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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Confessional - Dynamic Processing Checks - B620411 | Сравнить
- Determining What to Run - B620411 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 620411 - HCO Bulletin - Determining What to Run [B002-020]
- 620411 - HCO Bulletin - Determining What to Run [B029-010]
- 620411 - HCO Bulletin - Determining What to Run [B038-016]
- 620411 - HCO Bulletin - Determining What to Run [B160-006]
CONTENTS DYNAMIC PROCESSING CHECKS First Dynamic Second Dynamic (Family) Second Dynamic (Sex) Third Dynamic Fourth Dynamic Fifth Dynamic (Animal, Veg. Mineral) Sixth Dynamic (Physical Univ. MEST) Seventh Dynamic (Spiritual) Eight Dynamic (for Non-Scientologists) Eight Dynamic (for Scientologists) Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex


The following letter and Dynamic Processing Checks were received from Jan Halpern, International Council Member. They are for use as zero questions.

“Dear Ron,

You mentioned in D.C. that some dynamic processing checks would be useful. Here are some. They’re more of nucleus than a really full set of questions. I suspect there are gaps large enough to drive tanks through which are not obvious to me at this point. So, it would be nice if they were added to by somebody whose dynamic blind spots and mish-meshes are different from mine.



First Dynamic

1. Have you ever denied yourself an opportunity?

2. Is there something you haven’t let yourself have?

3. Have you ever deliberately made someone think badly of you?

4. Have you ever made someone punish you?

5. Have you ever distrusted yourself?

6. Have you ever made yourself sick?

7. Have you ever hurt yourself?

8. What haven’t you let yourself do?

9. Have you ever considered anything to be “Much too good for you”?

10. Have you ever hated yourself?

11. Have you ever decided you were unworthy of friends? Family?

12. Have you ever prevented yourself from accomplishing something?

13. What haven’t you let yourself feel?

14. What haven’t you let yourself think?

15. Have you ever restrained yourself from a desired sexual experience?

16. Is there anything you won’t let yourself eat, or drink?

17. What won’t you let yourself see? Hear? Touch?

18. What won’t you let yourself understand?

19. Have you ever attempted suicide?

20. Have you ever misused a body part?

21. Have you ever punished yourself?

22. Have you ever lied to yourself?

23. Have you ever failed to care for a body part?

Second Dynamic (Family)

24. Have you ever been a disturbing element in a family?

25. Have you ever joined a family out of revenge?

26. Have you ever disowned a member of your family?

27. Have you ever gotten a relative into trouble?

28. Have you ever worked against your family?

29. Have you ever badly raised a child?

30. Have you ever failed to provide for a child of yours?

31. Have you ever split up a family?

32. Have you ever had a bastard?

33. Have you ever passed off a bastard legitimate?

34. Have you ever claimed a blood-relationship you didn’t have?

35. Have you ever forced a child into an unsuitable, or uncongenial profession?

36. Have you ever forced a child into a loveless marriage?

37. Have you ever interfered with an inheritance?

38. Have you ever had a member of your family incarcerated?

39. Have you ever had an abortion?

40. Have you ever exposed an infant?

41. Have you ever physically injured a relative?

42. Have you ever neglected your child’s education?

43. Have you ever hostile factions within a family?

44. Have you ever lived parasitically on your family?

Second Dynamic (Sex)

