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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Associate Newsletter No. 2 - AN530500 | Сравнить
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hrough: The Office of L. Ron Hubbard
London30 Marlborough Place
London N.W. 8, England
[1953, ca. early May]
Through: The Office of L. Ron Hubbard
London 30 Marlborough Place
London N. W. 8, England
[1953, ca. end May]



Associate, please send me name and address of every HCA you have in your files, including every HDA and B.Scn. I have no roster of auditors and wish to compile a directory of professional auditors. The omission of any name, including your own, may mean its omission in the directory by oversight so please make your list as complete as possible. I am putting all HCAs on a direct mailing basis for my office here in an effort to collect case reports. Volume of releases is the best publicity weapon which we have. If one HCA gets one cure in sinusitis, it makes very little impression, but if 45 HCAs get 45 cures in sinusitis we have cured 45 cases of sinusitis, and I can put it forward as a demonstration of what Scientology is doing. I wish to circulate case report sheets which can be sent to me here and compiled. It is about time that we had a central filing of this now that our processes are at a level where we can assure results.

This newsletter concerns itself with the training and skill of auditors.

We must continue to work together as a very close team for very many reasons. We must recruit the HAS and swell its membership ranks as high as possible. There are various kinds of members: early issues tell you about them. Membership in the HAS is membership in an organization which is determined to free Man.

I have had considerable experience in training auditors, but I only occasionally check up on auditors who have been trained in the various schools. Ordinarily the results are quite good in these schools, but now and then the results are so sour that I wonder what could have happened. Naturally, under a policy which trains anyone who comes in, one is going to get duds. But if one gets a dud he should certainly let the old man know about it, for sooner or later I get involved in some kind of scramble concerning this dud and some cases messed up.

As of a letter of 29th April, Hardin Walsh has been requested to handle mailing to 70 groups with which he is in contact and to furnish those groups with Group Auditors’ Courses. Group Auditors’ Courses are therefore available from Philadelphia and from Los Angeles. Any associate can sell Group Auditors’ Courses (six hours of tapes) to anyone for any price he cares to charge. Because of the complications of manufacture, it is suggested that people requesting courses be referred to Los Angeles, Philadelphia or London, where the tapes are already being manufactured and shipped daily.

You would be surprised at the amount of traffic of this character I have had in the last three years. Generally it is based upon just one thing: the dud didn’t even vaguely know what Dianetics or Scientology was. Quite commonly, he had been trained thoroughly in metaphysics, mysticism, psychology, or booja witch doctoring.

The Phoenix office of the HAS has not been closed. The main legal office of the HAS is in Arizona. The HAS can be addressed there c/o R. Ross Lamoreaux, 4248 North 32nd Street, Phoenix, Arizona. R. Ross Lamoreaux is operating the doctorate school in Phoenix. It is running at an advanced level over its former status. It is charging the same price. It is giving the advanced course in one month to those who have recently been certified by associates. Ross credits any associate HCA and reduces his doctorate fee accordingly. Doctorate level schools, then, are located in Phoenix, Philadelphia and London, as before. There is no change in this program, but there has been some change of address.

When he was trained in whatever school, he received the information with no conviction whatsoever. Occasionally this lack of conviction is traced to a lot of wild rumors about my own character which then disabused him of any idea that he should accept these “opinions.” Training which is done with this color is rather detrimental. I don’t happen to care very much what people think about me, but where it enters into the skill of an auditor, and where it will continue through to mess up a preclear, it becomes quite important.

I am specifically looking to any associate for the management of his area, and even greater than his area. Do not worry about overlapping: there is no dearth of public. Don’t worry about duplication of function: the idea is to get people trained, to get people processed and to keep this information going out.

Germane to this I spent the other evening on the phone — literally that, about two hours-with an auditor who was busily processing a preclear who had suddenly gone into a large maybe about continuing processing. Mentioning no names, this preclear had previously had a mystic master of some note and renown and this mystic master had come to me and had informed me that this neophyte in his cult was being processed by one of my auditors and had informed me that this auditor was paying no attention to the fact that this girl through concussion or some such thing had only half a brain.

You have a very stable package of information now. It consists of: Self Analysis in Scientology, in hard cover ordered from the HAS in Philadelphia, $3.00 per volume; the Communications Manual, ordered from Philadelphia, $3.00 per volume; Scientology 8-8008, paper cover, HAS London, $5.00 per volume; the 50 course books, $25.00 per set.

This auditor phoned me and, frankly, I have never seen a longer communication lag in anyone. It was from ten to thirty seconds, and the answers he gave me and the data he gave me were all salted down with “maybes.” This auditor, by the way, had not been granted certification but was practicing more or less professionally. His attitude toward me was extremely challenging. He referred to Dianetics and Scientology as “your stuff.” A review of the student record later demonstrated that this man, during the entire training period, had been subjected to considerable marital difficulties and during the training period had missed, day after day. Further investigation revealed he had been trained in mysticism and in psychology. He had proceeded to go through an entire period of training and what had leaked into his head as Dianetics and Scientology, as disclosed in a long and arduous cross-questioning by myself with this communication lag intervening, bore little or no resemblance to anything taught in any training school. He did not know nomenclature, he did not know techniques; he knew how to run an engram, perhaps, but Matched Terminals were called Double Terminals by him; brackets were unknown to him. He claimed he had fished around in “your stuff” and, while he had found that nobody could possibly be “exteriorized” (his own case was never opened and he himself had no interest in opening it) and had evolved a “technique” in which he “fished up” the anchor points of the preclear “just like you said in your stuff’ and then Double Terminalled them (while he was actually only getting two of them up whereas a Double Terminal gets four of them up) and so achieved some effect upon the preclear according to him.

