из серии ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНЫЙ КУРС АВТОР Л. РОН ХАББАРД Материал из аудиолекции | |
1. Тета, действуя в физической вселенной, можно сказать, что делает две вещи: можно сказать, что ОНО СУЩЕСТВУЕТ и можно сказать, что ОНО ПОЛУЧАЕТ и ЗАПИСЫВАЕТ ВПЕЧАТЛЕНИЯ от физической вселенной. Тогда разум можно описать как начальное и постоянно повторяемое решение СУЩЕСТВОВАТЬ + множество записанных впечатлений о физической вселенной, которые используются для управления физической вселенной. Однако, хотя это описание полезно, оно вводит в заблуждение, когда применяется к живому человеку, так как разум живого человека, по-видимому, состоит из более чем одного СУЩЕСТВА и, соответственно, из более чем одного набора записанных впечатлений. | |
2. Существа, составляющие разум человека, здесь называются СУЩНОСТЯМИ. Их можно рассматривать как отдельных людей с отдельными прошлыми жизнями и воспоминаниями, хотя у них может быть много общих или различных воспоминаний с другими сущностями, которые являются частями того же разума. Одна сущность может быть актером в определенном опыте, другая сущность может присутствовать только в качестве наблюдателя, в то время как третья может вообще не осознавать этот опыт, и все три сущности могут быть частями разума одного и того же человека. | |
3. Мы можем начать наше перечисление и описание сущностей, составляющих человеческий разум, с той сущности, которая наименее удивительна - соматической сущности. Соматическая сущность - это существо, которое продолжает эволюцию организма, следуя генетической линии. В состав соматической сущности входят все эпицентры организма. Соматическая сущность независима от протоплазменной линии - бессмертной органической линии, без которой ни один организм, кроме самых простых, не появляется, но в большинстве случаев она следует по пути этого бесконечного потока органической жизни. Мы можем предположить, что определенная соматическая сущность может иметь имя Смит во многих последующих организмах. | |
This is a demonstration to show you, first, one of the methods of auditing effort and counter-effort. I want to show you a particular trick in the use of effort and counter-effort. | Интересно размышлять о взаимоотношении между соматической сущностью и протоплазменной линией. Вероятно, наиболее близким подходом на данный момент является представление соматической сущности как индивидуума, который умело катает множество обручей, бегая по дороге. Он был бы капитаном компании маленьких жизненных организмов - клеток, особенно репродуктивных клеток - в организме. Другие соматические сущности могут стоять рядом с дорогой, ожидая, когда некоторые из этих обручей отцепятся в результате размножения, и намереваясь взять их под своё руководство и катать, когда они отцепятся от обручей первой сущности. Можно предположить, что группа сущностей Смит берет на себя заботу о линии Смита, пока хватает обручей Смита для всех, или они могут призывать помощь из других мест или делиться, когда размножение создает слишком много обручей Смита. |
It so happens when an individual receives a pain, or which is to say, he's got effort faced with counter-effort, he will give attention to that spot. This is a mechanism the body operates on. When you are hurt, you give your attention to what is hurting you. If you fail to do this, you won't survive as a physical body. The body won't survive, and this is nonsurvival. | Конечно, эти обручи имеют свое собственное некоторое движение вперед. Они содержат достаточно теты, чтобы продолжать свою жизнь как клетки в течение некоторого времени, но их организация в более полноценные организмы зависит от руководящей роли соматической сущности. Если они оставлены самим себе, они скоро замедлятся и погибнут (смерть клетки). Если они оставлены самим себе в группах (люди), они замедлятся и развалятся (смерть более сложного организма). |
So, there is what is known as a threshold of pain. This translates into the degree of attention which is attracted to the body. Pain becomes unbearable. The moment of unbearableness of pain is when all of one's attention goes into the effort to hold it back - pain is unbearable at that point. | Можно предположить, что соматическая сущность для животного и человека вполне схожа. Разница заключается только в том, что соматическая сущность человека будет "больше" и у неё больше работы. |
After that point, one keeps his attention there but surrenders to it. So there's actually a precise point of effort-counter-effort where one distracts all of his attention to that point. | Те эпизоды, которые контролируются преклирами, типа Boo-Hoo, Митоз, Помощник и т.д., которые находятся на генетической линии, являются частью памяти соматической сущности. |
And you'll find out that any sharp or severe counter-effort which a person has received in the past has invited his attention to that spot. In other words, his effort to do something about this counter-effort has gone to that spot. Therefore, in facsimiles you find that the attention assigned by the facsimile is toward the exact point of the counter-effort, and the action is toward arresting the counter-effort. | 4. Разум составляют ещё три или четыре класса сущностей, помимо соматической сущности. Соматическая сущность далека от полного контроля над разумом, хотя, подходящим образом, как и любая другая сущность, она может временно принять командование. |
Therefore, you actually have to distract the person's attention from the counter-effort in order to do something about the facsimile. The counter-effort is not going to come in any further. It's simply not going to come in any further as long as the preclear's attention remains there. | 5. Сущность, которая занимает высшую позицию в разуме, называется тэтаном или THETAN. Тэтан - это истинное "Я" индивидуума. Это существо, которое могло бы командовать разумом человека, будь он полностью селф-детерминирован. Тем не менее, тэтан не является командующим даже большую часть времени для большинства людей. |
Now, almost anyone in the normal band is engaged in holding back quite a few counter-efforts. All you have to do to convince a person of this is to say, "Now let's feel alive in your foot. Now let's feel alive in the other foot. Now let's feel alive in the right ear. Now let's feel alive in the left ear." And all of a sudden, bop! He - you will have gotten his attention off of some old facsimile, some counter-effort, that he has experienced in the past. And when you do, it will come in on him a little bit more. | 6. Как тэтан теряет командование? Это простое дело постулирования непродолжения существования - тема, о которой ранее было сказано много в рамках текстов этой серии. Когда тэтан сталкивается с очень сложной ситуацией, он может спостулировать, что не может продолжать и просто "забывается" или "уходит спать". Это фактически постулат о смерти с точки зрения организма. Если бы тэтан был единственной сущностью, управляющей организмом, такому постулату, вероятно, последовал бы смертный исход организма. Однако организм сразу же берется под контроль другой сущностью, и таким образом продолжает жить. |
Well, of course, you want this counter-effort to exhaust, and it's never going to exhaust as long as the individual has his attention centered on it. Of course! | 7. Тэтан, по-видимому, сосуществует с сущностью, которая почти равна ему, но не совсем. Эту сущность можно назвать ПАРТНЁРОМ. |
Now, the concentration of attention on counter-effort is the main mechanism of estimating what to do with effort. And when it gets up to the degree of pain - heavy counter-effort - attention becomes fixed. | 8. Любая сущность может взять верх над организмом и существовать в качестве целого организма, но каждая сущность имеет свое собственное положение, в котором она, как правило, действует. |
If you've ever watched anybody being subjected to pain, you'll have - see that they fixed their attention on the point of impact of the pain and then successively, immediately after that, failed to keep their attention there, and their attention began to wander. And it wandered too much. They just went all over the place. Their body writhes and so forth - their attention goes all over the place. | 9. Тэтан занимает позицию в голове, обращенный вперед. |
Well, these things, conditions, exist in facsimiles. So in some facsimiles the pain is so intense and the counter-effort has come in so far that a person's entire and complete attention is wandering. It's all over already. And what you're going to try to do to resolve that counter-effort is get him to fix his attention on the counter-effort itself. And when you can fix his attention on it, then something will happen to the counter-effort and it will change. | 10. Партнер занимает позицию в голове, обращенный назад. |
But when the person's attention in the facsimile is riveted on the counter-effort, you've got to get his attention off the counter-effort in order to get the counter-effort to work out. | 11. Следующая сущность - ПРАВАЯ ВНУТРИ или ПРАВАЯ ВНУТРИСТОРОННЯЯ сущность. |
