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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Dianetics and Results - Dianetic Counseling Groups - B690528 | Сравнить
- How Not to Erase - B690528 | Сравнить

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SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 690528 - HCO Bulletin - How Not to Erase [B009-097]
- 690528 - HCO Bulletin - How Not to Erase [B009-098]
- 690528 - HCO Bulletin - How Not to Erase [B042-084]
- 690528 - HCO Bulletin - How Not to Erase [B042-086]
- 690528 - HCO Bulletin - How Not to Erase [B075-054]
- 690528 - HCO Bulletin - How Not to Erase [B159-032]
- 690528 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Dianetics and Results - Dianetic Counseling Groups [B042-085]
- 690528 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Dianetics and Results - Dianetic Counseling Groups [B075-055]
- 690528 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Dianetics and Results - Dianetic Counseling Groups [B093-021]
- 690528 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Dianetics and Results - Dianetic Counseling Groups [B093-022]
- 690528 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Dianetics and Results - Dianetic Counseling Groups [B093-023]
- 690528 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Dianetics and Results - Dianetic Counseling Groups [B159-033]
- 690528RA - HCO Bulletin - How Not to Erase [B169-013]
CONTENTS HOW NOT TO ERASE Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue II
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Dianetics ChecksheetDian Checksheet



The isolated practitioner who hung out his shingle, and sought its work all alone would have to be a “one-man band”.

There are two extremes a Dianetic student can go to on the subject of erasure.

Let us list the basic essential “hats” he would have to wear.

A. He can grind and grind and grind (ABCD, ABCD, ABCD, ABCD, on and on) with the TA going up up up and never once tell the pc to go earlier.

  • Reception

B. He can watch the TA come down to between 2 and 3 and go loose on the last incident run, ask the pc „erase or solid” get a non-committal answer and send the pc earlier. He can keep sending the pc earlier and earlier on another chain without ever noticing he’s finished the first chain.

  • Registrar
  • These are the two extreme cases. In Case A it is OBVIOUS from TA rise that the chain has an earlier incident. In Case B it is obvious from the TA that the chain erased.

  • Cashier
  • In A the student is preventing the pc from going earlier when he should.

  • Ethics Officer
  • In B the student is forcing the pc to go earlier when he shouldn’t.

  • Examiner
  • In both cases the student hasn’t a clue of what an engram chain is.

  • Case Supervisor

  • Auditor
  • It is marvelous how students demand „the exact phrase” to use as an effort to avoid having to really understand what he is doing in auditing.

  • Review Auditor
  • If a student hasn’t a clue about what he is doing then a thousand goofy outnesses will keep cropping up, each one requiring (a Supervisor thinks) a special instruction. After a while you get a course text weighing one ton, and all because the student didn’t grab the basic definitions in the first place.

  • Public Relations Officer
  • A student who will do either A or B above has not grasped that an engram chain is held in place by the basic for that chain and that basic is the FIRST TIME and that the clue to erasure is unburdening down to first time and erasing first time and that all picture chains are there because the first time is there.

    If successful he would spend about 5 hours a day auditing, 2 hours eating and 8 hours sleeping. This leaves 9 hours in which to do the remaining “hats”.

    The student assumes one always asks „solid or erasing”. Or that one always does only what the pc says. Or some such consideration.

    Of necessity one or more would be neglected. On that point he would tend to cave in as a “one-man band”.

    I would damned well never ask „solid or erasing” if I saw the TA start to climb. I would know the TA measured mental mass and that it was accumulating and wouldn’t erase. I’d just ask for an earlier incident.

    It takes about 2 Admin personnel to keep a tech personnel going.

    Honest, it’s awful easy.

    Even a group of auditors, trying to make lots of money, usually try to do nothing but audit. It is not that they have case failures. It is that they fail to wear the essential hats.

    The best auditing results are obtained from teamwork.

    A very odd outness a student will encounter when he is so dedicated to the exact words is the fast pc who erases before he can tell about it. Along about no. 3 of R3R the TA blows down and the needle F/Ns.

    A Review Auditor has to be a trained Scientologist. Lack of one means a roughed-up pc has to be sent to the nearest org.

