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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Policies on Sources of Trouble (DIV1.PTS) - P690507 | Сравнить
- Students Guide to Acceptable Behaviour - P690507-2 | Сравнить
- Summary of How to Write an Auditors Report - P690507 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Инструкции в Отношении Источников Неприятностей (ц) - И690507 | Сравнить
- Инструкции в Отношении Источников Неприятностей - И690507 | Сравнить
- Инструкции в Отношении Источников Проблем - И690507 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 690507 - HCO Policy Letter - Introduction [PL014-065]
- 690507 - HCO Policy Letter - Policies on Sources of Trouble [PL014-064]
- 690507 Issue 2 - HCO Policy Letter - Students Guide to Acceptable Behavior [PL014-066]
- 690507 Issue 2 - HCO Policy Letter - Students Guide to Acceptable Behavior [PL099-003]
- 690507 Issue 3 - HCO Policy Letter - Hubbard Standard Dianetics Course Policy [PL094-002]
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Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
(Revision of HCOB 1 September 1968)
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
(Revises HCO Policy Letter of 17 Oct. 1964)
Issue VIRemimeo
Cl VIIISthil Students
Dianetic CourseSthil Staff


Dianetic Course



An Auditor’s Report should contain:

  • Date

Policies similar to those regarding physical illness and insanity exist for types of persons who have caused us considerable trouble.

  • Name of Auditor
  • These persons can be grouped under „sources of trouble”. They include:

  • Name of Pc
  • (a) Persons intimately connected with persons (such as marital or familial ties) of known antagonism to mental or spiritual treatment or Scientology. In practice such persons, even when they approach Scientology in a friendly fashion, have such pressure continually brought to bear upon them by persons with undue influence over them that they make very poor gains in processing and their interest is solely devoted to proving the antagonistic element wrong.

  • Condition of Pc
  • They, by experience, produce a great deal of trouble in the long run as their own condition does not improve adequately under such stresses to effectively combat the antagonism. Their present time problem cannot be reached as it is continuous, and so long as it remains so, they should not be accepted for auditing by any organization or auditor.

  • Length of Session
  • (b) Criminals with proven criminal records often continue to commit so many undetected harmful acts between sessions that they do not make adequate case gains and therefore should not be accepted for processing by organizations or auditors.

  • Time Session started and ended
  • (c) Persons who have ever threatened to sue or embarrass or attack or who have publicly attacked Scientology or been a party to an attack and all their immediate families should never be accepted for processing by a Central Organization or auditor. They have a history of only serving other ends than case gain and commonly again turn on the organization or auditor. They have already barred themselves out by their own overts against Scientology and are thereafter too difficult to help, since they cannot openly accept help from those they have tried to injure.

  • TA at beginning and end of Session
  • (d) Responsible-for-condition cases have been traced back to other causes for their condition too often to be acceptable. By responsible-for-condition cases is meant the person who insists a book or some auditor is „wholly responsible for the terrible condition I am in”. Such cases demand unusual favours, free auditing, tremendous effort on the part of auditors. Review of these cases show that they were in the same or worse condition long before auditing, that they are using a planned campaign to obtain auditing for nothing, that they are not as bad off as they claim, and that their antagonism extends to anyone who seeks to help them, even their own families. Establish the rights of the matter and decide accordingly.

  • Rudiments
  • (e) Persons who are not being audited on their own determinism are a liability as they are forced into being processed by some other person and have no personal desire to become better. Quite on the contrary they usually want only to prove the person who wants them audited wrong and so do not get better. Until a personally determined goal to be processed occurs, the person will not benefit.

  • What Process was run — LISTING THE EXACT COMMANDS (often forgotten by most auditors)
  • (f) Persons who „want to be processed to see if Scientology works” as their only reason for being audited have never been known to make gains as they do not participate. News reporters fall into this category. They should not be audited.

  • Time of Start and End of Process
  • (g) Persons who claim that „if you help such and such a case” (at great and your expense) because somebody is rich and influential or the neighbors would be electrified should be ignored. Processing is designed for bettering individuals, not progressing by stunts or giving cases undue importance. Process only at convenience and usual arrangements. Make no extraordinary effort at the expense of other persons who do want processing for normal reasons. Not one of these arrangements has ever come off successfully as it has the unworthy goal of notoriety, not betterment.

  • Whether Process is flat or not Any F/Ns.
  • (h) Persons who „have an open mind” but no personal hopes or desires for auditing of knowingness should be ignored, as they really don’t have all open mind at all, but a lack of ability to decide about things and are seldom found to be very responsible and waste anyone’s efforts „to convince them”.


