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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Training and CCH Processes - B570611i72 | Сравнить

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- Обучение и Процессы УОО (Извлечение) - Б570611R72 | Сравнить
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SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 570611 - HCO Bulletin - Training and CCH Processes [B012-111]
- 570611 - HCO Bulletin - Training and CCH Processes [B021-030]
- 570611 - HCO Bulletin - Training and CCH Processes [B033-040]
- 570611 - HCO Bulletin - Training and CCH Processes [B049-047]
- 570611 - HCO Bulletin - Training and CCH Processes [B127-002]
- 570611 - HCO Bulletin - Training and CCH Processes [B127-003]
- 570611 - HCO Bulletin - Training and CCH Processes (Plus Correction Sheet) [Misc18-002]
- 570611 - HCO Training Bulletin - Training and CCH Processes [B021-033]
- 570611 - HCO Training Bulletin - Training and CCH Processes [B021-038]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
/Переведены только разделы про УОО 1-10 и УОО 15/
Усадьба Сент-Хилл, Ис-Гринстед, Суссекс


(Originally issued as an HCO Training Bulletin
from Hubbard Communications Office, Washington, D.C.)


NOTE: The variations and some of the most potent processes are not included in this Training Bulletin but will appear in the Student Manual when published in September 1957.

(Исходно выпущено как бюллетень по обучению
от Офиса Хаббарда по связям, Вашингтон, округ Колумбия)
NUMBER: Training O


NAME: Confronting Preclear.

НАЗВАНИЕ: Дай мне свою руку, тон 40*После этого, название и команда в УОО 1 были пересмотрены на “Дай мне эту руку”..


КОМАНДЫ ОДИТИНГА: "Дай мне свою руку". Физическое действие по взятию руки, когда пк её не даёт, а затем возвращения её на колени преклира. И "Спасибо" завершает каждый цикл. Все в тоне 40 с ясным намерением, одна команда в одну единицу времени, ни одна оригинация со стороны не подтверждается, ни физически не словесно. Может проводиться с правой рукой, левой рукой, с обеими руками, сглаживает каждое по очереди.

POSITION: Student and coach sit facing each other a comfortable distance apart — about five feet.

ПОЗИЦИЯ: Одитор и преклир сидят на стульях без ручек близко друг к другу. Колени одитора располагаются слева от коленей преклира. Левое бедро одитора располагается снаружи правого бедра преклира, а его правое бедро внутри левого. Для левой руки позиция изменяется. В любом случае колени преклира находятся между коленей одитора.

PURPOSE: To train student to confront a preclear with auditing only or with nothing.

ЦЕЛЬ: Продемонстрировать преклиру, что управление его телом возможно, несмотря на сопротивление контуров и предложить преклиру напрямую управлять им. Абсолютное управление со стороны одитора тогда переходит в абсолютное управление своим телом со стороны ПК.

TRAINING STRESS: Have student and coach sit facing each other, neither making any conversation or effort to be interesting. Have them sit and look at each other and say and do nothing for some hours. Student must not speak, fidget, giggle or be embarrassed or anaten. Coach may speak only if student goes anaten (dope off). Student is confronting the body, thetan and bank of the preclear.

АКЦЕНТ В ТРЕНИРОВКЕ: Никогда не останавливайте процесс, пока не достигнете сглаживания. Процесс выполняется в хорошем тоне 40. Одитора учат брать руку преклира за кисть удерживая её рукой, которая ближе к преклиру, определять точное и неизменное место, куда поместить руку перед её сжатием, сжимать руку с точно рассчитанным давлением, снова помещать руку преклира (левая рука одитора всё ещё держит кисть преклира) на его колени. Делайте каждую команду и цикл раздельными. Поддерживайте тон 40, акцент на намерении, которое одитор вкладывает в преклира в каждой команде. Оставьте преклиру мгновение выполнить команду самостоятельно прежде чем, вы как одитор сделаете это. Сохраняйте здесь баланс. УОО 1 также проводится до сглаживания.

HlSTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in Washington in March 1957, to train students to confront preclears in the absence of social tricks or conversation and to overcome obsessive compulsions to be “interesting”.

ИСТОРИЯ: Разработано Л. Роном Хаббардом на 17-ом клиническом курсе повышенного уровня, Вашингтон, округ Колумбия в 1957.

NUMBER: Training 1


NAME: Dear Alice.

НАЗВАНИЕ: 8У в тоне 40

COMMANDS: A phrase (with the “he saids” omitted) is picked out of the book “Alice in Wonderland” and read to the coach. It is repeated until the coach is satisfied it arrived where he is.

КОМАНДЫ: "Посмотри на эту стену". "Спасибо". "Подойди к этой стене". "Спасибо". "Потрогай эту стену". "Спасибо". "Повернись кругом". "Спасибо". Проходите это, никак не подтверждая оригинации преклира, подтверждая только выполнение пк команды. Одитор мягко принуждает преклира к их выполнению физически. Тон 40 — полное намерение.

POSITION: Student and coach are seated facing each other a comfortable distance apart .

ПОЗИЦИЯ: Одитор и преклир перемещаются. Одитор вступает в физический контакт с преклиром по необходимости.

PURPOSE: To teach the student to send an intention from himself to a preclear in one unit of time without vias.

ЦЕЛЬ: Продемонстрировать преклиру, что его телом можно управлять и, таким образом, предложить ему управлять им самостоятельно. Найти настоящее время. Обладательность. Другие эффекты полностью не описаны.

TRAINING STRESS: The command goes from the book to the student and, as his own, to the coach. It must not go from book to coach. It must sound natural, not artificial. Diction and elocution have no part in it. Loudness may have.

АКЦЕНТ В ТРЕНИРОВКЕ: Абсолютная точность одитора. Никаких отклонений от тона 40. Никаких ошибок. Одитинг полностью в настоящем времени. Одитор справа от преклира. Тело одитора действует как преграда движению преклира вперёд, когда он повернулся. Одитор даёт команду, даёт преклиру мгновение на то, чтобы подчиниться, а затем принуждает преклира к выполнению команды при помощи физического контакта, используя точно рассчитанную силу, чтобы добиться исполнения команды. Одитор не препятствует тому, чтобы преклир исполнял команды..

HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in London, April 1956, to teach the communication formula to new students.

ИСТОРИЯ: Разработан Л. Роном Хаббардом в Вашингтоне, округ Колумбия в 1957 для 17го клинического курса повышенного уровня.

NUMBER: Training 2


NAME: Acknowledgments.

