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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Gradient Scales of Handling Space, Energies and Objects (PDC-05) - L521202b | Сравнить
- Locks, Secondaries, Engrams - How to Handle Them (PDC-04) - L521202a | Сравнить
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- Тетан Создает Посредством Постулатов - Q2 (ЛФДК-07) (ц) - Л521202 | Сравнить
- Тетан Создает Посредством Постулатов - Q2 (ЛФДК-07) - Л521202 | Сравнить



A Thetan Creates by Postulates – Q2

A Lecture given by L. Ron Hubbard on the 2 December 1952A Lecture given by L. Ron Hubbard on the 2 December 1952

This is December 2nd, second hour, afternoon. The first hour there covered this matter of locks, secondaries, and engrams. Just want to repeat here.

The second part of this December the second night lecture, going into Q-2. Q-2 is simply uh… an extension of Q-1 and it’s to the effect that theta or a thetan creates space, energy, objects by postulates. That immediately tells you that there must be a Q above Q-l, but what it is I can’t tell you. I don’t know, not in any term that can communicate. I… I sit down, I take a look at that every once in a while. I say thrrr. That’d be very interesting. I’m sure it’s very interesting. Make another postulate.

It’s a gradient scale, then, of ability to handle space, energy, and objects, a gradient scale thereof. You’ll find out there are some cases who have finally come down to the point where they think they can handle very well the space, energy, and objects appertaining to being a Homo sapiens in one lifetime. They think that’s the case. They become what you have seen occasionally as the wide open case.

It’s a very strange thing about postulates is that in homo sapiens a postulate is accompanied by evaluations and conclusions of data and from a theta level it’s just a postulate. In homo sapiens postulates are made on a time stream. He makes a postulate today and then tomorrow he is the effect of it. Actually a postulate runs this way. Fellow says, „I am… uh… now an elephant. I feel like an elephant.“ That is, he says that in one moment and then boom and the next second he’s an elephant. He feels like an elephant. He could actually say that to himself. Now that’s… that’s a little ridiculous.

They record everything beautifully, they will run things beautifully on one lifetime. Don’t let this wide open case, however, open up or try to get him to open up any wider on existence – because they won’t, very easily. They do it very badly.

Now let’s make something a little more, a little more down-to-earth about this. The fellow’s down at the garage and he says to the garage attendant, „Well, that jack looks pretty dangerous. I’ll probably go home and jack up that car and that jack will fall out from under and smash my hand just as sure as shooting.“ He does so, and two hours later he smashes his hand in just that fashion. Probably took a lot of arranging.

Your occluded case quite often is somebody who is trying to handle his whole track. Your high power occluded case is somebody who’s trying to handle the whole track. He’s… he’s trying to handle the whole universe and of course it’s all occluded. And he… he realizes he can’t handle it. And at the same time, he’s bound and determined he is going to handle it. And… uh… he kn… he knows he can’t occupy any point of space, but he’s going to occupy those points of space anyhow. And he’s unwilling to let go of the points of space he’s been in because they might be valuable. And… uh… so he won’t occupy the point of space where he is because that’s dangerous too, but it’s still valuable, but it’s not as valuable as occupying some other points of space he knows about. And he isn’t going to give up anything.

I know one fellow that uh… they had the phrase. You get a phrase, a phrase can be an enforced command thing, which an individual then takes as a superior command or even can take as his own postulate. Any decision or statement on a condition of being can be effective on an individual, any statement. Now in homo sapiens, he… he makes a statement or he obeys something which he considers to have a higher level of command than he has, and he has at that moment had this command phrase. And this command phrase could be a statement of condition of being. That’s all it is. So a postulate is a statement of condition of being. It could be more than that. It could be a postulate uh… as a statement of condition of being up to and including the materialization of objects.

You’re… you’re not going to find him handing up and saying, „I just live one life.“ Um-um. No sir, he’s gonna handle the whole track. Now, he gets… he gets kinda squirrelly on this every once in a while. He’ll - he’s so bound and determined he’s gonna handle a larger portion of the universe that he thinks the larger portion of the universe is interested sometimes in handling him. And you get a computing psychotic. He’s… who’ll tell you… who’ll tell you, „Well, my brain has just been wired by Western Union and… uh… so that the US Government can read my mind. And everything I think it goes on a tape recorder in Washington and they investigate this very thoroughly and I’m trying not to think of the secret that I know, because if I think of that, then they will have me,“ or something of the sort. Really squirrelly.

Now, in homo sapiens as I say, he makes the postulate and immediately afterwards he becomes the effect of the postulate. This is then cause and effect strung out on a time stream. I was just talking to you about the reason why. The reason why goes backwards on the time stream, cause to effect goes forward.

But that’s the reductio ad absurdum of just that… just that, and it is quite absurd.

It is very evident, oh, very evident to people that cause is always in the past and that effect is the present. Now for instance, it’s very obvious in order to make a noise I drop this… this uh… book here. Now you see that, I’ve been cause. Now a little time elapses and the book drops. That becomes very evident, doesn’t it, that uh… that cause is in the past and uh… we’re an effect from a past cause. Well, in view of the fact time doesn’t operate quite that way, uh… man can still be agreed upon and aberrated along this line. The truth of the matter is, the cause was in the future. Why? We’re talking about the drop of this magazine so the desire to have the magazine drop in the future and we’ve got a future drop there which is making a present cause.

But these boys, you’ll see… a lot of ‘em, and they’re actually not as… as bad off as far as responsibility is concerned. They will handle and try and tackle much more responsibility than a wide open case will, BUT they’re trying to tackle it on a big sphere, no little sphere for them.

Now, that’s very interesting isn’t it? Now if I, if I, uh… the reason I have to… I have to be an effect to some degree in order to have a cause in the future. The cause, cause you might say is motivated by the future. That’s obvious. You want something in the future. All of your work for instance is motivated by the future. Not motivated by the past. You want to eat tomorrow, why you work today. So the cause is eat tomorrow and the effect is work today.

Your wide open case is being perfectly content to handle just exactly this. They’re in a very close agreement on MEST and their agreement that they are there, they’re there where they’ve been placed and that they have recorded things just in this fashion and that those things are in this order and it’s very easy to upset one of those cases. But they’re quite easy to theta clear and bring on around to a wider point. They’re quite easy because you can undo the track of agreement with them fairly smoothly.

So it… it gets kind of squirreled up, doesn’t it? I mean we don’t have this kind of a silly thing running on the time stream whereby we have cause and then effect and yet… yet the reactive mind operates that way most beautifully. You go back down the genetic line, we look at that GE, he’s taken every counter-effort and he’s figured it out in some way or another to add up the machinery so that he’s made some use of this counter-effort. Wonderful!

Uh… these cases appear to be quite, quite dissimilar. Actually they’re… it’s a problem of spheres of action between these two cases. Your wide open case’s sphere of action you will find is a very small sphere of action and… your occluded case is trying to make a much larger sphere of action. Actually, your wide open case gets in considerable trouble because their sphere of action is not this small center. Your occluded case also gets into trouble because their sphere of action is not the sphere of action that they can handle at that moment in that condition. So what do you find? You find theta overreaching itself. It’s always trying to overreach itself. It’s always biting off more than it can facsimilacate.

A beautiful job has been done there because… and then he builds a structure. There’s a reason to build a structure, then we get the structure in. There’s a reason to build a structure: cause and effect, obviously laid out on a time stream, isn’t it? You want… you want to view with considerable suspicion anything that can be explained equally well in two different ways.

And when… when you… get a confusion in a preclear, you don’t have to care too much about the minor structural mechanics of it. These all handle on the same thing. They handle in terms of space and energy and objects. And you just enter into the case, you just… you just know where he falls on the scale… uh… on the theta clearing scale. And you just pick it up at that level and go on from there.

If you can explain that a cause is in the future and is an effect in the present; that a cause is in the past and is an effect in the present and is the same order of cause which is causing the same order of - hmm, what the hell is this all about? You mean… you mean we’re just standing in the middle of all of this getting machine-gunned, huh? We find effect is pretty well in the present. Well but then, cause is in the future, cause is in the past, well, cause is in present time. Um… let’s see, effect’s in the past.

You don’t care whether this fellow’s occluded, you don’t care whether he’s wide open. You don’t care anything about that at all. Because the reason he’s occluded and the reason he’s wide open has to do with how much responsibility he is trying to take and how much of that responsibility he is taking. And it’s a ratio.

This universe has a law, it has an interesting law. It says: If you make a cause in the present you cannot effect or make an effect out of the Roman Empire because that was 2000 years ago and the day you can change the Roman Empire in the past by making a cause in the future, why you’re doing all right. That… that would be a reversal of the whole proceedings. Hmmm. We’ll know much more about this when we get onto time. Hut just let me say this at the moment: There isn’t any past, there isn’t any future. And at present time, this instance of awareness in present time might as well be across a period, present time might be 800 billion years long and it might be a sixth of an inch long, and it might be a lot of things which it isn’t.

And when this ratio is bad, he’s trying to take… uh… let’s say 10,000 units of responsibility and at the moment he… his state and environment is in this condition whereby he could only take 500 units of responsibility, you’ll… you’ll get him… you’ll get him badly occluded. But… uh… he’d actually be badly occluded if he were capable, and he were trying to take 200 units of responsibility in terms of space, energy, objects. And… uh… this environment he was in and so forth was letting him in gently on the secret that he was only capable of taking over 10 units.

But so, I’m making this quite clear. We process postulates out of people. In homo sapiens a postulate is made because of evaluations and conclusions so that he gets associative logic. He gets a fascinating parade there of a little gradient scale. There’s this, leads into this, leads into this, leads into this. Let’s see: For want of a message the battle was lost - no, that’s the wrong way to. It’s: For want of a nail the shoe was lost, for want of a shoe the horse was lost, for want of a horse the rider was lost, for want of a rider the message was lost, for want of a message the battle was lost, and all for the loss of a horseshoe nail. That’s a time stream cause and effect and that’s also a piece of logic.

Your wide open case maybe is taking over… believes it’s capable of taking over 500 units and is taking over 500 units. You see this… this society is rigged so that it’s quite agreeable, if a person has agreed that I am one person in one lifetime and I am living this and my name is Jones and there I am and… uh… they’re so and so, and that’s all my full responsibility on the matter at the time of life where I am. And his environment tells him, „You are capable of taking over the responsibility of being Jones in one lifetime.“ It’s all very nice. It’s all very sweet. He’s nuts of course, but… uh… uh… he is not occluded, which is important.

That’s a growing effect from a cause and you can follow that logically. All right, that’s… that’s just… just great; if all of this held true all the way along the line, it’d be very nice, but as I said, you eat tomorrow and the cause is the necessity to eat tomorrow and you work today. So it’s the other way too. Well, there could be two levels of thinking then. You could have a postulate without regard to evaluations, conclusions or time. And that would be a theta postulate. And a postulate then on the theta, high theta level postulate would be a postulate made without regard to evaluations. This is out… without regard necessarily, to evaluations, conclusions, or time. So there’s a whole… whole uh… whole bunch of thinking there all of a sudden, isn’t there. There’s a whole horizon of thinking that has nothing whatsoever to do with logic. It has nothing to do with anything that has anything to do with anything. I mean, it’s just a uh… you could just arbitrarily think…

Uh… but… uh… well, you know, you have a harder struggle sometimes with the wide open than you have with the occluded case. Sometimes it works the other way around. You want to get this kind of a balance. You want to get as much responsibility digested as the person believes he can digest. If he thinks he has an enormously wide responsibility, well, you just better move him up in terms of responsibility.

