Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 2 MAY 1979R Special Intensive ISSUE I REVISED 25 MARCH 1981 | Усадьба Сент-Хилл, Ист-Гринстед, Сассекс БЮЛЛEТЕНЬ ОХС 2 МАЯ 1979 Выпуск I |
(Ссылки: | |
DIANETIC CLEAR SPECIAL INTENSIVE | БОХС 24 сент 78 Конфиденциально. Состояние Клира. |
REFERENCES: | БОХС 5 марта 79 П Ложные аттестации Дианетического Клира. |
| БОХС 29 ноября 78 Серия К/С 104 Аттестации Дианетического Клира. |
БОХС 5 дек 78 Серия К/С 105 Аттестации Дианетического Клира, дополнительные данные. | |
БОХС 24 сент 78 Дианетический Клир Вып II. | |
БОХС 1 мая 79 Интервью. | |
БОХС 1 мая 79 Специальный Интенсив Дианетического Клира. | |
БОХС 15 Ноября 79 Датировка и Определение местоположения. | |
БОХС 2 мая 79 Вып II Оценочный Список Специального Интенсива Дианетического Клира. | |
БОХС 3 мая 79 Специальный Интенсив Дианетического Клира, требования для К/С и одитора. | |
С увеличением количества Дианетических Клиров появилась необходимость в развитии процедуры с тем, что бы состояние Клира было гарантировано и что бы те, кто достигли Дианетического Клира получили соответствующее подтверждение и достигли полного восстановления этого состояния. | |
Специальный Интенсив Дианетического Клира разработан что бы прояснить и уладить следующие ситуации: | |
1. Когда пункт утверждающий что пк стал Дианетическим Клиром дал показание в К/С53, ЗФ, С2ПЖ, Списке Конца Бесконечного Рандауна Наркотиков или Коррекционном Списке Инт Рандауна или любом другом коррекционном списке и это показание было подтверждено, (иными словами, что оно не являлось ложным показанием или показанием на протесте или показании на настойчивом утверждении). | |
Такое показание только доводится с помощью 2СО до П/С и не проводится Дата/Место или какое то другое улаживание в этот момент . Человек записывается на Специальный Интенсив Дианетического Клира, на котором он получит полное прочищение и реабилитацию состояния Клира. | |
2. Когда человек думает, что он должно быть является Дианетическим Клиром. | |
3. Когда человек. Был аттестован на Дианетического Клира и не получил формальную сессию одитинга для установления этого, но имел всего лишь интервью ДиПа. | |
(Попытка одитировать или реабилитировать в интервью составляет вне-тех, злоупотребление Интервью ДиПа и не подтверждает или реабилитирует это состояние.) | |
4. Когда была предпринята попытка реабилитировать состояние Дианетического Клира на ком то без использования этого интенсива, которая не достигла правильного конечного явления или когда человек не чувствует себя хорошо после реабилитации. | |
(Примечание: Специальный Интенсив Дианетического Клира не предоставляется кому то, кто не достиг состояния Дианетического Клира как средство одитировать его до этого состояния. Его применение состоит в проверке и реабилитации состояния Дианетического Клира в соответствии в вышесказанным.) | |
Если человек находится в середине интенсива и стал Клиром или было обнаружено , что он стал Клиром в прошлом одитинге, остающиеся часы этого интенсива могут быть перезачислены на Специальный Интенсив Дианетического Клира при условии что остается по меньшей мере 5 часов. Если остаток составляет мене чем пять часов, тогда ему придется купить минимум 5 часов для Специального Интенсива Дианетическиого Клира. | |
Этот выпуск дает точную процедуру для улаживания каждой из вышеперечисленных ситуаций в сессии одитинга. | |
С ИП ОХС 1 мая 79 СПЕЦИАЛЬНЫЙ ИНТЕНСИВ ДИАНЕТИЧЕСКОГО КЛИРА мы установили стандартную линию и политику относительно проверки и реабилитации Дианетического Клира. Состояние Дианетического Клира не правильно проверять или реабилитировать на интервью ДиПа или на интервью любого другого типа. Такие действия проводятся только на Специальном Интенсиве Дианетического Клира. | |
Этот Интенсив используется для того что бы: | |
With the boom in Dianetic Clears it became necessary that a procedure be developed so that the state of Clear would be safeguarded and so that those who did achieve Dianetic Clear could get it properly acknowledged and attain a full resurgence of the state. The procedure developed and released in 1979 was the Dianetic Clear Special Intensive. | a) Установить без оценивания или обесценивания в процедуре действительно ли человек достиг состояния Клира или нет. |
This Intensive is used to: | b) Обеспечить, чтобы человек, который достиг этого получил ПОЛНОЕ восстановление этого состояния. |
a) Establish with no eval or inval in the procedure whether the person has actually achieved the state or not; | c) Определить для человека, который не достиг Дианетического Клира что это не достиг этого, дать ему подтверждение его победам и программировать его последующий одитинг для продвижения его к достижению состояния Клира. |
b) Ensure that the person who has made it attains a FULL resurgence of the state; | d) Если он считает, что это интенсив сделает его Дианетическим Клиром, то установить для него соответствующий рандаун, который продвинет его ближе в направлении Клира. |
c) Establish for the person who has not yet made Dianetic Clear that he hasn’t, get any win he has achieved acknowledged, and get him programmed and onto his next auditing to get him further toward achieving the state of Clear; | СОП И ИЗУЧЕНИЕ ПАПКИ |
d) If he thinks this Intensive is going to make him Dianetic Clear, it establishes him on his proper rundown or action and gets him that much closer to Clear. | |
Since its release, a great many Dianetic Clears have had the state verified and acknowledged through this Special Intensive and have progressed on up the Bridge on programs designed to take them through the standard Grade Chart actions up to OT levels. | Непосредственно после того как куплен интенсив и перед началом интенсива первым действием является полная СОП папок преклира с тем, что бы К/С имел полное представление о кейсе в целом и также данные относительно любых оригинаций или действий предпринятых на предмет Дианетического Клира. Эта СОП должна включать проверку прошлого одитинга человека на предмет Вне ИНТ и СиО, потому что если что либо из этого не в порядке, то вы не можете одитировать ничего иное пока эти пункты не улажены. |
Stable case change and the expected wins and regained abilities have been enthusiastically reported by these pcs and their auditors and C/Ses from the various orgs around the world. | АЛЬТЕРНАТИВНЫЕ ВЫБОРЫ |
Where this was not occurring it warranted a full study of the exact factors involved. | Так как СОП и изучение папок могут обнаружить вне-ИНТ или вне-Списки (out-L&N lists) или неполадки в пролом одитинге нуждающиеся в исправлении, вы, в таком случае, не сможете приступить к Специальному Интенсиву Дианетического Клира пока вне-Инт, вне-Списки или ошибки в одитинге не будут исправлены. |