НАЗВАНИЕ: Подражание с книгой

COMMANDS: The coach reads lines from “Alice in Wonderland” omitting “he saids” and the student thoroughly acknowledges them. The coach repeats any line he feels was not truly acknowledged.

КОМАНДЫ: Одитор делает простые или сложные движения с книгой. Передаёт книгу преклиру. Преклир делает движения, которые воспроизводят движения одитора в зеркальном отображении. Одитор спрашивает, удовлетворён ли преклир тем, как он воспроизвёл движение. Если и преклир и одитор полностью удовлетворены, то одитор забирает книгу назад и переходит к следующей команде. Если преклир уверен, что у него получилось, а одитор полностью уверен, что это не так, то он снова даёт ему книгу для другой попытки. Если преклир не уверен в том, что он воспроизвёл какую-то команду, одитор повторяет для него движение и отдаёт ему книгу назад. Тон 40 только в движениях, устное двустороннее общение довольно свободно.

POSITION: Student and coach are seated facing each other a comfortable distance apart.

ПОЗИЦИЯ В ОДИТИНГЕ: Одитор и преклир сидят друг напротив друга на удобном расстоянии друг от друга.

PURPOSE: To teach student that an acknowledgment is a method of controlling preclear communication and that an acknowledgment is a full stop.

ЦЕЛЬ ПРОЦЕССА: Ввести преклира в общение при помощи управления и воспроизведения (управление + воспроизведение = общение).

TRAINING STRESS: Teach student to acknowledge exactly what was said so that preclear knows it was heard. Ask student from time to time what was said. Curb over and under acknowledgment. Let student do anything at first to get acknowledgments across, then even him out. Teach him that an acknowledgment is a stop, not beginning of a new cycle of communication or an encouragement to the preclear to go on.

АКЦЕНТ В ТРЕНИРОВКЕ: Давайте преклиру побеждать. Одитору необходимо воспроизводить свои собственные команды. Круговые движения сложнее чем прямолинейные.

HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in London in April 1956, to teach new students that an acknowledgment ends a communication cycle and a period of time, that a new command begins a new period of time.

ИСТОРИЯ: Разработано ЛРХ для 16-го клинического курса повышенного уровня в Вашингтоне, округ Колумбия в 1957 году. Основан на воспроизведении. Разработан Хаббардом в Лондоне в 1952.

NUMBER: Training 3


NAME: Duplicative Question.

НАЗВАНИЕ: Подражание руками в пространстве

COMMANDS: “Do fish swim?” or “Do birds fly?” Communication bridge between.

КОМАНДЫ: Одитор поднимает две ладони перед преклиром где-то посередине расстояния, разделяющего его и преклира, и говорит: "Приставь свои ладони к моим, сопровождай их и участвуй в их движении". Затем он делает простое движение правой рукой, а затем левой. "Ты участвовал в их движении?" "Хорошо" "Положи свои руки себе на колени". Когда это сгладится, одитор делает тоже самое на расстоянии в один сантиметр между его ладонями и ладонями преклира. Когда это сгладится, одитор выполняет этот процесс на чуть большем расстоянии и так далее, пока пк не сможет выполнять движения на расстоянии девяносто сантиметров.

POSITION: Student and coach seated a comfortable distance apart.

ПОЗИЦИЯ: Одитор и преклир сидят, близко друг к другу, колени преклира между коленей одитора.

PURPOSE: To teach a student to duplicate without variation an auditing question, each time newly, in its own unit of time, not as a blur with other questions; and to teach him how to shift from one question to another with a communication bridge rather than an abrupt change.

ЦЕЛЬ: Развить реальность в отношении одитора, используя шкалу реальности (твердую линию общения). Ввести преклира в общение при помощи управления + воспроизведения.

TRAINING STRESS: One question and student acknowledgment of its answer in one unit of time which is then finished. To keep student from straying into variations of command. To insist on communication bridge when question is changed. Even though the same question is asked, it is asked as though it had never occurred to anyone before. To teach students that a communication bridge consists of getting three agreements — one agreement to end this question, second agreement to continue session in general and maintain ARC, third agreement to begin a new question. Teach student that preclear is part of these agreements. To teach student never to vary question or shift question or command without a bridge.

АКЦЕНТ В УПРАЖНЕНИИ: Движения одитора должны быть спокойными и точными, все в тоне 40, давая преклиру побеждать. Двустороннее общение должно быть свободным.

HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in London, April 1956, to overcome variations and sudden changes in session.

ИСТОРИЯ: Разработано Л. Роном Хаббардом в Вашингтоне, округ Колумбия в 1956, как терапевтическая версия подражания руками с куклой. Также нужно было то, что заменило бы "Посмотри на меня. Кто я?" и "Найди одитора", как части рудиментов.

NUMBER: Training 4


NAME: Preclear Originations.

НАЗВАНИЕ: Определение местоположения при помощи контакта.

COMMANDS: The student runs “Do fish swim?” or “Do birds fly?” on coach. Coach answers but now and then makes startling comments from a prepared list given by instructor. Student must handle originations to satisfaction of coach.

КОМАНДЫ: "Потрогай этот (указанный предмет)". "Спасибо".

POSITION: Student and coach sit facing each other a comfortable distance apart.

ПОЗИЦИЯ: Одитор и преклир могут сидеть — если преклир не может ходить — за столом, на поверхности которого разбросано множество предметов. Или же одитор и преклир движутся. Одитор вступает с преклиром в физический контакт, если ему надо повернуть и направить преклира к указанному предмету.

PURPOSE: To teach a student not to be tongue-tied or startled or thrown off session by originations of preclear and to maintain ARC with preclear throughout an origination.

ЦЕЛЬ: Цель этого процесса это дать преклиру ориентацию и обладательность для того, чтобы улучшить его восприятия.

TRAINING STRESS: The student is taught to hear origination and do three things: (1) Understand it; (2) Acknowledge it; and (3) Return preclear to session. If the coach feels abruptness or too much time consumed or lack of comprehension, he corrects the student into better handling.

АКЦЕНТ В ТРЕНИРОВКЕ: Акцент в тренировке на мягкости, АРО и на повышении у преклира уверенности, что он дотронулся до указанного предмета. Следует отметить, что этот процесс можно проводить со слепыми.

HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in London in April 1956, to teach auditors to stay in session when preclear dives out.

ИСТОРИЯ: Разработано ЛРХ в 1957, на основе процессинга местоположений.

NUMBER: Training 5


NAME: Hand Mimicry.

НАЗВАНИЕ: Контакт с телом и комнатой.

