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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- CS As a Training Officer (CSS-057) - B710901-1 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- КС в Роли Офицера по Обучению (КС-57) - Б710901-1 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 710901 Issue 1 - HCO Bulletin - CS as a Training Officer - A Program for Flubless Auditing, A [B011-148]
- 710901 Issue 1 - HCO Bulletin - CS as a Training Officer - A Program for Flubless Auditing, A [B045-033]
- 710901 Issue 3 - HCO Bulletin - TR Course Breakthrough Successes [B011-149]
- 710901 Issue 3 - HCO Bulletin - TR Course Breakthrough Successes [B045-034]
CONTENTS A C/S As A Training Officer
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Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue I
Remimeo CS Series 57

A C/S As A Training Officer

It is wholly and entirely up to the C/S whether or not his auditors ever come to be flubless Auditors. Auditing flubs are the main things that make a C/S's job long and hard and the main thing that denies his pcs high results.

For example-with competent auditors I can C/S the day's folders in 2½ hours. With green flubby auditors the same number of folders takes 6½ hours.

The answer plainly is to groove the auditors in until they are flubless. And this is what a competent C/S does.

Because he has internes on his lines and because any group of auditors can be bettered, the training officer part of the C/S hat is one which is always worn.

Also, if the Tech-Qual administrative set-up is nonextant or a confused mess, the errors in folders and various upsets react suppressively both on the C/S and auditors and they – both C/S and auditors – make mistakes. So the administrative lines and terminals must be there.

Thus a C/S out of self-defense is not merely a training officer of auditors but of other Tech-Qual personnel as well.

Officially this hat belongs with the other terminals. But to coordinate the operation, the C/S has to have a large amount of know-how about the lines and terminals of Tech and Qual. As it is the C/S who is directing the running of cases and as the lines and terminals exist only to obtain auditing results in volume with high quality, no C/S can afford to neglect his duties as a training officer. Otherwise he will promptly drown.

The folder flow must be smooth with no flaps. The auditor-pc assignments must be smooth with no lost auditing time. The sessions must occur. The auditors who flub must be promptly handled. The Cramming Officer in Qual must know his business. The C/S depends on him to get the kinks out of the auditors' tech and its application.

The processing must be paid for adequately or there will be no funds to hire enough terminals and, indeed, there would be no HGC at all. The C/S is trying to obtain Volume, Quality and Viability.

By experience volume comes from the whole org working and the auditors auditing correctly without lost hours spent in fumbles and repairs. Quality comes from smooth Tech-Qual lines and hatted terminals and the auditors auditing flublessly.

It is not that the C/S is in charge of the whole org. But every point where a C/S is having trouble is where an org terminal has broken down. Therefore a C/S has every right to insist upon hatted functioning terminals.

The C/S has a definite effect upon the efficiency of an org's personnel. He can ensure the staff gets audited either on his lines or from Dept 13. And he can insist on quality staff staff auditing for it will help keep his own post going.

Tech works. It works splendidly. The materials are there. Read, understood and applied, flubless Auditing occurs.

It is so easy to C/S just for cases using standard actions. All puzzles come from flubs.

The sequence of actions a C/S should take to attain Flubless Auditing could be listed more or less in this order.

1. Make sure his own tech is up to date and do part-time study or retread where needed.

2. Make sure he has no misunderstood words the length and breadth of the subject.

Get Word Clearing Method 2 on every major tech writing, each HCOB or P/L if it comes to that. Then get Word Clearing Method 1 to full EP.

3. Practice locating the bugs in "failed cases" or "dog cases" long in auditing until the C/S knows it was an application failure, an auditor failure or a former C/S failure.

4. Study out the terminals and lines necessary in your org, physically going over them, to

(a) Get a pc in.

(b) Get an auditor employed.

(c) Get a pc assigned to an auditor.

(d) Get auditor and pc together in an auditing room.

(e) Get the pc examined.

(f) Get the folder turned in for C/Sing.

(g) Get an auditor to Cramming and back.

(h) Get a pc to Ethics and handled.

(i) Get a DofP to interview pcs, muster auditors, do assignments and other DofP duties.

(l) Get a pc to attest.

(k) Get a pc to Success.

(I) Get folders FESed.

(m) Get folders stored and found.

(n) Get folders made up or neatly covered.

(o) Get supplies for auditors.

(p) Get an area for auditor admin.

(q) Get an area for pcs to wait.

(r) Get the various boards made and kept up.

(s) Get stats kept and reported.

