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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- ARC Break Assessments - B630705 | Сравнить
- CCHs Rewritten (Replaced) - B630705 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 630705 - HCO Bulletin - ARC Break Assessments [B003-033]
- 630705 - HCO Bulletin - ARC Break Assessments [B003-034]
- 630705 - HCO Bulletin - ARC Break Assessments [B030-005]
- 630705 - HCO Bulletin - ARC Break Assessments [B039-026]
- 630705 - HCO Bulletin - ARC Break Assessments [B137-001]
- 630705 - HCO Bulletin - ARC Break Assessments [B153-028]
- 630705 - HCO Bulletin - ARC Break Assessments [B153-029]
- 630705 - HCO Bulletin - ARC Break Assessments [B153-030]
- 630705 - HCO Bulletin - Assessment Sessions - Listing Sessions - Preliminary Step R3R - The ARC Break Assessments List [B003-037]
- 630705 - HCO Bulletin - CCHs Rewritten [B003-039]
- 630705 - HCO Bulletin - CCHs Rewritten [B039-025]
- 630705 - HCO Bulletin - General ARC Break Assessment - List L1 [B003-035]
- 630705 - HCO Bulletin - General ARC Break Assessment - List L1 [B039-027]
- 630705 - HCO Bulletin - List L2 [B003-038]
- 630705 - HCO Bulletin - Routine 3N - GPMs, All Goals Sessions - List L4 [B039-029]
- 630705 - HCO Bulletin - Routine R3R - Engram Running by Chains - List L3 [B003-036]
- 630705 - HCO Bulletin - Routine R3R - Engram Running by Chains - List L3 [B039-028]
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Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
All RoutinesAll Routines
(HCO Secs: Check out all ARC Break Assessment HCO Bulletins on all executives including registrars and on all staff auditors and Instructors)(HCO Secs: Check out all ARC Break Assessment HCO Bulletins on all executives including registrars and on all staff auditors and Instructors)

ARC Break Assessments

ARC Break Assessments

These lists are valuable. Intelligently used they put an auditor or Scientology staff or executive at cause over all session ARC Breaks and Scientology upsets.

These lists are valuable. Intelligently used they put an auditor or Scientology staff or executive at cause over all session ARC Breaks and Scientology upsets.

The following Assessments are for use in finding by-passed charge in various auditing activities.

The following Assessments are for use in finding by-passed charge in various auditing activities.

The source of all ARC Breaks is by-passed charge. There is no other source of ARC Breaks. The type of charge that can be by-passed varies from one auditing activity to another (R3R, 3N, etc). Therefore different lists for assessment are necessary for different Routines in auditing. Another list for general auditing is also necessary.

The source of all ARC Breaks is by-passed charge. There is no other source of ARC Breaks. The type of charge that can be by-passed varies from one auditing activity to another (R3R, 3N, etc). Therefore different lists for assessment are necessary for different Routines in auditing. Another list for general auditing is also necessary.

Everything that has been written about by-passed charge is valid. All by-passed charge is in some degree a missed withhold, missed by both auditor and pc.

Everything that has been written about by-passed charge is valid. All by-passed charge is in some degree a missed withhold, missed by both auditor and pc.

Having these lists for assessment, there is no excuse for an ARC Break to long continue in a session or for anyone to remain ARC Broken with Scientology.

Having these lists for assessment, there is no excuse for an ARC Break to long continue in a session or for anyone to remain ARC Broken with Scientology.

The following assessments find what kind of charge has been missed. It is then up to the auditor to locate it more precisely as to character and time and indicate it to the pc. The pc will feel better the moment the right type of by-passed charge is identified by assessment and indicated by the auditor. If the pc does not feel better but further ARC Breaks then the assessment is either incomplete or incorrect.

The following assessments find what kind of charge has been missed. It is then up to the auditor to locate it more precisely as to character and time and indicate it to the pc. The pc will feel better the moment the right type of by-passed charge is identified by assessment and indicated by the auditor. If the pc does not feel better but further ARC Breaks then the assessment is either incomplete or incorrect.

Many complicated ways exist for a charge to be by-passed. There is no reason to go into these. You will find it is always by-passed charge and that it could have been located and indicated in any ARC Break.

Many complicated ways exist for a charge to be by-passed. There is no reason to go into these. You will find it is always by-passed charge and that it could have been located and indicated in any ARC Break.

