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АНГЛИЙСКИЕ ДОКИ ЗА ЭТУ ДАТУ- Appendix I. Booklet 18 - Entities (Complete) (HCL-18a) - L520310e | Сравнить
- Entities (Demo Cont.) (HCL-18) - L520310d | Сравнить
- Main and Sub-Theta Line (HOM-2, TTT-2, HCL-19b) - L520310g | Сравнить
- Organization of Data (HOM-1, TTT-1, HCL-19a) - L520310f | Сравнить
- Principal Incidents on the Theta Line (HOM-4, TTT-4, HCL-20b) - L520310i | Сравнить
- Running Effort and Counter-Effort (HCL-17) - L520310b | Сравнить
- Success of Dianetics (HCL-17a) - L520310c | Сравнить
- Theta and Genetic Lines of Earth (HOM-3, TTT-3, HCL-20a) - L520310h | Сравнить
- Training Auditors - the Anatomy of FAC One (HCL-16) - L520310a | Сравнить

РУССКИЕ ДОКИ ЗА ЭТУ ДАТУ- История Линии Тэты (КСПВ 52) - Л520310 | Сравнить
- Как Организованы Данные (КСПВ 52) - Л520310 | Сравнить
- Линии Тэты (КСПВ 52) - Л520310 | Сравнить
- Основные Инциденты на Линии Тэты (КСПВ 52) - Л520310 | Сравнить
- Сущности (ПК-18, D.Folgere, Т88) - Л520310 | Сравнить

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A lecture and auditing demonstration given on 10 March 1952


[The Flag Master List shows lecture number 368 as 5203C10 HCL-18 “Entities (Demo cont.)” given on 10 Mar 52. It is also believed to be lectures numbered 381 & 382 listed as 5203Cxx HCL-27 “How to search for incidents on the track parts I & II” given on an unknown date in March.]Лекция, прочитанная 10 марта 1952 года

Я хочу еще немного рассказать вам о линии тэты, линии МЭСТ-тела и, возможно, дать вам некоторое понимание определенных вещей, которые, хотя и могут сначала показаться вам невероятными, но, возможно, являются необходимыми для разрешения некоторых кейсов, которым вы будете проводить процессинг. И, возможно, я дам вам некоторое понимание того, что иногда может случаться с вами или с преклирами.

I want to add something to the last lecture. Simply this - it’s data which you might like to have: the somatic entity evidently attempts to entity follow on the genetic protoplasm line. So it has a structural pattern, and it carries with it blueprints of structure, and quite ordinarily follows along the generation line.

В любом предмете, где делается попытка систематизировать знание, стремятся как можно меньше иметь дело с какими-то вещами, которые как бы висят в воздухе... с исключениями. Мне нравятся эти так называемые законы, которые начинаются такими словами: «Нижеследующая теория о том, что то-то и то-то так-то и так-то является абсолютно верной». И затем там перечисляются исключения, и это практически все, что должно охватываться этим законом, и потом перечисляются моменты, вызывающие сомнения... и это все остальное. Нам не нужно, чтобы у нас что-то висело в воздухе. И поэтому мне приходится углубляться в этот предмет, чтобы он оставался в рамках МЭСТ-вселенной и чтобы я мог работать с ним на втором уровне, – на уровне МЭСТ-вселенной. Я особо не разговариваю с вами о третьем уровне.

Its name may have been Smith for a long time. Now this is simply theory, unchecked, but it could account for this very interesting manifestation of a similarity of physiology from generation to generation in one family, but marked differences of personality. Because your protoplasm lines, evolutionary line, is entered at random by theta bodies. Very few theta bodies go on being Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith; they go Smith, Jones, Bersawisky - anything. Well, you see how that would operate.

Понимаете, сейчас существует три уровня. На первом уровне рассматривается просто организм. На первом уровне, то есть в Дианетике, рассматривается организм как таковой. Это просто организм, вот и все. Это организм. Это тело, разум, мозг, и они являются единым целым. И это отдельная единица, это индивидуум, он оказывается зачат, рождается, умирает, и на этом все. И здесь организм рассматривается в значительной степени как часть МЭСТ-вселенной. Так вот, рассматривая его в таком аспекте, вы все же можете получать очень хорошие результаты.

Another thing is dreams. This makes dreams quite comprehensible. A dream could be occasioned in several ways. One of the ways it could be occasioned is by an aesthetic production by one of the entities - just a straight aesthetic production. Another way that it could be occasioned is by an entity reliving or reexperiencing some incident in its past. And that’s a - been a long past. And it could be another entity suddenly awake and picking the data bank of a dramatizing entity. See, this entity B over here is in this incident. And all of a sudden, although the preclear is mostly asleep, your incident, then, is picked up telepathically. And what you record onto the state of beingness which you are at the time - which, by the way, is the only thing that’s going awake and asleep - the being which you are or the entity which you are at the time goes awake and asleep and the others just are more or less asleep anyhow. And what you have there, then, is this entity which is asleep - going to sleep, leaving the other entities quite free to express themselves one way or another, unmonitored inside the body. And they will actually astral walk in sleep, they’ll go off other places, they’ll wander around and so on. They do that in the daytime, anyhow, too. And you get this “cross-telepathy,” so on.

На втором уровне рассматривается идентность или описание... точное описание, верность которого можно доказать, – описание самой мысли как чего-то такого, что не относится к МЭСТ-вселенной.

Your electronics people, that is to say, the native MEST universe people (God forgive us!) has the idea that an imagination is only possible - has an imagination which is only capable of fitting together the component parts of what the individual already knows and has seen and experienced. Uh-huh.

А третий уровень – это изучение того, почему все это вообще случилось и почему это происходит.

This is what an electronics computer would work like. Theta is quite aesthetic and it is capable of tailor-making something out of whole cloth. But you take an entity or a theta being which has been told, by actual count, eight quadrillion, six hundred and eighty-two million, nine hundred and fifty-four billion, eight hundred and sixty- seven million, three hundred and twenty-one thousand, four hundred and twenty-two and a half times, by almost that many mothers, “You mustn’t use your imagination!” And the fellow becomes convinced after a while that it’s only safe to (quote) “imagine” what he has been told he could imagine.

Мы по-прежнему в значительной степени занимаемся вопросом «как», когда я заговариваю с вами о линии МЭСТ, линии МЭСТ-тела... то есть о генетической линии... об ответвлениях линии мертвого тела и о линии тэта-тела.

Theta beingness can soar on imagination to unbelievable heights of new construction, because that’s what theta does.

Вам будут попадаться кейсы, для разрешения которых вам потребуется применить к ним те данные, что я собираюсь вам сейчас сообщить.

Theta does not experience. Experience is something native in the MEST universe - sort of nasty stuff that people said you had to have. But you don’t have to have it; you can extrapolate any experience in any direction, but practically no person at the state that the world is in and the race is in at the moment does this kind of an operation. They just don ‘t operate this way. They don’t imagine, that’s all. Imagination is practically dead.The theta being and its partner are the imaginers, and they’re in such bad states that there isn’t much you can do about it - as witness most of the popular magazine stories today. They’re all down in the apathy band.

Возможно, вам это покажется чем-то странным и диким, но это ничто по сравнению с тем, каким это покажется преклиру. И это ничто по сравнению с замешательством, в котором будет преклир из-за этих вещей.

Now, something else you might like to know about this. There are several things you might like to know about this that have turned up from one time or another. And this is going to come up here in the rest of this, but I want to comment on it this place, and then comment on it in what is the next lecture, because it’s something you will find very interesting.

Так вот, что угодно, что уменьшает замешательство и расстройство у преклира –

Evidently, and I won’t say this certainly, emotion is installed. It is an installed thing; its MEST universe installed - what you call emotion. Boredom, antagonism, anger, covert hostility, fear, grief and apathy are carefully installed; they are nothing else but installed! And boy, that’s very important to you because you can knock out the whole emotional bank by auditing on the theta being side. (audience laughter)

=иными словами, продвигает его по направлению к состоянию знания, – является=допустимым процессингом... все, что угодно. Это может быть образование и так далее. Вы можете обучать человека Саентологии и обнаружить, что он поднимается по тону, – просто потому, что она ближе к истине, чем он обычно подбирался.

[At this point there is a gap in the original recording.] [The pc sounds female]

Во всех сферах знания соединение познаваемого в одно целое – вещь желательная.

Ok let’s take a look at the track.

И когда я начинаю рассказывать вам об индивидууме и об индивидуальности, мне приходится затрагивать факторы, которые совершенно определенно имеют место, как вы обнаружите, посмотрев на ваших преклиров. Эти факторы заключаются в том, что одно тэта-тело может контролировать несколько индивидуумов и обычно так и поступает.

LRH: How old are you, natively? (pause) What did you think of? PC: Ages.

То, что происходит на линии тэта-тела, очень интересно. Вы обнаружите, что в начале линии тэта-тела находится индивидуальность. Она проходит какой-то небольшой путь в МЭСТ-вселенной, а затем может объединиться еще с одной или двумя линиями тэта-тел, а через какое-то время снова разделиться на несколько линий.

LRH: Ages. Is it worse than ages?

В двух словах, вот у вас первоначальная линия тэта-тела, она развивается, у нее все хорошо, и в этой жизни это одна линия. И затем в какой-то другой жизни она разделяется на три или четыре. А затем эти три или четыре линии вновь собираются воедино и становятся только одной индивидуальностью.

PC: Immeasurable, by present-day standards.

Единственное противоречие здесь заключается в том, что вы в МЭСТ-вселенной привыкли к арифметике. И конечно, когда вы имеете дело с чем-то, что находится за пределами МЭСТ-вселенной, вы не имеете дело с арифметикой. Арифметика основана на МЭСТ-вселенной. Математика применима к МЭСТ-вселенной и ни к чему другому.

LRH: Immeasurable. Pretty long, then. How about a trillion years? PC: Possibly longer than that.

Так вот, здесь у вас происходит вот что: эта линия тела может продолжиться в виде двух тел. Вы могли бы проследить чью-то историю назад и обнаружить, что в одно и то же время он жил дважды. Вы можете обнаружить, что в прошлом он жил дважды на протяжении одного и того же временного промежутка. Но что еще более важно, что еще более важно для вас как для одитора, вы можете обнаружить, что ваш преклир живет в четырех, или шести, или десяти сущностях прямо в данный момент в этой вселенной. И вы можете доказать это любым способом, каким только хотите, и даже написать этим другим сущностям в письме – если вы хотите зайти настолько далеко, – что они ели на завтрак.

LRH: Trillions? Way up there. Millions? What did you think of? PC: Three or four trillion.

Так вот, выше уровня состояния знания... это состояние знания является своего рода индивидуальностью; это своего рода проявление, находящееся по эту сторону занавеса. Допустим, вот здесь находится занавес, а здесь находится «Я», и позади «Я» может быть сосредоточено большое количество знания, и «Я» как бы отгораживает его и заявляет: «Ну, ко мне это не относится». Что ж, очень часто это относится к нему столь непосредственно, что если он не знает об этом, то болеет. В этом нет ничего хорошего.

LRH: Three or four trillions. You three or four trillion years old? Well, we’ll take that as an answer because there shouldn’t be very much charge on it - the person is.

Итак, мы идем дальше и обнаруживаем «Я», скажем, в этой жизни. Это было одно «Я». Так вот, мы берем этот промежуток, в котором заключено четыре жизни, и мы видим «Я» вот здесь, и мы видим «Я» вот здесь. Вы понимаете: они не находятся друг у друга за спиной; это просто занавесы. И здесь, впереди каждого из этих занавесов, есть «Я», но на самом деле за каждым из них стоит одна и та же линия тэты. На самом деле позади всего этого вы видите лишь одну вот эту продолжающуюся линию тэты; это одна и та же линия. Это зависит просто от того, сколько индивидуумов отделяется от нее в данный момент.

Were you initially just one? Mm-hm? Which one is that now? PC: Me? Possibly.

На эволюционной цепи вы обнаружите ситуации, когда «Я» разделялось, как в «Помощнике». И вы увидите, как происходит разделение, разделение, разделение, разделение, а затем все это как бы вновь собирается воедино, затем снова становится различными сущностями, затем соединяется и... это восхитительно.

LRH: Me. Where is it resident? PC: Within me.

Это могло бы выглядеть очень запутанно, если бы вы позволили этому себя запутать. Единственная причина, по которой вы могли бы запутаться и прийти в замешательство по поводу всего этого, заключается в том, что вы находитесь довольно низко на шкале тонов, и вы говорите: «Я собираюсь быть самим собой, и все на этом», и «Никто другой не будет принимать участие в том, что я делаю», «Я не могу быть никем иным, кроме как собой».

LRH: All through you? Okay, that’s fine.

Что ж, было бы замечательно, если бы это могло происходить таким образом, но так не происходит. Если вы посмотрите в соответствующий столбец Таблицы отношений, то на самом верху этого столбца, на какой-то невообразимой высоте, гораздо выше 40,0... вы увидите: «Все». На этом уровне вы увидите «Все» – это действительно так. Там происходит возврат к основному тэта-телу, к большому тэта-телу. И если бы вы могли забраться по шкале тонов достаточно высоко, то теоретически вы могли бы быть всеми – теоретически. А в действительности вы забираетесь лишь настолько высоко, чтобы быть несколькими индивидуумами. И очень немногие люди забираются достаточно высоко туда, где находится диапазон «знаю», чтобы быть чем-то бо́льшим, чем просто весьма аберрированное «я». Так что дело лишь в том, насколько высоко вы хотите подняться наверх.

Now, we’ll just plot this. And what I’m showing you here is how to plot a track, not the plot of a track. You get the difference? This is how to plot a track.

Когда-то давно существовало вот какое представление об этом: мистики считали, что такое существо является хозяином. Понимаете, это хозяин, и в подчинении у хозяина есть столько-то индивидуумов, и этот хозяин управляет этими индивидуумами.

[question from audience - unintelligible]

Как только вы начнете хоть в какой-то степени приближать преклира к состоянию клир, он поднимется по шкале лишь вот настолько высоко – и затем он начнет создавать препятствия к дальнейшему продвижению.

Okay. NOW, here we have-let’s take it up here [marking on black board] and let’s take it - inception. And here we have one being, and we’re going out on a time line here, from there to present time according to the machine, of three to four trillion years. Now, let’s find out what’s happened in those three or four trillion years.

