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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Urgent - Important (Dianetic CSing) - B690716 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Прорыв в Обучении Одиторов - Б690716 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 690716 - HCO Bulletin - Urgent - Important - I have made a breakthrough in auditor training... [B009-124]
- 690716 - HCO Bulletin - Urgent - Important - I have made a breakthrough in auditor training... [B042-112]
- 690716 - HCO Bulletin - Urgent - Important - I have made a breakthrough in auditor training... [B075-062]
- 690716 - HCO Bulletin - Urgent - Important - I have made a breakthrough in auditor training... [B159-038]
CONTENTS URGENT - IMPORTANT Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo Dianetics Checksheet Class VIII Course Supervisors Cramming Case Supervisors


I have made a breakthrough in auditor training which eliminates failed auditors and failed sessions and gives us 100% training success and 100% on Dianetic sessions.

In C/Sing hundreds of Dianetics sessions I found that the auditor’s reports on failed sessions did not include any reason for the failure. In researching this I found that only certain auditors were failing. Thus, it was not a technical failure but an auditor failure. These folders must therefore contain false reports or no reports on what had happened.

For all that I could see, as the Case Supervisor, New Dianetics tech was failing on some cases.

Further investigation disclosed that things had gone on in those sessions which were non-standard but not reported.

In developing this I discovered the golden rule:

When you have a failed session you ask the pc what the auditor did.

In this way you discover an amazing array of flagrant outnesses. With these you can retrain the auditor and he or she will then win every time.

We have compiled a large array of samples of outnesses found, any one of which would have made a session fail or cause a Dianetics student not to obtain results.

The variety can be infinite in number but the chief one is

Failing to give the next command.

The new auditor does not realize how serious it is to flub a command.

The pc is “down the track” and not in present time. He looks like he is there. When he fails to get the next command or gets a wrong command he becomes alarmed, comes into Present Time as best he can and the auditor loses control.

Anytime a pc is made to wait, whether by a wrong command or no command or an auditor writing too much on his work sheet, a Dianetic session crashes.

The TA may go up or down, the chain messes up and the session fails.

Other additives or outnesses mess things up. An auditor instead of auditing talking about other pcs or his own case, an auditor halting to look up a word for himself, a thousand such actions can, any one, wreck a session.

Auditing is very fast and very exact.

It is a business-like activity.

It is a technical preciseness.

When that is violated one gets failed sessions.

An auditor-student may think he knows his commands. When he is auditing a doll he can do it. When confronted by a live pc, he needs to know the commands so well that pc randomity does not throw him off the right command.

I therefore developed four new Dianetic TRs. They are TR 101, 102, 103 and 104.

When a student fails to get a good result we (1) ask the pc what he did, (2) send the student back to training, (3) send the pc to Review for a Green Form to F/N and No. 40 GF and handle all reading No. 40 GF items, (4) send the student to Review for a GF to F/N and a No. 40 GF and handle all reads and three-way Failed Help, three-way Help brackets, (5) get the student corrected on what we learned he did wrong from the pc and (6) get the student drilled on TRs 101, 102, 103 and 104.

We tolerate no flubbed sessions.

If a pc suffers because of a flub, we boost him way up with Review as a case.

If a student flubs we handle him as a case and retrain.

All this has been subjected to a lot of research and proof.

And what do you know! We get 100% training wins and 100% Dianetic session.

No failed auditors, no failed pcs.

Planet, here we come!


[This HCO B is changed by BTB 1 December 1970R, Revised and Reissued 27 July 1974, Dianetics Triple Flow Action which gives the rule: “DIANETICS IS RUN BY TRIPLE FLOWS ONLY. DIANETIC SINGLES IS FORBIDDEN AND IF DONE WILL BE CONSIDERED GROSS OUT TECH AND A TECH AND QUAL HIGH CRIME.” — LRH.]