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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Breakthrough TR Course - B710816 | Сравнить
- Training Drills Remodernized - B710816-2 | Сравнить
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RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Заново Усовершенствованные ТУ - Б710816-2RA80 | Сравнить
- Модернизированные ТУ - Б710816-2R78 | Сравнить
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- Повторно Обновленные ТУ (2) - Б710816-2R78 | Сравнить
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SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 710816 - HCO Bulletin - Breakthrough - TR Course [B011-133]
- 710816 - HCO Bulletin - Breakthrough - TR Course [B045-025]
- 710816 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Training Drills Modernized [B011-134]
- 710816 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Training Drills Modernized [B045-026]
- 710816 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Training Drills Modernized [B095-005]
- 710816 Issue 2R - HCO Bulletin - Training Drills Remodernized [B055-025]
- 710816 Issue 2R - HCO Bulletin - Training Drills Remodernized [B058-010]
- 710816 Issue 2R - HCO Bulletin - Training Drills Remodernized [B061-029]
- 710816 Issue 2RA - HCO Bulletin - Training Drills Remodernized [B165-015]
- 710816 Issue 2RA - HCO Bulletin Attachment - Comments and Originations for Use on TR4 [B055-025]
- 710816 Issue 2RA - HCO Bulletin Attachment - Comments and Originations for use on TR4 [B165-015]
CONTENTS BREAKTHROUGH – TR COURSE Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead
TR CourseTR Course
TR Course Super HatsTR Course Super Hats



(Reference HCOB 15 August 71 TR Course Bugs Handling)(Reference HCOB 15 August 71 TR Course Bugs Handling)

It has been found through extensive research that a student can be apparently overrun on a TR, particularly on confronting drills.

It has been found through extensive research that a student can be apparently overrun on a TR, particularly on confronting drills.

When a student bypasses a major stable win and carries on to meet a time requirement he runs into a grind and goes downhill at that point. This only occurs because it is an invalidation of his belief he has done it.

When a student bypasses a major stable win and carries on to meet a time requirement he runs into a grind and goes downhill at that point. This only occurs because it is an invalidation of his belief he has done it.

Therefore time requirements on TRs are canceled. A TR is done to a major stable win. This varies from person to person. It may take minutes to hours to a hundred hours to achieve the major win. Once it is obtained it is not bypassed.

Therefore time requirements on TRs are canceled. A TR is done to a major stable win. This varies from person to person. It may take minutes to hours to a hundred hours to achieve the major win. Once it is obtained it is not bypassed.

A Supervisor does not pass a student on a TR without consulting that student first. The student will know if he has attained his major stable win. The gains are incredible, they are not slight.

A Supervisor does not pass a student on a TR without consulting that student first. The student will know if he has attained his major stable win. The gains are incredible, they are not slight.

TRs can only be invalidated in two ways.

TRs can only be invalidated in two ways.

(1) A false pass.

(1) A false pass.

(2) A false insistence the student hasn't made it.

(2) A false insistence the student hasn't made it.

Both can be meter checked. (1) can be redone. (2) can be rehabbed.

Both can be meter checked. (1) can be redone. (2) can be rehabbed.

TRs can only fail in five other ways.

TRs can only fail in five other ways.

(3) Misprogramming – putting a student on or off the course in conflict with other major actions.

(3) Misprogramming – putting a student on or off the course in conflict with other major actions.

(4) A heavy out-rudiments situation before or during the course.

(4) A heavy out-rudiments situation before or during the course.

(5) Twin upsets.

(5) Twin upsets.

(6) An improperly taught TR Course (What is a Course? P/L)

(6) An improperly taught TR Course (What is a Course? P/L)

(7) Not attending.

(7) Not attending.

This HCOB in no way eases the tough procedure on TRs. TR0 is still done rough, no blink, no red eyes, fidgeting – nothing added to just being there. TRs are tough and results are not compromised by "softening" TRs or doing anything else but being tough where they are concerned.

This HCOB in no way eases the tough procedure on TRs. TR0 is still done rough, no blink, no red eyes, fidgeting – nothing added to just being there. TRs are tough and results are not compromised by "softening" TRs or doing anything else but being tough where they are concerned.

Expect the toughest, most rewarding course ever.

Expect the toughest, most rewarding course ever.

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