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АНГЛИЙСКИЕ ДОКИ ЗА ЭТУ ДАТУ- Basic Theory of CCHS (L1, FC-04) (2) - L570705a | Сравнить
- Basic Theory of CCHS (L1, FC-04) (3) - L570705a | Сравнить
- Basic Theory of CCHs (L1, FC-04) - L570705A | Сравнить
- GP - Acceptable Pressures (FC-05) - L570705B | Сравнить
- GP - Hold it on Earth (FC-06) - L570705C | Сравнить
- Purpose and Need of Training Drills (FC-07) - L570705D | Сравнить
- Training Drills Demonstrated (FC-08) - L570705E | Сравнить

РУССКИЕ ДОКИ ЗА ЭТУ ДАТУ- Групповой Процессинг - Приемлемые Давления (КСв 57) - Л570705 | Сравнить
- Групповой Процессинг - Удержите Это на Земле (КСв 57) - Л570705 | Сравнить
- Демонстрация Тренировочных Упражнений (КСв 57) - Л570705 | Сравнить
- Назначение и Необходимость Тренировочных Упражнений (КСв 57) - Л570705 | Сравнить
- Основная Теория КОО (У1, КСв 57) - Л570705 | Сравнить
- Основная Теория УОО (У1, КСв 57) - Л570705 | Сравнить



5th lecture of the „Freedom Congress“ held in Washington, DC
Сессия процессинга, проведённая 5 июля 1957 года


A lecture given on 5 July 1957
Спасибо. Спасибо. Спасибо.

[Based on the clearsound version only.]

Что ж, держу пари, что кому-то любопытно, почему все стулья стоят таким образом.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Ну, в этот час я собираюсь провести процессинг.

Well, I bet somebody wonders why the chairs are all this way. Well, I'm going to do some processing this hour.

Я собираюсь провести невозможный процесс. Я собираюсь провести совершенно невозможный процесс, который никто из присутствующих не сможет выполнить, и тогда я выиграю, а вы проиг...

I'm going to run an impossible process. Going to do an utterly impossible process that nobody present will be able to do, and then I'll win and you lo...

Нет, это старый стиль одитинга, я имею в виду, знаете, когда преклир проигрывает, то одитор может выиграть. Это старый стиль.

No, that's old style auditing, I mean, you know, where the preclear loses so the auditor can win. That's old style.

Знаете, давным-давно, давным-давно, во времена курса «Дианетического одитора Хаббарда». Помните? Одитор садится на стул, знаете, и говорит преклиру: «Ложитесь сюда. Ложитесь сюда. Да, так. Так. Хорошо. Закройте глаза. Закройте глаза. Хорошо. Так, мы будем проходить... мы будем проходить рождение. Да. Я знаю, просто лежите здесь. Хорошо. Просто... Нет, не о чем беспокоиться, не о чем беспокоиться. Я просто инстинктивно чувствую, это то, что следует пройти. Хорошо. Сейчас соматическая лента пойдёт назад, к началу рождения. (Щёлк!) Вы там? Хорошо. Давайте получим первую фразу. Хорошо. Повторите её. Повторите её. Так. Ещё раз. Ещё раз. Как дела? Никак? Ну что ж, слушайте, слушайте, вот что я вам скажу. Садитесь, садитесь на стул вот здесь. Я... Правильно, я сам провёл несколько тяжёлых часов. Теперь продолжайте, пройдите это».

You know, way back, way back when, you know, the HDA days. Remember? The auditor would sit down in the chair, you know, and tell the preclear, „Lie down there. Lie down there. Yes, that's right. That's right. That's good. Close your eyes. Close your eyes. All right. Now, we're going to run ... we re going to run birth. Yeah. I know, just lie down there. Okay. Just... No, there's nothing to worry about, nothing to worry about. I just know instinctively that's what should be run. All right. Now, the somatic strip will now go back to the beginning of birth. (snap!) You there? All right. Let's get the first phrase. Good. Repeat it. Repeat it. That's right. Do it again. Do it again. How're you making out? You're not? Well, here, here, I'll tell you what. You sit down... you sit down in the chair over here. I've been - that's right, I've been putting in some hard hours myself. Now go on, run it.“

Я не хотел никого обидеть. Даже это было намного лучше, чем «Садитесь сюда. Начинайте говорить» - два года спустя он всё ещё говорит; то, что осталось от него. Психо-анализм.

I didn't mean to be personal. Even that was a lot better than „Sit down there. Start talking“ - two years later he's still talking; what's left of him. Psycho-analism.

