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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Purification Rundown Errata and Additions - B780206-1RA79 | Сравнить
- Purification Rundown Replaces the Sweat Program - B780206RA79 | Сравнить

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SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 780206 - HCO Bulletin - LSD and the Sweat Program [B166-006]
- 780206RA - HCO Bulletin - Purification Rundown Replaces the Sweat Program, The [B054-001]
- 780206RA - HCO Bulletin - Purification Rundown Replaces the Sweat Program, The [B165-032]
- 780206RA - HCO Bulletin Attachment - Purification Rundown, The [B165-032]
- 780206RA-1 - HCO Bulletin - Purification Rundown - Errata and Additions, The [B054-002]
- 780206RB - HCO Bulletin - Purification Rundown Replaces the Sweat Program, The [B061-035]
- 780206RC - HCO Bulletin - Purification Rundown Replaces the Sweat Program, The [B055-048]
Exercise And Sauna
Sauna Steam Baths Eucalyptus Oil
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Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Revised 16 March 1978
Re-Revised 4 December 1979
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Addition Of 20 December 1979
(Cancels: HCOB 6 Feb 78R-1 Addition of 16 Mar 78, "LSD and the Sweat Program – Addition"; HCOB 30 Apr 78, "The Sweat Program Further Data."
Re-revises and re-titles the original bulletin of this date, "LSD and the Sweat Program. ")
(Revisions not printed in a different type style)



Amendment to HCOB 6 Feb 78RA, The PurificationRundown Replaces The Sweat Program



  • HCOB 5 Nov 74 Drugs, More About

In HCOB 6 Feb 78RA, The Purification Rundown Replaces The Sweat Program, under “Exercise and Sauna,” page 167, in the twelfth paragraph from the top of the page, a clarification was omitted at the end of the last sentence. This paragraph, with the full clarification added, is amended to read:

  • HCOB 31 May 77 LSD
  • “Running is done on a daily basis once the person has been assigned to this program. It is done in a rubberized or vinyl-type sweat suit when persons are not also being given sauna or steam bath treatment. When the Purification Rundown is being delivered with the sauna, the rubberized or vinyl-type sweat suit is omitted in running but the running is still done and is a necessary part of the rundown.”

  • HCOB 25 Oct 71 Drug Drying Out
  • In other words, when the person is doing the Purification Rundown standardly and using the sauna he must also run to work up his circulation prior to going into the sauna, but he does not wear a rubberized or vinyl-type sweat suit when he runs. When a sauna is not available, some but much slower results are obtained by running in a rubberized sweat suit, as in the original Sweat Out Program, which has now been supplemented by my later discoveries.

  • HCOB 2 Jun 71 Study Series 2 Issue I Confronting
    Exercise And Sauna

    As stated in HCOB 6 Feb 78RA, the bulk of the 5 hours daily period of running and sauna sweat out is best spent in the sauna after the circulation has been worked up by running.

    (This issue has been revised to incorporate data from recent research into the progress of cases in view of the current environmental and drug scene, and to give the full steps of the new Purification Rundown.)

    It should be reemphasized here that the 5-hour period is not 50% exercising and 50% sauna. The rundown gives best results and works like a bomb with a much lower percentage of time exercising and a much higher percentage in the sauna.

    (The Purification Rundown does not supplant technology developed and in use especially in Narconon for persons currently on drugs and apt to experience withdrawal symptoms when taken off of them. The rundown would be begun only after such technology was applied.)


    (While it is being published now as a holding action until the Purification Rundown is issued as an individual package, this issue does contain the rundown as it has been piloted.)

    When people get too warm or feeling faint, or when the body temperature gets too high in the sauna, it is permissible for one to go out and take a shower and then go back into the sauna. One could get over-heated to the point of simply keeling over due to the heat, and the handling for this is to take a cold shower. People who are having a hard time spending consecutive hours in the sauna are permitted to do so.

    (We are not concerned with handling bodies with the Purification Rundown. Our concern is freeing the individual up spiritually. The only dosages recommended are those classified as food. There are no medical recommendations or claims for it. The only claim is future spiritual improvement.)

    A similar manifestation can be caused by lack of salt or potassium, so one must watch for any symptoms of salt or potassium depletion and handle such manifestations with extra salt intake or potassium gluconate tablets, as covered on page 168 of HCOB 6 Feb 78RA.

    (This data is released as a record of researches and results noted. It cannot be construed as a recommendation of medical treatment or medication and it is undertaken or delivered by anyone on his own responsibility. I receive no percentage of fees for administering this rundown and my development of it is a contribution and gift to my friends.)

    It is advisable not to fall asleep in the sauna as overheating or salt or potassium depletion could occur while one was asleep.


    Steam Baths

    Glossary: Any words you find in this HCOB which you do not understand can be found in a normal dictionary or in the Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary or are explained in the following text.

    Steam baths, at similar temperatures to the sauna, can be used by themselves when available. They serve much the same purpose as the dry sauna and it has been suggested that a steam bath may even work faster, but this has not been tested or confirmed. The steam bath is not preferable to a sauna but produces a similar effect. Either can be used.


    The same tips and precautions apply to the use of a steam bath as to the sauna.

    The planet has hit a barrier that prevents widespread clearing – drugs and biochemical substances. These can put beings in a condition that can prevent case gain.

    Eucalyptus Oil

    That’s the situation today.

    A small quantity of eucalyptus oil is sometimes added to the steam in a steam bath or similarly used in some saunas.

    What would you give for a rundown that undercut every case on the planet and could be administered by technicians who did not require long periods of training?

    In a modern sauna or steam bath, the procedure is to simply put one or two capfuls of eucalyptus oil in a bucket of water in the room. As it then evaporates (the oil will evaporate before the water does), more can be added as needed.