Now, therefore, as an auditor you have to either try to attract your preclear's attention to where the counter-effort is, or get his attention off of where the counter-effort is. If he's very low on the Tone Scale, it will be a matter of trying to attract enough attention to the point of the counter-effort that he can do something about it - that you can do something about it and drive it out, exhaust it and get the effort and counter-effort out of the facsimile. | 12. Следующая сущность - ЛЕВАЯ ВНУТРИ или ЛЕВАЯ ВНУТРИСТОРОННЯЯ сущность. |
But if he's up the Tone Scale, his own effort is more and more fixed - his attention is more and more fixed in that facsimile on the counter-effort. | 13. Далее идет сущность ЖИВОТА (stomach). |
If you want to run an experiment on this, just follow it out on the basis of "Let's feel your attention in your left foot. Let's feel your attention in your right foot. Let's feel your attention in your right hand. Let's feel your attention in your left hand." And first thing you know, the individual will have a counter-effort come through on him. | 14. Еще две сущности - ЛЕВАЯ СНАРУЖИ или ЛЕВАЯ БОРТОВАЯ сущность и ПРАВАЯ СНАРУЖИ или ПРАВАЯ БОРТОВАЯ сущность. |
The counter-effort will happen in two ways: If he's low on the Tone Scale, at the moment you put the attention on his left hand, if the counter-effort is actually running through his left hand, when his attention goes on the left hand, he will find the counter-effort there. And he'll suddenly experience a pain in his left hand. He, for the first time, is experiencing this counter-effort which has been going through him for a long, long time in the facsimile. On other people, you start shifting their . attention around and suddenly the counter-effort will come through. | 15. Последней по статусу является верная СОМАТИЧЕСКАЯ сущность. |
Well, by fixing and unfixing the person's attention on various parts of the body, by working them back and forth, back and forth, and around and around, getting their attention off and on to the part that is being affected, you will be able to exhaust the effort and counter-effort out of the facsimile and render that facsimile null and void. You can also run emotional curves until the facsimile is null and void, because it's emotion that is actually causing this person to hold on to it. Okay. | 16. Теперь возникает вопрос: если соматическая сущность - это единственная, которая тесно связана с генетической линией организма, когда другие сущности присоединяются к организму? Самым точным ответом, который можно дать на данный момент, является то, что тетан и другие основные сущности присоединяются к организму непосредственно перед рождением. Две внешние сущности, однако, кажется, добавляются после рождения, хотя на данный момент мало доказательств на эту тему было исследовано. |
Now I want to give another demonstration here. | 17. Помимо тетана, партнера и основных сущностей, а также соматической сущности, могут существовать еще несколько второстепенных сущностей, называемых НЕАКТИВНЫМИ СУЩНОСТЯМИ. |
LRH: Do you have any counter-efforts hitting you? Right now? | Они присоединяются к организму по приглашению какой-либо основной сущности. Кажется, что они собираются самой сущностью с целью продолжения жизненного континуума. Если индивид, под властью определенной сущности, совершает оверт, убивая кого-то, то по приглашению этой «активной» сущности, от жертвы может присоединиться к его организму некая сущность и стать его частью (ред.: новым компаньоном). Это приглашение будет иметь целью продолжить жизнь жертвы и "доказать", что в конечном счете оверта не совершалось. (прим.ред.: механика Жизненного континуума). |
PC: Yeah. Yeah. | Неактивные сущности характеризуются определенным упадническим состоянием. По-видимому, у них не хватает достаточной силы, чтобы быть способными управлять организмом и поэтому они бездельничают, плывут по течению, подчиняясь призывам. |
LRH: Face? | 18. Любая из основных сущностей может иметь другой организм, или МЭСТ-тело, помимо того, которым владеет «данный» индивидуум. Как мы видели в предыдущих демонстрациях, сущность может иметь тело на другой планете. |
PC: No. | 19. Таким образом, у нас есть два вида совместного существования: один организм может быть заселен множеством сущностей, и одна сущность может обитать в нескольких организмах. |
Commentator: Drop of one full point. | 20. Любая сущность, населяющая организм, способна порождать соматику в этом организме. Это должно указывать на бессмысленность предпринимания процедуры одитинга, направленной исключительно на избавление от соматик, не уделяя внимания мыслям, эмоциям и усилиям. Соматики могут быть исключены, но их число почти бесконечно, поскольку каждая сущность может иметь миллионы соматик, чтобы быть чрезмерно консервативным. |
LRH: Chest? | 21. Разные сущности реагируют на разных одиторов. По этой причине дело, которое находится на одитинге у одного одитора, скажем, мужчины, может претерпеть значительные изменения при одитинге у другого одитора, скажем, женщины. Если одитор понимает, почему это происходит, он может предпринять меры для исправления ситуации. |
PC: No. LRH: Knees? | 22. Иногда одитор может обнаружить, что он проводит одитинг инцидента, в котором преклир находится вне вейланса. Преклир является наблюдателем, наблюдающим, как организм переживает опыт. В действительности одитор проводит одитинг сущности, которая осознавала опыт, но не контролировала организм во время опыта. |
PC: No. | 23. Студенты второго и третьего года обучения с легкостью узнают знакомые им старые явления, которые объясняются более выгодно в свете новых явлений, выявленных в более поздних исследованиях. Во всех этих теориях, по мере их развития, ум остается прежним. Мы просто получаем все более ясное представление о нем по мере продвижения. И по мере улучшения представления, улучшаются и результаты. |
LRH: Feet? | 24. Множество явлений, которые ранее наблюдались и затем оценивались в соответствии с предыдущими теориями, теперь требуют повторной оценки в свете этой новой теории. Некоторые из них включают Файл-клерк, Вейлансы и Контуры. |
PC: No. Back up a little bit. Gluteus maximus. | 25. Если одитор просит преклира дать первый ответ, который приходит ему в голову в форме ответа "да" или "нет", числа или имени, как только одитор щелкнет пальцами, преклир может предоставить информацию, которую ранее не мог сообщить. Это явление называется явлением Файл Клерка. Более поздние исследования и теории предполагают, что "ответы Файл-клерка" являются решениями проблем, предлагаемыми тетаном, который функционирует на пониженном уровне осознания, но все еще обладает достаточным осознанием, чтобы время от времени отменять указания главной сущности, особенно когда он получает прямой вопрос от одитора. |
Commentator: Needle continues to drop. | 26. Контур - это теоретический элемент, описываемый как часть разума, разделенного на отсеки постулатом, подкреплённым болью, выступающей в качестве другого личности в рамках разума. (В ещё более раннем определении вместо "постулата" использовалось слово "фраза", но поскольку фраза является только контр-усилием, если не сопровождается постулатом, присутствие постулата было понятно.) Это определение теперь улучшилось. Оно улучшилось настолько, что слово "контур" больше не является необходимым в словаре одитора. Теперь контур можно рассматривать как сущность ("часть разума... разделенная... выступающая в качестве другого человека внутри разума..."), находящуюся не в настоящем времени (под влиянием постулата, подкрепляемого болью). Сущность, находящаяся вне текущего времени. Новое определение упрощает старое, уточняет его и делает слово "контур" устаревшим. |
LRH: The gluteus maximus. | 27. Некоторые сущности находятся вне настоящего времени. Когда они берут контроль над организмом или конфликтуют с сущностью, которая находится в контроле, постулаты, которые удерживают их вне настоящего времени и которые присутствуют в событиях, в которых они запутаны, входят в мышление организма. |
PC: Penicillin shot. (laugh) | Когда психотичная сущность, находящаяся вне настоящего времени, берет контроль над организмом, организм становится психотичным. Тетан уходит на время, и мы говорим, что "Я" этого индивида исчезло. |
LRH: Oh, you got a penicillin shot. | 28. Вейланс - это имитация другого человека. Много общего между артистом водевиля, который имитирует Лайонела Бэрримора, и индивидуумом, который принял личность своего умершего дедушки. Основное отличие заключается в том, что артист водевиля на несколько мгновений принимает личность Лайонела Бэрримора, осознанно, с целью развлечения публики, а другой индивидуум принимает личность своего умершего дедушки на протяжении нескольких лет (или даже столетий) "неосознанно", с целью продолжения жизни дедушки и доказательства того, что совершенный им оверт действительно не произошел, так как дедушка на самом деле не мертв. Эта имитация будет осуществляться одной из сущностей индивидуума. |
PC: Yeah. | 29. Вэйланс представляет собой только имитацию. Про индивида больше не скажешь "вне своего собственного вэйланса", про состояние, когда его тэтан не находится в управлении, поскольку понятие сущностей избавляет слово вэйланс от двойной функции. (Ранее "вэйланс" означал как саму имитацию, так и сущность, которая осуществляет имитацию, что вызывало некоторое недоразумение.) Индивид не имитирует сам себя, он Является самим собой. Вэйланс становится исключительно и просто имитацией. Различные сущности индивида имитируют различных других людей. Он меняет свой вэйланс, меняя сущности. Или, если он артист водевиля, он меняет вэйланс, решив имитировать сначала одного человека, а затем другого. |