If you really look at it, you can see that a postulate is the introduction of an arbitrary toward some goal or not toward any goal. That tells you that you can undo a postulate on the theta level in present time. Now a theta level postulate is always senior to an associative stimulus- response postulate. These associative stimulus-response postulates – you see the fellow make the postulate, he says, „I’m gonna go home.“ He might as well have said, „I’m going home and smash my hand with this jack.“ He goes home and he smashes his hand with a jack. That’s homo sapiens, that is… has actually back of it way back somewhere on the track, you’ll find some kind of a postulate sitting there and this postulate has an evaluation and has a conclusion. The way to survive is to die. That is the most normal evaluation conclusion sequence on a postulate.

There’s only one thing wrong with that, is he’s hungry. He’s hungry and he… he’s every time you restore to him the ability to handle… handle another 10 units of responsibility, he… he bites another 200. And as such the auditor’s sort of racing with this and he… he sees… he sees this strange thing sometimes: his preclear’s evidently increasing in tone but he’s just as thoroughly occluded and loused up as before. And he keeps watching this and watching this.

Uh… any evaluation or conclusion can be worked around to this. Now the way to die is to survive, now the way to survive is to die. It’ll be something almost as idiotic as that. Evaluation conclusion; it means this datum plus this datum plus this datum plus this datum leads to the conclusion that this datum and this datum and this datum and this datum are true, therefore the way to solve this IS to…

Now it isn’t the time to tell this preclear, „Now look, we have decided that you need a rest and uh… I think you’d better take a vacation or something of this sort and… and don’t worry about all these big affairs that you’re trying to worry about now, and just let that sort of thing go and just take it easy… and…“ You’re going to ruin him. ‘Cause that’s one of the steps that is taken as one of the control operations that is used on a person to get him into the automaticity schedule. It’s telling him, „You can’t stand up to this, fella.“ That’s what it’s saying.

Then we make a postulate, and travel along the time track with everything monitored by this postulate. The fellow says, „I will never get rich.“ He never does. He says, „I… I’m… my health is sort of poor.“ So it is. He’s tailor-made himself a frame of existence with the stimulus-response postulates born out of actually MEST universe impressions against him.

It said, „You’ve taken over just this much responsibility and you can’t stand up to that.“ So it’s reducing him down the scale.

Now you’d think as an auditor – it’s quite important in auditing to know this – you’d think that you have to go back on the time track to change postulates. You drill a person for a very short time with mock-up processing, one of the most important lessons he learns - and he learns this instinctively; you don’t have to instruct your preclear on this at all. You do have to instruct him about time. But you don’t have to instruct him even vaguely on the subject of remaking postulates.

You just try to track along behind, as the auditor, and just let him, let his capability catch up to his desire to do so. And in creative processing… in creative processing, we have the happy thing that we are aiming toward doing what he is trying to do. See, we’re going in directly so that catch-up is easier.

He says, „It’s there and then it’s there and then it’s there and it’s hot and it’s cold,“ and he says, „It’s going to be there for a while.“ And right away he says, „It’s not there.“ He’ll make a liar out of himself a million times a minute if he wants to. He… he can just make a postulate and he doesn’t have to say that postulate’s no longer in existence. He just makes another postulate.

If you were to keep addressing that catch-up to the material universe, it would practically never… you’d never catch up with it. He’d just go wider, and wider, and wider and take in more and more responsibility and more and more space, and try to digest more and more space. And you’d let him digest 10 more units and he wants to take 200 more and you just keep going on this ratio until you’ve practically eaten up the whole MEST universe.

And he’ll learn this very rapidly. He just makes a postulate and then makes another postulate and he can make a postulate and he can make another postulate. These postulates merely apply then, to a present state or a desired future or anything he wants to say they apply to. But, on a theta level, there’s a little bit of trouble, way up on a theta level, is you get tired of, uh… you get tired of duration getting upset. You want something to endure.

Now, maybe you could get there this way and it’s very possible that you could, but fortunately it isn’t necessary because this person is operating under a delusion. He has never differentiated one single, interesting point. And that is the MEST universe is not his own universe. And he believes that his universe and the MEST universe are identical.

So you start into the curve of automaticity. Automaticity is simply making things stick, and making things automatic and making things so you don’t have to watch ‘em all the time. That’s the lazy man’s way of doing it. You can make a continuing postulate! It… it requires your attention all the time, you… you have in this universe - you’ve made up twelve dogs and you have to do the thinking for all twelve of those dogs. So you do the thinking for 12 dogs. Plus one hundred and eighty deer plus sixteen vestal virgins plus anything else you might have, or nymphs, or satyrs, or anything else you might have in this universe. You can do independent thinking for a number of objects at the same time as long as you have yourself free of a time stream.

His own home universe, you might say, using an allegory here, became devoured so fast at a… such a… an impact of shock to him that when he next looked around, he thought he was still in his own universe, but it had changed. And he’s still under the basic postulate that he’s running his own universe. He’s still caught in that postulate. And so he’s… can start anybody doing anything, but he can’t change them in doing it after they’ve started and he can’t stop them after they’ve started. And this is completely flabbergasting to him. This is incredible.

You give them a time stream and you move in and out of it at will so it can become very, very loose. And the point you have to know, two things, points you have to know is: one, space and energy and objects are created by postulates, and they are changed by postulates and they are destroyed by postulates, and that postulates from a theta level do not have any order of precedence because of a time stream.

Now in his own universe, he would start something… he’d create something, start it in motion, change it, let it dwindle down a spiral maybe and then destroy it. That was his power. And he all of a sudden finds himself obviously in his own universe, obvious. And he starts something and then he follows through the next step kind of doggedly. And he says, „Now,“ he says, „We’ll change it.“ Oh no. Inertia and things like that set in.

It’s your homo sapiens as you process him – and that’s one of the beauties of creative processing – Your homo sapiens, he’s gone through this agonizing death, he’s been killed dead. Uh… he is lying there and he… he – as he was dying, he said, „I’ll never go through anything like that again so long as I live. And, uh… I would rather be killed than to be faced with such a decision again and it’s a good thing I’m dying and I’m good for nothing but this.“ And all of a sudden one day this is a facsimile that lies obviously on the time stream and it sits there and one day somebody else comes in on the other side of it and starts jabbing him about his being good for nothing. Throwing energy at it this way or he starts throwing energy at it; it’s sitting out here. It’s an actual geographical point and area and he…

He’s… like a cannonball. He fires the cannonball and he decides when it’s halfway in its flight it shouldn’t land. So he says, „All right. The cannonball will now go twenty feet to the left and miss the target.“ And that damn cannonball goes right straight on through and it hits the target. BOOM! Or he fires the cannonball; finds out that his aim was wrong.

One day, it says… he says, „I’m good for nothing and I just have that feeling all the time.“ And you… you as an auditor of past techniques have had to go back, go back on the time track and try and figure and figure and so on and finally run out this thing and grind and grind and grind and grind and it gets so it’s all ground down finally and all of a sudden BOOM there’s the postulate, springs into view. He reevaluates the postulate, BANG it’s out and he feels pretty good about it, after you’ve worked for many many hours. That’s… that’s senseless. Just because that thing is sitting on a ridge with a time tab on it is no reason you have to find it and grind it to pieces. Because it’s not sitting on any lineal time track in space. It’s just sitting on a geographically located ridge with regard to your preclear, and it’s in action out there when it’s hit. Now there could be a dozen ways.

Did you ever see anybody firing on a range? If you’re watching an expert rifleman on a range and he realizes that the instant that he pulled that trigger was 6 o’clock, number three ring, he tries to lift that bullet. You can watch him just lift that bullet up into the target. He’s trying to lift the bullet into the target because he knows he was low when he fired the trigger.

You just teach him that he could make postulates at will and it doesn’t matter how many postulates are in that thing. It won’t have any effect on him, because he can handle postulates. He can take responsibility for making up his mind and the first moment that he can take responsibility for making up his mind, he could make up his mind and unmake his mind and make his mind and unmake his mind a dozen times in a minute on the same subject and emerge with… without uh… for no reason at all.

Did you ever watch anybody driving a car? And they realize that the car’s going just a little bit wrong or something of the sort? They try to take the steering wheel of the car and move the car over and make it go right. And MEST hands can’t do that.

He says, „The dog’s going to run that way, he’s going to run this way, he’s going to run that way, he’s going to run that way. I want this dog to continue for the rest of his normal existence, for years, I want him to keep on running in that direction. Oh, I think I’ll have him run this way.“ It is just very easy and he all of a sudden finds the facility with which he can make a postulate and one of the things in creative processing he’s particularly amazed at, is to suddenly locate the fact that he has a godly quality of making it stick.

So that’s very disgusting. It’s upsetting. You start some action and then the action goes off and then all of a sudden isn’t going in the direction that you intended it to go, so you reach out with everything you’ve got and try to right that action and change it into a better course, and it doesn’t change. And that we call failure. And that is the anatomy of failure.

In his universe, when he says, „There will be light.“ - There’s light! „There won’t be light.“ – There is no light. „I think I’ll have pink light. New, that’s no good; green light. Now let’s light this whole thing… let’s put four orange-colored suns which have square orbits. Now tha… that’s what we need in this universe.“ And he’ll just let them sit there.

The inability to handle that which has been started, or which one has started after that course of action is entered. Inability to handle it after that course of action has been entered.

And uh… that’s fine. One day he’s tired of those things, but the strange part of it is when he says so, it’s so. Now somebody has coaxed him that – all you had to do to really deteriorate somebody is to demonstrate conclusively to him that just because he says so it isn’t so. That’s a big point of aberration. Just because HE says so, that doesn’t make it so.

What happens in a family? The guy has a little child, little child, nice… nice kid, baby, so on. And he says, „Gonna be president.“ What do you know? Turns out to be a subway conductor. Yeah, that’s just no good. That just obviously can’t happen in his universe and it’s obviously his universe.

There’s lots of ways this mechanism is spread out through this society. One of the longer and further reaches of it is this one: „You think you’re so important, go down to the graveyard and look at the graves down there. There’s a lot of guys down there that thought they were important too.“

We know it’s his universe. He knows it’s his universe. Why, sure. He is himself, and all these other people around are people he obviously has made. And if you went around and put people on the E-Meter and you asked them, „Did you… did you make everybody that you’ve seen?“ and so on and so… Look at you sort of strangely and he gets the strangest feeling, „Yah, I… I did. I… hmm… No, I know I didn’t. But they don’t do what you tell them to do.“ And now you get this little ghost coming in, see?

So what do we have then? We have the fellow making a postulate unknowingly being under the pressure of the MEST universe. He still kind of has this weird idea of undifferentiation. He got the identification of his own universe and the MEST universe and he makes this postulate here in the MEST universe and the next thing you know he said… he said, uh… you need some kind of a command phrase. He said uh… „Take that train down the track and uh… I don’t care if the train oughta go fast and you shouldn’t be hanging around like that. You make up that time between,“ and the train jumps the track and eighty-four people killed and rrrrr, he didn’t want to make that postulate.

