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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Dianetic Clear (CCRD-1R) - B780924-3RC88 | Сравнить
- End of Endless Int Repair RD (INTRD-04) - B780924-1RA79 | Сравнить
- Preassessment, AESPS and Int (INTRD-13) - B780924-2 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Дианетический Клир (ПУВСК-1) - Б780924-3 (2) | Сравнить
- Дианетический Клир (ПУВСК-1) - Б780924-3 | Сравнить
- Дианетический Клир (ПУВСК-1R) - Б780924-3RC88 | Сравнить
- Предоценивание, ОЭОБ и Инт (ИНТРД-13) - Б780924-2 | Сравнить
- Программа Исправления Конец Бесконечной Интеризации (ИНТРД-4RA) - Б780924-1RA79 | Сравнить

Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue I
Remimeo Auditors C/Ses Cl IV Grad Checksheet Tech/Qual (All changes are in this type style)
(Ellipses indicate deletions)

(NOTE: Some auditors have had trouble with this rundown. It has therefore been extensively revised as per this issue. Before running a pc on this rundown, get the auditor M9ed and M4ed and starrated on the RD. Also make sure that he can operate a meter and do TRs if he has trouble with it in the future. These changes in this RD are considerable and are for immediate use and the earlier rendition of it is not to be used. Out-Int as a case condition along with R3RA audited over and beyond Dianetic Clear are primary reasons for case bogs. The percentage of out-Int may be as much as 75% in any given area. Therefore the Int RD run with NED on non-Clears and the End of Endless Int Repair Rundown are the most important single auditing actions an auditor can do and will produce the most surprising results when the condition is present and is expertly audited.)

Interiorization Rundown Series 4RA URGENT – IMPORTANT


We needed a rundown that would handle what, for some pcs, has been an endless trail of repair of repair of repair of Int.

I have now fully researched and developed the process to handle this and can release it for broad use.

The End Of Endless Int Repair Rundown is just that.

It is the answer to Int troubles.

The rundown consists of running Int by Recall by a very precise and simple method.

At first glance it would not seem possible that such a process would handle the more resistive-appearing Int repair problems which keep coming up on some pcs. This appearance is deceptive, however, as the process is very, very effective. It runs lightly and easily on pcs, but with far-reaching results.

Skillfully handled, it quite miraculously smooths out and resolves Int on both new pcs and those pcs on whom Int repeatedly kicks in.

Of course an Int Rundown has to be run, per HCOB 4 Jan 71R, but when it is later found that the Int Rundown must be repaired then this rundown is used.

It does not replace the original Int Rundown, which has been newly revised with several more buttons and New Era Dianetics commands added (HCOB 4 Jan 71R). Rather, it complements it.

The End of Endless Int Repair RD can be run on Dianetic Clears... as it addresses Int with Recalls....

(Note: It can not be run on any pc or pre-OT in the Non-interference Zone (those between R6 Solo and OT III attest). As the End of Endless Int Repair RD is a major action, not a repair action, it is forbidden to be run on anyone in the Noninterference Zone.

Where a person in the Non-interference Zone has been run on End of Endless Int he should finish up his current Solo level as feasible and get onto his next Solo level.

Anyone who has been run on End of Endless Int while on OT III should be finished up as feasible on Solo OT III and gotten onto NED for OTs.)

In certain isolated cases this process could be used as a preliminary method for handling Int on pcs who are weak or ill and not immediately up to running engrams or secondaries, or it could be used to cool down out-Int on a new pc who exteriorizes on Objectives and has not yet had a Dn C/S-1 or any NED auditing.

But it is not a substitute for the revised Int Rundown and in the above instances you may find the pc may eventually need the revised Int Rundown itself.

The prime purpose and use of the End of Endless Int Repair Rundown is, exactly as its name implies, to handle an endless” repair of repair of repair” of Int. If a regular Int Rundown has been done and Int continues to kick in after fully standard Int correction, the End of Endless Int Repair Rundown is the answer. It effectively resolves persistent Int problems.


When an auditor or C/S encounters out-Int on a case there is a choice of what action to take to handle it. The choice depends on what actions have been taken previously on the case on the subject of Int.

The first thing to determine is whether or not Int is actually out. You cannot audit a person on anything else besides Int, if Int is out. You also cannot run anything which is not charged (reading), as to do so hangs the pc with a wrong/uncharged item. An auditor getting a read on the Int section of the C/S 53 must be careful to verify that this is a valid read, and not a false read or protest read. This is very important as you must not audit a pc on Int if it is not charged, and you must not audit a pc on anything else if Int is out.