LRH: On one side of the gluteus maximus? | 30. Эта тема вэйланса, касающаяся актера, всегда вызывала большой интерес у многих людей. Что же делает актер, когда он "становится своей ролью"? Почему некоторые актеры выходят на сцену или перед камерой, хорошо и убедительно исполняют свою роль, а затем сразу же снимают с себя созданный персонаж? Почему другие "погружаются в свои роли" так глубоко, что иногда следы персонажа, которого они сыграли, остаются с ними и после этого? Мы говорим о том, что один актер, "Джонс может играть любую роль, которую ему дадут. Он хороший мастер своего дела." Мы говорим о другом актере, "Эльза - великая актриса. Она становится персонажем. Она живет своей ролью." Мы говорим о третьем, "С тех пор, как Джукс сыграл роль Корсиканского бандита, он носит меч, даже дома." Что вызывает эти различия? Возможно, мы сможем приблизиться к объяснению ближе, чем кто-либо до нас. Мы можем сказать, что Джонс сознательно принимает идентности, подобно артисту водевиля, и быстро их отбрасывает. Он хорошо владеет имитацией. У него хорошо под контролем его факсимиле. Эльзе, с другой стороны, может быть менее успешно управлять своими факсимиле. Ее "величие" может происходить от того, что она дает команду сущности, которая имеет вэйланс или которая Является персонажем, очень похожим на тот, которого она должна играть. Эта сущность может оставаться в команде на протяжении всего спектакля, значительно изменяя характер Эльзы на это время. После спектакля она может сказать себе: "Ну, я закончила с этим персонажем! Уф! Какое облегчение! Иногда мне действительно казалось, что я Лукреция Борджиа!" И она может успешно вернуть себя-тэтана или какую-то другую сущность к командованию. Бедному Джуксу, однако, приходится отдавать команду какой-то сущности, чтобы воспользоваться личностью этой сущности или неким вейлансом, на который она способна, и затем ему не удается вытеснить эту сущность из роли главного-командующего. И он носит меч даже дома. Многие актеры делают это. Иногда это великий успех. |
PC: On the right half - the right half. | 31. Задачей одитора является восстановление полного селф-детерминизма тетана. |
LRH: On the right half. Put your attention on the left half. | 32. Все сущности, отличные от тетана, были привлечены в "семейный круг" самим тетаном или теми сущностями, которых до этого привлёк сам тэтан. Тетан согласился иметь эти сущности. Если полный селф-детерминизм будет восстановлена у тетана, ему уже не придется иметь эти сущности. |
PC: Put my attention on the left half. | 33. Когда одитор одитирует преклира, у которого определенная сущность находится в команде, одитор, по сути, одитирует эту сущность. |
LRH: Put your attention on the left half. | 34. Одитор может выбрать, какую сущность он хочет одитировать. |
PC: That's a little difficult to do. | 35. Цель одитора при проведении одитинга сущности, отличной от тетана, состоит в том, чтобы очистить путь для одитинга тетена. |
LRH: Well, let's put your attention now on the top of your head. | 36. Если другая сущность находится «у руля», одитор может быть вынужден привести эту сущность в настоящее время, прежде чем он сможет продвинуться далеко с тетаном. Эта процедура приведет к тому, что преклир выйдет из более или менее психотического состояния мышления и перейдет к сравнительной рациональности. |
PC: Okay. | 37. Некоторые сущности будут иметь тела в других местах, которые придется оставить. |
LRH: Let's put your attention on your right foot. | 38. Если сущность застряла в инциденте, эту сущность можно освободить, проходя инцидент обычным способом, с мыслями, эмоциями и усилием. Если сущность слишком плохо осознает происходящее, чтобы пройти через инцидент, тетан, работая с одитором, может с помощью усилия протащить эту сущность через инцидент. |
Commentator: Needle is now rising back to the original position. (pause) Needle continues to rise. | 39. Успешное и неуспешное самоодитингование может быть определено одним фактором: каково намерение сущности, занимающейся одитингом, в отношении индивида? Чего желает достичь эта сущность? Если это тетан, который научился одитировать, можно достичь очень хороших результатов. Но если это аберрированная сущность, которая была контролируема и контролируема и контролируема, пока единственной оставшейся целью для нее не стало контролирование и порабощение любого организма, попавшего в её когти, результаты одитинга могут быть ужасными. |
LRH: Left foot. | 40. Любой кейс, который не проходит легко для одитора, скорее всего не находится под контролем тетана. Другие сущности должны быть удалены с пути, прежде чем кейс станет легким. Нет необходимости клировать эти сущности, нужно привести их в настоящее время и помочь тетану взять под свой контроль организм. |
Commentator: It's still rising. | 41. Некоторые кейсы ранее назывались "вне вейланса". Это означало, что они не были "самими собой". Сейчас мы бы сказали, что одна сущность ранее находилась "у руля", а теперь другая сущность находится "у руля". Одитор, неизбежно, проводит одитинг сущности, которая сейчас находится в управлении. Если он попытается провести преклира через инцидент, произошедший, когда предыдущая сущность была "у руля", он обнаружит, что преклир воспоминает этот инцидент так, будто он был только наблюдателем — чем эта сущность собственна тогда и являлась. |
LRH: You gotten a somatic in that puncture yet? | 42. Одитор должен знать, какую сущность он одитирует, чтобы знать, что он делает. Точность в определении, какая сущность проходит одитинг, в большинстве случаев зависит от использования Э-метра. Дополнительный взгляд в разум, который даёт Э-метр одитору, значительно облегчит определение того, кого он слушает (или «с кем общается» (о процессе одитинга) - при.ред). |
PC: A somatic in the puncture, yeah. | 43. В том, что ранее называлось "отключением восприятий": сущность, которая проходит одитинг, либо застряла на траке, либо просто не испытывала инцидента, который пытается прогнать одитор. Инцидент был пережит другой сущностью. |
LRH: Yeah. You're getting a somatic in the puncture? | 44. По этой причине индивидуум может находиться на пути к селф-детерминизму, но при этом плохо вспоминает инцидент, который произошел с другой сущностью. Чтобы найти данные об этом инциденте, одитор должен обратиться к сущности, которая его пережила. |
PC: Yeah, when I take my attention off these extremities, yes. | 45. У кейсов с амнезией может быть подозрение в использовании банка данных (памяти), которые не принадлежат к настоящей жизни. |
Commentator: Needle wavering; begins to drop. | 46. В гомосексуализме - сущность противоположного пола стоит в управлении. |
LRH: Yeah. You get a somatic in the puncture, okay. | 47. Тета креативна. Она способна создавать новые вещи. Правило, которое мы все слышали так много раз, что воображение представляет собой просто перекомбинацию старых опытов, очевидно, не действует. Способность теты к творчеству проникает гораздо глубже в мир МЭСТ, чем наши учителя прошлого хотели бы нам внушить. Возможно, в последующих работах будет возможно дать некоторую оценку глубины этого творчества. При изучении отношений между тетой и МЭСТ, граница между ними становится все труднее обнаружить, и тета всё больше и больше выступает в качестве ПРИЧИНЫ. Кажется, что тета может быть причиной не только организации МЭСТ, но и самого существования МЭСТ. Даже этот вопрос находится во втором эшелоне знания. Можно предположить, что вопрос "Что является причиной теты?" находится на третьем эшелоне. |
PC: Yeah, in the Puncture. Yeah. | 48. ОПЫТ - это своего рода замена ЗНАНИЮ, которое является функцией теты. Мы видели, как некоторые быстромыслящие люди могут настолько быстро освоить действенный подход к чему-либо, что кажется, будто они всегда это знали, в то время как другие могут многократно повторять одну и ту же операцию и все равно допускать ошибки в ней. Эти различия между людьми очень велики, даже если мы наблюдаем их в повседневной жизни. Однако нет оснований полагать, что эти значительные различия объясняют больше, чем очень узкую полосу спектра ЗНАНИЯ. В верхней части этого спектра опыт может быть чем-то, что просто не является необходимым, или является необходимым в такой малой степени, что трудно его назвать опытом. |
LRH: That's right. | 49. Если идея о важности опыта является правильной, то и ценность факсимиле также поменяется. Расчет действий путем сравнения факсимиле становится более связанным с опытом. Возможно, индивид, который ЗНАЕТ (находится на верхней ступени спектра ЗНАНИЯ), рассматривал бы любые факсимиле, которые ему было важно сохранить, как просто реликвии того, что он решил на данный момент называть "прошлым", и возможно, он бы не вычислял никаких действий на основе факсимиле, а просто смотрел бы на настоящее время и ЗНАЛ, каким путём следовать. |
