer? Well, the last body he had died, didn't it? See the stupidity of the — there is no real logical .. .

All right. Fine. Now take a look at the center of Earth and have it tell you it means something. (pause)

If you wanted to rehabilitate this — just that — you start exteriorizing by whatever process, Ownership or anything else, you exteriorize somebody from his body and then have him get again the correct ownerships of the forgetters. Who said, "Forget it"? This between-lives area thing is merely so a person can say, "They said forget it." And that makes the forgetter persist. See, the forgetter has been misowned and this gives a bad memory that psychology talks about and so forth, and about which we are not interested. See, the forgetter has to be misowned to be effective. But the odd part of it is, the memory doesn't. Because a thetan basically knows everything, so the only thing he can misown is his stupidity if he wants it to stick. That's why you can change people's IQs — you just get the ownership of their stupidity. Very simple.

Audience: Okay.

Now, you see how you would use this practically? Let's get it real straight. If you want to possess and have, you'd better misown. See? And by "misown," we say just assign the wrong creator, and you'll have something and it'll persist. Assign the wrong creator. "This car was built in Florida." "It was made by me." "This beautiful John Alden yacht that I designed." You see? And then when one changes his game, to go through the very nice little ritual of assigning back the proper ownerships, and bother the forgetter. First thing you know, you'll wind up with all your experience intact, and none of the playing fields.

Well, all right. Now, good. Now take a look at the center of Earth and have it tell you it means something. (pause)

There are people walking up and down the street all day long, they're stuck in playing fields all over the place. They're in a factory in their youth, they're in space opera way back when, they're in a time when they were a priest. You say to some old-time Dianeticist who's come into Scientology, "Now, we're going to ordain you as a minister."

Audience: Okay.

And the fellow goes, "Nnyyeeeoww! No! None of that!"

Get it now? Everybody got it? Audience: Yeah.

Well, rather than argue with the guy you simply say, "All right, now get the idea of being a priest. Well, what can you be that's real close to it?" "Well, I could be a demon." (audience laughter)

All right. Take a look at the sky and have it tell you it means something. (pause)

I just work him around, have him be various things of this character. The next thing you know, he'll tell you confidentially, "Well, I — I feel a considerable confidence in the idea that I could probably be a cardinal, but not a minister."

Audience: Okay.

Have him be a few more things like that and he says, "I don't know why I've been worried about this."

All right. Now you're giving it the okay now? Audience: Yes.

Well, he's been worried about it because some time or another he was either violently antireligious in some role or — he lived that life — or he was a persecuted monk or something of the sort. He's led an unsuccessful life.

All right. Good. Now take a look at the center of Earth and have it tell you it means something. (pause)

Now let me show you this: Every life we lead and die from, we catalog as unsuccessful. Let's just look that over. Every life we lead and die from, we catalog as unsuccessful. Truth of the matter is, you successfully got through that one. All right.

Audience: Okay.

Very germane to this subject of ownership and responsibility and control, because that's all the same little ladder, I'd better tell you something about another process which is quite close to this.

All right. Fine. Now take a look at the sky and have it tell you it means something. (pause)

Why won't individuals uncommunicate — break communication? Fellow's stuck to the wall, he won't let go of it. All right, ownership is your first key and clue. This brings about an obsession on his part that he must not break communication once started. And he begins to feel that he cannot possibly break a communication if he has begun it. Now, this is idiocy. Because you wrote Eisenhower a letter means now that you have to write Eisenhower letters. Well, that's the way it figures, isn't it? You started to communicate. If you're unable to stop communicating any time you started communicating, you're being penalized to some degree, aren't you?

Audience: Okay.

Now let me tell you about a completely and utterly and fantastically unworkable process. This is the most unworkable process that anybody ever investigated. It has no benefit; it's all liability. Would simply be this question asked over and over and nicely acknowledged — it'd sound just like an auditing session. I hope no psychologist gets hold of this, because he'd have to do it just to find out if it happens. He would! Have to. So I'll give you the rest of it, how you would solve it. It's just an experiment. It's a wild thing that you could do to somebody. You say, "Now, give me some things you could go out of ARC with" or "Give me some things you wouldn't mind breaking communication with." And he gives you some and you say, "Fine. Fine. Good. Good. Give me some more things you could break communication with" or "go out of communication with."

Good. Now take a look at the center of Earth and have it tell you it means something. (pause)

And he'd say, "Fine" — then he'd tell you some things — "Fine."

Audience: Okay.

And you say, "All right."