The doctorate schools are giving a B.Scn. ; associates are giving an HCA. Groups may obtain the first 12 lecture tapes from the HAS in Philadelphia and the Group

In the first place, he had no idea of what an anchor point was — he thought it was a person; in the second place, he had jumped Standard Operating Procedure “because it was a drill,” even though he had never tested it to find out if he had gotten results by it. He had developed a “sensitive insight into preclears, and was able to evaluate for them their troubles,” and yet was unable to recall ever having been told by an instructor or on a tape that evaluation for a preclear was verboten.

Auditors’ Course of six hours in tapes. These items listed are all staple commodities.

Careful and arduous cross-questioning determined that this individual had processed this woman with Matched Terminals, yet he did not know the difference between a limited technique and an unlimited technique, which was old news in the school where he was being trained. Although it had been said to him probably no less than twenty times, he did not realize that a limited technique was one that you employed until it was proven to be very uncomfortable upon the preclear, at which time you went into an unlimited technique — which is to say a very positive contact with-reality technique — and carried on with the latter until the preclear was upscale enough to carry on again with the limited technique. Expanded GITA, Matched Terminalling, Double Terminalling, running of concepts are all limited techniques, just as the running of engrams will eventually lead into the depths if continued too long. Very, very close questioning against a considerable communication lag elicited the fact that this individual of all things was not sufficiently up on his business to know that the next-to- the-last list in Self Analysis in Scientology (or Dianetics) existed. He had never heard of the technique whereby the individual was asked to remember something that was real to him. Not only that, but it had never occurred to him to apply Standard Operating Procedure to the preclear with half a brain, which would have led him directly into Step VI whereby this was indicated.

Outside of the fact that Scientology 8-8008 is being revised at the moment, I do not expect these publications to change for many years. Added to them is Introduction to Scientology by Richard de Mille, procurable from Los Angeles associates. I do not know what discounts he will care to give. Self Analysis in Scientology and How to Live Though an Executive (the Communications Manual) are suitable for bookstore distribution in your area. Where you give an order to the HAS to be shipped to a bookstore, your discount is 50%; your general discount for books is 40%. Remember to allow for and include postage.

If he had used Standard Operating Procedure, he would have discovered in the first 15 minutes of auditing that his preclear was a neurotic; he would have discovered also that this preclear’s case would not have advanced an inch until the next-to-the-last list in Self Analysis had been run. As it was, he had used about 18 hours more or less of processing on a neurotic who had a physiological infirmity and had succeeded in hanging the person up on a maybe.

You may re-manufacture and distribute at your discretion, providing proper credit is given and no details or data are omitted, SOP-8, its Appendix and The Factors. The HAS will put these out in printed form shortly.

In addition to this, it was somewhat amusing to note that the auditor’s name, which will go unmentioned, was the kind of a name which lends itself to an engram phrase. An example of this would be (an actual case) where the individual had severe asthma and was named Sneezy and had lost his asthma simply because a professional auditor asked him one day whether or not he was trying to live up to his name. An individual (a thetan) is trying to be something rather than nothing and he will try to be the literal meaning of his own name and try to dramatize it. Well, a thetan can never be. The auditor in this case had a name which lent itself peculiarly to failure and this had never been touched in the school.

Any associate should constitute himself an office of the Hubbard Association of Scientologists as an organization and should take memberships, form chapters and hold chapter meetings and get the HAS into shape as a local organization.

Evidently what had happened in this case was that the auditor had absented himself continuously and when present had sat in the back of the room and had never obtruded into the instructor’s notice. He had then failed in his examinations and, instead of continuing on at the school until he could pass the examinations, had simply drifted out into the public and had represented himself as a certified auditor more or less and so had gotten things into a beautiful snarl.

If you have not sent money for your tapes to London, please do so, for we are shipping straight out without regard to cash and your order is probably already on its way. There were more tapes and the cost was slightly greater than you were informed in an earlier letter.

Many auditors, however, who go through schools come out with something less than certainty on the subject of Dianetics and Scientology. They are pounded with whole track and other uncertainties, have no subjective or objective reality of these things and may have sat for weeks clinging hard to the fact that God was good and that all was illusion, and yet might have assembled enough glib information to pass an examination. Such people are liabilities. You can’t avoid them and I can’t avoid them, but we can do all we can to prevent this happening.

In case you missed it before, send a notarized statement as to the skill of your HCA applicant signed by the person in charge of the associate office, and a check for

It is essential that an auditor leaving the school leave with a certainty that the materials he has been presented with work. He should leave with the certainty that he can produce an effect with the materials he has been taught, and that moreover he can produce an effect with them as they have been taught and as they are represented. It is peculiar that the only failed auditors, the only rebel auditors, we have are those who never learned the techniques with which they were presented.