This study, which included a review of pc folders from many areas as well as examination of statistics, revealed the need for correction of many C/Ses and auditors on the subject of quickied actions and declares. | Во время Специального Интенсива Дианетического Клира вы можете обнаружить что человек не заинтересован в этих вопросах, что он здесь что бы стать Дианетическим Клиром а не стал Клиром в прошлом одитинге. Вы можете обнаружить разрушительное непонятое слово в предмете Клира или одитинга. |
Correction of C/Ses and auditors has and is being done on a broad scale, through the Keeping Scientology Working Series, and the training and auditing requirements for C/Ses and auditors on the DCSI delivery line have been made more stringent. | Это дает возможность выбора между: |
Additionally, the folder studies turned up the fact that on some Dianetic Clears case conditions which needed handling were not adequately covered in the original DCSI. | a) Если присутствуют вне-ИНТ или вне-Списки или человек имел грубый одитинг пусть он запишется и предоставьте ему Конец Бесконечного Ремонта Рандауна Интеризации, исправление вне-Списков или К/С53 до П/С на списке (Они продаются по интенсивам в 12,5 часов и ему все равно придется пройти эти действия перед тем как он сможет продвигаться по Мосту). |
The result is the Dianetic Clear Special Intensive, which is now re-designed to cover fully the various case conditions which have shown up in past DCSI delivery. | b) Если нет данных о вне-ИНТ или вне-Списках, приступайте к Специальному Интенсиву Дианетического Клира. |
DCSI ADDITIONS AND REVISIONS | с) Если во время Специального Интенсива Дианетического Клира вы обнаружите что он не заинтересован и не стал Клиром в прошлом одитинге вам следует перевести его на следующий шаг одитинга. Не делайте его не правым за покупку Специального Интенсива Дианетического Клира но проследите что бы он получил надлежащую программу и за 5 часов приблизился к состоянию Клира. |
The following additions and revisions have now been made to provide a smoother handling for each individual case when the subject of Dianetic Clear is to be addressed: | Правильная программа определяется К/С и скорее всего будет состоять из Прояснения Слов, Объективных Процессов, или НЭД (Дианетика Новой Эры). В конце этих 5 часов его следует послать к Регистратору для приобретения дальнейших интенсивов , которые необходимо завершить. |
1. Thorough and accurate FES and Folder Study are re-emphasized as the first step in order to prevent any misprogramming. Misprogramming could include C/Sing a pc for the Intensive who does not need it (though the pc may need other repair actions), or in the case of a PC who does need the Intensive, neglecting to C/S for set-ups such as case repair or drug handling steps where these conditional actions may be needed. | ПРОЦЕДУРА |
2. Conditional drug handling steps have been added, to be done as preliminary actions on specific cases where the need for these is indicated. | Каждый шаг этого интенсива проводится в формальной сессии (никогда в интервью). |
3. The Scientology CS-1 (HCOB 15 Jul 78R, SCIENTOLOGY AUDITING CS-1) has been added as a conditional step to ensure the Intensive is not attempted over misunderstood terms or procedures. | ШАГ 1: 2СО |
4. Two-Way Comm on the subject of Dianetic Clear has been deleted as a step on the Intensive, as the necessary data can be more effectively obtained through the use of prepared assessment questions. The TWC step, as originally included on the Intensive, has been misapplied in some cases by the addition of evaluative or leading questions. It has also by some C/Ses and auditors as the only handling been used done on the Dianetic Clear Special Intensive (DCSI) before the person was allowed to attest, with the remainder of the Intensive omitted altogether. Thus, to eliminate the possibility of any additive, evaluation, invalidation or the feeding of a cognition to the pc, inadvertently or otherwise, the Two Way Comm step has been replaced with the use of special prepared lists and other steps. | Каждый из следующих вопросов обсуждаются с преклиром с хорошей двусторонней коммуникацией. |
5. Additional assessment questions have been included to locate and handle any bypassed charge or other factor or case condition which, if not cleaned up, would tend to obscure case gain, mask the true state of the case or obscure the state of Clear and prevent its full rehabilitation. | Очень важно что бы все показания, движения ручки тона с величиной показаний и СР и поведение стрелки были четко отмечены в протоколах. |
6. Rehab of former releases has been added as a step, prior to any Date/Locate. For some pcs, the exact point of going Clear has been confused with other wins, points of case change or moments of release. Thus, with the actual point of going Clear obscured and/or confused with several other points, in many cases it was „solved“ by concluding the person „must always have been Clear“ and the actual date then not found. For others, a win, a release point or an ability gained has been erroneously taken for the point of going Clear when in fact the pc had not yet achieved the state of Clear. | Если пк показывает отсутствие интереса в этих вопросах, или в Дианетическом Клире, на давите на него что бы он отвечал и не позволяйте ему проходить нечитающийся вопрос. Вместо этого проясните любое непонятое слово или слова в предмете Клира и закончите и дайте папку для улаживания К/Су, который может сделать выбор а) из раздела альтернативные выборы. Таким образом он, по крайней мере, приблизится к Клиру за эти 5 часов одитинга и это оправдает для него покупку одитинга. |
None of these errors should now occur on the DCSI, with its requirement that the auditor be skilled in metering and its provision for getting the pc educated through the Scn CS-1, and with all former release points found and rehabbed before any Date/Locate of Clear is done. | Типичный К/С для Шага 1 Интенсива Дианетического Клира будет таким: |
Once a case is cleaned up and any former release points found and rehabilitated, it can be determined whether or not the state of Clear has been achieved. If so, and if the proper evidences of Clear have been stated, the point where the person did go Clear can then be easily located and rehabbed on the Date/Locate step. | А. Дайте пк Р-фактор о том, что вы будите проводить в сессии. |
7. Additional actions have been added for handling the pc who has not yet achieved Clear. | B. Введите каждый рудимент до П/С. |
1. Когда, по твоему мнению, ты стал Клиром? | |
As the new DCSI steps now include the Scientology CS-l and rehab actions, they provide the pc with a good understanding of release states and the state of Clear and the difference between these, which understanding he may not have had formerly. These steps make it possible for the pc to view with better reality the level he has actually attained and they serve to give a more accurate picture of the true case state for auditor, C/S and pc alike. | 1A. (Если пк не считает что он стал Клиром и не заинтересован спросите его «Расскажи мне что ты хотел бы достичь в одитинге?» |