You determine whether the pc has already had an Int Rundown, and whether it was correctly done or flubbed. If it was flubbed were Dianetic errors repaired with an L3RF on the Dianetic chains? Has the pc had an Int Rundown Correction List? (These must be determined because the End of Endless Int Rundown is not a substitute for the Int Rundown, and it does not substitute for an Int Rundown Correction List. Dianetic errors must be repaired with an L3RF.) These must be determined by folder study and FES of the Int Rundown and any repairs of Int Rundown.

If the pc has had an Int Rundown and it has been flubbed, you would do an Int Rundown Correction List and handle all of the various actions necessary, providing this is within the normal time span of the rundown. Don’t try this months or years later. The End of Endless Int Rundown will not repair flagrant Dianetic errors. If the pc is having or was recently given an Int Rundown which has bogged or failed, then an Int Rundown Correction List including repair of any Dianetic errors is to be done. If the pc still has out-Int despite having had the Int Rundown and it has been repaired and all that is usual and ordinary has been done, then you would do the End of Endless Int Rundown.

You must determine whether the pc is a Dianetic Clear, or whether he has become one somewhere along the line. If the pc has had Dianetic Clear rehabbed since the original Int RD, check the dates to determine whether the pc was run on the Int RD by R3R or R3RA when he was a Dianetic Clear. If so this can be repaired by indicating to the pc that he was run on the Int RD on R3R or R3RA after Dianetic Clear. If these Int Dianetic chains are now reading, repair them by assessing an L3RF and indicating. (Do not get into running or continuing any R3R or R3RA on a Dianetic Clear.) If the person is a Dianetic Clear and Int is still out for some peculiar reason best known to Man or beast, the only choice we have is the End of Endless Int Rundown.

The way to determine whether Int is out is normally by assessment of the C/S 53 buttons, and it is on this prepared list that out-Int is most often detected. You don’t flatten the button, or try to handle the button that was found on the C/S 53. This is the one exception on the C/S 53 whereby you do not just F/N it on the C/S 53 and go on. We have to examine the condition of the person on the subject of Int as above, to determine which way to go. Therefore you stop right there with a C/S 53, being careful to verify the fact that you actually have a read on Int, and not a false read or protest read. (And remember that some pcs, especially when Int has been run or repaired when it wasn’t charged, can get so protesty on the subject that Int will now give a false read whenever it is mentioned due to protest. An auditor’s TRs, metering and obnosis of the pc and whether the pc is in session or not have to be bad for this to occur, or for the auditor to now fail to determine whether it is a valid or false read on Int.) Having determined that you do have a valid read on Int, you would not proceed with the C/S 53, but end off the session.


The following table tells the auditor and C/S which way to go when handling out-Int. Once filled out this table should be kept with the pc Folder Summary in front inside of the pc folder beneath the pgm. And the table should be updated.

A. Is the read on int a valid read? __________
Is there any evidence of the pc having been run on Int due to a false or protest read? __________
Any evidence of the read being caused by a Mis-U word? __________
(If ‘yes’ on above get ‘False read?’ and ‘Protest?’ cleaned up or the Mis-U cleared and recheck the buttons on Section A of C/S 53 to find out if Int is charged.)
B. Has the pc had a full Int Rundown? __________
(If ‘no’ or incomplete, it would have to be repaired and completed. NOTE: The Int RD would NOT be run on a Dianetic Clear, Clear or OT as they are not to be run on Dianetics in any form.)
C. Has the pc had an Int Rundown correction list? __________
(If not, and there is any evidence of errors or lack of expected result, this should be done before continuing the Int RD or doing End of Endless Int Rundown. And if the pc has had several Int Rundown Correction Lists, realize that either the auditor can’t make a list read, or is only getting false reads.)
D. Have any R3R or R3RA Dianetic errors on the Int Rundown been corrected with an L3RF? __________
(If not, get these repaired, as continuing the RD, or doing End of Endless Int Rundown won’t solve R3R or R3RA errors.)
E. Is the pc a Dianetic clear or above? __________
Was the pc a Dianetic Clear when the Int RD was run on him by R3R or R3RA? __________
(If ‘yes’ to either above, you must not run any Dianetics but if Int is still out after repairing any errors the End of Endless Int Rundown can be done on a Dianetic Clear. It can NOT be done between R6 Solo and OT III attest.
If the pc was run on Dianetics on the Int RD after Dn Clear, the first action is to indicate the error of running Dianetics after Clear, and then repair any reading Dianetic Int chain with an L3RF, taking care to handle the reading lines by indication only, and not get into any running of Dianetics. This action alone will often cure any Int trouble on a Dn Clear, but if Int is still reading you can now handle it with the End of Endless Int Rundown.)


