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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Director of Processings Case Checking Hat - P610331 | Сравнить

Assessment Confirmation
Rudiments Check
HCO WW Form CT 5
Flat Check
Bog Check
A “Release” Check Sheet
Clear Check
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Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Assn SecAssn Sec
HCO Sec D of PHCO Sec D of P
All Staff AuditorsAll Staff Auditors
Mimeo Directions: Mimeo whole report as a Policy Letter. Then mimeo each form separately for D of P. Then have them letterpressed on flimsy paper.Mimeo Directions: Mimeo whole report as a Policy Letter. Then mimeo each form separately for D of P. Then have them letterpressed on flimsy paper.



A system has been set up whereby a double check of every case at its most difficult crossroads in processing can be done.

A system has been set up whereby a double check of every case at its most difficult crossroads in processing can be done.

While the staff auditor does all of the basic work and actual assessments, the D of P thoroughly checks each decisional step which would commit the case to an erroneous track or which would permit the case to continue less swiftly than is possible.

While the staff auditor does all of the basic work and actual assessments, the D of P thoroughly checks each decisional step which would commit the case to an erroneous track or which would permit the case to continue less swiftly than is possible.

This checking system does not arise because staff auditors are unskilled. It arises from the fact that two points of view on a case are better than one. As an example of this it can occur that a staff auditor has the same withhold as the pc resulting at times in the staff auditor unconsciously avoiding that withhold. As another example, the pc terminal may be one to which the staff auditor has an antipathy resulting in an avoidance of that terminal. But in addition to these unlikely instances the pc will very often give up something to the D of P, thinking in terms of altitude, that he will not say to the staff auditor.

This checking system does not arise because staff auditors are unskilled. It arises from the fact that two points of view on a case are better than one. As an example of this it can occur that a staff auditor has the same withhold as the pc resulting at times in the staff auditor unconsciously avoiding that withhold. As another example, the pc terminal may be one to which the staff auditor has an antipathy resulting in an avoidance of that terminal. But in addition to these unlikely instances the pc will very often give up something to the D of P, thinking in terms of altitude, that he will not say to the staff auditor.

Our whole interest here is case speed of advance. The more accurately assessments are done and the more accurately rudiments are handled the more rapidly the case progresses.

Our whole interest here is case speed of advance. The more accurately assessments are done and the more accurately rudiments are handled the more rapidly the case progresses.

The D of P only checks. The D of P does not actually audit the pc. It can happen that the pc gives up withholds to the D of P rather than the staff auditor. This is quite in order but the D of P may not drum for them the way a staff auditor would.

The D of P only checks. The D of P does not actually audit the pc. It can happen that the pc gives up withholds to the D of P rather than the staff auditor. This is quite in order but the D of P may not drum for them the way a staff auditor would.

There are eight types of checkouts that the D of P does on a pc. Each one of these as below is the subject of a technical report form. These forms should be mimeoed out at first and later printed on flimsy paper by letterpress. They are in red ink on white paper.

There are eight types of checkouts that the D of P does on a pc. Each one of these as below is the subject of a technical report form. These forms should be mimeoed out at first and later printed on flimsy paper by letterpress. They are in red ink on white paper.

We are not now checking arbitrarily every five hours. We are checking only when the pc has reached certain stages. Now that SOP Goals is proving itself we must smooth out every possibility of error in its running. It is a complex process but it is invariable. It has many steps but these are unchanging. Very little if anything in it is equivocal. Its answers are all in the black and white of being right or wrong once one actually reads the meter with precision.

We are not now checking arbitrarily every five hours. We are checking only when the pc has reached certain stages. Now that SOP Goals is proving itself we must smooth out every possibility of error in its running. It is a complex process but it is invariable. It has many steps but these are unchanging. Very little if anything in it is equivocal. Its answers are all in the black and white of being right or wrong once one actually reads the meter with precision.



Pre-Intensive interview and Pre-Goals Assessment Check.

Pre-Intensive interview and Pre-Goals Assessment Check.

Before the preclear is audited in an intensive where SOP Goals may be employed the following check sheet is filled out by the D of P and passed by pc before a Goals assessment is made.

Before the preclear is audited in an intensive where SOP Goals may be employed the following check sheet is filled out by the D of P and passed by pc before a Goals assessment is made.

Name of Pc_____________ Date_____________

Name of Pc_____________ Date_____________

Location of HGC_____________

Location of HGC_____________

The Pc is put on the Meter.

