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- Tone Scale - Moving the Pc Up the Scale (PDC-17) - L521205b | Сравнить

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CONTENTS The Tone Scale: Moving the PC up the Scale Cохранить документ себе Скачать

The Tone Scale: Moving the PC up the Scale

Cycles of Action

A Lecture given by L. Ron Hubbard on the 5 December 1952A Lecture given by L. Ron Hubbard on the 5 December 1952

We have as our coverage level one of the many times which we will use the tone scale. The reason we have to get the cycle of action covered more or less and given a… a bit of an overall coverage, fast-like, is so that we can get into the subject of the tone scale, because the tone scale is essentially a cycle of action.

December 5th – December 5th, first hour afternoon.

And the second you know that the tone scale is a cycle of action you can start booting preclears around on the tone scale. Now you know from experience that the best way to get somebody well and in good shape is to boot him on up the tone scale.

We’re going to – now that you know all about gradient scales – take up that very interesting subject known as a Cycle of Action.

And that is the one thing you keep striving to do, and very often you hit it and sometimes you miss it and… and… and so on, and it becomes too much randomity. So how do you move somebody up the tone scale?

You had to know something about space and anchor points and points of origin and so forth before we could take up cycles of action. Now that is a uh… precaution on my part which has not been observed in the past in the field of physics. They just assumed there was an in before they decided what was in it.

Well, we have been doing a number of these things simultaneously without having them properly divided. And one of the ways you boot somebody up the tone scale is you get them to stop identifying. And uh… you get them so they’ll associate one thing with another instead of identify with it.

And uh… the cycle of action, therefore, did not come up into the prominence that it should and is, as a matter of fact, one of the first uses of it and it has not been used enough to bother with, except by statisticians that wish to prove something that they were trying to hide, uh… since the Vedic peoples’ statement concerning this very interesting datum – that things started with creation, continued through growth, went through a period of decay and then died away. And they assigned this to the universe.

Uh… you can get them to differentiate. Uh… you uh… start them up the tone scale by getting them to get their… their visios in motion, or something of the sort. Or you get them up the tone scale by running out all the times people were trying to wipe them out. Or get them up the tone scale by reducing their desire to be an effect and… and making them desire to be a cause.

Now that was a very wise sort of a statement and very possibly a piece of information about which they might have known a great deal more once. As it is now, it is a piece of information which is submerged into the Vedic Hymns.

Or you get them up the tone scale by running out enough secondaries so they can assume a higher level of emotion. Some secondary’s pinning them down – they’re in a terror engram or something of the sort. You run out the terror engram and after that they’re in anger.

Now, let’s take a look then at the microcosm called „Man“, and uh… let’s take a look at him as uh… a cycle of action.

And you’ve got this sort of a series of combinations with which you’ve been working uh… straight through uniformly in Dianetics and Scientology and working with this tone scale and you know that moving a person up the tone scale makes a person well. We also found out that moving a person up the tone scale restores a self-determinism.

He starts in with conception – starts in here with conception, goes through into birth, goes through into childhood, goes through into man and then here’s an old man, and then dead. That is what he believes his cycle of action is.

So we just extrapolate across of that, we find out that moving a person up the tone scale uh… increases their self-determinism and uh… it also increases this, that and so on and so on. Well, every time you say „If you move a person up the tone scale it will improve this and this and this,“ that is automatically a statement that if you do this and this and this and this and this, you move a person up the tone scale.

And uh… sure enough, for one body, that is for one term of havingness, if you measure havingness in terms of the body – let’s not worry about time, let’s just say a term of havingness – he continues through this cycle and was for a long, long time content to believe that he ceased to exist when the end of the cycle was reached. That’s peculiar to this cycle of action – is the relative content with which it has been accepted. Anything which is quietly accepted, such as a bullet in the brain, being disemboweled, dying of pneumonia, being buried in mud, being trapped – you know, there must be some… quite some pressure in there to insist that this has… has uh… agreement. There must be very heavy agreement on this. Otherwise, otherwise nobody would ever stand for it.

We can make this statement both ways and so we have now a very large number of ways to move somebody up the tone scale. With creative processing you can address directly each one of these ways and they keep just coming right on up the tone scale.

All right, now let’s take… let’s take what is known as a spiral. And this is one why… now this is a spiral. And we’ll start in this spiral here at Creation. This is a spiral for Mao. We start in here at Creation, Conserve, End.

So the tone scale becomes something that is very easy to move people around on – not something which was a terrible arduous hit over the head with a club sort of e thing, of „We’ve got to move him up the tone scale and Lord knows how we’re going to do it. But we’ll try somehow.“

Now there are several other points on that gradient scale, but a spiral is simply this: A spiral is a term of lives, or a term of existences or a single existence which bear an intimate relation, one to the other. You, for instance, will go back in a preclear’s past and you will find out that you have an overall spiral of him being in a body. He picked up a body some time or another, he was in and out of bodies for a while. And then all of a sudden we get a long spiral that uh… it’s just life after life after life after life after life after life. And he goes downhill in the end and he is no longer… he is no longer on the spiral of bodies. Now that’s… that’s a bigger spiral.

„And uh… maybe running this and running that and doing something or other – maybe this is going to move him a little bit. He’s… he’s in better tone, his tone’s better. He’s just a little more self-determined. He got up off the couch the other day and he said to me, uh… he said, „You’ve got your nerve doing so and so.“ He’s always been very meek and mild and propitiative before, so he’s up the tone scale.“

The universe could be said to be, although this term YEAR is very deceptive, it could be said to be about 74 to 76 trillion years. That is to say, homo sapiens is found here on the planet Earth in the solar system at this end of this galaxy, uh… found to be about 74, 76 trillion years. Now exactly what they’re computing as a year, I do not know. But you simply say „year“ and you get an immediate response on the E-Meter.

We’ve got a gauge here. Now this tone scale was a very interesting thing. And the development of this whole science actually could be monitored by or measured by how well-developed the tone scale was.

Now it could mean that they are talking about a galactic year uh… as plotted arbitrarily, they’re talking about some planetary swing, uh… something of the sort. But it’s so many swings and this all boils down to so many units of havingness. A year, you see, is a unit of havingness. That’s why it gets to be a unit of time.

In Book One we had a tone scale. That’s the first plate, the first illustration in Book One. It’s the tone scale in its embryonic form. And then in Science of Survival we started to move out onto the line and we really got behavior at these various levels.

Now that spiral at first was 100 million years old, at least. A fellow entered the MEST universe and he went 100 million years until he finally conceived he was dead. And then he conceived that he was resurrected again by some necromancy and he thought himself a new being, an entirely new being, and he went on this time for maybe 50 or 60 million years – his next spiral. That’s a spiral. And then he felt himself „dead“ and he was resurrected again and he went on for maybe 25 million years – getting shorter each time. And the current spiral for most people here is 34 thousand years. You’ll find some preclears who are about three thousand years on their current spiral, and you will very rarely find one who is any longer than that. When you do, you find somebody who isn’t tracking with the… with the culture.

Now it’s a funny thing about the tone scale is you get a person at a certain position on the tone scale and he operates right straight on across the tone scale, and we also found out that man was such a composite of beings that he had two positions on the tone scale. We found out first that he had a couple of positions on this tone scale. He was at… be at 1.5 and he’d he at 2.5. That was very strange.

There we have, then, spirals. And those spirals come down on the order of 100… well, 100 million, and then maybe 50 million, and then maybe… and so on, until they’re down here right now to this microscopic spiral point which is uh… this current spiral. And Man is part of that microscopic point in one lifetime.

Well, he seemed to be – very, very upsetting. And we tried to explain it by harmonics and so forth and it was quite easily explained that way and that still has some truth in it but the… but the fact of the matter is that this fellow… this fellow was on the tone scale as a social, educational unit which was part of a society and that was his stimulus-response activity.

Now let’s just measure in terms of havingness. A year is a term of havingness. A year here on Earth: we have Spring – creation, growth, Summer – continuance of growth, Fall – decay and conservation, Winter is death. And then from Winter, again emerges the year once more.

And then he was on the tone scale at an entirely different level a“ the thetan. What was he as a thetan? Now he was conforming to or not conforming to the society to the degree that he was sane or insane as a… as the thetan. So we have this monitoring unit and we look on the tone scale and we find we can plot the thetan on the tone scale and just independently. And we find out he’s just usually clear down below zero and we can plot the body response, social-educational strata, which we can trace all the way through this boy, we say „He went to Eton.“ We’ve immediately set a position on the tone scale.

This is the spiral of havingness and a cycle. And unless you have the factor of havingness, designed as a spiral, you cannot get, really, anybody to agree to the unit of time. Take a month: a month is having a full moon. The moon is not there, then the moon is suddenly created, and then the moon swings around and gets larger and larger and then it declines and gets smaller and smaller, and then it isn’t there any more and uh… that has passed by.

And then we had the composite being plottable on the tone scale. Social, educational, environmental background, so and so and so and so and so and so modified by the thetan. The thetan’s willingness to accept this or his… his anxiousness to reject it.

A day starts with dawn as its creation, and swings on through to the pre-dawn death. If you don’t think that just before dawn it’s death, the whole world feels like death at that time. Very few of you, probably, have ever had too much to do with wide spaces just before dawn, but the confoundedly most darkest hours are in that period.

So we had the thetan on the tone scale; we had the body on the tone scale. And then we had this position on the tone scale which was gotten because of the interaction between those two facts. So there are actually three places a person could have been on the tone scale. And their… their common denominator, mean position, the… the place where they were located however would demonstrate a predictability, which in itself was horrible to behold. If you looked across the tone scale and you found out that somebody was continually withholding information from you, withholding information from you, withholding information from you, you all of a sudden – you would find yourself just being ruined by this person. You couldn’t quite figure out why this was. Well, if you looked across the level, it says „Communication“ and then in other positions on the Science of Survival tone scale under „Ethics,“ under „Behaviour,“ sex and other things, you could have predicted exactly what that person would have done.