    Sweeping breakthroughs have been made recently through my 29 year study of the progress of cases against the environmental factors and biochemical aspect of our current society.

    Some people don’t like the smell of eucalyptus at all, while others find it pleasant. If the solution is too strong it can cause watering of the eyes or nausea in some cases. Thus, one would survey before using it and, if used, it should be in appropriate small quantities.

    One immediate result of this is the Purification Rundown.

    Used correctly, eucalyptus has been reported to be beneficial in clearing up the lungs and clearing the sinuses. One person has reported his voice smoothing out as a result of using eucalyptus oil in the sauna.

    The Purification Rundown is simply a program to clean out and purify one’s system. Based on the original Sweat Out Program, it is a new much more thorough and much faster version of that program, streamlined by the introduction of the sauna bath for sweating, and with a much broader use.

    It is not a mandatory step on the Purification Rundown, but as an optional step the data given here on the use of eucalyptus oil in the sauna or steam bath should be known.

    It should be clearly understood at the outset that the Purification Rundown is not a substitute for any kind of processing.

    Whether or not eucalyptus is used, it goes without saying that a sauna or steam bath should be kept hygienic and free of odors by scrubbing the room at least once, or oftener, daily.

    Rather, because of the biochemical problem that besets society today, it is the undercut that has become necessary to prepare the majority of pcs for making optimum case gain from their processing.


    In point of fact, the Purification Rundown is for anyone.



    By "biochemical" is meant:

    The interaction of life forms and chemical substances.

    BIO means life; of living things. From the Greek "BIOS," life or way of life.

    CHEMICAL: of or having to do with chemicals.

    "Chemicals" are substances, simple or complex, which are the building blocks of matter.

    We live in a chemical oriented society.

    One would be hard put to find someone in the present-day civilization who is not affected by this fact. The vast majority of the public is subjected every day to the intake of food preservatives and other chemical poisons including atmospheric poisons, pesticides and the like. Added to this are the pain pills, tranquilizers and other medical drugs used and prescribed by doctors. And we have as well the widespread use of marijuana, LSD, Angel Dust and other street drugs which contribute heavily to the scene.

    I have even found that there is such a thing as the "drug personality. " Drugs can apparently change the attitude of a person from his original personality to one secretly harboring hostilities and hatreds he does not permit to show on the surface. While this possibly is not always the case, it does establish a linkage between drugs and increasing difficulties with crime, production, program execution and the modern breakdown of the social and industrial culture.

    These factors are all part of the biochemical problem.


    We have known since 1968 that it is a mistake to try to do mental and spiritual handling on somebody who has been on drugs. People who have been on drugs do not make case gain until the drugs are handled. In the early ‘70s the Drug Rundown was developed and put into broad use and it included the auditing out of drugs, medicines and alcohol.

    In 1977 I issued HCOB 1 May 77 in which I stated that LSD apparently stays in the system, lodging in the tissues and mainly the fatty tissues of the body and is liable to go into action again, giving the person unpredictable "trips. "

    The "restimulation" experienced by people who had been on LSD appeared to act as if they had just taken more LSD.

    As it has been stated that it only takes 1/millionth of an ounce of LSD to produce a drugged condition and because it is basically wheat rust which simply cuts off circulation, my original thinking on this over the years was that LSD sticks around in the body. That basically is the idea underlying the original Sweat Program. The remedy given was to sweat it out.

    From the most recent research developments, it now appears that:

    Not only LSD but other chemical poisons and toxins, preservatives, pesticides, etc., as well as medical drugs and the long list of heavy street drugs (Angel Dust, heroin, marijuana, etc.) can lodge in the tissues and remain in the body for years.

    Even medicinal drugs such as diet pills, codeine, novocaine, and others have gone into "restim" years after they were taken and had supposedly been eliminated from the body.

    Thus it seems that any or all of these hostile biochemical substances can get caught up in the tissues and their accumulation probably disarranges the biochemistry and fluid balance of the body. These substances must be eliminated if the person is to get the most possible gains from mental and spiritual processing.

    The operating rule is that mental actions and even biophysical processes (Objectives, etc.) do not work in the presence of drugs.

    Drug residues can stop any mental help. They also stop a person’s life!

    The only reason we are handling drugs and drug deposits in the body is so that the individual can then get case gain.

    Apparent gain occurs by cleaning up the body and can be seen as an end all in itself. this is not the case.

    Drugs and biochemical substances can prevent case gain from occurring.

    Only when we have accomplished the biochemical handling can we then go onto the next step, the biophysical handling (the relationship of the being to the body, the environment or universe) and then onto mental and spiritual processing.

    When you try to move these around and put them out of sequence you get losses.

    Examples: Actual tests have demonstrated that a person who has been on heavy drugs requires up to ten times the time to obtain a result which a non-drug person attained in only 6 to 8 hours of processing. Early tests are also showing that the learning rate of a person who has been on drugs is much lower than a non-drug person. The memory of a person who has been on drugs is such as to remove him from fear of consequences. Rate of case gain is enormously retarded by toxic substances such as drugs.

    The reason we can make a breakthrough with this is because of the "Theta-MEST theory" covered in the text Science of Survival. Older scientific thought believed all life came from matter, a belief which goes back to the ancient Egyptian priests and remains today the dominant belief of chemists, psychologists and psychiatrists.

    A life form is a combination of life itself and the physical universe. Certain elements in the physical universe are highly antipathetic to life and when introduced into life forms, inhibit proper functioning and even destroy.

    The being (thetan) of course has potential pictures of these toxic substances and states and as long as they are in the body, these actual substances can restimulate a being. When they are gone from the body, the constant restimulation can cease. So it is actually a spiritual action that is being done.

