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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- CCHs and Routine 1 - B610616 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 610616 - HCO Bulletin - CCHs and Routine 1 [B001-056]
- 610616 - HCO Bulletin - CCHs and Routine 1 [B028-032]
- 610616 - HCO Bulletin - CCHs and Routine 1 [B037-042]
- 610616 - HCO Bulletin - CCHs and Routine 1 [B154-016]
CONTENTS CCHs AND ROUTINE 1 Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
BPI Franchise


The criteria on Routine 1 is as follows:

All cases that have had no significant or rapid change over long periods of auditing shall be run on Routine 1, HCO Bulletin of June 5, 1961, regardless of graph, Meter behaviour or objections.

This applies to over half the Scientologists in the world.

So get over the idea the CCHs are for nuts. And get over diffidence in having them run or being run on them.

Routine 1, Routine 2 and Routine 3, HCO Bulletin of June 5, 1961, each one will make Releases. Routines 1, 2 and 3 are choices made for speed. One is faster than another for different pcs. Some pcs release faster on Routine 1 than 2 or 3.

Any case could be run on any one of these routines, from any level, and still make it. The question is “How fast?” One chooses the routine in the interest of greatest effectiveness in the least time.

Having attained Release, a person then goes to Routine 3 inevitably. Time economy is our criteria. Not necessarily case level.

So keep your “pride” or be run on Routines 2 or 3 to Release at ten times the auditing time — or attain Release via Routine I, if it's for you, in one-tenth the time.

The D of P may refuse to further audit any pc who:

  1. Refuses to be run on the process ordered, or:
  2. Refuses to take a Joburg, or:
  3. Refuses to abide by the regulations of HGCs regarding alcohol, eating, sleeping, etc.

I don't want any super-defensive valence getting in people's road in clearing. CCHs, the degradation of being audited on, compares to the little boy refusing food because it might make him live.