[to audience] You can see by that needle there, that this somatic's wearing out. His tone's coming up. | Возможно, интеллектуальные процессы, которые мы считаем самой высокой возможной деятельностью нашего существования, несмотря на их впечатляющие достижения, являются всего лишь аберрациями и искажениями истинного состояния ЗНАНИЯ. (Конечно, это не новая идея, и многие узнают ее из древности. Однако возможно, мы достигли точки, где можем что-то сделать с этой идеей.) |
[to pc] Okay, get your attention in your throat. | |
PC: Throat. That's the place where the penicillin was given for - throat infection. | 50. ДЕМОНСТРАЦИЯ |
LRH: Well, get your attention in your throat. All right. Get your attention in your left shoulder. Right shoulder. Right hand. | ОДИТОР: Сколько тебе лет? |
Commentator: Very, very small area of the tone scale. | ПРЕКЛИР: Века. |
LRH: Left hand. | ОДИТОР: Это хуже, чем века? А что насчет триллионов лет? Или миллионов? |
Commentator: Just a slight fluctuation of tone. | ПРЕКЛИР: Три или четыре триллиона лет. |
LRH: [to audience] You note here, you can give these fairly rapidly one right after the other, for an excellent reason is, the attention will just flick on the shift and go into the member named and won't stay there very long. | ОДИТОР: Изначально ты был только одной сущностью? |
Commentator: Tone arm tending to rise. | ПРЕКЛИР: Да. |
LRH: It'll go right straight back. The second he's aware of the fact that a pain is coming in at the area you're trying to work a counter-effort out of, soon as you get the - preclear becomes aware of it, he transfers his attention back to that immediately. What you're trying to do is distract him off the area - off the area enough to let the counter-effort come all the way through and wear it out. Pretty simple. | ОДИТОР: (Начинает строить тета-трак преклира на доске.) О чём ты думал? (Имеется ввиду падение на E-метре.) |
[to pc] All right, now I'm going to go through the nerve spots. | ПРЕКЛИР: О некоторых древних зданиях. |
Commentator: Needle dropped on that statement. | ОДИТОР: Это в тета-вселенной или в МЭСТ-вселенной? (Смотрит на е-метр) Между жизнями? Или до появления каких-либо межжизненных периодов? Там ты живешь? В этой планетарной системе? |
LRH: All right, let's get the center of the forehead - some feeling of center of the forehead now. | ПРЕКЛИР: Очень далеко. Я получаю представление о очень яркой звезде. |
PC: Little somatic there... | ОДИТОР: Сколько времени прошло с тех пор? |
LRH: Little somatic there. | ПРЕКЛИР: Восемь миллионов лет. |
PC: ... when I turned on the awareness full there. | ОДИТОР: Что там произошло? Взорвалось что-то? Вся эта цивилизация взорвалась? Ты был рабом? |
LRH: All right. Do you know where the vagus nerve is - right in the middle of your rib cage, below the solar plexus? | ПРЕКЛИР: Нет. |
PC: Solar plexus, uh-huh. | ОДИТОР: Была ли это точка с высоким зарядом на твоем траке? Что случилось с тобой там плохого? |
LRH: All right. Get your attention in your solar plexus. Under your right armpit. Under your left armpit. | ПРЕКЛИР: Я просто убил всех. |
PC: It's warm under the pits. | ОДИТОР: Почему? Был скучный день или что-то еще? Была ли причина для этого, кроме этого? Ничего страшного. Это то, каким это бывало у нас ранее. |
LRH: Yeah. | ПРЕКЛИР: Я что-то сделал. Я провел эксперимент, и весь мир в том месте - взорвался. |
LRH: All right. Get your attention on the nerve cord that goes down the right side of your neck. Left side of your neck. The right side of your neck. Left side of your neck. Spine - attention on the twelve nerves of the spine. Let's get the lower area of the spine now. Attention on the middle area of the spine. | ОДИТОР: Получи чистый реколл; восстанови самый ясный момент этого. Есть ли другой момент, который для тебя реален? Любая часть этого цикла? |
PC: Hm... | ПРЕКЛИР: Очень высокий мужчина. |
LRH: That really came through, didn't it? | ОДИТОР: Он для тебя реален? Как обстоят дела с общением с этим очень высоким мужчиной? Любит ли он тебя? |
PC: ... sitting uncomfortably. | ПРЕКЛИР: Нет. |
LRH: Huh? | ОДИТОР: Это была причина проблемы? |
PC: I was sitting uncomfortably. I didn't know it till I did that. | ПРЕКЛИР: Нет, я просто сделал то, чего не следовало делать. Я занимался чем-то, чем не следовало заниматься. |
LRH: Yeah. All right, upper spine. Center of your brain. All right, inside the knee. | ОДИТОР: Этот мужчина был связан с тобой? |
PC: Which knee? | ПРЕКЛИР: Нет. Он был просто руководителем. Не правителем, а просто отвечал за лабораторию. |
LRH: The nerve on the inside of the right knee. Nerve on the inside of the left knee. The left thigh. Nerves in the second joints of your fingers. Nerves in your toes. | ОДИТОР: Тебе нравятся химические наборы? |
Commentator: Slight drop and then a full rise. | ПРЕКЛИР: О, нет. |
LRH: Nerves in your right big toe. (pause) You still getting that somatic? | ОДИТОР: Требуется ли твоему тетану (духовному существу) образование? |
PC: Oh, the penicillin? | ПРЕКЛИР: Нет. |
LRH: Uh-huh. | ОДИТОР: Каково быть образованным? |
PC: Well, now that you bring my attention to it, yes. | ПРЕКЛИР: Необязательно... образование. |
LRH: Ah, we've got it down to a dispersed point now. | ОДИТОР: Хорошо. Итак, у нас здесь инцидент, который является незначительным проступком на четвертой динамике, можно сказать, что это была четвертая динамика? |
PC: But it's not so strong. | ПРЕКЛИР: Определенно. |
LRH: All right. Move your attention from your head down to the shot area - head to the shot area. (pause) Tips of your fingers to the shot area. Just keep your attention shifting from the tips of your fingers to the shot area. | ОДИТОР: Ты когда-нибудь был связан с другими душами? |
PC: Makes the somatic stronger. | ПРЕКЛИР: Да. |
LRH: Sure. Soles of your feet to the shot area (pause) Bottom of your spine up to the brain and down to the shot area. Well, what happened there? Sudden charge? | ОДИТОР: Когда? |
Commentator: Needle took a full-point drop. | ПРЕКЛИР: Я сделал глупость, мне было любопытно. У меня нет видео (ред.: о реколле-восприятии). Мне стало любопытно, и я отрезал себе нос назло своему лицу. |
PC: No, I happened to think of something, that when you said from the soles of the feet to the shot area, I did not go through the nervous system of the legs. | ОДИТОР: Когда это было? |
LRH: But... | ПРЕКЛИР: Давно. |
PC: I just shot it from the soles of the feet via the shortest ... | ОДИТОР: Что ты сделал, добровольно? |
LRH: Mm-hm. | ПРЕКЛИР: Нет. Кто-то сказал мне, что мне лучше быть осторожным. |
PC: ... path in a straight line to the shot area. | ОДИТОР: И ты был любопытен? |
LRH: All right. How is the somatic? | ПРЕКЛИР: Я хотел узнать, что произойдет. |
PC: Oh, it's not bad. | ОДИТОР: Это было после взрыва цивилизации? |
LRH: Is it less now? | ПРЕКЛИР: Давно после этого. |
PC: Yeah, yeah. Yeah. | |
LRH: Mm-hm. All right. Get the effort you had, at the time you were shot, to kick the shot back out again - all through the nervous system, the effort you had. From the extremities of the nervous system, push that shot right back out again. | 51. Данная демонстрация, хотя и неполная, показывает немного о процедуре установления трака тетана. Одитор ищет проявленные оверты и моменты, когда другие сущности были добавлены к тетану. Преклир сказал вначале, что тетан был один. |
Commentator: Very slight fluctuation in the needle, now rising very gradually. | |
LRH: Get it again. (pause) Again. | Вопросы семинара |
Commentator: Slight drop and more rise. | 1 Ограничена ли память разума одной последовательностью прошлых жизней? Объясните. |
LRH: Getting your effort. Again. Extremities down and bop that shot out. (pause) All right. Now get your effort to hold on to the shot. | 2 Может ли организм существовать независимо от протоплазматической линии? |
PC: That's the one that seems to be impeding me. | 3 Когда соматическая сущность может взять контроль над разумом? Каков ее ранг? |
LRH: That's right. Now get your effort to hold on to that shot. | 4 Какие прошлые явления должны быть переоценены в свете новых теорий? |
Commentator: Needle has dropped a full point and a half. | 5 Что подразумевается под одитингом сущности-наблюдателя? |
LRH: To have it - your effort to have it. | |
Commentator: Now rising. (pause) Slight drop, rising again. | |
LRH: Get your: effort to have it again. Get your stomach's effort to have it. | |
PC: That wasn't easy. | |
LRH: Mm, boy. | |
Commentator: Full point and a half drop, now rising. | |
LRH: Get your stomach's effort to have it. (pause) Get your back's effort to have it. | |
Commentator: Continuing to rise. | |
LRH: Now get the postulate you made that you had to have it. | |
PC: Ha-ha. | |
Commentator: Needle dropped full point and a half. | |
PC: Well, it had something to do with this gimmick I've been working on that penicillin is a food, not a drug. Remember I talked to you about it? | |
LRH: So you had to take some. | |
PC: I was trying to prove something. | |
LRH: Yeah. Did you turn on the sore throat to prove it? | |
PC: No. No, no that was ... | |
LRH: When's the first time you agreed to have a sore throat? | |
PC: Directly after the wisdom tooth was extracted. Somewhere about then. | |
LRH: You agreed to have that, huh? | |
PC: Wisdom tooth extraction? | |
LRH: Uh-huh. | |
PC: Yes. | |