The Pc is put on the Meter.

The following statement is read to the pc: “You are about to receive Hubbard Guidance Centre Processing. Your auditor will do your case assessment in your first session. All I am going to do here is test your meter reaction for technical purposes.”

The following statement is read to the pc: “You are about to receive Hubbard Guidance Centre Processing. Your auditor will do your case assessment in your first session. All I am going to do here is test your meter reaction for technical purposes.”

TA_____________ Needle Character_____________

TA_____________ Needle Character_____________

Have you ever received mental treatment of any kind?_____________

Have you ever received mental treatment of any kind?_____________

TA_____________ Needle Character_____________

TA_____________ Needle Character_____________

How do you feel about help?_____________

How do you feel about help?_____________

TA_____________ Needle Character_____________

TA_____________ Needle Character_____________

Do you wish to attain the state of release?_____________

Do you wish to attain the state of release?_____________

TA_____________ Needle Character_____________

TA_____________ Needle Character_____________

Does any of your family oppose Scientology?_____________

Does any of your family oppose Scientology?_____________

TA_____________ Needle Character_____________

TA_____________ Needle Character_____________

How do you feel about control?_____________

How do you feel about control?_____________

TA_____________ Needle Character_____________

TA_____________ Needle Character_____________

Are you prepared to answer your auditor truthfully when he or she asks you questions about your past?_____________

Are you prepared to answer your auditor truthfully when he or she asks you questions about your past?_____________

TA_____________ Needle Character_____________

TA_____________ Needle Character_____________

“This is the end of this check out. Please be sure to get good food and plenty of rest during the time of your processing. I will see you again from time to time to make certain your processing is going well. Best of luck to you.”

“This is the end of this check out. Please be sure to get good food and plenty of rest during the time of your processing. I will see you again from time to time to make certain your processing is going well. Best of luck to you.”

Adjudication (No other significance than TA and needle are given heed at this time): (given to auditor): Did TA move during questioning?

Adjudication (No other significance than TA and needle are given heed at this time): (given to auditor): Did TA move during questioning?

Did needle move during questioning?

Did needle move during questioning?

If both moved, the auditor is to go right on and assess with a case assessment and then SOP Goals assessment in accordance with staff auditor’s partial hat. If TA did not move but needle moved, the auditor is to run the concentrate-shift attention process given in SOP Goals and come back for this type check again. If neither TA nor needle moved during questioning auditor is to run: “How have you tried to change a person?” “How have you failed to change a person?” “How have you tried to change yourself?” “How have you failed to change yourself?” If pc gave no intelligible answers to the questions, regardless of TA and needle motion, tell auditor to run CCHs.

If both moved, the auditor is to go right on and assess with a case assessment and then SOP Goals assessment in accordance with staff auditor’s partial hat. If TA did not move but needle moved, the auditor is to run the concentrate-shift attention process given in SOP Goals and come back for this type check again. If neither TA nor needle moved during questioning auditor is to run: “How have you tried to change a person?” “How have you failed to change a person?” “How have you tried to change yourself?” “How have you failed to change yourself?” If pc gave no intelligible answers to the questions, regardless of TA and needle motion, tell auditor to run CCHs.

Assess_____________ Attention Process_____________

Assess_____________ Attention Process_____________

Change Process_____________ CCHs_____________

Change Process_____________ CCHs_____________

Signed_____________ D of P_____________

Signed_____________ D of P_____________

Repeat this form without reading beginning and end to pc but reading only questions when the auditor says TA is moving well and comes back for recheck. If CCHs were assigned tell auditor to now do Change Process. Auditor returns for recheck when TA moving well. When Change Process doing fine, assign Attention Process. When Attention Process doing fine assess for SOP Goals.

Repeat this form without reading beginning and end to pc but reading only questions when the auditor says TA is moving well and comes back for recheck. If CCHs were assigned tell auditor to now do Change Process. Auditor returns for recheck when TA moving well. When Change Process doing fine, assign Attention Process. When Attention Process doing fine assess for SOP Goals.

Use new check type one sheet for every D of P check on above. Include this sheet in pc folder.

Use new check type one sheet for every D of P check on above. Include this sheet in pc folder.

Assessment Confirmation

Assessment Confirmation

Name of Pc_____________ Date_____________

Name of Pc_____________ Date_____________

Location of HGC_____________

Location of HGC_____________

Check by D of P to confirm case assessment, Goals Assessment, Terminal level and command. Done before any of these are run on pc. Questions are made to pc with pc on the meter.