    A Case Supervisor should be aware of the fact that he is wasting his time if he ignores the above.

    The removal of these life-hostile chemical substances from the body of any person apparently speeds, and in some cases even makes possible, case gain. It is even worth doing for its own sake.

    The Purification Rundown, therefore, is for anyone.

    There is probably not a pc today who is outside this requirement.


    The rundown is a tightly supervised regimen which includes:

    • Exercise
  • Sauna sweat out
  • Nutrition, including vitamins, minerals, etc., as well as oil intake
  • A properly ordered personal schedule.
  • An OCA and IQ Test are given the person before starting the rundown and upon its completion.

    With each of these points kept in and the introduction of the sauna bath for sweating out, it is a refined and streamlined version of the original Sweat Out and can be completed in a fraction of the time Sweat Outs have taken in the past. Properly scheduled, with exercise and sauna sweat out done 5 hours a day the program can be completed by many in two weeks time. Some pcs may require more than that, some less.

    When The Purification Rundown Is Done: The Purification Rundown could be considered mandatory to any person who has been on LSD or heavy drugs or who has a heavy medical drug history. Such a pc is not likely to get very fast case gain without it.

    There are many pcs who have had hundreds of hours of auditing, including Drug Rundowns, who have never done a sweat out of any kind. While tremendous gains have been made by such pcs which are not to be invalidated, there is no doubt but what a large majority of them would benefit by the Purification Rundown and benefit even further from future auditing as a result.

    Additionally, there are those who have done Sweat Out Programs in the past who have not experienced all the gain from it possible, or who have skimped or are incomplete on Sweat Outs.

    In all cases such as those above, it is a matter for C/S adjudication as to whether or not the person would now do the program.

    One would not interrupt a case that was running smoothly and making excellent gains progressively. One would not interrupt an on-going auditing action to throw in such a program randomly.

    On the other hand, where a pc is consistently not making the expected gains from his processing, or is not continuing up the Bridge on his grades, a C/S might suspect the need for this program and it now becomes a part of the tech of C/Sing to take this into consideration.

    In the case of a pc who has started and is continuing up the grades, it would require the correct programming.

    As the Purification Rundown is always done under C/S supervision, it becomes a matter for the C/S to decide.

    The Purification Rundown and Auditing: Originally, Sweat Outs were used to debar people from processing, so they were then permitted to be done during processing, which was not the most optimum solution.

    Today, as the Purification Rundown via sauna can take as little as two weeks, it is not done concurrently with auditing. The program is done by itself, intensively, to completion under the daily supervision of the C/S.


    This program can be strenuous and should not be undertaken by anyone who has a weak heart or who is anemic. It is therefore absolutely essential that the following rules are strictly adhered to:

    1. Any person, before being put on the Purification Rundown, must first have written okay from the Medical Officer or a medical doctor. The C/S and the MO must ensure this prerequisite is kept in.

    2. The MO must ensure that no one who has a weak heart or who is anemic is allowed onto the program. These points must be checked before the person starts the program. Where the Medical Officer is trained in testing blood pressure and anemia, the tests can be done by him or her. Where there is no trained Medical Officer to do these tests, they must be done by a reliable medical doctor. People with known heart conditions or high blood pressure or who are anemic, and even those with certain kidney conditions must do a program which is of a much lower gradient. An exercise program and nutrition must be worked out for them with a medical doctor.

    3. The Medical Officer tests are continued periodically as the person goes through the program and if any signs of a weak heart or anemia should appear, the person is taken off the rundown and handled medically.


    In order to flush the poisons and chemical substances out of the body, the following actions are done.

    1. Outside Running.

    The first action is outside running. The purpose of this is not to generate sweat but to get the blood circulating and the system functioning so that impurities held in the system can be released and are pumped out.

    Running increases the circulation throughout the whole body, thus: (a) it carries out cell waste more rapidly and (b) causes the circulation to go deeper into the muscles and tissues so those areas which have been stagnant can now get rid of the accumulation of biochemical deposits and, in the case of LSD, the "residual crystals" which have been stored.

    Running is done on a daily basis once the person has been assigned to this program. It is done in a rubberized or vinyl-type sweat suit.

    The running should be done on a gradient. If you are so breathless that you can’t talk to another while you are running, then you are straining too much, so cut the gradient.

    2. Sweating In The Sauna.

    The second action, following the running, is sweating. A person goes into the sauna to sweat. The impurities can now be dispelled from the body and leave the system through the pores.

    A sweat suit is never worn in the sauna as this acts as insulation much the same as when a diver wears a wet suit to insulate against the cold of the sea. Wearing a sweat suit in the sauna would insulate against the heat and so inhibit and curtail sweating.

    Thus far, the use of a dry sauna has proved to be the most successful in inducing profuse sweating on most people. It is possible that some people may sweat more in a wet sauna; it may be that it is an individual matter and it has not yet been fully tested. There is no regulation on the rundown that outlaws the use of a wet sauna. Whichever type of sauna is employed, the whole idea is to use the system which permits the person to sweat the most.

    Sweating in the sauna is done at temperatures ranging anywhere from 140 degrees to 180 degrees. It is a matter of what temperature the person can take. Usually, but not always, a person beginning the rundown will start at a lower temperature and work up. Then as he progresses he will find he can take increasing degrees of heat.

    On the Purification Rundown, five hours a day are spent on a combination of running and sweating. There are no arbitraries set as to exact time limits for each, but the bulk of the period would probably be best spent in the sauna after the person had gotten his circulation up with running. One would not stint on the running, however, as the most benefit is obtained from the sweating when the circulation has been worked up so that the impurities are ready to be flushed out.