All right, fine. Now look at your next-door neighbor and put into that person, saying, "I mean." You supply it. (pause) Give them an okay. (audience laughter) Got that now?

See? What a nice auditing session it sounds like, you know. Right up to there. Just sounds like the real McCoy. Sounds real good, you know. And you say, "Give me some more things that you wouldn't mind going out of communication with." Well, this is so logical — so very, very logical. Because the truth of the matter is, the only reason the man is stuck on the track is because he won't go out of communication with the past. See, he just won't. He refuses to. Still got it. Wants it. So obviously we have to repair his ability to break communication. Otherwise, we won't get him cleanly breaking clear of the time track at all, will we? It's the theory behind this. Nice theory, isn't it? So we say, "Give me something else you wouldn't mind going out of communication with."

All right. Let's do that again. (pause)

And he gives us something of "I wouldn't mind going out of communication with my mother."

Audience: (various responses)

And you say, "That's fine. Now, give me something else you wouldn't mind going out of communication with."

All right. You got that pretty good, huh?

(said angrily) "Well, I wouldn't mind going out of communication with my boss."

All right. Now let's put into this person once more, "I mean (something)." (pause)

And you say, "That's fine. Now, give me something else you wouldn't mind going out of communication with."

Audience: Okay. All right. Fine.

The fellow's saying, "The whole planet!" He'd simply go into a rage. And he'd go into enough, sufficient anger and rage that you would find him unauditable right at that point. He would blow — he would blow the session. I've done this several times just to test it out. (audience laughter)

Now put into this person again, "I mean (something)." (pause)

Having the antidote right to hand, it was very easy to do and get the guy turned around and back in and run the rest of it. Couple of auditors have done this just to make sure that this was the mechanism, and it is the mechanism. The effort to go out of communication with, eventually gets himself so stuck that he goes into a rage. And rage is the emotion which is designed to break communication, but doesn't. It just stacks it up. You recognize the emotion there. It's just the effort to go out of communication, that's all — and to keep on informing people you're going out of communication with them. And the boy does not come up above rage with the process, because he blows the session and goes out of control. Now this doesn't much matter what person you're running it on. That's what they do. That's the end of that. So it's an utterly unworkable process. (Day or so, they'll settle down and start living again.)

Audience: Okay.

But here is this situation. A process which sounds like a legitimate process evidently is completely unrunnable. And obviously, if you wanted to get somebody unstuck on the time track, the most logical thing in the world that you would do would be to rehabilitate his ability to break communication. Certainly you've got to break communication with the past in order to get him totally in present time. He's got to be willing to let go of something on the time track before he'll come out of it.

Good. Now you're getting the idea that this person is saying, "I mean." Gotten that, huh? Good. All right.

All right, where's all this lead? It led immediately to Consequence Processing. The first edition of Consequence Processing ran this way — it's the very first one — "What would happen if you got angry?" On and on and on and on and on, and eventually cleaned that up and the fellow said, "Nothing," you know? He'd swerved. And then you can say, "What wouldn't you mind going out of communication with?" and you'll only get a little sputter and yap about it. You've already solved the consequences of anger. He's fighting anger, and as long as he cannot break communication, time, the single aberration, will continue to depress him down the Tone Scale. With each forward ticking moment, he will get stuck tighter and tighter and tighter down to anger and then blow it, and through to the lower harmonics.

Now let's note carefully the location of this person and do it again. (pause)

And that is the mechanism of the dwindling spiral. There's no more complex mechanism than that about it. Do you see it now? With each ticking moment, time is breaking communication for him. And if this process "What wouldn't you mind going out of communication with?" winds him up in anger, certainly time, going tick, tick, tick, tick, tick — which is "Break communication, break communication, break communication, break communication" — certainly would wind him up in going down scale. And that's how people descend down that Tone Scale and why they wind up where they wind up. It was the most basic reason. How do you clean it up? Consequence Processing or Ownership Processing — or consequences of ownership, so forth; you could combine these.

Audience: Okay.

But the way that you would handle this would be — most basic and fundamental way — "What would happen if you got angry? What would happen if you got angry?" It is evidently apparent immediately that if we are going to get anyone totally above 1.5 on the Tone Scale, we're going to have to run "What would happen if you got angry?" sooner or later.