Вы заметите, что они оказываются все ближе и ближе друг к другу. Так вот, теоретически, этот хозяин – это главная линия. Он очень «познавательный»... я имею в виду, он знает очень много; это весьма высоко по шкале тонов. Это как бы... это не хозяин; то, что вы здесь наблюдаете, – это последовательная линия всего тэта-тела, которое подвергается обособлению.

Take a look here at the E-Meter. Did this - what did you think of? A lot of things happened? What did you think of?

Понимаете, изначально... я нарисовал этот круг тэты и показал вам, как вот этот маленький кусочек отделяется вот здесь и отправляется в путь по собственной линии. Что ж, на самом деле это небольшой кусочек, и небольшие кусочки отделяются вот здесь. И эти кусочки – это «Я».

PC: Well, I was thinking about some ancient buildings.

Так вот, все это было бы хорошо, если бы это происходило безо всяких проблем, но это не происходит безо всяких проблем. Здесь наблюдается различная степень... можно сказать, различная степень близости к этой главной линии.

LRH: Some ancient buildings. Mm-hm. These in the theta universe or the MEST universe. PC: In the MEST universe.

Так что вот этот находится очень близко, и вот этот отошел в сторону совсем ненамного. А вот здесь – линия ответвления, которая расходится на две. Иными словами, здесь возможны различные варианты.

LRH: Yeah, well, that’s ... Ah, between lives? PC: (laugh)

Так вот, та, у которой есть два ответвления здесь, внизу... вы клируете своего преклира, и он оказывается вот здесь. И как только он окажется здесь, он может осознать тот факт, что он является еще и кем-то другим, кто находится где-то еще. И он придет в довольно сильное замешательство. А затем он скажет: «Я – это я, а тот, другой, может катиться к черту».

LRH: MEST universe between lives? PC: Possibly.

Он может сделать это, и как только это произойдет, возникнет что-то вроде ревности между этими двумя индивидуумами, которые являются одним и тем же индивидуумом. Они не признают схожесть своих индивидуальностей.

LRH: Or before the between-lives cycle?

Вы можете дать преклиру банки в руки и продемонстрировать ему, что у него действительно есть несколько личностей. На самом деле он находится в контакте с несколькими личностями, которые совершенно не подозревают о существовании друг друга. Вы делаете так, чтобы они узнали о существовании друг друга, и они начинают проявлять друг к другу некоторую ревность. Одна намеревается быть сильнее другой и так далее. Потрясающе.

Before the between-lives cycle. Is that where you lived before ... Is that before earth? Is that on earth7

Итак, вот у вас этот парень, и вы собираетесь поднять его вот сюда, чтобы он пересек эту линию. Что ж, не успеете вы оглянуться, как он начнет проходить инграммы того человека. Запросто. Ну что ж, вы, в общем-то, можете отправиться далеко назад по траку и стирать инграммы того человека, поскольку вы будете проходить инграммы, которые являются общими для обоих. Вы проходите инграммы, которые там находятся, и это окажет влияние на обе личности, и они окажутся в равном положении. Кроме того, у них появится осознание существования друг друга. Обе будут беспокоиться: «Так, посмотрим, если я – это я, и я – это ты, потребуется ли мне полностью осознавать твое существование, а тебе – мое?» «Что нам теперь делать?» «А что если все наши мысли перепутаются?» Что ж, на самом деле их мысли уже были перепутаны самым восхитительным образом. Они действительно были перепутаны до того момента, когда вы начали проводить процессинг этому человеку, поскольку на него оказывало влияние нечто, о чем он не имел ни малейшего представления.

PC: No!

Например, время от времени вам будет попадаться преклир, который слушает, как некто дает ему советы. Да-да. Он сидит, и на него снисходит вдохновение или что-то еще, источником которого является кто-то другой или что-то другое, и то, что он делает, – это примерно то же самое, что и чтение мыслей, но это совершенно разные вещи. Он находится, так сказать, на другом конце провода, и пользуется тем, что знает другой. И он говорит: «Это вдохновение. Это сработала моя интуиция».

LRH: No? All right, the machine drops; says no. Where was it? In this system? In this planetary system?

А здесь, в другом месте, сидит какой-то другой парень, который работает как одержимый, что-то придумывает, что-то разрабатывает. Что ж, вот откуда тот, первый парень получает данные. Возьмите, например, Келли и Бессемера. Это пример, достойный внимания, – Келли и Бессемер. Один жил в Англии, другой – в Кентукки, и они изобрели... с интервалом в два дня они завершили разработку процесса выплавки стали. И сегодня это называется бессемеровским процессом. Его вполне можно было бы назвать процессом Келли, поскольку он был изобретен одновременно в обоих местах. Это один и тот же человек.

PC: Um-very, very far away. LRH: Very far away. This galaxy? PC: No.

Здесь нет ничего сложного. Александр Грейам Белл усердно занимался изобретением телефона, и телефон был изобретен в одно и то же время по всему миру. Практически в каждой стране мира было какое-то факсимиле Александра Грейама Белла – изумительный перенос данных.

LRH: Another island galaxy?

Что касается тех исследований, которыми занимался я, то здесь весьма удивительно то, что это не появилось внезапно где-то еще. И это удивительно! Это не появилось больше нигде на Земле. На Земле.

PC: Well, I get the impression of a very, very bright star.

Но на самом деле эта ревность идентностей была такой сильной, что на раннем этапе моей работы я испытывал сильнейшее беспокойство. Я знал, что пройдет пять минут – и кто-то появится на сцене с первой книгой, которую я писал по этому предмету. Понимаете, я знал, что кто-то другой тоже знает. Я знал, что кто-то еще работает над этим. И это так и было. Но не здесь, на Земле. Ну ладно…

LRH: A very bright star, maybe another galaxy. A long way off, huh? At least a long way off. How long ago was this? Order of magnitude?

Так вот, как вы обнаружите, то, что я вам рассказываю, применимо на практике. Прямо в этой аудитории есть преклиры, у которых есть это смутное ощущение, будто «я – это не я». Это как бы легкое ощущение «я – это не я». И они думают: «В любой момент я стану собой». Но вы начинаете работать с ними, вы добиваетесь, чтобы дела у них пошли чуть-чуть лучше, и что-то явно сшибает их снова вниз. Вы никак не можете понять, что же это такое. Они начинают подниматься по шкале тонов и бац – снова падают вниз. Дайте им в руки банки и просто задайте вопрос:

PC: Oh, couple of million years ago, possibly. LRH: Two million years ago? Something like that? PC: No, longer than that.

  • Есть ли кто-то, кто не дает исчезнуть вашим аберрациям? И прибор ответит: «Да» – бамс.

LRH: Three million?

  • Где этот человек? – и вы получите небольшой рывок стрелки. И вы спрашиваете его о континентах, Земле, звездах, о чем угодно.
  • PC: Eight.

    И внезапно – бах! – вы на что-то наткнетесь. Возможно, тот парень находится в Бирмингеме или где-то еще, вы обнаружили разветвление на линии. Что ж, как только вы об этом узнаете, может быть два варианта. Вы можете начать брать для работы инграммы того парня из Бирмингема. Если вы решите поступить так – беритесь за дело и проходите их. Они являются общими на этой линии. Но все, что вы делаете, – это убираете локи с общих инграмм. Понимаете, это тэта, это факсимиле, и у них на самом деле есть общие банки.

    LRH: Eight million? Eight million? Two million? Three? Four? Between three and four? What are you thinking of?

    Что ж, на самом деле у ваших преклиров никогда не бывает чувства «Я есть». У них никогда не бывает этого чувства во всей полноте. Всегда оказывается, что у них такое чувство: «Ну, я мог бы быть, если бы...» Что ж, это «я мог бы быть, если бы...» означает, что он находится всего лишь чуть-чуть в стороне от той линии, которая ведет назад, к главному индивидууму. Он находится всего лишь чуть-чуть в стороне от этой линии.

    PC: I’m just watching that.

    Вы можете вернуть его на эту линию. Вам с ним придется немного поманеврировать, и неожиданно он начнет реагировать на это как индивидуум. Тут нет ничего особенного. Некоторое время он будет испытывать беспокойство.

    LRH: You’re not thinking.

    Как бы то ни было. Здесь перед нами человек, который опускается по шкале тонов. На самом деле человек может опускаться по шкале тонов просто из-за того, что с ним происходит все больше и больше разных вещей и он все больше и больше обособляется. И он настолько индивидуализируется, что больше даже не существует в тэта-теле; он мертв. И это очень сильная индивидуализация – быть мертвым. Это просто означает, что пока вы считаете МЭСТ-организм единственной идентностью, которой человек может быть или которую он может иметь, вы сталкиваетесь с невероятными сложностями. Ведь насколько можно индивидуализироваться? Разумеется, полностью превратиться в МЭСТ.

    PC: (laughter) It said eight, possibly more.

    Так вот, наблюдая за всем этим, вы можете иногда столкнуться в одитинге с некоторыми сложностями, которые вам будет чуть-чуть трудновато объяснить. И, между прочим, это весьма поразительно: в мистицизме существует практика, которая заключается в том, что вы концентрируетесь, пока не получаете видео. И вы получаете видео далеких городов, отдаленных мест, не производя телепортацию себя или своей души или чего-то в этом роде. Вы просто ложитесь, сосредотачиваетесь и получаете видео. И вы получаете видео того, как вы делаете что-то. Некоторые из этих вещей неожиданно объясняются тем, что существует другой вы... другой вы.

    LRH: Oh, you’re looking at this needle to check it?

    На Земле, вероятно, есть четыре или пять человек, которые являются почти точной копией меня – например, с точки зрения физиологии. Почти точной... бедняги. Так вот, из-за одного из них я постоянно попадал в неприятности.

    PC: Well, is it - does it - okay, maybe it’s best I don’t look.

    Однажды я поднимался по ступенькам кубинского посольства в Вашингтоне, а навстречу мне сбегал по ступенькам какой-то испанец, и он воскликнул:

    LRH: She’s guessing against the needle now. Well, that’s all right; you can do that. It doesn’t invalidate the needle any. just makes it a little bit slower to answer.

    • Ahy, Pedrito! Como estds!

    Was it eight million years ago? Two? Three? Four? Five? Five million years ago? Okay, that’s good enough. What’s a million years?

    Я ответил:

    NOW, right down here, we’re going to mark in “present time.” Now we’re going to go back here eight million years. I mean - what was that?

    • Прошу прощения, боюсь, мы с вами незнакомы.

    PC: Five.

  • О, все нормально, Педрито. Я никому не скажу, что ты здесь. Я ответил:
  • LRH: Five million.

  • Ну ладно. Он сказал:
  • Ah, what’s five million years. Female voice: Five million.

  • Что ж, ты даже можешь притвориться, что не помнишь меня. Ну ничего, Педрито, я твой друг, – и так далее. – Надеюсь, все обойдется.
  • LRH: Well, what’s five million? Okay, five million years ago, there’s something on the track there. Ancient buildings. Did these blow up?

    Я ответил:

    They blew up. Was that a whole civilization blowing up? PC: I think ...

    • Ну спасибо, – и пошел в посольство.

    LRH: Is it? Whole civilization blow up? PC: I just get ...

    Я и забыл об этом, но как-то раз в Пуэрто-Рико я ехал на лошади по тропинке, и мне повстречались трое бразильцев... бразильских инженеров на лошадях. Они бросили на меня один взгляд и воскликнули: «Ahy, Pedrito! Como estds!?» – и они преградили мне путь и не давали ехать дальше. И началась та же петрушка: «Ты можешь нам довериться. Мы никому не напишем. Мы никому не сообщим, что мы тебя видели» – целое дело. И в конце концов они меня так зажали, что мне ничего не оставалось, кроме как слезть с лошади, выпить с ними бренди и сыграть в шахматы, и они, несомненно, решили, что я отлично играю принятую роль.

    LRH: Whole thing blew up! What were the buildings like? Very pretty.? PC: No.

    И даже сегодня эти ребята сказали бы любому, что я отлично играл эту роль. Прошло еще какое-то время... я был в каком-то другом месте в Латинской

    LRH: Looked like Angkor Vat, that right? PC: Mm-hm!

    Америке. Я сидел в баре, и ко мне подошел какой-то человек. Он запустил руку в карман, и если бы я не дал ему хорошего пинка по лодыжке, то, наверное, был бы уже мертв.

    LRH: just about, okay. All right. Now ... PC: Lots of spirals.

    Его быстренько вышвырнули из бара, а я почесал в затылке и подумал: «Я не могу вспомнить ни одного человека, с которым я был бы в ссоре в этих местах». И вдруг меня осенило: «Бог ты мой! Бьюсь об заклад, тот парень так и подскочил бы, если бы я сказал, что я – Педрито».

    LRH: Yeah, that’s right. Okay. Now let’s take another look at - and by the way, I want to do this rapidly for you and I’m throwing in another variable here on you; I’m actually going to read by nothing but the meter. But you can spend hours doing this, and so I’m going to pick it up much more rapidly, if it’s all right with you, okay? just know what I’m doing here.

    Ну ладно, ладно. Но как-то раз в Панаме... как-то раз в Панаме я шел по улице, и какая-то девушка бросила на меня взгляд – самый убийственный, уничтожающий взгляд, какой вы только видели на своем веку, – фыркнула, высоко задрала носик и перешла на другую сторону улицы. И я подумал: «Педро тут явно побывал».

    All right, were you yourself in that society? (pause) Were you a slave? PC: No.

    В конце концов я выяснил, кто такой Педро. Он, несомненно, тоже сталкивался со мной. Я в конце концов выяснил, кто это. Он был выходцем из богатой бразильской семьи и принял не ту политическую окраску. И он очень быстро успел наделать дел в Бразилии, и его искала полиция пяти или шести стран, также как и родители нескольких девушек.

    LRH: No. You were an important person? Mm-hm? That was a high point on your track, perhaps? No.

    И во время войны... во время войны я получил отчет, в котором говорилось, что я явился в какое-то место, где я на самом деле никогда не был. И у меня уши встали торчком, как у гончей – хе-хе-хе-хе-хе, потому что Педрито был нацистом. А моя фотография была во Франции, в архивах Международной федерации аэронавтов, поскольку я был пилотом, признанным во всем мире. И когда немцы захватили Париж, все записи обо мне попали к ним в руки. И, конечно, они просто проследили мой путь, нашли данные обо мне, зацапали Педрито и дали ему соответствующие приказы.

