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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Dianetic Failures - B690427 | Сравнить
- R-3-R Restated Commands on Second Run on an Incident - B690427 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Неудачи в Дианетике (ДИА) - Б690427 | Сравнить
- Переформулированный R-3-R - Команды по Второму Прохождению Случая - Б690427 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 690427 - HCO Bulletin - R3R Restated - Commands on Second Run on an Incident [B009-050]
- 690427 - HCO Bulletin - R3R Restated - Commands on Second Run on an Incident [B042-041]
- 690427 - HCO Bulletin - R3R Restated - Commands on Second Run on an Incident [B075-024]
- 690427 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Dianetic Failures [B009-051]
- 690427 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Dianetic Failures [B042-040]
- 690427 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Dianetic Failures [B075-025]
- 690427 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Dianetic Failures [B159-017]
CONTENTS DIANETIC FAILURES Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue II
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue II



Dianetics can be made to fail by alteration of its materials from its precise workable application.

Dianetics can be made to fail by alteration of its materials from its precise workable application.

It is basically so simple it is hard to conceive that this could happen.

It is basically so simple it is hard to conceive that this could happen.

But it has happened several times and was a contributing cause to its lack of use in several areas for some years.

But it has happened several times and was a contributing cause to its lack of use in several areas for some years.

There are various ways to make Dianetics difficult. Most of these come under three headings:

There are various ways to make Dianetics difficult. Most of these come under three headings:

1. False information as to how it doesn’t work by some vested interest acting as a third party (see HCO B 26 Dec 68 on 3rd Party Law).

1. False information as to how it doesn’t work by some vested interest acting as a third party (see HCO B 26 Dec 68 on 3rd Party Law).

2. Failure to provide or get studied the actual data and HCOBs.

2. Failure to provide or get studied the actual data and HCOBs.

3. Mis-instructing which enters an instructor’s or examiner’s opinion or invalidation or alteration of the actual technology.

3. Mis-instructing which enters an instructor’s or examiner’s opinion or invalidation or alteration of the actual technology.

A person who pays attention to 1 and 3 and who doesn’t insist on 2 is courting failure in auditing. Many many instances exist of each of these three being done and almost all failures one has in auditing can be traced to one of the three reasons given above.

A person who pays attention to 1 and 3 and who doesn’t insist on 2 is courting failure in auditing. Many many instances exist of each of these three being done and almost all failures one has in auditing can be traced to one of the three reasons given above.

The failures aren’t because of the pc or the bad intention of the auditor. Believe that. They came from either not using Dianetics at all or 1, 2 or 3 above. So don’t let yourself get caught in these errors given above.

The failures aren’t because of the pc or the bad intention of the auditor. Believe that. They came from either not using Dianetics at all or 1, 2 or 3 above. So don’t let yourself get caught in these errors given above.
