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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- E-Meter Errors - Communication Cycle Error - B630804 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 630804 - HCO Bulletin - E-Meter Errors - Communication Cycle Error [B003-051]
- 630804 - HCO Bulletin - E-Meter Errors - Communication Cycle Error [B039-039]
- 630804 - HCO Bulletin - E-Meter Errors - Communication Cycle Error [B153-039]
- 630804 - HCO Bulletin - E-Meter Errors - Communication Cycle Error [B153-040]
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Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Central Orgs Franchise ALL ROUTINES


The E-Meter has its role in all processing and must be used well. However an E-Meter can be misused in several ways.


The meter in actual fact does nothing but locate charged areas below the awareness of the pc and verify that the charge has been removed. The meter cures nothing and does not treat. It only assists the auditor in assisting the preclear to look and verify having looked.

A pc can be made more dependent upon the meter or can be made more independent of the meter, all in the way a meter is used by the Auditor.

If a pc's case is improving the pc becomes more independent of the meter. This is the proper direction.

Meter dependence is created by invalidation by or poor acknowledgement of the Auditor. If the Auditor seems not to accept the pc's data, then the pc may insist that the Auditor "see it read on the meter". This can grow up into a formidable meter dependence on the part of the pc.

The rise of the TA is a "What's It?" The Fall of a meter TA is an "It's a _____. " To get maximum charge off, the pc's groping (What's It) must become a pc's finding (It's a). If the pc asks the Auditor what or which reads on the meter and the Auditor always complies, the pc's TA will rise more and fall less as the pc is saying, "What's It?" and only the meter is saying, "It's a _____. "

A pc must be carefully weaned of meter dependence, not abruptly chopped off. The pc says, "What's It?" The Auditor must begin to ask occasionally, "Well, What's It seem to you?" and the pc will find his own "It's a _____" and the TA will fall – as it would not if only the meter were employed.

Milking the TA of all the action you can get requires that the pc get most of the "It's a's" for his "What's Its". (See diagram attached.)


Rule: Use the meter to date and verify date correctness by all means but only after the pc has been unable to come up with the date.

Example: Pc can't decide, after much puzzling, if it was 1948 or 1949. Finally, the Auditor says, "1948" "1949" and sees the meter reads on 1948 and says, "It was 1948. " But if the pc says, "It was 1948," the Auditor only checks it if the TA sticks up higher, meaning probably a wrong date. He checks with, "In this session have we had a wrong date? That reads, what date was wrong?" and lets the pc argue it out with himself – TA action will restore.


Reliable Items have to be clean. The pc can usually tell. But the pc can't tell the right RI out of a list or the right goal unless the Auditor sees it RR or fall. But sometimes the Auditor thinks an RI is clean (no longer reads having read) when it still has somatics on it. In this case it's suppressed and the Auditor checks it for suppress.

The pc saying the RI is not clean (should still be reading) carries more weight than the meter.

As the pc gets along in running Time Track and GPMs with their goals and Reliable Items he or she often becomes better than the meter as to what is right or wrong, what is the goal, what RI still reads.


An Auditor who just sits and shakes his head, "Didn't Rocket Read" can give a pc too many loses and deteriorate the pc's ability to run GPMs.

In a conflict between pc and meter, take the pc's data. Why? Because Protest and Assert and Mistake will also read on a meter. You can get these off, but why create them?

The meter is not there to invalidate the pc. Using the meter to invalidate the pc is bad form.

You'll have less trouble by taking the pc's data for the pc will eventually correct it.

The meter is invaluable in locating by-passed charge and curing an ARC Break. But it can be done without a meter, just by letting the pc think over each line read to him or her from the ARC Break Assessment and say whether it is or isn't and if it is, spotting the thing by-passed.


The Auditor who cleans a clean meter is asking for trouble.

This is the same as asking a pc for something that isn't there and develops a "withhold of nothing".

Example: Ask "Do you have a present time problem?" Get no needle reaction. Ask the pc for the PTP that hasn't read. That is impossible for the pc to answer. That's what's meant by cleaning a clean.


All dirty needles are caused by the Auditor failing to hear all the pc had to say in answering a question or volunteering data.

Charge is removed from a case only by the Comm Cycle pc to Auditor.

The Auditor's command restimulates a charge in the pc. The only way this charge can be blown is by the pc telling the Auditor.

"Auditor" means "A listener". The Auditor who has not learned to listen gets:

First – Dirty Needle

Next – Stuck Tone Arm

Finally – ARC Break

The most important line in Auditing is from pc to Auditor. If this line is open and not hurried or chopped you get no Dirty Needles and Lots of TA Action.

To continuously get in Auditor to pc and impede the line pc to Auditor is to pile up endless restimulated charge on a case.

Rule: Tone Arm Action of any kind without any significance of what's behind it will take a pc to OT eventually.

Rule: The most correct track significances run but without TA Action will not change but can deteriorate a case.

Rule: The correct track significances run with TA action will attain OT fastest.

Thus we see that an Auditor can get everything right except TA action and not make an OT. And we see that TA action without running specific things will make an OT, (though it might take a thousand years).

Therefore TA action is superior to what is run. Running the right things with TA action is faster only.

Thus the line pc to Auditor is somewhat senior to the Comm Line Auditor to pc. (See diagram.)

Don't get the idea that the process is not important. It is. People were made to talk in psychoanalysis without getting anywhere but there they probably had no TA and ran the wrong significances. It takes the right process correctly run to get TA action. So don't underrate processes or the action of the Auditor.

Realize that the answering of the process question is senior to the asking of another process question. A pc could talk for years without getting any TA action. Got it? So listen as long as a TA moves.

Learn to see if the pc has said everything he or she wants to say before the next Auditor action, never do a new Auditor action while or if the pc wants to speak and you'll get superior TA action. Cut the pc off, get in more actions than the pc is allowed to answer and you'll have a Dirty Needle, then a stuck TA and then an ARC Break.

See the attached drawing of this. And all will suddenly get clearer about any pc you've audited. And trouble will evaporate.

By cutting the "Itsa Line" an Auditor can make case gain disappear.

"Learn To Listen. " That's what "Auditor" means.

It has taken me so long to see this in others because I don't cut the pc's line very often and repair it fast when I do. So forgive me for bringing it up so late.

When the pc is talking and you're getting no TA, you already have an ARC Break or are about to get one. So assess the by-passed charge.

Rule: Don't demand more than the pc can tell you.

Rule: Don't receive less than the pc has to say.

Watch the pc's eyes. Don't take auditing actions if the pc is not looking at you.

Don't give acknowledgements that aren't needed. Over acknowledgement means acknowledging before the pc has said all.


Running the right process is vital. Getting TA action on the right process is skilled auditing.

Listening is superior to asking.

Build up the pc's confidence in his own knowingness and continuously and progressively reduce the pc's dependence on a meter.