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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Dear Associate - 540310 | Сравнить

CONTENTS Dear Associate, Cохранить документ себе Скачать
806 North Third Street Phoenix, Arizona
March 10, 1954
806 North Third Street Phoenix, Arizona
March 10, 1954

Dear Associate,

Dear Associate,

I have not written you for some time because I was waiting to have something conclusive to say.

I have not written you for some time because I was waiting to have something conclusive to say.

Now that the HAS has been re-established on its home ground and several test projects concluded we can give you some idea of whither we are rocketing.

Now that the HAS has been re-established on its home ground and several test projects concluded we can give you some idea of whither we are rocketing.

The HAS had to come home because the Eastern communication blocks were found to be very great. For instance, it costs almost three times as much to publish a Journal in the East. When I came West for the Congress I found a very warm welcome here in Phoenix. The HAS, two years old, was known for paying its bills and delivering the goods. Rather than pioneer, it was thought best to continue our established reputation in this area. All major effects and stocks of the HAS are in Phoenix now. We have here at 806 North Third Street very comfortable and roomy offices — and the air is clean. We have training quarters, very nice ones, in another building a block or so away.

The HAS had to come home because the Eastern communication blocks were found to be very great. For instance, it costs almost three times as much to publish a Journal in the East. When I came West for the Congress I found a very warm welcome here in Phoenix. The HAS, two years old, was known for paying its bills and delivering the goods. Rather than pioneer, it was thought best to continue our established reputation in this area. All major effects and stocks of the HAS are in Phoenix now. We have here at 806 North Third Street very comfortable and roomy offices — and the air is clean. We have training quarters, very nice ones, in another building a block or so away.

The big news in Scientology is our alliance with various fields of psycho-therapy and the use of Scientology in widely different fields. For instance, in California we are most acceptable as a religion. Under Dr. Farber, the CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY has been duly incorporated in California and will act as a coordinating unit for many congregations.

The big news in Scientology is our alliance with various fields of psycho-therapy and the use of Scientology in widely different fields. For instance, in California we are most acceptable as a religion. Under Dr. Farber, the CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY has been duly incorporated in California and will act as a coordinating unit for many congregations.

Dr. Farber contracted with the CHURCH OF AMERICAN SCIENCE (the mother church) on a tithe of twenty percent to the mother church from the CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY of California and is empowered to issue ordinations and other necessary papers by the State of California and by the CHURCH OF AMERICAN SCIENCE. All such ordinations are basically those of the mother church. In order to organize a CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY in your area it is only necessary to apply to the HAS for forwarding to the CHURCH OF AMERICAN SCIENCE and a full set of photostats of the various articles, by-laws, contracts and charters of filing will be forwarded to you.

Dr. Farber contracted with the CHURCH OF AMERICAN SCIENCE (the mother church) on a tithe of twenty percent to the mother church from the CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY of California and is empowered to issue ordinations and other necessary papers by the State of California and by the CHURCH OF AMERICAN SCIENCE. All such ordinations are basically those of the mother church. In order to organize a CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY in your area it is only necessary to apply to the HAS for forwarding to the CHURCH OF AMERICAN SCIENCE and a full set of photostats of the various articles, by-laws, contracts and charters of filing will be forwarded to you.

Additional alliance has been made with a corporation, THE FREUDIAN FOUNDATION OF AMERICA to train and certify psycho-analysts and psychotherapists (the latter being the junior grade).

Additional alliance has been made with a corporation, THE FREUDIAN FOUNDATION OF AMERICA to train and certify psycho-analysts and psychotherapists (the latter being the junior grade).

The predominant communication line of the society at this time is psychoanalysis. Freud’s books are very well known. By arrangements made in Europe and otherwise it is possible to issue certification as Freudian analysts. In that Freud, as a pioneer, introduced the basic idea that illness can stem from mental causes, and in that his work is well known, it is not unseemly to carry out his aims and goals. As he prescribed no exact process and as Scientology on its lowest rung solves Freudian problems never before solved, Scientology is of course desirable in this field. Further, Freud’s work holds out hope which does not materialize and so tends to dead end those seeking help in mental problems. To remove this road block by applying what is now known would seem to be a social contribution.