$55.00 to me here in London, and a certificate, properly lettered and signed, will be sent immediately to the home address of the applicant or, if the associate elects, to the associate for his remailing. The applicant will also receive his membership card as a professional member in the HAS.

This poses a peculiar teaching problem. It is first a problem of getting the student into the classroom, not just as a body but as a mind; and it is dependent secondarily but very importantly, upon (and read this twice) processing out of him in terms of Matched Terminal Brackets every certainty he has had in the past that some process of the mind did or did not solve all of his problems. In processing this individual the instructor will put himself very far ahead by making sure that the student’s co-auditor knows that the first duty in a school where an auditor is being trained, is to get rid of the plus certainty and the negative certainty on current lifetime subjects dealing with the human mind or the human body. This is a very simple thing to do.

The first part of this job has been done, but it is only the first part of this job. It was my task to get workable techniques which could be used on more than one individual and techniques which could produce rapidly a high level of effectiveness in Man. We have those techniques.

It is a very easy thing to understand what is wrong with somebody who cannot be trained in Dianetics or Scientology. This somebody has been trained in medicine, in psychotherapy, in psychology, in mysticism and has gone through exactly this cycle. At first, with high hope, he has assumed that the materials being taught to him in medicine or whatever, were absolutely, completely and ultimately the last word and would solve all of his problems. He finished the course or went out into practice with the realization that those things which he had been taught were so much buffoonery. Now between these two positive and negative certainties, that the thing did work and then that it did not work, lies a tremendous maybe. It is this maybe alone which produces first the uncertainty in study and second the tremendous communication lag of such people. This is the reason they cannot be trained easily in Dianetics and Scientology. They have in the past been very certain first that something worked and then have been very certain that it did not work. The resultant maybe impedes all further training.

I do not personally see any reason to go on looking for faster techniques because my experience tells me that they probably do not exist. We are at the roof of this universe. There are hotter techniques, but not for MEST universe. I know three principle data beyond those I have released. It is not likely that I will divulge them, for they are not important so far as the job we have to do is concerned.

This is the student who gives the instructor a great deal of trouble, who asks non sequitur and senseless questions, who involves the class in endless arguments which are not germane to the subject, and who spoils the entire atmosphere of a school. This individual has collapsed communication lines. He collapses upon the instructor and utilizes precious minutes in utter balderdash. I repeat, it is because he has first had a certainty on some subject such as medicine or psychology and has then afterwards had another certainty; and the first certainty was that psychology would solve everything and the second certainty was that psychology would solve nothing. This is the anatomy of maybe in terms of intention and concept.

Thus this stream of communication coming from my office and from me at this time is signalizing a shift of emphasis in operation and finds me no longer buried in investigation and out of communication but devoting my time to the improvement of business and public relations and the improvement of general acceptance of Scientology. It has moved as fast as I have worked on it and I am trying to move it rapidly forward now. Please adjust your own viewpoints and those of the people in your area to realization of this.

When any student continues to collapse communication lines upon the instructor, which is to say, talks a great deal to him, comes up to him after class, questions and doubts, upsets other students, this is what has happened, and this is what must be processed in the student. The first moment the student shows up with this manifestation, the instructor should know instantly what is wrong with this student, and he should assign to another student the task of “certainty processing” which is nothing more nor less than matching terminals of “I am sure psychology works” “I am sure psychology doesn’t work.” Then somebody else as a matched terminal saying “I am sure psychology works” “I am sure psychology doesn’t work”; and then others saying to others “I am sure psychology works” “I am sure psychology doesn’t work.” By running the certainties only and by never touching the uncertainties, this individual is at length given freedom from the circuit which is generated by these two certainties, for he is holding on to the certainties in the face of all the uncertainties which lie between. (Now read all that again.)

Please send me the letters you are receiving from people so I can write personal answers to them. I don’t care how long it takes the letters to get here. If you are processing any preclear or have processed any preclears, you will find out that a letter from here enquiring after his health and asking for a report will do much to improve his general attitude and alertness, for it is simply a token of somebody else being interested in him. I don’t much care whether I have to answer these letters or not, or whether I have them for my own viewpoint, but I wish to be of all possible service to associates; and you will find, I am sure, that this will show up in your accounting books on the blue side of the ledger.

The instructor is continually being subjected to the uncertainty of students. Thus the instructor has to enter into a convincing attitude. He has to start convincing students of the existence of engrams, of the existence of this, the existence of that, against all these doubts. He has to continue a convincing attitude. This is not good for the instructor, but it is not particularly harmful. His first step should be to get rid of via the above processing the students who require all this convincing. The next thing he should do is to run the Certainty Processing on himself to the effect of “Dianetics is the solution” “Dianetics is not the solution,” “Scientology is the solution” “Scientology is not the solution.” He should also run “There are engrams” “There are no engrams,” “There is whole track” “There is no whole track,” “Hubbard is right” “Hubbard is wrong,” each in matched terminals, which is to say the idea or the person with the idea facing the same person with the same idea in brackets until he himself is free. The instructor might also do well to run “I need processing” “I don’t need any processing,” “There is something wrong with me” “There is nothing wrong with me,” again in matched terminal brackets, and each time anything is run in Certainty Processing it is run with the feeling of certainty, and in matched terminals, that the opinion is correct.