Everybody in this universe is trying to act as though he made it. And he didn’t make this universe, he just kinda helped add to it. And he adds to it all the time by perceiving it. And he agrees to it all the time by perceiving it. And so he’s never crossed that bridge. He’s… he’s never suddenly said, „I had a universe once which I monitored completely and this universe, somehow or other got left, and I found myself in a universe which I WASN’T monitoring.“ And he’s never crossed that bridge.

And that’s a part of „I don’t want to make any decision about it.“ And that is in essence no responsibility. Unwillingness to make a decision or unwillingness to make a condition of being is the highest essence of no responsibility. The next echelon immediately down is: Responsibility is force.

Well, you don’t have to tell him really, or convince him that he has to cross that bridge. All you have to do is take him and show him that he has a universe. It’s just as simple as that.

All right, now, condition of being, I don’t want to make the condition of being. One of the things that you can knock an E-Meter practically off of its pin on, is to say to this preclear, „Okay, now what if everything you said came true?“

You say, „All right. Now, mock up this, now mock up that, now let’s have a little bit of that. All right, now let’s take a cube of space.“

„Oh no.“

He says, „What?“

„Yeah I wonder,“ you’ll have… the guy’s going around sometimes, „I wonder if I thought that that… I wonder if I was… any intention on my part to have that dog run under the wheels of my car. I wonder if I… I kind of accidentally thought this. And if I thought this, that’s what made the dog run under the wheels of the car. And that’s why. Oh, gee, and I didn’t want to kill that dog. That’s horrible.“

„Well, just take some space in the room and saw out a little cube and…“

So there you go. Now what… what’s the… what’s the - of course, in his own universe, he wouldn’t have gotten into the silly situation because he… nothing would have been crossing him up all the time. He wouldn’t have gotten into the silly situation of where he would make a postulate without knowing it. He’s already removed himself, he’s made a postulate - he doesn’t know if he makes these postulates and if these things come true or if they don’t come true. There’s a type of insanity, by the way.

„I can’t do that.“ It’s the darndest inability and he… he’s suddenly shocked. He finds out that he has a lot of inabilities.

This thing can become exaggerated; any function of the mind, by the way, can become exaggerated to be an insanity. Any insanity is an exaggerated function which already exists in the mind. Any neurosis is simply that. It’s some thing that the mind can do which has become, well, actually exaggerated or inhibited. And you’ll get both of those working together.

It’s quite shocking for a person the moment they find out in creative processing that they have some inability along the line of creative processing. ‘Cause they’ve just… have gone on grandly assuming that the MEST universe is that ability and it keeps on running. So obviously, they’re kind of doing it all the time and they just never added this up into the terms of „I have to go ahead and monitor my environment if I’m going to have any kind of a universe or if I’m going to do anything with a universe.“

All right. Now let’s look at this thing about postulating. He’s afraid that what he says will come true. After a while he doesn’t want his orders to stick. The… the dispatcher, if you can… if you ever find on your hands a dispatcher of World War II for a fighter squadron, well you remember what I’m telling you now. Uh… he said, „Well, you boys, now.“ he said, so on, uh… „And go on over there and that’s your patrol area. Bill, uh… you’ll have to take Ed’s place.“

So you give him mock-ups and you let them reassume the ability to create and control their own universe. When you do that they get right back in to what they were doing at the time when they got blown out of their orbit. And you redevelop this facility and they all of a sudden can see, „Well, there’s nothing wrong with my mind! There’s nothing wrong with my ability! I can handle this body! I can handle these things! Well, for heaven’s sakes! All this time I just thought I’d just lost my punch!“

And Bill goes out and gets himself bumped off deader than a mackerel.

Here are all those dogs that run down the street. I… I… they run down the street and they start barking and you… you… you say, „Don’t bark. And they go right on barking. So obviously I lost my… my touch. I mean I’m not controlling my own universe anymore.“ And they’ve never realized that it’s a different universe.

Rrrrr. Now this fellow doesn’t want to make these decisions anymore. He doesn’t want to be the boy who says so. And when the day he says and becomes the fellow doesn’t want to say so, he might as well be dead and buried, because he’s going to be unhappy and miserable from there on, because he’s abdicated from the last shadow of his own universe.

Now, that perhaps… perhaps would sound strange to you when you… when you first run into this fact but it happens to be… uh… a… a very interesting and very simple proof of it. Uh… Mock-up processing works. That’s the easiest proof I know.

He’s off the throne now; he’s just a bum. So your preclear will find one of the toughest things to handle is postulates and you, of course, sneak up on him on this. You’re making a whole bunch of postulates for him to which he’s agreeing. But those postulates are not in the direction of his deterioration; the direction of those postulates are up toward Q-l.

Yeah, you can start doing this stuff and… and if you do it according to the way you’re supposed to do it and so on and all of a sudden the fellow is better and better. And somatics turn off and everything goes along fine and he gets up the tone scale and gets better and a little better and his disabilities all of a sudden decrease. And he gets bigger and bigger and more ambitious and he’s saying at first, „To hell with this MEST universe. Don’t want anything to do with the thing again,“ and then he’ll say, „Well, hell, it’s just another universe. Uh… let’s see. What do you do with universes? Well, just saw a chunk off the left hand corner and reverse it just for the hell of it this afternoon.“ And… uh… it just… uh… there… it’s nothing to it.

And, you’re… you’re going up higher and higher and higher. Now if you wanted to drive him the other way to - I might as well tell you that you can take Q-1 and go the other way to. You… you could tell this preclear, „Now all right, now you get that thing out in front of you there, and you get that mock-up, yeah all right. You mock that up? Oh, you did? Oh. You mean YOU SAW IT? Well, let’s take the second test on this thing. Let’s see if by any chance you… you can move it. Oh, you can move it. Ohhhhh. Well, I’ll tell you, we’ll have to send you to the hospital for a week or so because we’ll have to have this condition corrected. You mean you see things and then you think you move them around. And you see things and… and so forth and you think… Well, that’s very strange.“ Why, actually that would be about the fastest road out.

But let’s enter this in another’s… from another little gateway. There are many ways. Is the MEST universe an illusion? Yeah, that’s an interesting question. Is it an illusion? A lot of people have dashed around saying, „It’s all illusion. There is no such thing as matter.“ All you had to do was think right thoughts and you think right thoughts, why, you don’t think left thoughts and… uh… uh… it’ll all… it’ll all wind up someplace else in the end and it belongs to somebody else. And, they’ve said this but there wasn’t any good remedy for it. And uh… they’ve said this a lot of times and… uh… never backed it up.

The other one is… is, „That isn’t what happened. You didn’t perceive that and that is not what happened.“ Now if you could work it out anyway to demonstrate that locationally.

Well, let’s… let’s back it up a little bit. Let’s take a look at this. Let’s find out first what’s an illusion. An illusion is something somebody made. Very technically, let’s make an illusion that which the preclear makes. Let’s just use that as a narrowed down word. And let’s call a delusion something somebody else made. Let’s just categorize that handily.

The fellow says, the fellow says, „Well, I was down there and the car went and turned the corner.“ You say, „It didn’t turn that corner, it was a block earlier.“ Fellow says, „No, it did turn that other corner.“ And you say, „No, no, no, it was this corner.“ Ohhh, he can just feel his brains creak after a while.

Now… a delusion could also be something the preclear has made that he has also said somebody else made. He… he made it and then he said somebody else made it. You can call that also a delusion. But… let’s not worry too much about that ‘cause that comes under the heading of automaticity so let’s just narrow this definition down to this: an illusion is something the preclear makes and a delusion is something somebody else makes. Now let’s… let’s go from there.

You know there are certain women, there are certain women who live with men who do this to them all the time. And there are certain men who live with women who do this to them all the time, and that is about the grimmest kind of existence. „No dear, it went that way.“ „Yes dear, no I know, you just didn’t remember that,“ and so on and, „Where did you put it? You never know where you put anything.“ You get all those kicks?

We know that other person doesn’t have to know it’s an illusion or delusion or anything of the sort.

„Now don’t say things like that.“ And as a little kid, as a little kid, „Don’t hold your face like that, it might get frozen that way.“ ‘Cause those things are working dead-center, you see, on Q-l, Q-2, there just working dead-center and they’ll flip a fellow faster than anything you’ll want to flip him with.

All right. Let’s take another test. Take a good test. Let’s take perception. One of the things your preclear is worried about above all other things and that you as an auditor will worry about above all other things is perception. We’ll have to cover this just dry ad nauseam: perception. But how do you make that wall get greener to you all of a sudden and so forth? Now… how… how do you… how do you step these perceptions up? Hmm.

You just destroy his ability to put things in space and time, or reduce that ability and make him have the feeling that what he says won’t come true. Or if it did, it would be a bad thing.

Well, you know that you can process out an awful lot of engrams about seeing color with­out making that wall get one bit brighter. You can agree with this MEST universe and agree with it and agree with it and agree with it and agree with it and it doesn’t get any plainer. In fact you can agree with it and agree with it until it gets thinner and less distinct and you become less active and you become more and more lethargic and sort of like a stone or a piece of mud. You get more and more MEST the more you agree with it. The more you agree with it the more MEST you get to be.

„Well, it’s a good thing that didn’t… it’s a good thing you weren’t right about that.“

Well, is that true? Yeah, let’s look around at preclears and let’s test them for terms of agreement with the MEST universe. By doing what? By taking a basic, simple, natural law and let’s put preclears on the tone scale, let’s spot them accurately on the tone scale, and we’ll find out that their degree of delusion and aberration and so on, we find out their ability or inability to control themselves and just… just measure this, pretty accurately. And then… then let’s get them to mock up something and make it disobey a natural law. Let’s make them mock up a billiard ball and fall and hit the ceiling.

„Yeah,“ the fellow says, the poor guy, he agrees with that one. „Yeah, it’s a good thing I wasn’t right; I’m sure glad I wasn’t right about that.“

No… no. They know about gravity. And this character will just sit there and he’ll take that billiard ball and he’ll try to make it lift. And if he gets it up a little bit, it’ll drop hack again suddenly, and he’ll have the awfullest time. But he has a bad time trying to make the billiard ball fall upwards in the exact degree that he’s aberrated.

That’s the fast road to the spinbin. Now, therefore all I’m trying to say this with Q-2 is that a postulate is timeless, and it does not necessarily have to unmade by unmaking it, it’s only unmade by making another postulate. And it doesn’t even necessarily have to continue in existence or have any duration to be a postulate in any way.

You could plot the gradient scale of trying to make a billiard ball leap off the floor and hit the ceiling and the amount of aberration in terms of engrams and secondaries, and so forth that he has, and behavior and ability to control, and reaction time, and register on the E-Meter. You just take this curve after curve after curve and we fit that one in with it, and we find out that this individual can’t mock things up and make them disobey what he calls natural law and which he does not differentiate as this: natural law of the physical universe. He is… in a state of complete obedience to the MEST universe.

It doesn’t have to have a cause for existence. It doesn’t have to have, oh pardon me, a reason for existence. A person making a postulate is being cause in what we find now to be the highest level. So we’re studying cause and effect. What is the highest level cause. The highest level cause is a postulate.