Check by D of P to confirm case assessment, Goals Assessment, Terminal level and command. Done before any of these are run on pc. Questions are made to pc with pc on the meter.

Has the auditor asked you all about your family and former life?_____________

Has the auditor asked you all about your family and former life?_____________

About how many goals did you find?_____________ (Should be 50 or more)_____________

About how many goals did you find?_____________ (Should be 50 or more)_____________

Did the auditor cover secret or withheld goals too?_____________

Did the auditor cover secret or withheld goals too?_____________

Did you cover childhood goals as well?_____________

Did you cover childhood goals as well?_____________

What was the principal goal found?_____________

What was the principal goal found?_____________

(D of P looks at assessment sheet): Was_____________ the principal goal found? (Note number of meter divisions it falls)_____________

(D of P looks at assessment sheet): Was_____________ the principal goal found? (Note number of meter divisions it falls)_____________

What was the terminal found for this?_____________

What was the terminal found for this?_____________

(D of P looks at assessment sheet): Was_____________ the principal terminal found?_____________ (number of divisions it falls on meter).

(D of P looks at assessment sheet): Was_____________ the principal terminal found?_____________ (number of divisions it falls on meter).

If the number of divisions the terminal falls does not equal or exceed the number of divisions the goal fell auditor must reassess.

If the number of divisions the terminal falls does not equal or exceed the number of divisions the goal fell auditor must reassess.

If reassessment ordered end check here. Sign and put in folder.

If reassessment ordered end check here. Sign and put in folder.

What level of scale was found for this terminal?_____________

What level of scale was found for this terminal?_____________

(D of P looks at assessment sheet): Was_____________ the level of scale found for the terminal?_____________

(D of P looks at assessment sheet): Was_____________ the level of scale found for the terminal?_____________

Meter must fall the same number of divisions for the level as for the goal and the terminal. If this does not happen even when terminal and level are repeated by D of P to Pc, tell auditor to reassess and end check at this point.

Meter must fall the same number of divisions for the level as for the goal and the terminal. If this does not happen even when terminal and level are repeated by D of P to Pc, tell auditor to reassess and end check at this point.

What command did you evolve for this?_____________

What command did you evolve for this?_____________

(D of P looks at assessment sheet): Was_____________

(D of P looks at assessment sheet): Was_____________

the command evolved for this? (Notes divisions of fall)_____________

the command evolved for this? (Notes divisions of fall)_____________

If the command does not fall as much as the goal, terminal and level the D of P may try a better command remembering to take into account the phenomena of stuck flows and putting the pc at cause.

If the command does not fall as much as the goal, terminal and level the D of P may try a better command remembering to take into account the phenomena of stuck flows and putting the pc at cause.

New command evolved which falls as much as Goals, Terminal and Level_____________

New command evolved which falls as much as Goals, Terminal and Level_____________

Auditor told to_____________

Auditor told to_____________

Signed_____________ D of P_____________

Signed_____________ D of P_____________





General Check-up on a Session May be done at any time or when D of P unconvinced of Case Progress

General Check-up on a Session May be done at any time or when D of P unconvinced of Case Progress

Name of Pc_____________ Date_____________

Name of Pc_____________ Date_____________

Location of HGC_____________

Location of HGC_____________

All questions are addressed to pc who is on a meter.

All questions are addressed to pc who is on a meter.

What processes are being run on you?_____________

What processes are being run on you?_____________

Do you have any ARC breaks with your Auditor?_____________

Do you have any ARC breaks with your Auditor?_____________

Are you worried about something in your life?_____________

Are you worried about something in your life?_____________

Have you done anything while you have been in the HGC you shouldn’t have done?_____________

Have you done anything while you have been in the HGC you shouldn’t have done?_____________

Do you think what we are doing with you is in error?_____________

Do you think what we are doing with you is in error?_____________

Is your auditor doing anything that upsets you?_____________

Is your auditor doing anything that upsets you?_____________

If needle did a marked dip on any of the above the D of P should continue the question until the dip vanishes, using various different forms of the question until he gets the whole story to his satisfaction.

If needle did a marked dip on any of the above the D of P should continue the question until the dip vanishes, using various different forms of the question until he gets the whole story to his satisfaction.