Persons who have been permitted to attest over Mis-Us or confusions must be cleaned up on these, and any other needed actions on the DCSI would be taken in order to establish the validity or not of the attest and to ensure that the correct state is established and handled accordingly. | Проведите это до П/С и закончите для нового К/С). |
In those instances where the attest is valid but was done over Mis-Us or possible doubts or confusions, one will see a big resurgence in the case when all this is cleaned up. In instances where such misunderstoods or doubts or confusions have. led to an incorrect attest, it is vital to the pc’s interest to get all false data and uncertainty off the line and the false attest corrected. Only then can he be correctly programmed and get the full benefit from his next correct action or level, whatever that may be. | 2. Что произошло в то время? |
It is possible that some percentage of those who have formerly attested to Clear may need or even request this revised DCSI. | 3. Есть ли что то другое, что произошло в то время и заставило тебя почувствовать что ты стал Дианетическим Клиром? |
Where an attest is valid it is valid. There have been large numbers of correct Clear attests with a resultant upsurge of the case and the person thereafter winning and progressing. | 4. Как ты проходил Дианетику перед тем моментом, когда ты почувствовал что стал Дианетическим Клиром? |
But where any doubt exists as to the validity of an attest the DCSI should be done standardly to clarify the matter for all concerned – and most particularly for the pc. | 5. Как ты проходил Дианетику того момента, когда ты почувствовал что стал Дианетическим Клиром? |
6. Чувствуешь ли ты жизнь по другому после того момента, когда ты почувствовал что стал Дианетическим Клиром и после того момента до настоящего времени (и с тех пор)? | |
When a Dianetic Clear Special Intensive is indicated, this revised Intensive is now the only one to be used for the verification and rehabilitation of the state of Clear, and is only to be delivered by auditors and C/Ses fully qualified to do so. | Если да, то расскажи мне об этом. |
When The Intensive Is Given | 7. Было ли какое то обесценивание твоего заявления относительно Дианетического Клира? (Если да, то кто и что сказал.) |
The Dianetic Clear Special Intensive is designed to sort out and handle the following situations: | 8. Кто то оценивал для тебя предмет Дианетического Клира? (Если да, то кто и что сказал.) |
1. When an item stating the pc has gone Dianetic Clear has read on a C/S 53, GF, L3RG, End of Endless Drug Rundown List or Int RD Correction List or any other prepared list, and the read has been confirmed (i.e. it is not a false or protest read). | 8A. (Если окажется что кто то наводил его на мысль, что он является Дианетическим Клиром или старался сообщить ему КЯ или озарение, проведите кнопки оценено и предложено раннее подобные до П/С и закончите для нового К/С.) |
Such a read is only two-way commed to F/N in the session where the read occurs. It is not Rehabbed, Date/Located or otherwise handled at this point. The person is programmed and signed up for a Dianetic Clear Special Intensive during which he will get the State of Clear, if it exists, fully verified and rehabilitated. | 9. Испытывал ли ты другие изменения в сессии, которые еще не упомянул, и которые ты связываешь с состоянием Клира? |
2. When an individual thinks he is or might be Clear and has originated so. | 10. Кто то обсуждал предмет Дианетического Клира с тобой? |
3. When a person has attested to Dianetic Clear and has not had a formal auditing session to establish it, but has only had a mere D of P interview, and the validity of the attest is not evident per folder study. | (Если да, то соберите детали и натяните струны (pull strings - термин означающий провести расследования для того что бы понять факты, которые кажутся непонимаемыми. См Словарь Менеджмента. Прим. Пер.) что бы больше не было вскармливаний озарений (feeding of cognitions). |
(Trying to audit or rehab in an interview is Out-Tech, a misuse of D of P interviews, and doesn’t verify or rehabilitate the state.) | 11. Ты всегда был Клиром? |
4. Where there has been some attempt made to rehab the state of Dianetic Clear on an individual without use of this Intensive, which didn’t reach the correct end phenomena, or where the person wasn’t doing well after the rehab. | 12. Есть ли что то другое что ты хотел бы сказать относительно Дианетического Клира что еще не было здесь затронуто? |
5. When a person originates or asserts that he is or might be a natural Clear. | К/С может добавить свои вопросы к вышеприведенному по своему усмотрению, но они не должны быть оценивающим им или обесценивающими. |
6. When there is any doubt or uncertainty on the part of the pc or the C/S as to the validity of a former Clear attest (Dianetic Clear or natural Clear), and there is no firm evidence of Clear found after a thorough folder study. This would now be sorted out on the DCSI. | Когда вы имеете все данные по каждому из вопросов для 2СО, завершите сессию и отправьте папку к К/С. Одитор должен включить в предлагаемый им К/С рекомендации относительно того должны ли Шаги II и III проводится в следующей сессии. |
(Note: The Dianetic Clear Special Intensive is not given to a non-Dianetic Clear in order to „audit him up to that state“. Its use is for verification and rehabbing of the state of Clear, per the above.) | ШАГ II: УСЛОВНЫЙ: ДАТА/МЕСТО |
WHO DELIVERS THE DIANETIC CLEAR SPECIAL INTENSIVE | К/С выписывает ШАГ II в этом месте ТОЛЬКО после полного изучения данных полученных на Шаге I и при следующих условиях. |
Only Class IV Graduate auditors and C/Ses (or graduates of the former Senior Class IV Course) or above, who have been specifically trained to deliver the Dianetic Clear Special Intensive are qualified to do so. (Ref: HCOB 3 May 79R, Dianetic Clear Series 7, DIANETIC CLEAR SPECIAL INTENSIVE C/S AND AUDITOR REQUIREMENTS.) | a) Без всяких вопросов было установлено в Шаге I, что пк достиг состояния Дианетического Клира. |
OUTLINE OF PROCEDURE | b) Пк должен сообщить правильные свидетельства что он стал Клиром. |
The following steps now comprise the Dianetic Clear Special Intensive: | c) Пк имеет П/С с ОХП. |
STEP I: BEGINNING STEPS OF THE INTENSIVE | d) Из содержания сессии и показателей пк видно что нет пропущенного заряда относительно состояния Дианетического Клира, которые надо уладить. |