Now, your hypnotized subject becomes in a state of complete obedience to the hypnotist. Let’s consider the MEST universe a hypnotist, and let’s consider this preclear a subject and find out that the subject is as deluded as the hypnotist wants him to be. And so we have… over here then a direct application of this. And we find out the degree of agreement with natural law is also the degree of aberration of the preclear. Fascinating, isn’t it?

Does a higher level cause have to have a reason? No. No reason whatsoever. You say, „All the moons are now going to be made out of green cheese as far as I’m concerned,“ that’s that. There isn’t any reason for that except maybe randomity. He just wants a different kind of a moon or he’s just saying it or he’s bored that day or it’s raining. Or… or maybe he even explains itself to him this way, well the number of loaves of bread in Twodawhella uh… were divided by the square root of six, so therefore the moon, in this universe, will be at one quarter perpetually.

Now, this person’s alertness and other things like that will add up on that scale.

Somebody might come along and say to him - you see, if he were in this universe and he had a lot of people around him and he… he just had a small group of thetans in his own universe with him or… or he’s part of a group that’s making a universe, something of this sort, that… that will only go to pieces at the time when they come along and say, „Why did you make the moon out of that quarter. I mean why… why is the moon always at a quarter? Now the moon oughta be not at a quarter. We ought to have the moon at a half and you didn’t have any reason for it, did you? Now you have to confess, you didn’t have a reason for it.“

Well, that’s… that’s very interesting because we have hypnotism which can be demonstrated as a phenomenon, and we show that the greater and greater agreement, all you do to hypnotize somebody is just make him agree… agree… agree and after that he’ll see anything. He’ll do anything, he’ll see anything. He agrees, agrees, agrees.

Now what do you get in this society continually? Well, there must have been some reason for it. Well, you had to have a reason or you wouldn’t have done such a thing. Oh boy, that’s really taking away power out of a person’s hand. You don’t have to have a reason to do anything.

All right. Now let’s consider then that aspect. And now let’s take the next test. Is the MEST universe an illusion? Next test, very neat little test. We find out that the ability to perceive an illusion determines the ability to perceive the MEST universe. How? By doing this: this person becomes more and more and more capable of producing and perceiving illusions and perceiving their character, depth, size, and their emotional tone. And as his ability increases in the production of illusion, his ability to perceive the MEST universe increases uniformly with it.

But when you look at this universe, you’re examining cause and effect upon a time stream. And so you have cause being succeeded by an effect - apparently. And as a result you have an aberrated condition developing because the person can never go otherwise than downhill.

What do you know. You have to be able to see an illusion before you are able to see MEST.

If every postulate he has ever made is still in effect and all he can do is slightly modify the limits, you’ll find him getting into a narrower and narrower sphere of action; he can’t help but get into a small sphere of action. He’s getting into less and less action and what does MEST do - it doesn’t make a single postulate. That chair there hasn’t made a postulate all evening.

This is awfully convincing stuff. Oh boy, that’s really convincing. And when you do that, that is one of the nicest tricks you could ever do. You say, „Now, you want to know if this stuff is real? All you gotta do is stamp on it. and it’ll tell you whether or not that’s real. And that proves it’s real and that proves that Man came from mud.“

It hasn’t decided that the platform would now be carpeted in green. It hasn’t decided anything. It has no opinion and the fellow gets beaten down on this dwindling spiral of postulates, because he’s got an unending stream. That’s one of the reasons why most people are very, very happy not to have any connection with the last life. That’s gone.

That proves anything you want to prove. But the funny part of it is… is you’ve got a MEST universe energy constructed foot hitting a MEST universe energy platform, and of course the two come together. They’ve agreed to go that way. And you perceive that they go that way.

The heck it is; you start processing engrams and you’ll find out they’re strewn all up and down the track there.

How do you perceive? Oh, that… that… that’s that… that’s just horrible. How do you perceive? Gee, this… when you… when you find out finally how you perceive, you’re going to be ashamed of yourselves. You put this wall here, see. You… you do this just pockata pockata pockata pockata pockata pockata. You pu… keep putting this wall there, see? Put the wall there. and then you reach out and you feel the wall. And you say, It’s there. See, feel?“

He has said, „I have no responsibility for the postulates I made during that lifetime. The decisions which I made must have no influence upon me now and I’m free and clear. I’ve got a new body; I’m all set. I’m now a homo sapiens. I’m on my way. I’m going to get educated again.“ What a deceit!

Now, you… you put a feeling called WALL out here. And then you reach out,, you… oh, pardon me. You put a feeling called WALL out here and then you put a dimension from you to WALL. And then you put a… a… a feeler out here and you touch the wall and you say, „Wall is there, and the reason the wall is there is I KNOW it is there because I see it.“

The guy is sitting there with an Oxford education and Rhodes scholar and he was also an honor graduate at one time at Princeton and here he is in kindergarten learning how to spell.

Now that SEE is just the sight band of perception. The… the wave, photon wave length of perception which is a manufactured energy, that’s a very wonderful gimmick. A fellow can manufacture energy anyplace. He can even manufacture photons for the sun to throw out.

You spring him out of his body, you ask him very quickly, you say, „Hey, by the way, you got any bank there that has to do with any university?“ And he says, „Okay, yeah, I’ve got one here.“ And you say, „Well, pull any bad stuff out of it, strip any bad characteristics you don’t want out.“ And he says, „There’s a couple I don’t like. Looks pretty good.“

Now, let’s take a look at this wall again and we find out that we know it’s there because we can see it. Well, we have to have photons in order to see it. Well, that’s great. But you have to put a sight here in order to record the sight. Oh, I mean, when a fellow realizes he’s doing that all the time, he realizes he puts a sight over on the…

„What’s it contain?“ „Well, there’s French and there’s German, and I studied Greek. And there’s a lot of seminaries… oh, no, we don’t want any of that!“

By the way, he sometimes in the processing and so on momentarily loses the ability to do so, you see. He’s… he’s kinda fumbling for this ability and he’s unwilling to let this MEST universe ability, which is a beautiful piece of automaticity if there ever was one - just gorgeous - and he’s unwilling to be too brash about this.

And you say… you say, „You got that bank all okay now?“

But he… we’re… we’re practicing this, you know, with the preclear with mock-ups. We have him reach out, put a mock-up out here. „All right, now feel the cheerfulness coming from that mock-up.“ He does. „Now… now feel the intensity of light coming from that mock-up.“ He knows, he puts it over there and he gets it back again. He’s going through this and all of a sudden, he looks at the room. And he looks right through the wall… No!

„That’s right.“ You say, „Plug it into the motor controls. Plug it in.“ BANG! Sounds incredible, doesn’t it? Well, it’s true. There’s this kind of I an experience, uh… fellow says, „I always wished I could play the piano.“

So he quickly puts the wall there and gets it back again and he says, „Hhh,“ and then he says, „Wait a minute. I put the wall there and I’ll get it back again. Why don’t I put a wall two feet this way from it and get it back again?“ He does! It works. So he puts the wall back where it belongs and is perfectly comfortable about it thereafter. It’s all right. It’s there when he wants it there.

You say, „Well, were you ever able to play the piano?“ And the E-Meter says yeah, he was able to play the piano. So you say, „Well, step a couple of feet back of your head and let’s find all those facsimiles playing the piano. You got all those facsimiles playing the piano? Let’s take out a couple, three, four here. Now let’s plug it into the motor controls. All right, can you play the piano?“ „Yes, I can play the piano.“

Now whether or not a person can be running down the street in a car and see a big brick wall standing in front of him and he perceives that brick wall and… uh… he NEGLECTS to perceive the brick wall. See, neglecting to put it there, it would be merely occluding it. It’s there. You’ve agreed with a lot of other people and they work all the time putting it there. And you’re in this big agreement so you just take the lines from them actually.

He goes in and plays the piano, bang.

And you run your car into the brick wall and the fenders get all dented and everything just goes to the devil and so on. And you say, „Now, if I just, let’s see. Is it possible for me to put… Let’s see, we’ll take that brick wall and we’ll move it a block down the street so we won’t hit it.“ And you do this in the last instant, just before the crash. We just pick this brick wall up and put it a block down the street.

Hmm, incredible, isn’t it? Uh… your preclear has to be in pretty good condition. He has to be a good theta clear, pretty well clear, when he really starts to do this. Very good. Actually, that’s as silly as hell. That’s very silly.

Don’t do it. Don’t do it. For a good reason: if you really get your horsepower up it’ll go a block down the street and you’ll just bust the living daylights out of an awful lot of people’s what? Reality. In other words, you will break their agreements to smithereens. Don’t do it.

There isn’t any reason under the sun why you should learn how to manipulate a piano keys and handle that great big ornery mean piece of MEST and handle these things. There isn’t any reason why you have to go through all that agony, if all you’re got to do is mock up not only a piano but a beautiful symphony orchestra playing behind it and make it audible. Now you admit that would be a superior skill, don’t you?

Course you never try to do this, you, you never, never try to do this. This… this is… is not one of your penchants.

That’s an easy one though. That’s… that… that… that’s very easy. Why do you have to go back on the time track and pick up MEST universe training? It’s MEST universe energy, it’s old, it’s second-hand, you made it, but it’s second-hand. It’s… it’s all bunged up. It’s… it’s got slivers in it and… and so forth. And it’s all so sad anyway, and it was built on broken hopes and lost dreams and „I can’t control anything, and I don’t dare make any postulates and here I am.“ And gee, so why worry about that?

Did you ever ask a preclear, „Did you ever run into anything with a car?“

That’s one of the things your boy starts to come to a conclusion to on creative processing. He finds out he can make a postulate and bring anything he wants to into existence in his own universe. Now it’s not very many steps from that if he wants to do the idiotic stunt of coming back and making it effective on this universe.

The fellow says, „Yeah, yeah.“ All right, now, you say, „Now, let’s take that visio you have of that stopped up…“ He’ll say, „Yeah, well, do I have a visio of it.“ And now you say, „Well, what is the visio of it?“

It’s not very many steps back to being able to do that to this universe. Horrible. That’s what we’ve gotten so far from Q-1 and Q-2. What’s a postulate? A postulate is simply a command statement of being. Nothing more, nothing less. Now let’s get a couple other small conditions there and that has to do with, does theta, to answer the question: Does theta necessarily have no wave length? Well, uh… theta from the level your preclear is operating - he is always operating above the level where he is in action.

„It’s… It’s just an instant before the crash.“ He’s still got this picture of the brick wall, the tree, the other car and so on. It’s just an instant before the crash.

He has to operate from above the level where he is in action. You see why this is? Because he has to have a command altitude over the action which he is undertaking. So he’s always just a little bit above, you might say, or a little bit less so.

How do you finish up that picture? You can fool around all you want to in processing it and running it back and forth. You don’t find this picture washes up very easily.

So you’ll find your first thetans, they conceive themselves to be energy units. Well, they think they’re real hot as energy units. And then they’ll go on and they - without discovering or freeing up their postulates by creative processing, without trying to build any universe of their own, without trying to do all of these things toward creation, increase, decrease, destruction of matter, energy, space and time in their own universe, without trying to do any of these things - the fellow just starts trying to build up that energy. „Let’s see, now why can’t I build up this energy. Let’s see, if I agree a little more closely with the MEST universe, I will be able to build up a lot, blah blah blah.“ That’s what’s the matter with the MEST universe.