    Running and sauna sweat out should be done with another person, as restimulation of past drugs, medicines, even anesthetics, etc., can and often does occur, as the toxins get sweated out. This can include the restimulation of a full-blown "trip" from LSD or other drugs one may have taken. It is a safeguard, therefore, to be accompanied by a partner or twin.

    Salt and Potassium:

    Salt (sodium chloride) is not mandatory for every individual on the program. It is only necessary as a treatment if the symptoms of salt depletion (heat exhaustion) occur. These are clammy skin, tiredness, weakness, headache, sometimes cramps, nausea, dizziness, sometimes vomiting or fainting.

    As potassium is lost in sweating, some of the above symptoms can be from potassium depletion. So, if salt does not handle the above symptoms, then one would switch to either potassium gluconate tablets or "salt substitute" which is mainly potassium.

    Salt and potassium must be available to anyone who is on the Purification Rundown. Ideally, they would be located very near the sauna, clearly labeled.


    While on this program, it is important that one drink plenty of water which greatly assists in flushing and cleansing the system out. Additionally, with all the sweating done in the sauna it would be dangerous not to replenish body fluids.


    It is important that a person on the Purification Rundown maintains a properly ordered personal schedule.

    This means that once one has started on the program he must stick to it sensibly and not skip days or do it in a random fashion. It also means that one should get enough sleep.

    If one proceeds through the program in an orderly fashion it will be faster and more effective.


    When we speak of nutrition we are not talking about food, as such. We are talking about vitamins and minerals as well, as these are vital to proper nutrition and vital to the effectiveness of this rundown. We are not, however, talking about "diet" in the overused sense of the word.

    Diet and Food Fads

    There are NO diets required on this rundown.

    The person simply eats what he normally eats and he should make sure he gets some vegetables and that the vegetables aren’t cooked to death. Vegetables contain a lot of minerals and fiber as well as some vitamins necessary to his recovery.

    We are not food faddists. However, there is plenty of food faddism going on in society and you can easily start such a fad, so this must be watched on the Purification Rundown. If we don’t watch it on all this we’ll have people eating banana fronds split into diamonds and star shapes and blessed by some deity or other. Or a fad of "three lettuce leaves criss-crossed with two slabs of peanut butter an absolute must 18 times a day" as the only food a person can have.

    Food is subject to becoming very faddist and frankly people know very little about it.

    I wrote an essay on this subject (HCOB 25 Mar 75 Diet, Theory Of A Natural Diet) to the effect that nobody has ever isolated the proper diet for Homo sapiens. It gives the formula of how one would go about finding the exact and proper diet. It tells you that all this diet faddism is based on no data.

    So, there is no thought here of putting the person on any kind of special diet at all. There are no restrictions on what one may eat. We are not even trying to preach against toxic foods or campaign against diet abuses or junk foods or anything of that sort.

    We are only trying to handle the accumulation of impurities built up in the body. If you wanted to defend your body against all future impurities then that is another program and not part of this one.

    What is part of this scene is that a person will need certain nutrition in the form of vitamin intake and minerals.

    One follows his normal eating habits. There are, however, some additions to the normal eating habits which consist of taking a quantity of "All Blend" oil each day, secondly, drinking lots of water to help flush out the system and thirdly, ensuring that the vitamin and mineral intake is adequate.

    To put a person on a diet different than that to which he is accustomed is to introduce a sudden change in the midst of these other changes. A change of diet might be just one too many changes and is an additive to this rundown.


    There is an oil called "All Blend" which has the four essential oils in it (soy, walnut, peanut and safflower oil) which is available in the US in health food stores. If this type of oil is not obtainable elsewhere, one could blend it from these four oils in the proper amounts, or find an adequate substitute. "All Blend" oil would be best but any oil used must be cold-pressed and polyunsaturated. The oil must be kept refrigerated so that it does not go rancid.

    Toxic substances tend to lock up mainly, but not exclusively, in the fat tissue of the body. (There is no such thing as a fat cell.) The theory, then, is that one could replace the fat tissues that hold these accumulations. The body will actually tend to hold onto something it is short of. Thus, if you try to get rid of something it is short of, it won’t give it up. So, in the matter of oil, if the person takes some oil the body might possibly exchange the good oil for the bad fat in the body. That is the basic theory.

    It is a theory of exchange. It is based on the Have-Waste formulas and processes which were extant in Scientology in the late ‘50s. That whole body of data applies to this oil’s scene.


    • PAB No. 123 1 Nov 57 The Reality Scale (Vol III, page 136)
  • HCOB 29 May 58 Special Bulletin Standard Clear Procedure And An Experimental Road: Clearing By Valences, (Vol III, page 273)
  • SCIENTOLOGY 8-8008, page 117
  • Associate Newsletter NO. 2, 1953, ca. early May, (Vol. 1, page 330)
  • Associate Newsletter NO. 7, 1953, ca. late July, (Vol 1, page 412))
  • If one wants somebody to clean up the fat tissue in the body, he had better give the body some fat in order to make up for the fat tissues the body is now releasing or changing. The effort is to get the body to take good oil or fat in exchange for the bad fat it is holding onto. In this way we have some chance of getting the body to release fatty tissue which is impregnated with toxic substances.

    How Much Oil?

    The exact quantity of oil needed by the person on the rundown has not been definitely established, but it is very likely somewhere between two tablespoonful and a half a cup. One tablespoonful of oil is not going to accomplish much. Too little oil won’t let the body substitute the fat tissue. If too much is given it can cause diarrhea. One way to test for the right amount of oil for the person would be to put him on a scale and keep a close check on his weight. This should be done routinely in any event when a person is on the Purification Rundown. If the fat is being replaced in the body despite the intake of oil then the weight will not go up. If the body is simply assimilating the oil, with no exchange in fat tissue, the weight will go up. Change in weight would tend to indicate whether or not the body was exchanging old fat tissue for new fat tissue or simply adding new fat tissue.