    A student who knew his business by understanding would ask, „Did it erase?” of course. The pc would say, „It vanished,” and VGIs would come in.

    But there is no reason one cannot work as part of a group, even if the others are only part-timers.

    A fast running pc on a light chain can occasionally blow an engram by inspection.

    The best solution to all this is to form a DIANETIC COUNSELING GROUP and get the essential posts on the org board held. Then the advances and gains the group makes will be advances that are stable.

    If it was basic for that chain, one would be committing the crime described in B above. The pc is likely to go into another chain or a heavy protest.

    This group would of course have to have liaison with a competent Medical Doctor or Clinic.

    So you see, there’s no substitution for actually understanding what’s going on.

    In the United States especially, the COUNSELORS would have to be ministers.

    There’s the pc, there’s the bank, there’s the meter needle, there’s the meter tone arm and there’s the auditor, there’s the procedure, there’s the report. That’s all the parts there are to a session.

    A Dianetic auditor would be able to audit all day even if the whole group only worked evenings.

    When one understands each one, one can audit. When one doesn’t understand some part of any of the above, he will require unusual solutions.

    Let’s face it. The auditor auditing alone will have case failures. He won’t have time to pick them up. He won’t be able to get them to Qual. After a while he will have losses and some failed cases that muddy up his neighborhood just as other professions get.

    Anything truly powerful is truly simple.

    Psychiatry and psychology failed as single practitioners not only because they had no real tech but because they tried to work alone. This turned them toward governments which then used them only to control populations and there went whatever tech they might have developed.

    So a student who goofs is being complex and hasn’t understood something about one of the major parts named above.

    The single practitioner theory in Dianetics failed badly as an early Dianetics practice. Auditors that made it only attached themselves to the rich. Others became drifters.

    I just saw a goofed-up session that went like this:

    The answer, we have found out long since, is the group.

    PC: It (the engram) happened every day for three days.

    The full hats, organization and activities and how they interrelate are available to Dianetic Counseling Groups. It is a wide area of interesting development all by itself. We had to know org basics to make orgs.


    A Dianetic Counseling Group can be enfranchised and made regular and helped. It will tend to stabilize any practice area. And it will MINIMIZE case failures.

    Flunk. The auditor was so deficient in knowing about chains and first time that he didn’t tell the pc to go to the first day’s engram but let the poor pc flounder in day 3! And so the chain did not erase and the pc hung up in it.

    The official position of orgs is that they cannot take responsibility for the results obtained by single practitioners.

    If the rule of First time is really understood, one would realize a lot of things, even that the pc was beginning an incident half way through it and hadn’t begun to run the beginning of it so of course, no erasure. If this happened on basic… „There’s no earlier incident” (TA high).

    Auditing is a team activity.

    „Does the one we’re running start earlier?”

    Even if one were a medical doctor or a psychiatrist or psychologist, it would be best to have on hand or on call the rest of the team or at least a Dianetic Counseling Group even if one were not an integral part of it.

    „Hey, yes it does.”

    The purpose of auditing is healthy sane people.

    „Move to the new beginning of the incident…”

    The largest percentage are very grateful and very happy.

    Yoicks, an erasure!

    And then there are the few who, through misconducted lives, are quite a handful to say the least.

    This is no invitation to depart from procedure. It’s an invitation to see procedure as an action, very precise, capable of being understood and done, not a rote chant.

    Realism requires that auditing be a group action.

    I’m sure some students are ex-medicine men who did their spells with exactly worded chants. It’s time they understood the brew in the pot !

    As such a group can also teach a course, it is not difficult to recruit able people to help.

    That’s the procedure – not do the commands rhyme!

    I recall in particular two pathetic cases of singlism. One was a psychoanalyst who learned how to be an auditor and had to stop using Dianetics as it cleaned up all his practice and he had so much trouble finding “patients”. The other was an auditor who found himself with the whole of a war vessel’s crew as pcs and no help in sight.


    In either case forming a Dianetic Counseling Group, getting them checked out on their “hats” and doing their duties even part-time would have solved all.


    One stick won’t burn. One auditor cannot in truth live and work alone.
