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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Dianetic List Errors (CSS-059) - B710914 | Сравнить
- Dianetic List Errors (CSS-059R) - B710914R78 | Сравнить
- Solo Auditors Rights - B710914-5R75 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Ошибки в Дианетических Списках (КС-59R) - Б710914R78 | Сравнить
- Ошибки в Дианетическом Списке (КС-59R) - Б710914R78 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 710914 - HCO Bulletin - Dianetic List Errors [B011-160]
- 710914 - HCO Bulletin - Dianetic List Errors [B045-046]
- 710914 Issue 1R - HCO Bulletin - Case Progress Sheet [B050-044]
- 710914 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Word Clearing CS-1 - CS Instructions [B011-161]
- 710914 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Word Clearing CS-1R - CS Instructions [B011-171]
- 710914 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Word Clearing CS-1R - CS Instructions [B045-056]
- 710914 Issue 2R - HCO Bulletin - Word Clearing CS-1R - Cancelled [B051-049]
- 710914 Issue 3 - HCO Bulletin - Word Clearing CS-2 - Word Clearing Method-2 - Commands Used [B011-162]
- 710914 Issue 4 - HCO Bulletin - Post Purpose Clearing CS Form [B011-164]
- 710914 Issue 4 - HCO Bulletin - Post Purpose Clearing CS Form 1R [B011-163]
- 710914 Issue 4 - HCO Bulletin - Post Purpose Clearing CS Form 1R [B045-065]
- 710914 Issue 5 - HCO Bulletin - Solo Auditors Rights [B045-047]
CONTENTS DIANETIC LIST ERRORS Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
(Revisions in this type style) Remimeo Also Dn Text CS Series 59R


It can happen that a Dianetic list of somatics, pains, emotions and attitudes can act as a list under the meaning of the Laws of Listing and Nulling as per HCOB 1 August 68.

The most violent session ARC Brks occur because of list errors under the meaning of listing and nulling. Other session ARC Brks even under withholds are not as violent as those occurring because of listing errors.

Therefore when a violent or even a “total-apathy-won’t-answer” session upset has occurred in Dianetics, one must suspect that the preclear is reacting under the laws of listing and nulling and that he conceives such an error to have been made.

The repair action is to assess the prepared list which corrects listing errors. This is L4BRA – HCOB 15 Dec 68 amended to 18 March 71.

It is used “On Dianetics lists” as the start of each of its questions when employed for this purpose.

When a pc has not done well on Dianetics and when no other reason can be found the C/S should suspect some listing error and order an L4BRA to be done “On Dianetic lists “ at the start of each question.

Each read obtained on the list is carried earlier similar to F/N as per HCOB 14 Mar 71 “F/N Everything” or, preferably the list is found in the folder and properly handled in accordance with what read on L4BRA.

Dianetic lists can be carried to an item that blows down and F/Ns.

This does not mean the item found is now wholly clean. Even though it F/Ned it will in most cases need to be run on secondaries and/or engrams (R3RA Quad) to erasure and full Dianetic end phenomena. (Ref: New Era Dianetics Series 1 through 18.)

A C/S must be alert to the fact that:

(a) Extreme upsets and deep apathies are almost always list errors.

(b) That a Dianetic list can be conceived to be a formal list and can behave that way.

(c) L4BRA is the correction list used in such cases.

(d) Laws of Listing and Nulling HCOB 1 August 1968 can sometimes apply to Dianetic lists.

Very few Dianetic lists behave this way but when they do they must be handled as above.