A. FES AND FOLDER STUDY | Будет редкостью что Шаг II будет проводиться на этой стадии интенсива. Обычно Дата/Место делается как последнее действии после Оценочного Списка Интенсива Дианетического Клира. Он включен сюда как условный шаг для того пк, который проявляет все из вышеприведенных показателей после Шага I. |
(Done only if needed, as adjudicated by the C/S after review of the FES and a full folder study.) |
1) Out-Int Handling | |
2) Out-Lists Handling | |
3) Handling Drug Cases | Если все из вышеприведенных показателей (от a до d) не присутствуют или если дело выглядит так что пк имеет какой либо пропущенный заряд, который надо уладить, К/С не назначает ШагII на этой стадии а назначает ШагIII с тем, что бы выполнить Оценочный Список Специального Интенсива Дианетического Клира. |
A. Special Assessment A | |
B. Special Assessment B | |
STEPV: REHAB OF CLEAR (DATE/LOCATE STEP) | Конечными Явлениями Специального Интенсива Дианетического Клира являются ПОЛНОЕ ВОССТАНОВЛЕНИЕ СОСТОЯНИЯ ДИАНЕТИЧЕСКОГО КЛИРА для человека, который достиг Дианетического Клира. |
(Note: This step is not done or attempted if it obvious to the C/S from the results of the preceding steps that the pc has not gone Clear.) | ШАГIV: УСЛОВНЫЙ: ДЛЯ ЧЕЛОВЕКА,КОТОРЫЙ ЕЩЕ НЕ ДОСТИГ ДИАНЕТИЧЕСКОГО КЛИРА. |
STEP VI: CONDITIONAL: HANDLING THE PERSON WHO HASN’T YET ATTAINED CLEAR. | На одном из вышеприведенных шагов этого интенсива может стать ясным что человек не достиг Дианетического Клира. |
DIANETIC CLEAR SPECIAL INTENSIVE PRECLEAR CHECKLIST | После того как это было проверено К/Сом делается следующий шаг. |
HCOB 25 Mar 81, Dianetic Clear Series 6, DIANETIC CLEAR SPECIAL INTENSIVE PRECLEAR CHECKLIST, lists every step of the procedure given below. When the person has purchased the Intensive, a copy of this form is placed in his pc folder. | (Если пк все еще имеет какие то часы оставшиеся от 5 часового интенсива они могут быть использованы К/Сом так как это все еще являются частью интенсива. Если больше часов необходимо, то они , конечно, должны быть куплены.) |
As each step of the Intensive is completed, the auditor and C/S must attest that the step has been done thoroughly or must note on the Checklist that the step was fully done previously. | 1) Дайте пк Р-фактор что он не достиг состояния Дианетического Клира на этой стадии и что он будет программирован с тем что бы он не потерял никакие из достижений на Шкале Ступеней и, таким образом, он будет адекватно подготовлен к уровням Продвинутого Курса |
When all the steps have been done and the C/S has given an Okay to Declare, the folder, with this Checklist included, is routed to the Dir Exams (or Qual Sec). A folder check is made to ensure all the steps have been done correctly to EP with no out tech uncorrected, and each step, when thus verified, is signed off by the Dir Exams or Qual Sec (who must himself be Clear). The pc can then be sent to attest to Clear. | Затем К/С выписывает программу для кейса так что бы это было достигнуто и пк информируется о том, что он он должен продолжить программу одитинга. |
DIANETIC CLEAR SPECIAL INTENSIVE | (Если ему уже было позволено аттестоваться ранее, информировать пк что человек проводивший цикл аттестации не имел всех данных на то время.) |
STEP I: BEGINNING STEPS OF THE INTENSIVE | Если есть расстройство при объявлении этого, то идите к шагу 2, если нет расстройства, переходите к шагу 3. |
A. FES AND FOLDER STUDY | 2) Оцените ЗФ М5 для локализации и улаживания оставшегося заряда. (К/С 53 может быть оценен если он более подходит к ситуации.) |
FES and folder study are included as mandatory steps in the procedure of the Intensive. They are essential to this type of case action. There are instances of these having been omitted in the past where, had they been done, the pc’s correct case condition could have been ascertained at the start. Any needed repair could then have been done before plunging the pc into a verification cycle over a morass of bypassed charge which would render any honest verification difficult if not impossible. | 3) Когда пк имеет ОХП, выясните, есть ли какая то хорошая победа или достигнутая способность, которые он получил. Обычно что-то из этого будет иметь место, тогда получите это и дайте ему хорошее подтверждение. |
Therefore, immediately after the Intensive is purchased, and before any other steps are taken, the first action is a full FES of the pc’s folders so that the C/S has an accurate estimation of the case in general as well as data on any originations or actions taken on the subject of Dianetic Clear. This FES must include examining the person’s past auditing on the subject of Int and L&N lists, because if either of these are out or if the pc has had rough auditing in the past or has been quickied on actions you cannot audit anything else until these are handled. | 4) Отправьте папка к К/С для окончательного решения. Если не будет необходимости в других действиях, К/С отправит пк в Квал для аттестации на его победу и завершение Специального Интенсива Дианетического Клира. |
Additionally, the FES and folder study must examine what drug handling the pc has had and with what result, and the person’s drug history must be known. In order for pcs with heavy drug histories, medical or otherwise, to obtain optimum results from the DCSI, the Purification Rundown and the Survival Rundown (or full Objectives) would need to be done. Otherwise, even though such a pc has had a Drug Rundown, he may have difficulty fully rehabbing the state of Clear. In some cases there may also be delusory drug highs that are being mistaken for a Clear or release state which could make the actual case state difficult to ascertain. | Конечным Результатом Шага IV должен быть человек, который доволен полученными достижениями и который готов продолжать Мост. |
A good FES and folder study will catch such data. It can then be handled by getting the pc through the Purification and Survival Rundowns so that, on the Dianetic Clear Special Intensive, he can attain full resurgence of the state of Clear where it exists. | ПРЕДОСТЕРЕЖЕНИЕ ОТНОСИТЕЛЬНО Д/М |
Full folder study is also a MUST for determining if the pc actually does need a DCSI. | Было обнаружено, что пк, который стал Дианетическим Клиром и который получил в этом месте плохо проведенную Д/М может стать неуверенным относительно того, когда же он достиг этого состояния. Тогда пк может чувствовать что он вовсе не стал Дианетическим Клиром. Он может также быть Естественным Клиром (Natural Clear), и в таком случае, не будет никакого момента для Д/М. |