Give him a mock-up of the same tree and let him finally do with it what he was trying to do. And at the instant you succeed in that, he no longer has that picture. But I don’t know any other kind of processing that’ll wipe out that confounded picture. It just sits there and it sits there and it sits there. He stopped time evidently. Just an instant before the crash he tried to pick up the tree and so forth and put it a block down the road so he couldn’t hit it.

You land here and you find these tremendous quantities evidently of… of already created agreements and you just fall very easily into these created agreements, and so on. And what do you know, you have all the energy you want. This is the… the universe of plenty with the main trick of creating scarcities with that plenty. Oh, this is… this is a honey! This… this… this really gets to be a grim joke when you start along the line a little further in this material because you create plenty. You create plenty, and then… then teach everybody that he hasn’t got any. And this keeps him in there and agreeing. You… you make people… make people agree with the MEST universe by telling them that he can’t have any and then… then, as soon as you… you start wanting him really to agree and he’s… he’s decided he can’t have any, he starts to go into apathy or something, you shovel him a lot of it. Give him a lot of MEST. That fixes him. That’s what he asked for in the first place, and he winds up clear down at the bottom of the scale on this process. There’s plenty of it - there’s plenty of agreement in this universe.

He didn’t stop time for a good reason. There isn’t any time to stop, which we’ll go into. But there was an object there and changing the place of this object in space was his intention. His inability to do it tells him that he hasn’t changed the object in space so he still sits there and he’s got a facsimile of it. And he still looks at it as not having been changed in space and he looks at it as a big failure.

There’s always… already patterns of agreement. There’s all these things; you got all this material here in other words, and, oh, it’s terrific quantities of material. And with those terrific quantities of material a person’s expected to work. You start agreeing again and this universe evidently doesn’t want anything to do with the energy you’d add to it. It sort of secretly takes that.

Just drill him. Have him, „Mock up… mock up a toothpick and put the toothpick there. Now let’s mock up a toothpick again and let’s put the toothpick two inches further. Now let’s mock up a toothpick again and let’s put this toothpick two feet away.“ He says, „It keeps slapping in and trying to hit me in his face.“

But it doesn’t want anything to do with it. It says: MEST universe, much more powerful than any universe you ever had or constructed or could construct of anything like that. MEST universe says… says and so on. The MEST universe has a horrible motto I’ll talk about later.

You say, „That’s all right, that’s all right. Now, let’s get that toothpick there and let’s just hold it there two feet from you. You got it? Now turn it blue, now turn it red, now send it over to the right, and send it to the left and so-and-so and so-and-so and so-and-so and so-and-so and so…“ „Yeah,“ he says, „It stays there now.“

But here… here is all of this energy and you don’t create any energy so the second you start into going into agreement with the MEST universe, energy comes down down down down down as far as ones are concerned.

Now he’s got the toothpick there. „Good, good. Now move it an inch further away.“

An individual for whom everything is done has no energy left to do anything. Just look around in the society and find individuals for whom everything is done and you’ll find the most languid individuals. You’ll find people all around you who say, „If I just had a little more, if I just had a… had a couple of maids, and six or eight this and if I just had twelve more girls working in the office, and if I just had all of these things and so on, I’d have all of this leisure time. And I’d get all kinds of things done.“

He says, „It kinda comes back toward me.“

Now what do you know, the more help he gets, the more things are done for him, the less he does, and he gets finally down, and you… you just look at this boy, he just sinks down in a chair. That’s down.

You say, „Well now, move it an inch further away and then move it a foot closer to you.“ „Mmmm. I don’t like to do that.“ You say, „Now come on, let’s… just move it a foot closer to you.“ „Mmmm. I don’t like to do that.“

Now, there is an out. He can enter over into the field of sports. But you can imagine the field of sports. Imagine playing polo - the horse does all the running, you put somebody in the saddle, to have him hold the stick for you. Uh… and then… then you have somebody else there to fire the stick off so that it hits the ball properly.

You say, „Now come on, let’s… just move it a foot closer to you.“ „All right, but it just keeps right on coming.“

And uh… than you decide, well it’s a good place to sit over here on the side of the grandstand. And I’ll be part of this game and uh… watch that boy. Me and my boy running up and down there and playing polo, and all the other players also sitting there in the grandstand by this time.

„All right put two toothpicks up there and have them go through and appear on the other side of your head.“

And then several servants come in and they give you some empty big… big chairs, deep chairs, and you sit there and… and uh… the polo game goes on. Well, no real interest in the polo game by this time. And the fellow puts out his hand like this and a drink is put into it again. He opens his mouth slightly and somebody bends the straw over so that he can get the drink.

And he says, „Well, all right.“

Gee, he… he’d be in bad shape very soon, wouldn’t he? And so they do. So any time your thetan starts up as an energy unit and starts to convince himself that he’s only an energy unit and he can only operate in that bracket, he’s comparing his energy to lightning bolts and all kinds of things, trolley lines out here and electric lights. And he’s not up to a point yet where he can do these things.

„Now put two more toothpicks in front of you and put those through your head and put them on the outside.“ „Okay.“ „Put two more toothpicks and put them on… behind your head.“ „All right. Uh… two more toothpicks…“ „Oh, sure.“ „All right, now put those two toothpicks out there, you got them?“ „Okay, got them.“ „All right, now move them one inch further away.“ „All right, I’ve done that.“ „Well, now move them a foot further away.“ „Well, okay.“ „Now move them clear down the next block.“ „All right.“ „Now put a tree there.“ „Okay.“ „Now move it a block further down the street.“ „Okay.“ „Now put a car there.“

What’s he do? He builds up a little bit and he goes on a big slump, he builds up a little bit and goes on a big slump. And he builds up a little bit and after a little while he won’t even want to move out of his body. He says, „What’s the use?“

„Okay.“ „Move it a block further down the str…“ „Nah, it keeps running back up to the same place.“

Because he’s putting himself in direct contest with the MEST universe. So is the thetan an energy unit? No, he’s not, but a thetan sort of conceives himself to be an energy unit and when he first starts moving out, you’ll find out that he’s quite convinced that he’s an energy unit. And then he will spend a lot of his time trying to become a better energy unit.

„Well, take the car and throw it behind you. Put another car there, throw it behind you. T… put another car there, throw it behind you. Put another car there, throw it behind you. Put another…“

Well, that’s… the way he makes energy is by postulates and so you have to rehabilitate his ability to create a universe and you automatically increase his energy unit capacity by not trying to create it at all. And you can create it up to a point over here in this untrammeled universe of his own until you get him to a point where he all of a sudden turns around and says, „Well, the MEST universe, you know, I never did like Mars.“ Buzzzrrrumgh! That’s theoretical, theoretical.

„Oh, I got it. I’m throwing them behind me. A big junk pile back there now.“

But uh… auditors very often tend to measure this production of energy as the ability of a preclear. Sure enough, it measures him quite a bit on the tone scale. But they judge whether or not they’ve got a good preclear solely and continually by how much energy he can produce. And they try to get him to produce more energy and he’s producing it in competition.

„All right, put a bo… Put a bomb in the middle of the junk pile and blow it up. Okay, got that? Now, put a car in front of you and move it a block down the street.“ „Okay, I can do that.“ „Where’s the picture of the accident?“ „What accident?“

You got the Edison Company down here and they’re mighty hard people to get around. They… they… they wouldn’t buy your ohms and kilowatts, not for a nickel. They can make too many of ‘em. So, it’s sort of wasted effort.

You let him do what he was trying to do which was to pick up the tree, the car, the brick wall and he knows he can do this in his own universe. And that’s all he’s interested in rehabilitating, is his ability to do it in his own universe. The only reason he’s hanging on to MEST is because he has the disability of not being able to do it for himself.

All right, uh… putting this into a… any kind of a reality, then, we find out that in processing the thetan conceives himself to be an energy unit and we find out that on this definition of along the line, he’s not an energy unit.

MEST is a secondary manifestation. You take this stuff money. A fellow has gotten the idea that he needs money to acquire. That’s very interesting. You take most of your preclears and you tell them to mock up a quarter and they won’t get a darn thing. It’ll be blurry, and it will be this way, and it’ll shift around.

He’s a thetan, he has the goal of theta and he… one of the things theta can do, well, what do you know? If a man can create space, he’ll never do very much in the way of creating energy. Had… had an auditor over in England that… that auditors measure this so… so… so well, that’s why I’m stressing it. They… they keep coming back in there to get agreement from this MEST universe. They come around… they… they do this with the preclear and then they come back and they say to the MEST universe, „Will you agree? Do you agree? Am I agreed with? Where’s my license to survive?“

And you say, „All right now, let’s just take a slab of silver.“ They can do that. „Move that around. Take a slab of gold, slab of copper, move those things around, shove thee around. Play chess with them. Get them going in circles, move them this way, move them that way. Blow them all up.“

„Okay. Oh, you didn’t give me one. Or this one that you did give me was written in disappearing ink.“ Uh… had an auditor, he said, „I worked for six hours, worked hard with this preclear and got her out of her body, feeling much better, cured these chronic somatics - she’s never been able to walk - but, uh… walking all right and so forth, but you know, at the end of six hours all she could do was lift a cigarette paper.“

„No, I can’t do that.“

You stop and think about it for a moment. This guy’s frame of reference is the frame of reference of Scientology, which is what he’s lived and slept with for quite a while. This didn’t seem very good to him. Just think what would happen if you were giving some kind of a demonstration some place or another and your preclear jumps out of the body and there’s a whole stack of cigarette papers over there and you say, „All right, will you move something around in the room?,“ the fellow goes to the cigarette papers, „Move those,“ and the person picks up the cigarette paper and brings it out here and lets it flutter to the floor - with no hand touching it.

„Well, all right, stack those three over there and let’s take a whole bunch of them now. And let its just take six bars of silver and six bars of gold and six bars of copper. Got them? Put them over there. Okay now let’s take six more bars and six more bars and six more bars and put them over there. You got that?

Well, though one of the best reasons why I… this would happen probably was because he had gone out and then he dived back in. The fact that he was doing this six hours - at the end of six hours of processing - demonstrated that he was again going around like a panhandler or a begging bowl or something of the sort and saying to the MEST universe, „Please give us a license to survive. We will agree with you some more.“

Okay. Now, let’s have a big truck come up to the door and start unloading bars of gold into the front room. Got that? Got that? Put them all in boxes and put them up there. Okay, now have them back down the alley, a whole fleet of trucks, back down the alley and start unloading gold into the back yard. Now get it all stacked up there. Now put a bunch of guards out there.“

„And if we agree with you enough, we won’t be at all, but please agree some more and we’ll agree with you and everything is going to be fine.“

„Well, I don’t need any guar… there’s too much gold around here already.“

Why, he’s just doing the same thing when he says to this preclear, „Can you pick up that piece of paper?“ You’re asking this individual to immediately go into contest with MEST universe. MEST universe does it with hands, and cranes, and that sort of thing, and you’re asking a thetan who hasn’t yet rehabilitated his own universe to pick up some piece of paper - a piece of paper. That’s an illusion called a piece of paper. You’re asking him to pick it up, disobey the laws of gravity with it and bring it out here and drop it where everybody can see it. Well, if you keep that up very much with a preclear, you get him out of his body - this is the test of this pudding, how well it works - you get him out of his body, you send him around, he knocks off an ashtray, he does something like that.