As an odd coincidence, in a day, most people die at 2 o’clock in the morning. There’s an enormous majority of deaths at 2 o’clock in the morning. It goes right around that. They feel that if they can just live through the next… if they can get through the next two or three hours they’ll go right through another day.

Now there’s a very good reason for this. The tone scale is a very clear-cut pattern and it becomes very clear-cut to us now that we can relate experience all the way up and down it and so it becomes very easy to use and you use this in creative processing and you use it continually in creative processing because the composite, the overall… the overall picture of the case can be altered now by the use of any of the principles we’ve covered in the last hour and about five or six more. There are about five or six more interrelated experiences of lesser magnitude, really.

So here we have these spirals of havingness. They seem to want to go into divisions of four, for some reason or other – although I’ve written three here each time.

Five or six more that we can cross line and, as the anti-aircraft gunner says, we can take the preclear with him and then let him have it. Because we’ve got any number of conditions we… which we can alter or throw at him or vary and demonstrate to him that he can where he says he can’t. You do that with mock-up processing.

Now we have four periods for the moon, we have four periods for the year, and uh… there are possibly four periods for an outer spiral. But it would be quantity of havingness would measure the span. And that quantity of havingness is determined on this spiral, and we find this spiral excessively native to the MEST universe. You can use this spiral in any universe, and it is used to a large degree, but I want you to view it as a specialized thing, not as an inevitable thing. This spiral of action, then uh… pardon me, this spiral of growth and decay is also many other kinds of spiral.

Therefore the use of the tone scale might be said to be the use of processing itself. Now, if you know the tone scale, and if you know the tone scale’s principles, you can do a very good job of processing. The tone scale could be conceived to be a scale of wave lengths. Now that actually would be another scale. Uh… it’s actually a different scale.

All right, when we reach out for the whole universe, we find out that the MEST universe itself is doing a spiral which began with its creation and is going through to its death. And that’s the big spiral for this universe. But it is certainly going on through to its death.

Wave lengths uh… are not an adequate demonstration of the tone scale. But the states and conditions of beingness proceeding from Q-1 are positions on the tone scale. Here we have then a tone scale from forty-zero through twenty.

Now there’s the spiral of action of a game – any game has this spiral of action uh… if it’s plotted out on rules even vaguely similar to the MEST universe. That doesn’t mean that every game has to have this as a spiral – I scan, this as a cycle.

I keep putting down twenty and the harmonic picture figures it out to be sixteen or twenty-two to be the optimum action points by the way. I just keep splitting this thing in half just to give the zone of action. I say, „Well, it’s in the general zone of twenty.“ But actually twenty itself is a conservatism. You figure out the harmonics that way.

Uh… here we have, then, the whole universe going from creation to death, and we have the macrocosm. And up here we have Man under the microscope. So that’s the big and the large in terms of this spiral.

And we have here zero-zero and then we also have minus eight-point- zero down here and then we have another interesting point and this point is four-point-zero. Another interesting point is two-point-zero. Now those are very interesting points on this tone scale. I give you the most interesting points on the scale. Now those are arbitrary numbers.

Now if this thing can be found as such an interesting common denominator, then it must have some intimacy with the whole field of experience. In this universe, then, there must be an intimacy between this and the whole field of experience. And let’s make it our business now – we’re in the business right now of building, and uh… conserving and destroying universes and it’s… it’s a fairly big contracting business, and we should know a little bit about what we’re contracting to do.

They are numbers with which you compute harmonic“,. Well you say, we… we just… there is an arbitrary number. They’re just a value assigned arbitrarily with no uh… relationship to anything else except this scale. They say these things might as well be called A B C D as positions, but if you use them arithmetically you can compute from them harmonic values.

Uh… people who take contracts to the US Government in wartime don’t have that laborious requisite laid upon them that they have to know what they’re doing before they can do it. But we… we should.

If you have harmonic values with our tone scale here you can compute which ones are harmonics of lower ones and that figures out numerically. Now really the tone scale should start at zero. The tone scale should be at zero just at plutonium. That should be zero on the tone scale. And because that is all this destruction from there on south which starts in again on creation…

So, let’s take a look here and find that uh… what space is. Now, oddly enough, a piece of space… a nice piece of space is a postulated particle. Now you have to have a particle before you can have space. And before you can have an actual particle, you have to… before you can have space you have to have a particle, and before you have a particle you have to have space. So it’s a coincident manufacture. They are very intimate. They’re not two different things.

It’s a… you know, a beautiful piece of symbolism that they have used plutonium at last for a weapon. That is the most. wonderful piece of symbolism possible, because plutonium is the level or they think… they… these guys go around wild-eyed talking about low-order fission. Did they get hydrogen so it would have a chain reaction, and so on and so on and – no no, they… they… they just happened to hit at the point where they got the lowest point of stop, where stop comes to a point where it’s got to start again and that element is plutonium. It is so dense that it can’t stay dense. And so that would be zero.

Two particles, that far apart, become two anchor points. You say, „Well, there’s a point over there and a point over there.“ Now you could be mathematical about it and you could simply say, „Well, that point has neither length, breadth nor depth.“ That’s your right to say so. And you’ll find it’s difficult to hold it in one place. But uh… that’s your right to say that, and so… so it is.

Now there is a condition of plutonium whereby it will stay together and a condition of plutonium where it won’t stay together and the difference is the difference between the old cycle’s end and the new cycle’s beginning.

And then your next step could be a particle. Or you could simply just be more confronting about it and you could say, „Now here’s a particle, now it has mass,“ and you’ve got your creation of space. Your particle has mass. Now your particle could be something without mass. The… the particle… it’s not necessary for a particle to have mass. It’s… it could be just a piece of space, a microscopic piece of space which you then… then give mass to.

When plutonium explodes you can do all sorts of things with it. You can run all kinds of things with plutonium. You have an almost unlimited energy source which the boys are throwing around. And naturally with that order of magnitude you would knock apart the section of the MEST universe with great adequacy. You would just knock things apart wonderfully.

It… it’s merely postulates you’re dealing with here. I… I can see on some of your faces you have this creepy notion that this thing is going to slide in sideways on you somehow or other and turn into a very difficult feat in physics. But honest, HONEST, it… it… it’s just… it’s just too simple, actually, to be… to be readily grasped. You have a particle and you put that particle there, and you have a particle and you put that particle there.

And uh… here we have then what would be the actual theoretical – you see there might be other elemental picture… elementary pictures which wouldn’t make this an absolute in any way here in this universe. Certainly there are different pictures in other universes of material. But we have there, that would be real zero, but this tone scale up… was first. tailored to apply to human behavior.

Well, where do you get these „theres“ from? Well, that’s very simple. You just say, „They’re there.“ You have to take a viewpoint of dimension and you have a viewpoint. Now you have to say you have a viewpoint before you have a viewpoint, and in order to have a viewpoint you have to have something to view. So that’s coincident, too, isn’t it?

And oddly enough this tone scale has gone into parlance; the boys know what you’re talking about when you say he is a one-one, he is a one-five. I was processing a one-five the other day and… and when – that statement one-five is a great big picture of behavior.

So you get the… the viewpoint, the coincidence of view, uh… the anchor points and the particle actually simultaneously. That should tell you something very interesting. This is all going on here at once. I mean, they can’t divide these things so that you have… „Well, now we have space.“ Oh yeah? Yeah?? The heck you do. If you’re going to say „space“ you’re going to have to say „anchor point to anchor point“, not just arbitrarily. The second you sweep your hand this way or something of that sort, or motion out that way, you’ve got an indicator, and you’re indicating a point or a line in which you are now going to view an emptiness, and which emptiness you may or may not adventure to fill. But we’ve got the… all of these things.

Auditor knows the tone scale well, that is to say he knows how to speak Scientology well, he just comes right on straight across the line very easily and he said, „Oh, you one-five?“ Yeah, it says to him immediately: holds on like mad, uh… quite destructive, uh… yet at the same time uh… has impulses toward uh… helping and being upset and uh… supposed to be doing it for his own… everybody’s good but is quite brutal about the whole thing. He has arthritis. He probably is holding on to flocks of ridges in these various patterns.

Now what about the intention? You actually can’t state this intention without it happening. Of course, you could state it in such a way that it wouldn’t happen. But uh… if you stated the intention, uh… you say, „Well, now I’m going to put a piece of space out to here,“ you’ve already lined the thing up, and you can’t have instantaneousness.

Uh… it just tells you, if you gave him a communication line uh… he’d just flip it the opposite way so that it’d be destructive if he… if he let it go on at all. He’d be just holding pattern after pattern after pattern by saying a number. He’d say one-five.

Where… we can’t get off zero of the stopwatch with this. Uh… every time we add one of these things to another one of these things, we find they’re being done at the same moment. That gives people the creepy idea of the simultaneousness of time. And time, sure enough, is terribly simultaneous because it doesn’t exist. Time is something they invented. The great god Moloch, you know. Uh… he really didn’t exist. But uh… somebody had to invent him in order to keep the… keep the slaves in line.

Now you say two-zero; two-zero, that’s the antagonistic fellow who stands down in the middle of a park and lectures from a soap box and says „Down with the government. You’ve got to do something, workers, uh… uh… throw off your chains because we’re going to destroy the government and uh… you’re all going to inherit the government providing you… you go ahead and do so because the government’s done this and it’s done that.“

And Time… they have to invent him. He has an altar and uh… a beingness and is sacrificed to in every factory in the land. That is a time clock which is a nice little altar, and they come in and they feed him pieces of… little bits of paper, and he goes „chomp-whirr!“ and that’s… that’s the Oracle. And every time he says „Chomp-whirr!“ he is saying, „Bless you, my child. You will be paid.“

Well, actually that’s more one-five, toward… more towards one-five than two-zero when he starts talking about destruction. But he’s going on or, an antagonism level. That’s antagonism.