Give him an okay. I notice you seem rather fainthearted about these okays. (audience laughter) Now let's do this again, and give it a real okay. (pause)

Now, a thetan can get up above 1.5 on the Tone Scale with the greatest of ease, but you can get a body up there, too. It's the body that gets stuck in covert ... The game called society is covert hostility — propitiation, politeness, so forth. That's stuck below 1.5. It's very dangerous when it's stuck below 1.5. There's no reason why this game could not be carried on above 1.5, but as years progress and arthritis sets in, the tickety-tick, tickety-tick, tickety-tick of time breaking communication, breaking communication, every cycle is saying, "Break communication, break communication, break communication, break communication." Of course, it's also saying, "Make communication." It's saying, "Make communication, break communication" for its whole cycle. And if an individual cannot have "Make communication, break communication, make communication, break communication," he can't ride along the time track. He'll just simply stick harder and harder and more and more into misowned incidents.

Audience: Okay.

This is the mechanics of this universe. This is how this universe throws down scale the luckless thetan who is living in it. Because he believes, as everybody believes, that there are vast consequences to anger, and every time he starts to get angry — which is to say break through this — he's said, "No, I mustn't get angry. I'll get sick and people will get mad at me and I will starve to death and there are horrible consequences will occur if I get angry, so therefore I've got to kind of float along with this time track one way or the other." And he starts to pull loose from various points on the time track where he's misowning and gotten stuck and he feels himself starting to get mad and he says, "No, no, no. I'll just have to float along with this time track."

Now, did you say okay to that person?

We have to restore to the individual the freedom to be apathetic, if he's in pretty bad shape, and then the freedom to be angry — or simply the freedom to be angry.

Audience: Yes.

One case, by the way, fooled me one time very recently right on this same fundamental. I started running this process, "Now, what would happen" — I knew this person was stuck all over the time track and this person was not high enough up scale to run Ownership Processing or Responsibility or anything else, so I simply started in, in just the fundamental that I already had, and this fundamental was simply this: "What would happen if you got angry? What would happen if you didn't get angry? What would happen if you got angry? What would happen if you didn't get angry?" by which we mean plus and minus running as is marked on these charts. "What would happen if you got angry? What would happen if you didn't get angry? What would happen if you got angry? What would happen if you didn't get angry?"

All right. Does anybody feel like somebody's doing something to them? Male voice: Yes.

I was getting no comm lag. So I says, "Aha! Process too high. Let's start down at the bottom." I started down to the bottom and chose just at random, at the bottom, "sleep" or "unconsciousness," and ran this flat. "What would happen if you got unconscious? What would happen if you didn't get unconscious? What would happen if you got unconscious? What would happen if you didn't ..." Got that cleaned up. That cleaned up fairly easily; came right on up scale through various other, you know, "What would happen if you hurt? What would happen if you didn't hurt?" which is above anger. No comm lag again, so I dived back down scale once more — said, "Couldn't be, because this person is not an apathy case." Well, as a thetan, this person wasn't an apathy case, but the person's body was stuck solid in apathy. And I said, "Well now, all right, let's just take the Tone Scale now. What would happen if you got apathetic?"

You do, huh? Male voice: Yes.

"Thuhhh! Thuhhh!" Terrific comm lags.

Oh, that's tough. All right. Now let's do it again. Put into this person, "I mean." (pause)

"What would happen if you didn't get apathetic?" Oh, terrific comm lags.

Audience: Okay. You got it?

Person was stuck on the lower harmonic of anger — as a body. Cleaned this up, went up Tone Scale, got up — there was nothing much on grief — more or less cleaned up and got up to anger and cleaned that up rather easily and then ran "What wouldn't you mind communicating with? What wouldn't you mind breaking communications with? What wouldn't you mind communicating with? What wouldn't you mind breaking communications with?" and the person just ran like a well-oiled dream and soared right on up Tone Scale — 2.0, boredom, conservatism, enthusiasm as a stable tone.

Audience: Yes.

So I wonder how many cases in Dianetics and Scientology are parked below 1.5 as a physical body, or as a thetan and body, simply because they do not dare be apathetic or angry? How many? And is this the barrier which prevents a person from coming up Tone Scale rapidly? And yes, my experience in the last few months and weeks has told me that it is.

All right. Now — now let's look at somebody else. Somebody else in the room. (pause) Now do it again. (pause)

An inability to break communication will depress a person on the Tone Scale. So we have a very interestingly simple mechanism for getting a person up scale. We have to get the consequences of these emotions and the consequences of no such emotion, see? Consequences of apathy, consequences of not being apathetic. We have to get the consequences of these emotions or anything else that occurs. Right along with this are the consequences of unconsciousness and the consequences of pain. We have to clear these up to some degree.