45. Have you ever sexually aroused someone and then not satisfied him, or her?

46. Have you ever been sexually aroused by an object?

47. Have you ever aroused another sexually with an object?

48. Have you ever made love to a person of the wrong age?

49. Have you ever made love to a person of the wrong sex?

50. Have you ever made love to a person of the wrong caste, or class?

51. Have you ever made love to a person of the wrong race?

52. Have you ever made love to a creature of the wrong species?

53. Have you ever made love to someone who belonged to another?

54. Have you ever taught another perverted sexual practices?

55. Have you ever invented perverted sexual practices?

56. Have you ever used sex unethically?

57. Have you ever made love to a person you disliked?

58. Have you ever used the wrong body part for intercourse?

59. Have you ever caused someone to be castrated?

60. Have you ever made someone’s body more exciting by warping, or distorting it?

61. Have you ever raped anyone?

62. Have you ever failed to have intercourse with someone you should have?

63. Have you ever had sex with a member of your own family?

64. Have you ever made love to a person of your own sex?

65. Is there anything about your sex life that would be unsafe to reveal?

66. Have you ever misused sex?

67. Have you ever withheld sex?

68. Have you ever stood up a date?

Third Dynamic

69. Have you ever joined a group without being qualified?

70. Have you ever given a group less than you received from it?

71. Have you ever split a group onto factions?

72. Have you ever perverted the purpose of a group?

73. Have you ever made a group too dependent on you, and then left?

74. Have you ever belonged to a secret society?

75. Have you ever gone over to the other side?

76. Have you ever been an informer?

77. Have you ever brought your group into disrepute?

78. Have you ever weakened your group?

79. Have you ever been a spy?

80. Have you ever been a double agent?

81. Have you ever permitted your group to be wiped out?

82. Have you ever joined a group you considered bad?

83. Have you ever given a group bad leadership?

84. Have you ever given a group bad service?

85. Have you ever provided badly for your group?

86. Have you ever made your side loose?

87. Have you ever injured the survival of a fellow group member?

88. Have you ever enturbulated a group?

89. Have you ever done anything to a group?

Fourth Dynamic

90. Have you ever destroyed or reduced the survival of your own group? Fourth Dynamic?

91. Have you ever treated a member of your species like an animal? Like a machine?

92. Have you ever made territory uninhabitable?

93. Have you ever resigned from the human race?

94. Have you ever pretended to be a human being?

95. Have you ever done anything to keep mankind from uniting?

96. Have you ever tried to exterminate a species?

97. Have you ever pretended to be a member of a different species?

98. Have you ever denied a species a place to live?

99. Have you ever prevented a species from reproducing itself?

100. Have you ever prevented the purpose of a species?

101. Have you kept your own species ignorant?

102. Have you ever eaten a member of your own species?

103. Have you tried to start a war among your own species?

104. Is there anything you’ve done to a species that would be unsafe for you to reveal?

Fifth Dynamic (Animal, Veg. Mineral)

105. Have you ever treated living creatures like objects? Like machines?

106. Have you ever damaged crops?

107. Have you ever used bad breeding stock?

108. Have you ever eliminated good breeding stock?

109. Have you ever crippled or killed living creatures for fun?

110. Have you ever cut down trees without replanting?

111. Have you ever led weeds take over cultivated areas?

112. Have you ever failed to fertilize crops?

113. Have you ever failed to provide water for livestock? For crops?

114. Have you ever put life forms to strange uses?

115. Have you ever polluted water sources?

116. Have you ever killed off a useful species faster than it could breed?

117. Have you ever abused a living creature?

118. Have you ever castrated, or spayed domestic animals?

119. Have you ever bred warped life forms?

120. What life forms have you eaten?

121. What life forms have you fed to other live forms?

122. Have you ever kept a life form in an unsuitable environment?

123. Have you ever destroyed other life forms?

Sixth Dynamic (Physical Univ. MEST)

124. Have you ever failed to maintain a machine properly?

125. Have you ever destroyed a useful object? A beautiful object?

126. Have you ever lost an object?

127. Have you ever made harmful combinations of matter?

128. Have you ever wasted metals? Chemicals? Other inorganic materials?

129. Have you ever misused a tool, or machine?

130. Have you ever forgotten how to build something?

131. Have you ever perverted the use of scientific discovery?

132. Have you ever built something destructive?

133. Have you ever built something that didn’t work?

134. Have you ever made an ugly “work of art”?

135. Have you ever put things too far apart?

136. Have you ever put things too close together?

137. Have you ever made a location a mystery?

138. Have you ever misplaced something in time?

139. Have you ever forgotten a place?

140. Have you ever made an object mysterious?

141. Have you ever made something vanish?

142. Have you ever made something imperceptible?

143. Have you ever misapplied energy?

Seventh Dynamic (Spiritual)

144. Have you ever denied the existence of spirits?

145. Have you ever made people believe they weren’t spirits?

146. Have you ever persuaded others some thoughts are bad?

147. Have you ever made a spirit evil?

148. Have you ever made another forget?

149. Have you ever forced a beingness on another?

150. Have you ever made another believe he was somewhere else?

151. Have you ever made another believe he was in a different time?

152. Have you ever made another believe he was someone else?

153. Have you ever confused another’s memory?

154. Have you ever persuaded another there were things he must resist?

155. Have you ever prevented another from perceiving?

156. Have you ever prevented another from being something?

157. Have you ever convinced another his postulates didn’t work?

158. Have you ever made another experience something he didn’t wish to?

159. Have you ever convinced another that he was weak?

160. Have you ever convinced another that he was incompetent?

161. Have you ever convinced another that he was insane?

162. Have you ever convinced another that he was stupid?

163. Have you ever convinced another that he was dishonorable?

164. Have you ever driven another insane?

165. Have you ever enslaved another’s soul?

Eight Dynamic (for Non-Scientologists)

166. Have you ever doubted the truth of your religion?

167. Have you ever polluted a holy place? A scared object?

168. Have you ever disobeyed God’s commandments?

169. Have you ever failed to perform your religious duties?

170. Have you ever neglected an opportunity to save a sinner?

171. Have you ever been disrespectful to a holly, or consecrated person?

172. Have you ever compromised your religious convictions?

173. Have you ever attacked a religion?

174. Have you ever tolerated a bad religion?

175. Have you ever perverted a religion?

176. Have you thought evil thoughts?

177. Have you ever concealed, or denied your religion?

178. Have you ever changed your religion?

179. Have you ever committed a sin?

Eight Dynamic (for Scientologists)

180. Have you ever convinced others that some things are unknowable?

181. Have you ever convinced another that there were effects he couldn’t create?

182. Have you ever convinced another there were places he couldn’t be?

183. Have you ever convinced another that there were being with whom he couldn’t communicate?

184. Have you ever convinced another that some things cannot be communicated?

185. Have you ever convinced another there were places he couldn’t leave?

186. Have you ever persuaded another that he never created anything?

187. Have you ever made another irresponsible?

Acting HOD Tech Sec WW
for L. Ron Hubbard