    It isn’t a charged point either, is it? Yeah, a little bit. What happened there to you that was bad? PC: Did something I shouldn’t do.

    Я не знаю, что случилось с Педрито. Я часто задавался вопросом, что бы произошло, если бы я повстречался с Педрито во время военных действий.

    LRH: Oh, big overt act?

    Однако я по сей день уверен... по сей день я уверен, что здесь было нечто большее, чем просто сходство в плане физиологии.

    PC: No, just killed everybody! (audience laughter) LRH: Well, well, well, well.

    Возможно, многим из вас такое знакомо. Вероятно, вам доводилось видеть людей, которые выглядели как вы, или действовали как вы, или что-то вроде этого.

    PC: (laugh) No!

    Как ни странно, когда вы встречаете их, вы склонны немного сердиться. Враждебное отношение людей, которых зовут одинаково, стало чуть ли не притчей во языцех. Люди с одинаковой внешностью, если они встречаются случайно, могут относиться друг к другу враждебно. И точно таким же образом... точно таким же образом люди, которые имеют одну и ту же линию тэты или действуют отталкиваясь от нее, начинают ревниво относиться друг к другу. Они схлестываются и доводят друг друга до ручки.

    LRH: Was it a dull afternoon or something? (audience laughter) It was a dull afternoon! Was there any more cause for it than that?

    Мне жаль, что приходится сообщать вам об этом, поскольку все должно быть слащавым и приятным. Но время от времени вы будете встречаться с кем-то на линии тэты, работая со своим преклиром. И если бы я не рассказал вам обо всем этом, то такое могло бы произойти, и тогда дела бы у меня вовсе не шли бы хорошо, поскольку они не шли бы хорошо у вас. Получалось бы, что я утаиваю что-то, что могло бы вам пригодиться.

    PC: (laugh) No.

    И когда вы наткнетесь на что-то подобное, вы или ваш преклир можете подумать, что вы столкнулись с явлением, напоминающим ангела-хранителя, но это опять-таки нечто совершенно другое. И вы будете склонны полагать, будто этот другой индивидуум гораздо умнее и сообразительнее, чем ваш преклир. Это не так. Они оба аберрированы. И вы обнаружите, что убедить того, другого человека что-то сделать, точно так же трудно.

    LRH: That’s right, that’s the way we used to be. Happy people. (audience laughter) Well, that’s an overt act, huh?

    Я не знаю, насколько успешной может быть ваша работа по стиранию инграмм какого-то другого человека, когда тот ходит, ест, спит и так далее. Я не знаю, как это вообще можно сделать, но я знаю вот что: ваш преклир может вернуться назад, раньше точки разделения, и стереть общие инграммы, и это разгрузит трак. И, насколько я знаю, практически этим все и ограничивается.

    PC: I - I did something; I made an experiment. LRH: Made an experiment.

    Мы проделали эксперимент. Мы пытались стереть все инграммы человечества. Это правда. Мы действительно попытались – с гораздо большей тщательностью, чем обычно можно увидеть в лаборатории, – стереть все инграммы всего человечества. Интересный эксперимент. И единственная беда была в том, что когда мы сократили все эти инграммы, которые, теоретически, должны были быть общими для всех, на свете по-прежнему были аберрированные люди.

    PC: (laugh) And the whole place blew up.

    И суть здесь вот в чем: происходим ли мы из одного источника и приобретает ли этот источник при своем первом столкновении с МЭСТ-вселенной аберрацию, стирание которой высвободит трак времени у каждого?

    LRH: The whole place blew up. Well-well, that’s one less civilization ... PC: That’s what my curiosity got.

    Нет. Этот источник не настолько общий. Насколько я могу судить сейчас, вы не можете найти первую инграмму, общую для всех.

    LRH: Now, get a good, clear recall, get the realest moment in that. What’s the realest moment in it to you?

    Все это может казаться вам странным, но когда вы проводите исследования с использованием новых эффективных инструментов, вы нередко наталкиваетесь на данные, которые являются неизвестными.

    PC: I pushed something.

    Люди как правило боятся неизвестного. Они скорее согласятся терпеть религию, чем мистицизм. Это так. Они скорее предпочтут... если говорить в общем и целом, то они скорее предпочтут, чтобы все было систематизировано и представлено в виде чего-то конечного и приземленного и чтобы был один Бог (вот только их двенадцать).

    LRH: All right, is that good and real to you? Is there another moment there in that civilization that’s quite real to you? Any part of that cycle, any part of that particular civilization? Got something there that’s really nice and real?

    «Существует один Бог, и мы поклоняемся двенадцати идолам и одному Богу. И ты лупцуешь сам себя так-то и так-то, и это приводит тебя в порядок. И еще есть кто-то, кому ты все это рассказываешь, и тебе отпускают грехи твои».

    PC: A very tall man.

    Что ж, все это очень просто, но, к несчастью, это не делает людей лучше. Так что нам приходится немного глубже заглянуть во все это. И проводя такие исследования, нужно чрезвычайно беспристрастно глядеть на факты... чрезвычайно беспристрастно.

    LRH: A very tall man. Yea-yea! Is he real to you? Just want to pick up the reality level on it. How’s your communication with this very tall man? Is he antipathetic to you? He like you?

    Возможно, работая с преклирами, вы никогда не столкнетесь с тем, что я вам только что рассказал о разветвляющихся линиях и так далее. Не напрашивайтесь на неприятности. Но к вам будут приходить преклиры, которые неспособны проходить собственные инграммы. Они начнут проходить инграммы кого-то другого. А затем эти инграммы тут же покажутся им чрезвычайно нереальными – чем-то таким, чего не могло произойти. И у них практически ум за разум зайдет из-за этого, если только они не будут знать, что они могут проходить инграммы других людей. Возможно, в мире есть с полдюжины человек, чьи инграммы они могут проходить.

    PC: No.

    И может случиться, что вы поднимете вашего преклира настолько высоко по шкале тонов... очень, очень высоко по шкале тонов по всем статьям – очень высокий уровень показаний на Е-метре и так далее... что вы с ним сможете вломиться в банк практически любого человека, если захотите этого.

    LRH: He didn’t like you. Oh! He didn’t like you. Was that the trouble? PC: Oh, no. No, I - I did - did something I shouldn’t have done.

    Это было бы нечто совершенно другое. Но бог ты мой, парень действительно должен находиться очень высоко на шкале, чтобы быть способным на это.

    LRH: You did something you shouldn’t have done. All right. PC: Yes, I was fooling around in something I shouldn’t have ... LRH: He told you so.

    Ну хорошо. В чем вы заинтересованы, так это в том, чтобы вернуть человеку все знание, которое он способен иметь как человек. В какой момент вы захотите прекратить его существование в качестве человека и начать его существование в качестве святого или кого-то в этом роде – это, по большей части, решать вам и ему.

    PC: Yes, he did!

    Но я могу сказать вам, что через эту границу можно переступить. Ее можно перейти, и это будет сопровождаться значительными расстройствами и замешательством, если у вас не будет некоторого понимания того, с чем вы можете встретиться.

    LRH: Was this man related to you? PC: No. No, he’s the - the head of it. LRH: Oh, he ruled the place.

    Так вот, вся наша работа направлена на то, чтобы больше знать о большем количестве вещей. Существует история, законченная история линии тэты, относящаяся к обитателям планеты Земля.

    PC: No, he wasn’t the ruler. He - he was in charge of whatever I was doing; it’s some sort of laboratorial work.

    Эта линия во многом общая для всех, у нее есть определенная история. Ее тэта-основа является общей для всех. Ее генетическая основа является в некоторой степени общей для всех, но не в такой степени, как тэта-основа. Неизменной линией является линия тэты. Неизменной линией является линия тэты, и под линией тэты я подразумеваю ту линию, на которой индивидуум использует генетическую линию для создания одного или многих тел, которые движутся во времени. И тэта-тело живет в том, другом теле от момента прямо перед зачатием до момента немного позже смерти. И существует тенденция к тому, чтобы на этой линии тэты было несколько отдельных тел, и эта линия замечательным образом движется во времени.

    LRH: Oh, I see.

    Так вот, это тело является в значительной степени общим для нас... я имею в виду, его история. Между историей вашего тэта-тела и историей моего тэта-тела есть огромные, огромные различия, но основные инциденты являются общими. Это не значит, что если какой-то инцидент произошел с вами, то он произошел и со мной, но это значит, что инцидент, произошедший со мной, похож на инцидент, произошедший с вами.

    PC: And uh ...


    LRH: Have you liked chemistry since? PC: Oh, no!

    LRH: Simple explanations for these things. PC: I flunked it every time.

    LRH: You see what it takes to get - educate one theta being? Does a theta being need education? PC: No.

    LRH: How does it feel to be educated? Good? PC: Well, of course.

    LRH: It feels good to be educated? PC: Not necessarily educated.

    LRH: How about the process of getting educated? Is that good? PC: No.

    LRH: That’s right, no good. Okay. Well, we’ve got an incident here, this is a minor overt act. (audience laughter)

    Minor overt act on the - she probably considered that on the fourth dynamic. Would you say it was the fourth?

    PC: Pretty definitely.

    LRH: Okay. How have you felt about the fourth since? Been very defensive? PC: Yes.

    LRH: Mm-hm. Make any sense to you suddenly? PC: Very much so.

    LRH: It does? Good. Well, we’re trying to build track, not to make you happier. (laugh)

    Okay, let’s get on with this. That remark killed off a little bit of sympathy, didn’t it? Killed off a little bit of rapport with you, didn’t it?

    No? No, that’s fine. That’s fine. All right (having reestablished it), we’ll get another matter now. Have you ever been put together with some other souls? Some other beings?

    PC: Yes.

    LRH: Yeah. When? When is the first time you picked up ... PC: Well, I did a damned fool thing.

    LRH: Mm-hm.

    PC: I was curious.

    LRH: Mm-hm.

    PC: I don’t get any visio on this at all, Ron. LRH: You don’t?

    PC: But just the feeling. I was very curious about something and - and I - I cut my nose off to spite my face.

    LRH: Mm-hm. How long ago was this? PC: Oh, ages ago. Long, long time ago. LRH: Uh-huh, what did you do? Volunteer? PC: No, somebody told me so ...

    LRH: Mm-hm. And you did something.

    PC: ... that I better watch out, but I did it anyway. LRH: And it was curious ...

    PC: Uh-huh.

    LRH: Curiosity? It was

    PC: I wanted to find out what would happen.

    LRH: Trying to find out, huh? Well, is this after the civilization blew up? PC: Oh, yes! A long time after that.

    LRH: A long time after this blew up. Mm-hm. What did you think of? Got a nice drop here.

    PC: Well ...

    LRH: Before the civilization blew up? PC: No.

    LRH: After?

    PC: Seems to me it was after.

    LRH: After? After it blew up? Before it blew up? Which? What are you getting confused on this?

    PC: After. After.

    LRH: I wonder if this was the MEST universe? Yeah, MEST universe. What did you think of? Was it - you thought of after?

    PC: I thought of after. After this deal blew up because I knew more before it - I mean, I knew more when it blew up than I did when this happened.

    LRH: Is there a big - a big impact in that blowup? PC: You mean physically?

    LRH: Yeah.

    PC: Thetawise?

    LRH: No, physically.

    PC: Well, physically - heck, it got - I was dead.

    LRH: Mm-hm. Well, this might be, then. Is there sort of a jam around this incident? I mean, is there a sort of a grouper? Or is this grouper when you got curious and joined up with some other souls? Is this what’s the grouper?

    PC: That may be it.

    LRH: Is that the grouper? Mm-hm. Have you regretted that very much? Well, it’s not terribly bad. That’s after this blowup? Okay. How many years afterwards? Halfway to present time?

    PC: Oh, no.

    LRH: Two thousand years ago?

    PC: No, it’s longer than that, much longer than that. LRH: Thirty-five thousand?

    PC: It’s closer to about a million and a half years ago.

    LRH: Million and a half years ago. Okay. Million and a half years ago? PC: (laugh)

    LRH: Yeah, that’s close enough. What’s a million and a half? PC: It’s a million-maybe two.

    LRH: That’s practically present time.

    PC: Two - it’s two. Now it’s two; it’s going up now - look. (audience laughter)

    LRH: Two million.

    PC: Okay. It’s way up now. What do you ... LRH: Huh?

    PC: What was that?

    LRH: Oh, it’s just - you just got some charge on this. Now, how many souls ... Did you get put together with some other souls?

    PC: Couple of hundred of them. LRH: Couple of hundred of them?

    PC: But they’re not all there now. I mean, I don’t have them all with me now. LRH: Oh, they’re not all there now.

    PC: But at the time ...

    LRH: What was the circumstances surrounding this? just tell me rapidly. You needn’t be coy about it, people here can understand.

    PC: Well, I - I - the - the concepts are not clear. I mean, they don’t come as fast as I like them to; there’s a lot of occlusion here. Apparently we got all stuck together because we didn’t want that to happen again.

    LRH: Mm-hm.

    PC: When this explosion occurred.

    LRH: Mm-hm. Didn’t want that to happen again.

    PC: No. And we figured if we stuck together, I wouldn’t make any more experiments.

    LRH: That’s the - kind of the way it goes. This is a late joiner. Were you operating on a compulsion because of earlier incidents joining you up? Other things? What did you think of?

    PC: No.

    LRH: No? All right. Are there earlier incidents where you’re joined up with others? PC: No.

    LRH: No earlier incidents? Hah! What did you think of? PC: Well, whether it was so or not.

    LRH: Mm-hm.

    PC: No. I don’t ...

    LRH: Okay. All right, let me go off on this track. Is there an incident there where emotions are installed in you?

    PC: (yawn)

    LRH: Can you pick that up?

    PC: Well, I’m thinking now of - of a slimy place. LRH: A slimy place?

    PC: With a lot of big animals in it. LRH: Oh, a swamp?

    PC: Looks like a prehistoric scene. LRH: What’s this? Earth?

    PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: Is this the somatic soul, earth? PC: Hm.

    LRH: Somatic entity, earth? PC: Possibly.

    LRH: Is it earth?

    PC: Yes.

    LRH: Mm-hm.

    PC: Yes. Uhm ...

    LRH: Nothing much on this ...

    PC: There’s brontosaurus and dinosaurs and oh ... LRH: Is this a million-million years ago7

    PC: Uh ...

