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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Following Up on Dirty Needles - B780906 | Сравнить
- R3SC Full Service Facsimile Handling - B780906-3 | Сравнить
- Routine 3 SC-A Full Service Facsimile Handling Updated - B780906-3 | Сравнить
- Service Facsimiles and Rock Slams - B780906-2 | Сравнить

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CONTENTS Following Up On Dirty Needles Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue II
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Level IVTech Staff
ChecksheetsQual Staff
Class IV AuditorsHCOs
SupervisorsConfessional Courses
C/SesLevel II Checksheets


All Auditors


  • HCOB 5 Sep 78 Anatomy Of A Service Facsimile
  • HCOB 1 Sep 63 Scientology Three Clearing, Clearing, Clearing, Routine Three SC
  • Following Up On Dirty Needles

  • HCOB 6 Sep 78 IIIUrgent, Important, Routine Three SC-A, Full Service Facsimile Handling; Updated With New Era Dianetics
  • (Ref:

  • TAPE: 6308C27 SH SPEC 299 Rightness & Wrongness
    • HCOB 3 Sep 78 Definition Of A Rock Slam
  • TAPE: 6309C04 SH SPEC 302 How To Find a Service Facsimile
  • HCOB 28 Jun 62 Dirty Needles
  • TAPE: 6309C03 SH SPEC 302A R3SC
  • HCOB 17 May 69 TRs And Dirty Needles
  • TAPE: 6309C05 SH SPEC 303 Service Facsimile Assessment
  • E-Meter Drills 17, 20, 21: The Book Of E-Meter Drills
  • TAPE: 6309C18 SH SPEC 308 St. Hill Service Fac Handling
  • TAPE: 6205C23; SH TVD-7 Fish & Fumble, Checking Dirty Needles.)
  • HCOB 3 Sep 78 Definition Of A Rock Slam
  • _________________
  • HCOB 10 Aug 76R R/Ses, What They Mean
  • The only valid definition of a dirty needle is given in HCOB 3 September 78, Definition Of A Rock Slam, as:


    “Dirty Needle: An erratic agitation of the needle which is ragged, jerky, ticking, not sweeping, and tends to be persistent. It is not limited in size.”

    A service facsimile is a brother to R/Ses and evil intentions.

    It is caused by one of three things: 1) the auditor’s TRs are bad or 2) the auditor is breaking the Auditor’s Code or 3) the pc has withholds he does not wish known.

    This is easily seen when one understands the anatomy of the service fac and the right/wrong, dominate and survive computations that enter into it. And when one understands that an R/S always means a hidden, evil intention and that the total reason for an R/S is to make wrong. In order to get someone to succumb they have to be wrong.

    The definitions are pointed up in the above HCOB because it is vital not to confuse a dirty needle with an R/S. They are distinctly different reads. The difference is in the character of the read: it has nothing to do with size.

    Way back up there the idea preceding the service fac was right, really right. Then it came down a bit and was a method of survival and then it was a method of dominating and then it was a method of being right in order to make others wrong.

    Auditors, supervisors and C/Ses must understand the difference between these two reads and must be able to recognize each instantly when they occur.

    And in that contest one got enough overts so that the communication line took a switcheroo. What was right about it is now wrong about it and what was once wrong is now right. A=A=A enters into the situation where rightness becomes wrongness. All of his overts get piled up on one of these fixed ideas, or what we call a service facsimile.

    Because of the underlying causes of these two different types of reads they are both most apt to appear when Confessionals are being done or when areas of O/Ws are being addressed. But they are different and the auditor must know the difference cold.

    It isn’t actually a facsimile at all. It’s the guy himself keeping facsimiles in restimulation because he “knows” what’s best. The person himself is generating the fixed idea; it is not the bank.

    A dirty needle must not be ignored especially when doing any type of Confessional action.

    It isn’t what aberration the individual is dramatizing. It’s what aberration does the individual dredge up in order to make somebody wrong. It isn’t the accidental thing you think it is. It’s intended.

    If the auditor’s TRs are in and he is maintaining the Auditor’s Code, a dirty needle, taken up, will either clean or turn into an R/S. It is not to be overlooked.