They’d actually get much further if they would simply put a pot-bellied god up there on the wall and give it a good-looking face instead of a silly circular face with Arabic numerals on it, because a god with Arabic numerals all over his face is kind of dull.

They’re this. They’re that. They’re something or other. They’re so on and so on and so on, uh… antagonism. Now four-point-zero, that’s enthusiasm. He’s going in or going out on the line of four-point-zero. He’s saying, „Now what we ought to do is so and so and so and so and if we get together in there and if we do this and we do that why we know we can do it. Now let’s…“ so on.

Uh… now they tell everybody that this is an… is an object known as Time and it is a great mystery. And it is a mystery which you mustn’t crack because if you crack this mystery too solidly, you’re going to crack everything else too, and there’s a lot of people got a lot of vested interests around here. They can’t manufacture energy themselves, they couldn’t build a universe themselves, three or four people couldn’t get together and slap one up that uh… looked pretty good, so they say, „We’ve got to keep this one – we’ve got to keep this one.“

And at zero-point-zero the fellow says… there you are on the tope scale. Now this band between zero-point-zero and four-point-zero is very well plotted. It’s found on the chart in SCIENCE OF SURVIVAL. There’s nothing changed on that chart, hasn’t varied at all. And we have… when we look that over, we have a very clear picture of what we’re talking about.

Those people are on the center of this action cycle.

Actually there’d be no reason why I should suddenly start in here and give you the various characteristics of people because the entire Book One of SCIENCE OF SURVIVAL covers this, and Book One of SCIENCE OF SURVIVAL could be called „Human Evaluation“ and human evaluation applies very broadly. And it is still as valid as it was the day it was written.

All right. Now what do we have here as an interrelationship of cycles? Let’s just take a look at this very broadly and let’s say we – just… just for fun – that we have to have space before we have action. Now that’s actually not a… not a good way to look at it at all. But uh… we say we have to have space: Space is a requisite to action. Actually, as you have action, you have space; as you have space you have action. As you have space and action, you have havingness. And then… and it’s just all right there in what… simultaneous time, and it’s very easy to have simultaneous time because, as I said, that is a myth and a mystery.

And so it has come into even better use right now than it has been in the past. We… we have more use for that book now than we had when it was written, so there’s no sense in my standing here and giving you a long dissertation on these various levels of the tone scale, from zero-point-zero to four-point-zero.

But this other is not a myth and a mystery. You can experience this. So God bless anything you can experience and to hell with everything you have to take on somebody’s word.

You don’t know very much about minus eight-point-zero, nor too much about four-point-zero and forty. And uh… this forty by the way I was showing you there on that cycle of action in an earlier lecture, uh… that forty- point-zero I was putting over there toward infinite rightness. And if you made any confusion about it being over there toward infinite rightness, it’s not even vaguely toward infinite rightness.

So here we go on a first action cycle. We have here uh… space postulated, you know what space is. This is the same space we were talking about yesterday. And that comes through here to particles. And this comes through here to action, and this comes through action to solidity, and here you have matter.

It’s way in, I was just showing you more or less what a gradient scale would be plotted on this tone scale. You can have a gradient scale for any cycle of action. But forty-point-zero is so far from infinity that uh… you couldn’t hardly measure it.

Matter is a condensation of space. How much will space condense? It’ll condense, of course, back to zero, because you’re not condensing space. It’s just… you’re just narrowing dimensional viewpoints on something and postulating more particles in it, that’s all. It’s a… you say, „Well, it’s a…“ and so on.

It’s… it’s quite finite. It’s within the realm of experience of any one of you, forty-point-zero is. It has a certain number of emotions, so forth, if you’ll look in the Chart of Attitudes, which I’ll have to cover a little bit more, but I’m not going to cover all of it.

Now you actually have as much time as you postulate space and particles. And if you postulate lots of space and few particles you have action; you have a field of action there can take place. And if you postulate very little space and an awful lot of particles you have solid matter.

The Chart of Attitudes in the HANDBOOK FOR PRECLEARS, which is the most valid portion of the HANDBOOK FOR PRECLEARS, it’s that little chart. Uh… when you look across there you’ll find a certain number of conditions which go between twenty-seven-point-zero and forty-point-zero.

Now there isn’t any reason why you couldn’t do that one instantaneously. You could say, uh… „Now it’s from here.“ Don’t think these things have to grow. They don’t. That’s… that’s the whole trick of the universe. You could have this… you could say „From here to here, and there to there, and there to there, and there to there and there to there. That’s… that’s a piece of space. And now it is a solid mass of particles – there you are: a piece of iron.“ I mean, there isn’t any reason you couldn’t do that. Just simultaneous time.

Some of them are above forty, some of them are below forty. I wasn’t arbitrary enough to assign them straight across the boards there for forty. So you look across there, you find out what’s at that band. And that band uh… has the very interesting characteristic of having an awful lot more in it than it appears at first glance, by a long ways. But the most interesting of all this is the fact that the darned thing is a harmonic.

It does not depend upon any gradient scale of occurrence. Let me make that very plain to you: It doesn’t depend upon a gradient scale of occurrence.

It observably is a harmonic. This was not immediately apparent on drawing it at all. But you know, all through the MEST Universe you find these harmonics. A harmonic is sort of this way. You’ve got something that… you’ve got a tuning fork, you have two tuning forks, and one is uh… one tuning fork, let us say, is one thousand and twenty-four vibrations per second.

Now there are many people around who know this instinctively and they can’t possibly figure out why they have to go through all this work, .particle collection idea, in order to have a whole flock of particles which then go together and form an object. Or why they have to go on a gradient scale of this sort of thing. And you can take a little kid and uh… when he wants something, he wants it right now. He doesn’t want it „till Daddy works another month so that you collect enough paycheck to this and that.“ And „Yes, dear. Now you want to be very… you realize, dear, that uh… these things take a little time, and so forth. And you have to work for what you get. And if you go to school and you gradually go across the line uh… and so on, why, you eventually work for 80 or 90 years and they will finally let you be a psychiatrist.“

When you strike it, if you counted the vibrations, it was vibrating at that. It will give you a certain musical note. Now let’s take and strike that thing and what do you know? Another tuning fork sitting alongside of it which is five hundred and twelve vibrations per second would give a much fainter but a much… just half a note. I mean half of a note level below it it’d go hummmmm. You haven’t struck it.

And uh… uh… they… the fellow is in instinctive protest, is saying, „Noooo! This doesn’t have to be!“ And every once in a while somebody will jump sideways on this and say, „I want it right now! Zing! No gradient scale, anything of this sort. It’s got to be right now.“ And he’ll get into trouble with the rest of the society. They all come around and tell him how this takes time, They don’t tell him what time is. They merely say it takes time.

You’d strike the upper one and the lower one is half its vibration count, half its wave length in sound. Now if you were to take the five hundred and twelve one and the ten… uh twenty-four one is still – the five hundred twelve one – if you were to hit the five hundred and twelve one and go bong, why, what do you know, this… everybody knows that another five hundred and twelve one would certainly go bong right alongside of it.

What they’re telling him is, „You put a lot of particles in gradually.“ They’re telling him the difference between, „Now we’ll make this box up here – this big cube – and now you want to just say, „That’s all full of particles and all those spaces are occupied and they’re in juxtaposition to each other in such a way that they’ll cohese, and those kind of tetrahedrons in space are going to do this and that, and therefore you’ve got iron.“ You… you just want to say, „Zong!“ and that takes place.“

The two – you strike one and the other’s going to vibrate – they just… that’s what’s known as sympathetic vibration and is one of the mechanisms that is contained in sympathy itself. Five hundred and twelve – this person’s at five hundred and twelve vibrations per second, that’s more or less just a handy way of saying where he is and he’s going to try and make everybody else five hundred and twelve by being sympathetic.

„Whereas we assure you solemnly that we know utterly that that cannot be done, because WE can’t do it.“ So they say, „Here’s the way you do this. First you make this big empty box. Now you’ve got that? Now you can’t have anything. You’ve just got to have an empty box and it has the flimsiest possible anchor points. So we can say they’re practically zero. Now we’ve got that box, and we take great care that it has the perfect geometric shape, and so forth. Now we take a particle – another little piece of space here – and we take this particle and we say it’s all full. We say that is in the shape of a tetrahedron and that is all full.

He turns on this and they get to be five hundred and twelve too. Maybe they’d like to be much higher. So, ten twenty-four, however, and that’s the oddity, is that not as many people know that at ten twenty-four you would get the tuning fork sounding if you hit half of its wave length. And it goes this way in multiples. If you get… if you… down here if you turn on a radio station, a radio station is a thousand cycle or a thousand KCs or something like that. It’s a thousand KC, you’re going to get something… it’s… it just is operating at that and receivers around which were set at five hundred KC and receivers around which were set at two thousand KC will also he able to get a small chunk of that reception.

„Now we’re going to take that particle and we’re going to put that in the box, understand? All right, now we’re going to take another small piece of space here, because you see, we can’t do these big things. We’ve got to do small things. And uh… just take this second little tiny piece of space here and we say that’s all full of particles, that’s fine. That’s another tetrahedron, and we’ll put that in this big box. And this way… this way, eventually we will have a box full. And it’s much more satisfactory to do it that way.“

And this is more… very marked when you get right up against the transmitter. Those people who are unfortunate enough to be up against heavy transmitters, in cities and so on, they can pick the harmonics all up and down the line.

And if you said, „We will make a large tetrahedron of space and fill it full of particles. And then two more, and then four more and then put those in this big box,“ that would not be fair. And you say, „What’s fair?“

Radio stations are continually in receipt of nice letters from the Federal Communications Commission saying „We understand that your harmonic at so and so, double your wave length, something like that, is far too heavy; you will have to modify this and uh… or cease broadcasts.“

„Well, fair.“

There’s sometimes the harmonic will get so strong that uh… you could actually tune in your radio set uniformly at half the wave length and get it just as easily as the main wave length; that’s the idea of harmonics. Repeats in other words, repeats. Well, what’s this a repeat of? Actually it’s a harmonic of densities.