Having determined that you are going to do the End of Endless Int Rundown from the table above, you proceed as follows:

1. The auditor has the pc demonstrate the various flows. Remember that this must not be arduous because it is actually almost auditing to do this and the person’s Int is out. If the pc is a Triple pc, have him demonstrate Flows 1, 2, 3. If the pc is a Quad pc, have him demonstrate Flows 1, 2, 3, 0.

(Do not engage in flying ruds, Word Clearing, Touch Assists, Havingness or any other auditing over out-Int.)

2. Assess the End of Endless Int Rundown buttons. Take the largest read.

3. You then proceed to run this button with the End of Endless Int Rundown. This is done by assessing the flows. Take the flow that reads the largest and using the Recall Process that applies to that flow, run it until an F/N is achieved.

4. Then reassess all flows. You’ll find the one you ran will be F/Ning. Another flow will be reading. Run the best reading flow by the Recall Process until it F/Ns. You repeat this procedure until all flows F/N.

If during the period you are running these flows on that button, the pc has a large cog, F/N, GIs, remember that you may have blown all flows. At that moment without interrupting the pc’s cognition you realize that you are finished with assessing the flows of this button. For caution’s sake, you check the button to see if it now reads. Of course it will F/N.

5. You now reassess the whole End of Endless Int Rundown button list. The whole list might F/N at this point. On the other hand it might not. If you get a read on this assessment, you treat it exactly the same as you did priorly, (steps 3, 4, 5). You keep this up until you get an F/Ning assessment of the Int buttons.

6. You then wait a week and reassess the Int buttons list again. If you get a read, check for false read, check for protest. Make sure it is a valid read that you have and if it is, you treat that button exactly the same as above and proceed (per steps 3, 4, 5).

When you get an F/Ning assessment of the Int buttons after the one week wait, the End of Endless Int Rundown is complete, and the pc is sent to declare.




Int button assessed: PUT IN

Assess the four flows with the wordings for that button but without using the word ”Recall”:

Flow 2 reads best, so run Flow 2 to F/N, using the entire Recall command (i.e.”Recall a time when you put another in something”). Reassess all four flows, as above, using the same Int button....


Examples of the running commands for”PUT IN” would be:


The only time you check the button again while assessing flows is when the pc has had a cog, F/N, GIs, at which time you must suspect that the whole button has blown. This by the way happens in Int Rundowns and is the commonest cause of overrun Int.

There is another way of addressing this if the pc isn’t getting cognitions to amount to anything. When you get all flows on a button F/Ning, you can end off the session and check the next day to see if the flows are still F/Ning. It some times happens where you have a not very responsive pc, that it takes several days of assessment of the flows which F/Ned yesterday to carry the F/N through a whole day. These flows often read again the next day. This is because you are running Recall Processes, and Recall Processes are simply key-outs. Therefore you are getting something keying in and keying out and keying in and keying out. This is eventually overcome. Where you are doing this day-to-day handling of the same button, it would be vital to check the button for read before you assessed the flows on it the next day.

The one-week wait is a compromise for the 3 to 10 day key-out period; you can’t say wait for 3 to 10 days, so it is set at one week. During the rundown there may have been a momentary stir-up of some kind, such as a tiny ripple on an auditor’s TRs rendition, or a badly mishandled origin that could cause an ARC break needle, or something like this could happen, so if you wait a week such trouble will key out, before you assess the buttons list again. Or you may have been riding a win, a persistent F/N on one button, when the whole subject of Int is not handled, and you will get environmental restimulation. Remember you are only handling Recalls, and a little more Recalls run will probably blow it for good. So you are waiting a week to see if the environment keys him in again. You reassess a week later and if the buttons are all clean, fine. But if something reads on the week later assessment that must mean an engram or something is pretty close to the surface still. You then handle it again and this time the little point that was missed will turn up and that will be the end of that. You handle the buttons to F/Ning assessment and then that is the end of that. The End of Endless Int Repair. (There is no second wait for another week.)

Now of course if during the one-week wait the pc gets keyed-in again or originates or by reason of BIs or manifestation that Int is still out, you would not robotically wait out the whole week before giving the next session, as you now know he is not on a persistent F/N, and you know there is more to handle.