If you don’t think we are going places, let’s look at the developments of just the past few weeks. Aside from the American picture, the HAS in Great Britain has come up to a level of financial stability which assures its continuation. The main problem now is adequate quarters. Here in Great Britain every week several schoolteachers are trained to use Self Analysis in their classes, taking the free Group Auditors’ Course at the HAS headquarters. A few weeks ago I addressed the London Head Teachers’ Association (D. O. 9) and the invitation of that body to address it was probably an effort to expose a “charlatan”; and, although some of the bigwigs of the public school system were present with that definitely in mind, at the end of the talk which merely concerned itself with the education of children and bringing them up to present time and the use of their imagination, there was no dissenting voice. On the contrary, there was considerable compliment, and since that time official ripples are nonexistent.

In the case of the student whose case will not move it will be found that the student is under the compulsion not to let anything happen, and this is resolved by “I must not let it happen” “I cannot prevent it from happening” and “I must maintain control” “I must lose control,” for this is a compulsive case. A little lower on the tone scale the student will be found to respond to “They are preventing things from happening” “Nobody can prevent things from happening.” The general subject comes under the heading of “Things happen” and “Nothing happens,” which last is, of course, the gunshot on the case; the others are the compulsive and inhibitive factors.

Little by little, then, the public school program of group auditing is moving up into official status and one of these days will be a standard part of the curriculum. That may not happen for some time but it is on the road to happening. All we have to do here is maintain a constancy giving that course every week, making sure people know about it, keeping the books available and simply keeping it rolling. It requires no real effort to keep it rolling, since once it was started, it was bound to continue.

Training is essentially picking up the communication speed of the individual by utilizing techniques which break up old communications systems. If in training auditors these things are followed, we will find that we will have less trouble in the field with preclears. Further, we will find that we have less rebellion, for we have a condition in many people whereby they must produce any effect as better than no effect. The foremost reason behind life is to cause an effect. A person gets too far down the tone scale, and he becomes desperate about causing an effect. Hence you get your very rebellious auditor who is unwilling to utilize knowledge of somebody else to produce an effect, but must design something to produce any kind of an effect. The result of this, due to the lack of training of the “originator,” can be very harmful to our general forward motion.

In New Zealand, in Auckland, an associate school is going in to serve the down under area. The personnel is on the way there, the tapes have been made and are on the way, and the manager of that school has completed his training with honors here at the HAS. In other words, the South Pacific has an associate.

In addition to all this, it is extremely important — I repeat, extremely important that the auditor knows, and knows that he knows, how to do all those techniques listed as effective procedures in the Appendix of SOP-8. He should know these things backwards and forwards and in his sleep. If he gets out of a school without learning them, then you have an opponent, and I have an opponent, and that opponent is uncertainty. The public perceives this man, this woman, as having gone through a school. They do not perceive any result except rebellion, upset, a low-toned case, and we are damaged accordingly.

The Middle East now has an associate. Owen Nasr, going back to the Lebanon, is establishing an associate quarter there. The tapes are on their way and he is ready to get going. Strangely enough, that area’s educational stratum speaks English, so here is the area of primary knowledge being invaded by Scientology.

With existing procedures, there is no real excuse to let a student go through school in a very low-toned state, and there is certainly no excuse to recommend certification for such a student. One should be pretty tough on a student concerning his knowledge of fundamentals. What we call fundamentals are those things which are listed as effective procedures in SOP-8. If an auditor can do these things, he will produce effects; if he can produce effects, the society will alert; if society alerts, our goals of sanity for man can be accomplished.

Most important, probably, is the fourth doctorate school which is going in in Germany. You can imagine the appeal of Scientology to a country which has had all roads blocked and its reality badly smashed. More important than this is the proximity of that doctorate school to the Russian zone. This doctorate school will be conducted in German and will take in all the Teutonic-tongued nations. The various standard texts are at this time undergoing translation into German.

Alert particularly to this manifestation of collapsed communication lines. Collapsed communication lines simply denote a complete lack of admiration in the life of the preclear. Admiration Processing will get the person who has severely collapsed lines into trouble, but nevertheless Certainty Processing on the subject “There is admiration” “There is no admiration,” “There is applause” “There is no applause” can do wonders for such a case. This is the case that is giving us a bad time; an instructor should be hard-boiled enough to turn around to a student and say, “Look here, if you want to get your certification, I have a task for you, and that’s to uncollapse these collapsed terminals on this student.”

Aside from these associates and the new doctorate school, which are, of course, something very special, groups are continuing or starting up in many other nations. The amount of enterprise being demonstrated by auditors in areas where the ploughing must be of the most primitive kind, where no great wealth and no high level educational mean exists, rather puts to shame operations existing in wealthy areas where the population almost averages the first year of high school in education which have difficulty in remaining solvent.

The entire process of auditing has to do with withdrawing communications from individuals. This is based upon the idea that communications are harmful and that the body cannot handle communications. It is an excellent technique that “The body can handle communications” “The body cannot handle communications” in matched terminal brackets. The frailty of the body is almost a cult in this society; if any cult exists, this is it. By communication we mean anything from talk, through letters, through sex tactile, to bullets. This process of withdrawing communication finds the auditor going downscale if the auditor has not had resolved in his case reach and withdraw: the two primary actions of putting out and bringing in anchor points. This is resolved by “I can reach (an any dynamic)” “I cannot reach (an any dynamic)” and “I can withdraw (an any dynamic)” “I cannot withdraw (an any dynamic).”

