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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Dangerous Auditor - B660212 | Сравнить

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SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 660212 - HCO Bulletin - Dangerous Auditor, The [B006-008]
- 660212 - HCO Bulletin - Dangerous Auditor, The [B041-008]
- 660212 - HCO Bulletin - Dangerous Auditor, The [B068-006]
CONTENTS THE ”DANGEROUS AUDITOR” Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Staff Auditors’ HatsStaff Auditors’ Hats
Tech HatsTech Hats
Qual HatsQual Hats



We long have had a term for an auditor who consistently did things that were upsetting to a pc’s case. We call this a “dangerous auditor”.

We long have had a term for an auditor who consistently did things that were upsetting to a pc’s case. We call this a “dangerous auditor”.

There are certain exact specific actions or omissions that make such an auditor dangerous.

There are certain exact specific actions or omissions that make such an auditor dangerous.

These are:

These are:

1. Breaks the Auditor’s Code or ignores it as “only applying in certain cases”.

1. Breaks the Auditor’s Code or ignores it as “only applying in certain cases”.

2. Audits past floating needles or directs additional auditing on that process when a floating needle has occurred.

2. Audits past floating needles or directs additional auditing on that process when a floating needle has occurred.

3. Ceases to audit a process before the needle has gone free.

3. Ceases to audit a process before the needle has gone free.

4. Starts a new grade of release without rehabilitation or making sure at least by record that an earlier grade has been rehabbed and was not overrun. *Editor’s note: At that time it was standard procedure to rehab the lower grades before starting a higher grade. This can be explained by the fact that the Grades were first established in 1965 but people had been run on such processes before, of course. Also the data on releases and F/Ns was new. References are many HCOBs from 1965 and 1966, specifically HCOB 27 Sep 65, “Release Gradation, Additional Data” (Vol. VI, p. 98)

4. Starts a new grade of release without rehabilitation or making sure at least by record that an earlier grade has been rehabbed and was not overrun. *Editor’s note: At that time it was standard procedure to rehab the lower grades before starting a higher grade. This can be explained by the fact that the Grades were first established in 1965 but people had been run on such processes before, of course. Also the data on releases and F/Ns was new. References are many HCOBs from 1965 and 1966, specifically HCOB 27 Sep 65, “Release Gradation, Additional Data” (Vol. VI, p. 98)

5. Does not locate the right SP on S & D but over or under lists or misses while assessing.

5. Does not locate the right SP on S & D but over or under lists or misses while assessing.

6. Goes on auditing the pc after an ARC Break without caring for the ARC Break (and believes it possible or usual to continue past one).

6. Goes on auditing the pc after an ARC Break without caring for the ARC Break (and believes it possible or usual to continue past one).

7. Consistently has hostile and derogatory opinions about his pcs.

7. Consistently has hostile and derogatory opinions about his pcs.

These are the really dangerous points that make an auditor who does them dangerous.

These are the really dangerous points that make an auditor who does them dangerous.

(This list is composed by tracing back upset cases to the errors which made the upset.)

(This list is composed by tracing back upset cases to the errors which made the upset.)

An auditor who merely makes the five Gross Auditing Errors is just a bad auditor. (See HCO B 21 Sept 65 “Out Tech”.)

An auditor who merely makes the five Gross Auditing Errors is just a bad auditor. (See HCO B 21 Sept 65 “Out Tech”.)

A dangerous auditor often seems to be quite accomplished, but does the above. On some pcs he seems to get away with it and so will argue the virtue of his approach or violations. But on the next pc he doesn’t and has a mess on his hands.

A dangerous auditor often seems to be quite accomplished, but does the above. On some pcs he seems to get away with it and so will argue the virtue of his approach or violations. But on the next pc he doesn’t and has a mess on his hands.

A “careful” auditor is not necessarily not dangerous. One doesn’t audit carefully. One audits with a relaxed competence that follows the rules and avoids the errors listed above.

A “careful” auditor is not necessarily not dangerous. One doesn’t audit carefully. One audits with a relaxed competence that follows the rules and avoids the errors listed above.

There is no compromise for knowing one’s business.

There is no compromise for knowing one’s business.

Most auditors, when they are trained and no longer make the 5 Gross Auditing Errors, become very excellent auditors and do a fine job and I am proud of them.

Most auditors, when they are trained and no longer make the 5 Gross Auditing Errors, become very excellent auditors and do a fine job and I am proud of them.