And on the reassessment of the buttons after the week wait, the auditor must again be sure that it is a valid read on Int and not a false or protest read before he launches off into running anything again. False reads on the assessment, protest reads, or the pc suffering from something else entirely besides out-Int can cause a false read on assessment of the Int buttons. Hence the necessity to be sure you have a valid read before you proceed. And if the pc is caved in or BIs about it there is a little checklist that tells a C/S what to do about that too.

The things that could go wrong are rather simple and are few in number. These are:

a) Int wasn’t out in the first place,

b) The pc has been run on false reads,

c) The pc was suffering from something else entirely other than out-Int,

d) The auditor’s TRs are bad, or broke the Auditor’s Code,

e) The auditor’s metering was bad, giving wrong assessments,

f) The auditor overran F/Ns, or reran a flow that just F/Ned invalidating the F/N just gotten,

g) Pc had a Mis-U on the word ‘Recall’ and was trying to run through engrams on the Recall Process,

h) The pc had a major cog on the subject of Int, blowing the whole thing and the auditor went on, overrunning the Int Rundown or End of Endless Int Rundown,

i) Pc was audited on some other action other than Int while Int was out – such as rudiments, Touch Assists, Word Clearing or any other auditing or assist action, including illegal 2-way comms about his case or auditing, coffee shop or eval or inval by his ‘friends’ or others between sessions,

j) Errors on the original Int RD weren’t repaired before starting the End of Endless Int Rundown.

If a C/S can’t tell by folder inspection which of these it is he can have the pc interviewed by a D of P to find out, or even get the above assessed to find out which it is.


Exteriorization is not the EP of the Int Rundown. If it happens that the pc goes exterior during the RD, you end off gently as in any other auditing. But that is not the EP, and you may have to pick him up again later and complete the Int RD or handle it with the End of Endless Int Repair Rundown.

The EP of the Int Rundown is no more concern or trouble with exteriorization or interiorization.

This is generally accomplished by auditing the pc to an F/Ning Int button list.

But there is another phenomenon that can occur while running Int. It is vital that an auditor does not miss this should it happen.

It goes like this: You’re auditing along and suddenly some mass discharges, down comes the TA, you suddenly have a floating TA, and that’s it. The pc has hit the EP.

If you proceed past that point you’re in trouble. You don’t then reassess the Int button list and you don’t continue running Quad Flows, even if all the flows have not yet been run on one reading button.

You do nothing but take your paws off the meter and gently end the session. If you do otherwise you can mess up a case.

It isn’t exteriorization. Exteriorization could occur at the same time; however we could not care less because exteriorization is not the EP of the process.

But at ANY point at which the above phenomenon occurs on the Int RD – mass moves off, the TA comes crashing down and you can’t keep the needle on the dial because the TA itself is floating – you end off the rundown because you have the EP.

What has happened here is that you’ve blown the stuck flow of”going in.”

Int sends the TA up because the person has plowed deeper into more and more mass and come out of less and less mass. You have been auditing the pc on what has been, for eons, a stuck flow of obsessively going in. At any point in the auditing that stuck flow can suddenly give way. It heaves in the opposite direction, and the stuck flow of”going in” vanishes.

When that happens it’s the end of the process, as that is all you want to accomplish with the Int Rundown.

If you were then to check the Int button list (which you do not do at this point) you would find the Int buttons all F/Ning.


Over the years Int auditing has tended to be flubby. Int repair has been far too frequent and even repetitive on some pcs. Some auditors and C/Ses have decided Int RDs were”delicate” or”difficult” or very special. Well, Int is special and sometimes delicate, but it’s not difficult.

If an auditor is going to audit the Int Rundown successfully he must be skilled at metering, he must be flubless on R3RA and the commands of the process, and understand the theory of Int. He must know what an F/N is and what a Dianetic EP is and be able to recognize these when they occur.

Much of the Int repair needed stems from errors made by auditors (or C/Ses): running Int when it was not needed, running it with the idea it would exteriorize the pc, auditing the RD over misunderstoods, overrunning the RD. These are all violations of the Auditor’s Code, many of them then further complicated by Dianetic errors in running or repairing Int.

There is another factor regarding the original Int Rundown which must not be overlooked. Although it comes under the heading of”overrunning the Int Rundown,” it is sometimes neither seen nor understood. In doing the original Int Rundown it can occur that it completes before all flows are run.

Example: The auditor runs Flow 1 on engrams on the revised Int RD, then Flow 2, and suddenly gets a wide, persistent F/N and a dramatic resurge of the pc. The TA goes into lower range and the pc is bright and smiling. Then the auditor, if he’s an idiot, proceeds to robotically run Flow 3 and Flow 0. The TA goes back up, the pc’s chronic headache turns back on and the pc is set up for an endless repair of Int.