Audience: Okay.

If you wanted to solve an engram all the way across the board, you would certainly have to run something on the order of "What would happen if you became unconscious? What would happen if you didn't become unconscious? What would happen if you got hurt? What would happen if you didn't get hurt?" and run these things flat. Those are pretty high-toned, by the way. But that, of course, runs out the most holding basic of an engram. We knew in Dianetics that it was pain and unconsciousness which pinned the engram where it was. So you can run that by Consequences Processing.

All right, that's fine. Now let's do that again. (pause)

But you won't get people up Tone Scale as long as they're afraid or unable on the subject of apathy and anger. Now that doesn't mean you want everybody going around mad-dogging with anger. The funny part of it is, they only go around mad-dogging with anger when they can't be angry. They only go around being obsessively apathetic when they can't be apathetic. They only go around crying, crying, crying when they can't cry. When they can do these things, they don't have to do them just to prove it — and we get into proof.

Audience: Okay.

Neat process right along there, by the way, is proof. You say, "What have you got that would prove anything to whom?" Or "Invent some proof." Fabulous process. This whole category of "invent" — invent some time, invent a game, invent proof — rather fabulous processes.

All right. Good. Good. Now let's do it again. (pause)

Consequences, then, on the Tone Scale is the most vital process that you'd have to get rid of to get a case coming up scale. Because they're going to hit a barricade. And the barricades, if they're above apathy, will be anger, and if they're apathetic or around there someplace, will be apathy. And the mere thought of breaking communication will put them into the solidity of apathy or grief or anger — the three ridges. Just the thought of coming up to present time would be enough to pin them into apathy or grief or anger. "What would happen if you got apathetic? What would happen if you didn't get apathetic?" resolves this.

Audience: Okay.

So this goes along to a marked degree with Ownership Processing. Of course, Ownership Processing is sort of a sledgehammer. You simply say to the person, "Get the idea who owned it and who didn't own it" and so forth, and there's no energy left around to be stuck to. But this doesn't mean he's going to be terribly happy about it. No great liability connected with it such as other processes — Perfect Duplication and so forth — but he doesn't quite like to give up that much MEST, he thinks. He'll have rationalizations; whereas "What would happen if you got angry? What would happen if you didn't get angry?" — he comes out of that cleanly because you change his consideration. And when you change the consideration or the ideas of a man, you make him well; and when you change his MEST, you've changed his MEST.

All right. Now let's pick out a member of the opposite sex. (pause)

Well now, do you see these mechanisms? They are quite interesting and they bring processing out of the dark ages of "maybe" into a considerable certainty. Anybody whose case is lagging — he's getting lots and lots and lots and lots of hours, you know, and he keeps piling it up — can remember times when he kind of started to get mad or started to feel apathetic during a session, checked himself or the auditor checked him, and he went on running the process. In other words, he tried to come up scale and go past those bands, and social agreement says, "Thou shalt not rage" and so he just sticks right there. How many preclears have gotten parked below that band, there's no telling. But now that you know this, there's no reason why they should be parked there any longer.

Audience: (various responses)

Thank you.

People are fond of saying, "I don't understand women" or "I don't understand men" — let's get busy on it right now. (audience laughter) You got one?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Now put into this person, "I mean," and say okay.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Let's do it again. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Let's do it again. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Good. Let's do it again. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Well, all right. Let's do it again. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. How's that feel?

Audience: Fine.

Oh, it feels pretty good, huh? All right, who's putting the meaning into them?

Audience: I am.

Good. Good. Let's do it again. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Fine. Now let's not be so bashful. Let's see those okays a little louder, and the meanings a little wilder. All right. Do it again.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Good. Let's do it again.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Let's do it again.

Audience: Okay.

Good. Now let's do it again.

Audience: Okay.

Fine. Fine. You understand a little bit more about men and women? (audience laughter) Come on, let's do it again.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Let's do it again. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Well, that's fine, that's fine. Now let's do it again. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Now let's pick out another member of the opposite sex, somewhere else. (pause) All right. Got it?

Audience: (various responses)

All right. Let's do it again. Put into this person, "I mean." (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Good. Did you do that?

Audience: Yes.

Got it now? Let's do it again. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Let's do it again. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Now you doing this easier?

Audience: Yes.

Getting easier? All right. This is terrific invasion of privacy, isn't it? Let's do it again. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Let's do it again. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. And once more put into this person, "I mean." (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Do you feel brighter about it?