    LRH: What are we on here now, the somatic line? Mm-hm. Thought so. Let’s get on back on the theta line, huh? Now, did the theta being ever get joined to anybody else? (pause) What did you think of?

    PC: When this explosion took place ... LRH: Yeah.

    PC: ... that’s when I said we all joined up together so I wouldn’t make any ... LRH: Yeah. All right.

    PC: ... I would be controlled. LRH: Okay. You consented to it?

    PC: Really.

    LRH: Where were you standing when you consented to it?

    PC: I wasn’t standing anyplace; I was floating around in the air. LRH: Okay. And what ...

    PC: We had a big confab. LRH: Mm-hm.

    PC: And they said, “Well, she’s got to be toned down a little bit. She’s - she’s too curious.” LRH: Mm-hm. Okay.

    PC: “These things mustn’t happen anymore.” LRH: Mm-hm. And you agreed to it?

    PC: Well, if I blew up a whole lot of people, who wouldn’t?

    LRH: Why? Is there deep regret on this? Is that why you agreed to it? PC: Well, I - I don’t like to kill people.

    LRH: Why not?

    PC: Well, you’re not supposed to. LRH: Who said so?

    PC: They did.

    LRH: Yeah, who’s “they”?

    PC: Well, that’s why I’m here in the first place.

    LRH: Oh! That’s why you’re here in the first place? On earth in the first place? PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: Mm-hm. This is a later incident, though? PC: No. No, no.

    LRH: No?

    PC: No, it tie - ties in with all the rest of them. LRH: Oh!

    PC: With the original one: the reason that I was so curious. LRH: Mm-hm.

    PC: See, and I had to go find out.

    LRH: Mm-hm.

    PC: I wanted to know what was - what was going on. LRH: Okay. All right. Now, present time.

    [to audience] We’ve got this problem here; it’s a relatively simple problem. Here’s a track chart. This track chart is demanding an incident to be run. This incident, of course, is probably that incident. Now, so what you get here: you’re getting a small machine reaction. She said “eight” once and we got a reaction on it, and I can believe the machine, so it was eight.

    All right. Now, this incident, in other words, is overt on four, and it’s all the further we’re going to get with this track, that’s all. There’d be no sense in wasting any more time on it till we just blow this thing.

    Now actually, you could probably blow it, more or less, by Strightwire and realization. Person thinks it over for a while - blows it. Could do. Very possibly you’d have to be audited, and the regret taken off of the thing. And then you’d find other incidents showing up here on the track as we went on up. Okay?

    [to pc] Okay?

    PC: Okay.

    LRH: All right. All right. Oh no. Oh no (laugh)

    [to audience] Okay, there’s one - there’s one pc as part of the track. Let’s take a clean slate here. Take a nice clean slate. [lots of noise]

    [to pc] Thank you very much. PC: You’re welcome.

    LRH: And also a clean pencil.

    [to next pc] And how old are you, Maurie? You got it. How old was that? [New pc - male]

    PC: Four, I got.

    LRH: Four what? Is this just the present life age flash of one being? Four million? PC: I think trillion.

    LRH: Trillion? Yeah, great. Now, were you one being four trillion years ago? PC: No.

    LRH: Two beings?

    PC: Yes.

    LRH: Okay. Two beings. All right. And these two beings were - did they - were they joined by force or something? Were they joined ...

    PC: I get a mixed reaction on that.

    LRH: Uh-huh. Would you rather they’d never been joined? PC: Yeah.

    LRH: Mm-hm. Why did they join up? You thought of it - what was it?

    PC: Um - thought they could do something more in combination than they could singly.

    LRH: Mm-hm. That’s right. And did each one have the same goals or they have different goals?

    PC: Different.

    LRH: Different goals. Are these goals in conflict with each other - any degree? PC: No.

    LRH: To what universe did these goals apply? PC: Theta.

    LRH: Theta universe. Do they fit with the MEST universe? PC: I get a “yes.”

    LRH: Mm-hm. Have they had to be retailored to fit with the MEST universe in any way, or do they fit smoothly?

    PC: Smoothly.

    LRH: Mm-hm. Okay. Are you accomplishing them? PC: A real weak “yes” on that.

    LRH: Mm-hm. Far away sort of a thing? Mm-hm. Well, can they just step into full beingness and pervade all of you, and go on and do everything they can do? Is there anything blocking them from doing this?

    PC: Yeah, I think I have another being here that is saying, “No, you can’t do this,” and “No, you haven’t done it,” and so forth.

    LRH: Mm-hm. How long ago did you acquire that being? That entity? How long ago did you acquire that entity?

    PC: I get “four million.”

    LRH: About four million years ago? A very contradictory entity? PC: Yeah.

    LRH: Very contradictory. About four million years ago? Mm-hm. (pause) Oh, added by somebody, huh? Who added it?

    [to audience] Seeing this characteristic bop-bop-bop - short bops. PC: Get “hypnosis.

    LRH: Added by hypnosis. PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: Pushed in on you by hypnosis. Were there any others added to you at the same time? PC: Nope.

    Nope. just one, huh? Well, what do you know? Four million years ago. Okay. Four million - one added entity. Is it stuck at the time it was added?

    PC: Yes.

    LRH: Stuck at the time it was added, huh? Why, did it - was told to stay there or something? Was it under orders to join you? Or were you put under orders to have it joined?

    PC: I think it was ordered to join me.

    LRH: Ordered to join you. That’s right. Okay. And it’s been obeying those orders ever since. Did you consent to have it?

    PC: Yep.

    LRH: Yep. Why? Why did you consent to have it? You got it - what is it? PC: For some reason or other I thought it would improve me.

    LRH: Did it?

    PC: No.

    LRH: No. Well, can you jettison it?

    PC: It’s not going to like it, but I can do it.

    LRH: It’s not going to like it, huh? Do you have to consult its convenience rather than your own?

    PC: Uh - I say “no,” it says “yes.”

    LRH: All right. How do you get rid of it? Can you audit it away, or do you just blow it? It wants to stay?

    PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: It wants to stay.

    PC: I think I’ve still got some acceptance of it, too. LRH: You think so. What’s your main acceptance? PC: “I’ll die if I get rid of it.”

    LRH: Who said so? Somebody say so? Yeah, somebody said so. Who said so? The hypnotist? PC: Yeah.

    LRH: Is that part of the sequence? PC: Yes.

    LRH: And then does it say so since? PC: Mm-hm. And I agreed to it then.

    LRH: Mm-hm. You agreed to be hypnotized, too? PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: Mm-hm. Well, can you handle that? PC: Yes.

    LRH: Okay. And by the way, just for designation, what’s the more or less geographical location of this entity we’re just now talking about?

    (pause) Head?

    PC: No, solar plexus.

    LRH: Solar plexus! Oh, our old fr is this an additional one? Have you got three entities in the solar plexus?

    PC: There’s one in the solar plexus and there’s one on each side a little below it. LRH: Ah, three entities in the solar plexus. Okay - in the solar plexus area.

    PC: Yeah.

    LRH: Fine. Are two of these somatic? PC: Yeah.

    LRH: Well, what do you know, you got two somatic entities. By the way, somatic entities quite often split. Okay, and this other one is just an additive soul. Well ...

    And by the way, is that soul quite sane? PC: Huh-uh. [No.]

    LRH: That’s right. By the way, they get into that area and it’s a terrible area, because the perceptions aren’t close to it and they’re under compulsion to have perceptions and they’re under compulsion not to use their own perceptions and a lot of other odds and ends. So they get quite psycho in the area. And then their fear installation - Fac One and so forth - hits them right on the button, bam! just like that. Fac One hit you right on the button there with that solar plexus thing?

    PC: Yeah.

    LRH: Isn’t bothering you any! (audience laughter) Okay. Now, what do we find earlier than that? Is there another universe before the MEST universe?

    PC: Yes.

    LRH: Are there two universes before the MEST universe? What did you think of?

    PC: Hm-I get confusion; my first reaction was “no,” and then I got a “yes.”

    LRH: Well, tell me, one of these beings - a one of these entities - it wasn’t back there with you. Is that right?

    PC: Hm. Yeah. LRH: All right. PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: That straightened him out? Okay, let’s ask the one - other one now. Are there two universes ahead of NEST universe, or one? This universe, [marking on blackboard] one universe, two, and here’s the MEST universe. What would you call this second universe? Would you call that your home universe? Did you have anything to do with its creation?

    PC: Yeah. Yes.

    LRH: What’s the matter, you got charge on that? Hm? PC: Well, I was ...

    LRH: Charge on it, huh?

    PC: Some idea about perhaps dimensions; I don’t know what word I should use, but just dimensions ...

    LRH: Okay, good.

    PC: ... concerning that universe. LRH: Mm-hm.

    PC: Has more dimensions than we’re accustomed to. LRH: Oh, I see. Four? Eight?

    PC: Three and infinity.

    LRH: Yeah, tiree and infinity. A three-and-infinity universe. Good.

    That’s characteristic of a thought universe. Okay. Did you help create that universe? PC: I get a “yes.”

    LRH: What happened to it? Is it still there? PC: Yes.

    LRH: MEST universe - did you come into the MEST universe voluntarily? PC: I think so.

    LRH: What did you think of next after that? PC: My solar plexus.

    LRH: Mm-hm. Did you voluntarily move from universe two into the MEST universe? PC: Uh ...

    LRH: The MEST universe ...

    PC: There’s a reluctance of some kind.

    LRH: Yeah, you’ve got a reluctance to talk about this, haven’t you? You’re protecting some information about it? You’re protecting some information about it?

    PC: There’s fear on it - some kind.

    LRH: Yeah. Do you dare tell? Do you dare know? Are you holding information from somebody on it?

    PC: Yes.

    [End of HCL-18]

    [Beginning of the HCL-27 reel]

    [At this point there is a gap in the original recording.]

    ... a few trillion years.

    Voice from Audience: How you going to know? There’s a lot of ... Well, that’s true, that’s true.

    Voice from Audience: Yeah. Well, I ... [unintelligible] now. I realize that it’s all ... [unintelligible]

    LRH: Did you have to protect the information in that hypnosis? Mm-hm. What did you think of?

    PC: Yeah, I think I did.

    LRH: And you’ve been holding back information sort of ever since, in a general line? What if somebody in the MEST universe learned about how you got into this home universe? Who are you protecting information from? (pause)

    PC: (sigh)

    LRH: Tell me, can you be rolled out of this universe of your own and enslaved by the MEST universe?

    PC: I get confusion.

    LRH: If anybody knew the secret of the theta universe, could they then have an almost unlimited number of slaves?

    PC: Yes.

    LRH: What did you think of?

    PC: Yes, but they wouldn’t want to.

    LRH: They wouldn’t want to. Who wouldn’t want to? Some of these people in the MEST universe wouldn’t want to? (pause) People in the theta universe?

    PC: I don’t think that people in the theta universe would want to.

    LRH: And once having rolled out of it, you wouldn’t want people to know how to get back into it, would you? (pause) No charge on that.

    PC: ... be it.

    LRH: Hm?

    PC: Seems to be it.

    LRH: Mm-hm? You trying to keep the people in the MEST universe from getting into the theta universe? (pause) What’ve you got there?

    PC: I feel I’m trying to keep myself from getting into it.

    LRH: Trying to keep yourself from getting into it. Well, what’s wrong with you? Something wrong with you now? Hm?

    PC: Yeah.

    LRH: Would you do something bad to the theta universe if you got into it? PC: Seems to be yes.

    LRH: Would you take bad knowledge into it? Bad experience? PC: Yeah.

    LRH: What do you have, a degraded feeling about it? PC: Ooh! Yeah.

    LRH: Shame won’t let you go home? (pause) Ah.

    Did you roll out of the theta universe, sort of face into another dimension and get into the MEST universe by accident? What have you got there? Curiosity?

    PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: Curiosity.

    PC: Yeah, you can run it from a distance or manipulate it, or you can get into it and see what it feels like.

    LRH: Mm-hm. But once you get into it, what’s wrong with it?

    PC: Feeling you have to go all the way through it in order to get back out. LRH: Go along a treadmill, so to speak. Is there another way out of it?

    PC: Yeah.

    LRH: What is it?

    PC: Well, I think of the Zen Buddhist story of how you get a goose out Of a bottle. LRH: Mm-hm. How do you get a goose out of a bottle?

    PC: Snap your fingers and say, “There, it’s out.” LRH: Okay. We’re batting on a thousand there.

    All right. Now, about your adventures in the MEST universe, what’s the first thing that happened to you after you got into the MEST universe that was serious7

    PC: Hypnosis and Fac One. LRH: Some kind of hypnosis? PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: Some kind of a Fac One? Were you trapped in some way? (pause) Tell me this, did somebody install emotions in you?

    PC: I don’t like that, whatever it is. (audience laughter)

    LRH: Does that come later than the incident I’m talking about? PC: Yes.

    LRH: Mm-hm. Well, about how many million years ago would you suppose that you got emotions installed in you? What did you think of?

    PC: Fourteen thousand.

    LRH: Emotions installed in you fourteen thousand years ago? PC: Seems what I got.

    LRH: Okay. Was it fourteen thousand? Or fourteen thousand years after you entered the MEST universe? Which?

    PC: That seems better.

    LRH: Mm-hm. It was in the MEST universe? PC: Yeah.

    LRH: Mm-hm. All right. Let’s get another go at its time. I know it’s hard to estimate time, but it

    - would it be halfway between here and the entrance into the MEST universe? Midpoint on the track between here and the past? What did you think of? You thought of it somewhere there.

    PC: I thought that seemed to be about right. LRH: Middle point.

    PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: Yeah, that’s more or less. Now, is it earlier than the middle point or later than the middle point? Earlier, little earlier? Little later? Who cares. What’s a few billion years. Okay. Would you say that was about five billion years ago?

    PC: Hm ... LRH: Six?

    PC: Seems better.

    LRH: Between five and six? PC: Okay. (sigh)

    LRH: Five and six billion. just at a guess, these figures, you understand, are relatively - your order of magnitude is all you want so that you get your proper sequences of time. And this is installed emotions, huh? What emotions were installed?

    PC: (laugh)

    LRH: NOW, that’s a honey. just don’t concentrate on it for a minute, Maurie, and let me try and tell the folks what this one is - this is trick. In various ways, one of its guises could be “Well, you win a prize. A person who knows wins a prize.”

    And don’t let me color the one you were going to run, because this thing is quite variable.