Evidently what’s fair is not well done. And that, by the way, is… is terribly true all across the line when people start to talk about what’s fair.

It’s just densities – anything that’s half as dense as something will go along and vibrate with something. So let’s take density unit one. Anything which is density half of that one or density twice of that one will be company to it, they will do the same things that…

Now you’ll get the idea here, gradient scale. They want a gradient scale. They can’t do a lot of it at once, so they want to do a little bit at a time.

And… but things that are at different – let’s say something that’s a third of that or something that’s two-thirds of that and so on – you won’t get as marked uh… action there. You might even get a different action entirely. This is harmonics in observation in this universe. You could put in quite a study on this, but just let me point this out.

Now this universe is built on that postulate that I just gave you. It’s built on the postulate that you take this space and you make little particles and fill the big space that way, and it’s built on the postulate additionally that when you get it just so full it starts to get smaller. That’s shrinkage and decay. In this way we’ve got a method of getting rid of these masses of things, or maybe a way of collecting them, or something. Nobody’s ever quite sure what they’re… what they’re doing on this. But it’s… it’s a game. And it should… should be just awfully bare-faced to you, you’re supposed to go down and…

Apathy is not too much different than anger. Apathy sits down there to the lower band; it’s quite wide, but apathy is holding, isn’t it? And it’s motionless isn’t it? And anger is holding, isn’t it? And it’s more or less motionless. The fellow, you can just see him just tightening up his chords and so forth and rigidity is setting in and he gets arthritis and so forth.

People are building an airplane down here, and they go down and they… they make the sheets, and they put the sheets on the airplane and so on. And that’s all very interesting.

Well, there’s a relationship then between apathy and anger. Matter of fact, a fellow in anger can be thrown into apathy with great speed because it’s such a related condition. So he’s in anger, he has a companionship with apathy.

And they build this airplane and they put a motor on the front end of the airplane and they put gasoline into the thing. And they take a young boy and they train him how to fly, and they take the airplane out to the landing field and they take the young boy who knows how to fly and they put him in the cockpit. And they go up here to the… to the tower and they have a man in the tower who knows how to dispatch airplanes. And they have radio men and weather men to make sure that the airplane won’t get into trouble in weather. And they have radio stations and other fields and other places where you can get gasoline. And they’ve got this all figured out.

Now let’s look at three-point-zero. Three-point-zero is conservatism. „Well, yes, Mr. Jones, if you come back tomorrow we will think it over very carefully. Of course this company has a very conservative policy and we don’t want to encroach too much upon your time or anything like that but uh…“ and so on stop motion stop motion stop motion, let’s hold it down, let’s not do anything. Let’s not be very advancing and let’s seem so calm about the whole thing because that’s the nicest stupidest trap there is in the universe: that these calm people have anything to contribute to the society or should at any time be consulted because conservatism is a very low harmonic of serenity. Very, very low harmonic on it and it is a rather near harmonic of anger and apathy and it is destruction. And it is so low on its tone scale but is so high compared to a lot of things, that people get quite fooled by it.

So what? So he can fly. You sit him down in a chair and you say, „Be two feet behind your head. Now go to Chicago.“

They think it has some value to be conservative and uh… to he rather poised and conform and to restrain. Now apparently – that’s all of science today writing in any field – runs something like this: „Well, evidently, according to some of our investigators, who of course we cannot possibly guarantee the reliability of, but it just seems to us as we look at their work that a condition might possibly exist, under, of course, certain restricted conditions and not at any time pervasive into any workable or useful brand of information, but this condition was found by certain things and at various times was observed and so we can say at this time that we tentatively advance, without endorsing it of course, this datum.

And you immediately say, „But you can’t take a body to Chicago.“ Why should he take a body to Chicago? If he gets hot enough, when he gets to Chicago, he’ll make one.

Now according to Professor Snodbump we have…“ and here we go: modern scientific writing. It means what? It says „We don’t take the responsibility for this. We take no responsibility, we take no responsibility and just for variation we take some slight responsibility if there’s anything to have. But if there’s nothing immediately to have, well, we don’t take any responsibility for that and if we have to have anything we’ll have to have procured it rather covertly as though it was somewhat our due, and so on, and if we took responsibility for anything, why that would practically butcher us in our tracks because we’re scared to death really.“

That, that by the way, is the essence of teleportation. Well, what do you want to lug… lug a body around for? If you… you’d have to lug something around and it would encumber you.

„We’re just sitting right there at the decks and if anybody said „Boo“ real quick, we would run and run and run.“ Actually, they’ll go into anger and apathy. Now, here… here is your picture of conservative things.

A person has to encumber himself to the direct degree that he cannot create and destroy. And so if you want to lug this body around all the time… you could teleport it, sure enough one way or the other, but uh… why? You just uh… you’ve got this nice body and everybody looks at it and it feels solid to them and it’s all set and uh… you come in and there they are. And they say, „Well, I think I’ll go to Chicago.“ Poof! Poof!! There they are – walking through the Loop.

It is another beautiful way of destroying. Uh… the young inventor who just got the new wumagajugit that makes the Sherman tank actually spufflelacate and he rushes in, and he’s… he’s… he’s been working in their design department, he rushes into the front office and he says, „Look, the government is about… the government is about to… to… to throw out our orders on General Sherman tanks and so forth because they won’t spufflelacate. And I’ve suddenly found out that if you turriapate them they’ll spufflelacate. And just look, look, and… and come out and look at the test,“ and the fellows all in the front office, they… they… the clerks and so forth, they get quite excited.

And that’s very simple, but they’d have to be able to re-create themselves a body when they got to Chicago which compared to this body, so there would be identification involved in the thing, if they’re that MESTy that they have to have identification.

But then they get into the… the boss and the boss sits there and he says, „Well, then, let’s see, what’s spufflelacation? Well, that’s sperffelacate and oh, I… well, what terms are you using there? Well, that’s very interesting, that’s very interesting, why don’t you uh… write a – memorandum about it and uh… put it in channels and uh… we’ll consider this at the next board meeting, perhaps, if we get around to it“ and uh… so on. The young fellow says, „But I heard the government was about ready to canc…“ „Well now, you shouldn’t concern yourself with these high policy level things and uh… that uh… is about that,“ and he goes out and the clerks noticed how he was treated. So they are kind of conservative to him too.

What… what you really get identification on is matter. You don’t get identification over here on particles. A person who can BE a universe is not worried about whether his name is Jones or William’s or Spooner. He… he is not worried about what his name is. And possibly the beings which were in his universe, and so forth… he probably wouldn’t go around with his ear very harshly and solidly to the ground to make sure that they kept on calling him Jones – anything of that level.

And uh… so he goes back into the plant and he sits there and he kinda gets sore about this a little bit but he doesn’t think too much about it. He doesn’t think much more about it. A few days later the government cancels all of the orders on General Sherman tanks and uh… the General Sherman tanks they do make… they finish up the orders on the thing – well, they are delivered but they don’t work in battle and a lot of men get killed and that sort of thing.

Now you say, „Well, Jones owns so-and-so and so-and-so, and you have private property. Therefore you have to have a label so that you can tell what he owns.“ Oh, what the… what the… hey! Wait a minute! What he owns? You mean to say that the guy’s got to own? Oh, this fellow has to own, huh? Why, I thought we were talking about gods! Gods don’t have to own, they create! And they don’t sell, they destroy!

But we couldn’t take responsibility in the front office, could we? Well, that’s… that’s actually the truth of the matter. Young kid down in the oil well fields, he just… he just, God help him, if he finds out how to save the company 50% of their production cost. God help him, because conservatism is a gradient scale of die. It’s stop. And it’s one of the stopping stop cycles of action. And you could say actually that there’s a cycle of action interposing between conservatism and anger.

There is no traffic in the marts of the Valhalla we’re talking about.

It starts in conservatism and ends in anger. So you could say there’s a whole cycle of action in there. And there’s a cycle of action that goes from anger and it leads straight into apathy. This whole thing from forty to minus eight could be called a cycle of action. This would be a full cycle as far as behavior is concerned, because we’re interested in it.

Now when you get, however, into this whole subject of… of cycles of action, you find out that the imposition of a gradient scale on the manufacture of an item gives the illusion called time. And you want to unsolve this with the preclear – you’ll find your roughest preclear is the one who has the roughest time with possession. The roughest preclear has the roughest time with possession. He wants – he can’t have. The mere fact that he wants to be out of his head is enough to confirm the fact that he’s going to be IN his head. The fact that he doesn’t want something is the surest guarantee that he’s going to get it. He is just in a complete reversal, lower than that, he’s practically MEST. He cannot handle force, which means he cannot make objects. So if he cannot make objects, he is at the bottom scale of having to want.

But there could be a cycle of action as we’ve seen here between four-point-zero and death. Here’s a fellow’s been enthusiastic all his life and uh… he winds up and one day he’s dead too. So this is homo sap and uh… that’s his widest cycle of action.

So let’s take that as a cycle there. And uh… that would be… that would be the cycle of an object here, this space, particles, actions, solid and matter, and objects. And we put this on here very carefully: „MEST Universe.“ Now we’ll put also very carefully „December 1952“ and we’ll… we’ll make a translation of that uh… so that we know what 1952 we’re talking about. Because that is based on a very, very tremulous sort of thing.

Now a thetan has that first full cycle of action and the universe itself has this full cycle of action. But things which start in conservatism will end in anger. Things which start in anger, you could see – you could start creating at any one of those hold points really. And you’ve got numbers of cycles marked in here. That’s why we can say we start him up here with differentiation and we wind up with complete identification.

It’s… it’s a… it’s right on the razor’s edge because that says, „A.D.“ And I don’t know that we know whose „A.D.“ it’s for. So we’ll put it what it is, which is Cycle 56, Marcation Two – which is Hub Time.