D of P findings: Recommendation to Auditor:

D of P findings: Recommendation to Auditor:

Signed_____________ D of P_____________

Signed_____________ D of P_____________

Rudiments Check

Rudiments Check

Name of Pc_____________ Date_____________

Name of Pc_____________ Date_____________

Location of HGC_____________

Location of HGC_____________

After eight or ten hours of auditing on processes that were in Model Session (not CCHs) the D of P checks rudiments to make sure that they are cleaned up.

After eight or ten hours of auditing on processes that were in Model Session (not CCHs) the D of P checks rudiments to make sure that they are cleaned up.

Check done on Pc who is on a meter.

Check done on Pc who is on a meter.

What goals have you been setting for your sessions?

What goals have you been setting for your sessions?

Do you have any upset with your auditor about anything at all?

Do you have any upset with your auditor about anything at all?

Are you withholding anything from us about yourself or your processing? Do you have any present time problems?

Are you withholding anything from us about yourself or your processing? Do you have any present time problems?

Is there anything you dislike about your auditing?

Is there anything you dislike about your auditing?

Is there anything you would like to change about your auditor? Is there anything it would embarrass you to tell us about?

Is there anything you would like to change about your auditor? Is there anything it would embarrass you to tell us about?

Is there something you wouldn’t want known?

Is there something you wouldn’t want known?

Is there anything in your life right now that is very upsetting to you?

Is there anything in your life right now that is very upsetting to you?

D of P sorts out any needle fall until he is sure that there is something there that needs attention and either it has cleared by his asking or he gives the auditor an alert to it so it can be handled.

D of P sorts out any needle fall until he is sure that there is something there that needs attention and either it has cleared by his asking or he gives the auditor an alert to it so it can be handled.

Recommendation to auditor: Signed_____________ D of P.

Recommendation to auditor: Signed_____________ D of P.

HCO WW Form CT 5
Flat Check

HCO WW Form CT 5
Flat Check

When the staff auditor states that the terminal he has been running is now flat the D of P makes a very careful check before he permits a new assessment to be started. The TA does not have to be on clear read for a terminal to be flat.

When the staff auditor states that the terminal he has been running is now flat the D of P makes a very careful check before he permits a new assessment to be started. The TA does not have to be on clear read for a terminal to be flat.

Name of Pc_____________ Date_____________

Name of Pc_____________ Date_____________

Location of HGC_____________

Location of HGC_____________

Terminal that has been run “flat” according to auditor_____________

Terminal that has been run “flat” according to auditor_____________

Check terminal on every level of the Pre-Hav Scale against the needle only. Check from bottom to top of scale then back to bottom of scale.

Check terminal on every level of the Pre-Hav Scale against the needle only. Check from bottom to top of scale then back to bottom of scale.

Needle changed characteristic or fell on the following levels_____________

Needle changed characteristic or fell on the following levels_____________

If any change or fall noted, send auditor back to flatten that level, or those levels and do his own recheck and flattening before returning.

If any change or fall noted, send auditor back to flatten that level, or those levels and do his own recheck and flattening before returning.

Use this form for D of P recheck.

Use this form for D of P recheck.

If no level reacted on the terminal, take the Goal which the terminal represented and check it out thoroughly on the meter.

If no level reacted on the terminal, take the Goal which the terminal represented and check it out thoroughly on the meter.

Goal Terminal Represented_____________

Goal Terminal Represented_____________

Reaction of the Goal:_____________

Reaction of the Goal:_____________

If Goal had a reaction send auditor back to find another terminal that reacts as much as the Goal reacts, flatten that terminal on any and all levels and return for recheck on this same form.

If Goal had a reaction send auditor back to find another terminal that reacts as much as the Goal reacts, flatten that terminal on any and all levels and return for recheck on this same form.

1. Return for recheck_____________ or

1. Return for recheck_____________ or

2. Do new Goals, Terminal, Level, Command Assessment_____________

2. Do new Goals, Terminal, Level, Command Assessment_____________

Signed_____________ D of P.

Signed_____________ D of P.

Bog Check

Bog Check

Name of Pc_____________ Date_____________

Name of Pc_____________ Date_____________

Location of HGC_____________

Location of HGC_____________

When the Auditor reports or D of P thinks case is not progressing well the following check-offs are done: (This is a “When all else fails” check-off.)

When the Auditor reports or D of P thinks case is not progressing well the following check-offs are done: (This is a “When all else fails” check-off.)