    [to audience] Well, the MEST people, more or less, they want to put out this big prize. And so they give you a prize for knowing. Well, up to that point, you really know - you know pretty well. And then one of its versions is to throw a dome over the person, over the theta person- bam! - hold him completely motionless with fields so that he has an utter timelessness, so that he’s suddenly and momentarily a zero, and then just throw him down a chute which passes him across fields - magnetic fields - one right after the other, which install wavelengths which are very close to one-over-infinity, with - which approximate our Tone Scale from 2.0 down.

    [to pc] What’s the matter?

    PC: Apparently the story of my life - I don’t know.

    LRH: Is this approximately the incident we’re trying to run here, something like it? PC: Seems to be.

    LRH: Well, there’s something that is missing on it someplace; your incident varied in some way. Tell me, is fear in a tub at the bottom?

    PC: I get a yes on that.

    LRH: Mm-hm. Well, there is some vague similarity with what I was saying. There is an installed sequence of emotions, then, isn’t there?

    PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: What are you thinking about? PC: I don’t like it.

    LRH: Who installed it? A lower order of people, or something? (pause) PC: I get the impression they were big.

    LRH: Big people, huh?

    PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: Okay. Is that where you got emotions from 2.0 down? (pause) Tell me, by the way, just out of curiosity - was all the pleasure you had formerly taken in aesthetics suddenly channeled into the second dynamic?

    PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: Mm-hm.

    PC: Also said that wasn’t any good.

    LRH: Also said that wasn’t any good; yeah, that’s right. That’s right.

    [to audience] All right. This incident has a slang term which - we call it the “installer” and it’s a great little gimmick. Actually, any of these emotions have a very precise wavelength, which is why one suspected immediately that there’s something rotten in Denmark. I mean, why would everybody do this and do that exactly at the same wavelengths? Silly.

    [to pc] Well, now, let’s take your earlier life. Okay? How about your earlier life. Was there anything unhappy occurred in your earlier life in the MEST universe? (pause) Do you pick up anything very unhappy there? (pause) Are you still haunted by this emotional installer?

    PC: No.

    LRH: No? Okay. (pause) What did you think of? PC: Some kind of confusions which was unpleasant. LRH: Some confusions, unpleasant?

    PC: Confusion.

    LRH: Yeah? Would it be the confusion of everything hitting you at once? What did you think of?

    PC: Yeah.

    LRH: What was it? Yeow! There’s a sticker in it. Holder in it, huh? Is it the holder of rays or waves or something?

    PC: (pause) Waves, I guess, would be ...

    LRH: Were they leveled at you intentionally to accomplish something or... What have we got here, the Emanator?

    PC: Hm.....

    LRH: No? It’s an emanator of some sort. PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: Mm-hm. Is this earlier than the incident, the installer? PC: Yeah.

    LRH: Is there a bad holder in it someplace?

    PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: There it is. What is it?

    PC: I’m getting a visio of a black triangle.

    LRH: Oh. Somebody command you into a black triangle? PC: It obscures a - either a circle or disk behind it.

    LRH: Mm-hm. Is this earlier than the installer? Later. PC: Seems - I don’t know; I feel that it’s earlier.

    LRH: It’s earlier.

    PC: Around ...

    LRH: Billion years earlier? Billion years earlier? What’s this, the black triangle? What’s the incident?

    PC: Oh. Yeah, it’s - the symbol is the same as the four-dimensional symbol that I had before. LRH: Mm-hm.

    PC: Only this is a - cramming it in three dimensions ... LRH: Oh.

    PC: ... obscuring the fourth.

    LRH: Mm-hm. Say, by the way, are we getting the shift of you from the theta universe into the MEST universe? Is this it? Is this the shift?

    PC: Seems to be ...

    LRH: One of the shifts? By the way, did you ever get out of the MEST universe and then back into the theta universe, and then out of the theta universe back into the MEST universe? Ho, ho, ho!

    PC: Yeah. I’m shaking all over.

    LRH: Ho, ho, ho! Well, that’s the first one of those I’ve picked up. What happened when you went into the theta universe?

    PC: I don’t know, but I have a feeling it wasn’t very pleasant.

    LRH: Wasn’t pleasant in the theta universe. Hooray! What was the matter with it? (pause) (Nice drop in it.)

    PC: It’s upside down. LRH: Is it all upside down? PC: How do you mean?

    LRH: Had the MEST universe turned it upside down? Had something happened to the theta universe? (pause) What are you thinking of there?

    PC: Yeah, but I don’t know quite what. Two things were somehow joined together. LRH: Two things joined together.

    PC: Intermingled.

    LRH: Mm-hm. The theta and MEST universe was kind of intermingled. Well, by the way, by running this incident, would this all straighten out? PC: I’m running it now.

    LRH: Oh-ho-ho, you’re running it now.

    PC: I’m doing something. I’m shaking all over and getting weird flutterings; I’ve never had anything quite like this before.

    LRH: Is this your central being running this? PC: Yeah. I have two of them running.

    LRH: Both of them running. PC: Both a central and ...

    LRH: And an entity.

    PC: ... seems to be located in the back of my head. Seem to be ...

    LRH: Well, is that the original duo? We’re running it? Is this another entity running itself? I’m sorry I don’t mean to invalidate your running it. The machine does that once in a while, you have to be careful of this.

    LRH: How about the two beings’ regard for this incident?

    PC: They don’t seem to be quite as concerned about it as the rest of me does, for some reason.

    LRH: Oh. Well, tell me, did this add more to you? This incident add more to you in some way or something? No? All right. Which being is it that’s concentrated on it? Which being?

    PC: Just the one in the back of my head, which I believe would be the second one.

    LRH: The second one. Is there an entity in the back of your head as well as the second being? Is there an entity that influences the back of your head?

    PC: I would say yes.

    LRH: Uh-huh. Uh-huh. We’re getting a halt on this. Yes, sir. What have we got now? Hey, you got a new entity that doesn’t belong there. Great stuff. Was he there all the time? Was he there when this happened?

    PC: No.

    LRH: He wasn’t there when this happened. Well, why is he concerned about it?

    [to audience] Just about to flip and throw one of these entities.

    [to pcl Now, why is he so concerned about it? Because he can concern you with it? PC: Mm-hm. Uses this for control.

    LRH: Well, uses it for control. PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: What happens to your shakes? PC: They diminish.

    LRH: Locate him a little more thoroughly and differentiate between him and the back being. Has he been pretending to be the back being?

    PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: Oh, isn’t he a cute little trick. How are the shakes now? PC: Gone.

    LRH: They gone?

    PC: Yeah.

    LRH: Feel more relaxed? Now let’s differentiate a little bit better between the real back being and this entity. (pause)

    Did you ever agree to have this entity? PC: Yeah.

    LRH: You did, huh? Did it just move in on you by compulsion? PC: Yeah, it was compulsion, but I agreed to it.

    LRH: You a agreed under duress? PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: Mm-hm, but not very much. Well, what did you think of? This upset it? PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: Mm-hm. Upsets it some way, huh? Is it stuck on the track anyplace? PC: Yeah.

    LRH: Yeah? Is it stuck on the track in something when it was being you? PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: Mm-hm. Is it also stuck on the track in something before it joined you? (pause) Boy, it really decided to curl up. What’s the state of that being? Did it blow?

    PC: I get a yes.

    LRH: It blew. Well, the back being very glad it’s gone? Who’s glad it’s gone? Which one? PC: Center and the back both, solar plexus doesn’t like this.

    LRH: Doesn’t like to have it gone. PC: That’s right.

    LRH: Because that means it goes now. PC: Yeah, it feels very small suddenly.

    LRH: Yeah. Why? Was it the one that was holding the solar plexus together? Was the solar plexus being-entity operating only because of this back-of-the-head being? Did they have a pact between them?

    PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: Were they in communication? PC: Yeah.

    LRH: By golly, that solar plexus being doesn’t want to answer, does it? Is it gone? (pause) Is it gone?

    PC: I don’t know.

    LRH: How does it feel? How’s your solar plexus? PC: Feels pretty relaxed.

    LRH: Feels pretty relaxed. You afraid it won’t stay that way? Is it gone or just playing dead? (pause) Is it gone?

    PC: (pause) Can’t find it.

    LRH: Can’t find it. How’s your stomach feel? PC: Fine.

    LRH: Back of your head feel?

    PC: It’s tingling, burning and all kinds of things. LRH: Back of your head tingling and burning? PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: Why? Is this - this entity just move out to the outside, did it? PC: Sure.

    LRH: Is it still trying to hang on or are you - is your rear ... PC: I’m holding it.

    LRH: ... theta being holding it?

    PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: Well, why is it holding it? (pause) Attached to it? What do you get on it? PC: He uses it for control.

    LRH: Uses it for control. Can’t he ... PC: Can be used in turn ...

    LRH: Mm-hm. Well, can’t he control directly? Tell me, is there a second back-of-the-head being?

    PC: Yeah.

    LRH: A second back-of-the-head entity as distinguished from a being? Is there another one in there - the two operating together?

    Don’t seem to see so, huh? What did you ... PC: Oh, it’s on the right side of the back.

    LRH: Oh, right side of the back of the head. When did you agree to have that one? Did you? PC: I don’t feel any agreement about this one.

    LRH: Well, did it come in at a moment of unconsciousness or something? PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: Hypnotism? Unconsciousness? What are we running here, a joiner of some sort? An incident where they were all joined together? A little bit.

    PC: Hm.

    LRH: Not particularly. Well, this thing hasn’t got any business there at all, has it? What did you think of?

    PC: I was trying to think of how I picked it up. LRH: You’ve just thought of it. What is it?

    PC: I wasn’t listening to you. (audience laughter)

    LRH: Okay. You know how you picked it up. How long ago did you pick it up? (pause) (These aren’t entities, by the way, these are idle beings.)

    PC: Yeah.

    LRH: Yeah. What did you think of that time? You got it. What is it? PC: Well, I just - I saw it, I guess.

    LRH: And what happened? It blew? PC: No, that’s how I picked it up and ...

    LRH: Oh, you just saw it.

    PC: ... sympathy or something; I haven’t quite got it.

    LRH: Mm-hm. You’re getting it, though. (pause) Well, let’s get it a little more solidly there and you can get it. You can recall it. What was the emotion? Which entity picked it up? Was it the theta beings that picked it up?

    PC: No.

    LRH: No. Was it another stomach entity that picked him up? PC: Mm.

    LRH: Aided and assisted by a couple of the side entities? Which one did you think of? PC: It’s higher in the solar plexus.

    LRH: Oh, you got another one in the stomach, there? PC: Above.

    LRH: It picked him up. Okay. You got it. All right. Is it the one that’s been holding on to it? PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: All right. How about blowing that one that’s a little higher in the solar plexus now? (These blow awful easy. These idle ones.)

    PC: This one doesn’t amount to much. LRH: Hm?

    PC: I don’t think this one amounts to much. LRH: Didn’t amount to much. Is it blowing? PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: So it is. Is it gone? PC: Hm. (pause) Yeah.

    LRH: Registering here that it is. Okay. just wanted you to decide. PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: Okay. NOW, how about this black triangle incident now? (pause) Well, what do you know?

    PC: Didn’t go through it. [or might be “We just blew it.” - Ed.] LRH: Okay.

    Oh, I happen to know a couple of incidents here. Let me ask you if you’ve been through these. You ever build roads?

    PC: Hm. Didn’t like it.

    LRH: Nope. How soon after you entered the physical universe, the MEST universe, did you start building roads?

    PC: Pardon me, I’m stuck in this.

    LRH: How soon afterwards did you start building roads?

    PC: I have a feeling it’s ... That’s what you were started out with.

    LRH: Mm-hm. Did something pull you into this universe so you’d build roads? PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: You got it. What is it? What have you got? PC: Horns. Horns? I don’t know. Vibrations?

    LRH: Vibrations? Horns? Beating with clubs? Beating of clubs? Drive you out of it? Drive you into it? Noise?

    PC: Yeah. That seems to be the idea. LRH: Noise. Confusion and noise. PC: Mm-hm. Yeah.

    LRH: What do they use, confusion and noise to harass a theta being into being - doing something?

    PC: There’s a lot of confusion on it. LRH: Mm-hm. Lot of confusion.

    PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: And then did you start building roads? PC: Mm ... (pause)

    LRH: Did you get a drop on that? Building roads? PC: Yeah. I think so, anyway.

    LRH: You see that still needle?

    Did you live lifetime after lifetime after lifetime in body after body after body on these roads, or anything like that?

    PC: Yeah.

    LRH: Or was it roads? Was it the city itself ? Was it masonry, bridges? What? You’ve got it. What was it?

    PC: Well, that sounded better than roads, and then electronics came to mind.

    LRH: Oh, they got you in there building electronics, or were they building electronics? Were you building electronic things?

    PC: I get a yes.

    LRH: You were. They put you to work in electronics. Were you designing? Manufacturing? You were manufacturing electronics. Okay. Were there rays?

    PC: Yeah.

    LRH: Did they affect you? PC: Yeah.

    LRH: Badly?

    PC: Hm, they had all kinds.

    LRH: Mm-hm. How many lives did you spend doing this? One? More than one? I mean body lives now ...

    PC: Yeah.

    LRH: ... MEST body lives.

    PC: Hm, forty, fifty, something like that.

    LRH: Forty or fifty MEST body lives? Forty or fifty thousand MEST body lives? That’s closer to it.

    PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: Hundred thousand MEST body lives? What did you think of? PC: I thought it was a long time.

    LRH: Long time. Oh, you’re getting a feeling of monotony on this, or something. PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: Getting the feeling like this was a long time? By the way, was there any way they kept you coming into bodies or anything, to do this?

    PC: Yeah.

    LRH: Well, you got it. How’d they do it? PC: Kind of a keyed ...

    LRH: You’ve got it.

    PC: ... I’ve got it, but I don’t know how to describe it. Keyed oscillator or frequency and ... LRH: Some kind of a crystal.

    PC: ... crystals - some kind of an arrangement that was keyed to me and I’d keep coming back. LRH: Then you’d keep coming back.

    PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: What did they key it on? PC: Me.

    LRH: On your theta body? On a part of your theta body? On your MEST body? PC: Yeah. MEST Body.

    LRH: On a part of your MEST body? PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: What did they do, hold a piece of your MEST body? Every time you’re dead, they had a piece of your MEST body, something like that?