COMMANDS: All commands are by motions of one or two hands. The auditor makes a simple hand motion, holding his hand or hands in the final position. The coach bobs his head as having received it. The coach then, mirror-wise, makes the same motion with his hand or hands. The student then acknowledges. If the motion was not correctly done by coach the student acknowledges doubtfully, then repeats the motion to the coach. If the coach does it well, student thanks coach by shaking own two hands together (prize fighter fashion). Keep motions simple. Student must always be able to duplicate own motions.

КОМАНДЫ: "Потрогай свою (часть тела)". "Спасибо". "Потрогай этот (указанный предмет)". "Спасибо".

POSITION: Student and coach are seated facing each other at a short distance, coach’s knees inside student’s.

ПОЗИЦИЯ: Одитор и преклир по необходимости подходят к предметам, одитор принуждает преклира к исполнению команд при помощи рук, добиваясь того, чтобы рука преклира трогала предметы и части тела.

PURPOSE: To educate student that verbal commands are not entirely necessary. To make student physically telegraph an intention. To show student necessity of having preclear obey commands.

ЦЕЛЬ: Установить ориентацию и повысить обладательность преклира и дать ему определённую реальность относительно его собственного тела.

TRAINING STRESS: Accuracy of student repeating own commands. Teaching student to give preclear wins. Teaching student that an intention is different from words.

АКЦЕНТ В ТРЕНИРОВКЕ: Акцент в тренировке стоит на том, чтобы использовать те части тела, которые не волнуют преклира, потому как будет обнаружено, что у преклира обычно очень низкая реальность по поводу различных частей его тела. В любом случае, преклиру не следует давать команды, которые невозможно исполнить.

HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in London, April 1956, from the principles of body mimicry developed by LRH in Camden, N.J., in 1954.

ИСТОРИЯ: Разработано Л. Роном Хаббардом в 1957, в Вашингтоне, округ Колумбия как более простой шаг процесса "Покажи мне... " с телом и комнатой.

The following group of processes are usually taught in Upper Indoctrination Course:


NUMBER: Training 6

НАЗВАНИЕ: Контакт при помощи воспроизведения.

NAME: Plain 8-C.

КОМАНДЫ: "Потрогай этот стол". "Спасибо". "Потрогай свою (часть тела)". "Спасибо". "Потрогай этот стол". "Спасибо". "Потрогай свою (ту же самую часть тела)". "Спасибо". "Потрогай этот стол". "Спасибо". "Потрогай свою (ту же самую часть тела)". "Спасибо" и т.д., в таком порядке.

COMMANDS: “Look at that wall.” “Walk over to that wall.” “With your right hand, touch that wall.” “Turn around.” All with acknowledgments. Not Tone 40. (Preclear is acknowledged when he originates, no physical contact.)

ПОЗИЦИЯ: Одитор может сидеть. Преклир должен ходить. Обычно одитор стоит, чтобы руками принудить преклира выполнять команды.

POSITION: Student and coach both ambulant in a room with no center obstacles. Student walks with coach who does process for student.

ЦЕЛЬ: Процесс используется, чтобы улучшить восприятия, повысить ориентацию преклира и поднять его обладательность. Управление вниманием, как в этих процессах "контакта", естественным образом забирает единицы внимания из банка, который управляет вниманием преклира.

PURPOSE: To give preclear reality on environment, control in following directions and havingness. Not all effects fully explored.

АКЦЕНТ В ТРЕНИРОВКЕ: Акцент в тренировке на точности команд и движений, каждая команда в свою единицу времени, все команды безупречно воспроизводятся. Преклир должен продолжать процесс, даже если он тормозит. Хорошее АРО с преклиром; не берите ту часть тела, которая аберрирована, а сгладьте сначала процесс с неаберрированной частью тела, прежде чем приступать к аберрированной.

TRAINING STRESS: Precision in repetition of commands by student and experience on a gradient scale in directing another body than own. Handling of originations. Acknowledging execution of commands by preclear. When this process develops somatics on a preclear it must be continued until flat.

ИСТОРИЯ: Разработано Л. Роном Хаббардом в 1957, в Вашингтоне, округ Колумбия как процесс более низкого уровня, чем открывающая процедура воспроизведения или "Покажи мне..." при помощи воспроизведения. Все процессы контакта были разработаны на основе предлогических оснований*ПРЕДЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ ОСНОВАНИЯ, Q, есть серия, состоящая где-то и пяти элементов, которая находится выше уровня логики и выше уровня аксиомы. Я назвал эти штуки Q, просто буквой “Q”, математическим символом. Мы называем их Q, чтобы отделить их от других вещей. В действительности Q могут быть определены так: это уровень, с которого мы смотрим, что является общим знаменателем всего опыта, который мы сейчас можем видеть. Это тот уровень, с которого мы смотрим на весь опыт и, который работает как общий знаменатель всего этого опыта, и это наивысший уровень, на котором мы действуем (Филадельфийский курс докторат 6) .

HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in Camden, 1953. Originally called “Opening Procedure of 8-C”, 8-C being a full auditing procedure aimed at negative thought. The only surviving part of this is now called 8-C and means the above process. Original intention was to place preclear within the control of the auditor so auditing could occur. Proved so successful became an end-all in itself. Nominated in Summary Research Project 1956 as responsible all by itself for approximately 50% of results achieved by auditors across the world.


NUMBER: Training 7


NAME: Hi-School Indoc.

КОМАНДЫ: "Посмотри вокруг в этой комнате (окружении) и скажи мне, чем ты мог бы обладать". Пройдите это до сглаживания. "Посмотри вокруг в этой комнате и скажи мне, чем твоё тело (часть тела) не может обладать". Форма с вэйлансом: "Посмотри вокруг в этой комнате и скажи мне, чем мать (или другой вэйланс) не может обладать". Длинная форма "Посмотри вокруг в этой комнате и скажи мне, чем ты мог бы обладать". Пройдите до сглаживания. "Посмотри вокруг в этой комнате и скажи мне, чему ты мог бы позволить остаться". Пройдите до сглаживания. "Посмотри вокруг в этой комнате и скажи мне, без чего ты мог бы обойтись". В длинной форме "обойтись" иногда проводится в первую очередь, если у преклира есть навязчивое стремление растрачивать.

COMMANDS: Same as 8-C but with student in physical contact with coach, student enforcing commands by manual guiding. Coach has only three valid statements to which student must listen: these are “Start” to begin process, “Flunk” to call attention to student error, and “That’s it” to end session. No other remark by coach is valid on student. Coach tries in all possible ways, verbal, covert and physical, to stop student from running 8-C on him. If the student falters, comm lags, fumbles a command or fails to get an execution on coach, coach says “Flunk” and they start at beginning of command cycle in which error occurred. Coach falling down is not allowed.