Ну что ж, сегодня... сегодня мы далеко ушли от этого, и наш групповой процессинг ушёл так же далеко. Так, у нас тут довольно много людей, и есть четыре или пять человек, которые работают в зале, но я хочу попросить вас, чтобы вы сотрудничали со мной и выполняли команды одитинга так, как они Даются.

Well, today - today we've come a long way from that and our Group Processing has come just as far. Now, we've got quite a few people here, and we've got four or five people on the floor, but I am going to ask you for your cooperation in doing the auditing commands as given.

И принимая во внимание тот факт, что некоторые из вас получали очень хорошие групповые интенсивы, мне совсем не придется рассматривать этот предмет.

And in view of the fact that a few of you had a very good group intensive, then I won't have to go over that ground at all.

I'm just going to start you off in high gear on a process you can't do and... Is that good?

: I'm just going to start you off in high gear on a process you can't do and... Is that good?

Well, now, did you ever hear of pressure?

: Я просто с места в карьер начну с вами процесс, который вы не можете выполнить и... Пойдёт?

Audience: Yes.

You've heard of pressure?

Audience: Yes.

: Well, now, did you ever hear of pressure?

All right. Now, you all set? Is it all right with you if I begin this session?

: Так, теперь, вы когда-нибудь слышали о давлении?

Audience: Yes. Sure.

All right. Now I'm clarifying the auditing command and the auditing command is going to be what it will be: pressure.

Put your foot down on the floor there.

: Audience: Yes.

Can you feel some pressure between the floor and your foot?

: Аудитория: Да.

Audience: Yes.

Can you feel some pressure? Hm?

Audience: Yes.

: You've heard of pressure?

You can, huh?

: Вы слышали о давлении?

All right. Now just sit back in your chair. Now do you feel any pressure between you and the back of your chair?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Now you know what I mean, that's pressure. Right? All right. Now here's what we're really going to be aiming at in this process. I want you to put your foot down on the floor with an acceptable pressure. Got that? An acceptable pressure. Just the right amount.

: Audience: Yes.

Can you do that? Did you find it?

: Аудитория: Да.

All right. That's good.

Now take your hands and put them against your face with an acceptable pressure.

Now adjust those hands around until you get the exact acceptable pressure from your hands.

: All right. Now, you all set' It's all right with you if I begin this session?

Audience: Ohay Yes.

: Отлично. Теперь, вы готовы? Вы не возражаете, если я начну эту сессию?

You did that, huh?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Well, now in essence those are the two auditing commands. And the commands are worded as follows: „With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor,“ and the other command is, „With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face.“ Got that?

: Audience: Yes. Sure.

Audience: Yes.

: Аудитория: Да. Конечно.

Now those are the auditing commands and I will try to give you an acknowledgment or two during this next hour. All right. You all set then?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Here we go.

: All right. Now I'm clarifying the auditing command and the auditing command is going to be what it will be: pressure.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Everybody got it?

: Отлично. Сейчас я проясню команду одитинга, и команда одитинга будет такой, какой она будет: давление.

Audience: Yes.

Good. Good. Good. Good.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. All right. You got that?

: Put your foot down on the floor there.

Audience: Yes.

: Поставьте ступню на пол.

Good. All right. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Got that?

Audience: Yes.

All right. With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. All right. Thank you.

: Can you feel some pressure between the floor and your foot?

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Good. Fine. Good. Back at the end of the hall, too, good.

: Чувствуете некоторое давление между полом и своей ступнёй?

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Got it, huh?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Everybody get it?

: Audience: Yes.

Audience: Yes.

: Аудитория: Да.

All right. Thank you. With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. All right, how's that?

Audience: All right. Good. Getting somewhere?

Audience: Yes.

: Can you feel some pressure? Hm?

Kind of interesting?

: Вы чувствуете некоторое давление? Хм?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Thank you. Thank you. Good.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Good. Fine.

: Audience: Yes.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. All right. Thank you. Thank you. Good.

: Аудитория: Да.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Good. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Good. Thank you.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Good. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Good.

: You can, huh?

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Good. Thank you. Good. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Good. Thank you. Good.

: Вы чувствуете, а?

All right. With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Good. Thank you. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Good. Thank you. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Good.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Good. Thank you.

: Audience: Yeah.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. All right. Thank you. Thank you.

: Аудитория: Да.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Okay.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. All right. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. All right. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

: All right. Now just sit back in your chair.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Good. Thank you. With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.

: Отлично. Теперь просто откиньтесь на спинку стула.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you. With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. All right. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you. With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Good.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Good. With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Good.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you. Thank you. With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.