    All people, be they fat or thin, have some fatty tissue. Some of course have more fat stored in their bodies than others. On this program we simply want to get rid of the fat that contains the toxic substances, we are not even trying to make people lose weight.

    (Worth mentioning here is also the fact, particularly in regard to thin people, that while toxic substances lock up mainly in fat tissue it does not mean that the person cannot have drug deposits inside cells.)

    One could not expect the results that can be achieved on the Purification Rundown without sufficient oil intake.

    Nutritional Deficiencies

    Having been an early discoverer and instigator of vitamin therapy over the past 29 years, I know whereof I speak on the subject of nutritional deficiencies. My work covering vitamins and deficiencies, stimulants and depressants and the field of biochemistry goes back to the spring of 1950.

    Though I have been interested in vitamins primarily only as they might aid, speed or assist auditing, my research along this line has been extensive. This is not to devalue the work and contributions of others in the nutritional fields.

    It takes a mere skimming of the surface of this subject, however, to recognize that the Purification Rundown will not be effective in the face of a vitamin or mineral deficiency in the person.

    One of the things that toxins and drugs do is create nutritional deficiencies in the body in the form of vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Obviously a C deficiency, a B Complex deficiency and a niacin deficiency are brought about by drugs. There may be other deficiencies that we are not aware of at this time. But that list is certain.

    Also, alcohol, for example, depends for its effects on a person being able to burn up B1. When it burns up all the B1 in the system the person goes into DTs (delirium tremens) and nightmares.

    In the case of other toxic substances the probability exists that other vitamins besides B1 are burned up. What we seem to have hit on here is that the LSD and street drugs burn up not only B1 and B Complex (which we assume they do) but also create a deficiency in niacin in the body and that they possibly depend on niacin (one of the B Complex vitamins) for their effect.

    It is easily seen that there is a wide range of toxic substances which create nutritional deficiencies.

    It is quite vital that any vitamin or mineral deficiency is being handled while the person is on this rundown.

    In the piloting and development of the Purification Rundown, the most effective handling for this was found to be starting the person on the following:

    • Vitamin A – approximately 5000 IU per day.
  • Vitamin B Complex – approximately 2 caps per day. Ensure the Vitamin B2 and B6 are balanced (approximately the same amount of each).
  • Vitamin B1 – special additional amounts of B1 are required, 250-500 mg or greater daily, depending on the amount of niacin given.
  • Vitamin C – 250-1000 mg daily, depending upon the person’s tolerance. (As Vitamin C can cause stomach problems or diarrhea, each person’s tolerance must be worked out.)
  • Vitamin C has to be increased in proportion to the niacin given. Records exist wherein Vitamin C has become so deficient in a drug user that he used up tens of thousands of milligrams per day before he began to eliminate any. Vitamin C deficiencies result in scurvy. "Live C" from raw onions or raw potatoes is sometimes necessary in addition to synthetic C and were the traditional remedies for scurvy.
  • Vitamin D – approximately 400 IU daily.
  • Vitamin E – approximately 800 IU daily.
  • Niacin – 100 mg daily to begin.
    It is then increased gradiently to as high as 5000 mg. Particularly B1 and C have to keep pace with it as it is increased in dosage.
  • Cal-Mag – one glass daily, at least.
  • Multi-Minerals – (a balanced combination of minerals).
  • These would then be increased proportionately according to need and/or niacin increase as the person progressed on the rundown.

    A person may have certain vitamin deficiencies which are not handled by the above. When he routes onto the Purification Rundown he should be sent to the Medical Officer or a medical doctor who would determine what, if any, additional vitamin deficiencies he might have. Any such not covered in the above list would then be handled with specific supplements for those deficiencies.

    Vitamins would be taken after meals or with yoghurt. If taken on an empty stomach they could cause stomach burn.


    Niacin, as one of the B Complex vitamins, is essential to nutrition. It is so vital to the effectiveness of the Purification Rundown that it requires some extensive mention here.

    It can produce some startling and in the end very beneficial results when taken properly on the rundown, along with the other necessary vitamins and minerals in sufficient and proportionate quantities and along with proper running and sweat out.

    Its effects can be quite dramatic so one should understand what niacin is and does and have a good R-Factor on it when starting the rundown. Taken in sufficient quantities it appears to break up and unleash LSD, marijuana and other drugs and poisons from the tissues and cells. It can rapidly release LSD crystals into the system and send a person who has taken LSD on a trip. (One fellow who had done the earlier sweat out for a period of months and who believed he had no more LSD in his system took 100 mg of niacin and promptly turned on a restimulation of a full blown LSD trip!)

    Running and sweating must be done in conjunction with taking niacin to ensure the toxic substances it releases actually do get flushed out of the body.

    Niacin: Background History

    Niacin’s biochemical reaction is my own private, personal discovery. In the middle of the 1950s, I was doing work on radiation and I worked out that it must be niacin that operated on radiation. I was recently told by a doctor that the Dianazene formula of that time is remarkably workable today.

    Niacin runs out radiation. It will often cause a very hot flush and prickly, itchy skin which can last up to an hour or longer. It may also bring on chills or make a person feel tired.

    The outpoint in medical thinking has been that they thought the niacin itself turned on a flush. So they invented something called niacinamide to keep from turning on this flush. Niacin all by its lonesome does not turn on any flush. What it starts to do is immediately run out sunburn or radiation. So the niacinamide they invented is worthless and it should be mentioned that it is.

