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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Amnesty Policy (DIV1.DEP3.ETHICS) - P650306 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Оргполитика в Отношении Амнистии (ОХС, ПРАВО, КРО-1) (ц) - И650306 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 650306 - HCO Policy Letter - Amnesty Policy [PL008-028]
CONTENTS AMNESTY POLICY Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Gen Non-RemimeoGen Non-Remimeo



AMNESTY: A general pardon for past offenses; the granting of such a pardon; a forgetting or intentional overlooking; the rendering of punishment null and void for offenses earlier than the amnesty date, known or unknown; forgiveness of past criminal or anti-social actions. The removal of criminal names from police wanted files.

AMNESTY: A general pardon for past offenses; the granting of such a pardon; a forgetting or intentional overlooking; the rendering of punishment null and void for offenses earlier than the amnesty date, known or unknown; forgiveness of past criminal or anti-social actions. The removal of criminal names from police wanted files.

An Amnesty is general in nature and when issued includes everyone.

An Amnesty is general in nature and when issued includes everyone.

An Amnesty is issued under L. Ron Hubbard, founder, or chairman of the International Board, to signalize an event of extreme importance in Scientology.

An Amnesty is issued under L. Ron Hubbard, founder, or chairman of the International Board, to signalize an event of extreme importance in Scientology.

Its secondary purpose is to end personal upsets and liabilities by reason of withholds and make it possible for them to be audited easily by auditors.

Its secondary purpose is to end personal upsets and liabilities by reason of withholds and make it possible for them to be audited easily by auditors.

A tertiary purpose is to prevent the build up of personal rancour against Scientology, orgs and individuals as persons so disposed are always critical or vicious because of their own overt actions and consequent withholds, or simply because they fear what we can discover about them. It ends the cycle for such people.

A tertiary purpose is to prevent the build up of personal rancour against Scientology, orgs and individuals as persons so disposed are always critical or vicious because of their own overt actions and consequent withholds, or simply because they fear what we can discover about them. It ends the cycle for such people.

It is plainly meant by an amnesty, that acts of a criminal or punishable nature are forgiven and placed beyond our retaliation or punishment.

It is plainly meant by an amnesty, that acts of a criminal or punishable nature are forgiven and placed beyond our retaliation or punishment.

An amnesty specifically does not mean monetary or other obligations or acts of what are called a “civil” nature.

An amnesty specifically does not mean monetary or other obligations or acts of what are called a “civil” nature.

Criminal acts result in punishment.

Criminal acts result in punishment.

Merely civil matters can result only in civil suits.

Merely civil matters can result only in civil suits.

Amnesty is clearly intended to cover only anti-social or anti-Scientology acts and is clearly not intended to cover debts, contracts or such agreements or obligations.

Amnesty is clearly intended to cover only anti-social or anti-Scientology acts and is clearly not intended to cover debts, contracts or such agreements or obligations.

Suspended certificates or Classifications are restored by an amnesty.

Suspended certificates or Classifications are restored by an amnesty.

All Committee of Evidence sentences except financial and certificate cancellation are removed completely by an amnesty.

All Committee of Evidence sentences except financial and certificate cancellation are removed completely by an amnesty.

Cancellation of certificates, classifications and awards cannot be cancelled by an amnesty and so an amnesty does not restore them.

Cancellation of certificates, classifications and awards cannot be cancelled by an amnesty and so an amnesty does not restore them.

Certificate and award cancellations occur only when the person has departed Scientology. This occurs because of lack of case gain. Case gain cannot occur in a person who comtpits continuously acts hostile to his fellow man. All chronic no-gain cases which do not advance in the face of any auditing are traceable to recurring hostile actions the person undertakes secretly against his fellows, not in the past, but in the present during the time period of the auditing. So an amnesty is useless in cancellation matters. Such persons would have to first cease their continuous anti-social conduct and again be trained or processed.

Certificate and award cancellations occur only when the person has departed Scientology. This occurs because of lack of case gain. Case gain cannot occur in a person who comtpits continuously acts hostile to his fellow man. All chronic no-gain cases which do not advance in the face of any auditing are traceable to recurring hostile actions the person undertakes secretly against his fellows, not in the past, but in the present during the time period of the auditing. So an amnesty is useless in cancellation matters. Such persons would have to first cease their continuous anti-social conduct and again be trained or processed.

Offenses occurring after midnight of the release date of an amnesty are not covered by the amnesty.

Offenses occurring after midnight of the release date of an amnesty are not covered by the amnesty.

The frequency of amnesties is determined solely by the frequency of new triumphs of significant general importance to Scientology. Help them happen.

The frequency of amnesties is determined solely by the frequency of new triumphs of significant general importance to Scientology. Help them happen.
