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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Address Unit (excerpt from Pattern of a Central Org) (DIV1.ADDR) - P610214 | Сравнить
- Pattern of Central Organization (DIV1.HCO) - P610214-P621220 | Сравнить
- Personnel Procurement (DIV1.DEP1.RECRUT) - P610214 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Структура Центральной Организации (КРО-1) (ц) - И610214-2 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 610214 - HCO Policy Letter - Pattern of a Central Organization, The [PL004-021]
- 610214 - HCO Policy Letter - Personnel Procurement [PL004-020]
CONTENTS PERSONNEL PROCUREMENT Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex


HCO Secs

Under Address-In-Charge, the up to date addresses of all persons in the Live and Inactive Files of CF are kept readily useable on a proper address machine.

Assn Secs

Address-In-Charge is always ready to give any unit or department a complete card file complete with designations on persons in whom that function is interested.

PE Directors

Address-In-Charge receives a copy of all invoices before they go to CF to make proper address changes or bring designations up to date.


All mailing and mail functions of the Organization properly come under Address-In-Charge. This is external mailings. The internal despatch system can also be included here if in use.

The most fruitful source of Admin personnel, such as typists, clerks, receptionists and so forth, is the PE Test Course – Co-audit line.

All franking machinery also comes under Address-In-Charge as well as stamps and their safekeeping.

Prominently displayed in one place where it can be seen by these people should be a help wanted notice asking them to see or call the Assn Secretary's secretary during business hours for Administrative positions such as typists, clerks, secretaries and receptionists.


A help wanted notice for Trained Scientologists should also be displayed.

[Excerpted from HCO P/L 14 February 1961, The Pattern of a Central Organization. A complete copy appears in Volume 7 on page 147.]

Most Admin assistance has come in from the PE line in the past or from agencies and in either case they usually eventually take training.


People are eager to help. Let them.

Warning: If there is no specific person listed to be seen, you lose your would-be staff simply by misrouting at reception when they come in to apply – and that takes in Scientologists who would work for us as well. If a Central Organization did not somehow stop so many of its incoming applicants for training and processing the unit would treble. If it did not misroute job applicants it would have a qualified staff.

At once prepare and post the above permanent notices.

Also at once provide the Assn Sec's secretary with applications for employment, giving schooling, any Scientology training and so forth and keep them dated and on file. File as well, with the application, a spare copy of test results.