LRH: Mm-hm. When did you first desire to have a sore throat in your life - this life? | |
PC: I'm trying to track this one down. It's a little hard here. I keep running into my mother with a streptococcus infection. | |
LRH: Did she do it to you? | |
PC: I get a flash of "yes," but I don't know. | |
LRH: Did she give you sympathy for it? | |
PC: For my sore throat? | |
LRH: Mm-hm. | |
PC: For my sore throat ... | |
Commentator: Needle now rising - drop, slight drop. | |
PC: Oh, the tonsillectomy, she gave me sympathy then. | |
Commentator: Rise in tone. | |
LRH: Mm-hm. Now let's get a time you gave some sympathy. Let's get the feeling of sympathy for somebody with a sore throat. | |
PC: Well, that would be for my mother. | |
LRH: All right. Let's get the feeling of sympathy. (pause) Get it again. (pause) And again. (pause) And again. (pause) All right, let's pick up the first time in this life you ever gave anybody sympathy and scan all the times you gave somebody sympathy right straight on up to the present time. Get the first one. Tell me when you're there. | |
PC: I got the first one. | |
LRH: All right. From there to present time, begin scanning sympathy. (snap) | |
Commentator: Between these questions the needle has been fluctuating approximately one goint on the scale. As the preclear scans through, the needle fluctuates. Now rising, now falling, but in a one-point variation on the scale. | |
PC: It keeps reverting back to the sympathy for self. | |
LRH: Yeah. | |
PC: Not much sympathy for others. | |
LRH: Mm-hm. Who used to tell you all you did was feel sorry for yourself? | |
PC: My mother. | |
LRH: Yeah. Who did you tell it to? | |
PC: Me. | |
LRH: Who else did you tell it to? Who have you criticized to this degree? | |
PC: Oh, that they felt sympathy for themselves? | |
LRH: Mm-hm. | |
PC: Oh, preclears, you know. | |
LRH: Oh. All right. Let's scan this line. Let's pick up the first time you ever told anybody they were just sorry for themselves and feeling sympathy for themselves. | |
PC: I never told them, but, you know, the thought was there. | |
LRH: Well, get the overt thought. | |
PC: The thought, that's... | |
LRH: Get the overt thought. Get a first overt thought. | |
PC: Okay. All right. | |
LRH: Now, scan all such thoughts forward to present time. (snap) | |
PC: (pause) Okay. | |
LRH: Are you on an emotional balance right now? Are you being very carefully balanced emotionally? | |
PC: No. | |
Commentator: Needle is dropping one-half point. | |
LRH: What would happen if you changed emotion? | |
PC: I changed emotion? | |
LRH: Yes. What would happen if you changed to another emotion? | |
PC: Changed to a different emotion? | |
LRH: Yes. | |
PC: Nothing. I might shift centers, control centers. | |
LRH: Well, shift them. | |
PC: I wouldn't know which way to go. | |
LRH: Are you on the right side? | |
PC: Yeah, I guess so. Yeah. | |
LRH: Is the right side mad at the left side? | |
Commentator: Slight drop. | |
PC: Conflict, there might be, yeah. | |
LRH: How about shifting to the left side? | |
PC: Shift to the left side. | |
LRH: Shift. (pause) This left side been awake lately? | |
PC: No. | |
LRH: Is this left side elsewhere? | |
Commentator: Very slight variation in the needle at this point. | |
PC: I've got a feeling it might be. | |
LRH: This left side have another organism it's taking care of? | |
PC: Yeah, might be. I don't know. | |
LRH: Might be, yeah. How about shifting center? | |
PC: Shifting to the center. No. | |
LRH: What turns on? | |
PC: Oh, there's a head somatic there. | |
LRH: You have a head somatic there? | |
PC: Yeah, on the - right in the center. See, it goes right down the face. You know, center of the face ... | |
LRH: Mm-hm. | |
PC: ... the nose, the place where that pituitary and pineal and so forth is. | |
LRH: Mm-hm. All right, let's catch the bap now right in the middle of the chest. The bap in the chest. | |
Commentator: Half a point drop. | |
PC: I get - i get it in the stomach first. | |
All right. Get it in the stomach. You got it? | |
PC: Sort of, sort of. Sort of. | |
LRH: All right. How does the top of your head feel at the moment you get it in the stomach? | |
PC: Oh, that's - it's - it's pain - a somatic there right now. | |
LRH: All right. How do your knees feel at the moment you get it in the stomach? | |
PC: They shake. | |
LRH: All right. Let's get that. How do your feet feel at the moment you're getting it in the stomach? | |
PC: They are sweaty, hot, burning. | |
LRH: Okay. How do your hands feel at the moment you get it in the stomach ? | |
Commentator: Four-point rise, then a drop. | |
PC: Sweaty, nervous and twitching. | |
Commentator: Now dropping. | |
LRH: All right. How's the middle of your back feel at the moment you get it in the stomach? | |
Commentator: On this question, point - four-point drop. | |
PC: It curved in. | |
LRH: [to audience] Any of you with a cough out there, you might as well do this, too. | |
[to pc] Curved in? | |
PC: Yeah. | |
LRH: Is it wearing out on the stomach? Or is it getting sharper? | |
PC: It's wearing out some ... | |
LRH: Or are you letting it do anything? | |
PC: I'm directing attention to the areas you name. | |
LRH: Okay. What's happening to the stomach somatic? | |
PC: It seems less. | |
LRH: Seems less? | |
PC: Somewhat less. | |
LRH: Good. Good. All right, let's get it right here on these two neck cords at the back of the neck. How do they feel at the moment you get it in the stomach? | |
Commentator: Needle has settled down and varying only slightly, approximately at one quarter of a point. | |
LRH: They move in some direction? | |
PC: I don't seem to be able to pick those up. Wait a minute, wai - wai - wai ... There's a lot of confusing head pain, that is not localized. | |
LRH: Was the head shot first? | |
PC: Got a flash of "yes." | |
LRH: Is this Facsimile One? | |
PC: Yep, I should guess. Seems like it's the onlr thing it could be. | |
LRH: Mm-hm. Are you on a postulate that you mustn't feel it? | |
PC: Yeah, in connection with the stage, so forth and so on. | |
Commentator: Five-point drop. | |
PC: You see, all these somatics will turn on when you get on the stage. Stomach, whap; knees, bang. So they teach you tricks in the theater to ... | |
LRH: Is that by exhibiting yourself? Or appearing in public, or talking to the public? | |
PC: Talking to the public. Yeah. | |
LRH: Talking to the public is very bad, isn't it? Public assembly - mustn't do that. | |
Commentator: One point - point-and-a-quarter of drop. | |
PC: Well, you learn tricks in the theater to handle this, you see. | |
LRH: Yeah. You got these tricks working? | |
Commentator: Half a point drop. | |
PC: I tried to - not to have them working for the sake of this interview. | |
LRH: Uh-huh. Does this interrupt your processing to any degree? | |
PC: There's one working right now. You see that light right there? | |
LRH: Yeah. | |
PC: Well, that's a spotlight. You can use the zones of concentration tricks on that. But ... | |
LRH: Sure. All right. Let's concentrate on the spotlight. What happened to the stomach somatic? | |
PC: It goes away. | |
LRH: Immediately! Good. Concentrate on the stomach. (pause) | |
Now I'll show you a little trick about facsimiles. Tell you, facsimiles have no finite size. Facsimiles are not as big as you are or as small as you are or twice as big as you are or anything of the sort. You can shift them at will. You can actually be any part of any facsimile. You can be a point of concentration in any part of any facsimile. Let's ... | |
PC: Yeah. Yeah. | |
LRH: ... let's take a time when you have a tooth - well, you can actually move over and - let's have a facsimile of a toothache or something. You could actually move over 100 percent into the middle of that tooth ... | |
PC: And get the full pain. Yeah, I'ue done that. | |
LRH: ... and be the ache. | |
PC: Yeah. | |
LRH: Or you could even go this far: you could even move into one cell of the tooth ... | |
PC: Yeah, yeah, yeah. You can do that. | |
LRH: ... and get anything that was on that cell and be all of you in the one cell. Very simple, very simple. And as a matter of fact, a method here - it's very interesting. I'm going to show you something that you may find very fascinating. Can you pretend that your skull, your actual skull, is out on - about a yard or two - well, let's say exactly five feet out from you to the right, to the left, back of you and in front of you and above you, so that you're inhabiting the middle of your skull? | |
PC: Yeah, sure. I can do that. | |
LRH: All right. And you've got this skull out there at this distance and your head is now ten feet wide and you're in the middle of it. | |
Commentator: A half-point of fluctuation now and persistent twitching as he asks. | |
LRH: All right. What gland are you? (snaps) | |
PC: Pineal. (laughs) | |
LRH: Okay. Now, let's now receive the full impact of everything hitting the pineal at the same time in Facsimile One. | |
Commentator: Two-point drop. | |
PC: With this extended skull I have here? | |
LRH: Yes, with the extended skull. | |
PC: Wait a minute. Let me get - it takes a second to get that concept again. | |