„Well okay, take… take one… take one tiny little pinpoint of gold now. You got it? Now blow it up.“ You can sort of see the fellow look around cautiously to make sure he’s got that back yard full and the front yard full and everything else.

By the way, it scares him to death. Half the time they get out of their body and they say, „I… I couldn’t do anything like this.“ And they say, „I… I couldn’t do anything like this,“ and they come over here and they see this box of matches here or something of this sort. They’re out of their body. And they say, „I… I wonder if I could… WAAUUGGHH!“ That’s… that’s just… just that kind of reaction. And the guy will dive right back inside there.

„Well, we can dispense with this little piece.“

He has agreed so thoroughly; he disagreed too fast, too quick, and he’s done for a while. You look at him afterwards, he’ll just be hangdog. Gets real upset, and so, when we look over then our… the upper Q’s, we… we find out that we so far haven’t anything to do really with the creation of energy as a level of process that we would care much about. That would be a rather low level of process.

And it’ll go pow. He’ll say humpf. He’ll feel like… he’ll feel like just exactly possibly like Jim Fisk or whoever it was that used to walk down the front steps of the stock exchange when he’d had a good day and light his cigar with a hundred dollar bill. He feels just that… that… that way about it.

First is location in time and space of energy and matter. And it says creation of space and… and energy and matter located in time and space. Well, that doesn’t stress for one moment, that doesn’t even vaguely stress this one point of creation of energy. You first have to be able to locate things in space, locate things in time and that means move them. Not identify or spot them - move them, shift them around and then actually create space.

All right, you take that thimbleful of gold and you blow it up. You take a bar of gold and you blow it up. And you take 2 bars of gold and you blow it up. And all of a sudden, he’s starting to get kinda unwilling.

Create space in which to make energy. When you’ve done all those things, oh, you can move up everything around you that you want to move around. But a preclear has to be in awfully good shape before you start putting him in contest with this.

So you have another fleet of trucks come up and… and fill the other back yard on both sides and you make the whole room full of gold and the walls full of gold, and all the furniture full of gold, and you make, a… then stack the whole room full of silver. And he’ll say, „The hell with it,“ and he’ll blow the room up. And he’ll blow the back yard up. And he’ll blow the front yard up and so on. He’s all set.

Your first level of processing up the things is locating things. Your next level is changing postulates. It comes immediately from that as the highest levels that you can hit.

Sure, he’s got… he’s trying to… he’s getting back toward his own universe. That’s all he’s interested in.

Now, we get another Q which I’ve already talked about quite a bit and that is simply the action cycle… is the… is one of the manifestations of ability of a thetan. Has to be up at that level and the only reason’s really there, is because it’s one of the abilities of, one of them.

Now, when you get… when you get this process going, the next thing, you take paper money. And you’ll probably have a little less trouble with it. And you take some more paper money and some more paper money and you get stacks of it. And the first thing you know, every time you get the paper money down in front of the preclear, it’ll start flickering right out of the billcase and just come up faster.

Action cycles, that is the cycle which goes from 40.0 on the tone scale to 0.0 on the tone scale and a thetan can run this gamut. And he can run it with an individual, run it with a universe, run it with an illusion, run it with anything, and so on. It has to do with space, energy, time - all these things are interrelated.

You have him mock up his body out there and mock up a pile of paper money. And it’s just like a hurricane hits the stuff. It just goes swoosh. You’ll get him after a while so that he can stack up paper money all over the place. And the funny part of it is, he’ll have to do a little bit of orientation. He’ll look into his pocketbook and it looks like what it is: confetti. Worse than what it is… worse than what it is, it’ll look like something a little bit worse than he was mocking up. But it has a buying power and it has a lot of other things and he’ll rehabilitate his perception and his viewpoint on it.

Now, an action cycle, technically, is the creation, growth, conservation, decay and death or destruction of energy and matter in a space, that is an action cycle. And it is the action cycle which produces the illusion of time. You’ll see that much more clearly as we go into this. That’s your last one.

Now that’s interesting to… to notice though, that you… you may have had an awful time with some preclear, just beating his head in just consistently and continually trying to orient him so he’s sensible and rational on the subject of money. He’s mad on the subject of money. The process which I just gave you knocks it out. That’s odd isn’t it?

And that by the way is… is just that this illusion of time is created by the thetan. And it’s created by the thetan; it is not suddenly shot off to some other sphere. Now that which a person can create cannot have any great effect upon him. Anything that a person can create, change or destroy doesn’t have any large value to him.

Is the MEST universe an illusion? Well, the handling of illusions solves the confounded universe and solves the problems which are contained where-in it, whereas if you continue to treat it as a reality, the problems don’t solve. Ah, is it an illusion? Now, this is not necessarily conclusive proof, not necessarily at all. Uh… it could be a very interesting sort of a proof if you went around shattering people’s agreements, shattering their reality.

You wouldn’t think a dollar bill was worth anything if you could make all of them that you possibly could want. You wouldn’t think they were worth a thing; as a matter of fact they wouldn’t be worth a thing. Uh… but uh… you wouldn’t put… place any value on them. But those things which an individual cannot create, or believes he cannot create rather - he believes he can’t create something. Oh-oh, that means that he can procure it only through an exchange and a communication of some sort or a line of some sort, and we have then only those things which a person cannot create, change or destroy can be aberrative to the person, and that’s the final run of it. When you get into the upper level of a thetan, you find out that anything there is, he is capable of creating, changing and destroying. He doesn’t have a limit, and I don’t know of any limit at this time.

If you were to walk down the street 10 feet off the ground out here without walking on any pavement, but there you were walking along 10 feet off the ground and everybody could see you doing this, you’d have quite a crowd. Their reality would be very badly broken.

I’ve been around, snooping around, trying to find some limits someplace or another, and although absolutes are unobtainable, obviously… obviously we haven’t stated an absolute. We… we just obviously haven’t stated an absolute when we say that that is what a thetan can do and that he can create anything.

Well, the same way if you suddenly started extending your hand and there was… there was a ten dollar bill in your hand. You gave it to somebody. And… uh… you come down the street and you see a panhandler there and you just say, „Well, have a ten,“ and there’s nothing in your hand, and there’s a ten. And he takes the ten and it says Abraham Lincoln or George Washington or whoever it is that’s on a ten… Benjamin Franklin? No, that’s on hundreds.

We can say he can create anything we know anything about. He can create anything you find in one of these universes. That’s a rather limited scope. That’s very easy. This MEST universe, kind of an idiotic affair, has three dimensions, uh… depends on a change in space and you get a vibration called time and it’s all very interesting.

So anyhow… uh… uh… if you could do that and that money went into circulation, that would be quite a test. That would be the test amongst tests, wouldn’t it? That would really be a test. Of course, you want to think of the consequences of this. If you suddenly started doing that and that money… you had to be good enough to produce it, and that money would have to have the proper treasury serial number on it and everything else and be acceptable to the US Government and all that.

But anything we know about can be created by a thetan and as a consequence there is no shortage or scarcity to a thetan, even vaguely.

You realize what the level of responsibility of that is? The level of responsibility of the issuance of money to have the money acceptable is to be the government of :hat country. And if you’re willing to take on this level of responsibility over here, you can do that one. But that’s the test. It would be the… the final test to many.

So I hope with these upper brackets here, these upper brackets above the level of logics, we have described the thing or the beingness or whatever you want to call it that we’re processing… Well, that’s what we’re processing and that’s what we’re trying to process toward and that actually is the common denominator of all of our processes at this time.

Well, what do you know? It’s not a test at all. That’s not a test, it’s just… is the way they’ve been testing things in science. They’ve said, „All right, now so-and-so and so-and-so, now does it agree over here with the physical universe? No. No.

And as long as we work within those realms toward those goals, we can achieve very remarkable results. And as soon as we start to depart from these goals everything starts to go off wrong in the process. So we have a higher level of evaluation for a process.

But what’s science studying? Science is studying the physical universe. So, they’re studying what tests in comparison with the physical universe. You get that as a differentiation? Therefore, the physical universe is the test of this which we’re investigating because we’re investigating the physical universe. Now, don’t… don’t get that snarled up with what we’re doing. We’ve got experience.

The test of this is an awful lot of processing. There are theta clears around now till… I mean, this is getting - you… you meet an auditor and he says, „I… I… I… „What kind of a week did you have?“ He says, „I’m doing all right, I mean I haven’t got any practice now, but I mean I’m doing all right.“ And uh… you say, „What do you mean, you haven’t had any practice?“

We want experience and we’re testing experience. So if we’re testing experience, then let’s test it by experience. And let’s remember that experience, just open up your mind a little bit and remember that experience doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with the physical universe. Experience doesn’t necessarily.

„Well, I used to have about 20 preclears I used to see at one time or another. Uh… I worked all week long - and I don’t have them any more.“

You see, that would be an awful arbitrary to enter into it. Say that the only experience that anybody could have would have to do with the physical universe. Well, you know immediately that that isn’t true. Because you know that a man is as alive as he has dreams.

But uh… you say, „Hhmm, well, you made… made a lot of theta clears?“

Is the physical universe an illusion? You can test this one. If a man loses his last dream, you’ve got a corpse on your hand. Don’t kill a man with bullets because you don’t really kill him at all. We can test that and prove that on an E-Meter.

„Oh, yes, yes, well I made a lot of theta clears. Most of these were theta clears before but I’ve got these up… pretty well cleared as thetans, and squared around and so forth.“

No, sir. Kill him by taking his dreams away one by one. Take his goals and dreams. What’s the commonest thing that you hear from people? „I lost my illusions. I haven’t any illusions any more…“ They know what’s wrong with them. They’ve lost their illusions. They’re telling you in just that many words. That… that was… that was them. They lost themselves when they lost their illusions. And a men is dead when the last of his dreams is dead and that’s about the long and short of it.

And you say, „What are they doing?“

You go down here on skid row. Look at the bums. You just take that line of bums and you’ll find out that they don’t have any dream anymore of having anything. There isn’t anything they can be or anything except a bum.

„Well, I don’t know. Uh… a couple of them I haven’t seen for two or three days and the last time I saw anything about them at all they were… they were talking about taking some kind of a scout out to someplace or another and looking over something. And uh… another one, one of them got himself fired, and two others got… got themselves promoted and… uh… things are changing; things are changing.“

When you go down to the prison we’ll find out that the criminal uniformly has lost his self-respect. And when we ask him what his self-respect is, and ask him rather closely, he says, „One day I found I couldn’t trust myself.“ „How did you find that out?“ „I struck op mother.“

It’s… it’s quite, quite remarkable. And it’s… it’s after two and a half years of watching, boy, results in the hands of auditors. What is a technique? What’s a good technique? Well, a good technique is a technique an auditor can use that will produce fast and rapid results. Furthermore, it’s got to produce rapid results faster than the environment can undo the results.