What’s matter? The thing that is solidest is matter, it’s matter and what do you get? You get an identification of particles inside that, and you get an identity and an identification, and they mean the same thing, identity and identification. Because identity is not individualism, identity is: We are all the same. I have a name, too. But individualism depends on differentiation which is: I am so different I don’t need a name. The guy is so observably different he doesn’t need an artificial classification.

Now there is the cycle of an object. Now get it very specifically: the cycle of an object here and now at this time, the place and what… what agreements you find yourself in.

So we get individualism as being way up scale and we get identity as being solid matter. Now what uh… that… that by the way interrelates most terrifically. We find out down at the bottom of the line a symbol becomes the thing. The term is the thing. I mean there’s no differentiation at the bottom of the scale. Psychotics are just that way. They hand you a symbol, they reach into their pockets and hand you a thing. It’s fascinating to observe. In scientific books it is much more important, in these very conservative low-level books, it is very very much more important to have the proper classification, but look at this difference. I think it’s the field of biology or botany, I have to look this up one day, and uh… I just caught it going by about twenty-five years ago and I didn’t read it straight.

Now, what cycle of action, then, for an object that’s built like that? Well, a cycle of action for an object that’s built like that goes this way: it goes Start, it goes Change, and it goes Stop. Those are the three characteristics of motion, that’s all. That… those… those… motion does those three things. It doesn’t do four things or six things or twelve things. It just does those three things: starts, changes and stops.

But uh… Francis Bacon was writing a philosophical treatise, he was dashing one off, you know these… takes a long time to write these things. Uh… uh… the better writers took a long time to write things. You know that it is an actual fact that the longer it takes to write something the better the story. Well, it must be true because every time you look in the magazines or something of the sort it says this story took seven years to write. And a good… good writer will look at something like that and say „I wonder what’s wrong with that story. What couldn’t be solved in it.“

Now, you can fancy this up here, then, as motion actions. You can fancy all this up, and make it very, very interesting by putting in here just a little bit more particulars, see? You have Start, and then you have Change additive, and you have Null Change, and then you have Change negative, and then you have Stop. Now that’s just highly particular. That’s null there in the middle.

Evidently you’re supposed to have written a paragraph at a time and then laid it aside for a month or something. I can’t see the virtue of all this slow motion. But uh… the funny part of it is that writers, knowing this, rather hide from the general public the speed of operation. Poor old Dickens, he certainly… certainly – no popularity in his work of course, and it’s not even vaguely accepted or clever, actually he’s still the most popular writer in England, I think.

Now this compares to this: uh… Start, Increase, Decrease, Stop. Start, Increase, Decrease, Stop. That’s the way this works out. This is the formula of agreement on how we’re to make matter and maintain it and increase it and decrease it and so forth. Here we have again – Conception, Growth, Conservation here in the middle, then Decreasing – you notice old people start shrinking – and then Stop. When they turn to dust they really shrink.

Uh… Dickens dished it out at a speed which would have made a modern court reporter dizzy. If you don’t believe that, add the number of years that Dickens was alive and the number of books he wrote and the number of words per book and then find out how much he wrote a year and you’ll find out he was topping the fastest pulp writer in America. Interesting, isn’t it?

Now there is all these related cycles of action. They’re just all the same thing; we just kept drawing the same thing only we’re getting more and more into experience on this. So let’s just be… let’s say to hell with this and go right on out and find out how many of these things can we interrelate.

Uh… that uh… old Eddie Poe used to dish this stuff out at a speed which would look like greased lightning to a fast newspaper writer. He was writing what he wrote faster than the modern newspaper writer writes that horrible junk that you read, about the murder and so forth. Uh… it doesn’t seem to have any relationship to time, quality does, except you can pretty well count upon it having bad quality if it took too long. And modern scientific work which goes on and quibbles about the word Professor Yockgatta says that uh… this word should have been A but Professor Yackwalla says that it should have been A uh… to the variation, nyheauw – and the book goes on for half of its length discussing whether it should have been A and this book is on Ice Ages.

Well, we have to go into comparative experience. You saw yesterday space was beingness. We could compare space to beingness. Now that’s very handy, because as a person increases in space, he increases in beingness. This is observable in a preclear and it’s extrapolable from other things. So, all right, we’ll say space is beingness, and this is doingness, and this is havingness. Beingness, Doingness, Havingness.

And you’re looking there in vain; you’re just looking all the way through this book to find what causes a glacial period. And you look and you look and you look and you look and it doesn’t say anything. It describes a glacial period by saying that it is thought, it is heard, it was believed but we… we supposed, and evidence, all those others exist – what do you get?

And up here we have this, of course, as space, energy, object – object doesn’t matter. When you say „object“, we’re talking about energy, too.

You get no cause stated in the whole subject of Ice Ages and glaciers in any publication of which I have any knowledge and if you read the – Encyclopedia Britannica on the subject of Ice Ages, they don’t even suppose that they ever were caused by anything.

All right, and this is Start-Beingness-Space, and this is Start, Change, Stop. And this is Creation, and this is Conservation, more or less, and that’s Destruction.

You can look there in vain to find out the cause of Ice Ages, and you don’t find this in scientific works. They don’t even talk about the cause of Ice Ages. Why? Because they’re writing at a tone level of identity and identity is never otherwise than a full effect. And you don’t get guys and things that are at the level of full effect writing about cause. They wouldn’t even know cause if they ran into it.

And all through all of these things we have a related experience. And that’s very strange that all we have to do when we’re looking at uh… all of this material is uh… just interrelate these items. When we’re processing or trying to understand something, we can’t understand it in one category, shift it over to another category of the same bracket and we can understand it.

The fellow that made this universe could meet them in the street and shake them by the hand, and… and have every possible reason to bel… they’d have every possible reason to believe that they were talking to the guy who made this universe and they would still go out and write: I… it is thought, and I feel, and uh… evidences do not seem to indicate at this time…

We’ve got three things working here, then.

But you know what the rest of the conduct is at that tone band – it’s a fascinating thing – complete no-responsibility. These things which they’re actually espousing… these things which they’re espousing they have not tested, and that is the most shudderingly horrible thing of the whole thing.

Now we’ve got the various items here of energy, and when we get down to the final analysis, how does this relate? A preclear must be able to create the condition, energy or object, he must be able to conserve it, protect it, control it, hide it, change it, age it, make it go backwards on a cycle of action, perceive it with all perception, shift it at will in time, rearrange it, duplicate it, turn it upside-down or on its side at will, make it disobey MEST laws, be it, not be it and destroy it. If he can do all of those things, he’s answered every condition that is possible in the MEST universe.

They put out this terrific level of conservative approach and then wind up advocating that everybody take a yackgalla. And what’s their series of cases for the prefrontal lobotomy, to test whether or not it worked?

Now that just comes out of this stuff. This is with ease… considerable ease with which you do this stuff. Space and beingness are coincident. A man is as much beingness as he can handle space. He easily starts things because he can always create space for himself, a little more difficult to change things, and it’s sometimes quite difficult to stop things, once changed, in this universe.

What was the exploratory investigation course of the prefrontal lobotomy which is so widely advised, so widely advised that a court would consider it malpractice if the physician didn’t do it if it were indicated? And the number of cases which tested the prefrontal lobotomy is exactly zero. It started into practice in the United States as a thing in practice.

So the… as far as energy is concerned, it requires energy to do. It also requires space and matter, because energy or little tiny particles of matter, which sum up to big particles of matter with no space in which to move, very rapidly and that is matter. A particle with no space to go anyplace is matter.

It was not investigated and at no time along the line has anybody ever found out if it did anything to or for a patient. Now isn’t that fascinating?

Now we have, then, uh… energy compares to doingness and, of course, the essence of energy is change. We get uh… things shifting this way and that way and around and around, and we get change – consistent and continual.

There… the only existing record and investigation of figures on this happens to sit in myvault. It was compiled at great expense, but it was all the data that could be gotten on the subject – not slanted data – all the data that could be gotten on the subject of prefrontal lobotomy and electric shock.

And energy, of course, when we… I put conservation in there just to mark the center point. Then it ought to be also „Grow, Conserve and uh… Decay.“ And the operation of energy can be found to be in Growth, Conservation and Decadence. It’s uh… uh… that’s Change, but those are your characteristics of Change.

They shifted their words around. They said improvement means stopped shaking so violently or something like that. But they’ll say improvement was indicated, and you find out what the improvement was. Improvement was observed; you find out that the fellow used to fall off of his couch and scream and roll all around on the floor but now he doesn’t fall off of his couch. He… he screams and rolls around on the couch and that’s superior.

Now Change is marked out in terms of increase-decrease. And doingness, up here, is initiate-inhibit. You can… you can… you can initiate and carry forward something, or you can inhibit something in doingness. And just pure doingness wouldn’t do either. If you really wanted to be very technical, it would neither initiate nor inhibit, but you can’t have a theoretical uh… null in the middle of action. So right in the middle of action there’s always an umpire. You can always have an umpire on a game, because that has to be one of the characteristics.

There is nothing. The first case on that that it’s based on was a crowbar blew out of a forge and ran through the prefrontal lobes of somebody in Bavaria. You look over the case history on this and you’ll find there’s somebody in Bavaria uh… just, before this happened, uh… he stuttered or he was stupid and uh… he was… he was a moron and one day he walked up to this forge and the forge exploded and this crowbar blew right straight through his temples and went out the other side and made a hole clear through the prefrontal lobes.

So, over here we have an object, or matter. And that’s havingness, and that’s stop, and that’s destruction. And those are related things.

Go on, why don’t you ask me what happened? What… what… I mean, what happened to his stammering or his disability in general or whether he ceased to be a moron? That’s not part of the case history. There isn’t any.