The predominant communication line of the society at this time is psychoanalysis. Freud’s books are very well known. By arrangements made in Europe and otherwise it is possible to issue certification as Freudian analysts. In that Freud, as a pioneer, introduced the basic idea that illness can stem from mental causes, and in that his work is well known, it is not unseemly to carry out his aims and goals. As he prescribed no exact process and as Scientology on its lowest rung solves Freudian problems never before solved, Scientology is of course desirable in this field. Further, Freud’s work holds out hope which does not materialize and so tends to dead end those seeking help in mental problems. To remove this road block by applying what is now known would seem to be a social contribution.

All auditors graduating from the Advanced Clinical Course, grading high enough to properly represent their subject, can be given any one of three or all the following certificates: DOCTOR OF SCIENTOLOGY, FREUDIAN PSYCHO-ANALYST, DOCTOR OF DIVINITY. Naturally, previous background and general fitness are consulted in this matter. The next ADVANCED CLINICAL COURSE is March 29, 1954. This is Number

All auditors graduating from the Advanced Clinical Course, grading high enough to properly represent their subject, can be given any one of three or all the following certificates: DOCTOR OF SCIENTOLOGY, FREUDIAN PSYCHO-ANALYST, DOCTOR OF DIVINITY. Naturally, previous background and general fitness are consulted in this matter. The next ADVANCED CLINICAL COURSE is March 29, 1954. This is Number

5. Unit Six will begin May 10, 1954. The fee remains $800. The courses will continue every six weeks. There will be a week gap at the end of June when no course is given in order to make a place for the next Congress. Immediately after the Congress week the courses will resume.

5. Unit Six will begin May 10, 1954. The fee remains $800. The courses will continue every six weeks. There will be a week gap at the end of June when no course is given in order to make a place for the next Congress. Immediately after the Congress week the courses will resume.

The THIRD INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF DIANETICISTS AND SCIENTOLOGISTS is scheduled for a week in late June in Phoenix. Phoenix is a cool summer city, being an almost entirely air-conditioned town. The dry climate makes airconditioning effective here and June in Phoenix is cooler than anywhere on the East Coast or Middle West.

The THIRD INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF DIANETICISTS AND SCIENTOLOGISTS is scheduled for a week in late June in Phoenix. Phoenix is a cool summer city, being an almost entirely air-conditioned town. The dry climate makes airconditioning effective here and June in Phoenix is cooler than anywhere on the East Coast or Middle West.

The Journal is smoothing out on its schedule. We are getting great numbers of orders for issues 16-G and 24-G. We have many new book issues in planning or being set. The price is $5.00 for 24 issues. You can take subscriptions and remit 60% of the subscription price with the name and address of the subscriber. You can also take special $25 memberships or professional memberships in the HAS and forward 60% to us. You are overlooking a lot of revenue for yourself in these. You can also sell books and make 40% of their sales price.

The Journal is smoothing out on its schedule. We are getting great numbers of orders for issues 16-G and 24-G. We have many new book issues in planning or being set. The price is $5.00 for 24 issues. You can take subscriptions and remit 60% of the subscription price with the name and address of the subscriber. You can also take special $25 memberships or professional memberships in the HAS and forward 60% to us. You are overlooking a lot of revenue for yourself in these. You can also sell books and make 40% of their sales price.

Journal advertising rates are revised. They are $85 a page, $50 a half page, $1 a half page wide line. The Journal is read by 5,800 and new subscriptions come in daily.

Journal advertising rates are revised. They are $85 a page, $50 a half page, $1 a half page wide line. The Journal is read by 5,800 and new subscriptions come in daily.

You can buy the first 24 issues of the Journal for $5.00.

You can buy the first 24 issues of the Journal for $5.00.