LRH: Yeah, all right, let's get the concept. | |
PC: There we go. (pause) There's some blockage to - to doing this, to - to feeling that full impact on the pineal up there. I guess it's ... | |
LRH: All right, Now, let's be just the front couple of cells there - the front cell on the pineal - the one that receives the frontal impact in the middle of all this. Now, all of you be the front cell there, of the pineal that receives the frontal impact on the pineal ... | |
PC: Okay. | |
LRH: ... with your skull that much bigger. | |
PC: Okay. Front cell of the pineal, right? | |
LRH: Yeah, let's get that full impact on the front cell of the pineal. | |
PC: (pause) Well, when I try to do that, I get - seem to be getting somatics toward the back of the head rather than the front. | |
LRH: Yes, isn't that strange? | |
PC: Yeah. | |
LRH: Okay. | |
Commentator: The needle then reached its highest point of session, has now dropped back down two points. | |
LRH: All right. Let's be the back cell of the pineal now, with your skull actually ... | |
Commentator: It's rising... | |
LRH: ... extended way out there. Let's be the back. | |
Commentator: One point. One and a quarter points. | |
LRH: (pause) Let's be that back cell again and get the impact from in back. (pause) What did you get? | |
PC: Um, guess there's some blockage to being able to do that right there. | |
LRH: Mm-hm. | |
PC: It's quite easy in the front, but not so ... | |
LRH: Where did the pain come in from? | |
PC: I hit - I got it in back that time. I thought I'd get it in the front, but it didn't, you know, my ... | |
LRH: Okay. Yeah. Good. | |
PC: ... it didn't work out. | |
LRH: Now let's be on the right side of the pineal. Let's be a cell on the right side of the pineal, getting that impact coming in, with your skull way out there, and so forth - that impact. | |
Commentator: Needle dropped one point and now rising. | |
LRH: (pause) Got it? | |
PC: Yeah. I'm - I ... | |
LRH: You got it? (pause) Uh-huh, you got it. | |
PC: Yeah, I got it. | |
LRH: All right. | |
Commentator: Needle's fluctuating one point. | |
LRH: There we go. That was the one that was hung up on it. Yeah. Let's get it again. (pause) Now let's shift over and be the left side of the pineal. | |
PC: Seems a heavy effort seems to be pushing the head this way. | |
LRH: That's right. Let's shift over and be a cell, now, on the left end of the pineal, getting the side blast from the skull. | |
PC: I had a great big operation at the age of three to pull my head back up again. | |
LRH: Yeah? | |
PC: Yeah. You can see the scars - look right there. | |
Commentator: Tone dropped two full points and has now come back up. | |
LRH: (pause) You having a hard time getting that side? | |
PC: Yeah, I'm getting it a little bit. Harder though. | |
LRH: Get it again. | |
Commentator: The tone has now risen; it's gone up a full point. | |
LRH: All right, let's shift back now. Let's be all the pineal in the middle of this great big skull and let's get the feeling "I want to have it," as the pineal. | |
Commentator: One-point drop | |
PC: You want the pain. | |
LRH: Yeah - no. "I just want this. I want this." | |
PC: Counter-effort? | |
LRH: No, yeah - "I want this." That's right. | |
PC: "I want this counter-effort ..." | |
LRH: You see, really, the plot is, let's say - you've been swindled, you see? But the point is, you started into this and you say, "I want all this." Now, just say to yourself, "I want this," and you be the pineal. And you say, "Boy, I really want this." | |
Commentator: Tone has now dropped three points. | |
LRH: (pause) Get that again. Now, get that postulate: "I really want this." As the gland... | |
PC: Well, the postulate is "I asked for this." | |
LRH: Oh, the postulate is "I asked for this" Is that immediately after the first one? (snap) | |
PC: Yeah, yeah. | |
LRH: All right, let's get the first one. "I want this." | |
PC: (pause) I want pain. I want to want it. I want to - well ... | |
LRH: You know what you want. (snap) | |
Commentator: Tone is now rising. | |
LRH: Now, get that postulate just before the first energy impact. | |
PC: Before. All right. | |
LRH: Just before the first energy impact. You be the pineal in the middle of this big skull, and just before this first energy impact, the moment before the first energy impact, and you've got a sort of a feeling there? You don't feel bad at all. You feel good - just before the first energy impact. | |
PC: Rather - rather powerfull. | |
LRH: Yeah. You feel pretty good, don't you, huh? All right, let's get that first energy impact from all sides simultaneously. | |
Commentator: Needle dropped a point as it was realised. | |
PC: ... reluctancy to do that. | |
LRH: All right. When I slap my hands together, get the energy impact from all sides simultaneously. (clap) | |
Commentator: The needle drifted up two points and then dropped five points. Now very slowly rising. | |
LRH: Okay. How are you feeling? | |
PC: Well, I-I don't know. | |
Commentator: Drop. | |
LRH: What's the postulate goes with it? | |
PC: "I don't know where I am." | |
LRH: Uh-huh. Okay ... | |
PC: "I'm lost, but I like it." | |
LRH: Uh-huh. | |
Commentator: Needle is wavering at the lower edge of the dial. | |
LRH: All right. Now expand yourself out to the point where the pineal is in the middle of the skull now. | |
PC: Out here. | |
LRH: Mm-hm. (pause) Now get the pineal back in the middle of the skull. | |
PC: Sort of have to go backwards to do that, you know. | |
LRH: Yeah, I know. | |
PC: Did we have to be aware before they could shoot? | |
LRH: Yeah. | |
Commentator: Needle's slowly rising, fluctuating, rising, averaging out to a very slow rise. | |
PC: There's a postulate "I wish I could get back." | |
LRH: Yeah, "I wish it hadn't happened" sort of thing. | |
PC: "I wish I could get back, I was so powerful." | |
LRH: "I asked for this." | |
PC: Well, that's unfair of you to say that. I mean, I'm trying to get back here, and you throw that one at me. (laugh) | |
LRH: Well, you've got the facsimile rearranged now so that you got a facsimile of you? Get the facsimile of you in the pineal in the middle of the head - just you. | |
Commentator: Tone continues to rise. | |
PC: Oh, I got a plan: I - instead of going back through it, I'11 just snap around in the front. | |
LRH: That's right. Okay. | |
PC: 1.1. (audience laughter) | |
LRH: All right. | |
& Just put down the cans and have a cigarette. | |
PC: Okay. | |
[At this point there is a gap in the original recording.] | |
[Sounds like a different PC] | |
LRH: You felt an impact? Now, where was the impact felt when I asked you to do that? Was it felt over your body or in your head? | |
PC: Oh, head - head only. | |
LRH: It was felt in your - against your head? | |
PC: Uh... | |
LRH: Did you ... | |
PC: ... now you see, now you start talking about it, I get it on top of the head. | |
LRH: Uh-huh. Did you get it inside as the pineal? Did you get an allover somatic or did you get a... | |
PC: No, inside as the pineal. Yeah, I would be the pineal inside this skull. Now that - now wait a minute. I was - just my head was doing it inside ... I may have ... | |
LRH: Yeah. | |
PC: ... not done it all ... | |
LRH: That's right. | |
PC: ... so I see what I didn't do. | |
LRH: You see? | |
PC: I only put my head in the center of the skull ... | |
LRH: All right. | |
PC: ... I didn't put my whole body in it. | |
LRH: All right. | |
PC: Yeah. | |
LRH: Okay, let's move all of you into the pineal now, again. | |
PC: Oh, that's different. | |
LRH: Just before it hit, all of you into the pineal. (pause) Move all of you into it. | |
Commentator: Sensitivity of the needle has been increased. Preclear rising on the scale. | |
LRH: All right. Now, let's get the first moment... | |
PC: Well, I'm not before the first moment yet, I don't think. | |
LRH: Well, let's get the first moment. You didn't like the idea of getting the first moment, I take it? | |
PC: Mm, that's right. | |
LRH: Uh-huh. Let's get the first impact of that pineal - now, first impact on the pineal - and you be the pineal. | |
PC: Wait a - well, I got to get the - take a little minute here and get to be the pineal again. | |
LRH: All right. | |
PC: You just don't do this sort of thing in everyday life in the twentieth century. It takes something to do it. | |
LRH: Well, you're doing it in everyday life now. (pause) You got it? | |
PC: Almost, the way it's going. (pause) Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. | |
LRH: Got it? All right. Get the first rap. | |
Commentator: Tone is starting to rise. | |
LRH: Now, is it simultaneous from all sides at once? | |
PC: Dah-dah-dat-da. I don't know. | |
Commentator: Tone is starting to rise - dropped. | |
LRH: Front/back, all top, all around at once, or is it selectively: one first and then the other one? | |
PC: Might be all at once, I don't know. Might be all at once. | |
LRH: All right, let's try and find out. I'll snap my fingers and it'll hit. (snap) | |
Commentator: Needle dropping two points. | |
LRH: All right. The first one will hit again. (snap) | |
Commentator: Slow rise of one point. | |
LRH: Be the pineal there in the center of the head. | |