    PC: It was done various ways. If you had a MEST body, you kept it in nutrient baths and crystal patterns. Quite sure they were used.

    LRH: Uh-huh. Okay.

    PC: Crystals in which a pattern or frequency or whatever they did with it ... LRH: Mm-hm.

    PC: ... was set up, which contained the identical pattern or field or frequency, whatever it was, of


    LRH: Mm-hm.

    PC: ... the body. And you could repeat.

    LRH: Did you ever have to be trained more than once in your job? PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: Were you trained each life in your job? PC: Mmm, seems doubtful.

    LRH: just maybe trained a few times. Few times? Dozen times? Several dozen times? Did you have four or five jobs in all this time?

    PC: Mm-hm. About that. I get twelve.

    LRH: About twelve jobs? Well, after you learned how to do a job and you came back into a MEST body again, would you know how to do it again?

    PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: Would you keep on doing it? PC: Yeah.

    LRH: Oh. Would you die then and go into another MEST body and then be back on the same job again?

    PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: Do you like this? Interesting work? PC: I didn’t like it, but they said I did.

    LRH: Oh, ha-ha ha-ha. Said you were enthusiastic about it. PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: Is this what you would call the first sequences of what we know as hypnosis or duress by rays or something of this sort?

    PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: Hm? What would that be? Would that be it? PC: (pause) Yeah.

    LRH: What did you think of?

    PC: Wondering how long they’d been there before that. LRH: Oh. (laugh) What eventually happened to this place? PC: Hmm. Deserted - impression I get.

    LRH: Mm-hm. What’s the name of this place? You got it. What is it? PC: Something beginning with an A.

    LRH: Arsclycus. Okay. Isn’t that right? PC: I’don’t know. (pause)

    LRH: All right. Is this the first cycle, then, of being held to a cycle of lives? PC: I get a yes.

    LRH: Mm-hm. Held to a cycle of lives. Are there others? PC: Yeah.

    LRH: How many others? You got it. How many? PC: Ten.

    LRH: About ten cycles like this, huh? I mean ten of these things where you repeat lives - bing, bing, bing, bing. Under other circumstances than in Arsclycus?

    PC: Yeah.

    LRH: Mm-hm. What’s the last one? PC: Right now.

    LRH: Right now. Okay. Where are the monitors now? (pause) You hit it.

    What is it?

    PC: I’m hitting it, but I don’t know what it means yet. LRH: Are they MEST universe?

    PC: Yeah.

    LRH: Are they still there? PC: Yeah.

    LRH: Just take a rapid summary: How many of your bodies have they got? How many bodies they got to match you? One? Six? What did you get?

    PC: Mmm ...

    LRH: You got the figure. What was the figure you got? PC: Seven.

    LRH: About seven.

    PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: -Okay. Was that the one you thought of a moment ago? PC: I didn’t get one a moment ago. It went on past me.

    LRH: Hey, now wait a minute. Is there an entity blocking out this stuff? PC: Yeah!

    LRH: Which one is this one? PC: Has to do with my eyes.

    LRH: Yeah. Is there an entity hanging around your eyes? PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: Mm-hm. Is that native to you? PC: I get a yes on that.

    LRH: Oh, is it talking?

    PC: That stopped it.

    LRH: Who’s holding that one? PC: (pause) I don’t know.

    LRH: Mm-hm. You know. Would you call that ... PC: Center seems to be holding it, if anything is.

    LRH: Center’s holding it. Yeah, evidently. Why? Is the center guilty of an overt act against it? The center thinks it needs it?

    PC: Mm-hm. Can’t see without it.

    LRH: Oh? Can’t see without it. Who says so? PC: Mm-hm. This is what I was thinking about. LRH: Yeah. Is that an occlusion entity?

    PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: Now we know where the occlusion entity is. (pause) Okay. There are ten of these periods, then.

    Now, let’s get on another subject there for a moment. Are there specific times when several theta beings or bodies have been pulled together and joined to you?

    PC: Yeah.

    LRH: How many of these have happened? PC: I get three or four.

    LRH: Three or four.

    PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: You get three and four; in other words, some of them have three and some of them have four. Well, that would be natural, you see, because the two center ones weren’t.

    Okay. There are three of these periods where you were joined up, then, after. So there’s three and four. Okay. We won’t bother to trace these right now. Three and four joiners. Now, that’s fine.

    That’s fine.

    You’ve got that eye one clicked in. Key him out now. PC: Yes. I’m still working on it.

    LRH: Is he blowing? PC: Yeah. He’s blowing.

    LRH: Thank you. Show people your eyes. PC: What’s the matter with them?

    LRH: Sit up and show people your eyes. PC: Have I still got them?

    Female voice: They’re still there.

    LRH: You can blow him, very easily. Thank you very much, Maurie.

    PC: Same to you, Ron.

    Now, want to demonstrate this track. This track is very close to constant. It varies in various degrees. There are periods in here when an individual has been one, an entity, or other, may have been space, operating in space; there are periods in here when a person has been this, has been that. And it’s very fascinating to find out that what we will quite commonly consider future material is very often past material.

    We have gone through a great cycle here on track: a cycle of electronics, thought, electronics, thought. For instance, now and then through history we have tried to regain our periods of being theta beings and controlling things thetawise. You see theta rising up every time you see a highly aesthetic society come into being. And then you see it deteriorate from that high aesthetic down into a MEST society, and it starts going to pieces at this time. And you see the Tone Scale repeated over and over, but this Tone Scale and this cycle is between thought/aesthetics and electronics/MEST force; those two categories. Thought, aesthetics - and thought and aesthetics, they contain such things as spiritualism, mysticism, magic, these various things. And MEST force and so forth, contains such things as standard religions of the past, guillotines, so on.

    I put that in there not for a joke, but because whenever a religion - you see, a religion is different than a religious philosophy, very different - a religion is that thing which is given as a package to a people about which they are not supposed to reason, and under thought and duress is used to control that people onerously. And you find many of these religions are completely bare of aesthetics. And then when they come up to higher levels of action, they actually get up toward theta for a while, and then they will slide back into a MEST religion wholly. They very seldom rise up. That is why an individual is almost never a mystic and a religious person at the same time. We need differentiation in those categories in order to understand that anything used as a control mechanism is the MEST universe: electronics and force. That means control. The MEST universe is terrifically interested in control. The theta universe is interested in freedom. It’s interested in aesthetics; it’s interested in creativeness. Your MEST universe is chaos.

    The theta universe is very orderly. It has extra dimensions. And what you miss in the MEST universe is an ability merely to throw out your hand and have some aesthetic creation come into being. That’s theta universe. In the MEST universe you build and build and build and you make this great set very fancy, with great ardure, in a battle of gravity and conquering forces and so on. And at long last you have this enormous, beautiful structure and then somebody comes in - you have a tea table there - and if they’re MEST universe people, they come over and they pick up the teacup and find a tiny crack in it and say, “It’s cracked.”

    Well, that’s the difference. So what you miss - what your theta beingness misses, is that aesthetic ability to create - to create at will. The universe is murder when it comes to creation. And any of you who started out in life with any slightest inkling or leaning toward the arts - and you’ll find this in most children even in kindergarten - you found out that the MEST universe continually crushed the things of beauty that you had, until older people would stand there and accept nothing beautiful from you. You come in with a pretty stone that you have found and you say, ‘Look at the colors in this stone,’ and they say, ‘Wash your hands for dinner.’

    MEST universe rejects beauty. It’s cruel, terrible and harsh. And that is, actually, the central conflict of man: his theta beingness at war with his MEST beingness.

    Now, it is quite remarkable that anything this society will develop in the field of electronics is - to speak very colloquially - old hat. You can take almost any man present, put him on the machine and get his memory realty operating, and open up a well of electronics he never suspected he knew anything about.

    The cycle of lives is itself used as a control factor. One of these ten cycles here, any one of them, was primarily interested in controlling the individual so as to make him apply force in a body toward some work being accomplished. Now, those cycles in control gradually got to a point where they found out a new method of control. They say, “Well, you only live one life, and you forget every other life that you ever lived.’ And as a result, you have to survive.

    And so we get a new Tone Scale; you get a brand-new Tone Scale. This Tone Scale looks like this: up here-and we could have a parity on this, and I wilt draw this as a parity-here is ... [marking on blackboard] The word to describe this best is belongs, because you’re part of theta, part of theta. That would be your first universe. Out of that, you get a creation. But this point, “belongs,” is left, the moment one individuates.

    The next point down here has to do with this universe. One really decides “to be.” And in deciding to be, becomes part of the theta universe; but these are many, these theta universes, evidently, and what you would call it, really, would be “home universe.”

    All right. Home universe is a theta universe. But you see, there could be many theta universes, because theta can create almost at will. So, we have “to be.” And that is, by the way, about 40- 0.

    Now here, when we entered the MEST universe, we got “survive.” Right there. At that point of entrance, one was told he had to survive. But this was survive as a consecutive body line or survive because of a purpose. And we get way, way down here close in to present time, some- thing of the sort, and we got survive - this is the lowest order of being - survive as a present time body for the sake of the body.

    Now, there are your states of being on a Tone Scale. There at the top, you belong, individuate and decide to be. Then, as you come into the MEST universe, you decide to survive over a long period of line toward certain things or cause certain survivals. And then away down here you get survival as a present time body just for the sake of that body. Now, that’s really decayed.

    Now, in order to regain this level, your Tone Scale goes right straight on up. And where you’re interested, you’re interested in taking your pc out here; right there at “survive,” the first “survive”: entrance into the MEST universe. Because if you do that, he can still operate in the MEST universe, he can stilt operate in a body, and so on. But if he ever gets there, you’re not going to be in a position where you’re going to be able to tell him where he should stop. There’s a great possibility that he’ll hit here or he’ll go right back there. Or there’s a great possibility that he may go out and create a new universe. The entity which we ust hit here was operating on a fear of “Don’t go back to that universe.” That is not a native ambition; I think you recognize that. Yeah.

    All right. There then is a picture of the track, and also a picture of the Tone Scale. Your standard track map more or less fills in, in incidents of - more or less of the character I’ve just written in here. Maurie is very accurate on this; he’s very straight. And your first is your individuation. Sometimes there’s an individuation of one and then an individuation of another one and its unition: they unite with different goals to do something, and the next thing you know, they decide to be and they go into home universe, a creative thing, and they’re all very fine. And one day out of curiosity, adventurousness or something of the sort - or by getting sort of pulled out of it - they all of a sudden wind up in the MEST universe.

    And we all seem to have more or less entered the MEST universe, thetawise, through the same hole. But then there’s a distinct possibility that there are MEST universe people who are older than this level or formed differently than this. That distinct possibility faces you.

    So, what do we have here? Got this MEST universe. Generally, there was a society here shortly after entrance which really formed a static, because the fellow did the same thing time after time after time after time after time. He was born, grew rapidly and was trained. All right, he was trained. Now, the next thing he did after he was trained was go to work. And what was the work? You got some kind of an idea? Manufacturing electronics would be the same motions practically. You get out of some preclears that they’d even stuff them with food so they wouldn’t have to feed them every two weeks. If they sassed a guard or something like that, they had a part of them or had a field that matched them back in the guardhouse, and all you had to do was turn a switch and this fellow was in bad shape right away. At a vast distance, he was in bad shape. How do you like this electronically? Boy, could you sell this to the federal government!

    Anyway, the name of this universe is Arsclycus. Now, there are some joiners in here on this track, and then there’s this installed-emotions incident. There are these various periods of reliving lives over and over. And then there’s some more odds and ends of incident, like added entities, subtracted entities. Someplace or other on the track, a person has agreed to do almost anything. And here is this last cycle, and I want to show you - while we’re on this and so on - about the last cycle.

    Well, what about taking a break first? Would you like to? And let me tell you about this last cycle? And then we’re all through.

    [Beginning of HCL-27A reel]

    I’d like to talk to you now about the track map. There will be an issue of this map, many issues of this map, which will be printed and given to students of the Summary Course.

    There should be one of these maps for each preclear because all this map contains is the standard incidents on the track with side notations for each incident which can be filled in for any one preclear. And it has an accompanying chart which is an entity chart so that you can keep track of your preclear.

    Now, this track map has notations on it to follow an electropsychometer so that it shows what you’re doing and what you’re getting charge on and so on. Now, you saw we had one preclear tonight who was a bit stuck on one incident. That incident was an explosion, an overt act and a jam of one sort or other, and that was very sticky, so we weren’t getting the rest of the track.

    Now, it’s very interesting that somebody who has always considered hilself very stuck and so forth on the track - Maurie gets the whole track without any difficulty, you see? In other words, his theta being is actually operate pretty efficiently in spite of occlusions and all the rest of this stuff.

    Now, this track map is used, then, in this fashion: that you make notations for each type of incident when you discover it on an E-Meter. And then you have a notation on it whether or not you audited it out, or how nearly you audited it out, and what you audited it out of. See, that’s quite important. It’s important to keep, at this time, a check on your preclear. A careful auditor in the past - considering his preclear as just one entity, one being - had no great difficulty in keeping track (we knew that we’d run out the basic part of the bank, or something of the sort), but this is a different situation. The situation is far more advanced and its goal is much higher than any we have ever tried to attain. And you’d better keep track of what the track is like: how many entities are still there,how many of the joiners you’ve gotten out, and keep it straight so that you know what’s been audited and what hasn’t.

    Now, part of this - and a separate section of the track map - has to do with the between-lives sequence, modern. Modern: the last 35,000 years. Some of us walked in rather curiously, I’m sure, and volunteered or something of the sort, and were held in pawn, and some sort of a sequence began to take place. This was in the effort to civilize and fix up earth; somebody else’s effort, not yours.

    [At this point there is a gap in the original recording.]

    .. we were working on this a little bit the other evening. By the way, when operating this machine, you should have your controls fairly well back when it’s first turned on and so on. You put the cans in the preclear’s hands and then turn on your machine - to keep the needle from hitting the pin too badly. I think new machines will probably have cartridges in them that will blow a fuse, and so you’d have the difficulty of blowing a fuse, which will train you rather quickly. MEST force. And that’s of course, ...

    LRH: What’s the matter? What did you think of?

    PC: MEST force, or something like that. LRH: MEST force. Is MEST force bad? PC: Yeah.

    LRH: Not so good, is it? PC: Nope.

    LRH: All right. Look, we want to know particularly about the between-lives sequence now. PC: Okay.

