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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Purpose of Class VIII - B681020 | Сравнить

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SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 681020 - HCO Bulletin - Purpose of Class VIII, The [B170-002]
CONTENTS THE PURPOSE OF CLASS VIII Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Усадьба Сент Хилл, Ист Гринстед, Сассекс
Class VIIIРазмножить


Классу VIII

In Class VIII Tech no longer is hopefully applied. Auditing is no longer gauged only against result. There is no more “auditing is what you get away with” at VIII.


A flawless, invariable administration of processes with flawless TRs, using ONLY the basics, is Class VIII.

Когда вы видите злорадство у какого-нибудь человека на посту, знайте, что это потому, что он не понимает, что делает.

The purpose is to administer Tech without variables, using only highly standardized processes and actions, using only a flawless TR approach, all within the new Auditor’s Code.

Он в чем-то невежественен, а поверх этого идет смущение, а поверх смущения вы видите злорадство.

The impact of this action produces 100% results. It produces fantastically fast results. And it produces more result than has ever before been attained.

Люди, создающие забаву из серьезного необходимого действия или обязанности, просто не разобрались в этом - вот и все.

Using the Class VIII standard C/S approach there are no bogged cases.

Против этого есть средства. Есть инструктирование или Средство Б. И они должны быть использованы.

The first thing a student on Class VIII has to learn is that there IS an exact right way to do auditing, an exact right way to solve cases.

Но это злорадство, тем не менее, в некотором роде безумие. Фрейд упоминал, что люди, которые не могли понять что-то, начинали смущенно хихикать. Я редко беру какие-либо сведения у него, но в этом случае он был прав. Это было хорошим наблюдением.

If he grasps this, can do this, can select the correct VIII C/S and get it exactly applied, the result can be achieved.

Однако, у него не было средства против этого.

It is too simple for many to grasp at once.

Вы можете привести всю территорию к ликованию, когда они не понимают, что делают.

The ultimate comedy is a student who arrives at course offering “improvements”. He is confessing that he’s never applied Scientology straight and has often failed on pcs.

Если вы видите кого-либо злорадствующим, проведите с ними Средство Б в Отделении Квалификации.

The cycle of the decline of an auditor is: (a) he fails to apply the missing bit of Standard Tech, (b) he then has an “unsolvable” case before him, (c) he then dreams up some unusual solution, (d) every so often his unusual solution improves that one pc a bit, (e) he now tries to apply it to all pcs, (f) he thereafter consistently fails.

Злорадство является особым видом смущенного хихиканья. Вы поймете это, когда увидите его.

A student also has a cycle of decline: (a) he recognizes his basics, (b) someone invalidates his correct data, (c) he ceases to see what the basics are, (d) he muddles along.


In Class VIII we bring the basics back in and reinforce them until the auditor will do them and nothing else.

From this we get a “magical” high velocity case gain curve upwards on all cases.

The beginning Class VIII auditor often has the idea that the result of the session is what he will be gauged by. This is NOT true. We know what the result of Standard Tech will be when flawlessly administered. We are not “waiting to see”. We are not experimenting. There are no different or difficult pcs.

The student on VIII is gauged by the flawless handling of the session and his admin. If the pc does not arrive at the examiner in good shape then we know

(a) The auditor goofed

(b) The TRs stank

(c) The Auditor’s Code was probably not followed

(d) The auditing report is probably false

(e) The C/S was probably botched up in being given

(f) The session control was bad.

You see we know what Standard Tech does. It’s up to the auditor to learn to be UNCOMPROMISINGLY STANDARD.

When we have brought about this frame of mind and standard rendition in the auditor we have made a Class VIII. Until we do, we have not.

The purpose of the course, then, is to produce an uncompromising zealot for Standard Tech whose reality is such that he will not do or tolerate sloppy rendition.

This can be defeated by lousy beginning auditing on the course, by an incompetent Supervisor who invalidates the students’ basics or by a C/S who fails to use Standard Tech C/S on a course.

To throw a Class VIII Course out of line and defeat its purpose while supervising or C/Sing gives an automatic Treason assignment.

People who really don’t understand it are in a muddle of confusion anyway. This blows off as basics go in. You just keep putting basics in and they get unconfused.

There is something here in Standard Tech. It is the exact Auditor’s Code, the exact TRs, the exact processes, the 100% result. It can be learned, it can be done.