    In 1973 someone got a Nobel Prize for curing insanity with niacin, but it was fairly marked that he didn’t know the facts of what was actually happening because it was then promptly abandoned as people found that prolonged quantities of niacin "gave very bad side effects. " The truth of the matter is that if one continues niacin, always along with the other necessary vitamins in proper amounts, the bad effects will vanish. In other words, the work I did on this was picked up and misapplied and then abandoned. This is the background history of niacin.

    Now more recently doctors in megavitamin research have been administering niacin to get people through withdrawal symptoms or get them over bad drug kicks and they have been using enormous doses of, for example, 5000 mg.

    I have no personal knowledge that such enormous doses are necessary for handling drugs. It is very possible that, given the combination of all the points on the Purification Rundown, many people would be able to handle drugs with lesser amounts of niacin, something under 5000 mgs.

    Niacin Theory

    In theory, niacin apparently does not do anything by itself. It is simply interacting with niacin deficiencies which already exist in the cellular structure. It doesn’t turn on allergies; it runs out allergies. Evidently anything that niacin does is the result of running out and running through past deficiencies.

    Caution: The manifestations niacin produces can be quite horrifying. Some of the somatics and manifestations the person may turn on are not just somatics in lots of cases, in my experience. I have seen a full blown case of skin cancer turn on and run out. So, a person can turn on skin cancer with this and if that should happen if niacin is continued the skin cancer has run out completely.

    Other things that may turn on are hives, flu symptoms, gastroenteritis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestine), aching bones, upset stomach or a fearful or terrified condition. There seems to be no limit to the variety of phenomena that may occur with niacin. If it is there to turn on by niacin it apparently will do so with niacin.

    The two vital and proven facts here are:

    1. When the niacin was carried on until these things discharged they did run out, as they will do. (Sometimes people chicken out on it and don’t finish the course and it leaves them hung up. This should not be allowed to happen.)

    It is a matter of record that what turns it on will turn it off where niacin is concerned.

    2. When the niacin dosage was increased and the whole lot of the rest of the vitamins being taken was also increased proportionately, the niacin itself, taken in large amounts, did not create a vitamin deficiency.

    Increasing Niacin and Other Vitamin Quantities

    Most persons who have done the Purification Rundown started niacin at 100 mgs a day (some took lesser amounts, depending upon tolerance) and increased the dosage as they progressed.

    The best results were obtained when niacin was taken all at one time, not split up during the day. Taken with water on an empty stomach it can be very upsetting. It is found to be best taken after a meal or with yoghurt or milk.

    To increase the dosage, a specific quantity of niacin was administered each day until the effect that dosage produced diminished. One would then, next day, up the dosage on a gradient, say in amounts of 100 mg. In this way you get an overlap of the old dosage becoming useless and the new dosage being needed. This tended to speed up the action considerably when continued each time the effect of the dosage diminished.

    The other vitamins would have to be increased proportionately to niacin at the same time the niacin is increased as they are interacting in the deficiencies and more are needed.

    It was found essential that C, B1 and other B vitamins need to be given in ratio to the niacin being fed. In other words, as you up the niacin you would up the B1 and the B Complex. And also as the niacin is upped, the Vitamin C would be upped. These things would have to be kept in ratio.

    The theory here is that one, by overdosing one vitamin, can create a deficiency artificially of another vitamin. This is a principle I hit upon as early as 1950 and proved it.

    You can actually create a deficiency in C by administering B and calcium. All you have to do is pump those things to the guy in very very heavy dosages and he will develop the deficiency characteristics of C. His teeth begin to hurt. Then when you give him C the manifestations go away. In other words, an overdose of X and Y can apparently create a deficiency in vitamin Z.

    The reason for all this is that a vitamin is making certain changes in the body and these changes to occur fully also require the additional vitamin. But that additional vitamin isn’t there. So it gives the manifestation of being in deficiency. All of this is my own private theory; it isn’t anywhere else and it hasn’t been subjected to tremendous and intensive research. But I sure can turn on a Vitamin C deficiency in anybody by overadministering B and calcium.

    In other words, vitamin rations would have to be in proportion to one another.


    Between 1945 and 1973 I studied the endocrine system. In 1973 it seemed that minerals and trace minerals operating in the blood stream and circulated by other body fluids were a key to glandular interactions. The theory is: Every gland in the body specializes in one or more minerals and actually that is how they make themselves interact one with another. The endocrine system of the body monitors the endocrine system of the body apparently through minerals.

    As various drugs upset the whole endocrine system of the body you can see that the moment you start administering vitamins and sweat out and things like that you’re going to get a mineral demand in the body. Therefore, there would need to be certain mineral dosages right along with the rest of this package.

    The principle here is that by giving one or two vitamins in excess amount you can create a nutritional deficiency of another vitamin which isn’t being given or isn’t being given in enough quantity.

    Thus, what could slow down the Purification Rundown and make it appear unflat would be a nutritional failure – a failure to flank the niacin on either side by sufficient amounts of the other needed vitamins and minerals in proportion and a food intake which includes vegetables and oil.

    In such a case one would be looking at created nutritional deficiencies – not conditions which were there to begin with to be run out.

    Not knowing these things is probably what made the medics earlier believe that niacin had side effects. The side effects were probably somatics and manifestations half run out and deficiencies created by not flanking niacin with the other vitamins and minerals and oils necessary to cause a rebuild.


    Calcium is a must where any healing or exchange process is involved as it is a basic building block. But more important, it is calcium which affects the nervous system. I do not know the total relationship between calcium and toxic substances (and neither does anyone else) but it actually exists. The rationale back of this is that calcium in deficiency sets a person up for spasms. Nerve spasms occur in the absence of calcium. A person who thinks he is in high tension or something of the sort may simply have a calcium deficiency.

    Calcium would be administered in company with magnesium. Magnesium itself has been proven necessary to keep the nerves smoothed out. The proven ratio is one half the quantity of magnesium to the quantity of calcium.