PC: Yeah, I got out of it, see? It's - it's hitting the pineal. | |
Commentator: Continuing to rise. | |
LRH: (pause) All right. Let's hit it smack again, (snap) | |
PC: I don't actually want to be the pineal again, Ron. | |
LRH: Let's get in there. | |
PC: You see, there's a fear of getting in to be the pineal, you see, because, you get in there, boy, you're going to get hit. | |
Commentator: The needle is fluctuating about five points on the dial. | |
LRH: Now, let's get that - let's be the pineal - all of you. Now, first blow. (clap) | |
PC: Didn't get it. | |
LRH: No. | |
Commentator: No reaction. | |
LRH: First blow again, smack from all sides. (clap) | |
Commentator: Still no reaction; now a slight drop. | |
LRH: All right, let's get it now: the first one from all sides simultaneously, and get the drop in tone. Get the feeling of tone drop as that first one hits. (clap) | |
Commentator: Preclear jumped; the needle at full ... | |
LRH: All right, let's get it again: the tone drop as the first one hits (clap) | |
Commentator: Three-point drop, now rising. | |
LRH: The tone drop as the first one hits again. (clap) Let's be the pineal inside now - inside that skull. Now, let's get hit from all quarters simultaneously. And you tell me where the blows are this next time. | |
Commentator: Needle is fluctuating widely on the scale as this question's asked. | |
LRH: All right, the first one is now going to hit. (clap) | |
Commentator: Preclear jumps; needle drops four points. | |
PC: Can't particularly tell you where the blows are. | |
LRH: That's all right. The first one - the first impact now, and it's going to hit again. (clap) | |
PC: Near - around the back someplace. | |
LRH: Yep. | |
PC: Somewhere around the back - neck or someplace around that area. | |
LRH: All right. | |
Commentator: Needle going up four points. | |
LRH: Now, the first one is going to hit again. (clap) | |
Commentator: Now dropping five points. | |
LRH: First one's going to hit again. (clap) | |
Commentator: Preclear is doubling over. | |
LRH: First one is going to hit again. (clap) (pause) | |
Commentator: Needle has now swung clear to the left of the scale. | |
LRH: And again, (clap) (pause) Okay, what's the - get the tone drop now. Is it a tone drop or a tone rise when that first one hits? | |
PC: Might be a rise. Might be a rise. | |
LRH: Uh-huh. | |
PC: Might be a rise. | |
LRH: Mm-hm. All right. Let's get that tone change, the tone change as that first one hits, Just before the first one, now you're in the center of the skull, all of you is the pineal. (clap) Okay. You getting more? | |
Commentator: Preclear jumps and tone drops five points. It is now moving full right. | |
PC: I think on the emotion ... Seems to be ... | |
LRH: You got it. | |
PC: ... up to fear or something like that. | |
LRH: Yeah, that's right. | |
PC: God, what a low-toned character. | |
LRH: All right. But do we get a down-up? | |
PC: Yeah, yeah, a down-up. | |
LRH: All right. Let's get that now. | |
PC: All right. | |
LRH: Be in the center of the skull and let's get that down-up emotion on the first impact. Okay, when I smack my hands, it'll hit. (clap) | |
PC: No, I wasn't in the center of the skull. | |
LRH: Well, let's get in the center there. (pause) | |
Commentator: Needle has now moved to the full right-hand side of the dial as the preclear attempts to concentrate his attention in the center of the skull. | |
LRH: [to machine operator] Center the machine. | |
Commentator: The operator of the machine is now centering the needle. | |
LRH: [to pc] Okay. You in the center now? | |
PC: Yeah. | |
LRH: Okay. First one's going to hit again. (clap) Get the curve of the first one. (clap) Get it again. (clap) And again. (clap) And again. (clap) First one, just the first bap. (clap) | |
Commentator: Needle fluctuates about four points. | |
LRH: Get the curve that goes with it? | |
PC: Yeah. It seemed to me I was getting one in the stomach then, too. | |
LRH: All right. Let's get that first bap, simultaneous bap, and the curve that goes with it. (clap) And again. (clap) Let's be all in the center there now. (clap) | |
PC: Wait till I get all in the center, here. Wait a minute. Takes a little time to keep in this center. | |
LRH: Mm-hm. | |
PC: Trying to keep in there. Seems you can get out of there, you know? | |
LRH: Mm-hm. | |
PC: (mumble) | |
LRH: Mm-hm. (pause) Now, is there an effort to get out of there, as the pineal? | |
PC: Yes, you're right. I'd like to get out of this. | |
LRH: All right. Let's get the effort to get out of there, now, as the pineal. Let's get the effort to get out - to disconnect. First bap. (clap) Get the effort to get out of there. Again, first bap. (clap) (pause) You got it? | |
[to machine operator] Center the machine. | |
PC: There's a lot of confusion. I don't quite know what I'm getting now. | |
LRH: Well, let's get the effort to get out of there on the first bap, now. | |
PC: Get out on the first bap now. | |
LRH: All right, let's get, now, the ARC break. First the affinity break with everything else in the skull. | |
Commentator: Three-Point drop. | |
LRH: As the pineal, experience this affinity break with everything in the skull with the first bap. (clap) (pause) Let's do it again. Affinity break. | |
Commentator: Has risen to three point ... | |
LRH: Do you find an affinity break there or an affinity change? | |
PC: Affinity change. | |
LRH: All right, get an affinity change with the rest of the body, your feeling of an affinity change with the rest of the body. | |
Commentator: Getting a three-point drop, now rising, fluctuating. It's full off on the left-hand edge of the dial. | |
LRH: [to machine operator] Center the machine. | |
Commentator: Tone now rising. | |
LRH: Get an affinity change again with the rest of the body. Is it up or down? | |
Commentator: Continuing to rise. | |
PC: It's difficult to discern. | |
LRH: All right. Get a communication shift with the rest of the body on the first bap. | |
Commentator: Three-point drop, rising. | |
LRH: Get the bap and get the shift. | |
PC: Mm. | |
Commentator: Needle continues to rise, now dropping | |
PC: There seems to be a postulate there to tighten up and to hold the bap in place. | |
LRH: All right. Let's get this effort to hold it. | |
Commentator: Slow drop. | |
PC: So as to dampen its action. | |
LRH: All right. Let's get the effort to hold it. (pause) | |
Commentator: The needle's rising. | |
LRH: Again, get the effort to hold that action. (pause) And again the effort to hold on to the action. As the pineal, now, get the effort to hold on to this bap. Get it coming in and hold on to it. (pause) You getting it? | |
PC: Yeah, yeah. | |
LRH: Good. What's it like? | |
Commentator: A three-point needle fluctuation. | |
PC: Well, a - a freeze. | |
LRH: Is it going through it yet? Have you got that effort freed up or is it wearing out as an effort? | |
PC: It's sort of wearing out, just a little bit. | |
LRH: All right. Let's just get it rapidly. Bap-hold-bap -hold-bap-hold-baphold-bap-hold, come on. | |
PC: I'll keep running over it, now I see ... | |
LRH: One right after the other, bap-bap-bap-bap-bap. Just the first one, repeating, repeating, repeating. The first one repeating and your effort to hold, hold, hold, hold. (pause) | |
Commentator: Needle just swung - was put off the dial to the left. The machine has been centered. Now the needle starts to rise - three, four, five points; continues to rise to six. | |
LRH: And you have to hold it good? | |
PC: Yeah. | |
LRH: Is it wearing out? | |
PC: Yeah, it's slowly wearing out. | |
Commentator: Slight drop, and continuing to rise. | |
PC: There's more | |
LRH: Hm? What? | |
PC: Right now the effort seems to be more coming in, you know, pushing it out. | |
LRH: Mm-hm. | |
PC: I mean, the counter-effort is coming in on me more now | |
LRH: Mm-hm. | |
PC: I'm not - i don't seem to be holding it out there so much. | |
LRH: Mm-hm. What'd you get there? | |
PC: Longer counter-effort. | |
LRH: Okay. (pause) All right, bring it in. | |
Commentator: Very wide fluctuations of the needle, drop and then a rise. | |
LRH: Get your effort as the pineal to pull it right straight on through. Is it from all sides at once or just from the back? | |
PC: The back - the back of the neck, the back of the neck. | |
LRH: All right. Pull it in from the back of the neck. | |
PC: Pull it in. Pull it in. | |
LRH: Over and over and over. Pull it in to you. | |
PC: Counter-effort. Okay. | |
LRH: Pull the counter-effort in. | |
Commentator: Needle fluctuating tone rising. | |
PC: Postulate's "It's easier this way." | |
LRH: Mm-hm. | |
Commentator: Full-dial drop. | |
PC: It doesn't seem to be pressing quite so strong now. | |
LRH: All right. Get your effort to shove it out. Rapidly, one right after the other on the first bap and the effort to shove it out. | |
Commentator: Tone's starting to rise again, continuing to rise. Now, a slight drop again rising. | |
PC: By God, I can get that. You know I couldn't get that before? | |
LRH: That's right. | |
PC: Uh-huh. Those other efforts were obscuring it. | |
Commentator: Very wide fluctuation of the needle, almost a full-dial swing. | |
LRH: Wearing out? | |