Your attention is called to some data concerning what the public wants which does not appear under that heading in the recent material. In SOP-8 on Step IV, Expanded GITA, a workout of wasting and accepting under duress pain demonstrates the sensation hunger which exists in the individual. This technique lays bare for the first time the actual thirst for agony, its receipt and delivery, of homo sapiens. If you have had this run on yourself or if you run it on a case or two, you will be startled to discover an apparent goal and desire on the part of the thetan.

By the Auditor’s Code, if he follows it, he is inhibited from reaching into the preclear with a communication but must withdraw communications from the preclear. We already know how much this can do for a case. Let’s consider the auditor’s case and realize that students will become auditors. Thus in students the entire category of reach and withdraw, as above, including desire, enforcement and inhibition of reaching and withdrawing, should be resolved in the GE; otherwise the GE is going to grab hold of the thetan; and the auditor, one day, even if he is a theta clear, will not again be able to get out of his body.

Throwing this over into the general public, one finds then that the general public very aberratedly will patronize those places and those techniques which will deliver pain. Those techniques are preferable which deliver pain in good quantity without permanent damage. The protest of the general public against people delivering pain is actually a protest against other people getting pain and the protester receiving no pain. Pain is a precious commodity. If you were to tell people that

Perhaps it requires a lot of auditing to get an individual over the idea that he cannot withdraw from MEST, but this is dependent upon the fact that the preclear is dependent upon MEST. Those things upon which the individual is depending are those things which have a command value over him. This would include father and mother, and it would also include, more importantly, the MEST universe. That thing upon which the individual most depends is that thing upon which the individual has the greatest amount of aberration. That person who has most evaluated for the individual is that person whose viewpoint the individual is liable to have. We used to call this valence shifting. We can still call it that, but it’s actually an enforcement of viewpoint.

these techniques were extremely and intensely painful, but that they left no permanent damage, and brought the person up to a level where he could obtain more livingness and beingness than before, you would find an immediate response, according to what I have worked out here in terms of preclears. I have not made this experiment but it seems indicated in the light of what turns up with Expanded GITA on the subject of pain.

We have, then, as primary aberration: the curiosity about, desire for, enforcement of and inhibition of, viewpoint. And we mean by viewpoint not the opinions but the actual perceptions of the individual.

The psychiatrist will continue to be supported, the surgeon will continue to be supported so long as they can be hired to waste pain at a price. People are trying to waste pain although they really want pain. This is a rather strange outlook. However, it is true that an individual up the scale is cured of this obsession for pain. Individuals who appear quite sane to you or me are actually too low on the tone scale to demonstrate this desire for pain. As you bring them up the tone scale they pass through a wide band of desire for pain. When they get up above this, for the first time they begin to appreciate what sanity is. Anything which is scarce becomes valuable. Thus pain, if it becomes very scarce and is prohibited, becomes automatically valuable and is desired. The prohibitions in use against having pain, against touching hot stoves, get an idea into the head of the preclear that pain is valuable, that he can’t have it and it is therefore desirable. Institutions such as war, hangings, psychiatry, will continue in any society so long as this desire for pain exists.

In passing here now, let me mention the genus of facsimiles. Facsimiles are a compulsive duplicating of the MEST universe. The fact that one must duplicate the MEST universe is represented in facsimiles and accounts to us for the first time for why the low tone exists on the wide-open case. Eidetic memory is not desirable, for memory is not of this category. This is quite a wide departure from Book I, but these things which an individual re-perceives in his memory are not necessary to his memory, for we have gone way above anything like this at 4.0. The occluded case has eventually rebelled against the idea that he had to duplicate everything in the MEST universe.

You might make a test of this by telling people that these techniques were productive of far greater pain and agony than any other technique ever invented but that they leave no permanent damage on the individual. Just make the test and let me know how it comes out. You understand, of course, that above this band and into the realm of sanity this desire for pain does not exist. This is merely a comment on the fact that homo sapiens is actually below the level of sadism and masochism.

In the training of students it is desirable not that the student knows so much nomenclature, but that the techniques, if he performs them, work. He cannot know this if his ears are closed, his eyes shut, and his point in time stopped on a maybe when he was 22 and had just finished becoming a Doctor of Philosophy.

As an additional comment on techniques you will find SOP-8 resolving a lot of things which we have found it difficult to touch before. It is fantastic that the craving for work disclosed by running Expanded GITA is so strong in the individual. The very lazy person who won’t work, won’t work simply because work is so scarce that he can’t have it. Running Expanded GITA remedies this. It is remarkable to see people going into action after a very few minutes of this process. Those people who complain how hard work is are simply complaining so that other people will be driven off the work they are doing. Those people who complain about how hard work is are actually unproductive because work is already quite scarce to them and although it’s lying right in front of them, they know that they don’t dare touch it; they want to drive people off from it, but they themselves can’t have it. This is remedied very easily. Run wasting work and such people come well up very rapidly.