NOTE: An FES is „second-hand information“ at best, not raw data. The raw data is in the worksheets of the pc folder. Therefore, on an FES done for DCSI purposes it is required hat the FESer cite the session date and worksheet page numbers of major errors or important data and forward the FES to the C/S with the appropriate folders with these session and worksheet pages tabbed. When review in the FES the C/S can then immediately look up these specific worksheets and read the raw data for himself. This assists him in the thorough and searching folder study required before a pc is C/Sed for a DCSI. | (Примечание: Плохо поведенная Д/М должна улаживаться в соответствии с БОХС 15 ноября 78 ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЕ ДАТЫ И МЕСТОПОЛОЖЕНИЯ.) |
Should the FES and folder study reveal Out-Int, Out-L&N lists, unhandled drugs or past rough auditing needing repair, you would not then be able to proceed with the Dianetic Clear Special Intensive until Out-Int, Out-L&N lists, unhandled drugs or rough auditing were repaired. | Вопросы в вышеуказанных сессиях показывают какой тип вопросов должен быть задан для проверки состояния Дианетического Клира или Естественного Клира. Могут быть другие вопросы, которые К/С может задавать в добавлении к этим. Учитывайте, что вы часто можете иметь дело с необученным пк, который не совсем понимает что вы ищите. Безупречный цикл общения является важным для этих сессий и очень гладкие ТУ 3 и ТУ 4 являются необходимыми что бы действительно получить ответы и разъяснения на вопросы как это необходимо. В противном случае вы можете потерять людей, которые действительно достигли этого. С другой стороны эти вопросы устроены так что бы выяснить что же произошло на самом деле , а не для того что бы оценивать или приводит людей на преждевременные аттестации. |
If: 1) Int, or | Вы НЕ ДОЛЖНЫ ОЦЕНИВАТЬ за пк посредством задавания вопросов, которые просят его описать его теперешнее состояние по отношению к банку или умственным образам-картинкам или спрашивания его каковы его способности по отношению к этим умственным образам-картинкам. Правило здесь в том, что бы никоим образом не оценивать, так как это приведет вас и пк к трудностям. |
2) L&N Lists are out, | ГЛАДКАЯ ЛИНИЯ |
sign him up for and deliver the End of Endless Int Repair Rundown or an L&N list repair. (These are sold by 12½ hour intensives, and he would need these actions done any-way before he could proceed up the Bridge.) | Таким образом, сейчас вы имеет это ясно описанным. Теперь вы можете гладко проводить пк через эти проверочные циклы. Важный момент здесь в том, что в не зависимости от результата СПЕЦИАЛЬНОГО ИНТЕНСИВА ДИАНЕТИЧЕСКОГО КЛИРА, каждый человек должен продолжать продвижение и не застревать нигде на Мосту. Есть много достижений которые должны быть получены и с помощью этого интенсива намного больше людей вскоре будут получать удовольствие от высших уровней. |
3) Handling Drug Cases | |
If: a) The pc has a heavy drug history (medical or otherwise), per HCOB 31 Mar 81 „HEAVY DRUG HISTORY“ DEFINED), and | |
b) Has not yet had the Purification Rundown and the Survival Rundown (or full Objectives), | |
he will not be able to rehab the state of Clear easily or even accurately until these Rundowns are done. This has proven to be true even where such pcs have had a Drug Rundown. | |
Therefore, any pc who comes under the above category must be programmed to complete the Purification Rundown and the Survival Rundown before being given the DCSI. (The Drug Rundown is not a prerequisite for the DCSI but for heavy drug cases the other two Rundowns are required.) | |
When a pc requires this prior handling, the following R-factor MUST be given by the DofP (as ordered by the C/S) so that the Purification and Survival Rundowns are not done over unacknowledged or unhandled bypassed charge on the state of Clear if it validly exists: | |
R-FACTOR: „It is acknowledged by the C/S that the state of Clear may very well have been achieved by you. The C/S also wants you to know that as drugs and toxins in the body suppress case gain and proper rehabilitation, the next action you will need are the Purification Rundown and the Survival Rundown. With these Rundowns done the state of clear can more properly verified on the Dianetic Clear Special Intensive. | |
CONDITIONAL: If the pc is not familiar with these Rundowns or if it is unreal to him why these actions would be needed, the D of P gives a further R-factor, using HCOB 11 Oct 80 DRUGS AND THEIR EFFECTS ON AUDITING GAINS. | |
„There is a bulletin on this which you can go over so you will get a very clear understanding of why these actions are needed. “ | |
The D of P then has the pc go over the illustrated bulletin, HCOB 11 Oct 80 DRUGS AND THEIR EFFECTS ON AUDITING GAIN. | |
When this has been done and the pc has a reality on why the Rundowns are necessary, the D of P takes him to the Reg to sign up for his next C/Sed action. If any bad indicators turn up and persist or if the pc ARC breaks and refuses the prerequisites needed for his case, he is routed to Qual for handling. Qual would need to check for Mis-Us, PTSness, or mis-handling of the case that may have occurred, and handle appropriately. This would include giving the pc an ARC break session if needed. | |
4) Past Rough Auditing Repair | |
If past rough auditing shows up in FES and folder study, its handling would be included in the pc’s program along with the Purification and Survival Rundowns (should the pc require these). | |
If the Purification and Survival Rundowns are not required the auditing repair would be done after any needed Int handling or an L&N List repair. The person would be sold 12½ hour intensive, at least, for this purpose. | |
In such a case, the pc must be given the same R-factor as would be given in the case of needed Int Handling or L&N List Repair. | |
Note that the above actions are conditional, based upon what is found on a study of the pc’s folders. Don’t repair unnecessarily, but don’t neglect to get any one of these actions done, if needed, prior to the remaining step of the Intensive. | |
If there is no evidence of Out-Int, Out-L&N Lists, if the pc has no or a fairly light drug history or has done the Purification Rundown and the Survival Rundown (or full Objectives) to good result, and if there is no evidence of past rough auditing, or if these have now been handled, proceed with the Dianetic Clear Special Intensive. | |
This is an essential step of the Intensive for uneducated pcs and is not to be excluded or waived on an assumption that „the pc already knows it“. The C/S would ascertain from folder study whether or not it is required. | |
For those who have had only Dianetic auditing the step is particularly important. Such pcs will usually have had the Dianetic CS-1 but may not be familiar with all the key terms of Scientology, or they may have heard them but have misunderstoods on them. Even though someone has had Scientology auditing there is no guarantee that he has the needed understanding of the most basic Scientology terms. | |