(t) Get bonuses paid.

(u) Get pcs handled when adrift on lines.

(v) Get a Qual in.

(w) Do his own job.

(x) How to get and keep all this and any more points going all at once rapidly.

He will now know the scene and can achieve a more ideal scene by insisting the Org Officer (emergency) or the HAS (permanently) handle. Now it all gets less confusing as one understands what is out when it is out.

5. Set up a close fast line with the Cramming Officer so that auditors who flub are in actual fact rapidly straightened out and gotten back to auditing without great time loss.

6. Fend off and refuse to give tech advice as such. Know Word Clearing Series 16 thoroughly and get a great reality on it and insist that the Qual Sec and Cramming Officer know it, use it and hammer away with it. Otherwise such weird tech confusions will be floating about that even the C/S gets confused and begins to wonder if the material is in the books and bulletins!

7. Gather up a Tech and Admin Library for fast reference for personal use.

8. Get in a system whereby every flub by an auditor, a DofP, a Div IV or V Admin personnel, a page, anyone that flubs as it affects the C/S in any way gets a Cramming chit with the exact reference to be crammed on. Keep a carbon of the chit, send the original to Cramming, get the chit back when done and marked off on the carbon. Keep the Admin of it simple but the execution of it totally effective.

9. The Qual Sec, Cramming Officer and Interne Supervisor are the close technical links with the C/S. In technical matters the C/S is senior. Sometimes the C/S is sent to Cramming by the Qual Sec and should accept and do it gracefully. Sometimes there is a Senior C/S in the org (the Assistant Guardian, ED or some other senior exec may be an HSST or even a Class X). In such a case he has the right to cram or send any of these terminals (or any other terminal) to Cramming. Including any Senior C/S, and including any C/S for another Department or for crew or in the Guardian's Office, these terminals constitute the tech hierarchy of the org: Senior C/S, C/Ses, Qual Sec, Cramming Officer and the Interne Supervisor and they have to hold a hard technical line. The Tech Sec is mainly concerned with production and administration and a Tech Establishment Officer is concerned with establishing. It can happen that a Tech Sec or TEO are also very well trained technically and if so are part of this technical hierarchy but they are not necessarily so. Therefore there is a sort of ex-officio technical committee on the subject of technical matters composed generally of the Senior C/S, C/Ses, Qual Sec, Cramming Officer and Interne Supervisor that monitors the quality of HGC and Dept 10 auditing. The Director of Training can be advised concerning the results of his students after graduation in order to remedy his training and as such is a part of the Committee, as can be the Tech Sec. Most narrowly and most continually Tech quality is between the C/S and the Cramming Officer. More widely, the Senior C/S, Qual Sec and Interne Supervisor enter in. And in the widest sense, the Tech Sec, Tech Establishment Officer and Director of Training enter in. It is an error to suppose the C/S and auditors are the technical monitors of the org. They are the main technical personnel. But a C/S can waste tons of time by talking to or with auditors beyond an auditors' conference and can really get whizzing if he spends the same time with the Cramming Officer who then crams auditors and with the Interne Super who then persuades internes to function. Knowing who is as important in organization as knowing how. So hold some meetings small and large and thresh out the bugs.

10. Missing materials is a C/S point of upset.

"What is a Course" Policy Letter can be out on tech courses to a degree that you wouldn't believe. Not only no routing form or roll book but no materials.

The Books, HCOBs, tapes must be available. They exist. It is suppressive to run a course without them. Pubs Org, CLOs have them. Financial Planning can't deny this necessity as they're what their income comes from.

Qual must have a complete and safeguarded library for use in Cramming actions.

Under Omitted Materials would be omitted meters and at this writing there is no restriction on these and supply is abundant.

The "no materials" gag is the last straw for a C/S.

Future auditors won't have a clue and current auditors will have no way to find out.

So the C/S must not permit "economy" or plain laziness or "we sent a despatch three months ago" to get in the road of materials. It is cheaper to put somebody on a plane with a cheque to bring them back than to do without materials.

So a C/S should definitely defend himself against a "no materials" blockage and handle it.

11. No Study. When one has materials and particularly when one is getting new materials a breakdown can occur when the materials, especially new ones, aren't read.

A technical person must keep up with the advances in technology. That is true of any profession.

A primary failure of new technology is (you won't believe it but it is true) the materials aren't read before the process is tried!

I have even caught Class IXs out on this, believe it or not, so don't think it can't happen.