This aspect of work is very pleasant to contemplate, for it means that people processed are going to see immediate reaction and that people who are around those people are going to observe a change in them. There is no change as desirable in the society at large as seeing a lazy man become ambitious. I recommend this process very strongly (Step IV, Expanded GITA) to auditors who can’t find preclears. If they will waste preclears for a while and waste working on preclears for a while, they will find themselves capable of procuring far more people to process than they ever have before. An auditor should waste processing. He will find it is so scarce that he himself can’t have processing. Then immediately after that he finds that it is so valuable that only he can have processing. Then on the next step up he realizes that it is quite plentiful and so he can give it to people.

I am going over to the Continent of Europe. My purpose in going is to stir up some interest in Scientology. I will be stopping at the various spas and have an idea of entering this little hot bomb of a racing car I have in a few of the all-outs in Europe. The car has a 2 1/2-litre souped-up Jaguar engine. It is built of hollow steel tubing and aluminum and weighs nothing. Its brakes sometimes work but its throttle never fails. I have also a British motorcycle which might do well in some of these scrambles. Motion has gotten altogether too slow. I think by spreading a few miracles around the spas, I will be able to elicit considerable interest in Scientology. This should come back in terms of students to the British HAS, but more importantly it might serve to do something active in the matter of war.

Wasting anchor points is right up there with the more important things of Expanded GITA. In order to perceive this universe at all, somebody must have had to convince the individual that he had anchor points out there someplace. The thetan has to have anchor points in space which he uses to see anything; if a thetan can’t see anything it means that he doesn’t think he has any anchor points out there, or, if he has had anchor points, that he has now lost them. Thus rehabilitation of the visio depends upon wasting anchor points for a while: having other people take them away or break them. Naturally, there should be anchor points clear out to the various limits of the MEST universe which one had once — or thinks one had — and has now lost. By far

In Great Britain, auditors who have been trained in SOP-8 are doing excellently well and two notable cases which had hung fire have resolved on Certainty Processing.

the most important single button in this whole line is healthy bodies and sound minds. You will find that preclears will waste these for a long time before they can have anything like a healthy body or a healthy part of the body. You will also find sex playing a remarkably strong role and remaining unsolved until eating is run. Eating is that thing of which sex itself is a symbol.

In view of the fact that foreign exchange is what it is, my tour of the spas and the production of, if possible, a few miracles amongst the lame, halt and blind, falls directly upon American shoulders. The HAS in Philadelphia is breaking exactly even. The British HAS, due to the inability to export funds, cannot contribute to this activity, but has contributed markedly to research and investigation these last many months and should have a breather. Certification funds, therefore, are what are counted upon to effect whatever is effected in Europe. The new doctorate school in Germany will not be functioning actively for almost a year. I may have a few light moments which have to do with speed, but the truth of the matter is I sail pretty close to the wind on finance. The bulk of the money I receive goes out immediately upon testing techniques, the PAB newsletter and other services, and when I find myself with any excess cash, I generally finance some operation that happens to be limping. I was looking at my account books the other day and I find out that the money I have invested out of my own writing in Scientology is quite great. Very little of this has ever been realized back and, if one were dealing on a profit and loss sheet, one might wonder why I had ever indulged in such a level of research and investigation; but I am afraid that there are a lot of us who feel that, but who feel as well the game is worth more than the economic profit. I wish all of us felt like that.

I am totally revising Scientology 8-8008 as the professional course textbook and putting into it SOP-8. The copy for this probably won’t be available for another five or six weeks. A surprisingly small amount of change is necessary to bring this book up to date. Nothing is being deleted from this volume. What is getting stressed is communication: it is found that communication is terribly important; communication outranks by far affinity and reality. Processing space, beingness and communication is the road through to fast clearing. Any kind of communication, even painful communication, is more desirable than no communication; just as the thetan would rather be anything than nothing.

The point is I am going around to the various spas and in the process of this I am going to get together summaries of the various things necessary to the doctorate course and make tapes and write books to summarize this data, for as far as I am concerned, cases are cracking up far too rapidly under existing processes, which includes Certainty Processing, to cause anyone much concern. I have done what I set out to do many years ago, which is to say, develop a technique. Now it is going to take me years to get this down into workable form in terms of public interest.

Speaking of communication, the Journal of Scientology is taking a pretty long while getting settled down as might be expected. The Children’s Issue is probably in the mails as this is written. This edition probably more or less makes up for the delay, for it is a twelve-page issue devoted to group processing and children. Immediately following this issue is an issue called “This Is Scientology.” Copies of this issue will be available for 50 cents per copy. This is actually a textbook and will be another twelve-page issue. It will contain a simplified rundown of the whole procedure, including The Factors, and is actually a breakdown of The Factors into a book.

You see one of the examples of that in Issue 1 6-G, the copy for which has already been mailed to Philadelphia. 1 6-G is an entire book. The funds which you send away in this direction for certification and in percentage are entirely the funds on which I am operating. With these funds, I am trying to get into a highly acceptable public form the technologies which have been involved and the experience we have gained. For instance, I have to boil down and put on tape the entire subject of Freudian psychoanalysis. It doesn’t exist unfortunately in a native and fundamental form. Likewise I have to get together all co-related material where Scientology applies to the society at large. It’s going to take me twenty years to knock together everything that is to be known and which I have found out.