Audience: (various responses)

Do you feel any brighter? All right. Do it again. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right, good. Do it again. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Boy, some of the meanings some of the people are putting into me right now are pretty wild! (audience laughter)

All right. Let's do it again. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Well fine, fine, fine. You really got it now, huh?

Audience: (various responses)

Got it down pretty good? Now pick out a member of your own sex. (pause) And let's do it. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Fine. All right. Member of your own sex — do it again. ''(pause)'

Audience: Okay.

All right. Good. Let's do it again. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Let's do it again. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Fine. Let's do it again. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

You know, there's nowhere near the enthusiasm in putting them into members of your own sex. (audience laughter)

Come on, let's do it again. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Fine. Let's do it again. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Let's do it again. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Getting a little better now?

Audience: (various responses)

Huh? All right. Let's do it again. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Okay. All right. Now let's take a look at the center of Earth and have it tell you it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Let's take a look at the sky and have it say it means (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right, good. Let's take another look at the sky and have it say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Good. Everybody getting that now?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Let's take another look at the sky and have it say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

That real good, huh?

Audience: (various responses)

Have — take a look at the center of Earth now and have it say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Well, all right. Now another look at the center of Earth and have it say it means,. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. You getting better at making it say different things?

Audience: (various responses)

Huh? Nobody's looking at it and say — "I mean I'm the center of the Earth," are they?

Audience: No.

All right. Let's take another look at the center of Earth and have it say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

By the way, you seeing it a little bit better?

Audience: (various responses)

Oh, you hadn't thought of that. Now let's take a look at it. (pause) Have it say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Now that's better. Now let's take a look at it and have it say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Now have your okay go down and be received by the center of the Earth after this.

All right. Now have the center of the Earth say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Did your okay get there?

Audience: Yes. Okay.

All right. Good. Let's have it do it again. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Did your okays get there?

Audience: Yes.

Well, good. Let's have it do it again. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Now, heaven. Have it say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. And once more heaven, have it say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Good. And once more, say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Oh, you can get better than that with these meanings you're putting into heaven.

All right. Once more, heaven. Have it say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Once more, have it say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. And once more, have it say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Once more have heaven say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Where is it, by the way?

Audience: (various responses)

Well, all right. You sure of that?

Audience: (various responses)

All right. Good. Now let's have hell say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Now once more, have hell say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Now you make sure this is your meaning you're putting into it now, not something you got someplace. Let's invent one now: meaning into hell. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Once more, have hell say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. And once more have it say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Well fine, fine. Is your okay getting to hell?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Now once more have hell say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Did that okay get there now?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Good. Now once more have hell say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. That's fine, that's fine. Now have heaven say it means


Audience: Okay.

Well, fine. Fine. Good. Now have heaven say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. That's fine. Now have New York say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Did New York receive that okay?

Audience: Yes.

All right, good. Now have New York say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Well, good. Have New York say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Now have Washington say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

And once more have Washington say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Once more have Washington say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

And once more have Washington say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. And again have Washington say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. And once more have it say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. And once more have Washington say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Fine. Now have London say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Now have London say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Have London say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Have London say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Have London say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Have London say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Now have Australia say it means (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Have Australia say it means (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Have Australia say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Oh, you got it located now, huh? All right. Have New Zealand say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Have New Zealand say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Have New Zealand say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Now have Phoenix say it means (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Have Phoenix say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Have Phoenix say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Have Phoenix say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Have Phoenix say it means,. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right, fine. Fine. Now have the right-hand wall say it means (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Fine. Left-hand wall, have it say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. The back wall say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. The front wall say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Let's add new meanings every time here. Have the ceiling say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Have the floor say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Well, fine. Have the sun say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Have the sun say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Have the sun say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good, that's fine. Now have the sun say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

We sell sunburn ointment very cheaply! (audience laughter)

Have the sun say it means, and give it an okay. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Have the sun say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Fine. Now have the sun say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Fine. Have the sun say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Now have the moon say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Good. Have the moon say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

If you're having trouble locating it, just say it's there. Have the moon say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Now have the moon say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Have the moon say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Now have Earth say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Have Earth say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Have Earth say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Now have the sun say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Have the moon say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Have Earth say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Have the sun say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Have the moon say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Have Earth say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Have the sun say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Have the moon say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Have Earth say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Now have your body say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Have your body say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Have your body say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Have your body say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Have your body say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Have your body say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Fine. Have your body say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Now you know your body is saying this now, and you're putting it there. Is that right?