    The intention is to be right and make others wrong, to dominate others and escape domination oneself, to aid own survival and hinder the survival of others. That is the service fac – blood brother to the hidden, evil intention that is behind the rock slam.

    The dirty needle is your hottest string to pull in finding and turning on an R/S. Whatever is behind it, ignoring it will cut the comm line between auditor and pc and wreck the auditing comm cycle.

    This does not mean you will necessarily see R/Ses on every service fac you run. It does mean that where a pc is R/Sing in an area you have an area of a heavy, a severe, service fac.

    The area that is producing a dirty needle, when questioned to get full data, will either clean or go into an R/S.

    Know when you see an R/S that the individual is in the grip of an evil intention which he himself is generating. He intends that area or subject on which he is R/Sing nothing but harm. Calculatingly, covertly, he will go to great lengths to carry his intentions out, at all times carefully concealing the fact.

    The area is considered clean when you can go over the area that gave the dirty needle and it no longer produces a dirty needle.

    The evil intention is not limited to terminals. He’s not R/Sing on a terminal; he’s R/Sing on the evil intention. The evil intention can associate with many terminals.

    If it still produces a dirty needle then there is more to the withhold itself or something the pc isn’t voicing about the withhold or how he feels about the withhold, or the auditor’s TRs are terrible, but – pursued and taken up with auditor’s TRs in – this dirty needle will either turn into an R/S or it will fully clean. Until it does, however, it is still a dirty needle.

    The R/S dominates the individual; it is the person. He has been overwhelmed by it. In that area he has no ability to reason; he has no freedom to choose. The evil intention is substituted for livingness. It is his safe solution to life, his service facsimile.

    The procedure for fishing a read is covered in Auditing Demo Tape 6205c23 SH TVD-7, “Fish And Fumble, Checking Dirty Needles.” Cleaning a dirty needle is covered in E-Meter Drills 17, 20 and 21 as well, and Class II auditors and above should be very adept at this.

    The service fac does not respond to ordinary auditing because in the course of ordinary auditing it does not get inspected. It, by its nature, forbids inspection. But when addressed at the right/wrong level the pc gives it up easily because in that area he has no power of choice.

    The rule is: Don’t ignore dirty needles. Always follow them up.



    We have had, for many years, service fac processing with which to handle these obsessions, and thus to handle the person who R/Ses.


    But it is not just finding one service facsimile. You find many service facs which then add up to the big one. At Saint Hill in the mid-60s this was commonly associated with R/Ses.

    It was what the pc had done with the service fac to make others wrong which was important, not just finding it. Early on, the tech included auditing them out with Dianetics. And you found many, many more than one on each pc. We used to get complete character changes with this.

    The full tech on this has been submerged over the past several years. It is probably this omission of requiring several service facs to be run and then auditing them out with Dianetics that has resulted in so many R/Sers going on up undetected.

    As of this writing the full tech has been exhumed and we have now New Era Dianetics tech to help strip these packages down and take them apart at their basics.

    So we not only have a more thorough means of handling service facs than ever before – we also have a more reliable route to the handling of an R/Ser.

    But it’s more than one service fac per pc.

    You may audit off one, two or three apparent service facsimiles that all answer up to the complete description of a service fac. And they will run. But all are actually leaning on the central service fac that is in restimulation in PT. As you take these lesser service facs off the central one comes to view.

    On the first ones you find, the most you can hope for is you found something that blew the TA down and moved you closer to finding the main service fac. So you take them.

    If you’ve found a service fac the needle will be looser and the TA in reasonable range. And it will run on the right/wrong, etc. brackets and the pc will get off automaticities. When you’ve finally found several and walked it all the way through to the service fac it’s as if all the other service facs you’ve been peeling off are like the bands of trees and sod that lie up against the mountain peak. So you take the service facsimiles and run them as you find them. You unburden the cliffs before you pull the mountain out by the roots.

    As you’re running out the first service facs you’re reversing the dwindling spiral, you’re restoring the individual’s ability to handle his environment because he’s now seeing it, he’s now beginning to confront it.

    And by the time you’ve pulled the main one – the mountain – out by its roots you’ve returned him to sanity. He is now able to inspect; he no longer needs a “safe solution.”

    It is the most dangerous thing in the world to have a safe solution, because that is the hole out of which sanity drains.