If you put it on an E-Meter, you’ll find that just as answering up along that line.

You’re sort of racing along with the environment there. And it’s got to be able to be doable, after a course of training, right at a rather uniform level by auditors. Now, those are all important parts of a good technique. Uh… does it work uniformly on preclears and so forth, sure, all right, that’d… that’d be a good technique. But can it be taught to an auditor? He said no. Gee. That technique isn’t worth a darn.

Or, „I found out that I betrayed a comrade. I did something. And therefore I was no longer worth anything.“

Well, we have a technique here by… because of the existence of these things above the level of the logics. We have a technique here now which leads us out into a good uniform workability, on the part of auditors producing good effects there on the preclear and boosting him up the line, returning his self-determinism to him rather rapidly.

He didn’t measure it in terms of how much MEST he had. The lousiest criminal down here didn’t measure it in the terms of how much MEST he had or was. He measured it in this degree: his… I have discovered that there was bad experience for which I was cause and I thereafter cannot BE anything because I won’t permit myself to be anything. And there’s your criminal.

You’ll get different looking people and you’ll get happier people processing them this way and the name of this technique we’re stressing, I’m stressing right now, is Scientology 8-8008. And the reason this is 8-8008 is a very simple reason. Show it to you here. It’s the attainment of an infinity by the reduction of the infinity of the MEST universe - that’s Phi, a Greek letter - to a zero of Phi, MEST universe, by the increase of’ the zero of one’s own universe, to an infinity of one’s own universe. And this infinity stands for just what it says. It’s a theoretical attempt to reach any infinity. And that would be an infinity in any direction as far as universes are concerned.

You want to start processing criminals any time, they’re very easy to process. All you have to do is rehabilitate a man’s belief in himself. It’s so simple. He’s lost it.

I don’t know what else exists beyond universes, but uh… there might… must be a lot of things, because I can see the infinity of universes. And if you can see an infinity, it’s obviously not an infinity, I mean, obviously. So this is just a theoretical infinity and that would be uh… any universe.

And what was that belief in self? It was the ability to garb self with an acceptable illusion, an illusion which other people would accept. In the MEST universe that always has to be added on and is an arbitrary limiter; that which other people can accept. That is not true in one’s own universe, it only has to be acceptable to himself. And that’s… HE KNOWS that, that’s a level of certainty. Does he accept it himself? Yes. Or no. There’s no question mark: is it accepted by somebody else?

Uh… and mind you this is just an attempt. Now, therefore, this is very interesting. It… it… it runs uh… we just turn that up this way. Now we have Scientology 8-8008. And it’s named that way with a purpose and a reason. Student: Could you just go through that formula again? LRH: You betcha.

One of the big tricks in the MEST universe is, „Prove it or we don’t accept it,“ or, „We’ll agree to that if you’ll agree to this.“ Trades in terms of illusion. And so you get a new universe going.

Here is an infinity, of any universe. This process attempts to reach the theoretical infinity of any universe, the creation, change or destruction of any universe, that would be its infinity, by the reduction of the infinity of the MEST universe, this universe we’re sitting in, and that could only be in terms of importance to the individual or his dependency on it. It appears to be an infinity of dependence to him now.

All right. The world around a child is a bright, bright world. A child comes in with the idea that he is free. He has a new start, he’s got a new chance. This time he will do something in the universe that is spectacular. He will make a go of it and so on. He’s got that new hope.

Well, you reduce that infinity of dependence to zero for the individual. Of course, that’s very nice. I wouldn’t want the FBI to get ahold of this other thing. The actual thing is just between ourselves. What it means is the… the destruction of the MEST universe - the zero. And the increase of one’s own universe which is approximately at zero now, actually.

And that child goes downhill and becomes impossible to the degree that he loses that hope. And the things are very bright to that child at first. He can in other words put a perception there and perceive it with great facility. The world is beautiful to him, he has a certain freedom, and so on.

He… he goes around dressing up the buildings and saying, „Aren’t the pigeons pretty?“ and all that sort of thing. But there he knows they’re not his pigeons. Uh… and all he’s got is this shadow which he puts on everything or a little bright light he puts on something.

And then they start working on him and they say, „Johnny, why do you overwork your imagination? You know very well that there’s no battleship out there in the back yard.“ He knows there’s no battleship out in the back yard. He’s never made a mistake on it in his life. But he wants to put a battleship out in the back yard, let him put a battleship out in the back yard, instead of making this…

There’s nothing but darkness there. He comes along and puts this little ‘light on it; he says, „That’s pretty.“ Yeah, that’s good and pretty - of course, he’d put it there so it’d be pretty. But he considers his own universe to consist of exactly zero, really; he doesn’t have a big universe. He… he… and so on… it’s a zero, compared to what it could be - you can believe that - to an infinity as far as he’s concerned. That is an unlimited scope for his own universe.

Why… why does this MEST universe and people who really get MEST-ified… Uh… people that really get MEST-ified why, why are they so insistent that we not imagine anything? Why? Because if a fellow really started out along this line, they know, basically they know that the only way that they can be smashed to smithereens is to all of a sudden be presented with an illusion which they have to accept. And that’s a terrible danger.

An unlimited scope for his own universe, we consider that at… at an… you… you get a person’s universe is not really at zero, that’s an absolute. Well, so that really isn’t infinity and that isn’t infinity and that isn’t infinity and neither is that infinity. Those are all absolute terms; absolutes are unobtainable, but they can come awful close.

Why Johnny’s liable to come in the house and… he’s… he’s dangerous. He keeps imagining he shoots tigers out there in the back yard. Now, what… what if he… went out there in the back yard and he thought up this tiger and he brought the tiger in the house? That’s actually a paramount thought.

Now, we get out of that the number of this technique and the number of this technique is very, very, very important to know, because anytime you forget the number of this technique, you’re going to have a preclear who doesn’t get well. And that’s why this technique is named that, and this is why I want you to know the name of the technique, and remember the name of the technique and so on, because it adds up to a formula of processing which won’t fail you. That’s an absolute too; it probably will.

Actually, you can… you investigate Momma and you’ll say, „Now what did he used to think up?“

You take some… some fives occasionally, a five will do the incredible stunt… Oh, he’ll just do the most incredible things - anything to get that preclear back in his head. Ha! and get him agreeing with the MEST universe. Anything to get him in, hold him in, nail him down, put clamps, screws, so on. Don’t let him out and.-. and then make him agree over there with the MEST universe.

„Oh, he used to think up these terrible things, these bad men and everything else and these… all… all this and he used to think this up.“

„Oh well, now I… I know we’re not supposed to do this, but… but the best thing to do on something like that - I… I know we’re not supposed to do this, but… the best… the best thing we could possibly do at the moment - just… just a little test just to see whether or not you’re perceiving properly. Uh… how… how about… how about knocking that… that Coke bottle off?“

„We’s… what’s… what objection is there to that?“

„Oh, you can’t do that! Oh. Well, do you see anything in the room? Oh? Well, now look, you’re due for a shock when you open your eyes - I better warn you that this room isn’t arranged that way. You’re in for a little shock. But you said that the vase and so forth was sitting over by the window and so on, and… oh well, open your eyes, you’ll see.“

„Oh, but they’re terrible people!“ She’s gone right off along the line. She knows exactly what might happen.

The guy gets out of that, he looks and he’s half crazy, because sure enough, he saw the ceiling this way, and he saw the table that way, and he saw something else that way, and that isn’t the way they are. He opens his eyes with the MEST universe.

If Johnny were really hot, he could think up Jesse James and Jesse James would come in there and there probably wouldn’t be any silver left in the house. And if the battleship Missouri got placed out in the back yard, by gosh! It’d be in the back yard. And it’s so hard to grow flowers on turrets.

Where… where do we get the idea that isn’t the way they are, just because the MEST universe perceived through these eyes is a little bit different? The actual fact about it is, the poor guy is stuck thetawise all over the time track. You get anything that can… can create energy, you get anything that can create space, boy, it can shift space like mad.

So, is it an illusion? Well, here we’re on a communication level.

And… and he’ll - first get him out, half the time he… he’ll take the ceiling of his own bedroom when he was a little girl and he’ll… and he will… will take the… take the table off the old kitchen when he was a grandfather, and he’ll take this and that and he’ll put them all together and then he’ll add four or five features that match up with the room he’s in and then he’ll say, „But no, I can’t have that desk there, because that desk reminds me of Poppa, so we’ll put a school desk there. That’s good, now we’ve got the .room. Now that’s the way things are.“ That’s really the way he’s seeing things inside of his head all the time.

An illusion has been defined in the past as something that didn’t exist. Therefore, an illusion has no existence. All right, everybody kind of understands that word illusion to mean something that doesn’t exist, and when you say something has no existence, you mean something cannot be experienced. And I show you immediately that you can experience an illusion; that illusion exists. So existence can be an illusion, can’t it?

He sort of thinks things are sort of fouled up this way, and maybe he’d better just sorta rely upon the body. The body… the body can be counted in… counted upon to run into these things if they’re not in the right place. And therefore it will keep one oriented.

Here it is. It can exist because it can be experienced, if we define illusion to mean something which can be experienced.

Using a body is very like using a compass. It… it orients. It says, „This is present time,“ because it is present time for the body. Look at it, the body’s heart goes pop pop pop pop and we breathe sixteen times a sec… a minute, and we’re all set. And he keeps himself oriented. Well when he first comes out, anything that can create space can scramble it, anything that can create energy can scramble it, anything that can create objects can really foul him up.

You have to have something that can be experienced before somebody can agree upon it. There has to be an experience there. So when we talk about experience, we’re talking several cuts above the MEST universe. We’re talking way up the line from the MEST universe, we’re talking above the line of energy, space, because an idea does not have to exist in space. You know that. You don’t have to have space to have an idea.

And when he first starts looking at the universe, boy, it’s nothing like the universe. It’s pieces of the universe all over the place put together, because he isn’t a point source of dimension, and he can’t get the points of dimension squared away. So you see what happens? Now we have to follow this formula.

And when you make an illusion, that’s the first requisite is to have space. Well, space is an experience, so what one makes, one can experience. What is made can be experienced. So you can make anything and it would exist if it could be experienced.

If we follow that formula, we get good preclears and all comes out well, and if we turn around and face the material universe a11 the time and insist on it, our preclears don’t get well. What do you know! It’s just as simple as that. So that’s the formula, and that’s what we’re studying here.

Now, I’m not trying to just shuffle words around; I’m just trying to get a better communication level on this thing. It is not fair to say, „All right, yeah, I haven’t any better word than illusion.“ I could call it a whumjit and you’d probably… well you’d probably come to a better agreement on this.

It’s quite late and I want to wish you all a very good night.

When I say that wall is an illusion, I don’t say that wall cannot be experienced. That wall can be experienced, it obviously can be experienced. And when I say it doesn’t exist, I am only saying it does not necessarily, arbitrarily, have to exist independent to experience, that’s all. It’s independent.


Now, it’s a very funny thing about space and about things like that. People can make an agreement and that agreement just keeps on rolling. That doesn’t say you don’t have to feed that again. You don’t have to feed more agreement to it in order to perceive it some more. And if you really want to look something over, you want to go over and get it… what you say, close. In other words you want to look it over real good. What’s that mean? I want to experience it better.