Audience: Yes.

Do you know you're putting that meaning into the body and getting it back? Do you know that? Huh?

Audience: (various responses)

All right. Let's do it again. Have your body say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Have your body say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Good. Have your body say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Have your body say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Have your body say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Have your body say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Have your body say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Have your body say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Have your body say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Have the front of the room say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Have the back of the room say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Have the right-hand wall say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Okay. Have the left-hand wall say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Have the ceiling say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Have the floor say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Pick out a member of the opposite sex and have them say they mean. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Do it again. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Do it again. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Do it again. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Do it again. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. That's fine. Now pick out a member of your own sex and put it in them, they mean. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Do it again. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Member of your own sex, do it again. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Member of your own sex, do it again. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Member of your own sex, do it again. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Have the center of Earth say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Have the sky say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Have your body say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Have your body say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Have your body say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Have your body say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Now make sure it's saying it to you .. .

Male voices: Yeah.

... and have your body say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. And have your body say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. And have your body say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Now you be the one that puts the meaning in, you understand? Make sure it's your meaning that is put in, and have your body say it means (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. And have your body say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Have your body say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Have your body say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Have your body say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Have your body say it means (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Have your body say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Have your body say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Have your body say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Have you found out yet? Have your body say it means (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right, fine. Have your body say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Have your body say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Have your body say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Have your body say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Have your body say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Have your body say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. You getting better at it?

Audience: Yes. Yeah.

All right. Have your body say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Have your body say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Have your body say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Have your body say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Come on now, let's vary those meanings, let's make sure they're yours.

Now have your body say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Have your body say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Have your body say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Have your body say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Have your body say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Have your body say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Have your body say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Have your body say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Have your body say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Well, okay. Have your body say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Have your body say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

What's happening as you do this? You all sound like you're running down. What's the matter? (audience laughter) All right. Let's have your body say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Have your body say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Have your body say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Now have the front of the room say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. The back of the room say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. The right-hand wall say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Have the left-hand wall say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Have the ceiling say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Okay. Have the floor say it means. (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Now let's pick out a member of your own sex and put into this person, "I mean." (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Then put into this person, "I mean." (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. And put into this person, "I mean." (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. And put into this person, "I mean." (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Put into this person, "I mean." (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Now let's originate it. Let's originate it. Put into this person, "I mean." (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Put into this person, "I mean." (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Put into this person, "I mean." (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Put into this person, "I mean." (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Put into this person, "I mean." (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Put into this person, "I mean." (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Put into this person, "I mean." (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Put into this person, "I mean." (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Put into this person, "I mean." (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Put into this person, "I mean." (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Good. Put into this person, "I mean." (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Put into this person, "I mean." (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. Put into this person, "I mean." (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. And put into the audience, "We mean." (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. And put into the audience, "We mean." (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. And put into the audience, "We mean." (pause)

Audience: Okay.

Now you originate it, now. You know you're putting it there, and put into the audience, "We mean." (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. And put into the audience, "We mean." (pause)

Audience: Okay.

All right. How you doing?

Audience: Fine.

Doing pretty good now?

Audience: Yes.

Is that a fact? Knock you cold? Ruin you? Anybody ruined?

Audience: (various responses; laughter)

Somebody's ruined back there, huh? Well, come on — put up your hand if you're ruined. Emergency Auditor can do something for you.

All right. You don't look badly enough ruined, so we'll find your head. (pause) Good. You got that?

Audience: Yes.

Good. You got your head?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Touch somebody else's head and say, "That's my head." (audience talking and laughing)

Good. Now let's touch somebody else's head and say, "That's my head." (audience talking and laughing)

All right. Let's touch somebody else's head and say, "That's my head." (audience talking and laughing)

All right. And touch somebody else's head and say, "That's my head." (audience talking and laughing)

All right. And touch your own head and say, "That's my head."

Audience: That's my head.

All right. Is there any difference?

Audience: (various responses and laughter)

All right. Let's find the floor. (stamping noises)

Good. Let's find the chair.

Audience: Okay.

Good. Let's find the auditor.

Audience: Okay.

Good. Let's find the room.

Audience: Okay.

Good. Let's find the preclear.

Audience: Okay. All right. Hello.

Audience: Hello. Hello.

Audience: Hello. Hello.

Audience: Hello. Hello.

Audience: Hello. Hello.

Audience: Hello. Hello.

Audience: Hello. Hello.

Audience: Hello. Hello.

Audience: Hello. Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.