: Now do you feel any pressure between you and the back of your chair?

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you. With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.

: Теперь, вы чувствуете какое-либо давление между вами и спинкой стула?

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you. With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you. With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

: Audience: Yes.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

: Аудитория: Да.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you. Good. Thank you.

: All right. Now you know what I mean, that's pressure. Right? All right.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. All right. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Good.

: Отлично. Теперь вы знаете, что я имею в виду, это давление. Правильно? Отлично.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.

: Now here's what we're really going to be aiming at in this process.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you. With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

: Теперь, вот к чему мы на самом деле будем стремиться в этом процессе.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

: I want you to put your foot down on the floor with an acceptable pressure.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

: Я хочу, чтобы вы поставили ступню на пол с приемлемым давлением.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

: Got that? An acceptable pressure. Just the right amount.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

: Поняли? Приемлемое давление. Просто правильное количество.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

: Can you do that?

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.

: Вы можете это сделать?

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you. Thank you. With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you. With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.

: Did you find it?

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

: Вы нашли его?

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Good. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you. With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

: All right. That's good.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Okay. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you. With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

: Отлично. Хорошо.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. 55 With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

: Now take your hands and put them against your face with an acceptable pressure.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

: Теперь положите свои руки на лицо с приемлемым давлением.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

: Now adjust those hands around until you get the exact acceptable pressure from your hands.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

: Теперь регулируйте давление рук, пока вы в точности не получите приемлемое давление.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

: Audience: Okay. Yep.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.

: Аудитория: Хорошо. Да.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you. All right. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much.

All right. How are you getting along?

Audience: Fine. Good.

: You did that, huh?

Getting along pretty good?

: Вы сделали это, а?

Audience: Yes.

You found that this acceptability, the pressure that's acceptable, varies a little bit, huh?

Audience: Yes.

: Audience: Yes.

Anybody felt like socking himself in the jaw is... you know, a good sock in the puss would be acceptable?

: Аудитория: Да.

I notice nobody has given away to the temptation to stamp. Are you making out all right then, huh?

Audience: Yes.

Well, this duplication isn't killing you then, huh?

: All right. Well, now in essence those are the two auditing commands. And the commands are worded as follows: "With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor, " and the other command is, "With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. " Got that?

Audience: No.

: Отлично. Теперь по существу: вот две команды одитинга. И команды звучат так: «При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол», и другая команда: «При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо». Понятно?

You can keep up with it?

Audience: Yes.

Well, that's all right. Any of you that want to as we go on with this can blow session, you know, perfectly all right. Perfectly all right to blow session. We have a seminar leader with a shotgun over there, and one over there to shoot people as they go out. But you can blow session if you want to.

: Audience: Yes.

All right. You're doing all right then, huh?

: Аудитория: Да.

Audience: Yes.

All right with you if we keep on with this session then?

Audience: Yes. Sure.

: Now those are the auditing commands and I will try to give you an acknowledgment or two during this next hour. All right. You all set then?

Is that all right with everybody if we keep on with this session?

: Так вот, это команды одитинга, и я постараюсь давать вам одно или два подтверждения в течение следующего часа. Отлично. Значит, вы готовы?

Audience: Yes.

No exceptions now. All right then, we'll go on with this session.

The auditing commands will be the same and we will carry on as before, okay? All right. Here we go.

: Audience: Yes.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Good.

: Аудитория: Да.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor Thank you. With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor Thank you. With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

: All right. Here we go.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

: Отлично. Поехали.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor Thank you.

: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor Thank you.

: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

: Everybody got it?

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

: Все поняли это?

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you. Thank you. With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you. With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

: Audience: Yes.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

: Аудитория: Да.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

: Good. Good. Good. Good.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.

: Хорошо. Хорошо. Хорошо. Хорошо.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you. Thank you. With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you. With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.

: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you. With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.

: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you. With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

: All right. You got that?

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.

: Отлично. Вы поняли это?

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you. With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

: Audience: Yes.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

: Аудитория: Да.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

: Good. All right. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

: Хорошо. Отлично. При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

: Got that?

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

: Понятно?

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

: Audience: Yes.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

: Аудитория: Да.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

: All right. With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. All right. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

: Хорошо. Отлично. При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Отлично. Спасибо.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Good. Fine. Good.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Хорошо. Замечательно. Хорошо.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

: Back at the end of the hall, too, good.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

: Сзади, в конце аудитории, тоже хорошо.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.

: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you. With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

: Got it, huh?

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

: Понятно, а?