Now let’s… let’s… apply this practically in the business of running the game called „MEST universe.“ Let’s not worry about processing for a moment, and let’s take a look at these things and see if they’re useful. We want to kill something. All you’ve got to do is stop it often enough and it’ll die, just as simple as that. You don’t have kill a puppy dog by shooting him in the head. Every time he runs in the room, stop him – stop him – stop him. He tries to bark – stop him. He tries to jump up in a chair – stop him. He wants to do this – stop him. He wants to do that – stop him. Don’t let him do anything. Any time he starts to initiate any action or carry forward any action, you insist that his position on the cycle is stop – and he will die.

And nobody writing or studying on the subject evidently has enough brains to realize that it’s an integral portion of the case history. Don’t ever look around at a piece of matter and respect it. Don’t ever respect matter. That’s the first thing… mistake you can make, because what you’re doing is lending your support to something which is full effect and if you let yourself be full effect of that piece of matter it puts you lower than the matter.

Now let’s say you want to stop something. You want to stop something – give it things. Give it lots of matter – lots of matter. And the more matter you give it, the slower it will operate. And you want to stop it dead in its tracks, just empty the dump trucks on it. It’ll stop. Just give it things. Give it things that it considers quite desirable – gold watches and… and Cadillacs and mink coats and… The more you give on this, why, the uh… more upsetting it is to this person. And they… they KNOW they want to have these things, they know that, because that’s right, it says right there on Agreement One: „I want to have the MEST universe.“ And it… they say they want things – but the more they get of them, the unhappier they get.

So any time you lend your support to anything as thoroughly matter as such a… a yakgullayupyup or treat it otherwise than – gee, what do you know, they uh… what do you know, those pebbles down there knock each other together. Psychiatry… they… pebbles – you can’t go out on an all-out basis against psychiatry because you’re in communication with something that’s full effect and it’s pretty hard to get in communication with it because it hasn’t any communication lines to amount to anything.

And if you want to just get rid of somebody, just completely, start giving them a lot of presents. You’ll just… you’ll just – bye-bye. You have to exaggerate it quite a bit, but if you were handy at making things so that every… every 15 or 20 minutes, why, they could receive another present, they… they would either run away utterly or die in their tracks.

It’s… you can zap it but why, you can always… you can always demolish matter, and you can do other things with matter, but it isn’t even there. All right, now get… get your study then of where these various bands are. And that’s three-point-zero on the tone scale – conservative scientific writing. Three-point-zero on the tone scale. Gee, homo sapiens is really operating there in a narrow band, isn’t he?

That’s one of the biggest mistakes that… that women make – or men make – in interpersonal relationships. There’s a good and adequate reason for that, by the way.

He sure is, too. He’s in a narrow tolerance band in every other direction. Goes up there eighteen thousand feet and he’ll probably die of anoxemia. If he went down a couple of miles, he’d… probably something else would happen to him, roast or something. And uh… he… he certainly can’t go down two feet below the level of the sea, so he’s pinned between sea level and about eighteen thousand feet.

Now, let’s take… if you want to stop something, the neatest way to do it is destroy it… really the neatest way is just destroy it, it’ll stop.

And uh… he ‘s not only that but uh… he’s pinned on a certain… certain uh… zones of this pole; he’s here between uh… oh he’s not very much above seventy. You have to have a technology, an Eskimo technology, to exist above that, which just is fascinating to behold, how technical it is. And uh… there’s nobody living down in Antarctica. And directly on the Equator at sea level brrrr and uh… so he’s… he’s on this little tiny globe in the MEST universe.

And uh… if you want matter… if you want matter… keep stopping things, don’t start starting things. If you want to accumulate matter, start stopping things. And if you stop enough things, you’ll get lots of matter. It is an operating principle of such magnitude that it would shock you. You think the capitalista has to be very, very sharp, you think he has to be a real sharp boy and get around there, at the right place at the right time, and call up Bill… He’s actually just cutting his throat. Every time he makes a motion, he’s cutting his throat, if his goal is to be a great capitalista. He should never, under any circumstances, do that sort of thing. All he should do is keep on stopping things.

And he can’t go up more than eighteen thousand feet and he can’t go down any distance and his temperature gradient without clothes or other protection and so on is very slight; it’s about fifteen or twenty degrees, really, if it were constant. Very slight, if they had no protection.

If’ he finds out that there’s going to be a bank loan which is going to be transferred to such a place, all he should do is make it his business to stop it from happening. If he finds out that they’re going to build a certain item in a certain place, all he’s got to do is stop that from being built.

But with all of his protective mechanisms ant so forth, he can live from forty below zero, if he has all of his protective mechanisms, up to about 135, if he has all of his protective mechanisms. But. if he doesn’t have these protective mechanisms, he slims right on down from about. – oh I don’t know – 70 to 85 or something like that. He’s… pretty narrow if you didn’t have roofs and other things to hide yourself under when that sun started beating hotter than 85, that would be the end of you probably. And uh… certainly cold is… would get you rather quick, so he’s… he’s scared. He hasn’t got any space to operate in. He’s got a tolerance band of temperature; he’s got a tolerance band of motion. Do you know that if you hit a homo sapiens at seventy-five miles an hour against a brick wall, he splatters. He hasn’t any… any motion tolerance to amount to anything.

If there’s a new law going to be passed, he should stop it from being passed. It doesn’t matter what it is – of course, they’ll kill him, but then what the hell. I mean, he’s just a capitalist. Uh… and, by the way, it works out the same way for the commissars. That’s a big joke, you know. There’s no… there is no mental difference and no ridge structure difference between a commissar and a capitalist, which I think is the most amusing thing of all. And, of course, this would have to be true or the two bums would never be clawing each other’s throats out. They’re both trying to have so madly that they have to stop each other.

If you put him in a ship which had an acceleration of eight G’s he’d probably squash pretty flat. It’d hurt him bad; he’d have to have special mechanisms. If you suddenly threw an acceleration of twelve times or twelve gravities, thirty-two point two feet per second acceleration uh… if you had that much acceleration – twelve gravities – he probably wouldn’t even be alive to tell you about it; he would just burst to pieces.

You wonder what’s going to happen to communism; well, it will stop capitalism. You want to know what’s going to happen to stop capitalism; well, it’ll be stopped by communism. It’s very simple because they’re both heading for the same goal. Now we get a nice interlinked relationship of stop going in both directions there.

Did you know that boys operating on PT boats when they’d go across rough seas, it would knock their kidneys down, their kidneys would displace. Uh… just a PT boat hitting a heavy chop, or a uh… guy riding a motorbike, if he doesn’t wear a belt, and so forth, he’ll eventually knock his guts and kidneys out of place. Guy on a PT boat by the way jolted his whole brain low in his skull. So this is… this is interesting.

Now the destruction should be… should be the main business of the capitalist – that’s what he should specialize in. And sure enough, there’s always a little suspicious thread of – you know that last little war we just got through fighting? You know, I could swear somebody promoted that for their own benefit. I could just swear that was the case. It just looks that way.

I mean he has very little tolerance for motion and so on. So he’s on a narrow band and he feels like he’s walking on the thinnest of thin ice. And you wonder why homo sapiens is afraid, he has no space, and he cannot generate a high motion. He has to have a low motion. And the fact that he does anything at all is just fantastic. It is… it’s a very great tribute that he would work in this narrow, narrow tiny little tolerance band and actually create something and protect himself and survive.

Now you take Pearl Harbor. Let’s see: they ordered in all the ships into the harbor for a three-day’s admiral inspection immediately before it was bombed. Yet, at the same time they had service from the Russian Intelligence Corps that said that Pearl Harbor was going to be bombed at eight o’clock on Sunday morning. Now they had other confirming lines, and 24 hours before Pearl Harbor was bombed a submarine had been sunk immediately outside the harbor at Pearl Harbor. Now it’s a very funny thing that an admiral’s inspection was what was ordered, because an admiral’s inspection means that you take all your ammunition out of the ready boxes on deck and put it below in the magazines. That’s very peculiar, and it’s very funny that in the first lines of strategy and tactics – it says, in the US Naval Academy it says, „When two nations are engaging in diplomatic relations and adjustments“ – or words to that effect, meaning when there’s a little strain in the air – the position of the fleet should be at sea with whereabouts unknown.“ That’s line one of elementary tactics, US Naval Academy.

And about the only reason that he was doing it is homo sapiens for – his own environment was a very tough boy. For his own environment – he was tougher than dinosaurs, he was tougher than snakes and alligators and tougher than armadillos and he was tougher than birds, and he was tougher than anything else – so he owns this planet.

And it’s very strange thing that when you have a message that says, „Pearl Harbor is going to be bombed at eight o’clock in the morning,“ and you get this, somehow or another the admiral in charge of all this in Washington is at a party and somebody else is at another party and they finally get in touch with these fellows and they… find out, they get in touch with somebody over there – whoever was there at the time, I’ve forgotten. And uh… they… they uh… get these people, and then these people all say, all say, „Well now, the thing to do…“ – see? There they sit. They’ve got batteries of telephones, secret circuits and everything else. „And th… th… the thing to do is to put that in top secret naval code. Well, that only takes about three hours to encode; they probably don’t even have it in Pearl Harbor, but uh… we will send them word of warning in plenty of time, and we’ll put this in top secret code, and it’ll take three hours to put it in the code and about an hour to transmit it, and then when it gets there it’ll take them four or five hours to break it down.“ And what do you know? That code was broken down and finally the message was read at ten o’clock Sunday morning, Pearl Harbor time – two hours after everything was in ruins.

All right, so he takes up that much of the tone band when you’re operating on a preclear and you’re having a tough time getting this preclear up from one-one to two-point-zero. And you’re having a tough time doing that with old techniques; your frame of reference on what should happen to him is itself quite narrow. To make… to take a fellow from one-one to two-point-zero. So, when we have a narrow band of this character we are apt to forget that there is this band of action to work on.