This is the third Associate Newsletter although you are probably not aware of the fact that a news service has begun here. In fact, I have not been aware of it myself until I realized that with a raised communication level, I had quite a bit of information here which should start going out. Having pretty well completed this job and having techniques which are doing well in auditors’ hands, I am giving more attention to getting the information out. I will continue to send you these newsletters, for I think they are a needed communication line. The data contained in them is probably more intimate than would be circulatable to professional auditors and certainly far more intimate than that which could run in the Journal of Scientology. In addition to this newsletter I am contemplating a paper to go out every week to professional auditors. This would be the professional newsletter and would carry case data, case reports and so forth. It is for this professional auditors’ communication line that I want the names and addresses of all the HDAs of whom you have any knowledge. I have no list of HDAs and only a limited list of HCAs.

These funds also serve to keep auditors happy in the field. I am making it my business to try to give them a successful business. This is a new departure in policy on my part, but only because I have found it necessary. The auditor, ordinarily, lacks imagination enough to establish himself. He’s like a fellow with ten-dollar gold pieces who doesn’t know what to do with them. Thus I am continuing to service the auditors you graduate and continuing to spread the word throughout America and the rest of the world, but particularly America, on the subject of what we’re trying to do. Thus, keep the ink in your pen because I am depending on you to put in on checks to me so that we can get this show on the road.

I have a small Gestetner mimeographing machine and either myself or the secretary here cuts the stencils and Susie and I then run them on this Gestetner. They are then mailed by my secretary, so you can see that this is a sort of informal communication line. However, data keeps piling up here and organizational matters keep cropping up. You send in letters to me and then I answer them, but the information is of service to other associates and would be useful to professional auditors.

Germane to funds, I am recently in receipt of material from George Seidler suggesting an alternative in certifications and carrying with it the news that Sequoia University would like to authorize associates to give certain courses. With all due respect to Sequoia University and the project, I have to hand legal opinion that this protection will not stay the heavy threat when levelled. I think we have a better idea and I think Sequoia University has its role and will eventually be woven through the woof and warp of what we are doing. It happens that I have under preparation summaries of psychology, psychoanalysis and so forth which your certification fees are going to finance. Now just why a large portion of these certification fees should go to Sequoia University, I am not quite sure. I do know that if a large portion of them do go to Sequoia University, I will be strapped down financially in the preparation of this material and, believe me, material costs money. I estimate that the tapes you play cost about $800 an hour. That might be a shock to you, but it is a sober fact. It isn’t because I spend money like water, it’s because those tapes are made only after a great deal of outlay in terms of testing and in terms of organization and material; and, even then, it is very cheap investigation. If this condensation of general semantics, psychoanalysis, psychology, electronic brains, etc. were being done by Sequoia University, I could see some point in this.

This is the beginning of a new cycle. You may or may not realize how thoroughly I meant what I said in the early Fall of 1950 and, indeed, you are probably not aware that I said it at all; but I made a forthright declaration that at that moment I cut loose from any and all managerial organization and activities, for I had discovered that I could not even vaguely continue in a managerial capacity and conduct my researches and write material and give lectures as necessary.

Issue 16-G will very soon be in your hands. It is 50 cents per copy and I am sure that continuing copies of it will be published. It contains the second issue of The Factors, an entire breakdown of Scientology, SOP-8 and Short 8. I don’t see it changing for a long time to come and in addition to existing course booklets which are still quite vital, I recommend to you that you train out of this issue as the court of appeals, for students reading it before they enroll will be disappointed if they find anything less than this level of certainty in the school. This issue has an enormous number of advance orders already. The issue was late simply because I was waiting for the test reports on the techniques and mailed the copy only when I had those. Issue 16- G is actually a complete book. It is also necessary for the student to have Scientology 8-8008, Self Analysis in Scientology (or Dianetics) and the Professional Course Booklets. Without all this material he would be lost. The first and second books of Dianetics. The Modern Science of Mental Health and, what do you know, old 8-80 has come up for a further look, for it dealt with communications within the body. The Axioms were never as valid as they are today, just as they appear in the Handbook for Preclears. Thus you can shove a lot of material at a student.

I had become aware of the fact, and become convinced of it by September of 1950, that I had evidently done with preclears many odds and ends and extra flourishes which I did not know enough about to communicate to auditors and that the subject was too difficult to teach, and I left organizational activities because, having become aware of this fact, I knew I would have to get up and dust to finish the subject off and bring it to a conclusion so that it was workable in the hands of the many. We didn’t want a specialized expert subject. The only excuse I had for putting it out at all

Ross, by reports, is doing very well with his doctorate school. Detroit is recovering and Ann Arbor, in the same state, is dealing with an influx of activity, possibly stimulated by the adverse publicity. According to my reports here, we have quite a large enrollment throughout the various associate areas and this enrollment, with the certainty of Certainty Processing, and the materials in its hands, can make a very large dent in America.

was that it was much, much better than anything which had existed prior to it, and the reason I continued to put out the techniques I developed was that they were much better than techniques we had had before.