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

: Audience: Yes.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

: Аудитория: Да.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

: All right. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

: Отлично. Спасибо. При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

: Everybody get it?

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

: Всем понятно?

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

: Audience: Yes.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

: Аудитория: Да.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

: All right. Thank you. With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. All right, how's that?

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

: Отлично. Спасибо. При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Отлично. Ну

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

: Audience: Fine. Good.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

: Аудитория: Замечательно. Хорошо.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

: Getting somewhere?

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. All right. Is it all right with you if I just run this a few more times and end the process?

: Получается?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you. With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

: Audience: Yes.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. All right. And this is the last command.

: Аудитория: Да.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you. Now, how'd you make out now?

Audience: Good.

Made out pretty good, huh? That's not too horrible a process, huh?

: Kind of interesting?

Audience: No.

: Это интересно?

Do you know what you were running?

Audience: No.

You were running the thetan's chief experience with havingness. Go on, cognite. Go on, cognite.

: Audience: Yes.

A thetan's chief experience, his main experience with havingness is what?

: Аудитория: Да.

Audience: Pressure.

Pressure. Is that right or wrong? Is that right?

Audience: Yes. Feel it.

: Good. Thank you. Thank you. Good.

It isn't the only experience he has with havingness by a long ways but it's certainly the major one, isn't it? You got that?

: Хорошо. Спасибо. Спасибо. Хорошо.

What do you know of the floor? Pressure. Is that right?

Audience: Yes.

What do you know of the face? Is that right? Hm?

: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Good. Fine.

Has something to do with havingness, doesn't it? You'll at least settle for the fact that there is some factor in pressure that has some vague resemblance to, three vias later, havingness. Will you settle for that?

: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Хорошо. Замечательно.

Audience: Yes.

All right. Now we got a total cognition, haven't we? Therefore is it safe to end the process?

Audience: Yes.

: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. All right. Thank you. Thank you. Good.

Safe to end the session?

: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Отлично. Спасибо. Спасибо. Хорошо.

Audience: Yes.

Call it flat?

Audience: Yes.

: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Good. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Call it intermission? Thank you. Thank you.