Now I don’t mean to infer by that that there was anything strange or peculiar about Pearl Harbor. I don’t tell you the thing was sold out at all. The thing was not sold out, very, very definitely wasn’t sold out. It was just „stupidity’d“ out. And uh… there is fortunately no monopoly on stupidity, and stupidity is no test they use in politics or naval or military circles. They never test for stupidity. They say „intelligence tests“, and so forth. They never have stupidity tests.

We’re doing a rather incredible thing of viewing from this little tiny band here the ability to ascend a very large band. You can clean up homo sapiens in a very short space of time with these techniques. You can shift him around on the tone band, but you have to take into consideration, if you do that, these various cycles.

Yeah. When you get these three things working together, you really have a mess on your hands, because they don’t work together, they work simultaneously: Havingness will stop, Stoppingness will destroy, Destroyingness, oddly enough, results in Havingness.

– Now we… let’s take what we have here and find out what is at forty and we have at forty, we have space, beingness, creation, start, in terms of motion, uh… cause, very important there, now we have differentiation. Now let’s take the center band and let’s find out what we have there on the center band.

Now you want to know how that possibly short-circuits. Well, let’s look at war; if you destroy the army you get the country. You get the idea? Havingness. If a fellow has to have something which somebody else has, it’s a lead pipe cinch that he’s going to have to destroy to get it. And what do you know? He’ll destroy what he is getting, too. He’ll lessen its workability. There’s be an element of destruction entered into anything which is procured in that fashion. And this is a working, a little working rule in the MEST universe.

We have energy, we have doingness; you want to get somebody into high level action, you have change. The essential of doingness is change, and you have, in addition to that, uh… conservation comes in there. And you have, of course, logic and association. Now down here on this lower band you have matter; of course, the guy’s in a body, the thetan is in a body at that stage; it’s the matter band that you’re into.

Somebody wants to go down here and take over… take over the combined Dupont factories. And they go into a… a destruction of a lot of reputations and a lot of fortunes and a lot of this’es and that’es, and finally they get the Dupont factories over. And the Dupont factories, at that time, would not produce what they had produced. You’d think they’d go right on producing, but they won’t do it.

You have havingness; of course your thetan is clinging madly on to this body; he has to have something. You have in addition to that stop, and in addition to that destruction, and of course anything that came along could use homo sapiens. Why? Because homo sapiens is pretty close to a full effect, in that you’re death. And you have identification.

Let’s take General Foods: General Foods accounts for one or two percent of all the food that’s distributed in the United States. Well, it’s just wonderful that at the time that General Foods was making a rush to get this terrific monopoly on food preparation and so on in the United States, they kept grabbing little companies, and they would go out and they’d grab products which were good products. And they would cut a few throats and lay them in the streets and run a few tanks over them and uh… wipe them out on the stock exchange, and uh… buy up their due bills and close down on them so they couldn’t get machinery that they were using from the places they were. In other words, cut off, cut off, cut off – stop, stop, stop, stop, stop. And all of a sudden the little company would say, „All right, I have no choice. We will sell out to you.“

You just take all those cycles of action and let’s compose them all together and let’s take a look at what you get here. And you get this… this picture of all these cycles, and that’s cycle after cycle after cycle after cycle and if you change his position on any one cycle you change his position on all cycles.

And, by the way, it never occurs to a person in that bracket to walk in the front door and say, „Here’s three million dollars. Now how about your company? That’s fine. Let’s sign on the dotted line.“ He… he just can’t… he just wouldn’t know how to operate. That would be beyond him. He… he’s got to do it the other way and invariably will. You just look at the… the trading that goes on in the back of the bank. It’s fascinating.

Now let’s do one more thing on this. Let’s take this and take a gradient scale of energy and energy is here, perhaps a particle and there, particles which are designed chiefly to move or be moved. And here we have collections of particles down here. This would be positions on the scale of uh… A B C. Down here at C we have particles which are either constructed to be or because of condensation; there we have the non-motion particles.

All right, so we get… we get Postum – let’s take Postum. Uh… General Foods uh… cut its throat and uh… threw it over the shoulder and… and… and packed it off into slavery, and the product called Postum went down in quality – zoooom! The type of can in which it was packed was markedly changed, and that went down in quality – zoooom! And the sales of Postum went down in quality – zoooom! And then General Foods sits back there and say, „You’ve got to have, you’ve got to have, you’ve got to have. Advertise, advertise, advertise, advertise. Postum, Postum, Postum – everybody drinks Postum, Postum, Postum – everybody, everybody, everybody… horrible stuff – drink it.“

They’re supposed to stop motion or to be stopped. There’s the various design of the particles. The space in that area is contracted so that particles will stop and be stopped. That’s designed to stop space. It… it’s what you call stop space. That’s… it’s a condensed space.

„All right, we surrender. We’ve got to have.“

So space itself condenses from forty and comes on down here. Now actually if we looked from here flat on the band, if we just looked straight on we would really have here… we… I… I wish I could draw this on here, I’ll put it in… in red as a pole which is coming out toward you. Uh… it looks like a tack maybe, but if you could imagine yourself… yourself looking from this pole on down here – you see the pole came out this way – you would be looking at gradient scales of wave lengths into the chart, so if… as you were to work on gradient scales of wave lengths into the chart, you would find that almost any wave could exist at almost any position on this chart. That’s quite hard to draw. In 8-80 I knew the existence of that but I couldn’t figure out any way to explain it without fouling anybody up like mad. But I can tell you about it. That’s different from writing about it, and so on.

The degree to which a person has to have is the degree to which he will survive. If he’s got to have everything all packaged up solid, he’s stopped and he’s dead, because although possession is an end goal, when attained, it ends the cycle of action.

So let’s have a… let’s have this thing here at any point and let’s just take the other plane out toward us and let’s look at wave lengths. And now we could have then… there’s a gradient scale of particle distances which could fit against any of these spaces.

There is never a great adventurer who did not end his career upon having discovered the sacred treasure of Peru. Bolitho, good old Bolitho, with his TWELVE AGAINST THE GODS – it’s a wonderful thing to read – gorgeous! And the introduction of TWELVE AGAINST THE GODS is one of the best pieces of work I know of, even related to a lot of things, and particularly to this subject.

Now there’s more to be said about that, but this is sufficient for our knowledge here. And here’s… here’s a silly thing called… called the aesthetics band.

You know, we can add this little line to it: we… if a fellow,. if a fellow would act and act. and act and then finally with his terrific ambition attain the treasure of Peru, and then he would turn around and look at all the people who had impeded him in getting it and he would simply take the bars of gold and the gems and make those people have them, he’s all set. And if he would walk away from his greatest triumph – and if a man ever could do this – walk away from his greatest triumph with his hands empty and his pocket empty and with maybe just the shirt on his back, he would live to triumph again and again and again and again. If he could do that.

Now the aesthetic band is very close to theta and theta could be tractored into the lower end of the chart by aesthetics. How do we demonstrate this? Me take bodies, bodies are aesthetic, he’s attracted to bodies and so he gets himself down into this lower band of the scale, down in the C area, by an aesthetic wave.

You know, we live in the midst of a tremendous amount of propaganda – continuous MEST universe propaganda on which the vector is 180 degrees twisted, so that we are led to believe that so-and-so is the case. And then we take that on faith, and we don’t go out and look. We don’t see what is the end product, for instance, of finding the treasures of Peru.

So there’s an aesthetic wave accompanying even the heaviest effort wave you have on the effort, what we call the effort band. That is an effort level which could exist at a certain, depth here across the full face of the chart. And we would have reason existing also as a… a wave length. These two things can’t be envisioned on a flat… flat surface, a two-dimensional surface. They’re a three-dimensional thing.

Let’s just take the sweepstake winners of a few years ago; let’s look them over and find out what happened to them. I know a little girl in Hollywood who is a very famous star today. Very good friends, and she is a… well, they got lots of MEST… they’ve got lots of MEST today, she and her husband. And uh… gosh. The only thing she was interested in was her family. Her family in the East. And they all came out to Hollywood and she had this tremendous income. And she could give them anything they wanted. She proceeded to do so. She has no more family – the one thing that she cared about, her sisters and so forth. And then the whole group has just gone to pieces completely. And yet what is she interested in? She’s interested in her work. She isn’t interested in what she has. She would buy a Cadillac and leave it on the driveway and never look at it again. She would be in a position where she could do that.

As a matter of matter of fact“ you’re trying to put in terms of dimension things which have to do with experience, and your particle flow is essentially experience operating here under these various stressed conditions. So, let’s look out here and let’s find that we have reason which has a very fine wave. We have aesthetics here and we have this here and that here at almost any level of this chart.

Do you know that this kid isn’t happy? You see… you see this kid’s name in lights all over the place. And you’d say, „Gee, this kid certainly must be happy.“ Oh, no! If this kid could just make up her mind that what she was trying to do was what she was trying to do – she was trying to act and she loved to act and she loved the atmosphere and the creation of acting. And if she would go into her dressing room in her gingham dress, or her 3.98 dress and put on the costume of the play and take it off again and put on that dress, and every time they gave her a pay envelope, take 50, 60 dollars, enough to eat out of the thing and pay her hotel rent and throw the rest of it in the nearest garbage can, she’d be a happy girl.

You can envision it that way, you can see how twenty-point-zero could entain… contain a terrific effort. See? How twenty-point-zero could have this fantastic effort, which a person could accomplish because he was at twenty-point-zero. But that same effort at four-point-zero would be something you couldn’t touch. But it could be the same effort at twenty-point-zero. Same effort at four-point-zero. In other words, twenty-point-zero is able to handle the whole band out here and four-point-zero is not able to handle the whole band out here but the whole band is present at four-point-zero and present at twenty-point-zero. You get the idea?

But nobody can expect her to do that, and the studio gives her all this money and they… they wonder why she isn’t happier and why this old spark isn’t always there and so on. They’re killing her, little by little, inch by inch.

So we’re taking the capabilities of handling the whole band. So we… look… look at how this thing does – it scales down this way. You needn’t bog your wits down too badly with this but it’s quite interesting that it scales down this way.