    Something else odd about calcium is that it has to have an acidic base to operate in. If the system is too alkaline the calcium will not release the positive ion which makes it possible for the calcium to operate in the cellular structure and go through the vein walls and the intestinal walls and so forth. In other words, in an alkaline system calcium is ineffective and inactive. So this brings us up to vinegar, which would add the acidic base. With calcium, magnesium and vinegar, in their correct quantities, in water exactly per the recipe, we have Cal-Mag. That is what "Cal-Mag" is and what it does. I developed and worked this out in 1973 against the very best biochemical background and references and tests.

    Calcium and magnesium can be taken in order to prevent sore muscles. Cal-Mag has been found to have the added benefit of balancing out the Vitamin B1 taken, as Vitamin B1 taken without calcium can cause serious teeth problems due to causing an imbalance of vitamins and minerals.

    The Cal-Mag formula, as given in HCOB 5 Nov 74 DRUGS, MORE ABOUT is repeated here:

    1. Put one level tablespoon of calcium gluconate in a normal sized glass.

    2. Add 1/2 level teaspoon of magnesium carbonate.

    3. Add 1 tablespoon of cider vinegar (at least 5% acidity).

    4. Stir it well.

    5. Add 1/2 glass of boiling water and stir until all the powder is dissolved and the liquid is clear. (If this doesn’t occur it could be from poor grade or old magnesium carbonate.)

    6. Fill the remainder of glass with lukewarm or cold water and cover.

    It will stay good for 2 days.

    Note: There is a warning about Cal-Mag. Variations from the above can produce an unsuccessful mess that can taste pretty horrible. It can be made incorrectly so that it doesn’t dissolve and become the most unpalatable, ghastly stuff anybody ever fed anybody. Possibly made incorrectly it is even unworkable. Made correctly it is a very clear liquid, quite pleasant to take and palatable. So the directions should be followed very explicitly to produce a proper Cal-Mag, pleasant to take and very beneficial.


    Various manifestations turn up on the Purification Program and these can vary widely from person to person. Anything from insect bites to a full blown restimulation of an LSD trip may turn on and these all simply run themselves out and blow as the program is continued. If there are heavy drugs to be flushed out it is not uncommon for the person to experience a restim of whatever the effects of the drug or medicine were when he first took it. Old injuries or old somatics may turn on, flare up for a brief spell and vanish.

    It is important to note that a given manifestation which turns on may turn on and vanish wholly or partly in any given day. Then it may turn on again the following day but less. If one increases the vitamin and mineral dosage at this time, the manifestation will turn on again. But it will be less. These things don’t become more and more violent day by day, they become less and less day by day, providing the whole Purification Rundown is continued properly. At length, the vitamins, minerals, etc. no longer turn the manifestation on and it is gone. There is evidence that no amount of vitamins and mineral dosage above a certain final level for the given individual will turn the manifestation on again. The trick is to take a proper gradient with the vitamins and minerals. When you go out gradient they can turn on awfully hard so don’t get in a rush. And don’t chicken out either.

    Emotions that have been shut off may start to reappear. The person can blow through stupidity and become more aware. He may find he can do actions more easily and consequences start to take on a new meaning to him. Memory can return.

    At first some individuals may feel other-determinism about doing this program but that will gradually change and he or she will want to do it on his own determinism and for his or her own welfare. Most individuals embrace it with enthusiasm.

    As long as the precautions listed earlier are well taken and the procedure followed exactly as given, the solution to any manifestation is to continue the program until the phenomenon blows. The manifestations become less and less frequent until finally they cease altogether.


    If a person is having trips during the program, he should take a lot of extra Vitamin B Complex and Vitamin C in correct ratio to other vitamins as these aid the body, especially the liver in getting rid of the drugs in the system. Normally the vitamins and minerals in the program are sufficient for the body to handle the residual drugs which come out.


    The advices on the administration of the Purification Rundown are taken from the practical experience of large pilot projects. They should not be lightly disregarded. One may find that people administering the program tend to enter their own fads and hobbies into it, or needing it themselves, avoid delivering it. The Purification Rundown runs best when purely delivered.

    Any org or person administering it should:

    A. Get a signed release or quit claim from the person as is usual.

    B. See that the person understands that the action is being undertaken to help free him as a spirit and is not a medical treatment.

    C. No medication of a medical nature; vitamins, minerals and oils are food.

    D. Brief the person as to what he can expect and why, making no promises.

    E. Getting his promise to follow orders and complete the rundown and not blow it because it’s uncomfortable or because he is lazy or has other appointments.


    A battery of tests should be done on the individual and should be done before and after the Purification Rundown. These would include OCA, IQ, any learning rate tests that may exist and any other tests which would give a before and after picture of the person. These of course, include weight, blood pressure, etc.

    The Purification Program must be tightly supervised to be successful. The program is done under the close supervision of the Medical Officer, the Purification Program In Charge and the Case Supervisor.

    Purification Program In Charge

    The In Charge will be the D of P (for org public) or the DPE or other appointed person (for org staff). The Program I/C must closely supervise each person’s progress on the program and must ensure the program is done faithfully and with all points of the program in. When supervising a large group, the Program I/C is assisted by one or more deputies and a Purification Program Admin, who maintains the progress board, handles filing in pc folders and transports folders to and from the C/S.

    The person’s daily schedule must be set up so that he is always running or sweating in the sauna with at least one other person. It is important, especially when a group of people are doing the Purification Program at the same time, that musters and roll calls are held by the Program I/C or his deputy. Where individuals are not doing the program in a group, they should twin up and each twin assumes responsibility for the other and sees that he does the program fully.