ПОЗИЦИЯ: Одитор и преклир сидят на удобном расстоянии друг от друга, оба лицом к основной части комнаты.

POSITION: Student and coach ambulant. Student handling coach physically.

ЦЕЛЬ: Объективно исправить обладательность.

PURPOSE: To train a student never to be stopped by a preclear. To train him to run fine 8-C in any circumstances. To teach him to handle rebellious people.

АКЦЕНТ В ТРЕНИРОВКЕ: Проводите этот процесс гладко, без обесценивающих вопросов. Это один из наиболее эффективных процессов, которые могут управлять думательностью Проводите его при падениях обладательности или же как отдельный процесс.

TRAINING STRESS: Stress is on accuracy of student performance and persistence by student. Start gradually to toughen up resistance to student. Don’t kill him off at once.

ИСТОРИЯ: Разработано Л. Роном Хаббардом в Лондоне в 1955. Название происходит от трёх вопросов в длинной форме. Исходно называлось "Ужасное трио".

HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in London, 1956.


NUMBER: Training 8

НАЗВАНИЕ: "Не давай ему уходить" Тон 40.

NAME: Tone 40 on an Object.

КОМАНДЫ: "Посмотри на этот (указанный предмет)". "Спасибо" "Подойди к этому (указанный объект)". "Спасибо". "Потрогай этот (указанный объект)". "Спасибо". "Не давай ему уходить". "Спасибо". "Ты не давал ему уходить?" "Спасибо", и так далее.

COMMANDS: “Stand up.” “Thank you.” “Sit down on the table.” “Thank you.” These are the only commands used. (If student has trouble with Training 9, have him do Tone 40 on an Object with 8-C commands.)

ПОЗИЦИЯ: Одитор и преклир двигаются. Одитор помогает преклиру при помощи рук.

POSITION: Student standing beside table holding ashtray which he manually makes execute the commands he gives.

ЦЕЛЬ: Цель процесса повысить обладательность преклира и добиться у него способности не давать предметам уходить, которая была потеряна, исходя из обладания психосоматическими заболеваниями.

PURPOSE: To make student clearly achieve Tone 40 command. To clarify intentions as different than words. To start student on road to handling objects and preclears with postulates. To obtain obedience not wholly based on spoken commands.

АКЦЕНТ В ТРЕНИРОВКЕ: Акцент в тренировке на точности и аккуратности и выяснении того, что в действительности есть 8У в тоне 40 с добавлением думательности. Это первый шаг на пути к тому, чтобы делать предметы твёрдыми.

TRAINING STRESS: have student give orders for a while alone. Then begin to nag him to get them up to Tone 40 commands. Have student silently permeate object with command and an expectancy that it will do it. When student can “see” his intentions going in accurately, when he wonders why object doesn’t instantly obey, when he is not stumbling through energy or depending on his voice, the training process is flat. This process usually takes the most time in training of any process and time on it is well spent. Objects can be ashtrays or rag dolls.

ИСТОРИЯ: Разработано Л. Роном Хаббардом в 1956 в Лондоне, Англия.

HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in Washington, D.C., 1957, for the 17th ACC.


NUMBER: Training 9

НАЗВАНИЕ: "Удерживай его(её) неподвижным". Тон 40.

NAME: Tone 40 on a Person.

КОМАНДЫ: "Посмотри на этот (указанный предмет)". "Спасибо". "Подойди к этому (указанный предмет)". "Спасибо". "Потрогай этот (указанный объект)". "Спасибо". "Удерживай его неподвижным". "Спасибо". "Ты удерживал его неподвижным?". "Спасибо", и т.д., в таком порядке.

COMMANDS: Same as 8-C. This is not Tone 40 8-C (CCH 12). Student runs fine, clearcut intentions and verbal orders on a coach. Coach tries to break down Tone 40 of the student. Coach commands that are valid are “Start” (to begin), “Flunk” to tell student he has erred and must return to beginning of cycle, and “That’s it” to take a break or stop session for the day. No other statement by coach in session is valid on student and is only an effort to make student come off Tone 40 or in general be stopped.

ПОЗИЦИЯ: Одитор и преклир двигаются. Одитор помогает преклиру при помощи рук.

POSITION: Student and coach ambulant. Student in manual contact with coach as needed. PURPOSE: To make student able to maintain Tone 40 under any stress of auditing.

ЦЕЛЬ: Улучшить способность индивидуума делать вещи более твёрдыми, и укрепить его способность управлять своим окружением.

TRAINING STRESS: The exact amount of physical effort must be used by student plus a compelling unspoken intention. No jerky struggles are allowed since each jerk is 3 stop. Student must learn to smoothly increase effort quickly to amount needed to make coach execute. Stress is on exact intention, exact strength needed, exact force necessary, exact Tone 40. Even a slight smile by student can be a flunk. Too much force can be a flunk. Too little definitely is a flunk. Anything not Tone 40 is a flunk.

АКЦЕНТ В ТРЕНИРОВКЕ: Такой же, как и в УОО 9.

HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in Washington, D.C., for the 17th ACC.

ИСТОРИЯ: Разработано Л. Роном Хаббардом в Лондоне, Англия, в 1956.

The following processes are taught in the Communication-Control-Havingness Course:



NAME: Rudiments, Goals and Present Time Problem.

НАЗВАНИЕ: Процессинг поднятия по шкале.

COMMANDS: Establishing session beginning by calling attention to room, auditor and the session to begin. Discussing the preclear’s goals for the session. Auditor asks for present time problem and settles it with problems of comparable magnitude or incomparable magnitude or by Locational Processing. In general, remarks and commands enough to bring about ARC at session’s beginning but not enough to run down havingness of the preclear.

КОМАНДЫ: Применяется шкала отношений, верхние и нижние кнопки которой таковы: ВЫЖИВАТЬ-МЕРТВЫЙ, ВЛАДЕЕТ ВСЕМ-НИЧЕМ НЕ ВЛАДЕЕТ, ИСТОЧНИК ДВИЖЕНИЯ-ОСТАНОВЛЕННЫЙ, Я ЗНАЮ-Я НЕ ЗНАЮ, ПРАВ-НЕПРАВ, ВСЕ-НИКТО, ПРАВДА-ГАЛЛЮЦИНАЦИЯ, ПРИЧИНА-СЛЕДСТВИЕ, ПОЛНОСТЬЮ ОТВЕТСТВЕННЫЙ-ОТСУТСТВИЕ ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТИ, ВСЕГДА-НИКОГДА, ДОВЕРИЕ-НЕДОВЕРИЕ, Я ЕСТЬ-МЕНЯ НЕТ, ОТСУТСТВИЕ ИГРЫ-НЕ ОГРАНИЧЕННЫЕ ИГРЫ. Команды одитинга в этом процессе таковы: «Получи идею о (кнопка нижней части шкалы)». «У тебя есть эта идея?» «Ладно». «Теперь измени эту идею так близко как ты можешь на (верхняя кнопка)». «Хорошо». «Как близко ты подобрался?» «Спасибо». Это проводится много раз на одном наборе кнопок до тех пор, пока у преклира не будет уверенности в том, что он может поддерживать идею о высшей части шкалы.