To repeat, I remind you that certification fees should be sent to 30 Marlborough Place, London N. W. 8, until further notice. There will be immediately returned, first a letter stating that the student whose application has been received has been certified and next the certificate of that student. Letter and certificate will be sent to the address designated by the associate, either to himself or to the student directly.

Auditors have a tendency to overlook the fact that each one of these techniques made man the owner of a better psychotherapy. Auditors are not aware of this and don’t understand this mostly because they don’t understand the general lack of psychotherapy and its absence in man’s knowledge prior to 1950. If an auditor knew and had worked in the field of psychoanalysis or psychology prior to 1950, he would know-oh, so well — that the techniques of Dianetics put a real weapon in his hands.

Your attention is called to the fact that man does not want to get well. He wants to produce an effect. Low on the tone scale the only effect he can produce is destruction and pain. It is also called to your attention that according to Evans Farber, a disciple at one time of Howard Scott’s, money is the attention unit of a social group, and that as much money comes in to any part of that social group as it attracts attention. Your success depends upon the production of an effect, your finance depends upon attracting interest. If you find finance faltering, you will discover immediately why if you realize that the financial system is a communications system and that communications systems are the background of what you are doing. A person who is trying to prevent communications from occurring will try to prevent money from being received. If a person finds himself diffident about money, he need only run “I can have money” “I cannot have money” and, in addition to that, the negative and positive on accepting and delivering communications. Money is not a sordid subject, it is the measure of the amount of attention you are attracting. If you are trying to prevent observation from viewpoints, you will not make money.

I have been criticized for being optimistic about each process as it came out. That’s very true: I have been, mostly because it was a good process when used properly and partially because I considered that, having fired the first shot, it was up to me to keep people encouraged toward the final goal. Maybe I overdid this; I don’t much care whether I did or not: the point is, the decision to leave management alone in September of 1950 was evidently a sound one, for here, in the Spring of 1953, we have a SOP-8, a technique which, while it might not lift the dead out of their graves, yet solves anything we want solved in this universe. Of course, it can be improved, but, my experience here is telling me, not very much.

Things are looking up. The fears which are being voiced have been voiced for three years without materializing. The solidarity of our team, frail as it may appear sometimes, has never been better.

Most of the criticism of my management capacity was levelled at me from September onwards of 1950. The criticisms should have been couched, “Ron won’t take any part in management,” for it was my opinion that it was much sounder, even if things went completely to hell in the Foundations (which they did), to keep on with investigation, knowing that the organizations would eventually be as sound as the subject and no sounder. You will see this work out.

Three associates have written me suggesting that financial arrangements between myself and associates be changed from a flat rate for every certificate, and that a percentage of training fees be forwarded to me on the entire training incom

A sound, simple, uncontrovertible subject delivers into our hands the best basis I know of for a smooth-running organization. The public coming to us and going away satisfied is all we need; they’re not just satisfied here in England, they’re hysterical. They come back a couple of days after a session walking two feet off the pavement. This is all we needed and we’ve got it, so here you find me back in management.

Hello !


Theoretically, anything an associate wants to know is also desired information by other associates and the doctorate schools. Thus much that is contained in the Associate Newsletter is in response to some inquiry whether or not that is so stated. Thus I may omit a direct answer to your letter and answer your letter instead in this bulletin.

The Associate Newsletter has limited circulation. It goes to the doctorate schools, to associates and to centers. It is not intended for HCAs, groups or the general public. However, students may be interested in many of these items. But the student is more properly and directly addressed by the professional auditor’s publication. I am at this time putting out news as follows: The Associate Newsletter, The Professional Auditor’s Bulletin, The Journal of Scientology and personal correspondence. Additionally, papers such as SOP-8 and The Factors are to be circulated. The news is intimate to the general operation in the order of The Associate Newsletter — business and promotion; The Professional Auditor’s Bulletin — technical and promotional on a professional auditor and professional student level; The Journal of Scientology— broadly of interest, general members.

The Associate Newsletter will come out fairly often. The Professional Auditor’s Bulletin will come out every couple of weeks. The Journal remains on a twice-a-month level. One has to be an associate or a center to get the Newsletter, one has to be a professional auditor or student to get the Bulletin. The Journal is sent to subscribers.

PUSH THESE BOOKS: Self Analysis in Scientology, The Communications Manual, full sets of Course Books. You get 40% discount. Push Journal of Scientology subscriptions: you get 40% discount on every one you send in: you collect $3.50; you send in, on your stationery, the subscriber’s name and $2.10 cash. Post a notice to this effect.

Send all cash for books and subscriptions and tapes you buy (from Philly only) to Philly. Send all certification fees and data and tape cash (for London mfg. only) to me at 30 Marlborough Place, N. W. 8—London.

IF YOU WANT BUSINESS, ONE NIGHT EVERY WEEK GIVE FREE PROCESSING USING SHORT 8A to groups of people in your place. Advertise it in the papers that you are processing groups of professional and working people to make the able more able. SHORT 8 and SHORT 8A (better) will give them, on only two hours a week, miracles. You will get professional processing and students from such a group. Start it and it will grow. This and giving the GROUP AUDITORS’ COURSE free will, in a very short time, swamp you with business. Professional auditors will be asked, as well, to start such groups. This is how we can begin to clear Man. We’ve got the process.