Process G is received. Auditors audit it. Process fails. Why? Auditors never read the bulletin first!

So be sure your auditors read the materials and check out before they do the process.

Write C/Ses like this – "Auditor to Cramming to check out on HCOB. When attested, do the following 1. "

Do this on new materials and, on new auditors, on any materials you believe he may goof.

Why have the first 12 pcs on Process G go sour just because the auditor only glanced at the commands and missed the tech?

Interiorization Rundowns are still in this category in some areas. The auditor doesn't study and Clay demo the pack before doing them. So they fail.

Now and then Power hits the same snag.

So, simple as it seems, get new materials read and checked out in Cramming as the first part of a C/S on them!

And get new materials read.

And keep up on them yourself.

12. Hidden Data Line trouble can wreck an HGC (and the org and field).

A "Hidden Data Line" is a pretense that certain data exists outside of HCOBs, books and tapes. It can include "data in HCOBs is conflicting" and "nowhere does it say how to ______". This is deadly and a C/S should work hard to stamp it out. The causes of a Hidden Data Line or imagined conflicts is a failure to use Word Clearing Methods two and three on courses and a failure to use and only use Method Two in Cramming. A C/S can go straight up the wall trying to grapple with these omissions and eventually begin to believe that it takes 500 Cramming chits to make an auditor who still isn't made and that flubless auditing can't be done from HCOBs, books and tapes. As soon as a C/S finds his Cramming orders getting too thick he should check

(a) Is Method 2 (meter) Word Clearing used hard in Cramming as a first action?

(b) Are Methods 2 and 3 Word Clearing in use constantly on tech courses?

(c) Is Method 1 Word Clearing (full rundown) available and faultlessly done on every auditor?

Get these points in.

Poof! The Hidden Data Line vanishes. (See Word Clearing Series 16.)

Word Clearing has been around for years but people sometimes are themselves so fogged by misunderstood words that they don't hear you at all when you say use Word Clearing!

13. Invalidation kills auditors. So don't chew on them any harder than is necessary to get the job done.

Get "To Cramming" to mean, "normal procedure even for Class XIIs".

We had one student who every evening gasped with relief that he hadn't been sent to Cramming. We finally found out that he was really terrified he would be found out for false study stats!

Only when an auditor refuses to go to Cramming do you begin to push.

The auditor sent to Cramming to do an action must not do the action on another pc until he has been to Cramming on it.

This can "hold up production" in somebody's mind. But how an auditor can produce anything while flubbing is someone else's misunderstood, not mine. He can't. Better five hours in Cramming and one good session than no Cramming and five goofed sessions.

The real invalidation of an auditor is failing at tech. So don't let them fail. "Johnny, your TRs are too hard to hear. Get over to Cramming and get hearable" is perfectly acceptable. If it is correct.

So Invalidation could be defined as

(a) letting an auditor lose

(b) correcting things he does right.

That's about the extent of invalidation.

14. Auditor morale depends not on PR (Public Relations) or phoney stats. It depends on actual, honest completions.

A well trained auditor allowed to get completions will have high morale.

Thus, a C/S must push an auditor toward

(a) Flubless tech

(b) Completions

You keep pushing and he'll make it.

You don't push or push on the wrong things and he won't.

As to completions try to get auditors to do the whole program so something is completed. This is for the auditor not the pc. The Auditor's Code on a frequent change of auditors was written for pcs. But it also applies to auditors. Let them complete programs. Even if they spend half the day in Cramming. Don't yank them off cases. And don't let your DofP assign auditors to different cases or he'll soon have downtone apathetic auditors who never see what their auditing finally does for one particular pc.

Auditor Morale has little to do with anything but the above two things.

Also if you have those two things in as a C/S, you will see something new happen. Pcs will be around slapping auditors on the back and cheering the org and the place becomes a very happy place.

So work for auditor morale with pushing them relentlessly toward flubless tech and toward completions.


The above actions are numbered. If a C/S were to work to get these in, one by one, and if he then went over them again and again, he would wind up about the most complimented upstat C/S anywhere around.

These are the giant points to get in while plugging along each day C/Sing the usual and handling the noise.

The way to get out of cope is to organize. And these fourteen points give a sequence of organizational steps that lift one out of cope and into a smooth productive time of it.

The org would become very prosperous.

The staff would be very happy.

The field would be delighted.

Just remember that when you reach an average 700 well done auditing hours, you better have a new C/S in training and persuade him to follow himself these 14 points in a new and necessary additional HGC.