POSITION: Auditor and preclear seated at a comfortable distance apart.

ПОЗИЦИЯ: Одитор и преклир сидят на удобном расстоянии друг от друга.

PURPOSE: To make known the beginning of a session to a preclear and the auditor so that no error as to its beginning is made. To put the preclear into a condition to be audited.

ЦЕЛЬ: Дать преклиру упражнения для изменения своего решения и продемонстрировать ему, что он может поддерживать наиболее высокие уровни уверенности и что он может менять свои суждения. И возможно случайным образом изменить структуру его желёз в лучшую сторону, чтобы они функционировали лучше, что имеет мало важности для процесса и не имеет ничего общего с Саентологией.

TRAINING STRESS: To begin sessions, not just let them happen. To educate the student into the actual elements of a session and condition of preclears. To stress the inability to audit something else when present time problem is not flat. To demonstrate what happens when preclear doesn’t know session has begun or has no goals for it or what happens when present time problem only half flat when other things are engaged upon. Stress that it is done each session. Explain closure mechanism of problem with preclear, the solution of “the liability of solutions”.

АКЦЕНТ В ТРЕНИРОВКЕ: Акцент в тренировке на поддержании с преклиром АРО, и при этом надо быть очень определенным в отношении идеи, которую преклир должен получить. Предварительное требование в том, чтобы думательность преклира была в некоторой степени под управлением одитора. Одитор не должен быть с преклиром нетерпеливым, а наоборот должен снова и снова пытаться получить эти две идеи, — одну о низшей части шкалы, а затем поменять эту идею на идею о высшей части шкалы. Преклир должен быть в действительно хорошем состоянии в плане обладательности, иначе процесс потерпит неудачу.

HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in Elizabeth, N.J., 1950; Goals in Wichita, Kansas in 1951; Present Time Problem, London, 1952; Rudiments, Phoenix, 1955.

ИСТОРИЯ: Этот процесс был разработан в конце 1951 Л. Роном Хабардом в Вичите, штат Канзас и был взят из САЕНТОЛОГИИ 8-8008, в той версии, в которой она была выпущена в Англии и из СОЗДАНИЯ СПОСОБНОСТЕЙ ЧЕЛОВЕКА, стр. 129, М2-51. Это возможно самый старый чисто Саентологический процесс из всех существующий на сегодняшний день. Он был не очень эффективен в прошлом из-за того, что не было понято то, что прежде чем думательность преклира может быть взята одитором под управление, сначала необходимо взять под управление тело и внимание. Этот процесс, тем не менее, проводимый на преклирах не в слишком плохом состоянии, всегда давал хорошие результаты в изменении физической бытийности и способностей, — первое, конечно, мало касается интересов Саентологии в отличие от второго. Первым преклиром, который был проодитирован по этому процессу и по открывающей процедуре путем воспроизведения, была Мэри Сью Хаббард.


NAME:*The name and command for CCH 1 has since been revised to, “Give me that hand.” Give Me Your Hand, Tone 40.


COMMANDS: “Give me your hand.” Physical action of taking hand when not given and then replacing it in preclear’s lap. And “Thank you” ending cycle. All Tone 40 with clear intention, one command in one unit of time, no originations of preclear acknowledged in any way verbally or physically. May be run on right hand, left hand, both hands, each one flattened in turn.

POSITION: Auditor and preclear seated, in chairs without arms, close together. Auditor’s knees both to auditor’s left of preclear’s knees, outside of auditor’s right thigh against outside of preclear’s right thigh. This position reversed for left hand. In both hands preclear’s knees are between auditor’s knees.

PURPOSE: To demonstrate to preclear that control of preclear’s body is possible, despite revolt of circuits, and inviting preclear to directly control it. Absolute control by auditor then passes over toward absolute control of his own body by preclear.

TRAINING STRESS: Never stop process until a flat place is reached. To process with good Tone 40. Auditor taught to pick up preclear’s hand by wrist with auditor’s thumb nearest auditor’s body, to have an exact and invariable place to carry preclear’s hand to before clasping, clasping hand with exactly correct pressure, replacing hand (with auditor’s left hand still holding preclear’s wrist) in preclear’s lap. Making every command(l and cycle separate. Maintaining Tone 40. Stress on intention from auditor to preclear with each command. To leave an instant for preclear to do it by own will before auditor does it. Stress Tone 40 precision. To keep epicenters balanced. CCH I (b) should also be flattened.

HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in the 17th ACC, Washington, D.C., 1957.


NAME:*The name and command for CCH 2 has since been revised to, “You look at that wall.” Tone 40 8-C.

COMMANDS: “Look at that wall.” “Thank you.” “Walk over to that wall.” “Thank you.” “With the right hand, touch that wall.” “Thank you.” “Turn around.” “Thank you.” Run without acknowledging in any way any origin by preclear, acknowledging only preclear’s execution of the command. Commands smoothly enforced physically. Tone 40, full intention.

POSITION: Auditor and preclear ambulant, auditor in physical contact with preclear as needed.

PURPOSE: To demonstrate to preclear that his body can be directly controlled and thus inviting him to control it. Finding present time. Havingness. Other effects not fully explained.

TRAINING STRESS: Absolute auditor precision. No drops from Tone 40. No flubs. Total present- time auditing. Auditor turns preclear counterclockwise then steps always on preclear’s right side. Auditor’s body acts as block to forward motion when preclear turns. Auditor gives command, gives preclear a moment to obey, then enforces command with physical contact of exactly correct force to get command executed. Auditor does not check preclear from executing commands.

HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in Washington, D.C., 1957, for the 17th ACC.


NAME: Book Mimicry.

COMMANDS: Auditor makes a simple or complex motion with a book. Hands book to preclear. Preclear makes motion, duplicating auditor’s mirror image-wise. Auditor asks preclear if he is satisfied that the preclear duplicated the motion. If preclear is and auditor is also fairly satisfied, auditor takes book and goes to next command. If preclear says he is and auditor fairly sure preclear isn’t, auditor takes back book and repeats command and gives book to preclear again for another try. If preclear is not sure he duplicated any command auditor repeats it for him and gives him back the book. Tone 40 only in motions. Verbal two-way quite free.