    (i) Persons who do not believe anything or anyone can get better. They have a purpose far being audited entirely contrary to the auditor’s and so in this conflict, do not benefit. When such persons are trained they use their training to degrade others. Thus they should not be accepted for training or auditing.

    A Work Sheet is supposed to be the complete running record of the session from beginning to end. The Auditor should not be skipping from one page to another but should just be writing page after page as the session goes along.

    (j) Persons attempting to sit in judgment on Scientology in hearings or attempting to investigate Scientology should be given no undue importance. One should not seek to instruct or assist them in any way. This includes judges, boards, newspaper reporters, magazine writers, etc. All efforts to be helpful or instructive have done nothing beneficial as their first idea is a firm „I don’t know” and this usually ends with an equally firm „I don’t know”. If a person can’t see for himself or judge from the obvious, then he does not have sufficient powers of observation even to sort out actual evidence. In legal matters, only take the obvious effective steps – carry on no crusades in court. In the matter of reporters, etc., it is not worth while to give them any time contrary to popular belief. They are given their story before they leave their editorial rooms and you only strengthen what they have to say by saying anything. They are no public communication line that says much. Policy is very definite. Ignore.

    A Work Sheet is always foolscap, 8 x 13 inches, written on both sides and each page is numbered. Pc’s name is written on each separate sheet.

    To summarize troublesome persons, the policy in general is to cut communication as the longer it is extended the more trouble they are. I know of no instance where the types of persons listed above were handled by auditing or instruction. I know of many instances where they were handled by just ignoring them until they change their minds or just turning one’s back.

    A Work Sheet may be in 2 columns depending on how big the writing is of the Auditor.

    In applying a policy of cut-communication one must also use judgement as there are exceptions in all things and to fail to handle a person’s momentary upset in life or with us can be quite fatal. So these policies refer to non-Scientology persons in the main or persons who appear on the outer fringes and push toward us. When such a person bears any of the above designations we and the many are better off to ignore them.

    When the session is completed, the Work Sheets are put in proper sequence and stapled with the Auditor’s Report Form on top from beginning to end of session.

    Scientology works. You don’t have to prove it to everyone. People don’t deserve to have Scientology as a divine right, you know. They have to earn it. This has been true in every philosophy that sought to better man.

    TA and time notations should be made at regular intervals throughout the session.

    All the above „sources of trouble” are also forbidden training and when a person being trained or audited is detected to belong under the above headings (a) to (j) he or she should be advised to terminate and accept refund which must be paid at once and the full explanation should be given them at that time. Thus the few may not, in their own turmoil, impede service to and the advance of the many. And the less enturbulence you put on your lines, the better and the more people you will eventually help.

    When making a list on a Pc:

    • 1. Always mark a read as it reads — F. LF. BD.
  • 2. Always circle the reading item. Mark if indicated to the Pc with IND.
  • 3. Always when extending a list put in a line from where it has been extended, e.g.

    • 363
  • Item Joe
  • Shoes
  • Socks
  • ____________________ extended

    • Sky
  • Wax
  • Pigs, etc., etc.
  • NOTE: When you repair an old auditing session you always write on the old auditing report and W/sheets in a different coloured pen with the date of the-report.

    When running various processes in a session, mark each F/N clearly noting time and TA.


    A Summary Report is written exactly as per HCOB 17 March 1969, “Summary Report”.

    Two gross goofs I have noticed since case supervising folders on the RSM is that Auditors have not been turning in Ethics cases to the MAA. In one instance, a Pc was audited by 2 auditors in 2 different sessions, got a R/S on crimes against Scientologists and M/W/Hs and neither auditor turned the Pc in to Ethics. This is not the only instance. The second thing is that Auditors are very evaluative of the Pc’s case as indicated by their comments on the Summary Report. This is incorrect; this report is used simply as an exact record of what happened during the session. It is not up to the auditor to evaluate the Pc’s Case, this is the Case Supervisor’s job. The auditor may suggest what is to be run, at which time the Case Supervisor will review the session, what was run, how the Pc went in relation to what was being run and then give his directions.


    Auditor Report Forms or W/sheets are never recopied. The Auditor should always read over his W/sheets before turning in folder to the Case Supervisor and, if any words or letters are missing or cannot be read, they should be written in with a different coloured pen.

    If these rules are followed it will make the Case Supervisor’s job much much easier and auditors’ reports more valuable.

    To add the obvious, it is a CRIME to give any session or assist without making an Auditor’s Report or to copy the original actual report after the session and submit a copy instead of the real report. Assist reports that use only contact or touch assists may be written after a session and sent to Qual.
