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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Assessment by Elimination - S.O.P. Goals - B610511 | Сравнить
- E-Meter Horror - B610511 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 610511 - HCO Bulletin - Assessment by Elimination - SOP Goals [B001-038]
- 610511 - HCO Bulletin - Assessment by Elimination - SOP Goals [B028-024]
- 610511 - HCO Bulletin - Assessment by Elimination - SOP Goals [B037-032]
- 610511 - HCO Bulletin - E-Meter Horror [B001-039]
- 610511 - HCO Bulletin - E-Meter Horror [B028-025]
- 610511 - HCO Bulletin - E-Meter Horror [B037-031]
CONTENTS E-METER HORROR Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex


Dick Halpern reports from the 22nd American ACC that out of 48 students, many trained on earlier ACCs, 48 did not know what FALLS, RISES or THETA BOPS were or meant on the E-Meter.

The moment one starts on SOP Goals it becomes painfully apparent when he or she cannot do TRs, Model Session or read an E-Meter. SOP Goals works when one knows it and these items.

I have just written a book, E-Meter Essentials, which details these things. You better study it.

I am opening up Unit One of Academies for retread on TRs, METER and Model Session.

Special Briefing courses will be taught.

A very special clearing course is being taught at Saint Hill.

Every effort is being made to enable you to release and clear pcs fast. You have to make the effort too to avail yourself of this data.

IF you know TRs, MODEL SESSION, METER, CHANGE PROCESSES and SOP Goals you can Release and Clear Anyone. We’re proving it daily.

Auditors who can’t run or read a meter (100% of the 22nd American, remember, that had old-timers in the majority, did not know how to read a meter) can’t release or clear anyone.

Auditors who can’t do TR 0 Revised 1961 aren’t enough there to read a meter. (An actual fact.)

Auditors who make technical flubs on SOP Goals wind up wasting 66 2/3 of the auditing time. (We just proved that, too.)

We’ve got the tools. They’re easily available. Let’s go.