POSITION: Auditor and preclear seated facing each other a comfortable distance apart.

PURPOSE: To bring up preclear’s communication with control and duplication. (Control + duplication = communication.)

TRAINING STRESS: Stress giving preclear wins. Stress auditor’s necessity to duplicate his own commands. Circular motions are more complex than straight lines.

HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard for the 16th ACC in Washington, D.C., 1957. Based on duplication developed by LRH in London, 1952.


NAME: Hand Space Mimicry.

COMMANDS: Auditor raises two hands, palms facing preclear’s and says, “Put your hands against mine, follow them and contribute to their motion.” He then makes a simple motion with right hand, then left. “Did you contribute to the motion?” “Good.” “Put your hands in your lap.” When this is flat the auditor does this same thing with a half inch of space between his and preclear’s palms. When this is flat auditor does it with a wider space and so on until preclear is able to follow motions a yard away.

POSITION: Auditor and preclear seated, close together facing each other, preclear’s knees between auditor’s.

PURPOSE: To develop reality on the auditor using the reality scale (solid comm line). To get preclear into comm by control + duplication.

TRAINING STRESS: That auditor be gentle and accurate in his motions, giving preclear wins. To be free in two-way comm.

HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in Washington, 1956, as a therapeutic version of Dummy Hand Mimicry. Something was needed to supplant “Look at me. Who am l?” and “Find the Auditor” part of rudiments.

NUMBER: Training 10

NAME: Locational Processing.

COMMANDS: “You notice that (indicated object).” “Thank you.” Auditor enforces command when needed by turning preclear’s head toward object. Run inside an auditing room or outside. Auditor indicates obvious objects, naming them and pointing to them.

POSITION: Auditor and preclear seated side by side or facing each other or seated or walking outside.

PURPOSE: To control attention. Since attention is being controlled by facsimiles, an unknown control, supplanting with a known control brings preclear up to present time. See also Pre-Logics. A highly therapeutic process. Can be substituted for Present Time Problem to some degree in cases that cannot run a Present Time Problem as a process.

TRAINING STRESS: That coach (or preclear) always looks in direction of object.

HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in Elizabeth, N.J., in June 1950, to bring preclears into auditing room after they had been “brought up to present time”.


NAME: Location by Contact.

COMMANDS: “Touch that (indicated object).” “Thank you.”

POSITION: Auditor and preclear may be seated where the preclear is very unable, in which case they are seated at a table which has a number of objects scattered on its surface. Or auditor and preclear may be ambulant, with the auditor in manual contact with the preclear as is necessary to face him toward and guide him to the indicated object.

PURPOSE: The purpose of the process is to give the preclear orientation and havingness and to improve his perception.

TRAINING STRESS: Training stress is upon gentleness, ARC and the raising of the preclear’s certainty that he has touched the indicated object. It should be noticed that this can be run on blind people.

HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard from Locational Processing in 1957.


NAME: Body-Room Contact.

COMMANDS: “Touch your (body part).” “Thank you.” “Touch that (indicated room object).” “Thank you.”

POSITION: Auditor and preclear move about together as needed, the auditor enforcing the commands by manual contact using the preclear’s hands to touch objects and touch body parts.

PURPOSE: To establish the orientation and increase the havingness of the preclear and to give him in particular a reality on his own body.

TRAINING STRESS: Training Stress is upon using only those body parts which are not embarrassing to the preclear as it will be found that the preclear ordinarily has very little reality on various parts of his body. Impossible commands should not be given to the preclear in any case.

HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in 1957 in Washington, D.C., as a lower step than Body- Room Show Me.


NAME: Contact by Duplication.

COMMANDS: “Touch that table.” “Thank you.” “Touch your (body part).” “Thank you.” “Touch that table.” “Thank you.” “Touch your (same body part).” “Thank you.” “Touch that table.” “Thank you.” “Touch your (same body part).” “Thank you,” etc., in that order.

POSITION: Auditor may be seated. Preclear should be walking. Usually auditor standing by to manually enforce the commands.

PURPOSE: Process is used to heighten perception, orient the preclear and raise the preclear’s havingness. Control of attention as in all these “contact” processes naturally takes the attention units out of the bank which itself has been controlling the preclear’s attention.

TRAINING STRESS: Training stress is on precision of command and motion, with each command in its unit of time, all commands perfectly duplicated. Preclear to continue to run process even though he dopes off. Good ARC with the preclear, not picking one body part which is aberrated at first but flattening some non-aberrated body part before aberrated body part is tackled.

HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in 1957 in Washington, D.C., as a lower level process than Opening Procedure by Duplication, or Show Me by Duplication. All contact processes have been developed out of the Pre-Logics.


NAME: Trio.

COMMANDS: “Look around the room (environment) and tell me something you could have.” Run until flat. “Look around the room and tell me something the body (body part) can’t have.” Valence form: “Look around the room and tell me something mother (or other valence) can’t have.” Long form: “Look around the room and tell me what you could have.” Run flat. “Look around the room and tell me something you would permit to remain.” Run flat. “Look around the room and tell me what you could dispense with.” Dispense in long form is sometimes run first when preclear is set on wasting.

POSITION: Auditor and preclear seated at a comfortable distance both facing toward majority of the room.

PURPOSE: To remedy havingness objectively.

TRAINING STRESS: Run it smoothly without invalidative questions. One of the most effective processes known when thinkingness can be controlled somewhat. Run when havingness drops or for a full intensive.

HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in London in 1955. Name derived from the three questions of the long form. Originally called the “Terrible Trio”.


NAME: Tone 40 “Keep it from going away.”

COMMANDS: “Look at that (indicated object).” “Thank you.” “Walk over to that (indicated object).” “Thank you.” “Touch that (indicated object).” “Thank you.” “Keep it from going away.” “Thank you.” “Did you keep it from going away?” “Thank you,” and so forth.

POSITION: Auditor and preclear ambulant. Auditor assisting by manual contact.

PURPOSE: The purpose of the process is to increase havingness of the preclear and bring about his ability to keep things from going away, which ability lost, accounts for the possession of psychosomatic illnesses.

TRAINING STRESS: The training stress is on precision and accuracy and finding out that this is actually Tone 40 8-C with a thinkingness addition. This is the first step on to the route of making things solid.

HISTORY: Developed in 1956 in London, England, by L. Ron Hubbard.