Now for a brief comment on the business of being an associate:

Now for a brief comment on the business of being an associate:

The HAS has now been in business for two years. Originally it was intended that the HAS associates would do the training and treating and the HAS would supply books and tapes. Very early it became apparent that the associate program would not begin to support the HAS. Lateness or non-existence of training percentages, inability to communicate even narrowly in their neighborhood and other matters finally forced the HAS back into the training business. And it caused the HAS to less and less regard the associate as a major portion of the organization. Several changes were offered. A rather continual apathy greeted these changes and so none of them actually went into force.

The HAS has now been in business for two years. Originally it was intended that the HAS associates would do the training and treating and the HAS would supply books and tapes. Very early it became apparent that the associate program would not begin to support the HAS. Lateness or non-existence of training percentages, inability to communicate even narrowly in their neighborhood and other matters finally forced the HAS back into the training business. And it caused the HAS to less and less regard the associate as a major portion of the organization. Several changes were offered. A rather continual apathy greeted these changes and so none of them actually went into force.

Now more recently, having had under my hands a great many people who had been “trained” by associates, I found why the associates themselves tended to fail in their areas. They didn’t make auditors. They didn’t teach the subject well. Thus the auditors got no results and the associate thereupon received very little business. The subjects of Dianetics and Scientology have been working in capable hands since 1949. But they have not been working for poorly trained auditors. All this squirrel crop with Bogwog Procedure arose from people who couldn’t tell an engram from a comma. With bad (not poor) training the associate released into his area auditors who couldn’t cure dirty fingernails much less psycho-somatic ills. So, the subject, known by what its practitioners did, stalled.

Now more recently, having had under my hands a great many people who had been “trained” by associates, I found why the associates themselves tended to fail in their areas. They didn’t make auditors. They didn’t teach the subject well. Thus the auditors got no results and the associate thereupon received very little business. The subjects of Dianetics and Scientology have been working in capable hands since 1949. But they have not been working for poorly trained auditors. All this squirrel crop with Bogwog Procedure arose from people who couldn’t tell an engram from a comma. With bad (not poor) training the associate released into his area auditors who couldn’t cure dirty fingernails much less psycho-somatic ills. So, the subject, known by what its practitioners did, stalled.

Sure, processes are now faster and better, but they’ve always worked. The associate program broke down on an inability on the part of the associate to get good representation on the part of his students in his own area.

Sure, processes are now faster and better, but they’ve always worked. The associate program broke down on an inability on the part of the associate to get good representation on the part of his students in his own area.

So the HAS is back in the training business. We are making auditors. A lot of them have been widely and lengthily trained by associates. They come to me here with no knowledge of definitions, no certainty on the subject, without any great skill. They didn’t get what they paid for — training to be an auditor. They’re leaving here with their cases in fair or excellent condition but when they leave here they can AUDIT! The worst students I’ve had go around town pulling off miracles. So we HAVE to be in the training business in order to get Dianetics and Scientology done somewhere on the face of earth.

So the HAS is back in the training business. We are making auditors. A lot of them have been widely and lengthily trained by associates. They come to me here with no knowledge of definitions, no certainty on the subject, without any great skill. They didn’t get what they paid for — training to be an auditor. They’re leaving here with their cases in fair or excellent condition but when they leave here they can AUDIT! The worst students I’ve had go around town pulling off miracles. So we HAVE to be in the training business in order to get Dianetics and Scientology done somewhere on the face of earth.

Now this may be received as an awful invalidation of what you’ve been doing, as a discounting of all your good work. However, it’s only bald finding. I’ve had, now, students from all of you. So I know why the associates haven’t left a rocket-tail across their areas. They didn’t train people to get results and the subject itself was injured.

Now this may be received as an awful invalidation of what you’ve been doing, as a discounting of all your good work. However, it’s only bald finding. I’ve had, now, students from all of you. So I know why the associates haven’t left a rocket-tail across their areas. They didn’t train people to get results and the subject itself was injured.

Sure, I should have trained YOU better. But I’m doing that now. Almost every associate has been or is being represented in these clinical units.