R2H is the training process for use of these lists. In R2H devoted to "In auditing" or when an ARC Break is found in a past auditing session during an R2H session the type of list that applied to that session is used.

R2H is the training process for use of these lists. In R2H devoted to "In auditing" or when an ARC Break is found in a past auditing session during an R2H session the type of list that applied to that session is used.

There are four ways of using these lists. The first is to assess by elimination and come up with one list line still reading on the meter and indicate it as the charge to the pc. The second is to go down a list taking each one that reads and clearing it up with the pc, finishing the whole list and then finally indicate what read the most. The third way is like the second except that the pc is required to help find what made the type of charge read and actually identify it as a particular thing. The fourth way is to assess only for biggest read or one line and have the pc help spot it.

There are four ways of using these lists. The first is to assess by elimination and come up with one list line still reading on the meter and indicate it as the charge to the pc. The second is to go down a list taking each one that reads and clearing it up with the pc, finishing the whole list and then finally indicate what read the most. The third way is like the second except that the pc is required to help find what made the type of charge read and actually identify it as a particular thing. The fourth way is to assess only for biggest read or one line and have the pc help spot it.

The third way is the one most commonly used at the end of a session where it is just cleaning up the session, and each question is completely cleaned on the needle in turn. The first way is most used on violent ARC Breaks. The second or the fourth ways are used in R2H.

The third way is the one most commonly used at the end of a session where it is just cleaning up the session, and each question is completely cleaned on the needle in turn. The first way is most used on violent ARC Breaks. The second or the fourth ways are used in R2H.

Assessment often has to be done through a dirty needle. No effort is made to clean it up before assessment. And just because the needle is dirty is no reason to call them all "in". Learn to read through a DN for both ARC Break Assessments and dating. It is rather easy to do with a Mark V meter as the characteristic of the DN shifts when one is "in".

Assessment often has to be done through a dirty needle. No effort is made to clean it up before assessment. And just because the needle is dirty is no reason to call them all "in". Learn to read through a DN for both ARC Break Assessments and dating. It is rather easy to do with a Mark V meter as the characteristic of the DN shifts when one is "in".

No effort has been made here to convert the words to non-Scientology language, as the sense would be lost to a Scientologist.

No effort has been made here to convert the words to non-Scientology language, as the sense would be lost to a Scientologist.

These lists are all bare-bone and contain only the usual types of by-passed charge. They may be added to as experience with them increases. They become too unwieldy when they are too long. The only way you can get confused as to how to locate and indicate charge is by finding the wrong charge.

These lists are all bare-bone and contain only the usual types of by-passed charge. They may be added to as experience with them increases. They become too unwieldy when they are too long. The only way you can get confused as to how to locate and indicate charge is by finding the wrong charge.



Used in general sessions of all kinds where an ARC Break has occurred, or at session end in all routines and for R2H.

Used in general sessions of all kinds where an ARC Break has occurred, or at session end in all routines and for R2H.

The prefix sentence "In this session has???" is used when cleaning up a session at its end or during the session. "At that time had???" is used for R2H. The actual date may be occasionally substituted for "time" to keep the pc oriented but only if necessary.

The prefix sentence "In this session has???" is used when cleaning up a session at its end or during the session. "At that time had???" is used for R2H. The actual date may be occasionally substituted for "time" to keep the pc oriented but only if necessary.

  • a withhold been missed?
  • a withhold been missed?
  • some emotion been rejected?
  • some emotion been rejected?
  • some affinity been rejected?
  • some affinity been rejected?
  • a reality been refused?
  • a reality been refused?
  • a communication been cut short?
  • a communication been cut short?
  • a communication been ignored?
  • a communication been ignored?
  • an earlier rejection of emotion been restimulated?
  • an earlier rejection of emotion been restimulated?
  • an earlier rejection of affinity been restimulated?
  • an earlier rejection of affinity been restimulated?
  • an earlier refusal of reality been restimulated?
  • an earlier refusal of reality been restimulated?
  • an earlier ignored communication been restimulated'?
  • an earlier ignored communication been restimulated'?
  • a wrong reason for an upset been given?
  • a wrong reason for an upset been given?
  • a similar incident occurred before'?
  • a similar incident occurred before'?
  • something been done other than what was said?
  • something been done other than what was said?
  • a goal been disappointed?
  • a goal been disappointed?
  • some help been rejected?
  • some help been rejected?
  • a decision been made?
  • a decision been made?
  • an engram been restimulated?
  • an engram been restimulated?
  • an earlier incident been restimulated?
  • an earlier incident been restimulated?
  • there been a sudden shift of attention?
  • there been a sudden shift of attention?
  • something startled you? a perception been prevented?
  • something startled you? a perception been prevented?
  • a willingness not been acknowledged?
  • a willingness not been acknowledged?
  • there been no auditing?
  • there been no auditing?
  • (Note: If "overt" is added to this list or any BMR buttons, the scale cannot be used in an R3R or 3N session as these "mush" up engrams.)