NAME: Tone 40 “Hold it still.”

COMMANDS: “Look at that (indicated object).” “Thank you.” “Walk over to that (indicated object).” “Thank you.” “Touch that (indicated object).” “Thank you.” “Hold it still.” “Thank you.” “Did you hold it still’?” “Thank you,” etc., in that order.

PURPOSE: To improve an individual’s ability to make things more solid and to assert his ability to control his environment.


HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in London, England, in 1956.


NAME: Tone 40 “Make it a little more solid.”

COMMANDS: “Look at that (indicated object).” “Thank you.” “Walk over to that (indicated object).” “Thank you.” “Touch that (indicated object).” “Thank you.” “Make it a little more solid.” “Thank you.” “Did you make it a little more solid’?” ‘‘Thank you,” etc., in that order.

POSITION: Auditor and preclear ambulant.

PURPOSE: To assert control over the preclear and increase the preclear’s havingness. To increase the preclear’s reality on the Pre-Logics. To reverse the flow of solids.

TRAINING STRESS: Complete precision of performance, a stress 011 all the CCH 9, CCH 10 and CCH 11, that they include a control of thinkingness of the preclear and therefore should not be run with a tremendous amount of auditor trust of the preclear and should not be run until the lower levels of CCH are to some degree flat as they will give the preclear losses.

HISTORY: Developed in 1956 in London, England, by L. Ron Hubbard.

NUMBER: Training 11

NAME: ARC Straight Wire.

COMMANDS: “Recall something that was really real to you.” “Thank you.” “Recall a time when you were in good communication with someone.”’ “Thank you.” “Recall a time when you really liked someone.” “Thank you.” The three commands are given in that order and repeated in that order consistently.

POSITION: Auditor and preclear seated facing each other at a comfortable distance.

PURPOSE: To give the student reality on the existence of a bank. This is audited on another and is audited until the other student is in present time. It will be found that the process discloses the cycling action of the preclear going deeper and deeper into the past and then more and more shallowly into the past until he is recalling something again close to present time. This cyclic action should be studied and understood and the reality on the pictures the preclear gets should be thoroughly understood by the student. The fact that another has pictures should be totally real to the student under training.

HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in 1951 in Wichita, Kansas. This was once a very important process. It has been known to bring people from a neurotic to a sane level after only a short period of application. It has been run on a group basis with success but it should be noted that the thinkingness of the individuals in the group would have to be well under the control of the auditor in order to have this process broadly beneficial. When it was discovered that this process occasionally reduced people’s havingness, the process itself was not generally run thereafter. It is still, however, an excellent process with that proviso, a reduction of havingness in some cases.


NAME: Limited Subjective Havingness.

COMMANDS: “What can you mock up?” “O. K. (to preclear’s answer).” “Mock up (what preclear said he could mock up).” “O. K.” “Shove it in to yourself.” “O. K.” When this is relatively flat, “Mock up (whatever preclear said he could).” “O. K.” “Let it remain where it is.” “O. K.” When this is relatively flat enter on the third part. “Mock up (whatever the preclear said he could mock up).” “O. K.” “Throw it away.” “O. K.” If the preclear cannot throw the object away at once, have him duplicate it many times and move one of them slightly further away from him until he has at last thrown one away. If the preclear cannot mock anything up, remedy his havingness with blackness. If the preclear’s “field” is invisibility, have him put glass objects of many sorts and sizes on a table and one after the other “keep them from going away”. If mock-up disappears have preclear keep on trying at it because he will eventually be able to get it back.

POSITION: Auditor and preclear seated facing each other.

PURPOSE: To Remedy the Havingness of the preclear’s bank.

TRAINING STRESS: Not to give the preclear any losses. He must successfully complete each step and the auditor must do things on a gradient scale until the preclear has successfully completed each command given.

HISTORY: These and other creative processes were developed by L. Ron Hubbard in London in the fall of 1952.


NAME: Subjective Solids.

COMMANDS: “What can you mock up?” “O. K. (to preclear’s answer).” (This is asked once every time one changes the type of mock-up.) “Mock up (whatever the preclear said).” “O. K.” “Now make it a little more solid.” “O. K.” “Did you do that?” “Thank you.” Various objects are mocked up and made a little more solid. The preclear can be told to do what he pleases with these. This is not a Tone 40 process.

POSITION: Auditor and preclear seated.

PURPOSE: To make it possible for the preclear to mock up subjective objects and make them a little more solid, preparatory to running “Then and Now Solids”.

TRAINING STRESS: On knowing what the preclear is doing, how he is doing it, where he is putting the mock-ups, so that the preclear is certainly policed and is certainly doing the process. If the preclear neglects to do the process, even though he receives the command and nods his assent, he is, of course, going out of control of the auditor.

HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in 1956 in London.


NAME: Then and Now Solids.

COMMANDS: “Get a picture – and make it a little more solid.” “Thank you.” “Look at that (auditor indicates object) – and make it a little more solid.” “Thank you.” These commands are given with a tiny pause between the first and second phrase as it will be found that the glance of the preclear at the object tends to give him the impression that he has already made it a little more solid before the auditor gives the command if this auditing command is broken into two commands.

POSITION: Auditor and preclear seated facing each other a comfortable distance apart.

PURPOSE: To straighten out the time track of the preclear. To clear up his bank. To disclose his life computation. To show up the whole track. To give preclear practice in handling time. To get rid of unwanted facsimiles. And in general to handle in its totality the reactive mind.

TRAINING STRESS: On leading up with gradients toward any failure that the preclear may have in making something a little more solid. In keeping the auditor from chasing all over the bank every time the preclear has a second picture show up or a third or a fourth or a fifth on the same command. The auditor wants one picture and wants one thing or the picture itself to be made a little more solid. We do not do two or three pictures and then a room object. The preclear can get easily lost on the track unless this is obeyed. Furthermore, it will be noted that the preclear goes out of present time further and further and then less and less and then further and further and then less and less and this cycle of further into the past and then less into the past finally winds up with bringing the preclear wholly into present time.

HISTORY: Developed from Over and Under Solids, which was developed by L. Ron Hubbard in late 1955 and improved by him in 1956. The process more or less completes the work begun on the reactive mind in 1947. It will be noted that many earlier processes and effects are woven into Then and Now Solids.

NUMBER: Training 12

NAME: Think a Thought.

COMMANDS: “Think a thought.” “Thank you.”

POSITION: Auditor and preclear seated a comfortable distance apart.

PURPOSE: To give the student some reality on the thinkingness of other people and demonstrate that the control of thinkingness is possible.