: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Хорошо. Спасибо. Спасибо. Спасибо.[End of lecture.]
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Good. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Хорошо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Good. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Good.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Хорошо. Спасибо. Спасибо. Спасибо. Хорошо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Good. Thank you. Good.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Хорошо. Спасибо. Хорошо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Good. Thank you. Good.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Хорошо. Спасибо. Хорошо.
: All right. With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Good. Thank you. Thank you.
: Отлично. При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Хорошо. Спасибо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Good. Thank you. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Хорошо. Спасибо. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Good.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Хорошо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Good. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Хорошо. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. All right. Thank you. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Отлично. Спасибо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Okay.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Хорошо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. All right. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Отлично. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: with your hands find an acceptable Pressure on your face. All right. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Отлично. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Good. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Хорошо. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. All right.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Отлично.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Good.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Хорошо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Good.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Хорошо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Good.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Хорошо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure in the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you. Good. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо. Хорошо. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. All right. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Отлично. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Good.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Хорошо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable Pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: with your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо. Спасибо. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable Pressure on your face. Good.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Хорошо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Okay.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Хорошо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давленье на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you. All right. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо. Отлично. Спасибо. Спасибо. Большое спасибо.
: All right. How are you getting along?
: Отлично. Как справляетесь?
: Audience: Fine. Good.
: Аудитория: Замечательно. Хорошо.
: Getting along pretty good?
: Хорошо справляетесь?
: Audience: Yes.
: Аудитория: Да.
: You found that this acceptability, the pressure that's acceptable, varies a little bit, huh?
: Вы обнаружили, что эта приемлемость, давление, которое является приемлемым, немного меняется, а?
: Audience: Yes.
: Аудитория: Да.
: Anybody felt like socking himself in the jaw is... you know, a good sock in the puss would be acceptable?
: Кому нибудь захотелось дать себе в челюсть... знаете, такой хороший удар по физиономии был бы приемлемым?
: I notice nobody has given away to the temptation to stamp.
: Я заметил, что никто не уступил соблазну топнуть.
: Are you making out all right then, huh?
: Значит, дела у вас идут хорошо, а?
: Audience: Yes.
: Аудитория: Да.
: Well, this duplication isn't killing you then, hum?
: Что ж, значит, это воспроизведение не убивает вас, а?
: Audience: No.
: Аудитория: Нет.
: You can keep up with it?
: Вы можете это продолжать?
: Audience: Yes.
: Аудитория: Да.
: Well, that's all right. Any of you that want to as we go on with this can blow session, you know, perfectly all right. Perfectly all right to blow session. We have a seminar leader with a shotgun over there, and one over there to shoot people as they go out. But you can blow session if you want to.
: Что ж, отлично. Любой, кто хочет, может сбежать с сессии, пока мы продолжаем это, понимаете, это абсолютно нормально. Это абсолютно нормально - сбежать с сессии. У нас есть помощник с ружьём вон там, и ещё один вон там, чтобы стрелять в тех, кто сбегает. Но, если хотите, вы можете сбежать с сессии.
: All right. You're doing all right then, huh?
: Отлично. Значит у вас всё в порядке, а?
: Audience: Yes.
: Аудитория: Да.
: All right with you if we keep on with this session then?
: Значит, вы не возражаете, если мы продолжим сессию?
: Audience: Yes. Sure.
: Аудитория: Да. Конечно.
: Is that all right with everybody if we keep on with this session?
: Никто не возражает, если мы продолжим сессию?
: Audience: Yes.
: Аудитория: Да.
: No exceptions now. All right then, we'll go on with this session.
: Теперь никаких исключений. Тогда всё в порядке, мы продолжим сессию.
: The auditing commands will be the same and we will carry on as before, okay? All right.
: Команды одитинга будут теми же, и мы будем продолжать как и раньше, хорошо? Отлично.
: Here we go.
: Поехали.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Good.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Хорошо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable Pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемее давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure Ion the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. All right.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо. Отлично.
: Is it all right with you if I just run this a few more times and end the process?
: Вы не возражаете, если я просто проведу это ещё несколько раз и закончу процесс?
: Audience: Yes.
: Аудитория: Нет.
: All right.
: Отлично.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.
: При помощи рук найдите приемлемое давление на лицо. Спасибо.
: All right. And this is the last command.
: Отлично. А это последняя команда.
: With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.
: При помощи ступней найдите приемлемое давление на пол. Спасибо.
: Now, how'd you make out now?
: Как у вас сейчас дела?
: Audience: Good.
: Аудитория: Хорошо.
: Made out pretty good, huh? That's not too horrible a process, huh?
: Всё прошло очень хорошо, а? Это не слишком ужасный процесс, а?
: Audience: No.
: Аудитория: Нет.
: Do you know what you were running?
: Вы знаете, что вы проходили?
: Audience: No.
: Аудитория: Нет.
: You were running the thetan's chief experience with havingness.
: Вы проходили главный опыт тэтана относительно обладания.
: Go on, cognite. Go on, cognite.
: Ну, давайте же, озаряйтесь. Давайте, озаряйтесь.
: A thetan's chief experience, his main experience with havingness is what?
: Главный опыт тэтана, его основной опыт относительно обладания - это что?
: Audience: Pressure.
: Аудитория: Давление.
: Pressure. Is that right or wrong? Is that right?
: Давление. Это так или нет? Это так?
: Audience: Yes. Feel it.
: Аудитория: Да. Мы чувствуем.
: It isn't the only experience he has with havingness by a long ways but it's certainly the major one, isn't it? You got that?
: Это далеко не единственный опыт, который у него есть относительно обладания, но это, определённо, главный, не так ли? Вы поняли это?
: What do you know of the floor? Pressure. Is that right?
: Что вы знаете про пол? Давление. Это так?
: Audience: Yes.
: Аудитория: Да.
: What do you know of the face? Is that right? Hm?
: Что вы знаете о лице? Это так? Хм?
: Has something to do with havingness, doesn't it?
: Это имеет какое-то отношение к обладанию, так?
: You'll at least settle for the fact that there is some factor in pressure that has some vague resemblance to, three vias later, havingness. Will you settle for that?
: Вас, по крайней мере, устроит тот факт, что существует определённый фактор в давлении, который имеет смутное сходство, через три промежуточные точки, с обладанием. Вас это устроит?
: Audience: Yes.
: Аудитория: Да.
: All right. Now we got a total cognition, haven't we?
: Отлично. Теперь мы получили абсолютное озарение, так?
: Therefore is it safe to end the process?
: Следовательно, это безопасно - закончить процесс?
: Audience: Yes.
: Аудитория: Да.
: Safe to end the session?
: Это безопасно - закончить сессию?
: Audience. Yes.
: Аудитория: Да.
: Call it flat?
: Считаем это сглаженным?
: Audience: Yes.
: Аудитория: Да.
: Call it intermission? Thank you.
: Будем считать, что перерыв? Спасибо.
: Thank you.
: Спасибо.