I have seen this happen several times. The Int Rundown finished itself and nobody noticed except the pc. This is probably the most flagrant cause of Int repair and is peculiar to this rundown.

The way to handle this is to rehab the point of completion as best you can and then run the recall version as given above and you will find that it usually comes out straight. The best way to handle, of course, is to do it right in the first place.

But if, added to any or all of the above, you get an Int Correction List misassessed so that what’s really wrong is missed and a falsely reading item taken up, you wind up with a mess.

There is no excuse for overrunning the rundown, for Auditor’s Code breaks, poor metering or flubby Dianetic auditing.

On the other hand, interiorization, like any other condition connected with engrams, may have many chains connected with it. Thus, the process of day-to-day living can restimulate those chains and throw Int out.

A C/S, faced with the possibility of any or all of the above being wrong could find himself staring into a maze. And he could err and order correction list after correction list, ad infinitum.

The rule is:

The correct action to take first, if someone is having trouble with Int, is to always get a thorough FES done on the original Int RD itself and any Int Repairs that have been done – before another Correction List is ordered.

Very often the answer to the puzzle then leaps out.

Get the errors corrected correctly. Any misassessed lists, misrun Dianetic chains, code breaks – get it all cleaned up by an auditor who can read a meter and run and repair Dianetics flublessly. Don’t let any auditor who isn’t flubless on these points near an Int pc.

With the errors truly and standardly handled and out of the way, if Int then continues to kick in, it’s not another Int RD or another Int Correction List, it’s the End Of Endless Int Repair Rundown you use.

Run it to its EP and that will be the end of the trail of endless Int repair.

If the C/S is in doubt about all this and gets into a mess trying to repair chains, he can cut directly onto this repair rundown as above with simply the Recall Processes, and he will get someplace.


After an Int RD or End Of Endless Int Rundown has been completed on a case and declared, the next action must be a C/S 53, assessed and handled to F/Ning list. this must be done as the next action and may not be left not done. (The reason for this is that there are other things that can be wrong with a case, all of which are covered on the C/S 53, and these too must be handled.)

There is no reason now for any pc (or C/S) to continue to be plagued with Int troubles.

We have here a rundown which is easily and simply done, which can be run on a Dianetic Clear, or a pre-OT who is not on OT III or anywhere between R6 Solo and OT III attest, on fragile pcs or weak or ill pcs, and is a rescue from overrepair.

Revision as assisted
by LRH Tech Comps
Attachment No. 1


Yes No

A. Is the read on Int a valid read? ____ ____

Is there any evidence of the pc having been run on Int due to a false or protest read? ____ ____

Any evidence of the read being caused by a Mis-U word? ____ ____

(If ‘yes’ on above get ‘False read?’ and ‘Protest?’ cleaned up or the Mis-U cleared and recheck the buttons on Section A of C/S 53 to find out if Int is charged.)

B. Has the pc had a full Int Rundown? ____ ____

(If ‘no’ or incomplete, it would have to be repaired and completed. NOTE: The Int RD would NOT be run on a Dianetic Clear, Clear or OT as they are not to be run on Dianetics in any form.)

C. Has the pc had an Int Rundown correction list? ____ ____

(If not, and there is any evidence of errors or lack of expected result, this should be done before continuing the Int RD or doing End of Endless Int Rundown. And if the pc has had several Int Rundown Correction Lists, realize that either the auditor can’t make a list read, or is only getting false reads.)

D. Have any R3R or R3RA Dianetic errors on the Int Rundown been corrected with an L3RF? ____ ____

(If not, get these repaired, as continuing the RD, or doing End of Endless Int Rundown won’t solve R3R or R3RA errors.)

E. Is the pc a Dianetic clear or above? ____ ____

Was the pc a Dianetic Clear when the Int RD was run on him by R3R or R3RA? ____ ____

(If ‘yes’ to either above, you must not run any Dianetics but if Int is still out after repairing any errors the End of Endless Int Rundown can be done on a Dianetic Clear. It can NOT be done between R6 Solo and OT III attest.

If the pc was run on Dianetics on the Int RD after Dn C/ear, the first action is to indicate the error of running Dianetics after Clear, and then repair any reading Dianetic Int chain with an L3RF, taking care to handle the reading lines by indication only, and not get into any running of Dianetics. This action alone will often cure any Int trouble on a Dn Clear, but if Int is still reading you can now handle it with the End of Endless Int Rundown.)