    (Note: If "overt" is added to this list or any BMR buttons, the scale cannot be used in an R3R or 3N session as these "mush" up engrams.)

    (Note: If this list is used do not also use any other end rudiments except goals, gains and pc's havingness.)

    (Note: If this list is used do not also use any other end rudiments except goals, gains and pc's havingness.)



    When doing any listing step or type of auditing use the following list for ARC Break Assessment in event of an ARC Break in the session or at session end.

    When doing any listing step or type of auditing use the following list for ARC Break Assessment in event of an ARC Break in the session or at session end.

    The prefix "In this session has…" is used for a listing session, and "In that session had…" if a listing session ARC Break is recalled by the pc doing R2H.

    The prefix "In this session has…" is used for a listing session, and "In that session had…" if a listing session ARC Break is recalled by the pc doing R2H.

    LIST L–2
    LIST L–2
    • an incorrect level been found?
    • an incorrect level been found?
  • an incorrect item been found?
  • an incorrect item been found?
  • a list not been completed?
  • a list not been completed?
  • a level abandoned?
  • a level abandoned?
  • an item abandoned?
  • an item abandoned?
  • you not given items you thought of?
  • you not given items you thought of?
  • a goal been restimulated?
  • a goal been restimulated?
  • an implant been restimulated?
  • an implant been restimulated?
  • an engram been restimulated?
  • an engram been restimulated?
  • a withhold been missed?
  • a withhold been missed?
  • earlier listing been restimulated?
  • earlier listing been restimulated?
  • earlier wrong levels been restimulated?
  • earlier wrong levels been restimulated?
  • earlier wrong items been restimulated?
  • earlier wrong items been restimulated?
  • earlier listing ARC Breaks been restimulated?
  • earlier listing ARC Breaks been restimulated?


    In all engram running sessions, and those combined with 3N in that session, use the following list.

    In all engram running sessions, and those combined with 3N in that session, use the following list.

    Prefix each question with "In this session have…" in event of an ARC Break or at session end. For R2H where an ARC Break is discovered in an earlier engram running session (clear back to 1950), prefix with "In that session had the auditor…" and omit "I" and "we".

    Prefix each question with "In this session have…" in event of an ARC Break or at session end. For R2H where an ARC Break is discovered in an earlier engram running session (clear back to 1950), prefix with "In that session had the auditor…" and omit "I" and "we".

    LIST L–3
    LIST L–3
    • I found an incorrect date?
    • I found an incorrect date?
  • I found an incorrect duration?
  • I found an incorrect duration?
  • I demanded more than you could see?
  • I demanded more than you could see?
  • two or more engrams been found on the same date?
  • two or more engrams been found on the same date?
  • you skidded to another incident?
  • you skidded to another incident?
  • we moved to another chain?
  • we moved to another chain?
  • we gotten to a goals implant?
  • we gotten to a goals implant?
  • we scanned through a GPM?
  • we scanned through a GPM?
  • we restimulated an earlier incident?
  • we restimulated an earlier incident?
  • we restimulated an earlier implant?
  • we restimulated an earlier implant?
  • we restimulated an earlier ARC Break on engrams?
  • we restimulated an earlier ARC Break on engrams?
  • we failed to find the real beginning of the incident?
  • we failed to find the real beginning of the incident?
  • we by-passed important data?
  • we by-passed important data?
  • we skipped an incident?
  • we skipped an incident?
  • two or more incidents been confused?
  • two or more incidents been confused?
  • I missed a withhold on you?
  • I missed a withhold on you?
  • we left an incident too heavily charged?
  • we left an incident too heavily charged?
  • we scanned through one or more series of goal implants?
  • we scanned through one or more series of goal implants?
  • we abandoned a chain? we abandoned an incident?
  • we abandoned a chain? we abandoned an incident?
  • I prevented you from running an incident?
  • I prevented you from running an incident?
  • I changed processes on you?
  • I changed processes on you?
  • (Note: Do not use any BMR buttons during engram running or add overts to this list as they will "mush" engrams.)