PC: Yeah, little by little it's wearing out. | |
LRH: All right. Now, let's get the effort to pull it in. | |
PC: Pull it in? | |
LRH: Pull it in again. | |
PC: There's something. | |
LRH: Some more of that there? | |
PC: Yeah, there's more of that there. | |
LRH: Okay. Get it in several times to pull it in. | |
PC: I'm not trying to bop the machine but I know you're getting... | |
Commentator: Needle fell full off to the left. Operator of the machine is setting the needle. | |
LRH: All right. Pull it in again. | |
PC: Not - don't seem to be there quite so much. It's more "not to resist." | |
LRH: All right. Push it out. Get the resistance; resist, resist, resist. (horn honking) | |
PC: Hey, that damned horn sounded like it. | |
LRH: Mm-hm. Get the effort to resist. | |
PC: (pause) This makes the somatic very strong just now. | |
LRH: Oh, you're getting a good somatic on it now? | |
PC: Yeah, on the resistive effort, there is a somatic on it - on it. | |
LRH: All right. Is that effort getting stronger? Is your effort getting stronger? | |
PC: The resistor effort? | |
LRH: Mm-hm. | |
PC: Yeah, yeah. | |
LRH: Over again. Over again. Resist it. | |
PC: Well, that makes a very strong somatic. | |
Commentator: Needle is fluctuating in a three-point range now. | |
LRH: Try it again. Throw all of your resistance into it now. | |
PC: It's on just, I think, one vertebra in the back of the neck. (pause) | |
LRH: Now how's the effort on it? | |
PC: It's the - the somatic is lessening. | |
LRH: Lessening, huh? All right. Try pulling it in again. | |
PC: Pull it in again? | |
LRH: Pull it in. (pause) Pull it in again. Rapidly, one right after the other, pull it in. | |
PC: One right after the other, right. Uuuuuhhh. (mumble) I try - I try to resist it. But the effort to accept it does seem to be a little - little out of the road now and there's this resistor effort that keeps coming in. | |
LRH: Mm-hm. Well, keep trying to pull it in until your effort reverses automatically. | |
PC: So that I am doing nothing but pushing it out? | |
LRH: Yeah. | |
PC: Mm. (pause) Yeah. | |
LRH: Did it reverse? | |
PC: No. No, but I just got the concept of what you're referring to. | |
LRH: Oh. | |
PC: Slow thinking with these facsimiles. | |
Commentator: Needle has dropped two and a half points and is now rising slowly. | |
PC: With the - keeping pulling it in like that is wearing the counter-effort out. | |
LRH: Okay. Pull it in. (pause) Pull it in some more. | |
PC: About the top of the shoulder blade is ... | |
LRH: You still on the first one? | |
PC: Yeah, I'm still picking up the first ... | |
LRH: Good. You're just doing fine. (pause) | |
Commentator: Needle continues fluctuating one point. | |
LRH: Now how's the somatic? | |
PC: Right there it got a little stronger, and now it's tapering off a little bit | |
LRH: Mm. All right, resist it. | |
PC: Resist now. Okay. | |
LRH: One right after the other, (pause) Hey, you got a good one. | |
PC: Yeah, you bet. | |
LRH: Now, let's get a heavy resistance on it. | |
Commentator: Needle drops two and a half points. | |
LRH: Is it a lot less than it was? | |
PC: Yeah, it's less than it was. | |
LRH: Good. (pause) Still getting good solid resistance on it? | |
PC: Yeah. Hey, you know there's a tendency to dope off, you know, I've been doping off in front of a - this machine all the time. | |
Commentator: The needle's dropped about five full points. | |
PC: But I said that because when I first came up, my awareness of the audience was high, now it's low. | |
Commentator: The needle has returned to the center of the dial, now continuing to rise. | |
PC: Oh! | |
LRH: What happened? | |
PC: I resisted a little too much. | |
LRH: You got a real hard one? | |
PC: Yes. | |
LRH: Would you say this thing's a quarter worn out? Half worn out? What ? | |
PC: Oh, I'd say about three-quarters worn out on this one first bap. | |
LRH: That's all we're interested in at the moment - that one first bap. | |
PC: Yeah. Now that first bap, that's about three-quarters gone now. | |
LRH: Okay. Let's pull it in very rapidly, one right after the other. Pull it in. | |
PC: On the first bap. | |
LRH: Make it good and solid. Pull it in hard. | |
PC: I'm getting flattened on it now, Ron. | |
LRH: Mm-hm. | |
PC: Now it's just a tendency to dope off (pause) There - there's less counter-effort and more tendency to dope. | |
LRH: All right. Resist it. Push it out now. | |
PC: All right, I'm pushing it out. | |
LRH: Get the sound that goes with it now - sound as it would sound inside the skull. | |
PC: Must be some sonic shut-off there, or something I can't get through. | |
LRH: (pause) Got the resistance of it? | |
PC: Yeah. | |
LRH: Just resist it a little harder. Is it practically gone? | |
PC: Yeah, it's - it's going, it's going, it's going. | |
LRH: Attaboy. | |
Commentator: The needle continues to fluctuate, approximately one point, and gradually moves up across the dial. | |
LRH: Now this time as you run it, get the feeling of affinity break that goes with it. | |
PC: With what? Affinity break with ... | |
LRH: Well, any affinity change that goes with that bap from the back of the head. | |
PC: Affinity break with the environment or myself? | |
LRH: No, affinity break between the pineal and the skull. | |
PC: Between pineal and the skull. (laugh) My vertebrae always flicker flicker. | |
Commentator: The needle has now swung full left. | |
LRH: Mm, okay, All right, get the communication change between the pineal and the skull. (pause) | |
Commentator: Needle rising slowly. | |
LRH: Got it? | |
PC: Sort of. | |
LRH: Yeah, now you got it. Get it better. | |
PC: Yeah, I - I got it. | |
LRH: Good. | |
PC: I thought of a line from The Prophet, by Kahlil Gibran. | |
[R&D note: The Prophet: a book of twenty-six poetic essays by Kahlil Gibran (1883-1931), LebaneseAmerican philosophical essayist, novelist, mystic poet and artist. Published in 1923, The Pro~het became a best-selling book of popular mysticism, and it has been translated into more than a dozen languages. In one o~ the essays, entitled "On Pain," Gibran wrote: "Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding."] | |
LRH: Yeah. | |
PC: "Pain is the breaking of the shell of our understanding." | |
LRH: Yeah. | |
PC: Ha-ha! That fits. | |
Commentator: A quarter up. | |
PC: In other words, I - I don't like my skull anymore. It just couldn't stand up now. We were running my throat ... | |
LRH: Mm-hm, | |
Commentator: Slowly rising. | |
PC: That's - those are gone now. | |
LRH: Yeah? Good. Get your feeling of reality break - as the pineal - get your feeling of reality break the second that thing hits you. | |
PC: Seems to be a postulate: "I don't belong in here." | |
LRH: Yep. How's the somatic? | |
PC: Oh, it's - it sort of changed into a - a different kind of a somatic. Now it's better, but I mean, you see, it's - it's not the same as it was. You see, it is different. Oh, oh, hey! Oh, my vertebrae! Straightening up, the back of the neck! | |
LRH: Yeah? | |
PC: It's amazing? (laugh) | |
LRH: Yeah? | |
PC: (laughs) It's a big relief to me, because all my life I've held it like that. (laughs) Real good. | |
LRH: Have you been the pineal? | |
PC: Yeah. You mean this life or - I didn't quite get the gist of the question. | |
LRH: This life, have you been the pineal to a large extent? | |
PC: Yes, I have. | |
LRH: Mm-hm. Yep. | |
Commentator: The needle has dropped down. It's now rising. | |
LRH: Okay. | |
PC: You already knew this, then? | |
LRH: Sure. Are there many more baps left on that, the somatic, and so forth? | |
PC: Many more baps? | |
LRH: Mm-hm. | |
PC: There may be. I - maybe that's an avoid - maybe. (laughing) | |
LRH: Well, is it an avoidance? | |
Commentator: Slight drop here. | |
PC: No, I don't think there are very many more. | |
LRH: Well, can't you pick up the remainder of these yourself ... | |
PC: All right. | |
LRH: ... just for the purpose of demonstration? | |
PC: Yes. | |
LRH: Okay. | |
PC: Uh-huh, uh-huh. | |
LRH: All right. How about scanning out the session? | |
PC: Scan out the session? | |
LRH: Yeah, scan out this whole session here... | |
PC: Okay. | |
LRH: ... ever since you came up and I started talking to you. | |
PC: Okay. | |
Commentator: Needle dropped two points, is now rising. Slight fluctuation, continuing to rise, (pause) hovering about mid-dial. Now a drop of one point, fluctuating back to center, and a drop of one point, fully recovered to the middle of the dial. | |
LRH: Just give it a lick and a promise. | |
Commentator: Slowly rising. | |
PC: Okay. | |
LRH: You're not hitting those hand pops, are you? | |
PC: No, I... | |
LRH: Did you hit them? | |
PC: What? What? | |
LRH: When I slapped my hands? | |
PC: No, I'm not hitting those. | |
LRH: Uh-huh. How about you straightwiring that? | |
PC: Okay. | |
LRH: All right. Thanks. | |
PC: Okay. | |
LRH: [to machine operator] Was there any rise in tone apparent on this machine, or any rise or drop? | |
Machine Operator: All the way through, all the way through. | |
LRH: Continuous rise on the scale. | |
Machine Operator: Mm-hm. | |
LRH: This is an example, then, of Effort Processing as used in the reduction of heavy Facsimile One. | |