D of P does check type one without the message to the Pc:_____________ D of P does check type three:_____________

D of P does check type one without the message to the Pc:_____________ D of P does check type three:_____________

D of P orders Johannesburg Security Check. Done:_____________

D of P orders Johannesburg Security Check. Done:_____________

D of P does check type four:_____________

D of P does check type four:_____________

If SOP Goals has been “flattened” on one or more terminals D of P does check type five on all SOP terminals run to date:_____________

If SOP Goals has been “flattened” on one or more terminals D of P does check type five on all SOP terminals run to date:_____________

Only when all of this has been cared for according to each check type listed and the Johannesburg Security Check has been fully cleared on all questions does the D of P make further recommendation to the Staff Auditor:

Only when all of this has been cared for according to each check type listed and the Johannesburg Security Check has been fully cleared on all questions does the D of P make further recommendation to the Staff Auditor:

Recommendation: Signed_____________ D of P.

Recommendation: Signed_____________ D of P.

A “Release” Check Sheet

A “Release” Check Sheet

Name of Pc_____________ Date_____________

Name of Pc_____________ Date_____________

Location of HGC_____________

Location of HGC_____________

The following may be made out on the pc at any time but preferably at a time when the pc is to receive no further intensives at the moment or is leaving the HGC.

The following may be made out on the pc at any time but preferably at a time when the pc is to receive no further intensives at the moment or is leaving the HGC.

This whole check sheet is rechecked by HCO Area as indicated: Pc is put on a meter and asked:

This whole check sheet is rechecked by HCO Area as indicated: Pc is put on a meter and asked:

Are you happy with the auditing you have had?

Are you happy with the auditing you have had?

D of P_____________ HCO Area Sec_____________

D of P_____________ HCO Area Sec_____________

Do you think you will get any worse?

Do you think you will get any worse?

D of P_____________ HCO Area Sec_____________

D of P_____________ HCO Area Sec_____________

Do you intend to get more auditing?

Do you intend to get more auditing?

D of P_____________ HCO Area Sec_____________

D of P_____________ HCO Area Sec_____________

Did they find your Havingness process?

Did they find your Havingness process?

D of P_____________ HCO Area Sec_____________

D of P_____________ HCO Area Sec_____________

Did they find your Confront process?

Did they find your Confront process?

D of P_____________ HCO Area Sec_____________

D of P_____________ HCO Area Sec_____________

Do you think you can handle life any better?

Do you think you can handle life any better?

D of P_____________ HCO Area Sec_____________

D of P_____________ HCO Area Sec_____________

Do you think Scientology works?

Do you think Scientology works?

D of P_____________ HCO Area Sec_____________

D of P_____________ HCO Area Sec_____________

If satisfactory meter reaction (fairly free needle) and if Tone Arm is not abnormally high or low, and if pc answers “Yes” to above, a D of P sends the pc with this form to HCO Area, and HCO Area again checks it out, has Address prepare a Certificate, HCO Continental gets Certificate and this form and signs, and Certificate is handed to or mailed to the pc. A pin is also given or sent when available, denoting pc is a “Release”.

If satisfactory meter reaction (fairly free needle) and if Tone Arm is not abnormally high or low, and if pc answers “Yes” to above, a D of P sends the pc with this form to HCO Area, and HCO Area again checks it out, has Address prepare a Certificate, HCO Continental gets Certificate and this form and signs, and Certificate is handed to or mailed to the pc. A pin is also given or sent when available, denoting pc is a “Release”.

D of P_____________ HCO Area Sec_____________

D of P_____________ HCO Area Sec_____________

Clear Check

Clear Check

D of P checks out this form and then sends it to HCO Area Sec for a second check out. The whole pc file folder with all filed forms, Assessments, various sheets and auditor’s reports are to hand when this check out is done.

D of P checks out this form and then sends it to HCO Area Sec for a second check out. The whole pc file folder with all filed forms, Assessments, various sheets and auditor’s reports are to hand when this check out is done.

Check over all goals listed on the Goals Assessment Sheet and any subsequent additions. Look for a fall of the needle on any of them.

Check over all goals listed on the Goals Assessment Sheet and any subsequent additions. Look for a fall of the needle on any of them.

Any fall disqualifies the pc.

Any fall disqualifies the pc.

Check over all terminals listed in all auditor’s reports and note any fall on any of them with high sensitivity.

Check over all terminals listed in all auditor’s reports and note any fall on any of them with high sensitivity.

Any fall disqualifies pc.

Any fall disqualifies pc.

We find the needle without reaction and pronounce this person to be clear.

We find the needle without reaction and pronounce this person to be clear.