And that’s completely contrary to the way the MEST universe is supposed to run. You’re told very carefully, „Now look: if you’re a success, you get an awful lot of stuff. And you can have all these things. And you can have these big beautiful homes and you can have all this way, and you can have all that way, and you can be very happy then.“ And actually you can persist in that… you can persist in that delusion, because it’s a completely backwards modus operandi and it doesn’t fit and it won’t work out that way at all. You could persist in that to kid yourself in order to keep yourself in action. But the second you cease to know it’s a pretense, you get caught in the trap of it.

At forty-point-zero these things are so unessential that a person pays mainly attention to the aesthetic band. Well, ……… aesthetic, he’s not going to worry about effort.

You actually have to be in a position like this sometime to have a superfluity of MEST to find out what it does to you. It’s just fabulous what a lot of MEST can do to you. It makes an awful „MEST“ out of you.

At twenty-point-zero he wants to go into motion, so he’s going to pay attention to visible particle bands like light, uh… like electricity, uh… that sort of thing. He’ll see these things snapping and booming around and he’ll use this stuff and so on and it’s also present and can be present at forty-point-zero, you see. But it’s just used more at twenty-point-zero.

Now, these things are then related. And where you see these things cropping up as manias, where you see havingness mounting up and the MEST stacking up all over the place and getting higher and higher and higher, and that is more or less your object and modus operandi, you’re going to get a stop, and where you get stops, you’re going to get destruction. And where you get destruction and stop and so forth, there’s going to be more matter there.

And now let’s get down to… to… to C as a position there and we find out that although there’s… there’s all of these beautiful aesthetic bands and there’s all these light snap uh… high wave abilities to think and everything else there at C, the same as they were at twenty-point-zero, when we get there at C we find out that the person’s ability to handle the wave spectrums and so on has decreased to a point where he has mostly to do with the very heavy solid particle waves of matter.

Boy, there is nothing as full of matter as a battlefield after the battle has been quote „won“. You’ve really got an awful lot of bodies there if your goal is bodies. They’re in sort of a secondhand state, because they always are on such a thing. But that’s the way it goes.

And he’s handling matter with matter and heavy juice and that’s about all he’s willing to handle. And he doesn’t add much of the aesthetic band in there. So one could say that as here at the top there’s a capability; we’d have a triangle out here, you see, a triangle which would be facing you and it’d come out here from forty and you’d have this terrific capability out here about three feet. In triangles you’d have the whole band which would go from the tiniest wave length there was to the heaviest wave length there was. Anything could be handled at forty-point-zero with great selectivity, if you wanted to handle it. No need to handle it though.

Well now, these are interrelated experience. If you want to know why this man’s space is in bad shape, it’s because he conceives his beingness to be in had shape. If his beingness is in bad shape, then it’s the matter of ability to start is in bad shape. And if his ability to start is in bad shape, that simply has to do with what he can create. If he can create, his beingness will be in pretty good shape. If his… if his creation is in good shape, his space will be in pretty good shape. They just all go together.

So what’s selected out here, it’d be what is closest to you, furthest up the scale. See it’s only apparent that these scales are parallel. They’re not – they’re at right angles to each other. All right, so forty-point-zero would be most likely to handle a various state of light wave, there’s no necessity to do anything else about it.

Now if you want to knock out this – we have all these various lines here – uh… interrelation, if you want to correct any one of them, address the other three. Remember old ARC? Well, we’ve got it right here.

But it could handle a full wave if it wanted to and if it started to handle what we would call the effort wave, the heavy effort waves of – well, heavy electricity and so forth – if it wanted to handle those it could simply start out from scratch and handle those and it wouldn’t be able… it wouldn’t be able to conceive… it wouldn’t be able to conceive there was a great difficulty in handling heavy effort any more than it would have great difficulty in handling aesthetic, but it would differentiate widely amongst these waves. It would be able to pick up this wave and then it’d say, „What do you know, that is a heavy… that’s a heavy photon wave, ah well,“ and then So on. Uh… now if this line would cave back in toward B and at B would be about halfway back and we would find that this capabilities to use waves at B was simply this: It was unwillingness to use upper band waves because capability requires a lot of heavier stuff, but this level at B would sort of select the center out of the band.

ARC, by the way, is – I’ll comment on it much more broadly – just to put it in here and show you that we’re not out of the frame of reference we’ve been studying for an awfully long time. There’s an ARC here and an ARC here and an ARC here. There’s a gradient scale of ARCs, only ARC is the plane but uh… it’s a triangular plane, and it adjusts up and down, back and forth on this scale. And you can say ARC, ARC uh.

You… you wouldn’t use terrifically high aesthetics, but it’d use toward aesthetics. And it… it wouldn’t use terrifically heavy matter if it didn’t have to, but it would use matter, you see. And so you’d have its capability. Now its preference for waves would be middle-band waves. That would be the preference for it. You want… you want energy which goes zzzzap and which will travel across a very large amount of space and accomplish a heck of a lot with the least effort. That would be the optimum kind of energy.

We have over here ARC, and so on.

We want a lightning bolt that is fast and portable and that you can put in your pocket and use at will, but what do you know: already this person at twenty-point-zero or at B on the tone scale is sort of sliding in to: It has to be made for me or I have to have it in a package. He’s already to that degree in that state of being. Uh… it is valuable for me to take from the commissary uh… certain packages of. It is a good thing to have with you a transformer pack for a replacement in these jets.

Now let’s… let’s look at this and let’s get into the most vital center of what we know to be the backbone of thinking ability. And that’s Differentiation, Association and Identification. We’re right back there. Differentiation, Association, Identification. Out of Association, you get logic, you get action thinking. You reach things, and so forth, with action thinking.

See he’s already come down to the point where he isn’t thinking too much in… let’s make a transformer pack for these jets, oh to hell with the jets, let’s just go on over there – and by the way at that point on the tone scale you find people doing that. They’ll fool around with a piece of machinery or a piece of power pack or a piece of equipment or something like that and they fool around with it.

And out of Identification you get insanity. You go down to the spinbin and you’ll find identification is identification. And so „he rowed a horse“ R-O-W-E-D is the same as „he rode a horse“ R-O-D-E. And there he sits with the oars on the back of a horse.

And they fool around with it, that guy gets bored with it ‘cause it’s… there’s… the parts and replacements aren’t there, and they’re a little bit out of technology, they don’t know quite what to mock up in the thing… well, to hell with it. And they just go abandon it and then they go over someplace else and pick up some new equipment over there. Or make some new equipment over there. They… as far as transportation is concerned it is a limitation which they will accept but uh… which they will very easily… can reject; they can very easily reject it. All right, now let’s get down here to this poor son of a gun at C.

Identification, Time, everything else, ceases to be, it becomes a solid mass.

He’s… what he selects out is of course what’s being used on him. Now he… the whole band spectrum is available to C. An engineer operating in this society at this time can pick up, manufacture, use, do almost anything he wants to with any part of a whole spectrum of energy. It’s just that he doesn’t seem to want to play around with the upper part of the spectrum.

So let’s just put this in here where it belongs: Differentiation, Association and identification. And there they are.

It’s just as easy to make. He’s… he’s gone into this astonishing death datum. C, oh it’s important, C, he can’t fit it into anything, he doesn’t do anything with it, uh… but he’ll… he has to throw in quantum’s. Uh… whenever he starts using quantum mechanics he uses a… he uses a C. Well, here’s a C here and a C there, and a C someplace else. It has something to do, I suppose, with his desire to see it. It… that… it… I don’t think it has much other… other relationship because of this: every time you see C appearing in a formula I’ll be a son of a gun if you don’t have C, a bugger factor, appearing in the same formula. And you say, „What’s that bugger factor doing there? What’s that point eight six six zero eight nine ten doing? What’s… what’s that in that formula?“ And he’ll say, „Well,“ he says, „that’s… that’s… that’s the balancing, that’s you have to balance it up.“

So we have related the gradient scale of insanity to the gradient scale of action… of the Cycle of Action and Space, Energy and Matter.

„Hey, now wait a minute, why don’t you just divide that bugger factor into C and find out what the speed is for the…“ „What are you talking about now? There’s… there’s C.“ C is sacred. There’s a god by the name of C and uh… he lives at one hundred and eighty-six thousand miles a second and an engineer in this life at this time considers that is fast living for anybody so he’s… so he’s willing to respect this god. But it’s not substantiated in any way that the fastest energy travels is a hundred and eighty-six thousand miles a second. That isn’t vaguely substantiated.

Let’s take a break.

You can conduct a few little experiments and give an accelerator ring booster onto a fast condenser action, and you’ll find enough data to sort of upset things; you can shoot energy out. Energy seems to want to travel; this isn’t any terrifically factual thing because we haven’t even played around with it. Just enough evidence to demonstrate what the score is on it.


If you… if you… Energy travels at the speed ratio of its emission and if you emit… let a condenser or an ac… an accelerator ring emit energy at a terrifically brief period of time it apparently goes much faster. And then we gotta… we… there’s a… there’s a… a bugger factor in that and it’s demonstrated that that is the case and that a hundred and eighty-six thousand is very interesting if we insist on working with light.

But of course the guy is impressed with light who’s working on this. When he’s born they shine it in his face. And uh… so there we have light. So at each one of these at C equally you will find some heavy MESTy old boy sitting around with a paint brush and so forth and he’ll be working really with aesthetics.

Trying to work away with aesthetics, and you’ll find somebody else trying to work away with reason at that band, and using it, but you find that society has agreed mostly between what we would call the emotional band and the effort band. They’re agreed that those are the bands you should use. The thing to do is work.

And it says emotion, emotion – boy, that’s what we need. Actually emotion is lower than sensation and in order to get emotion you have to recover sensation. So they’re using at that bottom scale just that little section of it. I hope now you understand this tone scale a lot better than it has been understood, because I know I do.

All right, let’s take a break.