    (Note: Do not use any BMR buttons during engram running or add overts to this list as they will "mush" engrams.)



    When a session is being run on GPMs or goals no matter with what routine, use the following ARC Break assessment when any ARC Break, great or small, occurs (or when pc becomes critical of the auditor even "playfully"). If R3R and R3N are both run in the same session, do both L–3 and L–4.

    When a session is being run on GPMs or goals no matter with what routine, use the following ARC Break assessment when any ARC Break, great or small, occurs (or when pc becomes critical of the auditor even "playfully"). If R3R and R3N are both run in the same session, do both L–3 and L–4.

    Prefix the lines with "In this session have…", or for R2H ARC Breaks found in goals sessions "In that session had the auditor…" and omit "I" or "we". In event that the current pc was the auditor in that session and ARC Broke (applies also to List L–3 above) use List L–1.

    Prefix the lines with "In this session have…", or for R2H ARC Breaks found in goals sessions "In that session had the auditor…" and omit "I" or "we". In event that the current pc was the auditor in that session and ARC Broke (applies also to List L–3 above) use List L–1.

    LIST L–4
    LIST L–4
    • I given you an incorrect item?
    • I given you an incorrect item?
  • I given you a wrongly worded goal?
  • I given you a wrongly worded goal?
  • I given you a wrong goal?
  • I given you a wrong goal?
  • I left an Item charged?
  • I left an Item charged?
  • I skipped an Item?
  • I skipped an Item?
  • I skipped more than one Item?
  • I skipped more than one Item?
  • I skipped a goal?
  • I skipped a goal?
  • I skipped more than one goal?
  • I skipped more than one goal?
  • we restimulated an earlier wrong goal?
  • we restimulated an earlier wrong goal?
  • we restimulated an earlier wrong item?
  • we restimulated an earlier wrong item?
  • we restimulated an earlier implant?
  • we restimulated an earlier implant?
  • I failed to give you a goal?
  • I failed to give you a goal?
  • I failed to give you an item?
  • I failed to give you an item?
  • I misdated a goal?
  • I misdated a goal?
  • you run items out of different GPMs (or goals)?
  • you run items out of different GPMs (or goals)?
  • we run more than one series of goals?
  • we run more than one series of goals?
  • we restimulated an earlier goals series?
  • we restimulated an earlier goals series?
  • we restimulated an earlier engram?
  • we restimulated an earlier engram?
  • you skidded on the time track?
  • you skidded on the time track?
  • we gone over an engram inside this GPM?
  • we gone over an engram inside this GPM?
  • we restimulated another GPM?
  • we restimulated another GPM?
  • we missed part of the incident?
  • we missed part of the incident?
  • I given you no auditing?
  • I given you no auditing?
  • I missed a withhold on you?
  • I missed a withhold on you?
  • we missed some other kind of charge?
  • we missed some other kind of charge?
  • we abandoned a goal?
  • we abandoned a goal?
  • we abandoned an item?
  • we abandoned an item?
  • I given you more Items than are here?
  • I given you more Items than are here?
  • I given you more goals than are here?
  • I given you more goals than are here?
  • we listed an item wrong way to?
  • we listed an item wrong way to?
  • I restimulated earlier errors in running GPMs?
  • I restimulated earlier errors in running GPMs?
  • we slipped into a later goals series?
  • we slipped into a later goals series?
  • I changed processes on you?
  • I changed processes on you?

    [The above lists have been later revised by HCO Bs 19 March 1971, List-1-C, Volume VII, page 203; 11 April 1971RA, Revised 8 March 1974, L3RD Dianetics and Int RD Repair List, Volume VIII, page 265; and 15 December 1968R, Revised 2 June 1972, L4BR – For Assessment of All Listing Errors, Volume VIII, page 138.]

    [The above lists have been later revised by HCO Bs 19 March 1971, List-1-C, Volume VII, page 203; 11 April 1971RA, Revised 8 March 1974, L3RD Dianetics and Int RD Repair List, Volume VIII, page 265; and 15 December 1968R, Revised 2 June 1972, L4BR – For Assessment of All Listing Errors, Volume VIII, page 138.]