The Intensive cannot be carried out over misunderstoods on basic Scientology terms. The auditor who attempts to do so can run into difficulty on the Assessment Steps or in trying to rehab a release or Clear state. He may wind up in the middle of the Intensive with the pc floundering due to misunderstoods. The correct action is to get the terms cleared first. | |
1. Give the pc the R-factor that you are going to ensure he understands the key words and procedures used in the Intensive so the Intensive goes smoothly for him. | |
2. Do each step of the Scientology Auditing CS-1, per HCOB 15 Jul 78R SCIENTOLOGY AUDITING CS-1, standardly and well. A thorough CS-1 on a previously uneducated or partially educated pc can, by itself, result in excellent gains for the person. | |
3. NOTE: Some persons who have had auditing and/or training may protest that they know the terms and procedures and do not need this step. | |
If by folder summary it is evident the pc has had a CS-1, it is a matter of C/S adjudication as to whether the pc would now need the step or not. The C/S would need to verify that the CS-1 had been thoroughly done and if so he wouldn’t order the procedure repeated needlessly. | |
However, in cases where a CS-1 has never been given or where the CS-1 given was faulty, it is necessary to ensure the pc does get a clear understanding of the terms and procedures with no misunderstoods. The step would be needed, even though the pc, to begin with, may consider it unnecessary. The auditor would need to handle this with excellent TRs and no evaluation or invalidation of the pc. (And if there is BPC on this CS-1 or on an earlier CS-1, repair it using a Word Clearing Correction List, and then complete the CS-1.) | |
When all the actions have been completed and the pc has no questions or misunderstoods or confusions, the Scientology CS-1 is complete. | |
The pc is now ready for Step III of the Intensive. | |
A. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT A: Assess the items in Assessment A by Method 5. If any item reads, go to its corresponding section on the Expanded Green Form 40RE and assess by Method 5 all the questions in that section. Assess the section on the Expanded GF 40RE that corresponds to each reading item. (Ref: HCOB 30 Jun 71RC, Rev. 26.3. 81 EXPANDED GREEN FORM 40RE.) | |
When all sections corresponding to the reading items have been assessed, the C/S and auditor will have a full picture of any resistiveness (should there be such) on the case. | |
If you have C/S okay, take up each reading section on the Expanded GF 40RE in the order in which they are listed. | |
Handle reads per the instructions given for persons whose Clear state is as yet undetermined. | |
Otherwise, return to the C/S for programming. | |
When each reading item on the Expanded GF 40RE has been fully handled per the instructions to its EP and the pc F/Ning and VGIs, this section of the Assessment is complete. | |
At this point, go to Special Assessment B. | |
B. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT B: On Special Assessment B, ensure all the words of the questions have been cleared. | |
Do not assess the list M3 or M5. Instead, clear the question with the pc, noting any read on clearing. | |
Take up any question which reads on clearing. Handle it per instructions. | |
On any question which does not read on clearing, simply check it on the meter for read. Handle it if it reads. Otherwise, go on to the next question. | |
Handle all the questions on the list in this fashion. | |
If the list is heavily charged, it should be assessed M3 at this point. | |
After all reads are handled and the pc is VGIs, Step III of the Intensive is complete. | |
With C/S okay, proceed to Step IV of the Intensive. | |
(Ref: | |
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On this step any specific former release states the pc has attained are rehabilitated. | |
While the majority of these may be releases achieved on processes run, it should also be remembered that a person can go release on a subject or an activity, in training and life. These would be valid release points and if offered up by the pc the auditor would rehab them. Note: Any such release point must be recognized for what it is and handled as such, not treated as major declare on a Grade or Level. (Ref. HCOB 30 Aug 80, KSW Series 24, WINS, „STATES“ AND CHART DECLARE.) | |
The auditor must be fully familiar with rehab tech, as contained in HCOB 19 Dec 80 REHAB TECH as well as the HCOBs on release and rehabbing contained in the Tech Volumes. He must be checked out and drilled to competency in rehabbing smoothly. He and the pc should understand the theory and principle of rehabs. (Additionally, the auditor must be fully familiar with and checked out on HCOB 30 Aug 80, KSW Series 24, WINS, „STATES“ AND GRADE CHART DECLARES.) | |
1. Ensure the pc’s ruds are in before any rehab is undertaken. | |
2. R-Factor. Give the pc the following R-Factor: | |
„On this step of the Intensive we are going to rehabilitate any former states of release you may have attained. Getting such states found, identified properly as to what they are, acknowledged and validated, is an important step on the Intensive, as it separates these out from any point or moment of achieving Clear. When that has been done, the steps to verify the state of Clear go much more smoothly. “ | |
3. Indoctrination: The pc will have cleared the words: RELEASE, REHAB, KEY-IN, KEY-OUT on the Scientology CS-l. However, he should now be fully indoctrinated for this step of the DCSI per HCOB 19 Dec 80, REHAB TECH, specifically the following sections: „Indoctrinating the pc“, page 5, and „Rehabbing Former Releases“ on page 14 of that issue. | |
Clear with the pc that you will be rehabbing any former release points he has had in life as well as any former releases in auditing, etc. (Use the section „Rehabbing Former Releases“ in HCOB 19 Dec 80, REHAB TECH.) | |
Clear SUPPRESS, INVALIDATE, ASSERTED and UNACKNOWLEDGED, as the pc will need to understand these terms to correctly do the procedure. If he has previously cleared these, check his understanding of them. | |
Finally, clear with the pc that you will be using the meter to assist him only as necessary, should he have any difficulty in locating the time of a release. You want his data (which would then be verified by meter read). You will only be resorting to meter dating (using the dating drill, EM Drill 22) when the pc is totally unable to come up with the date himself, or unable to locate it by significance or location. | |
4. Fully rehab all former releases the pc has validly attained. | |
When this step has been completed, with all former releases rehabbed, the pc will be well set up for the final Intensive step, if it is to be done. | |
