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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Clay Table Data - B641017 | Сравнить
- Clearing - Why It Works - How It Is Necessary - B641017-3 | Сравнить
- Getting the PC Sessionable - B641017-2 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Как Сделать ПК Способним Быть в Сессии (2) - Б641017-2 | Сравнить
- Клирование - Почему оно работает, Насколько оно необходимо - Б641017-3 | Сравнить
- Сведения о Пластилиновом Столе (2) - Б641017 | Сравнить
- Сведения о Пластилиновом Столе - Б641017 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 641017 - HCO Bulletin - Clay Table Data [B040-037]
- 641017 - HCO Bulletin - Clay Table Data [B066-013]
- 641017 - HCO Bulletin - Clay Table Data [B081-014]
- 641017 - HCO Bulletin - Clay Table Data [B081-015]
- 641017 - HCO Bulletin - Clay Table Data [B088-007]
- 641017 Issue 3 - HCO Bulletin - Clearing - Why It Works - How It Is Necessary [B004-036]
- 641017 Issue 3 - HCO Bulletin - Clearing - Why It Works - How It Is Necessary [B030-021]
- 641017 Issue 3 - HCO Bulletin - Clearing - Why It Works - How It Is Necessary [B040-036]
- 641017 Issue 3 - HCO Bulletin - Clearing - Why It Works - How It Is Necessary [B066-015]
- 641017 Issue 3 - HCO Bulletin - Clearing - Why It Works - How It Is Necessary [B081-016]
- 641017 Issue 3 - HCO Bulletin - Getting the PC Sessionable [B030-020]
- 641017 Issue 3 - HCO Bulletin - Getting the PC Sessionable [B040-035]
- 641017 Issue 3 - HCO Bulletin - Getting the PC Sessionable [B066-014]
- 641017 Issue 3 - HCO Bulletin - Getting the PC Sessionable [B073-002]
- 641017 Issue 3 - HCO Bulletin - Getting the PC Sessionable [B088-008]
- 641017 Issue 3 - HCO Bulletin - Getting the PC Sessionable [B088-009]
- 641017 Issue 3 - HCO Bulletin - Getting the PC Sessionable [B088-010]
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Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue III
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Sthil StudentsSthil Students



The only real error auditors are making on Clay Table work is not getting their auditing question answered at times.

The wrap-up of Level VI this last year brought about a full explanation of why clearing works at lower levels. And it also brought about why some could not be run at once on R6.

When a pc answers, in reply to the question asking for what he wants to improve, “To be clear” and this is then pursued in the session, serious trouble occurs. Why?

The reasons are quite simple.

“What do you want to improve?” is not answered by “To be clear.” It would be answered by “My sanity.” It would not be answered by “My aberrations” (since nobody wants his aberrations to improve).

The basis of the reactive mind is the actual Goals Problem Masses (GPMs). Life has pulled these out of position and thrust the pc into the mess.

If your pc is not trained into being in session you of course don’t get answers to your questions.

When you find what lock words have been tied into the GPMs in this or even an earlier lifetime and key them out (destimulate them) (untie them from the main mass) the GPMs sink back into proper alignment and cease being effective.

What auditor has recently (as you should to all new pcs particularly) explained what was expected in the session? “I am going to ask you something, then you are going to answer it, then I will acknowledge, then I will ask again” etc. In other words what auditor has recently explained to a new pc the auditing cycle?

This makes a Key-Out Clear.

Well, if he hasn’t on a new pc an auditor can’t control anything that goes wrong in the session as there’s no session.

This condition is valuable because the GPMs are now confrontable one by one (not dozens by dozens) and Routine 6 can be run easily on the preclear.

Clay Table, like all other auditing, has to have an auditing cycle of asking or telling the pc, getting that exact question answered or command complied with, acknowledging it and so forth.

Once Routine 6 auditing has begun one can only handle the derangements of masses by List 6 By-Passed Charge Auditing by Lists or, in an ARC Break, by using List 6 as an ARC Break Assessment.

When this is omitted particularly on Clay Table work, disaster follows faster than in other types of processes as Clay Table bites deep.

(If you seek to return to Clay Table Clearing after beginning R6, you get only locks on the Item the pc has been left in and cause only upset. So you never return a pc to Clay Table Clearing once he has begun R6. Moral, don’t begin R6 too soon. Clear first.)


That the state of Clear is transient and impermanent does not make it less worth while. In itself it is of enormous mental value and the full results never fade — only some of the bloom. That’s because the main bank is brought back into restimulation by Life or the pc’s overts, etc.

1. Get your pc trained into what the auditing cycle is and

It is easiest to run R6 on pcs who have at some time or another been cleared. It is also possible to run R6 immediately on some rare pcs because they are just about clear anyway. It is risky to attempt R6 on the average pc who has not been cleared. Some pcs can’t be audited at all on R6 until they are cleared.

2. Get the question or command that was asked or given answered.

That is because they have too many lock words (words not in the GPMs but close in meaning) keeping the large chunks of the reactive mind in present time. When these lock words are handled by being found and understood the reactive mind drops out of restimulation and one can then run it out in an orderly fashion, Item by Item and GPM by GPM.

Pcs can say whatever else they please. But they must answer the auditing question or no auditing occurs.

Those are the mechanics of the reactive bank itself, the real use and value of clearing in auditing, and the conditions necessary for the successful handling of Routine 6.

More than any other sin, this one is bedeviling Clay Table work and slowing results and every upset on Clay Table so far has been traced to this.

From the first moment he starts being audited, the pc is heading first for orientation in his environment (fewer PTPs and conflicts with others around him),second for release (from the feeling he will only get worse and can’t progress — done by giving him small wins), third by getting rid of his physical problems, fourth by clearing away the locks on the reactive bank and fifth and sixth by running out the reactive bank itself. (Note: Fifth is mentioned as it is also encountered in the form of whole track, not always necessary to handle.)


Once the reactive mind is vanquished, the pc is again capable of his full potential as a being.


If you try to short-cut it you get failed cases.

So that’s the why of levels and their design and even if unpopular they are the necessary steps across the bridge.

If somebody comes along and says it can be done with a needle and syringe or whirling until one is dazed or sitting on a mountain top gazing at his navel, he has a perfect right to say it. But the road out, whatever the process followed, must overcome the obstacles listed above or it is no road but a trap.

My responsibility has been to find the way, to develop the processes by which it could be walked safely and to communicate what I know about it to the best of my ability even across barriers erected to communication and against the wishes of those who place value in slaves.

There could have been a thousand other ways, a million variations, a billion reasons why one should not go. But if there are other ways, Man has not found them and indeed has only laid more difficulties by his past efforts.

That is the way.

It can be travelled. Truth is not always popular. That is why there is so little truth for men are commonly frightened things. One can’t rush from nowhere to the stars. But there is a way.