Sure, I should have trained YOU better. But I’m doing that now. Almost every associate has been or is being represented in these clinical units.

So all this calls for an overhaul of the entire associate program. With well trained associates or staff members, it doesn’t seem likely you can do other than succeed in the various areas. BUT this will entail an awful lot better training of your students. And it will entail a lot more attention to communication in your area. Associates are very prone to get spread all over the map with their ambitions and never LOOK at their own town. They can look everywhere for business but the front yard. Typical of this, an HAS official last year was getting all his business from 12,000 miles away and none of it from the largest city in the world — LONDON. Associates commonly think of themselves as rival HASs. Well, the HAS has always covered its own area AND five continents. Right now it is plowing into Phoenix the way nobody here has ever plowed before. Business is better where you are, not three thousand miles away. So, applying and communicating locally (and as nationally as you want, but locally first), an associate can win.

So all this calls for an overhaul of the entire associate program. With well trained associates or staff members, it doesn’t seem likely you can do other than succeed in the various areas. BUT this will entail an awful lot better training of your students. And it will entail a lot more attention to communication in your area. Associates are very prone to get spread all over the map with their ambitions and never LOOK at their own town. They can look everywhere for business but the front yard. Typical of this, an HAS official last year was getting all his business from 12,000 miles away and none of it from the largest city in the world — LONDON. Associates commonly think of themselves as rival HASs. Well, the HAS has always covered its own area AND five continents. Right now it is plowing into Phoenix the way nobody here has ever plowed before. Business is better where you are, not three thousand miles away. So, applying and communicating locally (and as nationally as you want, but locally first), an associate can win.

You turn out good auditors and you’ll win your area. Collect the fee and skip the drudgery of training and you’ll reap disaster for yourself — and in many instances you have already done so.

You turn out good auditors and you’ll win your area. Collect the fee and skip the drudgery of training and you’ll reap disaster for yourself — and in many instances you have already done so.

Because of the legal situation in various places, the Church of Scientology is your best bet in such areas. Alliance with the Freudian Foundation is possible. Continuing as an HAS associate is possible. In any event, we have the proper papers and procedures outlined here for your application. But more important, the entire “associate program” is a jerry-rig affair at this time. We don’t know what you expect and we don’t know what you are doing. Before very long there will be a close-knit program throughout the US. We have better programs in some very far places with our associates than with US associates, so we’re looking to home with this newsletter. We can’t just help you. We can make you. But you’ll have to get more communicative, you’ll have to sell more books, you’ll have to have the proper tapes and you’ll have to be willing to work like hell.

Because of the legal situation in various places, the Church of Scientology is your best bet in such areas. Alliance with the Freudian Foundation is possible. Continuing as an HAS associate is possible. In any event, we have the proper papers and procedures outlined here for your application. But more important, the entire “associate program” is a jerry-rig affair at this time. We don’t know what you expect and we don’t know what you are doing. Before very long there will be a close-knit program throughout the US. We have better programs in some very far places with our associates than with US associates, so we’re looking to home with this newsletter. We can’t just help you. We can make you. But you’ll have to get more communicative, you’ll have to sell more books, you’ll have to have the proper tapes and you’ll have to be willing to work like hell.

Some among you are doing all right. The bulk of the program however needs to be pulled tightly into line. We’ve got a science, we have the basic organization. Now let’s get going and get the job done we started to do. ALL CONTRACTS WITH MYSELF OR THE HAS ARE NOW SUBJECT TO RENEWAL. So apply and tell us which way you want to go. Please let us know before April 1st, 1954. The HAS, a church, what course do you want to steer?

Some among you are doing all right. The bulk of the program however needs to be pulled tightly into line. We’ve got a science, we have the basic organization. Now let’s get going and get the job done we started to do. ALL CONTRACTS WITH MYSELF OR THE HAS ARE NOW SUBJECT TO RENEWAL. So apply and tell us which way you want to go. Please let us know before April 1st, 1954. The HAS, a church, what course do you want to steer?

LRH for the HAS
LRH for the HAS