5. Turn the folder in to the C/S for – an okay to go on to Step V of the Intensive, Rehab of Clear. | |
When doing a rehab of a former release, if it is not going to an F/N one may find there is an out rud over which the rehab is being done. This can be: | |
a) An out rud on the subject being rehabbed. | |
b) An out rud on something before or after the release. | |
c) An out rud in the session. | |
The auditor would find the out rud and handle it, at which point the rehab should go easily to F/N. So one must check for out ruds when a rehab is not going smoothly. Also note that the fact you’ve F/Ned the ruds does not necessarily mean you have completed the rehab, so complete the rehab once the ruds are in. | |
(Ref: | |
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NOTE: This step is not done or attempted if it is obvious to the C/S from the results of the preceding steps that the person has not gone Clear (or if the person himself has originated that he actually is not yet Clear). | |
The person, in a former session or in the preceding steps, must have voiced the proper evidences of Clear. This may be stated in different ways by different pcs, but if the pc has stated it in some version it will be recognizable by a C/S who knows his materials on the subject. | |
The C/S must ensure the pc has validly attained the state of Clear before any rehab of it is undertaken. To not let someone attest Clear who has actually made it is a very serious error, but it is equally serious to declare someone Clear who has not made it. So it is essential to „know before you go“. | |
This step is done ONLY: | |
A. When all other steps of the Intensive have been properly completed. | |
B. When you have C/S okay to proceed with it. | |
When A and B are certainties: | |
1. Ensure the pc’s ruds are in before beginning the action. Do not attempt to rehab Clear over out ruds. | |
2. Using the exact procedure in HCOB 15 Nov 78 DATING AND LOCATING, Date/Locate the point the pc attained the state of Clear. | |
CONDITIONAL: If the pc has a bit of confusion between several possible times when he may have gone Clear. , Date/Locate each one of these. | |
This does not mean that the pc himself has actually gone Clear more than once. It means only that he may have the actual time of his going Clear confused with other points of big wins, etc. (Realize that at this point you are still working with a fairly complex being. Ref: HCOB 30 Jul 80 THE NATURE OF A BEING.) | |
Each Date/Locate would, of course, need to be done correctly, but if on the first D/L you don’t get the full EP and resurgence of Clear, Date/Locate the next possible time the pc has given (with no evaluation or invalidation of the first D/L done). | |
When you have correctly Date/Located the moment the pc actually went Clear you will get a full resurgence of the state, with no uncertainty on the part of the pc; a floating, floppy needle or floating TA with the pc VVGIs. When this is achieved, that’s it. Do not do anything but indicate the F/N and gently end off the session. No „ask or say?“. Simply end the session smoothly. Get the folder to the C/S for an okay to Declare. | |
D/L Caution | |
It has been found that a pc who has gone Dianetic Clear, and who then receives a messed up D/L of the point, may become uncertain as to when he actually did achieve this state. At this point the pc may feel that he didn’t go Clear after all. | |
A messed up Date/Locate must be handled by an auditor skilled in the action, per HCOB 15 Nov 78 DATING AND LOCATING. | |
When that occurs, the C/S may send the pc to attest to the „State of Clear“. | |
Now and then the full resurgence of Clear may occur on Step III (Special Assessment Step) or Step IV (Rehab of Former Releases) with ALL INDICATORS present as listed under „End Phenomena“ above. Should this occur, the session would be gently ended and the folder sent to the C/S. If a valid EP with full resurgence of Clear has been attained, the C/S would then send the pc to attest to completion of the DCSI and to declare the „State of Clear“. | |
If all the steps of the Intensive have been properly carried out with evidence that the pc has in fact gone Clear and the pc, on the Rehab of Clear Step, is having difficulty finding a moment in this lifetime when he went Clear and if the pc is in the correct age bracket, the auditor may ask if he might have gone Clear in a lifetime since the development of Dianetics and Scientology. If it indicates, the Date/Locate step would be done on the time the pc offers up. (Note: One would not simply ask about a „past“ lifetime, as he would have had to be run on Dianetics or Scientology for this to occur.) The pc should have good recall on this if it is valid. When this is done the procedure is carried out exactly as given in Step V, to full EP with resurgence of the state. | |
On the Date/Locate step, should it turn out, even after handling by an auditor skilled at metering and at Date/Locating, that there is no Clear date for the pc (as stated above), but all the evidences of Clear are present, at the adjudication of the C/S the preclear may be asked:„Have you always been Clear?“. A blowdown, F/N on the question should settle the matter, at that point. With all the evidence of the EP there, the pc can then be sent to attest to „The State of Clear“. | |
NOTE that this will be extremely rare, as there are very few who have always been Clear. (HCOB 5 Mar 79RA, Dianetic Clear Series 11, DIANETIC CLEAR FALSE DECLARES.) | |
If this were to occur, the pc would attest and would be programmed standardly for his next Grade Chart actions. (Refs: HCOB 29 Aug 80, KSW Series 23, HOW NOT TO MISS OUT ON GAINS FROM YOUR AUDITING, and HCOB 1 Dec 78R, Dianetic Clear Series 10, PROGRAMMING THE DIANETIC CLEAR FOR HIS NEXT STEP.) | |
A. During the Dianetic Clear Special Intensive you may find that the person has no interest in the questions, that he is there to become Clear and didn’t go Clear in past auditing. You may encounter crashing misunderstood words on the subject of Clear or auditing, despite the fact the person has been given a Scn CS-l at the start of the Intensive. (This could only occur if the Scn CS-l had been skimped or improperly done, or carried out over a crashing misunderstood.) | |
In such a case you would bridge him over to his next auditing step. Don’t make him wrong for having bought the Dianetic Clear Special Intensive, but see that he gets onto a proper program and uses the remainder of his purchased hours to get that much closer to Clear. | |
The correct program is determined by the C/S and may require a review of the Scientology CS-1, the Dianetic CS-l and/or the crashing misunderstood found and cleaned up. Depending upon the case and previous actions or rundowns completed, it might also include the Purification Rundown, Survival Rundown; Drug Rundown and/or NED (New Era Dianetics). At the end of his purchased hours, the pc would be sent to the Registrar to sign up for any further hours or intensives needed to complete. | |