    LRH: Okay.

    LRH: And immediately we want the between-lives sequence, and looks like this preclear we have here ... And the manifestation of the needle is flicking from the theta-universe manifestation - which is a wide swing-to the between-lives manifestation. Now, there is a very, very nice theta-universe manifestation and he’s got the theta-universe manifestation mixed up with the between-lives manifestation.

    PC: Thought I get is it isn’t far to go. LRH: Huh?

    LRH: Not far to go, huh? PC: That’s right.

    LRH: Actually, between lives you could very easily take off for the theta universe, but you’re sort of choked up on it. Now, tell me. When you die - normally when you die on Earth, where do you go?

    PC: Mars.

    LRH: Mm-hm. There’s a nice bop. Okay, let’s put it down on the chart here. Here’s Earth and here is death.

    Okay. Here is Mars up here, so you go flipping up here. It take you very long to get there? PC: Nope.

    LRH: Nope.

    PC: Scared as hell, incidentally.

    LRH: By the way, were you told to go there? PC: Yep.

    LRH: You’re supposed to go there. Are you supposed to remember that you’re supposed to go there?

    PC: Nope.

    LRH: But you’re supposed to forget that you’re supposed to rem-. PC: Supposed to remember I’m supposed to forget.

    LRH: That’s interesting, isn’t it?

    PC: Yeah. We hit that one under religion: “Remember, you must always remember.” Kind of surprised when I found out what it was I was supposed to remember.

    LRH: Uh-huh. Well, you’re supposed to remember to forget, naturally ... PC: Yep.

    LRH: ... I mean, that’s simple. Female voice: Yes, of course. LRH: Effective.

    Okay. Now, when you got there in the old days, when you got up there ... [At this point there is a gap in the original recording.]

    LRH: Does one of you still make this trip? PC: Nope.

    LRH: Find a body there? Well, let’s just talk about the good old days, then, okay? PC: All right.

    LRH: They’re still there, by the way. PC: Yep.

    LRH: But they’re not in very good shape right now, are they? PC: No.

    LRH: Okay. Now, this is Mars. Some pcs will tell you it’s Venus, and maybe there is a show going on in Venus which does more or less the same thing, who knows? Is there a show going on in Venus, too?

    PC: It’s a different one.

    LRH: Oh, that’s a different show. Do they send people down here to Earth? PC: The thing I get is “Yep, not me.

    LRH: Not you, huh? But you know about this? PC: Yep.

    LRH: Well, that’s fine. What do they do? What are you ... PC: Sort of a competition.

    LRH: Oh, there’s a competition between the two. What are the Venus people? What are they trying to do? Huh?

    PC: Take over.

    LRH: They’re trying to take over Earth. Well, what about the Mars people, what are they trying to do?

    PC: Take over.

    LRH: Mm-hm.

    PC: They’re trying to keep it running, I guess. LRH: Is Venus the new attack?

    PC: Yep.

    LRH: Mm-hm.

    PC: This time I get a little fear riding in here.

    LRH: Oh, you got a little fear. That’s the new attack, huh? PC: Yeah.

    LRH: Has anybody got one of your bodies on Venus? PC: Nope.

    LRH: Nobody has got a body of yours on Venus? Okay. Anybody get a “yes” on that?

    Female voice: Yes.

    Male voice: Mm-hm.

    Female voice: I did.

    LRH: You did.

    Female voice: I think he was getting some of my fear. I think.

    LRH: Which one is the most modern civilization? Which is the newest? PC: Newest is Venus.

    LRH: Newest is Venus?

    PC: Yeah.

    LRH: And Venus has - have electronics down well and ...

    PC: Yep.

    LRH: ... other things?

    PC: Yep.

    LRH: They operate in space? System space? PC: Yes.

    LRH: Mm-hm. Who’s the referee in this fight? Is there any? PC: Feeling I get there is “I am.”

    LRH: You are. You the referee of this fight7 PC: Yes.

    LRH: Does that mean you personally, or Earth? PC: First thought I got on that was “me.

    LRH: You?

    PC: Yeah.

    LRH: Who are you?

    PC: Okay. Next thought is “Earth.” LRH: Well, is it Earth ...

    PC: Uh-uh.

    LRH: ... or is it you personally? PC: I think it’s me personally.

    LRH: Okay. Good. Tell them to hold off for a while, will you? (audience laughter) PC: All right. That’s what I’ve been doing.

    LRH: You’re not kidding. All right. Now, the old cycle went this way: fellow went back up here and what did he do? Sure, you tell them.

    PC: Get ... LRH: Hm?

    PC: Feel like it’s “get reborn.”

    LRH: Get reborn. Did his body animate or anything happen up there? PC: Woke up.

    LRH: He woke up. And then what did he do?

    PC: This is where we begin to get questioned. I sometimes invalidate my own data on this, because ...

    LRH: Is this an area of confusion? PC: Yeah.

    LRH: Oh. The questioning is very confusing. Okay.

    Here, then, is his body awakes. And now we’ve got to report. And here you got ... PC: Seem kind of confused about what’s going on.

    LRH: Confused on questions. Well, what did they do? What did they do?

    PC: They asked questions, and seems to me that they should know the answers. LRH: Yeah. What’s the purpose in asking the questions?

    PC: To confuse me. LRH: Get you confused? PC: Yep.

    LRH: That’s right. Go to the head of the class. Okay. That’s one of the first mechanisms of hypnotism, by the way: get the subject confused.

    Boy, you’re really getting drops on this, aren’t you? All right. What’s the next thing you do? PC: Back to Earth.

    LRH: Back to Earth. PC: Die again there. LRH: Hm?

    PC: Die again there and come back to Earth.

    LRH: Mm-hm. Well, what’s the procedure? Now, there’s a little bit more to it, I’m sure ... PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: ... than just you simply coming back to Earth.

    PC: Yeah, I get on this - come back to Earth - select a body, take over.

    [Professional course booklet 17 begins with the session given in the Theta Body Demo lecture and continues it with this session starting here as if they were all part of the same session.]

    LRH: Do you get instructions, specific instructions on anything? PC: Yeah, what to do.

    LRH: What to do? Are you stuck someplace in this? PC: Yep.

    LRH: Where?

    PC: Somewhere in the middle of the instructions.

    LRH: What do they do in the middle of the instructions? PC: Thought I get is that they get confused.

    LRH: They start to act confused? PC: Yep.

    LRH: Mm-hm. And what’s that do to your confusion? PC: Really picks it up.

    LRH: Yeah. And then what do they do? PC: They say to go.

    LRH: They tell you to forget it or anything there? PC: Yes.

    LRH: Is there any command there to forget your past life that you’ve just lived? PC: Boy, I get the first-beautiful first line of a prayer coming in strong.

    LRH: Coming in strong. What are you supposed to do? Now, what’s the prayer?

    PC: just a sec while I get it. “You shall remember the Lord, thy God, all the days of thy life,” and thought this - this - or something or other. Oh, everything will be hunky-dory, and so forth. And this is the same one we ran into, or I ran into, in the middle of what I thought to be Fac One, first time.

    LRH: Mm-hm.

    PC: It got tangled up with that. LRH: Mm-hm.

    PC: I was kind of startled when I found out what it was I was remembering. LRH: Mm-hm. Does this knock out the past life that you just left?

    PC: No. Makes me forget it. LRH: Makes you forget it. PC: Yeah.

    LRH: Why do you forget it?

    PC: Because I’m remembering to forget it.

    LRH: Mm-hm. You have to remember to forget it?

    PC: Yep.

    LRH: What else do you have to do about this? Anything else? How about your skills, vocation? PC: You have to relearn all this.

    LRH: Oh, you’re told you have to relearn everything. PC: Yeah.

    LRH: Great. Fine, fine. Now, confused questioning, and told to relearn, and you’re told to forget.

    PC: Seem to have been bothered some in this lifetime, though; I don’t like schools.

    LRH: Past life. Yeah, you probably knew all this scenery. After a guy learns arithmetic a hundred times, it gets to be awfully ... You start to rebel and somebody says, “two times two,” and you say it’s eight, or anything.

    Female voice: I came up with five. LRH: Okay.

    PC: Three point nine-nine.

    LRH: Now, what goes on there? You forget - forget your past lives and so forth? PC: Yeah.

    LRH: Mm-hm. And then what happens?

    PC: The thought I get there is then down to Earth and find a body; it’s apparently been selected. LRH: Mm-hm. How’s it selected? You given a street and number or anything like that?

    PC: No. Seem to be tuned in on it. LRH: Oh? Tuned in on the body.

    PC: Yeah. The damn feeling I get is just about - scooting in just about like an arrow - floating right in on it.

    LRH: Mm-hm.

    PC: Like a homing pigeon, almost. LRH: Mm-hm.

    PC: Or a guided - guided missile homing in. LRH: Mm-hm.

    PC: Yep.

    LRH: And there it is, right sex, right everything. PC: Yep.

    LRH: Yeah. Fine. All tailor-made. At what period in the development of that body is this? PC: Just before birth.

    LRH: That’s right. Okay.

    But here goes the body to sleep again, huh? Or is it you are told you’re dead?

    PC: No. Sleep - about the only thing. Suspended animation, something like that, but not dead. LRH: Mm-hm. Okay.

    PC: Never die.

    LRH: Right. And then you depart, huh? PC: Yep.

    LRH: How many - how long are you there, generally? PC: You mean back there?

    LRH: Mm-hm.

    PC: I guess ten minutes.

    LRH: About ten minutes? Mm-hm. Female voice: He’s busy.

    LRH: Not very long, is it? PC: Damn busy trip.

    LRH: Okay. So, here we go.

    Is that a specific time before birth? Ten minutes, fifteen hours, twenty hours, a hundred hours, two days? What is it?

    PC: Ten minutes sounds about right. LRH: About ten minutes. That’s right. PC: Yep.

    LRH: Okay. Ten minutes. What - what would you say this span is between death and birth again?

    PC: Ten minutes.

    LRH: About that. That’s right. Sometimes fifteen. Ah! PC: I’m in a hurry.

    LRH: And this is birth; here we go again. That’s interesting. Now, is there anything wrong with your telling me about this?

    PC: Yep.

    LRH: What’s liable to happen? PC: Not supposed to tell.

    LRH: Who said so?

    PC: They.

    LRH: They said so.

    PC: This is during conditioning. LRH: Is this early conditioning? PC: Yeah.

    LRH: Now, how did you get into that rat race in the first place?

    PC: It was all part of an experiment which I’m interested in conducting. LRH: Mm-hm. Well, what...

    [At this point there is a gap in the original recording.] PC: ... theta universe.

    LRH: Mm-hm.

    PC: First slide over into MEST universe - this is something we ran about - be about five, six days ago.

    LRH: Mm-hm.

    PC: Yep. Slide over into the MEST universe as an experiment, to see what it’s like to control things in the MEST universe.

    LRH: Mm-hm.

    PC: Not control them, but to - well, to operate - get to know it better if you’re in it ... LRH: Mm-hm.

    PC: ... than you can from without.

    LRH: Mm-hm. You’re talking like this is a sales talk from somebody. PC: That’s exactly the way I got it.

    LRH: That is a sales talk. Okay. How did you get into this last thirty-five-thousand year ... How long ago was it by the way, when you met up with these Martians?

    PC: It’s thirty thousand, I said that the other night. LRH: About thirty thousand.

    PC: Yeah.

    LRH: All right. How long did you report back? What’s the last time you reported back? Any entity or beingness of yourself ? What was the last time you reported?

    PC: One week ago.

    LRH: About a week ago. Mm-hm. Was that about a week ago? Day ago? Day ago? Week ago? PC: Mm-day ago. Day ago or week ago; it - they both seem to be okay.

    LRH: Both seem to be okay. PC: Yeah.

    LRH: Welt, you recall that I sent you up there the other night. PC: That was a day. But a week ago it also happened.

    LRH: Oh, it also happened about a week ... PC: Yeah, that was when I was getting audited. LRH: Pretty rough? Okay.

    PC: We’ve been blowing things.

    LRH: But I mean, to find a live body and go on through the routine. PC: Oh, no, that’s a day ago.

    LRH: You did a day ago? Find the body and go through the whole routine? PC: Yeah. No, I didn’t go through the routine. No.

    LRH: You found a body. PC: Yeah.

    LRH: That’s right.

    PC: Found one waiting around.

    LRH: Okay. Okay. Now, this whole cycle has been going on for a long time, now, hasn’t it? PC: Yeah.

    LRH: Would you sort of say you must be, thetawise, completely indestructible to take all of this?

    PC: Yep.

    LRH: Gee, you mean these aberrations we’ve got and so forth aren’t quite as important as we thought they were.

    PC: Nope.

    LRH: Neither would be this hypnotism or anything else. Look at how many times it could happen to you.

    PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: Why, you’d think that’d normally kill a person, to get hit this many times, wouldn’t you? PC: To die again could kill a normal guy.

    LRH: Normal guy. Yep.

    Now, here you have then, your life-death, death-life cyclic action. The various other periods that have happened in history similar to this are not too dissimilar from it. It’s a pattern: MEST universe gets itself in a rut very easily, so on.

    Now, in the MEST universe various other strange things have happened to people than what I’ve pointed out on the track between this between-lives cycle. This cycle is really much more important to an individual than many others, but it doesn’t ride timelessly. It has the characteristic of putting somebody on a time track, doesn’t it?

    PC: Yep.

    LRH: What we’re calling Fac One is important because it floats somebody off of a time track. PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: Now, therefore, Fac One has a timeless characteristic. But this thing has a well-timed characteristic. What happens when you do the same action over and over and over? You took up in the Axioms and you find out that’s a static, so each one of these cycles has a tendency to be. Now, do you consider this sort of static?

    PC: Yep.

    LRH: Mm-hm. How long you been on Earth? Oh, you already gave me that. You’ve thought about that.

    Now what’s this business about Venus? PC: just another group.

    LRH: How did you get caught in this - you didn’t tell me the answer to that question. How did you get caught in this rat race?

    PC: This one?

    LRH: Yeah.

    PC: ... thought is I get captured. LRH: Did you volunteer?

    PC: Nope.

    LRH: Were you captured? PC: Yep.

    LRH: What else did they say?

    PC: Didn’t say anything else at all.

    LRH: just captured. Shot down here? PC: Knocked down. Okay.