So, if we just lay off any confusion about „Is this illusion?“ or „What do we mean by illusion?“ we merely mean by illusion the technical definition, that which one makes which can be experienced.

And what do we mean by reality? We mean that which is made and which is commonly experienced by agreement. That which is made or one or many make and can be commonly experienced. That we will define as reality just for our purposes.

And what’s delusion? That which somebody else makes and tries to push off on us as an arbitrary necessary experience. Arbitrary, necessary experience.

So… uh… what we’re trying to do with processing and with this slight dissertation on illusion here, what we’re trying to do with processing is to give the preclear back a choice. We’re giving him back his power of choice on whether or not he has to experience THIS. And we’re giving him back that by one route only, and that’s rehabilitating his power to create and experience a universe.

If we can get him to create and experience a universe independently, the odd part of it is… is he has greater choice on his ability to experience this: it isn’t as bright as people tell him it has to be, it’s as bright as he wants to make it.

An awful lot of people have an awful lot of trouble with this stuff, you know. People go around, they say, „The light’s too bright, the dust is blowing too hard… uh… I’m too warm, it’s too cold, I’m uncomfortable, I’m too fat, I’m too thin, I’m this, I’m that, this, I…“ They’re complaining all the time about an arbitrary necessity to experience.

They’re saying, „I don’t like to experience that dust. I don’t like to have to experience, without any consultation with me, this, that, warmth, heat, cold. I… I… that’s… it’s… it’s just these darn arbitrary experiences uh… that… uh… I just don’t like it that’s all.

Now, how do you get up their level of selection? By letting them run away from them? No, because to run away from something is to agree even further not only that it exists, but that it exists and is dangerous.

So, you see, that’s an extension of agreement.

You know that you can frighten a person suddenly and they go into a hypnotic trance? And if you were to frighten a person suddenly and to say something real fast to them, you’d lay in a beautiful engram? You show them „this is dangerous“; they desert it quickly. You put right in that spot an experience; when they try to move back over and take over that spot they just move right back into that. And that thing commands them thereafter.

That is the TRICK on making an agreement. You could say… you can s… watch this in experience: people become that of which they are afraid. People create that which they fear.

It… it may be that this… here’s a big lumbering crane and it goes up and down the dock and loads ships. And one day it gets an operator who says, „That crane is dangerous. It’s liable to do this, it’s liable to do that, and you never know.“ And he tells somebody else that on the dock and, „This thing is dangerous. It’s liable to do this, it’s liable to do that, you just never know what that crane’s going to do.“ And somebody else comes along and he says, „You know, that crane, that’s just badly made and it’s… it’s dangerous, and it’s liable to do this…“ I don’t know.

And we get a new operator and this new operator’s told this as he comes onto the thing. And he gets ahold of these controls and he says, „I’m handling something that’s dangerous and it’s not liable to do what I want it to do and I can’t exert my will on it, really. And these controls might not control what they’re supposed to control,“ and so he drops a load of steel on a bunch of longshoremen’s heads. This follows.

He finally has manufactured something from which he can flee. He’s told that this exists that way and he will just break his neck to make it something which justifies his fear of it. He’s got to have it be something dangerous if he’s afraid of it. And the more dangerous it is the less cowardly he is, if he’s afraid of it. So he’ll magnify that. He just juggles, in other words function by magnifying and subtracting experience.

Now, let’s define experience. Experience is not necessarily space, energy and objects. It’s not necessarily space, energy, and objects. It just happens to appear that way from where we sit here in the MEST universe, because the MEST universe is made of an agreement on space, energy and objects. But at the second you think that that would be the end product… because an experience could pass as a postulate from a mind to a mind without the existence of space. So a postulate could be an experience, couldn’t it… but you think… you think of things… postulates, as something that start experience.“

Now the funny part of it is that a postulate is a gradient scale itself. It’s not an absolute thing. When you start to undo postulates and you use the action cycle of postulate processing, you’ll see what I mean. You will be flabbergasted at the amount of MEST there is wrapped up in postulates. And how thoroughly enmested a person normally is in making postulates. He isn’t making them free. He discovers for the first time that his decisional level is an enslaved thing to MEST when he starts to use an action cycle of postulates.

Now, you could get a postulate up here to where it existed as just pure experience that has nothing to do with action. So when we say experience again we’re having a little communication difficulty. And experience normally has to do with action, doesn’t it. Well, let’s just orient that just a tiny bit better and say experience is merely a test of existence. An experience is a test or perception of existence.

You know they say this fellow can’t work in this store very good because he hasn’t got any experience. Well, they mean he hasn’t learned data connected with this store. That’s what they mean. So the datum… datum isn’t really existing in time and space. It’s been that way about stores for an awful long time and it’ll be that way about stores for an awful lot more time. So you haven’t spotted when you said „his experience,“ you haven’t spotted really data that exists in time.

Now… ah… you don’t have to bat your head out with this. Let’s just… I’m doing this mainly for clarification, so that we don’t go adrift anyplace on the thing. Because what we’re doing is very simple.

A universe can be constructed of space, energy, and objects. Any universe can exist. It can be perceived; therefore, it can exist.

This is the old-as-cards stuff going round and round, only they’re on a slightly cruder level than we’re operating. Because, so help me, we’re operating with positive proof. We can prove this experience.

How do you prove an experience? By experiencing it, of course. So that’s where we are.

Now, you can then make a universe of space, energy, and objects.

You could also make a universe which consisted of five dimensional space, what we call… might call uh… projectivity and… uh… destructed. You could say, „After this… uh… object has been in existence for a certain space of time, it automatically vanishes… uh… therefore it has a delimiting factor and this… this five dimensional space assists this because anything which drifts into the warp areas of the five dimensional space becomes a „destructed.“ So only that energy which is in the free areas at the time, it’s in IS. Now, that IS, so therefore we’ve got a universe that is going „flick.“

You’ve got a new universe there for that day and then it would go click. You’d have a new universe there for that day. You see… you can’t fit five dimensional space together so there’s have to be holes. And as it shifted why this stuff would get into these holes, which of course, didn’t exist. So there couldn’t be any space there by definition, but there could be space there…

It… it doesn’t matter, I mean, this doesn’t sound… sounds… sounds silly but you can do anything you want to.

One of the nicest tricks there is to get a preclear to mock up a little piece of space here in front of him and then put a… put something in it. Put a doll or something here in the middle of it. All right, you got a doll in the middle of it. Now let’s take the two extremities of that piece of space and let’s give them a twist. Now let’s twist them the other way. What happens to the doll?

And the fellow says, „Well, the doll, humpf. The doll crinkles when I do that. Hummpf, that’s interesting, yeah.“

And you say, „All right, now collapse the space a little bit. Now bring it out again. Got that? Now give it another crinkle so you know it’s yours. Okay, now just to be sure that it’s your space, put a warp in it, right here in the middle of it. Put a black line… a black sheet, and there’s dimension inside the black sheet but the sheet has no dimension in relationship to your space.“

Fellow says, „All right.“

„Now the way you do this is you get this little doll walking along now and every time this little doll passes through this black space it does a time shift and appears on the other side as a bear.“

Fellow says, „All right.“

„Okay, now let’s turn the bear around and have the bear walk back and pass through that black space and walk out the other side a doll. You got that?“

„Yeah, that’s very interesting.“ Then he gets… „Wonder what’s in that black space?“

Well, of course there’s nothing in that black space, but… uh… he’s beginning the cycle of automaticity on his piece of space.

Now he can make that piece of space exist. And if he had inhabitants in his universe, this’d be the customary thing, is when you walk down the walk… you could walk down the walk in your bathrobe but when you hit the sidewalk you were dressed for the office. And that happened because of a warp that is across everybody’s sidewalk and he could sell them the warp. „Now would you like to buy some warp space?“ I would say, „Sure, love to have some warp space.“

„What kind of hat kind of warp space do you want though? Uh… what’s… to… what’s to happen? Is this the kind of warp space that you go in and come out of the other side of it fully dressed?“

„Well, we have that, but there’s an improved kind that doesn’t necessarily work the opposite direction. So that when you walk home from the office, you don’t necessarily get on the other side of it and appear in your bathrobe and walk up the steps. It doesn’t undress you, it’s just a dressing warp. And… uh… that’s much superior, but that costs a little more.“

All you’d have to do is just get everybody to agree that this was what’s happening and this would become very usual. Be routine, that’s all. You’d just have some warp space.

In the first space, there’s no space there unless the person postulates there’s space there. Space is a viewpoint of dimension but we’ll be covering that much more exhaustively.

But what’s this warp? Now he knows he’s got space and actually he does know he’s got space. He knows that he’s got space as much as one can know that he’s got space when he can see the thing crinkle and he puts a warp in it. And if he can expand or contract this space on dimensions it’s obviously his space. He’s expanding and contracting it, isn’t he? Well, that’s the definition of space: dimension. If he can change the dimension of space, he obviously… it belongs to him. That’s all there is to it.

If you can make this wall move four feet closer to you and move back again, you can own that space.

And it s a very odd thing, but a person’s mock-ups have a tendency to get much less perishable when they’re in his own space. He’ll notice this the first time with a considerable start. He’ll… he’ll really… he’ll discover this quite accidentally.

He’ll just be looking at his piece of space there and he’ll say suddenly - you’ve just made a piece of space and you just haven’t told him any more about it and he… „You know, it’s brighter.“

And you say, „Yeah, yeah, now let’s blow it up.“

He’s been blowing up things very successfully but this is different. But this is his. So you got… gotta make a lot of them and have him blow up one. Make him make a lot of them and then make him make a little little one, and then blow the little one up.

And… uh… the handling of one’s own space and one’s own dimension is actually a rougher problem because one is at first much more serious about it. Because one went down the tone scale of his own universe clear to the bottom before he entered the MEST universe and now he’s going down the MEST universe clear to the bottom. And he’s almost there.

The next universe out, I understand, is full of dragons and all named George. And… uh… they… uh… the place starts in with everybody being MEST, and… that’s an angel. And of course religion in this universe has nothing to do with MEST. They never pass a collection plate. Uh… they, never say, they never say, uh… „Preserve your MEST,“ „Bury your MEST,“ „We will pray for your MEST,“ or anything like that. And… uh… well anyway, this next new universe is pretty rough. And it’s pretty rough. So I’m going to say that if you can make the preclear go up tone scale on his own universe before he goes up tone scale on this universe, you’ve moved him back one universe already.

Now maybe there’s a universe ahead of that. If there’s a universe ahead of that, though, why, boy, the amount of freedom must be so great in it that I wouldn’t think it could policed. And if a universe couldn’t be policed, it isn’t worth having because you gotta have cops. Everybody knows that ‘cause no ethic level could possibly exist that would prohibit the cops. No, you always gotta have police.

So if you had a universe that was so free and so ethical that cops couldn’t exist in it, why, it’d naturally… wouldn’t be a universe you could own so you wouldn’t want very much to do with that.

I mean… uh… this is circular logic but I mean it’s good logical stuff for this level of the tone scale of this society.

Uh… now, what happens… what happens if you, by mock-ups, suddenly recover the ability to move this wall four feet it closer to you and feel it?

(End of Tape)