B. Also; at some point during the steps of the Intensive, it may become obvious to the C/S (even if not to the pc him-self) that the pc hasn’t yet attained Clear. | |
Once this has been adjudicated by the C/S, the following step is done. (If the pc still has any hours remaining from his intensive, they would be used for this C/S as it is still part of the Intensive. As more hours are needed they would of course have to be purchased.) | |
1. Have the D of P give the pc the R-factor that he hasn’t attained the state of Clear at this point and that he is being programmed so as not to be denied any of the gains on the Grade Chart, as in this way he will be adequately prepared to do Advance Course Levels. The C/S then programs the case so that this can occur and the pc is informed he should continue with his auditing program. (If he had already been allowed to attest earlier, he is informed that the person handling the attest cycle didn’t have all the data at that time. His false attest would also, of course, be canceled. Ref: HCOB 31 Aug 80, KSW Series 25, PROGRAMMING AND HANDLING CASES WHO HAVE BEEN QUICKIED OR FALSELY DECLARED.) | |
Note:The R-factor must be given with NO invalidation of the pc or his case state. Ideally, the C/S would word the R-factor to be given to the pc. It would be a simple, honest, straightforward R-factor and should include encouragement to the pc to continue on the program made up for him. | |
If there is any upset on this indication, go to step 2 or step 3 as necessary. If no upset, go to step 4 if it is applicable. | |
2. Assess a GF M5 to locate and handle the remaining charge. (An L1C may be assessed if more appropriate.) | |
3. CONDITIONAL: Should the pc experience a heavy loss at learning that he has not yet attained Clear and it does not resolve on #2 above, the loss can be run out Narrative R3RA. All reading flows Triple or Quad should be run when this is done. | |
CAUTION: Realize, however, that if the loss to the pc is severe and the pc caves in there is probably something wrong with the indication. This is based on the technical rule that the correct item or correct indication will bring about a bettered condition whereas a wrong item or wrong indication will cause a worsening of the pc’s case. Should this occur, the folder and the steps of the DCSI must be re-reviewed, as it is possible that an actual state of Clear has been invalidated for the pc. | |
4. CONDITIONAL: If appropriate (depending upon the results of the Rehab of Former Release Step), find out if there is some release point or gain of ability or other valid win he has achieved. There will usually be one, so get it and give him a good acknowledgment. | |
5. Send the folder to the C/S for adjudication on the completion of the DCSI. Unless other actions are necessary, C/S will have the pc sent to Qual to write a Success Story and attest to completion of the Dianetic Clear Special Intensive. | |
The end result of Step VI should be a person who feels good about the gains he has made and who is eager to continue up the Bridge. | |
The above are the full steps contained in the Dianetic Clear Special Intensive as revised. | |
An excellent comm cycle is essential in these sessions, and very smooth TR 3 and TR 4 are needed to really get your questions answered and clarified as necessary. Otherwise you may lose people who have actually made it. On the other hand, the questions are geared to find out what actually did occur and not to evaluate or lead a person into a premature attestation. | |
The questions on these steps are the ONLY questions permitted on the Dianetic Clear Special Intensive. Two-Way Comm (other than as specifically indicated in handling assessment questions, etc.). is not part of the Intensive. | |
You MUST NOT EVALUATE for a pc by asking questions that ask him to describe his current case state in relation, to his bank or mental image pictures, or asking him what his abilities are in relation to his mental image pictures. The rule here is not to evaluate at all as it will only lead you and the pc into trouble. | |
If all indicators point to the fact that the pc did go Clear but the state does not fully rehab and the pc does not experience a full resurgence of Clear when all the Intensive steps have been done, something is out. Smoothly end the session and turn the folder in’ to the C/S. The outness in the DCSI will have to be located and repaired and the Date/Locate step checked for correctness and repaired if necessary (per HCOB 15 Nov 78 DATING AND LOCATING) if full resurgence of the state is to be attained. | |
A Clear who is sent to Qual to attest to the State following the Dianetic Clear Special Intensive is issued the standard Clear Certificate by Certs and Awards, which reads: | |
The standard Certificate bears no qualifying statement of the State such as „Dianetic Clear“ and it is not to be altered to bear any such statement. Clear is Clear. | |
The standard Certificate is that authorized and obtainable at the Publications Org and is the only certificate to be issued to anyone attesting to Clear. It is the responsibility of the Department of Certificates and Awards, in the Qualifications Division, to ensure this. (Ref: HCO PL 31 Jul 65 PURPOSE OF THE QUALIFICATIONS DIVISION.) | |
(Ref: | |
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When the Dianetic Clear Special Intensive has been fully and standardly completed, the person must be programmed for his next correct action on the Grade Chart in order to ensure he misses none of the Grades or actions required for him to make it on the OT Levels. | |
Such programming must be done for any person attesting to Clear as well as for those who haven’t yet attained the state. | |
The person is then advised of his next correct step. | |
With the newly revised Dianetic Clear Special Intensive we can get pcs and pre-OTs at this level through the verification steps for Clear attest more smoothly and accurately than ever. | |
An important point here is that whatever the outcome of the DIANETIC CLEAR SPECIAL INTENSIVE, each individual should continue right along and not get parked somewhere on the Bridge. | |
If we are to create a sane and an able society, we need greater numbers of individuals moving up the Grade Chart with a firm reality on each Level they complete. | |
This newly improved Intensive and the correct programming of each pc and pre-OT following the Intensive will help to bring that about. Together they provide a set of powerful tools for use in Keeping Scientology Working. | |
Use them well. | |
Founder | |