    LRH: Mm-hm. Here we go. PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: All right. Now, had you been free just before you were captured? PC: Yeah.

    LRH: Hm. Had you been free for a while? PC: Yeah.

    LRH: Proud of yourself? PC: Yep.

    LRH: Mm-hm. Did you “know” just before you were captured?

    PC: First thing on it is “Yes” and followed by a real big “No. Better not.” LRH: Okay.

    PC: There it goes!

    LRH: There it goes on the machine.

    Okay - now. Now, who’s this that’s very interested there in Venus? Somebody spoke up around here.

    Female voice: I did.

    LRH: Well, you give her the cans and let’s find out what happens around there. [to male pc] Okay, thank you very much.

    LRH: Now, anybody... What did you do since the last time you run this thing? Did you run anything?

    PC: I’ve been doing some running ... [unintelligible] LRH: OK. I’m not embarrassing ... [unintelligible] OK. PC: Theta bop ... [unintelligible]

    LRH: ... [unintelligible]

    PC: Well, we put them back up the line again. LRH: Okay. Do you have a body on Venus? PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: Well, what do you know? You got a body on Venus that’s in pawn; that is to say, something holding it?

    PC: Mmm ...

    LRH: Did you try this

    PC: ... it’s operating, but it’s kind of in pawn, too. LRH: Oh, it’s operating.

    PC: Yeah.

    LRH: It’s walking around?

    PC: Mmm. Mentally functioning, not physically. LRH: Oh, it’s functioning mentally.

    PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: Do they tell it things to tell you?

    PC: No. I just - I’m communicating with it, but it’s ... LRH: Can you communicate with it right this minute? PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: Okay. What’s it looking at right this minute? Boy, are you communicating with it! Look at that drop!

    PC: It’s looking at a desk chart, not with graphs, but - how can I describe it? Sort of button lights is about the best thing I can do.

    LRH: Button-light graph.

    PC: Uh-huh. In the functioning of it, it just thinks which light it wants to light to perform certain duties and ...

    LRH: Could you push it? When are you supposed to push it? Are you supposed to push it, or supposed to not to?

    PC: No, whenever I feel it’s necessary. LRH: Are you under orders to push it? PC: Well, I’m jerking like mad, Ron.

    LRH: Are you under a - now, just a minute. Are you under a signal basis? PC: Yes.

    LRH: Are you a communication channel? PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: Are you a comm point?

    PC: A type - I’m more of a relay point.

    LRH: Relay point. Relay point between Earth and Venus? PC: In a way, yeah.

    LRH: In a way. Now, did you ever hear of space station 33? PC: No. Fifty-six.

    LRH: Space station 56. PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: You in space station 56? PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: Mm-hm. You ever in communication with space station 33? PC: No, nothing to do with it.

    LRH: This machine says that you are. PC: Well, I don’t like him!

    [At this point there is a gap in the original recording.] PC: I do things my way.

    LRH: That’s bad, huh?

    PC: No, I think it’s good to do things my way. LRH: Who is space station 33 commanded by? PC: A man.

    LRH: Uh-huh. What’s his name? PC: Oh, I - blah - I can’t say it. Uh ... LRH: Well, you got a name.

    PC: Numbers there.

    LRH: Mm-hm.

    PC: It doesn’t mean the same as here. LRH: Doesn’t, huh?

    PC: No.

    LRH: Did you ever hear of Arohohn?

    [Professional Course booklet 17 spells this name Arol Olen.] PC: No.

    LRH: No? Arohohn. Never heard of him, huh? PC: No.

    LRH: Is he on space station 33?

    PC: I got a no and a yes and a no on that one. LRH: You’re not supposed to tell, are you?

    PC: No, it’s a big secret. LRH: Big secret.

    PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: What’s the matter with Arohohn? PC: He’s a jerk.

    LRH: You don’t like him, huh? Well, he’s not the fellow on your operating board at 33 - he’s in command of 33, isn’t he?

    PC: Yeah, but ...

    LRH: You don’t like him, huh?

    PC: They don’t know anything. Men don’t know how to organize things. LRH: Is he in command of your 56?

    PC: Yes. Men don’t know how -

    LRH: They don’t know how to organize well, do they? PC: No, they sure don’t.

    LRH: Particularly if they’re working on Earth. PC: Anyplace.

    LRH: All right.

    Picking up this story about this Venus contact. What is this Venus contact, now? You’ve got space station 33 and space station 56. Were there other space stations there?

    PC: Oh, yeah, about two hundred of them altogether, I think. LRH: Two hundred of them.

    PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: Which is central?

    PC: Well, one - they’ve got the system worked out so it goes in odd numbers. One, three, five and then it goes into the twenty-three, twenty-five. There are - I mean, it is set up on relays from the odd numbers and then there’s major relay points from ...

    LRH: What do they communicate? PC: Instructions.

    LRH: Well, come on. Give me a sample dispatch. PC: Oh!

    LRH: Well, give me a sample dispatch.

    PC: uh ... Well, there’s terrific conflict here.

    LRH: You want me to show you a dispatch you sent about a half an hour ago? Oh, you didn’t send one a half an hour ago. You sent one about forty minutes ago.

    PC: About twenty minutes ago I was to go asleep - I nearly did - while you were talking before. LRH: Mm-hm. Had to concentrate, didn’t you?

    PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: How does it feel to run two bodies?

    PC: Well, being in such close contact, which I’ve never done before, it feels very odd. Like ... LRH: Confusing, is it?

    PC: Distressing. I’m not quite used to it yet.

    LRH: Is this Venusian effort mainly directed at - mainly directed at a conquest of Earth? PC: Well, it’s kind of indirect conquest of Mars.

    LRH: Indirect conquest of Mars. What’s wrong with Earth?

    PC: Well, it’s more or less of a focal maneuvering point. You know, like the Aleutian Islands, I or something like that, I mean ...

    LRH: Earth isn’t important in this sequence, is it?

    PC: Only as a matter of getting at Mars through the back door or sideways, or something like that.

    LRH: Hm. Nobody in this whole crew is interested in Earth, are they? PC: Mm-no, not really.

    LRH: What’s Earth? Boy, are you shaking.

    PC: You’re telling me! I’m not looking at the dial.

    LRH: Okay. Well ... My, am I taking information here that I shouldn’t take? PC: How right you are!

    LRH: Well, believe me, I can take it. Don’t ...

    PC: I don’t know if I can take any more of this or not, though. LRH: Were you operating directly contrary to orders7

    PC: Mm-just about as direct as you can get it. (sigh)

    LRH: Mm-hm. What if you had a dispatch cleared through your hands right now that said okay?

    PC: Mmm-it just wouldn’t come. I mean, that’s ...

    LRH: It wouldn’t huh? All right, we’ll continue with this. Earth isn’t important, then, to Venus, is it?

    PC: Not to them - capturing it and using it. LRH: What’s the matter with Earth?

    PC: It doesn’t have anything to offer. I mean, they can’t do anything. LRH: Too heavy?

    PC: They’re stupid.

    LRH: Gravity too heavy down here?

    PC: Yeah, but I mean, we could overcome that. It’s this civilization isn’t developed enough to make any use out of it particularly.

    LRH: Mm-hm. What, is this a prison planet? PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: Mm-hm. Is that one of the reasons you shy off of it? PC: Yeah.

    LRH: Is one of your general orders not to land on Earth? PC: Unless necessary.

    LRH: Unless an emergency. PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: Who signed the general order? PC: Oh, two people.

    LRH: How long has it been outstanding? PC: The orders?

    LRH: Mm-hm.

    PC: Oh, about two thousand years, anyway. LRH: Two thousand, anyway.

    PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: Two thousand anyway? Is that all? PC: Well ...

    LRH: How about ten thousand? PC: More like six to eight.

    LRH: That’s longer than you’ve been around there. PC: Yeah.

    LRH: Is your concentration making you neglect the board? PC: Yeah. I’m getting hell ...

    LRH: Is there a dispatch sitting on that board? PC: Yeah, I’m getting hell for it, too.

    LRH: Well, clear it.

    PC: “Drop the cans!” (laugh)

    LRH: How long have you been a communications relay point down here? PC: Mm-Oh, how long have I been down here?

    LRH: How long-how long... PC: I’ve just been here from...

    LRH: ... have you been a communications relay point? PC: About two thousand years.

    LRH: Mm-hm. You’ve been going through the Earth line for two thousand yearc? PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: All right. Have you been going through the Earth line two thousand years? PC: Yeah.

    LRH: Longer?

    PC: No, not going through the Earth line but only about two, three thousand years as a communications ...

    LRH: You’ve been a communications point down here for the last generation? PC: Oh, yeah. Longer than that.

    LRH: Did it happen in this life?

    PC: Mm-hm, yeah.

    LRH: Yeah. At the beginning of this life? PC: Before this life.

    LRH: Oh, it happened before this life? PC: Yeah.

    LRH: How about 1780? PC: More like 1860.

    LRH: Been here since 1860. PC: Yeah.

    LRH: You’re not giving me the hot dope. PC: Trying hard not to.

    LRH: Trying hard not to, huh? And making sense too. PC: (laugh)

    LRH: Well, you’re in very safe hands. Do you think the back of Mars is busted?

    [Professional Course booklet 17 says “Do you think the Bank of Mars is busted?”, but the tape is poor quality - Ed.]

    PC: No, that’s the difficulty.

    LRH: Well, what about the operation that took place around here recently? PC: Which one?

    LRH: Oh, I’d say their control of Mars - control of Earth is certainly kind of busted up here a little bit.

    PC: Mm-hm, some slight extent. Amidst ... LRH: Well, what about the next step?

    PC: ... the confusion, but the government is still pretty solid.

    LRH: On Mars, still pretty solid. What do you get on the board on it? PC: A lot of red lights flickering right across the top of the board.

    LRH: What do you see?

    PC: Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.

    LRH: You got a viewer there that demonstrates anything on Mars? Anything going on, on Mars?

    PC: No.

    LRH: Is there one available? What are you, a communications operator? PC: Yeah, a relay ...

    LRH: Mm-hm. Well, you know the dispatches that come through there. PC: Mm-I’d say that this confusion ...

    LRH: Lot of activity?

    PC: There’s about two or three other groups trying to come in, but the main central or governing group, so to speak, has - is still pretty much functioning.

    LRH: They upset lately? PC: Yeah.

    LRH: What are they upset about, I wonder? PC: Oh, they feel we’re getting too close.

    LRH: Who’s getting too close? PC: We are.

    LRH: Venus.

    PC: Uh ...

    LRH: Venusians.

    PC: No, not Venus.

    LRH: Earth?

    PC: Dianetics.

    LRH: Well, it ought to be. All right. Now, let me ...

    PC: They don’t call it that up there. That was the dispatch - why the hesitation. LRH: Uh-huh. They don’t call it that up there.

    PC: Hm.

    LRH: They didn’t have it up there, did they? PC: No, they don’t have it up there.

    LRH: That’s right. All right. Now, would you say offhand .. What did you get a surge on? PC: (laugh)

    LRH: Am I going up against a communicator’s oath here? PC: Yeah. A bridge [breach?] of oath, ethics, and ...

    LRH: Mm.

    PC: ... anything else ou want to call it.

    LRH: And I’m going right straight up against it. PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: Was this implanted into you in some fashion or other, and that’s why you’re shaking? PC: Yeah - I’m kind of made with it - so to speak.

    LRH: Mm-hm. It’s fighting back? PC: Yeah.

    LRH: When was it installed?

    PC: When I was first given the communications job. LRH: Mm-hm. You been faithful to it?

    PC: Yeah.

    LRH: Tell me, is there any sex amongst these people? PC: Of a type, but not sex as we know it.

    LRH: No. Do you breathe air up there? PC: No.

    LRH: Do you eat food?

    PC: Absorb it, is the thought I got, rather than ... LRH: So it’s an electronic body ...

    PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: ... with a mind.

    PC: Mm-hm.

    LRH: Imagine that. What’s the temperature in the domes? PC: About 250 to 280.

    LRH: 250 to 280 what?

    PC: (laugh) I don’t want to tell you! I guess you’d say centigrade. I don’t know.

    LRH: How does it feel on your skin? Feel about the same as this room feels on your skin? Cooler?

    PC: Mm ...

    LRH: Hotter?

    PC: It’s about the same, maybe a little warmer but certainly comfortable. LRH: Mm-hm. That’s more or less correct. What’s on the back of the moon? PC: People. Of a type - living organisms.

    LRH: What’s the number of the station on the back of the moon? PC: Thirty-three!

    LRH: That’s correct. Okay.

    And so we conclude this evening’s lecture (audience laughter) and I wish to show you there - this is some of the action in which we have been involved and by the way, her answers are all correct. Very good. Very good show. You probably would have been shot tomorrow morning if you’d answered otherwise. (audience laughter)

    PC: I’ll probably be shot tomorrow morning or dismembered and put together again, anyways. LRH: Why?

    PC: For giving up some of this information.

    LRH: Oh, no. No, it cleared through control central. PC: Okay. I’ll take your word for it, tonight.

    Now, we’re here talking about auditing, not politics. (audience laughter) And none of you people would, of course, be political pawns - naturally not. And some of the things which you experience and some of the conflicts which go on would, of course, be completely unbelievable to many, since it’s supposed to be that way. But an auditor can break through any of this and break through it badly.

    What will happen as a result of this is quite interesting. I would advise you, as soon as possible, to become as Clear as possible because ... Well, one never knows, does one? And it would be very, very nice to have on Earth a very sane society which was highly constructive and which was capable of carrying on without an impetus and without orders from elsewhere.

    This would actually be just a monkey society if nobody had ever taken a hand in it, I suppose. But I’m not here to theorize and I’m not here to guess. I’m just talking to you about Dianetics and Scientology. And what I know about these things is, of course, very slight, and I hope that you will invest quite a bit of time in auditing.

    And merely as an aside, in order to protect your preclear against suddenly having nightmares or something of the sort - regardless of whether you believe it or not or place any credence in it or not - just encourage him to knock off those bodies that he has that are extra bodies elsewhere. It’s not that it’s merely upsetting to the Martian regime; it is not that it is very effective in restoring his health, but you certainly cannot expect an individual who is pinned down someplace and can be put under pain from a remote distance, to become Clear. So just encourage him to knock them off.

    Actually, they knock off relatively easily; the operation has been going on too long. And completely as aside, don’t worry about flying saucers.

    Thank you very much.

    [end of lecture]--