    Anyone not keeping to his schedule or the program as written is handled by the Program I/C with warnings, cramming, chits, or ethics, as needed.

    The program I/C is responsible for seeing that everyone participating in the program gets through it correctly and completely and attests to it upon completion.

    Medical Officer

    Before beginning the Purification Program, a person must first get written Medical Officer okay. The Medical Officer gives a person okay to go onto the program only after ensuring that the person’s blood pressure is normal and that he is not anemic. The M. O. does these checks himself where he is trained to do so. He also checks for any vitamin and mineral deficiencies the person may have and gets him onto a program of vitamin and mineral supplements to correct this. A thorough medical examination by a doctor may, in some cases, be required before a person is given a medical okay to begin the Purification Program.

    While on the program, the person daily reports in to the Medical Officer who issues him his vitamins, minerals, niacin and oil and sees how he is doing. Blood pressure and anemia checks are redone as needed. He also writes up any needed medical reports on the person and these are immediately filed in his pc folder for the C/S to inspect.

    Case Supervisor

    C/S okay to begin the program is required. The C/S then continues to supervise the progress of each person on the program on a daily basis.

    It must be noted that this is a fully C/Sed action.

    Daily Reports

    Each program participant writes a daily report which includes:

    1. How long he jogged.

    2. How long he sweated in the sauna.

    3. Vitamins taken and in what amount.

    4. Minerals taken and in what amount.

    5. Niacin taken and in what amount.

    6. Cal-Mag taken and in what amount.

    7. Salt taken and in what amount.

    8. Weight (include any gain or loss).

    9. Any occurrences, somatics, restimulations.

    10. Wins.

    The daily reports are given to the Program I/C or his deputy or are placed in his basket. They are read by the I/C to ensure the person is doing the program and then filed in his pc folder, which goes in to the C/S.

    The C/S verifies each person’s daily progress (initialing the daily report and any medical reports to show he has inspected them) and writes orders to correct any out-tech found, such as not taking the right vitamins, etc.

    The folder is returned to the Program I/C who checks the written C/S and executes any C/S orders, such as getting the person back onto the correct vitamins, getting the person to attest, and so on. The program is run in this fashion until it is completed.



    The purpose of this program is very simply to clean out and purify one’s system of all the accumulated impurities such as drugs, insecticides and pesticides, food preservatives, etc., etc. For someone who has taken LSD or Angel Dust this would include getting rid of any residual crystals from the body.

    When this has been accomplished the program is complete.

    As the person goes through the Purification Program, one should be able to see an improvement in his physical well-being as he rids the system of its accumulated impurities.

    Obviously if the person is still feeling the effects of past drugs or chemicals going into restimulation, the program cannot be considered complete and must be continued until all these manifestations have turned off completely.

    The product of this program is a purified body, free from the impurities, drugs, etc., that had accumulated in it.

    It is up to the C/S to send the person to attest when the above product has been achieved.

    A continuation of the vitamins, minerals, oil, vegetables and Cal-Mag, at least at the rate of recommended daily requirements in balanced amounts is wise after the rundown is completed. A sudden cessation of such a heavy vitamin dosage can itself produce a letdown. It is possible the person should come off them on a steep gradient rather than abruptly. Particularly, where drug damage to the brain or nerves has occurred, the body needs these things to rebuild itself. If one doesn’t do the above there can be a brief apparency of a letdown.

    Remember that the person has probably been leading an unhealthy life without proper nutrition, sleep and exercise so it would be a good idea to recommend moderate daily dietetic and exercise disciplines so he will stay healthy, having nothing to do with therapy.

    If such a letdown occurs the C/S should take the above into account, otherwise he may be puzzled. He will find a certain number skimped the rundown are unflat but the majority of such simply went back to an exerciseless, five packs of cigs a day, vitamin and mineral deprived life. Such regimen recommendations are up to people who specialize in them. No fads please. The C/S must remember that the person should now be restored to any interrupted program or C/Sed for his next level or, if he is also PTS, should be de-PTSed. For most the next C/S would be Objective Processing. The person has not finished his processing with the Purification Rundown. He has just cleared the way to get real case gains.


    One should be able to get through the whole program in two weeks at five hours a day. Some will take more and some will take less.

    If the procedure in this HCOB is exactly followed this will not become a long, drawn-out action.


    With the Purification Program we now have the means to get rapid recovery from the effects of the accumulation of the environmental chemical poisons as well as the medical drugs and street drugs which inhibit the progress of cases.

    By reducing the time required for sweat out and increasing its efficiency, we are able to make the Purification Program a single, easily completed step.

    With the inclusion of vitamins, minerals and oils we are able to work toward restoring the biochemical balance of the body and make it possible for the body to reconstruct itself from the damage done by drugs and other biochemical substances.

    We have brought the person up to the level where he is now ready for processing and can truly achieve biophysical and then mental and spiritual gain.

    From this step alone one will see some sparkling results.

    The Purification Rundown should be ideally followed by auditing. The type of auditing most beneficial for the next step is "Objective Processing. " An enormous body of work exists for this next level, none of which is changed by the Purification Rundown. The Purification Rundown only undercuts it. As the world sinks we get below it to prop it up!

    Let’s give this program a total push and take a major step toward a drug-free society and planet!


    The Purification Rundown has as its sole purpose the handling of the restimulative effects of drugs and toxic residuals on a spiritual being. The Purification Rundown is a spiritual activity based on and administered according to the doctrine and practices of the religion of Scientology as set forth in the writings of L. Ron Hubbard and adopted by the Church. No part of the rundown is intended as the diagnosis, prescription for, or treatment of any bodily or physical condition or ill. The Church is not responsible for the handling of any bodily or physical condition or ill, it being the responsibility of the individual to seek the competent medical advice and treatment of his doctor in such matters.