TRAINING STRESS: Should be on the fact that after the control of the body has been asserted and control of attention flattened, control of thinkingness can take place. There is really nothing wrong with the preclear except that he cannot control his thinkingness, thus he cannot change considerations at will because he is stopped by the bank. This is the most permissive of such processes since the preclear cannot really help to think a thought and we do not much care whether he thought it or the bank thought it.

HISTORY: Developed in 1955 in Phoenix, Arizona, by L. Ron Hubbard.


NAME: Rising Scale Processing.

COMMANDS: The Chart of Attitudes is employed, the top and bottom buttons of which are:

  • Dead-Survive
  • Nobody-Everybody
  • Distrust-Faith
  • Lose-Win
  • Wrong-Right
  • Never-Always
  • I Know Not-I Know
  • Stop-Change-Start
  • No Responsibility-Fully Responsible
  • Stopped-Causes Motion
  • Full Effect-Cause
  • Identification-Differentiation
  • Owns Nothing-Owns All
  • Hallucination-Truth
  • I Am Not-I Am
  • No-Game-Unlimited Games.
  • The auditing commands in this process are “Get the idea of (bottom button).” “Do you have that idea?” “All right.” “Now change that idea as nearly as you can to (top button).” “O. K.” “How close did you come?” “Thank you.” This is run many times on the one set of buttons until the preclear has a certainty that he can maintain the upper scale idea.

    POSITION: Auditor and preclear seated a comfortable distance apart.

    PURPOSE: To give the preclear drills in changing his mind and to demonstrate that he can maintain higher levels of certainty and that he can alter his considerations. And incidentally to probably change his glandular structure to the better until they have a better performance which is of no great importance to the process and has little to do with Scientology.

    TRAINING STRESS: The Training stress is on maintaining ARC with the preclear, yet being definite about what idea the preclear is supposed to get. The prerequisites demand that the thinkingness of the preclear be to some degree under the control of the auditor. The auditor must not be impatient with the preclear, but let the preclear try again and again to get these two ideas, one a low-scale idea and change that idea into an upper-scale idea. The preclear must be in fairly good condition with regard to havingness or the process can fail.

    HISTORY: This process was developed in the fall of 1951 by L. Ron Hubbard in Wichita, Kansas, and is taken from Scientology 8-8008 as published in England and as given in The Creation of Human Ability, page 129, as R2-51. This is probably the oldest purely Scientology process in existence. It was not entirely workable in the past because it was not understood that the body has to be brought under the auditor’s control and that the attention has to be brought under the auditor’s control before the thinkingness of the preclear can be brought under the auditor’s control. The process, however, run on preclears who were not in too bad condition, has been continually successful both in changing their physical beingness and abilities, the latter being in the sphere of interest of Scientology. The first preclear on which this and Opening Procedure by Duplication were run was Mary Sue Hubbard.


    NAME: Bank Processes (Engrams, Secondaries, Locks, Perceptics and Whole Track).

    NUMBER: GP 2

    NAME: Subjective Havingness in Full, Repair and Remedy of Havingness, Avalanches, Black and White, Flows.

    NUMBER: GP 3

    NAME: Connectedness, Association, Identification, A = A = A = A.

    NUMBER: GP 4

    NAME: Time Processes.

    NUMBER: GP 5

    NAME: Creative Processes.

    NUMBER: GP 6

    NAME: Full Rising Scale Processes.

    NUMBER: GP 7

    NAME: Not-Know Processes, Waterloo Station, Something you wouldn’t mind Forgetting.

    NUMBER: GP 8

    NAME: Think a Thought, Future Mock-ups.

    NUMBER: GP 9

    NAME: CDEI, Problems, Find Something that is Not Thinking.

    NUMBER: GP 10

    NAME: Thought Placement, Invent a Lie, Assign an Intention, Place a Command.

    NUMBER: GP 11

    NAME: Exteriorization, Pre-Logics, Keep Head from Going Away, Try not to Exteriorize.

    NUMBER: GP 12

    NAME: Route 1.

    NUMBER: GP 13

    NAME: Anchor Points, Structure of Body.

    NUMBER: GP 14

    NAME: Body Lifting.

    NUMBER: GP 15

    NAME: World Reality, Get the Idea that (object) is Thinking about Itself, Perception of Environment, Reality Scale Processes.

    NUMBER: Training 13

    NAME: Fishing a Cognition.

    COMMANDS: This is a general ARC, answering the preclear’s origin process. When the preclear experiences a somatic, when he sighs, when he gives a reaction to a Tone 40 process, the auditor repeats the process two or three more times (random number) and then pausing the process asks the preclear, “How are you doing now?” or “What is going on?” and finds out what happened to the preclear just as though the auditor has not noticed that the preclear had a reaction. The auditor does not point out the reaction but merely wants a discussion in general. During this discussion he brings the preclear up to at least a cognition that the preclear has had a somatic or a reaction and then merely continues the process without further bridge. This is done randomly. It is not always done every time the preclear experiences a reaction.

    POSITION: Whatever position the preclear and auditor are in as directed by the process they are running. But usually with the auditor touching the preclear. For example, in “Give Me Your Hand” the auditor continues to hold the preclear’s hand after he has said “Thank you” and asks the preclear how he is doing.

    TRAINING STRESS: Is that the fishing of a cognition is an art and it cannot be taught by general command, that the auditor must not as-is the preclear’s havingness by asking him, “How are you feeling now?”, that the preclear must not be placed in possession of the knowledge that he can stop the auditor from auditing by having a reaction or experiencing a reaction to the processing, otherwise he will begin to experience them simply to stop the auditor. Thus the use of Training 13 is not routine and regular but is random. It should be stressed that this can be used while running any and all Tone 40 processes. It should be stressed that the Tone 40 is run as itself and that fishing a cognition is run into the process between cycles of command and acknowledgment and command and acknowledgment. After a thorough acknowledgment one can fish for a cognition thus pausing momentarily in the process, get things straightened out, maintain ARC with the preclear and then go on with the Tone 40 process. One does not enter fishing a cognition between the command and the acknowledgment. One never reacts to what the preclear is doing the instant that the preclear does it, otherwise one educates the preclear to stop one. Training stress here is that a Tone 40 process is not run on an automaton basis.

    HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in Washington, D.C., in 1957 while developing CCH on the following notes from LRH’s notebook: “I use processes to restimulate thought or action and when this happens I fish out a cognition and either continue the process or bridge to the next process.” It was developed basically to keep auditors in communication with the preclear since Tone 40 processes give some auditors, when they are studying them, the idea that they are supposed to go out of communication with the preclear.
